HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-5, Page 4Children C
for F ettcher's
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A*1^'`zcher'.'" CaSzaia•r ;•. :;.: +x a r iiiT.e. y ver "fan is and Children.
Foods are :4t^:i j' >\;1 .",.`r •at'^allays„ A haa'y's titan%iHiw
is even it re t5+: I t r.Baby. °primarily 1 'p rived
for gr wn-np are tee a titer calcic Jfi was the need eat
remec y f r the a'+ ..n t t 4: eats a=r J:at'aiit,s and Children
that t?rtpugl:4 Cwt rte. , afore 'lisle lattt"lie' a ra r•=''*airs•t)f research,
and uo slab: has been r:. al `frit that: its t:se for over 30
yeat'G has eel proven.
�i w •
dC.as ,)rata: .s _F 1...:‘...raL.ss 4...,..t: ..a
Drojs and rT : 4�: 3n "b• •.
neither Oy:t;i;l;, i"Aeilpi:xtxe n•;: ern :
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eaven-Zoeen, !ken!:
y e f
*pea ., x...•.te»..
in Use F4r Ov
7FYG iMN74.14P CC,MPANY, P t'tL' Yr.
Paling Sub iI:.rision, NO; 4, At the
North end Fire Hall, 1~ rederick \a it
w er. D. R. 0.; nett Castor Wills, Pool
That Monday, the 16th day of Aug
tet, 1420 at seven -thirty o'clock in
the a" ternooa, shall be the day and :the
a rks Offi;e an the Library Build -
i.» t the Villege pe Exeter, shall be
the° ;o?e^,: e where the Reeve, shalll at
tend to :appoint persons to attend et
toe vareus rto,liree places ateresak1,
and :at the f n 1 siuiu ing up of the
tete,: by the Clerk on behalf of per-
erIgels interested '.n: promoting, g, :fir Ret.
eesing this bl w :espeet illy.
/hat the Clerk o. the Corporates:1
• : the sail V"•.; n4: of Exeter she :' l
'teed at his office fn. ate said
exec,,-,. e levee to `:e ale
ar.a.•tcte , adh to :lay, the 21s+ ,lay e
Atteust. 1920• to sura up lite reuniter
ee; Sates given for and against tints
1. -a
ave•- ti;
The W
n Fair
Sept. 11th to 18th
t_,REA �ti& 'L'L. S L�.;il. :? irelVE ST.:Os:K. EN
OF 1,: ei e; R ti tee.
▪ .s a tree. copy to
into, eten'sideretieee • end tip a
` 7 .. • *iii .e "* .
$35,003.00 ia Priz.az and A t ract :ins.
Jo.*.N ^• JONE';' i- Lw" r'. 1 , ,":♦ '�r 7H-4' .iia« iY-. _
FIRE1V t7Se". rd°x _ _ "0,7%-a N
GENERAL A:a.':I SI0: ., .. .. ...e. 1".17.
"et.•-Coi. W. el, Ga. -team:. Pr ' sielQe'•tt.
Haat. ne re.•
The Exeter Advocate
THURSLAV, AUG. 5tbi, l92?
Tillage gf EXETER
emelt ate sneh deicer �-. s shill lay
staved .:y tlee Reeve et the said Cor
poratio and ecun e• r e;d #,y
Treeeorer of the Caarpz:atieri arae a
duly sealed. watt, tt:ree corneratien seel.
which ee : tle 'erk herebY role
tha.:zE4i and a!` ak9 d'.3.... to a it= +o S' - s aT%aced
each of the de lis n.are . 2 win necerenry ea:i vete be
.,Win in'r : .t: e. •
kt �� '-
+iiia' lee ' + .
entet'.el. to appoint
5 et,a,.
; 4 x.e .r... .
• 47,
said corporation: ,for the time being and
countersigned by The Treasurer
for the time being of the said torpor'-'
ation and duly sealed with the Cror
;acratioan seal thereof, wvbech seal the
Clerk for ,the time beixti is hereby
auth.cprized and directed to attach to
each of the said debentures.
The said debentures shall be dated
;loan the date o1 .the issue 'thereof, Peed
shalt bear interest at the rate of five
and one -hal: per cent, per aanum,attd
the shies interest shall be pity male y ear -
'y on the day of the noath on, µhish
eei;1 debentures are issued and ea to
both ,principal :end interest said de-
ttantuvet dials be payable in annualin-
taimente within fifteen years, such in-
stta.meants to be of such amounts
tilt the aggregate '"mount payable for,
etinelpal and interest in any year shall
he equal e: as nearly as may be to what
:L. payable for principal and 'interest
during ea'eh+of the other years of such
period o' fietcea years as hereinafter
::t :+':rtat
021 M440.00te, 420.30
►t3 3"0.65
Teri 377.79
'1425 354.73
It?::t 3ee.41
4r �l tk 304.+.5
• ,97.00
-9t a ,Cl
')e .tae
`1 • t his bti -;ata shall come nisi
: end take efteat oa -the tit. eFf 1
p sss t thereof.
Fleet the "c tiles o: the hilaeters t,f'
V;ta e of Eeeoer eimixed to
.'.,e t a this beela b taleen on Fri
Au u't Mt), .c'omnien'in t at nine
a +, o '\ he the forenoon, and cont'nut'.
c< intµ ve .p"-eloc:k in the afiernee:n
c: the spree day, at the following
6 ' ',. ei tulip The said `'ihlage> e;„ is t._
R.ei ;at the aaltowin l.tepu:y 1te
pats O. t:vers.
Po:One Sub -d visioi Nal. :it "yips
l .�, esitie`t.'e 0I4'n Street"
eldwe'r»i- treble, D. R. t.a.; Sidney..
,:.Cis -Pon Clerk,
?a, tarp
Sub -division No. 2. _at the
,Ce Hell" Main Street. 11 chine titan
s V. R. 0.; James H. Greii e. Po11
elline Stab il..,.ti s+ o`t No. 3, at :MIrs.
t;v,, x s OineeP Btttdin , corner as
'a1+ -i i3, ell r.gten streets. James
I. . F d ti , ,, '`l, R. lisp , : lire d Gatiibr `,
: t crit
P + . $u o d t;r ions Nei 4, .t t
tion. e...3 Fire Hall, 1<re.i...: se ii1"it-
t :e. :• D. R. O.; :.;:d Castor Wi11's.Pall
N'11 atfig n,,3.cy, the 16th day o;` .3u -
'eat :et
Street, .^li .'he
a. as.
:ear :e
ate: need pur-
and In 'nom reel
--rn;4 Srre:.
• ,»d ex c:a.:net es : ar rs
i.7. < ink Per-. w"' - e petty
_teenANE,.-3'� HEREA it a rite.;: estab-
"e that _t .vr:. :.-;i e `; surf" oi}
the :•.:a' ::at i. `iiia the
re rtaien rend t: zenitru;t
- i�ierx
-- ▪ 1a..WHER :AS, under inst.-un-
: e
r" e :1,ea'aeinel Council tf flee
Exeter, est:me/es of cots
o gene . pare-
-h _ e su.�rn ter 1 d 'n said
54 1421,', at fie."gi'4n thirty oaoc k 'tt
a the:1
x ee: ao:ashall be the day and •e
-"e t4 . �.) ase `et the Library Bu"d
a the 'e t ';e spa hater, s1\a1. ite
4[,+. ;place taltere the Reeve': shall'
t7.e"•pip tai it pereett to attend et
the v. riau.• poD.ng places aforesaid
an at the final suramin;, up of the
•avec by the Clerk on behalfet per -
interested in promoting' air op
:posing thle b} -lase respeet,u;ly.
Thar the Clerk of the t,'orporation.
the e i.1 V age of Exeter shall at -
and at :i.s ffiee. an the said Village
os Exeter at eve o'clock in the
:oresoe on Saturday, the 21st day of
LThe said aezernu< s saa.l be dated
upon the date of the .ss e. taereaf.
c� _EE�1`� C� �j f and shall bear interest at :>-:e rate
13y -law lib... •. .1 ( 2t\ of .ve and sone-ha3 ler cent pe
ansttni and =e said .0 :ores seen rs
BY-LAW NO. , 1920
A By-law to authorize the Reeve
and Treasurer of the Corporation of
the Municipality of the Village of
Exeter to borrow certain sums of
money to complete payment for the
concrete pavement constructed on
Main Street under authority of By-
law No. 4, of 1919.
And for the issue and sale of fur-
ther debentures in the amount of
$20,000.00 to cover said cost.
WHEREAS the sum of Twenty
Thousand Dollars is deemed neces-
sary by the Council to eomplete the
payment due for the construction of
the Main Street pavement.
AND WHEREAS the amount here-
tofore borrowed and outstanding for
the purpose aforesaid and the a-
mount hereby authorized to be laor-
rowed do not exceed the amount of
the said concrete pavement construe-
AND WHEREAS the amount of
the whole rateable property of the
said Village of Exeter according to
na,areneas. snaee tet sed concrete
envement rost:am-oma
WHEREAS sus 7ipt oils
eve. hear. ensured interested pare
Zee s the said *ri'aa -mens .J ruwtitOn
r .? : .rS -ti. tpa L .,;,t� i -e.. Clerk
pasab1e reariy on the nos o� the
'�'..ii 'Ti Sit
montni. on which said deLent: zre3 tar'; AND ° WHEREAS, t 's neressare
issued and as to lists" prise psi and ne _ .,i9 2-42rpose :or the se'.3 e r
interest the said debentei -es shall be, _ the V s-ne nf Exeter, na,
payable in annual instalments with--; e. r o , ahoy the, red t of said rt:uai`ci- j
in fifteen .years, said instalments 3: er.iite the sum ei SiBO(3. ..
A ;22 Z HERe A.S, for the purposes
be of such amounts that the yearly
amount payable for principal and pin ore spa t xs. be necessary to i^'sue
terest shall be equal as nearly as deb ,pure_ of the said munecipa;ity of
the 'S Melee of Exeter for the said sum
maybe to what is payable for grin of S*v3i;t3, and interest as hereinaftereiple and interest during each of the r3 - i e z, ar Fe«s to tI*zs
other years of such period of Ofieen tate dabs iatesrz ded erresrrateDurrd by
years as hereinafter set forth. t'b.s by -12.1v; the rn-oceeds of the std
In the Total debentures to be applied :n the pre -
Year Principal Interest Payment r.a.ati9;t of the roadbed, and tn. the
1921 $892,51 31100.00 ;„1992.51 construction of the. concrete i'ave-
1922 941.60 1050.91 1992.51 ment on the said. aT4*ellaagton„ Slre,et
1923 993.39 999.12 1992.51: m the Village of Exe.er, and for no
ANT-) 'i"HE
ERA.S, it is des zab1e to
1924 1048.02 944.49 1992.51 melee the _principal.' of the said debt
1925 1105.67 886.84 1992-51 repayable ay aminal instalments during
1926 1166.48 526.03 1992.51 the neriod of fifteen. yeas ne tafter
1927 1230.64 761.87 1992.51 the issue= of the debentures 2herefcrr_
1928 1298.32 694.19 1992.51 AND WHEREAS, it will be neces-
1929 1369.73 622.18 1992.51 spry to raise annually for the period
1930 - 1445.06 547.45 1992.51 of fifteen years during the currency
2931 1524.54 467.97 1992.51 of the debentures to be issued here-,.
1932 1608.39 384.12 1992.51 by under special rate sufficient there
for on. all the rateable property within','
1933 1596.85 295.66 1992.51 the municipality the sum of :5797.00
1934 1190.17 202.84 1,992.51 for the paying of the several instal-
ment of principal and interest there-:
oa at the rate of fiveand one half
:per cent per annum..
That this by-law shell crone antra AND WHEREAS, the amount ofthe
force and take effect oa the day of eeSole. rateable property of the Vili-
the final passing thereof. age Of E?:eter according to the lett:
That the votes of the Electors of revised assessment collars the sum of
the said Village of Exeter entitled to $775,Z75.00.
Grote oa this bylaw be taken an Pei, AND WHEREAS, the, existing de-
lay, August 20, commencing at nine benture debt of the said Village of
o'clock in the forenoon, and contanu- Exeter,' exclusive of local ;improve-
in,g until flee ,o'clock in the afternoon ment debenture debt secured by spec -
of the same day, at the fallowing ial assessments therefor amounts to
oa.,ace e•with„n the said Village -of Ex- the sum of 159,184.11, and na part
eter and by the rf,ollowing Deputy -Re- of the irin._iPal or ,interest thereof is
turning Of£`_cers. zi arrears.
Polling' Sub -division No.1, at ;Silas Therefore the municipal Council of
Handford's Residence, Main Streeet•. the Village of Exeter enacts as tot-
Edward Treble, D. R. 0.; Sidney lows :-
Davis, Poll Clerk. It shall be lawful for the Reeve and`:.
Polling Sub division No, 2, at the Treasurer to£ the said Village of Ex
Town, Hall, Main" Street, 'Wellington eter to borrow en the credit; 04 th.e
johns D. R. 0.; jarnes H. Greive,,I' ll said corporation: the sum.of 38000 for
Clerk. tee purposes herein, before set forth
Polling Sub .vision No. .3,, at ,Mrs. ed torr -hat` purpose to issue deben.-
_Mitcheil's Office Buieding, corner of :tures lo; the said municipality lo the
fain and Wellington streets, James i'nount of 38000 in sums : of not less
Weekes; D. R. 0_; Alfred Gambrill 'hart 1100 each and such debentures
nog .Clerk'. 'fail be signed by the Reeve .of the
.=the last revised Assessment Ro11 is 1935
the sum of 3775,275.00
AND WHEREAS, the existing de-
benture debt of the said Village of
Exeter, exclusive of local improve-
' meat debenture debt secured by spec-
ial assessment therefor, amounts to
the suns of 359,184.11 and no part
=of the principal or interest thereof
is in arrears.
Be it enacted by the Municipal
Council of the Corporation o the
:Village Of Exeter as 'follows.
1. That the Reeve with the Trees-
•rurer of the said Corporation be, and
tt'tey are hereby authorized in the
meaner and subject to the conditions
ltierein mentioned to borrow apon th.
.• credit of the said MMIunicipal.ity the
sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars
(320,000.00) for the purposes herein
` before set forth and. for that purpose
-to issue debentures of the said Mon-,
"tcipality to the amount of 320,000.-
20,000•00 in suns of not less than 3100.00
1888.64 •- 103.87 1992.51
A Savings Bank ,Account not
only provides an assurance for the
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To save is to succeed -
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PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,1.'00,000
RESERVE FUND $15,000,000
E'SiM:,TI R x. RA 1Cl , '. A, Chapman, Manager.
incest lnlrareal in 1855
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Over 1« ti Brailehos
SAVING IA/II-DS CHAR rER,-Start to Save.
Systematic. saving stren ;then- l-hiracter by inc.uesng
deni;d and creating independence.
The easiest method of saveng i b cicpn t.:; :w ertaie por-
tion, of your earnings regularly in THE MQI,.SO\S BANK. With
the addition of interest at c urren; rates tc sulletantie -tent i:•
soon acquired.
Small accounts receive the sante attentia•t as ?arger o;ee.--
etfie.ient courteous service to all
T. S. WOODS Manager.
Centralia. 13ranch capen for business daily
Safety Depaelt Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran
;august 1920, to sunt up the number
of cote; given for and against this
Th. above is a true copy of the.
proposes" by-law which bas been tak-
e trio consideration and which will
be finally passed by the Connell of
the Corporation of the Village of Ex -
tat• in the event ;of the assent of the
elector- being obtained thereto after
one month from first publieatias in
(tie Exeter Times and The Exeter
A lvocate lacwspapers, which first pub-
at'on was the 29th. day of Juty,19Z0
ret at the hour, day and pion es therein
'ice 1 for tatting the vote cat the elec.-
ter; a poll will be held.
Every lease holder entitled by law
to vote are the proposed by-law shall
at least ten days nett proceeding the
day of polling file in the Office of
the Clerk of theIunicipality a stat-
utory declaration stating that his lease
meets the requirements by lair entit-
ling him to vote on such a by-law,
And the names of lease -holders neg-.
lectin; to. Site such a decittr t ;sap shall
not be placed on the Voters List for
such voting.
Corporation 'entitled to -appoint 't
nominee to vote on its behalf shall
net 1ate.rthan the tenth day before the
ctay a ao t
ed Sos taking
e Qt , s
with the Clerk of the municipality the
name in writing of a person to vote
as its nominee teed ort its behalf.
Dated at Exeter this 26th day of
July, 1920. •
Clerk of the Corporation of the Vil-
lage pt' Exeter.
�. Constable, for
the Peet twenty years a leading citi-
zen wee.. known throughout We -stern
Ontario, died suddenly July 29. The
clot ea;t'J, who- was in his his 60th year,
Ind been in poor health for the past
year. I -le was a prominent Mason. He
;.:te'e's .e widow, one son, Couneihtor
Leon Cor.stable, and a daughter, 'Vise
Tena, at b ome.
made -in -Canada
WHY let rough roads inter-
fere with your motoring
In this Overland you need not
let bad roads spoil good rides.
Triplex Springs make every
mile you ride a more enjoyable
Light weight makes every mile
a, more economical mile.
This rare combination of rid-
iding luxury with driving economy
accounts for the tremendous en-
thusiasm which is greeting the
Overland all over Canada.
Itsequipment is of the most
modern type. Its sta?? Tina is a
credit to the Canadian institu-
tion which: created this car.
Let us show you the Overland.
R. H. Elwarthy; Dealer; Exeter, Ont. -
Head Office and Factories: Willys-Overland Limited, Toronto, Canada
Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina