HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-8-5, Page 2ima.cescraiswes,
Inc 'Temporary Gentleman
There was a flush, of annoyance on
Sadi Merchant's pretty face. Sadi Was
twenty; at eighteen she had married was demobbed you have never allow, ming bonus.
Colonel Merchant, Vt0. ed me to forget the fact that I am a Write for particulars to the e. , r. • •
Walk with a spring and enjey every
Ithlure; 1 was au riot while 1 ore 999 auegoaical. Superintendent.
Will Merchant vt-as now batik in his - - ToXont° hour of the day, ineluding the hours
khaki, but .einee then I have fallen street West,
office. The glamor of khaki was genet; ahsolutela balmy the mark. I am your ' spent in doing home chores. For esett-
feet health a chi'd t h
. mus aye rest -
old job -a clerk in a railway booking-
• •'el " ' • • Unt"I. I can rovide and there, nestEng in the holloW of
etation parents are willing to re-- Matmeant s son. get through all sorts of work
ing of everyday life, had taken tee; e'ou with a home more sultable to your , her aimi, hreatturne, so softlsr-was V*111
. . eleven hours of it -fresh air and good; we can
r:ace of dream tangles
-roung women to take the Nurses'
'Training Course in the Ontario Rospital
for the Insane, Toronto. Three years"
Course in general nursing secures ti
Graduate Nurse's Mumma, from the
Provincial Secretary's Department of the
Ontario Government.
Weges-First Year: $25,00 per month.
board, uniform, and laundering. Second
Tear: $30,00 per month, board, uniform,
"You are laboring under a misappre, laundering and high cost of livizur bonus.
hension," he said harshly» "shwa Third, 'Year: $35:00 per month, board.
r unitorm, laundering, and high, cost of
Good Food and Goal. Health. 'but how we do it and the position we
Every child should have straight, acquire mhile doing it.
strong limbs, a clear complexion, ' If we stand for a continued length
b 'eat v and odo - h • II h uld of time over a table that is too low
for us, or a sink, we get pains in our
backs in no time, evie'le if we keep
changing our positions -now sitting
at this job, now standing at that -
Stein reality, the pmelung am! serapw — •
as „he erave you. As for Ine, ehall Revert For a long time he gazed, his soul ' in the kitchen without feeling any
iese three will a,id him to
Yet Sad/ had told hersei:,
food Ti -
overcome many possible handicaps and. i strain.
. • , " I M •-e w' ed out m ' a ellM in his eyes, and then he bowed his
dent adult. , the high kitchen stool. eou
•-• th far•n 'did' hi -tile lit Cit .! one, then if you have, a high chair,
want to go to the expense of buyaig
The first food essential is milk. Thiel
We want Agents who can represent
an Al Investment, We will back yov
up and assist you to make eales.
This will briug you and the invest-
ors a nice income.
Write for Information,
Ontario Produ.ction Co., Ltd,
214 Manning Chambers Bldg.
it is for your QW11. success as well as
ours that we part company."
went about her work in the tiny, seen,- • • Then a very ;stunned young woman
• meteee .em memen sna a has: head on his wifes breast. found herself walking out of the office,
tend to make him a well-rounded, effi-i So this is whet we are hatroduciug
be- flat, that she had inerelea WEI the sng me-
Covv,z4 Meceration thee lifte a men -eel.. hat there wee something terrible fathers and mothers have many ele-1 115 -le it A Propaganda Ghost
matt. not the dieting:Le:led colonel on, 'alma. Sad' 't die; -teet earely hills He
whese breast had been pinnea the JIM voice was no niore then a eviesj
ar,d she are starting life atram, with
canatia; dolt% etrastmg from the path. ments to centend with in getting instead. 'With this asset, you The only' direet propaganda raid for
above ele meows. the yeey quietude of it. balhera tely hands to keep them from •
tgr thsui sppnievciens:itlyt ?nf "Ike
ee th-o sl ion of which the einerieen army had oppor-
matt 1 f 1 at the n, us . „
certain major tasks that you will feel tunny before the armleatee was plan -
B cat' m --mem. wee eo rials "I 11 make good (The End.) for their children but on the farm con-
itruf a°11n; tfsietuN .P.a,Pnitf You can movineit before the sink as you bY Capt. It 13. °saran an officer of B.ed-
g more mountains. nee and carried mit on the Metz front
need not he iiarapered.! Peel the potatoes and the vegetables. gilancdes.cent who wee familiar with
rine sams Magazine
esophert she ima ect.m. rename: that 1 ehall never retarn."
. •
the grit that had made a private Into Tlien abruptly he walked over to
itt ;metier t•;f men weeat! be the stetree- the window.
!rte. -Week beween hier mei hapeiness. Fer a long thee he stood thsrm met
a'edi lat.l. -Peeple- with a .:apeel P. itt‘ *taw unthinte He heard the door'
The Worth of the
8.margaret does not Mite milk " atm..; Or you can eit while e-ou do the iron- t le ernma .
Ves,":: het t: emairme entiteiraltie re- twee heaved ine
it)r± After a time Sadi returned. IIer;
lege class. and two elf the men were reveals that IVIargaret drinks it freely
It WaS the fifth reutnou ot the col- one mother. Investigation frequently; ulfes or washing the (belles. There are writer-
thSatife uteme vtas ammee cn the de my emereng ataire had, given place sue.h innumerable way cf using this "Titts is my fettle -ha" Capt. 0Ealla
tte e„ ;wee etle re to a plair. eoal, and eklrt. In her Itand caning on their cal profeeser of Philos- when she visite her neighbor eee"sse' device that it would be worth your
"AII I want is forty thousand leaflets.
said when he explained his scalene.
;hinges' • 1," el. " ° "- -1 • P-er she a» ed a euiteesse , olillen The conversation drifted to the it is offered to her in a pretty eepa while to invest in one.
• 1 hmese That division is full of Alsace-Ler-
viitc, a srg.<, ;Ina he ;levee aergez ew -I ara raking yea at your word," she different men in the class and their
maire a Meet thet ?OKI was reit met ef erate ielly. "1 tun going at once to suecess slime graduation.
.., ,
,stes..4. nry pertete. N" tioullt Yol v:11: Le "And did VOU notiee in the papers
isee enne,.-1..fil..e, -•• .•.•(:'' 1 z...n. vereme a „Mareeent than't ereak, emetehine . lase most aperopmate m a c , , .
, afum thee lieve etralted lu I'll talte a.
wen mei nectar, to em tema -,0 t"•,,, rlaii to :4., -......'t.-.vkA of my pre. 1(5 , Children,
this mornizig, profeseor. about Kelton sipped throt-e,gh a straw.
. .....mee ......3.z.er-t,.. ta ...an..., e.,,....h. in ti..$ tnront
' rrot- a, B • Co? * < .S, ale matures of habits. must be sure, though, that it le the •
patrol eeme night met go up to their
appeintment to the presideney of the edule •e • -
himeate„- ; She ceossed the" 'floor ana held out s tn. • Brown e. Pretty fine ham respond to suggestion, ' '
as you and e tight sleight.
Sometimes this food -beverage whirh, N°0 ' te " '
the ortt.nary way; will be enjoyed if we would recommend that you get one
finished in white enamel tie that is se0rea of 111" Ili it- wen ar,)P .Peelal
. reinere, tied I anew the names of
a child may dislike when proffered in 1
• y leaflets on them for a few deys, and
Stull mere,: hem erattil foes ' -,1111 ..1" bee 1
ie tee new ' think?"' when that sugetestion singles them out r, ,you er, you coat+
)1 1 wire and call 'Don't shoat' Vet not
, or for so young a man, don't you. 15.1ien we were young * ' f
, especially
for ' attention. The statement that ovnaevienfg those (lave etoole mith a re- going to shoot. is Fritz Selmeider
t seat that can be movel higher there? want to talk to him. Where
mently. .
Site he
tenre.m :tee-
-Meml-bve 1rd ',mod leek
thet ;tette menteree's Ale seid. canals. -Yes," replied th,-e professor. "but
s enemy vh.h her Still the men remained silent; he rm afraid, a little too easy an lionor
emeet. 1 te. he 0 1,, fen stupid aimed. for 111111."
tenee Seemly. alm i sei eonfenteth with , , Site laughed; a reng through the *•Don't you thiek he can held Metre
ramie teetalte mi tee -Melte i. Maareire. mteg-the late -ti cC all that Was good - the job?" eaid the other In anxious
ant beautiful. the knell of dead hopes.. 'alma
e * * ' * !afraid that he will hold it deem. and impressing hint with the fact that he,I If I get eteeebody cut there to argue
1 Y 1. i
,-•• *AV S;;;:(N ' The greet Iiiter ehurned through the be content to do so. I don't like to in common with all boys, loves milk! I I with, I'll :meal lam back to bring his
eht; et Malta they i ..
• he vemai metere. Wrappea in a mahtle of grey . see thing's eeme so easilY to so yeaug How we ean help children overcome Some day when your Iittle eistcr has We eliewered them with (Mann e
A Necklace Made from Peas.. whole battalion ever.'"
. .
tee there. reiet was the t ottet cf. old Ensehma. a man. MI rather leave seen biel a disl,lke for milk' iS a daily question.: grown tired cf playing evil is wonaerm leaflets in 1. rt ;Ind GerMan, ads
.z, after team Thtefal interview in the. capable of bigger things than this. Yen I. Pkaee the eye. Opaque white; in g Vi'hat to do, eniuse her ay Farming dreseea to Aleace-Lorettiners-simple
.Mereleeet let,d not ;$etn Ms wife' weather for ten years or more. nes
;gem fire; hem rm-ther had tele lern that it ' remember how the Bible puts it about .e -asses are attractive and most yea- f her how to maim tin attraetive necks; stattatione af whet the victory of one
, et -mei Met: ewes 'hest meethat partinge were via- the ATMS; ;God led theta not through' sonahle in price. They attreet he- i lase from dried imam Choose large; eitle or the other 10 1111 ntean to theu.
sthe. weelinst ems. cause then appear to be both cool ana wraikled peas and :teak theta in Water , '1 ken ,,, a Vif:t night 06;tau and a
t nit was near. He Made them .c.ean. Confeetioners always serve in until they are soft -enough to string patrol of twelve etole along the ratle
. the way of the land of 'tbe Philistines, e
k7 arrazgereientli - tel et) be started on that journey; though 1 .. ,
aim fort1 ear. en 4 1 p t .. thet ran into the enemy's Hume
:heehaws. erses the $eri. He uever knew thaV pleasing receptacles because they wish; easily. If you wish them et deeper; waY
. — ; more than fetur hundred miles in a bee to attrect and hold trade, A prettily; green than them natural color, stir -4 -• • . Alone, 1 nooks
The n. tt mem-, mam, et: Will Mar- ' en the euateshle etomi a girl who a. -
:there entente the retie. Temre were few in matee befere had Made a frantic, decorated cup or mug will eften mals..e. a little green dye into the evater ire his way within thine'
. yards at an ob-
:ems et• • (- ..,e. 1",'F.• !tzr„lsofrze,'. unavailing effort to force her way on, line. l'Ie =need to toughen them by a thile forget his objections to whategwhich yeti Soak them. Take the peas st:ry0ti°11 V°Ft (111 t4t- t • ee tlf li wire4
. me
eats he hie prey eye- neel so she stared with tortured eyee. to the land of lueury. Opce in the sm.: - -mem te tt. Aid digestion' out dry them and touch them up with
, , i . - • woods and Matey het lap his call, There
elever feet:a rrre than lehe'eleal, weerim, to the ship. But she WaS tOO late,• hardehlps before He brought, them in- me, h
Seth mare- as 7." .1.'' -'t -". 10'01 ' lt tint grey seethirg weters that lay, wilderness lie let them feed on .qualls. ber lielpier, a ebild to drink slowly.: gold peant, applied with a small brusb. u"as not even a Phot. After ten min -
FIE< 10,:fliA -Lt Lir': tee :mare. worils. between. I and niany of them gorged themselves. This Is "
• - ' ' • aceomplished by- using straws.i The green end the geld make a pretty utes he began aguip, "Men of, the elet
Med .in her three's. a tea ien -peller Thus the tregmly of pride Wa$ e0111-' Then ecine plain .and also in pleasing 1 combination.
* e * a * 1 to death. They weren't ready for a
. eulos wili alwave rent unnkeeantlts ! other colors than gohl-sliver,
(lark the Beehehreeeh -a, guttural but earn -
Tee me s erepteed se y'ate- a ' Will Marehe e t b h t •
e .ent SA 011 a ene ou a. in the grayee of soft indulgence than -- - • - '— ' — •, 1 .
It may even cause nausea. i md. black or whatever you whit. They ' ' ' -
eet discuseion was going on.
Me. eiel las eget- mem sw,ftly to. ' side the rormae butidieg, that for Mase in ane o er tin .
' 2. flavor the milk A few gietirel M'"V 11,:zo '1)" dyed Again Osman shouted utenea he
, . •..- dreavy menthe 'had been hie home. 1 "How many valedictorems do you , .„ . • e "... ta m•-• - - •
ea 'names, or r nnamen snrinkled on al
"aVhet is .t. Wili?" elm I reatlicl, ! He had' net prospered, but it was hear froin aftetearde i Mem a man .
glass of milk gives it a different fiavcr," How It Happened.
ra- reteht.l. en ar:i 1,7 .,3; her le rell tr; ' early to eay whether Fate intended to is so elated by an early half success
A. spoonful of maple syrup added to a: Alert elle cheerful,. Julie Dcremy winaing Meng the raeway track to
e ti. a reset owe. ;Make or break him fer the. seemed time.; that he relies on that to carry him A.
Mee tf. milk. gives a. dMitious be c.2 nnswered the manager's summons, She. ward Osamu, but he raa back allti OS<
• 1114., ml, "hole eirl." he mid. siewly. ; He held e !otter in his hand, anti a. thrcugh. No. You fellows are not g
!met? -is il es lam arese. trsmi:ltret. 1 grim treile played et the corners of umg enough cut of college to begin to age, (,,pecially if the mixture be' 1 1
ameed a thoroughly comrietent verwe ann hat to come away. .
A few deye later we took prisoners
ert:het ,:e yea reetto?" elm deritardm hae Ineutb. The letter contained the incesure- the ece- or failuref • •
, st . ell.,2,z. -o 1 om. behten with an egg beater for a f II.- a *
u eusineee 110111 11 51101 "5 env item
• • •• •••• .. • • . " .on that froitt. end •every man had
- , e
clasemates. rem. for ten years more. Innul e 311,
t ' et b f • • e •• e- Ti . '•' • - ' '
e ot e se. 5111,. ., he. aa , might count Itself fortunate to earrY 043-1
. ,. p es of the Alsece-Lorraine leaflet in
el. nee tkCre Wili< a shrihnete tn her news that an unele. tt-hoete exietence he
: Mad forgetten, hea d:e..1 end left him beaten fin gives the drink a dentenee; on. les pay roll,
i Life is like the four years in -college: ' - m .. - . . - t
She knetv that she was'
--!..- tlitt Ism g: -.!..r.2., .t: a forame, e l'ehtness, Any fruit ttyl up or a choc-i far name intelligent and ten times: his pockets. 'When we eel:ea if they
:Mem little Mieult ' aftsr eil, he needn't tr!' in the; the sbowy fellow who evettee a red had noticed etre-thing recently in Nee
t., answered,
me I 'Imes .etteete ' sr..ette.' tai te mneite getera 'he wee a necktie and is elected to the mese (late Mare can he used in the s'alue more ambitious then moet of the girisl mawa /twat at airht. thee
t • • You mean the ghost?" A ghoet, they
„..„-... pa, e. em te memeh new. melee Deopie dency of tile freshman class is eeldore waY• ;".n the store. Thtvt was why the sum -
fresh rtemil pr•:&.'oly rece;t7e hhn watli open' beard from afterwards. Along toward : 8. Use eggnog. This corenitutes a men; to aim Dee ' • et e ' 1 ' -
atm 5 0121:,. L', “ v‘ Ile.1" raid irld 15:,e-” lielrd e'tiling soldiers
i • . • - - • ••
".Caaa:<0 a man whom Will could the. end of the come same (valet fea food which. 'may Well be u' -cd in ..plave' tea - r' 1 t.- , .1 -rt. • 1, 1 is
, * gli s mum Ne 11 ta hamlet, eei. by name. Their officers had made re
amens...1:mM 44. 1.311105 reeving, behind the low whom yeti didn't notice much in ' el meat at a dinner or Imichcon. ; eyes wall etreitteevat; and that was; report of the gilcuq to tbe Koilliti.11id0.
cc (1 ir..1 e, small general store had your freshmau year forges to the front M. Serve milk soup. ., why she was to receive on this morns! For all I 'know the command may
- - tal• eee wee • nee ermd. so teppeintad .the Lie hein and walks off with the prize. 5. Seise baked or soft custard. It ine the greateet shock of her life ' 1
' et lattme her for it':.' taken t Oa ton el these thenehts cterne an-
eiterst leethen it: hers mere not the . land? Who warned him over there I rounds of M. G. ere; angels with ten."
unity weakens at some point. Don't beverage. port of the hosiery department,
er.• nee .. 0, -meet tne • V. my nee remain where he was? Try' be in a hurry, Don't ever be afraid to a. Cook breakfast 0(150 15 in milk ee see, •er• B " 1 •
. iss orsev, • le ;mean,
. r te • -mess eltememed Win Men:anent wee ' ard loil the peen in h.:- heart by work4 e e . n e - n • 1 The e- the ee me rith a good nettreel 'tate• • •
; ' i ar s Liniment used by 'Phyeiclana
w athe 1 d ...ease a htt e. n ..nd t .. ..,11, , -- -- tout i eport shows a. loss on that; mai a•
ret 0 mt:.0 te, tet a wereem 2'....11'...l ; "No. I won't go lack*" he said, when the strain comes YOU WOn't Warp ' syrup, maple syrup, molasses or sorg- Garrett stock:,
, , .. •
Jlercely. : "Let sornee,r.e who wants. a or brettk. Take your wilderness our ' Muni if your child Pkes these, 'We "A bad lose," Julia agreml, "I told
'1:71::,"• ;ht: $f'...1. sherply. "whn do Mem 1.711..'le Bert's money. Money's a nets. It will toughen you for the luxu- know now that cooked milk is no long- Miss ahnomt that it weuidn't be sale -1
se , --4 ali:, Z17. "! 1 Vere a 1.)aby Or a , cvrce; I wfai't .claim _it." Not the George Who .
"John does flat like milk," when =Wei er lower at a moment's notice, aceord- is WM'S L4°1 -flu" r
14.:0,1.7 it
‘1a.•t,i. Te
' Wal ear.% re.
remer te. ar.
• 1 ••.
A asee
S.1%-<, team a.
ease: a
z ,
-f the It 4 5. johnn coat of enamel.
I have no doubt about that. "I'M law of sugg,estion and help
"You'll get a prompt anewer rom
before himself, holds him up a$ frig to tile hMeht 01 1215 surface You
1111 portant end the probabilitles are that wiFil fo alt belore. 111- this ease, V01.1 l'ans'" 1 Ch""ed,
a osanu setle. "They'll mime and there'll
' if it e lts ail The men :levered ae tile door elmeed d W t k d • te f 1,1-*--! paint yourself and then finish with be a pause, feed 111 call more names.
he never 11111 1115 it or admit that he could give it a coat Or tWO Of wh:te yes, lint Only a burst or
Regiment. Iii-terel" Then the patrol
;t c eh-, • en ey the flesit e ete. elem. quail diet. There are naore men buried colors. 'Milk swaEowed hastily or The peas may also be totalled with behind hitu begen to hear Yoked; in
mert tee' 1 • •Iyed hes skin.
knew; in the silence tho wbole patrol
could Lear the footsttme of a man
a t,
ner ss
ever ar
Cie feerti
whim: he e,
r-er heve the pewer :
. have iseued ordere about it: "In
-The man who gets easy euccess us- is not eesential that mill; be always Mr. 1:131ano had befcre him the rem fixture r„hoete y.111 be met witl'i five
I:. st ie. her seericss, engsrs and other. lkity ehOuld he return to Eng -
ries of Canaan when you arrive. I have er regarded as con.stipatinge I able, .1)1.1t she ,srisisted on it. I;
t hat Thee night Will arnrcimet dreamed seen too many cbaracters rotting ie ; 7. Bake milk Mix a quart of milk suppose we'll have to de the hest we Dees It.
the ,41,414.h(,,,1 fn want you to arrive he.' with a tablespoonful of sugar and heke • .can with' it as a special." One of the amesing stories In Capt.
ware asaine mith fether er reteher ef Sacli; she stood by his hedsale, her
we -Melee ect yo•o, 'too ;ate 'arm were etretchel met to • Min, her
fore Yen are hardened for the goal." it in a ilow even for three or four In spite of her careful self-control" Evans's boelt, leeepMg the Se 25 is of
°-• - • • em eve- mere 1 me. tes+1, p' -adine
t (,:r -fresh :cam hours, stirring as it browns. Served the color flamedat into her cheeks. Could zineidem that ocz.urred when twenty-
t:red death cf every- Se real was it that he stetted up in, 'Sentra Facts. .
with fruit At is delicious, it be that Mr. Delano was going to. five million deli...fs in p.,,oki was .,...iiip-
.Toe. For a iong Vnie Ile sat staring . 8. iiialze mins gravies and sauces. make her a buyer? Of couree she had red acres'- the Deglish Channel. The
sta tn Ime Threat, iri.,-.• sna:„T, the nail1<!t"1:g into the The cherry, the peach, and the plum 9, If yonr child is ailing or has been always looked forward to becoming• ship cerricel at; pat-meager:3 Mr. Lloyd
..?OlIght Imre: the elfeirlish fleth c.f. has palm. Ars'. then at lengthwer. all first grown' in Persii. cliiled, give a milk -and -cereal gimel at one, but ehe had not hoped for it so' George, Gen. Roltertson mut Sir
eme wee vs a tattera 12.221r!, he 14y (.0•41.1 -And vainest his --heed Jo The hippopetamus its nearly Mind, bedtime.
ed tear1.. the wall. .
but can scent a White man two miles 10. Use milk instead of water in
mana *tee lets. White now. Set. Next morning a cablegram came for
I'm a an. Isve never Will from London:to windwardmaking gelatine desserar
ts. They e
3.T1..; that's beer, the trouble" "Sad; sinking fast; calling for you. Britain hought the year's sugar crop most del, cately appetizing and any
el„ thremerh: •you've been a nrestere
In Mauritius, comprising over 200,000 kind of plain jelly, Bavarian cream or
me. But I 10- ed ,e.-0114 Sad i; Heavens. i Broken was the icy crust of hurt, tons at it cost of 1300 000 000. sponge can be made. "'Yes. 'lou know we.had three new
etee I leved yen!" His voice was pride. The Mg man fell on his knees. Although salmon have not frequent- II. Plan to use daily a pint of milk girls to break in; that makes a differ-
beerm w"th the midden paszeon that and prayed as he hadn't done for years ed. the Thames for a century, they arefor eah member of your family.
Do ence always."
greel. him; he caeght her to him to the understanding, all found in the Tyne, near Ne.wca,stle. c.
not leave the milk supply to chance. "There were three new girls in
anci kissed her on the lips, She twest- . God that he might be intime to ans- Remodelling- the liner Aquitania, af-
reetlessly in his arms, and a spasm ever her callter her war service, employed 136 Brightening Booms.
ef pain crossed his features. Soon he as tearing across thejoiners, 30 painters, and 30 polishers.
"I have just crane from your peo- world back to her. How hideously long GthfOne housewife who redecorated her
ple'n place. I've had a long talk mWhen amma e amous tenoris with the journey see
ed! He paced the rooms desired to have some of the
tame: for the flrst time since- I be- : silent decks through most of those an the stagehis medical attentle.nt is ' handsome haridevoek pieces harmonize
o...mc their son-in-law we see eye to long, quiet nights, praying silently always on duty behind the scenes-.
eye." that he might be in time.
"I ---I can't make yoe out at all. Why Seth's father met him in. London;
elteual you have gone home, when we, very aged and feeble he looked.
were to meet them in town to -night?" "She -she's alive?" Merchant whis-
soon. But 3Ir. Delano was going on Maurice Haeltcy, who cecupled the
with a deliberation unumeal to him. cabin in which the goll yam e.tored.
"I also see that the department as When the gold mas landed, a Batik
a whole has fallen below its usual re- of England clerk complained that one
turns this month." bag was missing encl asked aoxiously
11 anyone had been in the cabin.
"Oh, yes,- said the captain. "Three
men were there."
"Who are they?"
"Welleereplied the captain thougat-
"I knew that one was called
bons, but that did not drop."
"Easter sales," Julia replied quickly, tf11113h
"It, could not very well help making a George."
record:" Later it was discovered that the bags
Mr. Delano Made no comment. He had been miscounted.
with the new eolce.• _scheme. Her little was still studying the report.
During a. thunderstorm the least
table covers and vane scarf especially "How about this, large item of ex- ---
dangerous trees are birch, alder and looked rather stary in their stark changes?" he asked. Cut Your Fusi Sills In Halrby Using
cherry. But all trees should be avoid -
whiteness now, eside the soft brown "That was due to one of the new 6.6 C i'Jgou r PA ir i
A t A 8 L"
walls of the living room, while some girls."
"Eeceuse." Merchant answered, pered, between dry, cracked lips. Fair-haired people require more oxy-
"What I had to say had to be said Sadi's father held his hand in a gen aud nourishment than do those
to them am
.one. Saul, they want you hard clasp. He couldn't trust hiself
to go back to them just 118500/1 as to speak.
you can." And then, as they approached Sadi's
The girl stared at the man, uncom- home, he said, brokenly:
prehending; his stea.dy eyes never left "Thank God you've come! I was
her face. wrong to let you go. Forgive me. Sadi
"Go--to-to them?" she repeated, needs you sorely. She's on the brink
lad. Pull her hack! For Heaven's
sake pull her bac'k!"
As Merchant tiptoed across the floor
of Sadi's bedroom his fate was white.
Gradually the sweet girlish features And then he was on his knees by the
stiffened, the face rrew hard and cold bedside; a lurap came up in his throat
-8114.13in that moment became a eve- and the tears welled into his eyes.
man. Was this leis beautiful, high-spirited
"You have been arranging every- girl, this frail, flower-like thing whose
thing very satisfactorily." Iler voice hold on life seemed so feeble that it
gut the air like a knife. "You are go- made one hold one's breath in fear?
ing to try your luck in anothPr court- Her thin fingers brushed Ids tanned
try; you are tired of the old round; cheek. r
I euppose it is a bit limited for a man "Will!" m
she urmured. "Will!"
who's done big things; you have seen With a hoarse cry he gathered the
nlY People', they approve; and merely tiny hand against his heart, covering
by the way you have disposed of a it with kisses
e! .
tiresome encumbrance -m" She was smiling, a smile of ineffable
Her eyes flamed; her bosom rose content. "I'missed the boat, Will, that
and fell spasmodically; a spot of crim- day you sailed," she murrnarecl. "I
son burned on each cheek. was toe late. I vranted to write and
"Why don't you •speak?" she flung tell yet; but I couldn't. Silly of me,
at leim. wasn't it? But it's easier to say scene
The lash of her tongue goaded him
Into action.
'Merchant's lips twitched. "I'm go-
ing to try my luck in Canada."
The bomb -shell had fallene
things than write them.
with dark hair, and therefore are to
be found more in the country.
London's oldest markets are said to
be Smithfield, v,there cattle were sold -
in 1150, and Billingsgate; whi`ch Is -re-
puted to have been focncled in 400 B.C.
An Evening Prayer,.
Father, with all my heart I thank Thee
for to -day,
For all its sunshine -all its rain; -
For strength to toil -for a heart to
play. .
Help me to forget its pain
As, with my hand in Thine,
I go to rest.
But, when the day shall come again,
I ask
That I, still close to Thee
May meet my task
With love, that maketh all things plain
And naakes me trust in Thee
And never ask
But that Thou. work continually -
That, which for nue is best.
She turned back the bed eover'ngs, Keep Minarcl's Liniment in the hou
cf the dining room linens did not "But it's your department. You OILER COMPOUND
seem at home with the new, old blue are responsibleManufactured.
and burnt orange tones -Of walls and "It's too much to expect me to be Thj Alien Feed/ea- r IF:er" CC)"
L rafted, 21 Can:clon st., reeento
rug. responsible foe' lack of brahis!" Julia
0-ar friend purchased some of the flared out.
Psc°rPauplealo. fsloianpend,yeexsp'aerilinde'nttaekdienlgrit'2.1°Snlhee rooked straight into her angry eyes.
Mr.sDelfrio swung about then and
had just the shades desired. Now she "Miss Dorsey, I am having to do
something that 1 gTeatly regret., In
many ways you are an unusually fine
business woman. I -want to give you
every possible opportunity, so I am
giving you a full month's notice; but
at the end of that time we shall have
to dispense with your aertOces. It is
not in the least because your depart-
ment made a poor showieg last month;
that happens in every department at
one time or another. It is because in
the three years you have heen with ns
priate points. She declares that it .is You have never once been willing to
much easier to keep these clean and accept any blame. Always you put
is tlie proud possessor of brown cover-
ings with lace insert and embroidery
of exactly the same shade for her liv-
ing ?mom, and old blue ones for her
dining room.
In the case of the dining Imam
articles, she freshened them by the
additilan of a few touches here and
there of buent, orange threads, and in
the living room used the same idea
by adding a hint of green in the form
of a few threads worked hi at appro-
on the whole the change has been
very agreeable.
A Stool for the Kitchen.
If you want extea comfort in yew
loitchen then get a high stool. It isn't
what we do so much that tires us,
the blame on sorne one else. That has
created so much dissatisfaction in your
department that I am convinced the
only way to restore the morale e,s, to -
get a new head. In a new position you
can Coruct this fault if you will; it is
toe late to do so here. I am sere that
, Bulk Carlota
Ippear At Your
.31 .you receive' a sudden
caller or an unexpected in,
vitation you can feel con-
fident of always appearing
at your best. In but a few
moments it renders to your
skin a wonderfully pure,
Soft 'complexion that is
beyond comparison.
orts.eft. atsvaryaar-