HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-29, Page 8• • EXE ?E$ A,/]II•QGA7',E;t UU. 3T]AYr JITLY 281 1O201 Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat .«,,,.., Barley Family Flour Feel. Flour per cwt. Shorts pee Cwt. Branper cwt. ,...,. Eggs Dairy Butter , 50 Creamery Butter Lard Potatoes new, per lb.� Hay per tan, new . . . Hogs 1.95 1.50 1.25 7,55 4.50 3.90 3,35 v4 to 53 64 34 18.00 20.25 ti Mr. Ross Tick of Toronto is spend- ing two. weeks' vacation at the home of. his .father, Mr, James Dick, on the L o .don Road. Mr Mrs A Hedden, Miss Geraldine Ti ±deli Lalloyme Hedden and. Fred Talbot spent Sunday with Mrs. Heti- den's aunt, Mrs, S. Handford, Mr. i1 v ';t Southcott was in Pres- ton st let: days, last week, He was ac- com:,anied hpme by Mrs. Southcott, who 4a, b:e:x visiting there, for some weeks. FARM WANTED TO PURCHASE. 100 or 150 acres in Huron; County. Name prrt:e ana what buildings, :and other etartictelars a,t oeaoe, ,to J. Tr Westcott & S. Real Estate ,anal Iztsttran.e Agents, 20 Selnator Ave., Hamilton, Ont. REPRESENTATIVE WANTFD. To report on building and engineer- ing work in Exeter, This is a good side line for anyone with facilities for .getting stews. Commissions paid for each report. We supply forms and postage App y, stating qualifications to McLean Daisy Reports, Limited, 345 Adelaide St. West., Toronto, Ont. CALVES FOR SALE One -year-old acrd three -months old heifer calves fox sale. Apply to Thos. Resnick, Exeter COW FOR SALE A good Ho,:stein milking cow, 3 Pears Old. Apply to jack Elliott, hx- c ter. IMPORTED SCOTCH SHORTHORN I will have an importation of Scotch Shorthorn Heifers, Young Calves and Bulls at Brampt,an this Fall. Any- one wanting good imported Short- horns will pay you tor see the shipment I con seal them art .reasonable prices, All first class indivuals, and the list of breedinig. When you purchase from us )lots have a market for your stock. Write for particulars. W. Ji McCallum, Brampton, Oust„ Brandon, Mn,,aand Wigton. En;g1" i.nl3, FOR SALE Edison Gramaphone, cabinet size; al- so 18 records. Apply to D. G. Ap- :nleton, Exeter, FOR SALE. Bay Ream, sorrel and grey team, and driver • two sets brass -mounted team harness and two wagons. Apply , •to Clyde Heywood, Exeter. REPRESENTATIVE WANTE . for Exeter and Huron County to re res- ent "The Old Reliable Fonthill ur- series;" Big sales are to, be male im sellinit Nursery stock during th' re- construction period. p i A splendid op- portunity for a live salesma B ghest commissions paid, handsome fi e, equip meat large line of fruit and ' orna- mental stock to offer.-" Stone & Wellington, Toronto, Ont, BINDER TWINE FOR SALT;. 650 feet, 201ac. a pound, Best Manil- la and Sisal rope. -W, H. Armstrong Exeter, Phone 125. COOK WANTED. At Ceaitral Hotel, Exeter. 'City wages ,paid. FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE. One and half storeys; Exeter North Apply to Ted. Walper, FOR SALE. Rubber -tire open buggy; set single harness Apply to Dr. Vining, Exeter VIOLIN LESSONS taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply, at any time 4 to 6 o'clock; evenings 7 t 8. Where do you go from here ? To Wilson & Sums' ice cream parlor. CARS FOR HIRE -Wilson & Simms Phone 56 MRS %I. KERR, Doctor' of Chiro- practic h rs her office at the home of Mr. We, Andrew, Exeter. Phone 43. Office !nears, 9 to:12 a.m„ 2 to 5 p.m, WOOD PUMPS REPAIRED. If your pump needs fixing we "are ready to 'it) the job now before other work cosi amenceis. We do turning of all kind. Saws gummed, etc. , 5 J. V. CANN Successor to A. Cottle Phone 115 STORES CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS We, the undersigned: merchants of • this town, agree to close our places of business each Wednesday at 12.30 during the summer months, of; June, July and August. J. A. Stewart, Jones & May, G. A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, South- cott Bros., W. W. Taman, Jas. Law -,1 ,son, S. Fitton, W. J. Beer, W. J. Heaman, H. S. Walters, H. Speck- . man, J. Senior,' Grigg Sationery Co„ T. Elliott , F , Dp le, Hockey'. ]3 - s . Ti mes 'Printing:, C` o y Advocate in& Fr e, Pr., is. The followingstores C ee'la Miaer''.e k s s - day afternoons anta .'6 &:Snnuns A.', Moore, Harvey - & Harvey' W. 3 Statham. Local Doings ereseee Cheerfulness is about the only con- tagious thing we aren't afraid of. D.on.'t skins ,the cream off the milk of human kindness before peddling it out. :a1r ;B:ichard Davis . was, unfortunate in.1•osing one of his fine tears of work horses by death on Friday last,. T e wheat harvest has. been started in the locality and there never was known 'to be a more bountiful crop. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Young of Lon- don spent a couple days last week with Mr. Albert Penwarden, Usbarne The Clydesdale entire horse, "Gald- en Ball" owned by Mr. 3. J. Miller of Exeter, died last week of paralysis. The loss to Mr. leer is around 51000 Mr. ani ,airs. Geo, Easterbrook are the ,first to report home-grown ripe tetnatoe, in athelr garden, having par- ticipated Fla; a temptipadish son Wed- nesday,,af last week. 1Ir. John B. Mathews received word last week from headquar&ers to re- port :for duty at the Sarnia branch of the Bank of Commerce, leaving Fri- day morning for that place. HOGART1T-BOWMAN. A quiet wedding took place recently at :Brantford, when. Miss Lillian Mar- guerite Bowman, daughter of the late ;tin and _airs, John, Bowman of Lon- don, Ontario, became the bride of I,,, Victor Hogarth, sen of Mr, and airs, S. J. Hogarth, Iviholna Farm. Exeter the Rev, E. C. Marshall ,officiating. After .a short wedding trip the young couple will take up ;their residence on the farm of the groom's father, whom we unelerstaad is giving up farming. A German- howitzer has arrived h Lucas and is temporarily resting in the baseball park. When is ,Exeter's coming. WON TROPHY. Four pairs of Scotch Double bowl- ers attended the Seaforth. Tourney last week. Messrs, Russell and And- erson, Elliott and Ferguson, Taman and Se:don, Heaman and Creech. The two •t first named pairs won two games and lost two games the second day. Taman. and Seldon won five and lost one, putting them in the finals for the Stewart Trophy. Heaman, and Creech also won five and lost one and went into the finals far the same trophy. The Seafortlt com- mittee was kind enough to let the two :fairs splay ,the ;finals in Exeter, and Heaman And Creech won, the game by a small margin, 11-9. This is the secs and successive year for Heaman and Creech to win this trophy. AN OLI) VIOLIN. On Thursday ,last we, were shown probably ,the oldest viollin in. this section of the country, It was made by Antonine Stradivari, of Cremonia, some where :between 1644 and 1737 this great violin maker having lived between those dates, and it is safe to say ,that the instrument is considerab- ly over two hundred years old, Its shape is not unlike the ordinary violin, with the exception that it has no pro- jecting edges, all the .outside rim be- ing symetrically rounded off. It be- longs to Mr. James Smith of Detroit, so of Mr. and Mrs{. Samuel Smith, L don Road, .south, whose possess - it is now in. The former Me S ith came by the grand old instru- t through an old friend who be- eathed it ,to him •at his death. It doubtless worth considerable 'm:on- y a1nnl+ it is needless to say that Mr, mith prizes it very highly. * rUSICAL EXAMS. The following are the names from this district (of those who were suc- cessful in their musical examinations in connection with the London Con- seq`vatory Hensall-Edata Wise, Mary McDon- ald, Lillie Jackson, EIfxieda Schroeder Sarah Clarke, Catherine Moir, Walter Johns Beryl Salter, Margaret Elgie, Carol Evans, Anna, Fisher, Ethel Hogg, Jean Plumsteel. Beryl Salter won, the book prize. Zurich -Ethel Hays, Mrs. Lydia Gei- ger Euloine Geiger, Euoleen Guenther Elva Heyrock, Newell Geiger, Mabel Preeter, Lucan-Kathleen Smythe, Thelma, Strausser , Laura Whelihan. By ,ail reports a record crop of ap- ples for Huron is predicted., but the the price ,oF barrels and the high: cost of labor will not contribute to cheap apples, Rev Jas, 'Foote of Exeter last week at the home of his M. 3. Foote o(f Bannockburn. Trivitt Memorial Church visited father, Services 'as usual. Rev A. A. Trumper, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister Union of. Coven. and James St. Preacher, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.m.-In James St., "Three Groups -en ,which one axe you?" ?7 p.m. -In Coven Presbyterian, "The New Exeter, Music in leach church by their :own choir. All welcome. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. Mar, Andrew Roo, a -young student for the 'Methodist ministry, will take both the services. MAIN ST. AND ,BETHANY R.eir W. G. H. McAlister, pastor P'ItiokrsS 21, MAIN $TR• E'ET':CHU RCEi �- :r, r 1t ar mv Re`.Tat e : », • . .Horn of th '` . Cress .a ....._... . From Cherry - Blossom Land The Japanese Give Good Example 0 It ie .a pro-. "=;„ Blob of .Cherry hQ uLanf y' • j ,rce ypd 5g- pre depend o, womanly hh. t ealtWhaie it that snakes our Canadian wo- men often pale, sa low -faced; with dark sir - cies under the ften o dPeat forty -;five when they should be in their prime? Women suf- fer in girlhood from backache' spine -ache and headaches, fol- lowed by irreg- ularitiea and as result diseases of the womanly organs ale more common than, any one but a phy- sician in active practice could suppose. ONTARIO WOMEN TESTIFY. Chathaam; Ont„ "Dr. T'ierce's xnedf sines have been used in my family at home (especially by my father and mother) ever sines I can remember. They always proved satisfactory, Through overwork I at one time became all run-down in health, was on the verge of a complete nervous break -down. I went on ailing for about two years, during which time I Buffered terribly. I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it soon built me up in good health and cured me of the nervous condi. tion. I consider 'it an excellent medicine for the ailments of women:'; -M$$, CHAS. TITUS, Jr.; 28 Duke St. ty hrr: Sunday,A R, Kinrsmajrt was in Guelph ove Mrs. Fred, 03awde,n; is visiting ,in To- ronto this week, D'Arcy McDonell of Detroit is vis- iting with relatives here. Mn Fred May and family are spend- ing the:a-holidays in Matchell. Mr. Alex, Stewart of London spent Sunday with his family here, \Irs, Geo. Vosper and, Herbert, of Tooronto are visiting among relatives in town reech and Hugh spent a few des inCWoodstock and Brantford. Mr. Offa McPherson of Montreal is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McPherson. Mr and \2rs, W. H, Levett of Lon- don visited Monday and Tuesday with relative: here. Mr. ,,and Mrs; Kenneth Clarke of London are visiting with the latter's father, Mr. A. Bbsvie., : Mr and Mrs: R. Rowe, and Miss Vera were in Guelph .over Sunday with Miss Rena Rowe. Mrs, R. Dinmey and;. daughter, Dor othy left Tuesday morning to visit with relatives in Ltoprdonc Mr. W S. Laing .of Seaforth has taken a position: ,ns junvor in the Bank of Commerce here., Mrs. Peter Robertson of Strtford is trleiti}ng with firer spster, lairs, Srid Sanders and Bother relaati;ves, sir ,and Mrs. Chas, Renshed of De- troit are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. ,and Mrs.' Hall, Exeter North. Mrs. W. D. Burke and children :of .r. e in assn visited b n d with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Taylor,during the week, Miss Trade of Toronto is visitiing with her grandmother, Mrs. V. Mitch- ell. and other xelativ!es ion ,the country, Mrs: John Walp,er and three children of Harrow are here visiting with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,. Nelson Kestle. Mrs. F, K. Matthews of London, ani Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Al, Davis of Seattle; Wash, ;visited with Mr`s and Mrs. F: A, May last week, Mr. 'and Mrs,', Roland Brintnell' and two children are visiting with the former's ;parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Brintnell. Mr John Markham and little niece •of London, who just recently -returned frons 'Engiands spent Saturday with friende in town, Mr-` ':acid Mra F: Al. Chapn>ian left yesterday, (Wednesday) for Rockwood Ill where they wj11 holiday •for . a cou:rle weeks. Mr eand Mrs,. E. A. Vraoman and family of Sarnia are visiting with Mrs. V000man's parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. A,nd erson. Mr, W. A. Gregory left an Saturday on his return to his home in North Battle:ford, after a visit with his moth- er and sister here. Miss Lulu Hastmgis returned Sunday from a month's vd(sfitt Jin Forest, accom- panied by Mr. and ,Dfrs•„ Fisher and son, and Mrs. McChesney, Mr. John Dearing, after a few weeks' oaf a pleasiaint visit with rela- tives and friends here, returned toh,iss home in Flint, Much., on Friday. Mrs. 1, Armstrong, after a plee3ant visit with her darighter, Mrs. Smith, in Toro,iito, returned hones the la'tter part sof hast week, accompanied by14Ir and Mrs. Smith. Mrs A B.' Richardson of Toronto ani cousins,. „Mr and Mrst Bertrand Tellamy Fof Plainfield, New Jersey, visited last week with the former's parents, Mr: and Mra Samuel. Smith London Road, south, Mr, _ Percy Wood of Vancouver, 'B, C. arrived, here ion Friday 'to speoc1 a ,few weeks with his .parents, Mr, and Mrs. John, Wood(, Percy leift these Harts about eixteene years ago and h,as seen a grtat -dealof the West during his absence. Mr, land Mrs:. J. C. Downie,. of Win- nipeg, left Saturday, after spending a few 'days with Mirs,,,:, Downie, Main.. street, Mr. Dowxvie;isra former Exeter Old Boy, beinga- son, of the la4te Richard Downie, , bolt he left these parts many ysea(rs agio, a Y.-Schao1 .$ r b�e Stud` foxM inre. Gm r V . as3s. .., Manage" m ng e of.:t eBan : nm c.Ser for • . h. 7 , . 0. 0 .m: -T e e � mai ed i k s ar ae-. t i ate � Ticket ", Sw d s! a 7' mid sinenit tkle da 8ETH?s1*T Y.'wi h..ffraleuuds,: H• . lyes ams ed, by;1(2rs, Harrnsartomd: Mitt e 2,30 p,rn,:=The:' ii lets'"li�, bion of the L _ . g .. utas God,"r g tel • �nrr,. Mrs, V tuBuskrrk aril oa144 5 Mar jo.' y Wd. f ..N PHONE 32 JONES ,&. MAY PHONE 32" MIDSUMMER SALE OF SIIOES Below ,we .offer some attractive Bargains in ,Summer Footwear. All Sizes in stock : r Ladies' .Best Quality White Oxfords, regular $3.00 and $3.'S0, for $2.49 Ladies' White Oxfords, Rubber Soles and Heels, regular $2.50 for $195 Ladies' White High Sh"eo, regular up to 54.50, fox $2.49 Ladies' Black Kid Oxfords regular $7.00 to clear at ?5.00 Alen's White Canvas Oxfords to clear at $2.49 Men's Black and Brown Oxfords, regular $5,00 .for $3,75 Ladies' Empress Kid, or Patent, Oxfords, regular $8,00, at $6.50 $6,50 Many lines Children's Summer Shoes to clear at Bargain Prices. Men's and Boy's Clothing We ,have good values in Men's and Boy's Suits. Our styles anA prices are right, Come in and look over our stock, We can save you money. Buy your Overalls, Cottonade Pants, odd Bloomers and Smocks from us. Our prices tare rio higher than they were one year ago. • Ladies' House -Dresses and Children's Dresses We ,offer all our Dresses at 25 per cent , discount, Come in and get your supply, while they last, Ladies' Middies Any :Middy Sa>. the store, to clear a$1.25 for Hosiery Specials Ladies' White ,Sidle Hose, regular to clear et Ladies Black or White Silk Hoset ,.,,,,,, 89c. 75c. 31,60 JONES & MAY Closed Wednesday afternoons during une July and August, Amy Wexler was in Galt over the week -end Dr Kestle, wife and family ,of Find-, lay, Ohio, visited the Dr's father, Rev. James Kestle, a few days last week, Miss Vera Marshall is leaving Satur- day to spend a month's vacation at Toronto, Detroit, London and Grand. Bend, Mr. David Hall and James Gilbert of Detroit spent the week -end with the ,Farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs'. I. Hall. DR. A_ E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon. McD•anell's Stables, John, St., Exeter (lately occupied by Dr. Vining) Phone 26w DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offltc.e-Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mal - sans Bank, Etc. Money to loam at lowest rates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want ars unfimi:ted number of Horses in good condition., Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW -FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer ,for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable "and Satisfaction Guaranteed. • Crediton, . Ontario. SUMMER TERM COMMENCES JULY 5th. CENTRAL arft enropo . om . perienced arseh , gives ives ,. ;tho,roug c u s aatrl� a s rats graduates tohigh rard(c, de° tad.. ma nam.,^ s p.._. u for. 4p,4 a t >ivnn0 •,' he1 p . the number. Commence your course with •at" opening of summer m fess? you July 5th; Get our free catalogue. D A. McLachlan, Pri;nciipal. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office --over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sander's at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended, to day or night. Offine- Dr. Sweets old ,office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a,Specialty. Office at Cocksbutt War}erooms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Rou1stoe L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! �.y SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery Line, Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin. ce. Produce taken in eichange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. BEA.UTIF UL VOILE DRESSES p This week we are showing a beautiful range;af Fanlcy.Voiae Dresse. 2. They were 320.00. to $25.00'values ; butwe were able to buy c e them, at a price and' will clear them at $12.50, ,$15,00 and 316,50. ' HOUSE DRESSES Why worry about making a house dress when we can supply you with gond styles and good fitting Dresses at very low prices. We have 5iz` from 36 to 49. Our dresses for stout womein are' splendid fitters, ; 2.75 t g o' 34.25. t SMART PUMPS .AND OXFORD Ali war.want is am ,dp ar to ....,la pint to rho .; in Y w owr, You ,ri,e i tiv les a .:a. Y 5 ottve ,e >h rt You::frets mg• ]l'1 a3]t!e t eitii` �t .w h it � . e .w 1. d :� .. r e , *rrn Y'o4. ells y k• C .AS S A Irs O F O Rat Fi45 ''P.. t A'"I'HN Every .. member taf:thea' frailshould y have., z *ia'r a - a r .They save your boodt.,leatherfeat wear ' 'd' " . o iethoweafherr an sleek sm�,'rt �forsummier wear,' Southcott Bros.