HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-29, Page 6•
"But When I Became a Mau"
Everything was so flauntingly alive
and happy! "
Charlie threw himself on the
ground, with hisface against the
damp earth and dead grass, and sob-
bed as he had not sobbed in the little,
close, "flower -scanted ehap.el, with his
mother weeping- beside hint; and those
° tall, stron efaced men who were Dick's
friends, unashamed of their dear,.
That had been everyone's e
�' rSef; this
II. I from every thing, somewhere, "It's all was hist and his alone,
"3o to �g, kid. sae good
to i�ancy;xx right," ,D:ek gone --never to conte back;
"So 1•on See •0t later'," called' He opened the front door and went and no one to take his place; no ane
g y
Charlie, I out. At the steps crouched Slicker) lett except himself, the baby He sat.
Alien he was halfway down the4 with an anxious eye on the door. Per- . up suddenly. The meadow lark's note
eekhad looked? haps he had not been fed, Charlie t' was still piercingly sweet in itis ears,
stars he stopped. Tia !Dick had ixnt been"sa aid as he—could
awfully tired; his eyes had dark circles; called him round to the back ehe and:
under them, and there was aline; gave him a large piece of cold lamb Dick have felt this way that summeit.
h. - not noticed, that the coot had saved for luncheon;' d y ten year, ,ego? He looked up a.
round while his mouth—be had but for once Slicker did not seen, to" Dicks windows;, the shades we're
it he 1 it talking, but now that be hungry, *, Ile whined at Charlie's, dra•tvn. And• Die had always liked'
he thought of it— Then he rementbelg
how (rood Dick had been to him y knees fora moment, then, with tail. sunshine—why, even that last day Rhe'i
ed 1hall had the room full of it! Charlie,
when he had the sprained shoulder. down, crept round to the front door;
brushed his sleeve across his e *es and.
that ached so. He had kissed him again. Somehow, the heart of the sprang tohis feet, Thatwas hat'
good -night once, as if he had known, dog knew, and he waited for a 'last Diel. haaid mile he s t o v the
that a fellow Ekes it sonxetimiee, even sight of his master. $ s , a n
if is is babyish. He turned and awung 1 With a dull ache in his heart that t o of the bed; "There's,. e='s. a kat of
,• ti would i n ? things I've done that you've pot to',
agaric upthestairs. The door was still i slowly
d• not brine; tears, Charlie went do,, too.' Could he have meant ;hie?
often, the nurse had not come back s,Q% ly toward the barn, I Ile went to his own room first,
e:. The warm November sunshine! The axe leaned against the wood- There_ he slipped gut of his :white
streamed across the bed, and Dick,! pile, and it occurred to hila that very ; aweetet and into the carefnil' folded
with his egos dosed, did look very" likely, the cook wool:, be wanting some blue eme in the bottom drawer, Their
tired indeed. A quick, contrition filled r kindling. He piekedd up the axe and he stele across the halt; the rigour was
Family Account Book.
As well tis an other business,
housekeeping has an aspect of the
cominereial, side. Of course, -making
e home and rearing a family is some-
i•oing very different from, , merely
tuting part' torn syrup for the sugar
used in these proportions:
2 cups fruit juice,
1 cup corn syrup,
% cup sugar.
After the juice has been heated
commercial undertaking; nevertheless, boiling hot, add the` measured syrup
it is an enterprise that •costs money, and sugar and. cook rapidly until the
and there is the •eertain income and lllixtuie gal es •off the spoon.
the things to be bought and paid for Very recent laboratory experiments.
out of it,, have been made with fruit juice, sugar
The families that are content to and syrup. The following results have
"ret along •somello;v"" without keeping
been tabulated:
track of the tve--e in which it spends 1 eup crabapple juice to 1-3 sup
:te famine is con itleting its affairs` in sugar --excellent texture, sweet fltivor.
• JTiCNis eklo
r e 8UL4,A.O
'fihe oriceme1 Aalibe= etatty--'1ic23ittre
Hot Watez• l3ottles: 'Punctures; dice -ale
Auto Tires; tubber l oot5, •t uarantoect,
to satisfy. tell cents Postoc4ld. Katt
your order to -day.
V. Schofie?d, 2e. 04140.%ie $t„ Toronto„
bozo'- order to-tlity. aehoaeta, 2
nateeseete At,, Toronto.
• . Facts.
Mutton is the 1 Lost nourishing neat,
Westminster Abbey costs teousande-
ef pounds axzuually to a kept in ra
Whale pleat will possibly be pre.
served like saimcn this year in. Nevi
South Wales.
16S London teachers, with a cone
blued :"total of tz,Sdt y eare of service,
recently' ,retired,
Shaving; according to one doctor, la.
creases neuralgia and. other troubles
of the face, and so tends to shorten
t very slip -shod '-way, „There is no 1 •cup crabapple juice to '. cape lite.
surer detector °of etitx"avaganee, no, sugar �aceeptab}e texture, sufficiently
more effective aid to economical and. sweet. ,�
well considered es end:ture ttGau the 1 cup crabapple -juice to ,� cup
family account book, sugar.— 'eeeptable texture, sufficiently
At any stet:otter's you eau find a sweet.
t Y S 4F to suit 1 cup -crabapple juice --1:1 cup sugar
ban --a had stayed too Logi,. st e ang ,vent to work with a vim that dampen boot and you can Tule it o
, a < > > ' >' k ' F > r ,lis 1 'Cel
almost dark; but he conte see his your seta: You will no daubs have p 1' p earn syrup- •gives an ea -
on the 'i:ed. He etooped ,t 't:Y. , ed. }tis hair with perspiration 'and, mottle) sating h' the table. with lex eelleat texture and is sweet i11 'flatvr,
'Mike, 1: " 1 ..,. l is palms, } , , out own system Ever tela of to-,
p fair lea owe on her otter Meg sir),L,
11ti early, 1•e v lc' ereu ti stere i bot, h l 1 d bowed
'l * y y
'C t lit'
His lsa, t<at�l toe
d r Ceipt .and ovary �tkenl of expenditure
For juices rich in pectin, ?x. cop
h d shoulder RI
lies t,:•; ` stn her slender , ou .err s.la alas col- t sugar and 1 convllite ecru s ru
'boon, be entered in order, but the. „ y
fi j hket,s e ' rot lir, but a ,Aft
it was all aver, and the house, ~filme1y, �. b lost 1na1:Es' a good jelly,
„I, .IR. illi, .f 1 f th C will s
ts;l emnty and silent'apain Charlie At Charlie's step she raised her OOIO value fie o e meow
smile moved hie lips.
4➢i 3'b 0 l,.dl" he an:r;ireGi. came taut and walked up and down in�white faee-
t;, ,,,. , .emoted the gir,len. Ile did net like to stay' "Oh, Charlie,. -baby boy, ;ago on,
C:.a-13t. .pact oat grid T,St a E in, the house' is eves too ;ilent--e'CceJt'detn and leave lnotilor alone;.
t11' nurse at the don.. . ,-' "No illotber'," Ire stepped greatly
�`l24 .in^31231@ w;ta S' ^...-efY.D, all Uel in Dick's room, where ,lis Mother i + , ; F q
'1 .r ,.Tile' a 1 t r yp *':ail
wine. set era.' sobbed heartbrokenly. It made ; across the room, and swift stm lune
`'R t teeth think of thrt other Gray that he flooded the fiat!.- corners as the win"
will: : Z fE'\: one ;t -1 as horizon.' e<n dremember,—ten 413tt , a3dc' flew 11:g'h.
^i�ti, aftt l t?- 'i1i`e s p:a ,<t1C1R, boat deg yo youngster
"Now, mother r=^C�11'1rliees atm was
''^",; t,,iit4t:t' S °'t}'1. lees • t' t': : be :=:e$ a Gurfy -11 t1}se'l'f y'O;atlg8ter ; ' ,
lets teeter:" and was ger;: gay. They! of ;”even, --viten the father whom he round the slender shoulders, and he
i st 2rzaaTn• • op4loretlts,• e;1a:d barely remember had, in his drew her ently to her feet, "you
r , a n, r going. dreariness e:tn t stn\ in here. Illgoingto ge
and lr:'itailt exp rsum)::ai1,:t aefora, rc znt,. left j:rct such :t an+I r t . 0
he rename and take u fox a 1 n,
vvl e o
unless the sums paid out are grouped
under certain heals, instead cf being
,merely set down one under the other
and then added, It is the proportion chemists'and in scientific cooking ex -
of its income that a family spends ends for periments that beet and cane sugar
this or that i',r Ilse which shows give equally satisfactory results how.,
whether its angles are Svisc:iy or care- ever we :flay use then.
less, ^ managed.
y r;
There should be one column for rent.
If the family owns the house, the
Chemically, cane and beet sugar are
identical and are interchangeable in
any cookery, It has been proved by
Germ Free.
If you would like to be ;erns -free
....t, .t;,al e•. eheeL: r•" 'Neap;e., heartache. Only to hint it had not, y' taxes, the interest on the mortgage, A few thole lets here for you will be.
Cl:.:...e,' lertra eves on the Ltsheei,` struck so deep and poignant that time.tride. Came on and get your coat, if #1lerc be one, and the necessary sea sunshine keeps the germs away
,. 1 ,1 IIe led leer to the door,: find lln4, ,
i. aeay..e 0 the horn. T''_;- volt t lar' And p..,. --way, Diel* eotd not have, r e pails .:,,ousel be soled in this column, Whether at sscrk or at your pray,
mousey Ic threw back his ]lea `with
*rift the iv1111tre alusSlir : r^Sl ra,t ,nei• i1f°eon ilio" but ne had scelned t should Inuits
the little authoritative air that hall . o, 'ata, s lou insurance meet
it Foul air breed's the kern •, I fear,
C 1'"1� i,nd �t1'a\moi. Ai1tl ,t alae baps@n ,e•1•e >
•;' } i a r l yes tin the house and the it1111tu
(The Find.) The next big item is the one ox
t ' 1: ! alv: a s been Diel: e. So don't let it be. very near.
SL is T.� Do* anal r ,ltd 1711 mother and 1115„ }' i 3 v'iec-tt.
r 1 • l �: t e thee *Ile voice site a • er 1w Gtr' S 3f CO,ie�4lrt that ;. , ,
t„1c1 s;;•,Rl l:er er,>s, a �~^^~^•� Ectad, Whatever is bouan'ht, #o>” the Don't keep the doors and windows; ""'• ..,
The United I(iudloiu never relied
on Russia for more that, five per cent.
o her wheat in.:ort;;, says cue author".
In 1'ussia. the peeriants cf the come
try are better eii'' for feed tIuui tate iu•
habitants or P elr gt'zd,, wito are ort the
verge of .,t arsyat:'n , -
Greater ..ci:doe, with an ,reit of 1k9
square miles, lin-, Stn average impute.
Ilan of over 41,1) is the s epere d ila,
colupared with Creat r New ye :c'a
average of 1i,.0uO to e:, ::1 of its 3':)'d
square mace.
Of our inenat'i•11s 2tr,sl11U {;west', the
first live:, mixt :eve- n ycare, the secan=k.
seventy.eeven years, the thii'tl eighty.
two ye," s; ar,1 the feerth sixty-eight
years. our lu eseat King, Ceer'ge toe
is 11o\V fifty-five }earls 01 age.
Keep •Minard's Lin'.ment in the blouse.
o , Mint tel«':..::esee train:;•,
Some f i11
at St.rrOr .,,
I)�ielatan':R are e.. ,.a b
• 1, 3 fee le Tress. L f • , table should go in here. .And r3 you. tight,. •
= pet i _ ,y ,e; er,y 'Thane was illi One to do that ,ler, Lore of Blazed h garden Ent .breathe fresh air bath day and
av e a „til en an,d expend money tar
it, also nut that in this ,column, credit- alight.
1't' :zee T e e. m ,t,:, n,.l•,i r. ri e Wo. they had all leaned on ` o Historian. t = er.:t, z ?..' re- �=k-•-;v?lilt was there the any of to
: � 1.;u: c• ai • r ' ,et too eta e:lila do without Dick's cheer • in earlier days, when large portions in: tlte?gardeit with the foot, it pre-, If to humanity- you would be fair,
1 y
et then,1 s i l it no !atm!!). Dick's 7ego ea -y, sure way of of t11, eanntry ►sero Ctlyere.l with , drives. Please don't keep out the pure, fresh
nee „rte,, _'T t ;1- : e menag' g. evert e,: . his e. foreets and there were 40W roads, i
Glotll2n, next, and it is often inter- stir.
with ; T .. ,,.:.,., _:, ix c:: s Evt;rytne hada a vraye loved Dielt, tra' el was often ;3.: s'b.e only by way ; ce, m•* tit enter the iteral; meter that Gaod foo;i to cat rind plenty oi' s:cel
T."m He ,tenure a}t ne remember those of Mattis °blazed" thretiga the wood'. " L' •
,, ,,., 1 •,�, ,. ,t `, l , ..l � , l Bead in stlrh a way that the iaionc>, And then good thoughts you sure w2
t! ,.,x e -, , ra i� t ed. ,,t,, s, are ,Iau,e,e,4 s.etl who had; To blaze, as every sseotl nman kuoty ,
Z . 7!"t the `:... t ,.e,-.-7 t ' +r:i nt 4r fit ;Heti t a teethe:a 110:d, tell-', ie. to stril:c orf a chill from the sides .1aeri'' ori each neenlbel• of 'tire j,.lnily keep.
t on to ts.e :.',.: era, vith z, e, a:s wether 1rc en'.y, '1 11 husky! t 1 1x111: A s•;iln or a bath before attic,,,
R of 4,.ee5, co tn,.# the ?.tie t:f xtiarls s r ,
.t :l get ir:'." ,w k :+ :iceie. t J eee end working feces*, that they . ; 3:slr. All money Spoilt on repairing or ,
• ,, ,. ,. ,, , Kirdiet:te fte tlirec#ion cf the tla,l, errin" for clothing isproperly added Keeps you healthy, germ free, toe.
\ I sv., + t l ,less,, I: was s.Rv e1 forget Tl ^lt--t>rat they' In blazing for a path small trees a g Food Mattis sleep, sunshine and air
;, ; f . ,vl eel, tar
ao in aceoun .
s ' ' ^were z,1,.rleecl. bet, in blazing for the Are things for which germ -free folks
'filen !ew r the teirs ca'•a:e the eyes! t ei weir, p - i• . was n the ' IrauaetiO3tl retrainee expenses fossil
can be determined at the end of the.
1 .. this ,
T " 1, ,o eel life to 1 t'e ) k
+ i e : bade e` idoe w:atohl perhaps she, hotrods as it :t.t G•r loin lir for tt farm rare.
li c*�:: E 1 +r ..' ` t1«� 2`ext aCeOunt, and a varied one it,
Cheri , t..l,llz' 1 ..re e .1. .•ice l hini, too. And the asses that line larger trees were usually selected :, It . ;„ l ; l t If y'ou wtl,llt3 happy all dry, be,
A a et 1 little 1' t. , least a.,y 4a. It il,elut}e8 ell0ltty last #R , ,
"What .. it . 1. ^eel , ee t :Ley lose the little boot ,: ek ill Toronto had: the blaze being made afloat breast ' Yuen you want to be gena -fess:..
n:e X D' 1:. , '1 " :errt. 'rXIe 'was the Sort of guy us; high. When, however, as was often ! StyryiirltS, Ai ti`.ere are any`�1 laualtl2' ______"_......� __
w =, AMA: l' i, e xeIler,"+ 311 lilted" --that was the Iles- the ea r?, the blazing was done in win- lt�llu,`Care OZM1g;I`OLlnlls", CO�,y. `�00ia '
a,qe, deer• 1,•at, sY`.00 ••-T.1 gently,' w'0 tidal had come w:th thein. t eleewilC or gas bills, teleplltll:f' Si4tt. 4 To cleanse S:liltS anal <li,1 0 1011i`
•, , ter oil s eep snow be- nen tra elling on ' >,, .
° i t r. v e , .err , t,.a� was t1 vray they ,fall all; ,, , ate i the repairing of furniture or miler. d2;sso,:.'d ill 1sa2lia; wsAka
snowshoes, the marl, was Reeeesaeily € pl
Ani then her tee! ' Is:4,1, but th ' 4 - 1.1' h
d epee
to ,.
e F Y of Die
~' 7 Y, A Rs.
c,a + lef•Att> t t3 f ,• ? ..e tt -:n_ reed
Bet—and 3 little, L,_.e pride B.. el-; i lieT irT'.^ When such i1 line ;S tl 3,tl
n ltllet e it
through theist.
v i :e f `i i'r ': o , h e f his s' sir: :one tti them, not Cie . 1 ; _ v : 1t n. ' .. ± l a . +„ l
4-,, S`+. t .,o, _: them, 11'11 limed. Diel.a as he did;: I4,1 eel if Il t 1 'hr`. ).. _21 t;'r'� ,,, .t , +,�,..
„ ego." 1 ) kt:elle zero.;, d tring tv,1:4'li the t>t e. rte n rd s Liniment trice, by f�hlaicbttn,
": a'1' le, ,1,,,z1n net one of alenl amid have \:31 112.1' have pi .'.n, the 111ttrlte ere Cis.., tones e`l 211 i'Fy " C;1t on 1 nt ne;]1'S,lti�:iw __..r
R� �_d ,stele a :IC did. And nota' found high up on the trunk and :ire tides,charitable ok,feat_, traveling, t.x-
' felt penses or'
pleasure tr, books,!1
't� r I'' f:1 .1- -ln feat hi'e absence c e )n v- p p5, n111ga-
a keenly,: likely to esc a1 the eye of tile brae:- 41: -.:Ir...I:::' r ` '-'•) 1't' .e* 14, h" erly alone.. perienced. As many of them will also stars, papers, and everything of that
S,SY i:?: : ,: 1,.:" tains in his dre, ler drawerlay be leash:elf}• overgrown the tack of the
•...t her Iles, the !.elle sweater. caroler*" folded—', Selre•.'yi:r r:'ltti gees over One o1 these' A COlninll will he needed for "sun -
1: :laic a is , t i'e f never to be worn again; no ieeldries;'" items, that is, that elude exact
t kit i."'z lie 1i' le tie de'*se`:rating l and had touched it, n one I -.." aim's alti: ease-.tlaS£1f10211011 Where there are Sl'l:tlol
e * i -e 114,4: u Ifee-s id he ever should. , It the boundary line pasties to the; '
t S r;1-- She et , pncti, ehoIeing, High in the cloudless sky a meadow left of a tree selected for blazing the i expenses for 'children, either for fad -
"Oh. it e• all . „fit,, noncitured ;ark called tantalizingly sweet, In cut is made upon the right side. et tion Or. Sc1lso1L0oks, they may go into
Charlie. and he t a, i"ed away with a front of the house a messenger bay's! the line goes to the right the tree is • the sundries column if they are sola>1,
v.ag:ze :manner to 1:0 Gut and away ticycle bell jangled vibratingly, blazed upon the left side. i but if large they deserve a column of
t� In running a boundary at a corner, their own. That also applies to doe-
where two lines come together, either i tors' and dentists' bills, and meclicines.
a „monument" is erected --a stake sup -1 Money that is spent in purchasing
ported by four boulders—or a tree is! new furnishings for the home or le
blazed on all four- sides to indicate .as 1 adding improve _waits to house • or
ne rteeas pcssible the turning point of grounds,• should be distinguished from
the line. - • househcld expenses, for it represents
The permanency of the record made' an increase in the value of the pro -
by blazing trees is quite remarl-able. 1 perty. The column of such expen-di-
It is a matter of fact that in many , tures may be headed "furnishings,"
eases of disputed - lines or boundaries 1 A final column should be given to
of lots in forest lands the courts have • savings. In that should be eS'tered
held the record of the blazes as sof-- not only the money that is deposited
ficient and reliable, where carefully in banks or invested, but also ,money
drawn plans <-and• formally attested used to pay premiums 011 life • insur-
deeds have been set aside. The wound ance.
of a blazed tree heals aver, -but never ' Footings should be made every
so completely that the scar Shay not week, at least, in order that mistakes
be readily reccgnized by the experi- - or oSnissIilns may - be corrected as
enced woodsman; hence it follows soon as possible, and the amount of
that so long ae the blazed tree escapescash on -hand compared with the
amount that the book shows.
The totals of each of the columns
are carried forward to the head of the
The ,Shaving Service for Eve;y Man ---E rywhere
OU would say that the man pictured
here was well-to-do. His smart
appearance gives an air of Pros-
perity that is a distinct asset in , his
business and social life.
Now imagine him with a couple of day's growth of beard ! Who
now would guess his prosperity. He no longer holds his head
so erect
Yet a few swift strokes of his keen -edged and d he is read.
Gillette, �
to face the world again—sure of respectful attention
Are YOU depriving yourself of- far more than you can imagine by
delaying the purchase of your Gillette Safety Razor?
Do you realize that there is something more than easier shaving,
time saved, and a smoother chin coming from your investment of
$5.90 ina Gillette?
Look prosperous—it is the first step towards being prosperous!
Mel t a point ofasking Dour sibyl dealer to .showyou o
2 1b t2 a .rl , s f178
GILLETTE Safety Razor ,fiefs, including the nen' "I3ig Fellow" al
$5.00 the. Set.
Kees. !At
n Za¢ .two
lire and the axe of the lumberman so
long it remains a faithful 1 eeord of
the line as surveyed.
Blazed trees also fix dates almost next, page, so that the condition of
as accurately as they preserve bound- each account can always be seen at a
Aries.. - 1 he outer 'shell which Las glance, At the end of the year . your
grown over the scariscut away, and '.account book will show precisely what
the rings in the wood beneath the has been spent for each of the peer -
hark testify to the, number of years
which have elapsed since - the blaze
was made.
Sweet Content.
"Who loves fair flowers, ,
'And shady bowers, • .
And all the joys a garden brings,
Knows sweet content
And merriment,
Far more than happiest of kings;
The whispering trees,
The murmuring bees,_ . •
Each flower that node, .each, bird that
Are goad friends sent
With sweet content,
Unknown to happiest of kings.
Ells itemedy.,
Sir Oliver Ledge at a dinner in 13os-
ton was asked for his opinion of Chris -
Linn Science. will be precipitated and chows "on the
• Weil," he said, Christian Science, spoon or. in at_glas's as a' jelly-like
instead of trying to remove t disease, mass. Since dSlieriit fruits contain
different quantities of pectin; 'it is
well to ,make this test fol each kind
c C juice we use so that we can measure
poses enumerated. Also it will be
clear which accounts are larger than
they ought to .be; and where, if any-
where, money may be saved during
the coming year.
Sugar -Saving Jelly.
An ideal fruit jeNy;is beautifully
colored, clear and well flavored. It
must be of such texture that it quivers
slightly but does not ,break when re
motred from the glass. It cuts easily
with the spoon. We ,can produce suck
a jelly and save at least one-half the
amount of sugar, we have been in the
habit of using.
Wer know that.•,ithout pectin no
fruit juice call be ,made into jelly. To
determine the amount of pectin' prey-
em1 in an,f fruit juice, add two table-
sroonfills of denatured alcohol to the
i1r_e amount, Qf hot juice. The Pectin:"
iP-nores—,but let - 1110 illustrate "nay
meaning with a story,
"A man in a crowded street car sat
with his: eyes closed. The conductor the sugar accurately.
reaching him .said:
• `Wake uD. please.'
"The man opened his eyes and
• `i wasn't asleep,' he said, but I'
hate to see the women standing.' " Algae, jelly Sat y -be made by substi
;A perfect jelly may be made by us-
ing a. cup of sugar to 1 cup of fruit
juice from apple, currants or grapes,
which are high in pectin.
,..00AR' SZ SALT
Bulk Cadets
C, .3. CLiFF - e TORONTO
Used for 70 Years
Thru its use. fz;an dma:he:"s
youthful appearance has
remained until youth fags: ,P,
bemaa7: but a nitenozae�
The soft, refined, pearly 4.;•
white epee:sence i
smears 1,eres the joy'`
pf Beauty with yo• eel
for many
S&*Im all
the Ef vsr
^ MPERIAL, Parowax—seals Malt the natural flavors of fresh
- fruit into your preserves. The safe and sanitary way to
preserve fruits, jams, pickles or vegetables. Saves time, labor
and m
The Parowax way is 'elle easy way. - just .pour the meyltedwail
over your cooled preserves and' it solidifies into a clean, air -tight
seal -=dust -proof and moisture -proof.
—a pi:re ?efincd white wax, odorless, tasteless, colorless, atria;
lutely sanitary—no chemicals or acids:
Placed in your wash boiler, Imperial Parowax loosens the dirt,
bleaches the clothes and removes the greasy spots -that otherwise
require so much rubbing,; Rubbed over your• irod, and mixed
with your starch, it:gives that finished lustre to ironing that is
so much desired. ' Imperial Parowax, a household necessity. ,
For sale by good dealers everywhere.
Of ability and good focal connections—preferably
a tailor or clothing man
: et y
Can Earn' .
selling lateen's Made -to -Measure Clothes
locality. Style, quality and value of garments
from Ocean to Ocean. Address—in first
—with full information to P.O.. Box 105,
�" .,
in his
Montreal. s
S&*Im all
the Ef vsr
^ MPERIAL, Parowax—seals Malt the natural flavors of fresh
- fruit into your preserves. The safe and sanitary way to
preserve fruits, jams, pickles or vegetables. Saves time, labor
and m
The Parowax way is 'elle easy way. - just .pour the meyltedwail
over your cooled preserves and' it solidifies into a clean, air -tight
seal -=dust -proof and moisture -proof.
—a pi:re ?efincd white wax, odorless, tasteless, colorless, atria;
lutely sanitary—no chemicals or acids:
Placed in your wash boiler, Imperial Parowax loosens the dirt,
bleaches the clothes and removes the greasy spots -that otherwise
require so much rubbing,; Rubbed over your• irod, and mixed
with your starch, it:gives that finished lustre to ironing that is
so much desired. ' Imperial Parowax, a household necessity. ,
For sale by good dealers everywhere.