HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-29, Page 54 111111°"'"I'''ji Asus to *ell you about our Budget Nan --�t. bread and butter way of payrngfor your New Edison. Our Budget Plan finds tiie money for your New Edison, 50 you'll never oull never feel the spend- ing of it. NEW thisoi "Mt i'bssstra,M, ofts glut" You'll have your New EdisonP aid for before you know it. You'll enjoy it while you're , providing for it. System is the pocket - 'hook does the trick. Ask #bout it and see how well it works. J Fill s �Psawve1j, Dealer Exeter, Ont oio Iiiii1111111161111111111N{II 111,:: :,16111:1;, fiRWA-71 hoot Hip Excutsla s $15.00 TO WINNIPEG Pius r,• cent per mile beyond AUGUST 9, 11, 16 and 18, stations Toronto to Scotia Jct. ,inclusive; a- s* all stations on Depot Harbor "lidland Penetang and Meaford branches, AUGUST 9 And 16 from a1,1 Stations I. the Province `of Ontaria and Que- Le Pembiwoke, Golden Lake, Upter-. grove, Toronto and east.. August 11, and 18, foam all stations in Ontario, Toronto and west , For tfurthe,r particulars apply to any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horning, ,Dist. Passenger Agt. Toronto N. J. DORE Phone 46w Avant, Exeter VOTERS' LIST 1920. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN - SHIP OF STEPHEN COUNTY OF HURON Cre(ditoh Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt of Kit- chener visited Pit and Mrd. Dau! Oestreicher on Monday. Dann McIsaac has bought a portion of the Bertrand furniture shop and is having it removed to ,his own premises where he will erect a building to take care 'of 'his undertaking business. Mrs. Chas, Zwicker and Gerald werh in London on Monday. , G. Nicholson, has started pulling the! season's ocrop :of flax. He has three i pullers in 'operation, These machines have •done food work in the past and are doing much to solve the labor' :wroblem. The !results of the school examina- tions are announced and we are pleas- edto learn that ,out of eighteen can- didates 'from your school, only four. ,ailed. Our teaching staff is to be vngratulated. Miss Elsie Brandau re eeiw'ed the highest marks in the Coun- ty Dar her paper ,on Science and Carl and Lulu Morlock each received hon -k or marks. The baseball match between Credi- ton and Zurich, which took place last Tuesday ,might, resulted in ai tie, k nowitn that both Ne:` and Weir were uhysically unable to go in tae pitch- er's box,,we were rather doubtful if King Palmier could hold the ;ante far us, but Kna's pitchWng upset all pre- lictions He pitched a masterly game throughout but weakened in the end, which allowed the visitors to tie the score of 8-8, Kekoe of the Zurich team' appeared to "blow up and on several ,occasions batters were allow- ed to go to 'their bases without stril - `n the ball. The game palled for Fri- izy was postponed on account of :rain. . ne game will be arranged or at a Iter date, A very serious accident might have 11appened in Mor?ock's garage on.Mon- l;;y, afternoon, when ;overhead belt touch artvea the machinery, became .rn:a tenefl. One end caught Albert :+rr o e around the neck, lifted ,him f his feet and threw him across the against Ezra Foist, who rcce}- 1 the .full b+ow in his side, and was thnowa under a turning lathe: Albert badly brti sed but is doing nicely. .rt does ,not appear to be so well v> he was obliged to go to bed i summon medical attendance. We both ww rll be around again - in a lav or So. Mr, and Mrs,. Joshua Brown of Seb- cwann; . Mich., visited Mr. and Mrs. J. i Brewin last Sunday, . Miss Pearl Holtzman of Chicago is home for the holidays, Mfr. and Mrs. Ezra lswald of Kitch- ener are vision, under the ilarental rt o" Mr, and Mr.;,. Fla risen Holtzman of intuit: Creek, Mich.. are spending; a ew days in town w'th their parents. our threshers are getting their machinery :n sh — e !or the coming aeas'ort Ernest Guettinger, who has been, ww•orkin;; for.contractor Lawson at Grand Bend, has returned home to ;tart work with Cliff ,Hill. ;ti Lawson :s building a summer cottage at Grand -Bend. Next Thursday,. the Sth ,of August, tile Women's institute are having a in Kuhrn's grove. Alt members of the Institu.e wti• :n '.heir families are invited to at:en,i and enjoy themselves Notice is hereby given that 1 ;rave transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List At" the cop- ies required bythe said sections to be sc transmitted or delivered of the list -made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last, t evis. ed Assessment Roll of the said Mun- icipality to be entitled to vote in rhe said Municipality at Elections for meaner; of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at m office at Crediton, on the ZOth day of July ,A. D„ 1920, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call- upon all voters to take- immediate proceedings to have ahy errors oromissions correct- ed according to law. .'Dated at Creditor,' 'this 20th day pt July .1920. - HENRY EILBER Clerk " o'f Stephen Township, TAKE NOTICE That a By -Law was passed by the. Township :of Stephen on the '5th day l July 1920 providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of two thousand •five, hundred and fifty dol- lars SOT the purpose of installing a heating system is the School House of School Section' No, five, and 'that such By-law was registered in the Registry ,Office of 'Register Division. .af the County'of Hurost on the 19th day ` of July, 1920. Arty motion to quash, or set aside the sante, or any part thereat must be made Within three months after' the .'first publica- tion ,of the notice,- aliud cannot be, made thereafter. •11Y: EILB•F,R, Clerk not .T,p Stephetu. Datel at Creditor 20th iday ,of.„July, Dashwood Lucan Mr and Mrs, L. ,%'t ,Menzies have shipped their household effects tot Toronto, -Mrs. Wadsworth,and two. daughters of Melville, Sask;, are visit - `ng witl1 the former's father, Mr, Harry Collins and his brother and sisters. -- Kr. H. McGee, and children of London and Miss Mary Watson of Sarnia spent a After days at the hiome. of Mr. Leon- ard Fox. -Mrs. W, E. Prendergast of Chicago, acconnpanied by Miss Almira Johnson. visited at the home of tire former's daughter, Mrs+, Duncan G. Ross. -Peter the three-year-old son oif vfr. and Mrs, Harold Butler, was taken to St, Joseph's Hospital, Londont ow - mg to an attack of blood poisoning.- Mrs. Jos'. ,Sceli, daughter and .son o$ London formerly of Moose Jaw, Sask., were visitors with the former's sister Mrs, M.11, Armnt!aigd-Ernie, the 13 - year -old son of Mr. and Mrs; Geo, Betts had the zsforturle 'to get hid •i ;h t arm broker near the `wrist while ;ranking a car. The accident wird lay. airn up undoubtedly.for the balance of he holidays. -A highly respected res - Cleat Set?, the person of Mr. Thos. Hall passu away Saturday, July 17, at St, Joseph's Hospital, Elusion, Hensel *ass Sproule of Luc visited with Miss Katie 'Scott last week, --.Miss Dickson of the staff of Mr, T. G. Joynt is belidaying stn Sea,forth,--Miss Smith of Brantford and Af'rs, Bone of Toronto visited at the manse, Hen- sel), last week. -The annual picnic of of the Presbyeriaat, Church will be held at Grand Bend on Thursday, July 9, Intl the Sunday School of the Metho- 9 list Church will 'hold their picnic at he same place and day: --The main road between, Nelson and the Presby- terian, Church was oiled last week by he property owners in the block. -- Rev J. A. 1 fcConne]l, who has re.- urnee. from a pleasant holiday trip brouglt the West, took his duties at he church here ort Sunday. -Miss 1, Porn I borne from Taranto spend- h claday: with her mother. --Miss Jes- se if Bell. teller ,in the Sidettling Bank visited out, Wandsor Tar a low e',nys,- d.r. Jas. Johnston za:4 the mis- °c.: tun;:. to severely cut los left band va'chisel on Friday. Mr, J hnst on v ills be 1a:s1 un for some time Mrs; 1-tays .at Moose, Jaw, formerly Miss Currie sof the .Parr Line, returned to the West last week. -Mrs. John Cam- eron who has been, spending the past two months with, her daughter, :vfrs, Wm. Henry, is very seriously Bl,-- \fr. George Sutherland loft on Tues - of last week ,for Niagara, where he attended. the Masonic Grand Lodge All ,our pupl;s writing on the En trance and Graduation were success- 'ul ,four taking honors,, We ,extend' congratulations to both teachers and -'upils, : he pica;c held at Grand Bend on Friday was a success. The crowd was tar; e. the sports goad and the esus all that toted be desired. Mr. and /Mrs. D. ,,Pfaff of Sarnia were visitor; ;:i town, Sunday. Mr.and Mrs.C. Li;ndenfie.ld and Mr. and Mrs , Tait of Parkhill spent Sun- day with .Ir. and Mrs,. C. Ste nhagen. Flax •n ne uili is now the order of the day and several gangs leave town each morn'ng idiss Luella 'Memel. of Hesv[er is visiting .with her parents., The trustees of our school are do- Soule extensive rrepairs to the inside, rC the rooms which will improve conn- ditJons very much. M'r and Mrs;. Wm.- Ehlers and daughter Mina, and Mr. C. W. Yager visited an Kitchener! .owner 'the- week- end. . ivirs. Finkbeliner its at present vis- iting In Sarnia. Mr, Albert Wletltila atrnd sister, 01- ivfa, spent a. few days in IKitchenter. OVER -ACIDITY of the stomach has upset many a night's rest. If your stomach is acid - disturbed, dissolve two or three KJn J 10-5 on the ''tongue before retiring and en- joy refreshing sleep. The purity and goodness of Ki-inoids guaranteed by SCOTT & BOWNE MAKERS OF scoTT's EMULSION Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS -addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until noon, ' on Friday the 20th day of August, 1920 for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, an a proposed' Contract for Cour -years, , six times per week, over Exeter • No. 3, Rural Route, from the Piostmasber General's Pleasure, Printed niotiGes containing further information as to conditions of pro- posed Contract may be, seem, and blank ,form's TendercrnaY be obtained at the Post Offices for'' Exeter,. Hay, Celt- pailia Hensatll, . Cre titont;, and at theOrffice aoT''.the" Vast Office Inspector, „London , • CHAS: L N. FISHEtt:,• boat Office Iriipector, Post Offsee Inspector's Office, London. 9th July, 1920. Kb -Id and Bug More ,Every barometer by which 'investment values are appraisedk into to a StrC hnfhening tendency in the Victory Loan Market. e Minister of Finance announces there will be no increase. to the supply of these bonds. There has however, been an ;increase m the income tax. These two factors alone add sub- stantially to the value of Canadian Victory Bonds. Every owner should make the strongest effort to retain his present holdings. Also, be should do his utmost to buy more at pres- ent pies. We recommend: To those with incomes exceeding $5,000 a year: Price Yield 1933 maturity (tax free) ..: ... 99%.... 5.55% 193? maturity (tax free) . , .. ,101 — .5.41% To those with incomes less than $5,000 a year: 1934 maturity. , ....... .. . , 96 , . , 5.91 f Accrued interest to date of delivery' must be added to these prices: Our prompt attention and quick delivery is a convenience to our clients, f woad, Gundy & Coinpany Canadian Pacific Railway Building Toronto 10 meeting, -Mr, and ASrs. Albert Cud - more and son, Edwin, of Kitchener, i� and :Miss Beatrice Cudmore of Toron- to, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs: R. Cudraore.--Gordon A. McDonell.has accepted a position as .stenographer with the firm of -D. C. Hossack & Co. Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs. Will Pearce and Mrs. Armstrong motored to Lon - last week to see Afrs. Pierce's niece, Airs. Snell, (nee Edna Geddes), who has been very critically ill in the hos- vital. LUMLEY The people of Lumley are pleased to have; Mrs. Wm. Glenn and daughter Miss Maude, in. their midst visiting for t short time. -Miss Jewel Norris and four of her young .friends motored up from Mitchell and spent Sunday after- noon with the Broadfoot young folks. -Miss Elliott and Miss Lottie Kirkare spending a few days with Mrs. John Selves, -.Quite a ,number . of people from this vicinity motored to Kipper on Sunday 1a,'st to helar L. M. Smith Farquhar Miss MIW1ie and Reta Pollen of Mit- chell are spending ther holidays at their home -here,-Don't forget the moving pictures Thursday right, July 29 in the hall here. -Mr. Andrew Hod- gert and family, vfr. and Mrs. Milton Hodgert spent -Sunday at Air. Thos; Hodgert's. arrear Seaforth. Mr. Milton Hodgert is sportiit a-Ma'xwvell rurn- about. MOTOItIZINd THE FARM HE horse has been declared by Thomas Edison to be the most inefficient machine in the world.. In return for the amount of food and care needed, the horse returns less in work than any other machine. The average team of farm horses costs $400, a good set of double - harness $100, a wagon without box $115, making a total of $615. A Ford Truck costs $750 at Ford, Ont. A Fordson Tractor costs $850 at -Dearborn Mich. The initial cost of motorizing a farm is slightly greater than the cost of a horse outfit, but the lower cost of operation and upkeep of the tractor and truck and the greater amount of work done easily put the horse out of the running. - ' Government experiments have proved that the 'cost of feeding a horse is 8.7 cents per working hour. A team of horses cannot 151ow more than two acres in a teat -hour day.At cents 8.7 ce is per hour or 17.4 cents per hour for *team, the cost would be $1.74, or 87 cents an acre. A Fordson Tractor plows on an average of seven acres a day. The cost per acre averages not more than 75 cents per acre for gas and oiL The Fordson does three and a half times as much plowing in a"day at a smaller. ' cost per acre. Suppose you are hauling produce to market or bring- - ing out supplies. If the town is twenty miles away it will take you a whole -day to make the return trip with horses. If you have a heavy load and the weather is hot it will take you two days. If it took you twelve hours, the cost at 17.4 cents an hour- for your team would be $2.09. The average cost of run- ning a Ford Truck, for gas and oil, is 4 f cents a mile or $1.80 for the forty miles. But with the Ford Truck you can make the return trip in four hours. The truck enables you to make time times as many trips and at a lower cost per trip. But this is not all,.. If you motorize your farm you can get up an hour later in the morning. You have no horses to feed, groom or harness. You start work after breakfast. When dinner is ready you stop at the end of the field, drive your tractor direct to the house, ea,t your dinner, and rest till it is time to go to work again. In the afternoon yourniotorworks just as well though the sun is hot and the flies are bad. And at night when work is over you are through for the day,: no horses to rub down, feed or water. You are always free to leave your farm for picnic or vacation.—no worry about horses left behind to be. cared for. Every way you look at it the motor has the advantage over the horse. It means shorter hours on the farm, more work done in less time and at less costa ![flo Snel Dealer, Exeter