HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-29, Page 4p 1 1 pres e. The Western Fair LONDON Sept. 11th to 18th THE GREAT AGRICULTURAL AND LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION OF WESTERN ONTARIO. $35.000,00 in Prizes and Attractions JOHNNY J. JONES EXPOSITION ON THE MIDWAY FULL PROGRAMME TeNerCkee DAILY Al TO POLO, MUSIC, FIREWORKS. TWO SPECIAL EVENTS DAILY EXHIBITS OF ALL KINDS. e0METHING DOING EVERY MINUTE, GENERAL ADMISSION 'SOi. CHILDREN 15e.;; AUTO AND DRIVER .ATI informatioa from the Secretary. I t -C,al W. Air Geenshore, Presiln t A ,1(. Hunt, The Exeter l Y .,,nn.1 tlhe a a f �he issue thereof THURSDAY, , JUL " 29, 1920 ililage of E1ETE� - a,W No... 1920 BY-LAW NO. , 11 241 VILLAGE OF EXETER A By-law to authorize the peeve, and Treasurer of the Corporation of the lliunicipality of the Village of Exeter to borrow certaiu sumo of'. money to complete payment, for the concrete pavement constructed on Main Street under authority of By- law No. 4. of 1919. And for the issue and sale of fur- ther debentures in the amount of $20,000.00 to cover said cost. WHEREAS the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars is deemed neees- .nary by the Council to complete the payment due for the construction ot the Main Street pavement. AND WHEREAS S the amount It era- totore borrowed and outstanding for the purpose Aforesaid and the a- mount hereby authorized to be bor- rowed do not exceed the amount of the said concrete pavement construe tion. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the raid Village of Exeter according to the last revised Assessment Roll Is the sum of $775.275.00 AND WHEREAS, the existing de benture debt of the said Village of Exeter, exclusive of - local improve- ment debenture debt secured. fly spec- ial assessment therefor, amounts to the sum of $59„184,11 and no part of the principal or interest Hereof As in arrears. Be it enacted by the Municipal th Council of the Corporation of e Village of Exeter as follows: 1. That the Reeve with the Treas- urer of the said Corporation be, and they are hereby authorized in the manner and subject to the conditions herein mentioned to borrow upon the 'credit of the said Municipality the sum of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000.00) for the purposes herein before set forth and for that purpose to issue debentures of the said.Mun- icipality to the amount of $20,000.- 00 in sums of not -less than $.100.00 each and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Cor- poration and countersigned by the Treasurer of the Corporation and duly sealed with the corporation seal which seal the Clerk is hereby au- thorized, and directed to attach to each of the said debentures. The said debentures shall be dated and shall bear interest at the rate of live and one-half per cent. per annum and the said interest shall be payable yearly on the day of the month on which eaid debentures are issued and a`n b tub Qt hrills iPalatl p terest the said debentures shall be payable in annual instalnieuts with- in fifteen years,said instalments to Le of such amounts that the yearle amount pa able for erincipal and in- terest shall be equal as nearly maybe to what it; payable for prin- eiPle andInterest dueiu„ easel of tee other year; of such period of fifteen years as hereinafter set forth. 111 the Total Year Principal !t re- t Payment 1921 $80`2.51 $1101.1.0 $1952.51 1922 941.60 lu,a1 el 1942.:1 1923 992.39 999.12 1992.51 1924 1048.02 944.49 1992.51 1925 1105.67 886.84 1992.51 1926 1166.48 826.03 1992.51 1927 1230.64 761.87 1992.51 1928 1298 32 694.19 1992.51 1929 1369.73 622.7S 1992.51 1930 1445.06 547.45 1992.5.1 193 1 1524.54 467.9: 1992.51 192 1608.39 384.12 1992.551 1033 1696.85 295.66 1992.51 1.93 i 17;4i'.17 202.34 199 2.5 1 1935 1388.04 103.8e 1992.51 r.11t U1i:. by-law :,hair cY.a::lc 'rto and take effect at the lay of the lino ;tass:.ng thereof. That the votes of the E1e .or'; of the said Village of Exeter entitled to vote art this by-law be taken, on Fri- day, August Z0, aonrmercine at n;:ne o'clock In the forenoon, and continu- ing unt' fiveo'clock in the afternoon of the ramie thy, at ttl'e following place with:. the said Village of Ex. eter a.nd by the following Deputy-Re- turnin. Oft':cers, Palling Sub-divdsic t No.1, at Silas 13andeorda Residence, Main Street. Itele ai 1 Treble, D., R. 0.; Sidney .13vi';, Poll Clerk. 'Belling Sub -division' No. 2, at the E'z'wn, Hall, Vain Street, Wellington iohns 13. R, 0.; James H. Greive, Poll Clerk. .Polling Sub -division No. 3, at Mrs. elitehell's Office Building, corner of Main and Wellington streets. James Weekes. D. R. 0.; Alfred Gambrel Poll Clerk. 1 �w�aa�ira�w After Sickness 1 when the bodyis weakened,' d, vs, the best restorative is an easil' assimilated tonic food. Scott's Emulsion is the favorite nutrient reoom- • mended by physicians as a • means of re. -establishing strength. Scott's always, nourishes and vitalizes. Scott &Bowne Toronto. Ont. 20-11 _ .___t .,.._J BACKED BY SIXTY FARM EQUIPMENT �OYMIND TINA QUAL YEARS' EXPERIENCE! Sixty years of leadership -of giving good value, 'heaping satisfaction and real 'service! That's why the Gilson naive wins respect and confidence from coast to coast. That's why we are proud to sell this dependable farm equipment. THE GILSON ENGINE a Alt Sixes NIP ..mr. Cots You,. Nothing ``l,®' "The Wonderful Gilson" stands supreme. More Gilson Silo Fillers were sold in Canada The famous Gilson "Goes Like Sixty" fin, last year than any other make. It is guar- gine-any size for any purpose -Can be pur- tuttter ed utto be. the lightest running blower - chased on the easy payment plan. Let it cmade. pay for itself. Its economy and depend Be independent --get a Gilson Silo Piller and ability have made it the big est selling en- 611 Your own silo -with your own engine, 4 h.p. or larger --at the proper tune, when your coni has the greatest feeding value. THE GILSON SPREADER WONDERF[TL GILSON" gine is Canada. Let us demonstrate on your farm, HYLO SYLO The Hylo Sylo insures sweet, fresh, succulent en- silage down to the last forkful. , It is built to last indefinitely. Fjxclusive patented features of de- sign and construction, explain why the ilyio is chosen by the discrimia • ating farmer. Pays for Manure is the best fertilizer, You have it. itself in the first season. Use it! The best Manure Spreader made is Then year after year. pays theGilsoa. Why? It has a wide spread. 100 per cent. profit on, It is low down. It has light draft. - It will your investment. Can tale a real toad. It is free from clutches, you beat it? gears and all complicate3 parts. Call and see our nearest dealer, name below., He will shvel and make roti the equipment illustrated and on Gilson Threshers,,Dixie_Ace Tractors Wood Saws, nod Grinders, Pum' Jack:, P Belt' s inq, etc. Write for Catalog- . Made in Canada and Guaranteed by GILSON MFG. CO., Limited - GUELPH, ONT. Call and See Nerviest Dealer WM. FRAYNE, EXETER, ONT. Polling Sub-divis'on..,.T;q_ 4, At th North end Fire ];Tall, Frederick {Wit wer, k I). R. 0.; and Castor Willis, ler e atsoat acid duly sealed; with the Car- - aeration seal thereof, which. seal'the OI d Clerk ttor the time being is• hereby authorized and directed to attach to each of the saki debe,ntures, The said debentures shall be dated upon the date of the issue 'thereof, and shall bear ,interest at the rate of five and ante -half .per'ceat. per annum,and the said interest shrill be payable year - 1Y town the day of the month on, which said debentures are issued, and- as o Bath principal end interest gaud d'3- benturee phall be payable in aanualin- stalmeate within fifteen years, such iri- sttalme.,ts et> ,,be of such mamas that the aggregate aineunt payable [For erincipa.' and interest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be towhat. ,s payable Icor principal and interest during each Pe the other years of such period of eli teen, years . as hereinafter set forth Total Interest °Pristcipal Payment 1921 5440.00 8357,00 $797.00 1922 420.36 376.64 797.00 1923 399,65 397.35 797,00 1924 377.79 41921 797.00 1925 354.73 442,27 797.00 1926 330,41 466.59 797.00 1927 304.75 492,25 797.00 1928 277.67 519.33 797.00 1929 249.11 547,89 797.00. 1930 218.98 . 578,02 797.00 1.31. 187.18 609.82 797.00' 1932 153.65 643.35 797.00. 1933 118.25 678,75 797,00 1934 $0.92 716,08 797.00 1935 41.55 755.45 797,00 • That Monday, the 161h day of Aug-.• ust, 1920. at seven -thirty 'o'clock 171 the afternoon, shall be the day and the Clerk's Office, In the Libreey Build- ing, en the Village of Exeter, shall be. the place where the Reeve Shall} ate tend tea etepoin;t pers+alas to. attend at the various poling piaces, aforesaid, and at the fixed ;ittmnlang up aof the votes by the Clerk pa hell* of per- sons interested in, promatiag, or op_ posing thus by la,w respectfully. That the Clerk of the Corporation of the said Village of Exeter shall at- tend at his office in the said Village of Exeter at eleven o'clock in the £orenoo;, on Saturday, the 21st day of August. 19204 la elan up 'the number of vote, given for and against this by -'law NOTICE. The above ea a true copy of the; proposed by-law which has been tak- en into consideration anal' which will be- finally .passed by the Council of the Corporation, of the Village of Ex- eter. in the event Pe the asent of the electors being obtained (beret e 'ai terc one month from first uubljCar leve ;n The ,Exeter Times and, The hNet6.' Advovate newspapers, which,.first pub. Iiwat`•oo was the 29th day of July,1920 and at the ,hour, day and eelaces therein fixed for taking the vote of the elec- tors a poll will be held, Every lease holder entitled by law t e vote oa the 'tr S.� t. obs l 1 p by-lawshall at etsr ten days ;next proceeding the ti: .,.ar polling file en the Office of the Caere:. of the Municipality e stat- utary declaration stating that his lease set'; the requirements • by law 'eatite tee h:tr, to vote on such a by-'~aw, eta the names of ;lease -holders peg-- tine to file such a declaration shall -be paced oa the Voters' List- fer .:u: h treting. n; ro:t:itrns to appoint a to vote ort .'.ts behalf shall eat later than the tenth day before. the :a -Teen -el for teen; the vee, fee with the Clerk of the municipality ehe a.. n cc- -i; a.: a, ;Person tot 1, it'.nein- yeti and on ':ts behalf. D;ited at Exeter this 26th day of Ju'y, 020. JOS. SENIOR Clerk o. the corporation of ..he \a• - lege o. heeler. YillagE of Exeler By-law No... 1920 A BY-LAW to provide for borrow- ing the yuan oaf ,S8000 to pay for the 4aa truction .of a concrete pavement an \V•e11imtoa Street, in the Village of Exeter and toautha, tr' ie the issue of debentures :therefor :-• WHEREAS, the Municj;pal Council of the Corporation of Exeter and pure strait to a request oe the ratepayers that it h desirable and in the .interest of ..that Coror+ratian of the Village of Exeter to construct a concrete pave- ntent .ai Wellington Street, begintang et `l el Street and extendeng as far as the Grand Trunk Railway property with`,, the Village of Exeter. AND. WHEREAS, it has been estab- lished that it will require the sum .oD 212,000 to prepare the roadbed, do the necessary draining and to construct a pavement thereo,l. AND WHEREAS, under instruc- tions of the 4lunicikai ,Coun,ci1, of the V i.laae of Exeter, .estimates of costs •i' construction of a concrete pave- 'r,ent have been submitted and in said estimates the sum of $8000 is placed the sum necessary to complete the 7r~!aration s share. ,of said concrete 'iatement 'construction. AND WHEREAS subscriptions have been assured by interested par- ties in the said pavement construction in the suns of 44000, which subscrip- tion list will be filed with the Clerk or the Municipality of Exeter. AND WHEREAS, it is necessary' er the said purpose far the said cor- ••aratiart 01 this Village of Exeter, to borrow upon the credit of said muriici- pa'rity the sum 'of 28000. AND \VHERIAS, for the purposes aforesaid it will be necessary tq issue debentures taf the said municipality, of the Village pf Exeter •for the saicl sum' of $8000, and interest as hereinafter eroviaed, whllc,h is •tia.the► amount of the debt intended to he created. by this by-law; the pnoceeds of the said debentures to be applied in. the pre- eatration of the roadbed, and in the c.onstructiotn of ,the coancrete pave- ment' loan the said Wellington Street in. the Village toe Exeter, and for no AND WHEREAS, it i.s desirable to make the principal of th,e sad debt repayable ',y annual instalments, during the period pct fifteen years next after the issue of the d•eberitures therefor, AND WHEREAS, it will be rneir'es: satry to raise annually for the period' of fifteen ,years during the curr.e,acy` ai the debenturees to be issued her by under special rate sufficient there - ear 'bun all the rateable property within the + municipality ,the sum of 5797.00 for the, paying of the several instal- ment ' of principal and interest ihere- o:i at the trate of five and one Irani per cent per am'numi, AND WHEREAS,. the' amount of the whole rateable property of the Vili- aagc 'of Exeter according . to elle last revised assessment moll its the sum of $775,275.00. -. AND WHEREAS, the existing de benture debt of the said Village of Exeter, exclusive of local lnnprove- men,t"debenture d,ebt.secured by spec - al assessme its tiie,„reifor .amounts to tire: ;sum of: 559,184.11e and, no part sf the:ctrim:5pee or lilnterest thereof is in a,r'ears, Thereiare the municipal Coptic:il of the Village of" Exeter, ,enacts, as iol laws :- - • .l [t .shall be• eateful.tor the Reeve, end E rea$u el (of she said Village of Ex- eter eat ,barrow on the credit of the said c leitrataoi} the sum..ef 5,8000 `far 'he vurp°oses,'herein before set forth aid ear that: nurpo •e, tb is ue deben- teem; of ale said:enun&cipali_y .td i,the uuouitt era: 48000 'ia1; sttms -^f not ess !ram 1100 each. and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the aid corporation for the time being and c ou,n:tersigned by .the the Treasurer the time being of the. seed carpo. That this by-law shall conte into force and take effect pa the day of the ,final Massing thereof, That the votes of the Electors of the sate, \tillage of Exeter entitled to vote on this by-law be taken on Fri- day, August 20, commencing at nine,o'clock in the forenoon, and continu- in; unci» 'five o'clock be the tifternoon of the same day, ;at the following ,Makes, within the said Village of Ex- eter rad by the following Deputy -Re- turning Officers. Po:tin Sub -•d vis:oa No.1, at Setae Handtord's Residence, ;!lain Street, elawar'1 Treble, D. R. 0.; Sidney i)tris, I'•odt Clerk. s'olling Sub -division No. 2, at the Town, Hall, Alain Street, Wellingtoa Jahns ]:1. R. O.; James H. Greive, Poll .Berk, Palling Sub divlsioa No. 3, at Mrs, ti'tcheles Office Building, corner of Main and Wellington streets. James Weekes, 11. R. 0.; Allred Gambrel, 1?0'1 Clerk i'olfint: Sub-darision No 4, At the North end Fire Hal, Frederick Nat - wee D. R. 0.; end Castor W ill's, Poll Clerk That Monday, the 161h day of Aug- ust 1920, at seven -thirty •o"clock in the aftcrnoan, shall be the day and the Clerk's 0.fice, :n the Library Build- ing, in the Village of Exeter, shall be the place where the Reeve shalll i tend to appoint persons to attend at the various poltang places atore„tid and at the final suinlning up 'of .he votes by the Clerk ,oa, behalf of ner- sons interested in promoting, or op- posing thee by -last, respectfully. That the Clerk of the Corporation of the said. Village pf Exeter shall at- tend at his •offece ion, the said Viliage of Exeter at eleven o'clock in the forenceee on Saturday, the 21st day of Augu';t 1920, to suulup the number of vote: given foe and against this by-law. NOTICE. The above 5s a true copy of the proposed by-law which has been tak- en Into consideration and which will be ,finally .passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Village of Ex- eter, ,in the event of the asent of the elector^ being ,obtained thereto, after one month from first publiicatton,s in The Exeter Times and The Exeter, Advocate newspapers, which; first pub- :icat:,an was the 29th day of July,1920 and at the hour, day and places therein fixed .tor taking the vote of the .elec- ters a poll will be held, Every lease holder entitled by law to vote on. the proposed by-law shall at least ten days 'text proceeding the day of polling fate ,in the Office of the. Clerk of the ,Municipaliliy a stat- utory ;declaration. stating that his lease -neets the requirements by law ,entit- ling him to vete en such, a by-law. And the names ,of ,lease -holders n,eg- '-erting to .fle such a declaration shall not be placed oa the Voters' List fee e uch toting. Conroations entitled to appoint a nominee tD& vote on .:ts behalf shall not later than: the ,tenth day before the day appoisited ;fol taking ,ihe vote, file with the Clerk of ;the municipality the name in writing of a person to. :vote as its ,nominee and .on its behalf. Dated at Exeter this 26th day ,oif July, 1920, JOS. SENIOR, Clerk of the Corparation of the Vil- mage too Exeter. Zurich Mrs, J. C ICalbfleusoh, who spent a couple. months ;at Detroit, has re- turrnei'.-Mee and Mrs. Gorman Got- ha k of Cario, Mich., visited relatives here Mrs. H. Yungblut is spending a few weeks in Detroit -Mr. Valentine . Gerber ,Sr,, has purchased the dwell - me and eland ,m i3lake, which he has occupied Lor 'some time, from, the _deter Douglas estate. -Mr. Geo. A Brisson has ,sold his 100 -acre farm ogi the Goshen Lime, south, to Isis neitgh- bor, Mr. Simon Hoffman, who takes possession next spring. -Rev, Ray M. Geiger, Woodstock, son of Mr, and `Mrs Moses Geiger of the villa e, was united in marriage to Nurse Evelyn A. Willdfang daughter of the late N. Wildfang and Mrs, N. Wadfang, Elm- wood, ot the Evangelical parsonage, Chesney. -Air. D.1Gattschalk of Bad Axe: Mich., visited 'relatives here.- Owing ;to the absence of Rev, F. B. 11feyer e there we•rei no services -in, the Evangelical Church, corn; Sunday. -There passed away at Tris home oez Conces- sign 15, Hay, on Saeugaday, July 15. nti' John Geiger, aged 59 years, 5 months and 14 'days. Deceased was horn .i, Hay To. and liivied there all 'r is life and had been sick 'only -a few -days land' was about .going to London to he 'operated ' on, when She passed - eeacefully away with 'intestional ! +ab- tructio,n. He leaves to mourn : hise loss `his ,sorrowingWidow, tivo laugh - teas, Mrs. Geo Hopkins of St. Thom- , anid Mrs. Waris. Stade ,o!f ,near Dash - v tad. The 'remains were laid to rest n' the Lurnt:h Lutheran cemetery; [,ashen . Line, Tuesday. Incorporated in 1855 CAFTTAL RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches THE MC)LSON'S BANK. THE SAVING HABIT tike all other good habits is the result of resolutiien and pract- ice, By deposititxg regularly a portinit of your eannings in THE MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon acquired. Your money grows by the ad di.ian of the interest which we pay at current rates on ,savings bank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn upon when. really nee led. Avoid careless spending by opening a to ings arcoutl° with us. EXETER BRANOB T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch f Western University London, Ontario elks and Sciences 3Vledicine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND: C=ALENDAR \Ti RI ee K. P. R. NEVILLE, hegristrar Grand Bend Mr. Frank Allister of St. Marys spent a,lew dart's, at his home here last week, -Mrs. John Baird wee called to Crediton Friday, maim to the illness of her daughter' Mrs. S. Signs, -Mr' W. B. Oliver and Bert Statt+on were ion Gaderich Tuesday on business. -liar. Jos. Lawson will soon, have the abut - meant cora the north side for the new bri leg done. CLINTON-The marriage took place at 12.15 Saturday, in the Ontario St. Church, ,of M. E. Pretoria (Pearl), youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shipley, and Mr. Lloyd W. Curren. soon of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cur- tail of Godericb, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. 'Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness. Pin Your Faith ` to Hobbs Gold Medal Lines. `ATTENTION ! " EVERY article you . buy at any of the following hardware stores will give. you Distinguish Service " if you.make sure when buying that it bears. the famous GOLD MEDAL Label. " Quality" and " Hobbs Gold Medal meann the Look for the Gold Medal Label -a symbol of service. ' You'll find it on Harvest Tools, Garden Tools, Safes, Lawn Mowers, Sewing Machines, Roofing, Washers and Wringers, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Refrigerators, Binder. Twine, etc. Far Sale by All F >irst- cDaa: -Harr ware Dealers. 3 [HoBBsj. Goz,L limes yre_for sale_byi ' 1-101313`) HF _�nl+AMAI�11 � HARDWARE • A Good investment THE money you save earns interest when deposited in your Savings Department, and both principal and interest are safe and can be obtain- ed whenever required, Open an account. to -day. ssd THE CANADIANB N , OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL -, - $15,000,000 `'- RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855 CAFTTAL RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches THE MC)LSON'S BANK. THE SAVING HABIT tike all other good habits is the result of resolutiien and pract- ice, By deposititxg regularly a portinit of your eannings in THE MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon acquired. Your money grows by the ad di.ian of the interest which we pay at current rates on ,savings bank deposits. It is safe, and can be drawn upon when. really nee led. Avoid careless spending by opening a to ings arcoutl° with us. EXETER BRANOB T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch open for business daily. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch f Western University London, Ontario elks and Sciences 3Vledicine Fall Term Opens October 4th FOR INFORMATION AND: C=ALENDAR \Ti RI ee K. P. R. NEVILLE, hegristrar Grand Bend Mr. Frank Allister of St. Marys spent a,lew dart's, at his home here last week, -Mrs. John Baird wee called to Crediton Friday, maim to the illness of her daughter' Mrs. S. Signs, -Mr' W. B. Oliver and Bert Statt+on were ion Gaderich Tuesday on business. -liar. Jos. Lawson will soon, have the abut - meant cora the north side for the new bri leg done. CLINTON-The marriage took place at 12.15 Saturday, in the Ontario St. Church, ,of M. E. Pretoria (Pearl), youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shipley, and Mr. Lloyd W. Curren. soon of Mr. and Mrs. E. Cur- tail of Godericb, MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. 'Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness. Pin Your Faith ` to Hobbs Gold Medal Lines. `ATTENTION ! " EVERY article you . buy at any of the following hardware stores will give. you Distinguish Service " if you.make sure when buying that it bears. the famous GOLD MEDAL Label. " Quality" and " Hobbs Gold Medal meann the Look for the Gold Medal Label -a symbol of service. ' You'll find it on Harvest Tools, Garden Tools, Safes, Lawn Mowers, Sewing Machines, Roofing, Washers and Wringers, Cutlery, Sporting Goods, Refrigerators, Binder. Twine, etc. Far Sale by All F >irst- cDaa: -Harr ware Dealers. 3 [HoBBsj. Goz,L limes yre_for sale_byi ' 1-101313`) HF _�nl+AMAI�11 � HARDWARE •