HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-29, Page 3AUTO SPARE PARTS. for most manse and models of cars: 'Your old, broken or worn-out parts ','replaced, Write or wire us describ- ing what: yon want. We carry the largest and most complete stock In Canasta of slightly used or new put.rts- and automobile equtt,nient. We ship C.O,D, anywhere in Canada, Satis- factory or rotund In full our znotto. -Suavest Auto Salvage cert •Supray, 923-931 bu ffe:'in St, Toronto, Ont. noon. But toward sunset erne the magnificent phenomenon kuown to as- tronomers as the blue sun. This was observed by every one within thirty as forty degrees of the equator. The Golden Gates. La! to the goldeu .Gates of Morn, That guard a realm so fair, Caine on a time a little child A Number of 'Things.. Just 250 years ago the first Triple Alliance was formed by Great Britain, Sweden and Holland, to protect the Spanish Netherlands against the en- croacltments of France, Paris has a landlord who' welcomes children, and encourages large fami- lies."' He allows every one of his tenants to live rent free for the three months following the birth of a baby. England's largest land owner is the Duke of -Hamilton, It is estimated he could give au ay a square mile of land every day for half a year, and yet have a ccmfortabie little estate eight miles -square to call Ws own. Ten pounds of potatoes of good va- riety contain approximately seven and a half pounds of water and two and a half pound; of food, chiefly starch. The starch of the potato is equal as food to the starch which forms the 1trincipal nutritive substance in bread, After the fall of Emperor Nicholas, retecessivt; itusn ien revolutionarieet wiho held brief power. transferred great aunts cf inaney to Sweden, 111 expectation of the time when they would have to pack up their traps and Elsie. It i:, aid that ono Swedish bank ahem hold; $50,000,000 of Russian geld in this way. and very properly re- fuses to yield It to the original de- positors, who most certainly stole it. The New Zealand authorities are fighting one of the most remarkable birds in c.•si, tense, tiie tea," which threatens to kill off thousands of heap and ruin the New Zealand sheep f:trtnen The teat is a kind of parrot, a little smeller than a rook, with an ex- tivraeiy strung I!. al: and elaw,> for its size. It attaelte sheep day and night, and a 2lecn of the birds has been luloivn to kill no fewer than seventy street) in a single night. The extra- ordinary thing britt at the Rea is that the male fetiend be Cit anguished from the ft hair .,tel nt, l:i 1 ha,, ever been ennui. No one i:; able to say where the bird d l,rc ee' > or when, nor huts any ene Ce.. ..t iClthli ; birds. A blue sun has appe :;red once only and will prat .bly never be seen again even to the t,:d of existence. This oc- current in the ,„' uranit'r of le83, in the innate k.tatet. The emote waa the eruption of a largo volcano. In the terrible the elf that followed a great rant,:' t.lt mom:tains was blown coi;r- pletely into the aix'. The cavity left sifter the explosion was 1,000 feet deep. Billions of tads- of rock, dost xxwtrl mud were Wown upwart'v to a height of seventeen miles. The ::un was completely obscured. In 13atavia, fats milt's away, the street lamps had W be lighted, although it was not yet And fain would, enter there, Then swift the white -robed Morning cane And drew him gently through To the wonderful, wonderful Morning Land, Where ever the skies are blue, And where the flowers of Morning blew With eager hands Le ran, "Which will you. have?" The Morning said,. "To wear when you're a man? Lo, here the bud of wealth, of pride, Of fame .all fame above,"— "Nay, this fa fairer far," he cried, And plucked the flower of Love! A. man drew back to the Gates of Morn, "Now must I go," cried he, But gently The Morning took bus hand, "Nay, tarry still with me!" "F 11 h gatherL true Talking Duels. Hard. words break no benne, but to an Eskimo they are more deadly than a sword thrust, That is. why they settle their. differences -by reviling one an- other in tlx choicest and most sarcasto language. They fight their duels with their- tonguee. "When two Be kimos have had a quarrel, they pion A. suitable time and place for meeting, and notify the vil- lagers. They take turns at singing, dancing, beating drums, and hurling sarcastic remarks at each other. While one opponent performs, the other mast grin and bear it. Then he -gets his chance at tongue lashing. They are both given several Mon tunnies to tela everything they know and think about each ether. They even drag in the sins of their ancestors. Which one wins? The one who can get the greatest num- ber of laughs out of the audi- ence. "For a wino Love' s I ger; flower, v •1 U �, tiI l 2 FOOD �v Though no'or their fame be snug, Rest aye in the wonderful Morning Land Where ever the heart is youngi" CO STI A 1$ii f CIIILDREN Children who suffer from constipa- tion, indigestion or any of the other ailments due to a clogged condition of the bowels will And prompt relief through the use of Baby's Awn Tab- lets, The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which . can always he depended upon to regulate the bowels and sweeten the stomach. They are absolutely safe and are sold under a guarantee to be entirely free from opiates or other injurious drugs, Concerning them Mrs, Thomas A. Boutot. Lake Baker, N.B., writes "I ant pleased to state that Baby's Own Tablets were of great help to me when my baby was sufferint, from constipation." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mala at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Forty Mice a Day Owi's Task. The barn owl, when she has young, brings a mouse to her nest about every twelve minutes. As she is ' actively employed at both evening and dawn, and as both male and female hunt, forty mice a day is a low computation lfor the total eaptnre, A man who takes his own time will generally take everybody' else's, too. M'l:xard's Liniment for sale everywhere A Blouse and Iwo Skirts 9585 9531; Ladies' Surplice Waist (with chemise;.te; two styles of sleeve and collar): Price, 25 cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins, bust measure. Size 36 requires, with long sleeves, 2% yds, 36 ins. wide, or 234 yds. 40 ins. wide; vest, % yd. 10 ins. wide; 'with short sleeves, 1% yds. 36 ins. wide, or • 1% yds. 40 ins. wide. The tsupliceclosing waist is pleasing to all, asit is generally ibeeoming. 9566—Ladies' Pleated Skirt (side - . side. yoke .sections; 37 or 35 -inch length from waistline).. 'Price, 25 cent7. In 6 sizes,, 24 to 34 ins. waist measure. Size 26 requires, 37 -inch 'length, 3t/a, :yds. 36 ins. wide; or 2% yds. 54 ins. 9566 9560 wide; .35 -inch length, 3% yds. 36 ins. wide, or 2nd yds. 54 ins: wide. Width, around bottom, 8 yds. This is an effec- tive design and easy to develop. 9560—Ladies' Four -Piece Draped. Skirt (attached to hip yoke; front and back panels accordion pleated or plain; 37 -inch length from waistline): Price, 25 cents. In 6 sizes, 24 to 84 ins. waist measure. Size 26 requires, accordion pleated, 3a/s yds. 40 ins. wide, or 2% yds. 44 ins. wide. Width around bot, torn, 1 yds. Theise pattern may be obtained from your local McCall ` dealer, or from the McCall 'Cp., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. Why.n*'.haveallt . t � a.nd cof apleasures ca. - fee's harm ? #Tarink Vis`,,.• . ��'"® a k,as on Ask the 9D; Canadian Posturn. Cereal Company, Ltd., Windsor, Ontario. AND GOOD HOURS Help You to Resist flisease---.lid 'These With a Tonic to Keep the Mood Pure. The power of your body to resist disease and to fight it after disease gets a tuotbold, is one of the most precious possessions you have. You weaken this power when you let your general health run down, your blood gets titin and your nerves unsteady. You weaken it viten you wry, a when you over-warIr, when you do not get sufficient sleep, and wben you are under -nourished, either because you do not eat the right land of food or ' because your digestion is out of order, You preserve your power to resist disease when you keep good hours and eat proper food at regular inter- vals. Yee further increase and strengthen resistance to disease when you build ixpyour blood and nerves by the occasional use of a tonic line Dr. Williams Pink Pills, which are free from opiates and harmful drugs of any kind. The value of those pills as a health builder is fully Shown by the experience of Airs, L. C. Taylor, Hanover, Ont., who says: "'At vari- ous tines since I was a girl of fifteen I have proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams l-liams Pink Pills. At that age I was in a much run down condition, suffer- ing from many of tho well known symptoms of anaemia. My mother procured a supply of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and after taking about a half dozen boxes I was restored to normal health. .again after my mar- riage, and before my boy was born, I felt miserable and again took Dr. Wil- liams Pink Pills, which once more met all _my expectations and fully re- stored my health. My latest experi- once with these pills was following an attack of pleursy, which left me com- pletely broken in health. Part of the time I was under the care of two doc- tors, and for three months I was prac- tically between life and death. Again at my mother's suggestion I started the use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. I had not been taking them long before I could tell that they Were helping nie. Day by day I could feel my strength returning, and was soon enjoying good health once more. Xn view of nay ex- perience I think I can 'safely say there is nothing in the way of medi- cine better than Dr. Williams Pink Pills. -Dr, Williams Pink Pills are sold. by ail medicine dealers or -by mail at 50 cents. a box or six boxes for $2.50 front The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. All About Cloves. Ninety per cent. of the world's .sup- ply of cloves come from two tiny is- lands off the East coast of Africa— Zanzibar and Pemba. Born in thetroplcs, the clove takes unto itself some off the intense heat of the broiling sun. To pass through a clove plantation in the harvest is to experience one of. the most fascinating sights upon earth. The high trees—some of.. then nearly forty feet, and closely resembling an olive -tree in appearance—are ,sugges- tive of giant perfume • bottles, dis- guisefein leaves ''The air is saturated with the delicious scent, and for many days afterwards your clothes carry the seductive aroma. To lie at anchor off Zanzibar en ai moonlight night, with the ,scent of clove, heavy in the air, is to live in an' earthly paradise. The clovetrees are planted in long lines, about twenty feet apart, miming • east and west, so as to ensurethe crop having a maximum of sunshine, yield two crops ayear. The cloves are found in bunches, of from ten to fifteen, hidden underneath the leaves. Swahils, the natives of Zanzibar, gre, employed by the Arab owners' of the plantations to gather the crops, telescopic ladders being used to enable thein to reach the tops of the highest 'trees, where the best cloves are usually found. After picking, the cloves are taken to huge open spaces, cutin the bush, which serve as drying grounds, the" cloves being clried - in the sun for several •da;fs: This drying process is necessary, as cloves quickly clep•ecl SUMMER HAY ,ply ■ FEVER F!.. —sleepless nights, constant sneezing, streaming eyes, wheezy breathing: --- brings relief, Put up in cap - stiles, ea. sily'swallowed. Sold by, reliable ,druggists fora dollar. 'Ask MIX agents or send card for free sample .to Templeton's, 142 ring St. W., Toronto. Agents, ITS Or FROM HE MERE Her Night In. Shaw -•-"Did the new maid ask for a night off?" Mie. Shaw- -"No, she asked which night we expected her to stay at home." all Toronto and Hamilton drug- gists, eo ate to two-thirds of their weight after picking. -In these drying -fields, bun - Brads of native women aro employed i malting mats of dried grass, ~Moll s form a protection to the clove at night against the heavy dew that fells in I that part of the world. i A lcug trail of two -wheeled carts, drawn by bullocks, next eonvey the prWoes spice to the town of Zan:titiar, where it is weighted and pacltee itt bales, containing a fracsilla--thirty s live pounds In our weight—and then; taken upon low Sou; -wheeled native carts, called gherries, to the beaux, there to await the arrival of a passing steamer. The proressiou of the, a gitari'ie's is . a very amusing sight, as the motive ' power is the trigger's head, Last year's .clave harvest yielded two laths of fracsillas---roughly ur- t teen million pounds weight of cloves —representing six million dollars. Besides being used for spicing con- fectionery, cloves are crushed for the fanxctt, "011 of Clone" which unfor- tunate folk pureaase [rent the chemist, to ease ate aching teeth. ('love stens, the fibrous strings that hold the bunches of cloves under the leaves of the tree. ::re_ valuable for dye;. The Germans were always ready buyers of these stems. but since they have no longer any ae:,'ess to the mar - net, nhany stacks of them are laying in `t::rt.gebar--unwanted by less enter- pr,.:i:'g nherehants. To wake up in the morning, fresh, non -grumpy, and with the cheerful "Hail, exuding morn!" spirit, i,a the happy lot of a few -a very few! You could thick out those fortunate indi- viduals on a. station platfor'hn : ny morning. The rest—well, they don't "find themselves" till about eleven a.m., or later. They are suffering from morniugitis. and why?* Well, for cue thing, they most likely, did liot wake up naturally, but 'iret"e awakened --ruthlessly, yet necessarily, and dug out of their unfinished sleep. There's all the difference in the world between waking up and being woke :up! The remedy is either to go to bed earlier, eo that you can have your sleep out, or to readjust the way in which you spend the hour before re- tiring. etiring. Nothing should be eaten dur- ing that time. Tltat enables the pro- cesses of digestl'm to begin before you retire, and your internal arrangements will have a needful rest. Nor should you smoke within, at least, half an hour of bed -time. An hour would be better. Smoking is a form of "drugging," not a vicious or wicked one, and much of that morning heaviness is due to smoking right up to the tirne of going to bed. As a nation, we are far too fond of a multitude of bed -clothes. We get too hot; body exhalations cannot es- cape; our health is affected. Hence— morningitis! Reduce the bed -clothing, therefore. And when you have done that, and adopted the other hints given, take away one of the pillows from tinder your head and put it under your feet. For perfect sleep, and a fresh wakening, the head should be on the level of the body, and not elevated. i orningitis means a loss of ef- ficiextcy. -.So prevent it, .or cure it— and wake up A 1, not 0 3. This is to certify that fourteen years ago I got the cords of my left wrist nearly severed; and was for about nine months that I had no use of my hand, and tried. _other Liniments, also doc- tors, and was receiving no benefit. By a persuasion from a friend I got MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT and used one bot- tle, Which completely relieved me, and have been using MINARD'S LINT 1,MNT 'in my family ever since and find it the same as when I. first used I it, and would never he without it. iSAAC E. MANN, Aug. 31st, 1908, Metapedia, P.Q. Ostrich Telephone g. Wli.en the eggs on the ostrich farms in California are on the point of hatching, a e n-ious tapping of the shells may be heard. This the keepers call "telephoning The sound_ is caused l[I the tt,e eggs endeavoring, to break ,out. Thfillti which- caunot easily emerge are as- sisted•by the mother bird, which will sometimes break an egg from which the telephoning is lteat'd ev pressing it carefully, and will then aicl the chick to get out. At the Pasadena -Vann the sight, of a boy riding: an ostrich asp he would a' pony may sometimes be seen. Look Before Leaping. Deliberate long before doing what it is impossible to tendo. ED. 7,' 15SUe•. No. 30-20. Why Indeed! Youngsters have curious ideas about age—rather surprising to their elders. Little Marie was stttixig oiz her ,grand-'. father's knee one day, and, after look- ing at hint intently for :a time, site !, said! "Grandpa, were you in the Arlt?" "Certainly not. my dear," anewered the astonished old plan. "Then why weren't yen drowned?" Close Races. Aix Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman were indulging in reininis• cense. of sporting occasions, "The cion •.t race 1 ever .taw was a yacht men." said the Bnglisliman, "itt which one of the beats that hid been recerxtly painted won by the breadth of the coat of paint." "The closest rnec I ever maw," de- clared the Scotsman, "was one in whicli a horse, stung by a bee, won the height of the swelling ou itia Ease." `'The closest race I ever saw," saki - the Irishman, "is the Scotch?' MONEYORDERS, A Dominion. Express Money Order for rive dollars costs three cents. Burmese Careful of Honor. In Burmah people of superior rmtit must not dishonor atemseivol by pass• ing underneath Thera€ne of inferior rank. Tihus, a noblemen must not pas: through a hall wlien a servixx.t is nC cupied in. a chamber above. This Is one of the chief reagins why most of the houses iu I:urnalt ure only or. storey. In Japan straw is converted into. bags for grain, shoes for the feet,' raincoats for the body, roofs for houses, paper mats, screens, beds, and numerous other articles. Classified Advertisements. :Oa 14.rai AT cIiOn SHARE'S WOIZTX'i TWO J dollars, et since -five cents. Her- man Lippert, ICitchener. wa.etnnes--SZQET proarEs, itno1Sl' 0 \L, TO Z'I V THOUSAND r.ND ,L words. Oet real money if your Stories are snappy. Write Short StcarY Market, b Columbine Ave,.. Toronto. Rubber Using iinser,tg. When Para rubber trees are tapped, after the gum has run into receptacles- and eceptaclesand stiffened, a species of large black ant ie 'accustomed to cut out a Bees of the rubber and carry them away. Bees also find use for India. rubber, and, some species in South America actual- ly cut the bark of trees that produce resinous substances in order to cause a flow of the sap. The guilt is'employ- ed by the bees as a ready made wan for their nests. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Highest Paid Ruler, The Ring of Italy, who bas volun- tarily reduced his allowance from the State, has been, sieve the downfall of he German and Austrian Empires, the most highly paid ruler in Europe, his yearly salary being $3,750,000. MOTHER! 'California Syrup. of Figs" Child's Best Laxative > Accept "Oaiiternia" 13yrup of Figs only — Iook for the name California on, the package, then you are sure your child is baying the best and most harmless physic for the little stom.. ace, liver and bowels. Children love BEAUTY IN HAL% its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Call. tonne." Girlsi A rnass of longg thick, gleamy, tresses e Let "Danderine" save your hair and double its beauty. You can -have lots of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair. Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly or fading. Bring back its color, vigor and vitality. Get a 35-eent bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter to freshen' your scalp; check dandruff and falling hair. Your hair needs this stimulating tonic; then its life, color, brightness and abundance will return—Hurry! Co fact Feet That Itch And Burn With Cuticura Por tired, aching, irritated, itching feet warm baths with Cuticura Soap followed by gentlo applications of Cuticura Oint- ment aro most successful. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 arta. Sect Sold throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepoth L vans, Limited, St, Patd St,,14ldittreaL , W—Cuticura Soap ei aves watnout mug. Amcie.c 'it Zioneer Dog renin tee Book on DOS.DISE SES astd • Eow to 'oed Nailed Free to,an/ Ad• dress by the Author. ilt. oiay Glover cis., Ina 118 West Clot Street . New York. U.S.:,. 30 ilag COUGHS ONLY TABLETS MARKED '' AYER97 ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" (((((17 1 • ��r".��1)^"' -: h / i1 tt �; "4;.:11 �� ,moi i7 / , 1 Tho:iiaixu "Bayer ''�e s,opeaon tab-. contains -pi -deer cliroetiofa for lets positii e,g identifies the 031.iy gen- Headache, Toothache, Illarache, tllp ^yAGn li—til Aspirin Prescribed 'ralgia, Liir-oago;':TItoumatiern, p i,nyslclans to; Dior nineteen years tis, Joint Pains, and Pain 'gone fly. and now nnaclo in Canada. - handy tin boxes containing i2ieai's- _Always buy .an unbroi;;eli package lets cost but a few cents. Drag lots of "Bayer Tablets of A,7oirin'' ivlliclz also sail larger "Bayer""packag 'Triter'© :19 oxil one Asti ainw.•4a ; . "• Yo "Mayer' J ayox' �'.' ;t unrest say ,Aspirin 1s the trade nark (rot is1. red. !it Canada) • of Bayer ttanutaeluro of 14,ono acetIcacldostcr of ial,cyli-o.ci1. wh110 it la well known that optrin•inean. Boyar' manufacture, to-ass,st rho public against iraitatiors, tho Tablas of .Bayer Co )arry, ;w111 be stamped ,with their Seuera,k trade mark, the "Bayer Croaa.", ,Oil it s .Ve li X1J41.11,�:'w-