HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-29, Page 24.,••••,•
In order to lay Wen, a birt mist
have a amend body, and must be 'vigor-
ous ard healthy. Vigor and health
re shown by bright, eine eyes, a.
well -set body, a ;eomparatively active'
Address communication to AarenornIsti 73 Adelaide St, West, Toronto dieposition end a good circulation.
There mot be no physical defects
eueh as crooked beak, excessively
longs toetnaile, eyeliche that overhang
o that the bird can IVA KO well, sealy
er anything elee that would keep:
the lerti from seeing or gedting
aeendame of eo.tl,
A laying fowl us up the surplus,
Int in the hotly, especially the at fram;
the ikin. I yelloweetiinnee breedsi
this lose of fat can readily leseen by
the lognief, the yellow ;color. The dif-
rerun parts of the body tend to be-
come white, according to the arnouriti
et': fat stoied in the ittely and then
emeunt of circulation of bled threugh:
te !mete. The chenges oeeur in the i
following ord e.r
The vent changes very quickly with{
egg production. so that a white or:
pink vent on a yellow -skinned liked;
gererali,ei means that the bird is lay-
ing. white a yellow yen; means a bird t
is not laying. All yellow-eelor changes,
are dependent on the feel coal-et:nese:
ef skin arid sine cf bird. A heavy hied
fed en E121 elitredence of green feed or
ether material that will color the fat
deep yellow will not bleach out nearlev,
tettiekly int a mailer or viler COT)
E:red I ird.
, Measuring Cows With a Short Another ration that works . well is
Yardstick, made up as followsi 200 . pounds of
Jebel Brown has a hors.* to sell.' -
bran 2000Deunds -of ground oats, 100.
Yea need an extra horse for the 11°I'm - i .
ds of eornmeal 15'0 pounds ofd
spring Plowing, and decide to look
elatee feed Give etude cow a pound.
at the beaet. or two of oilmeal and. a pound or two'
Brown leads the horse cut of cottoineeederneal emit day in addhe
barn. You rub his lege,. look at his
a the ' tion to.this grain udeiure. 'Tea much!
eyes, try his wind, exarn-me leis teeth cottenseed-meal eauses constipatior..`
to see how old he ie., anti finally, Aleo, cows fed too heavily ere this
having eatiefied yourself that the ani- rnateritd are liable to sudden chariges.
mal is all reeht, you sae- to Brown: Keep manger$ cleang remove ail,
"Is he a good worker?" feed' that is not eaten, QOWS MEEEEt L'o,
comfortable. Bed them well with
Imagineyour surpriee when Diemen straw. A pail 'ef water where the'
answers: ssHis record for the fireti cow can have it at will often adds
seven days we had him early liett . to the amuunt et' milk. All -water
spring is a wonder; I can't say svelmt! should have the eliiii taken !rem it.'
he did the F2'..F.: of the ewer."' Wouldedt1 'When mint produetien gees dev-n. re -h
you naturally be eonetentel 1) 1t1 duce the teed a trifle. There Ls a
vhat the horse, did the rest of the iitehet tieyentl which a cow can no': go
year beile.re I.:eying him? , in teking calm of fool If to mueb.
That, Mae:rat:err is (min- et
tlen, of coame. But it lee% sti very, geed fie ia it. It take,. seine time for
differerit from tide, whieh is a. reality: a eew to beeoele rietnettomee to a new
Smith has, a dairy cow for eal.e.i ration, as tide example shows,: ,
She is' reeeihieered in the hieradinleied A ccev en test at the .ld.chigant
of her ?reed. and the ewnee vriel give reeperiment Seatiem deepped :trent
a n.:14,,,ree with her. A. reeerinerH 2hirt1..fh°0 t -E. thirty permit; ef milk'
1221 EN eeeteheate shews that the 'mem a day, in eelie c..bevemes in the grain
is not affeezeil with any diseaee. 1,Viviii t mixture. Her erein ratien weei
you astk Smith how 11 12 betterfat' thanged from twtaty-enti pound,: 1
the cow eroduceemite repliee: "Iler: day to eighteen peettele a day. and
reverd for seven days is thirty! ehe regained her fornmr nrolection,
e euncle." Weeliiret yea warn to linevid but .t tone two weeks.' time.
what the we- eeuld do the ret oft
the Yeerii --The Press -a -Button Farm.
file leek -el. -nay remiril of butterfat r: :
4, rCeizeng V, bitten will ligett the
1 '-il a ''''afe ilikiilmlri' of eimiern frirm home, rump the water,
the weriii i'd ia e iiii-en %env. met' illeir° milk thE' E',7":2*, St2W the wool, thresh
then :i igemine.ei regire le a eafe egt eigeeii eepiemitie elm mile,„10. ege
gamier,. iii e a smirk harsh. The only waehing, asil keep the herueewife ecol
l'ul:''' lew.: Ill fi't:'It'li "'"'.'`e 's th':' :''0:tt.:T while she (2E:QS the ironing.
test. J. C. Britt„ a Kansae farmer, hae
tt '9"id.:"..il:c. liffri far a iiilw l'ii °".1i7 the eleetriti machinery to Jo all thewe
grain is fedthe emvs do not get any
la% 41: The men -le gregrally iTwet now rii,e4iteebors
,-rf hire as, the most up-to-date fernier
leimens. His daily reutine wan-
13ie 1,13.**7 1 ie /ill the time it titles to peees
ete tie 7..E, E,7° ',2?•EN^ tot t,4 1aCt"., that the maehintry
—mem tee t17 : 7 gam; rempimpei
Bettie house eoraiereeille Term
ie. eireippe 1 with fan eleetrie wetter-
maimizig eyetten that gives. a weter
pieseure tee enneti as eity pe,pe €12-
..E2" . jCy. limeee hem a bathroom,
st weed
teee e theme
'it' • ,"2-•
Timm wee ten, 14.t, tele lighte. eleet4e fan, waehinperaa-
e ail1 tTt VIva" thine, an 1 eimarie 'mons. He else hes
W4"L. a number of eleetrie table inirven-
rt ed. a primer. Bei w7-elltellitc,if ,,mrieem
2r120 24.4iny :£ whim 11 4.1 first coin,
tl:e ere th,,t1*0tt 10of, nit need elianiting lee farm frill',
w A id":eit" b 2l 2O14. 2)4 pleee to a modem farm
le"; '11":‘:. home, he first timught, of his wife. He
4.10' pueehased the wnshingemachine. irone.
frill, lights, and other thinbefore
t he bought any mai...limes for himself.
C07.; eitn •
ilriielvelt"11of it eciw Hie order for household equipment
yeeity test wili mere than pay for ineluded two electric irons. New24
141'c'” l4.11.1,1,1,11 neighbors say that hire. Britt uses
Tim teet en the e 'Leer& 22 one of the itone while hor hu,hand
weith mere eemetimee limn the time struggles with the °thee. As.. thee'
a--1 trd thee neves:haw tet I -Helm the,
renascd oalv eine electric fari, die
teet. A tow on yeerly te-t atig the toll
quive a <apatite- for more :tied, 2122.1
an, e tem e
eleew Letter eider develepment .3re'1.1;261 while thee' uo the weekly,
nsi a rePrit of huivier peednegoni
selifte em. te-g. As a baele of selection, The pumping sieetcm pumps the
elii t — m
eel tee et P 't 1' • r.
.1, •
aiell water and forees it into a large
t)1,1 centainer in the attic of the house.
Feeiling end hen.ilinte cows
The eye-ringe. that is, the inner
edges of the eyelids, bleaehee otit it
trifle elower thaa the vent. The ear-.
hime Leghorns and Aneonas bleach,
out a little more slowly than the eye-!
riug, so that it bleached ear -lobe means!
littie longer or greater production!
it leletieheil vent or eye -ring,.
The color goes out of the beak, be-
ginning at the hese. and gradually
disappears until it finally leaves the!
front pert of the upper beak. The!
lower beak bleacihes faster than the!
upper, but may be used ae an indiH
emien where the upper is ebscured by ,
hem or Meek. On the average colored
?di:ow-skinned bird, a bleaehed beak!
means heavy production for at least
the rent icur to six weeks.
ze alike he -!, o
ldeach fait and lienee indicate a nitwit!
lenger period of preduction than. the
• rtc "I • • .1 cf- n-
•• • • • , • •
VIA of the scales on the front. of the
shanks anti finally from the scales on
eke rear. The seales on the heel of the '
shank ere the last to bleach out and ,
may generally be used as an index as
to the natural depth of the yellow;
coke ef the tird. A bleached-outi
shalik usually indicates fairly heavy
production for at least fifteen mil
E + .
The yellow cater comee bath int�!
the vent, eye -ring, ear-lobee, beak and
ebenks in tile same order that it went!
out but the miler returns mueh morel
goickly than it goes out. A vacation
or rest period can eornetimes be deter-
mined by the outer mid of the beak
'being bleached and the base being
In the junk pile on Peter Turnble-!
down's farm you can find almost ;
everything but empty paint pails end'
worn-out brushes,
yearly test is more difileult than feed- Suffiment pressure is secured to forcel
frig and ham:lithe eines in ordiaary
; The recent coal shortage didn't
Extracted Honey Sells Best.
With the majority of beekeepers
July is the reason for extracting
limey, but those whose surpliesiS prin-
tepally from buckwheat, and little if
any from the clovers, depend upon the
later part of August or early Sep-
tember as the time in which to extract
the limey end take the ecnm) seetions
While there is, and probably alweys
will be, mare or less demand for comb -
hone y, the majerity of commercial
beelicepers devote their apiaries to the
prieluctien of extracted honey.
Production of extracted honey per -
mite very rapid expansion or tiering
up ef the surplus bodies, without come
exiling, the bees to build combs for
storage, as in the case of comb. sec-
tions. This is inuell more •satisfactore-
freM every standpoint. Resides,
swarming is reduced to a minimum.
The larger hive with its deeper
tombs in the brood nest givee it pro-
lifie queen ample space in which to
•lay and confine her work to the hrood
chamber proper. Mott quoits show it
deeided desinelination to extend their
activities to an upper breed body, for
the jcerney across the tops of the
frames, and the inevitable blank space,
breaks the coedit:laity and ,e,yriametry of
the breed met Whe-ee the ordblary
type of hive is used, queens mnst
either do this or he crowded in the
(mammy broad bedy. The result is
mearming. This holds true for bath
eomb, aud extracted honey.
By all means iet the bees op the
celle tentaining honey before extract -
15 dorm and a nice ripe article will
be the result,
Where ;cne has but it few colonies,
a bee-eecape board is an advantage in,
clearing the bees out of the supers; it,
prevents the uncapping of cells when
the I'M; ego smoked down into the
brogi t:Inunbcr, and also prevente a lot
of stinging,
A sharp -edged uncapping knife
shoelii be Used for uneapping; ene
which is heated by steam is the. beet.
The ream in which the extracting is
done sheeld be bee tight, to prevent
robbing. Let the honey settle in a
teak end then dim* off into large tins.
The empty twenbs 01121 he returned to
the eoloniee, both for cleaning and for
starane ef the later fell flow.
deli.. is a goodgmonth in whieh to
give every colony a thorough inepec-
tier. nee that it young and vigorous
queea is at the head of each, and
strened'aen any weak colonies by giv-
ing them frames of sealed brood ane
hoe from strong colonies. Be careful
t to titlio the ueen froni the stroug
.colony. Be on the lookout for the bee -
moth and other enemies of hees, If
the weather is hot, promide shade
boards and ventilation and thus keep
down swanning.. Cut away all weeds
111 front of all hives. Do thi§ late in
the day. If bees are comfortable they
will oe contented, and, consequently,
not ept to swarm.
At the head of all scienee and aids,
at the head of all civilization and pro-
pressi stands, not militerism, the
science that Mils, not commerce, the
art that accumulates wealth, but agri-
culture, the mother of all industry and
the maintainer of life.—Garfield.
Faris Labor and the Cost of nog
• 6
the water to all parts of the house.
herd prolizeitin. COWS on long-time
cut down a few trees and put his
fere- feu:ler:Mee and should have a , electric nee- to work. While he was
rest cif twa menthe liefore starting I ea.w.ng„
wood, a faene-hand was busy
the werk. A good ration ford
cenes for test is glade up operating. the electric milker and the.
fettle: the
ieht -
eleetric separator
remt by . •
1 01:12.i $ i.e of roan(I,
mte, lime,, nd corn
One of the best mormy-saving ma-
iieller:eel a. Just
chines for farmers is the electric
fir eheirei. to bran '
threshingeraachir.e. Britt's farm is
arel .
ra.'ar seamed 10 retlerh
igh power line which makes it,
,, or - ri
.s.,:art. Coes elinuill not be giving potesiele for him to use one of these'
milmachines. The electric threshers are
erg:teed flew of k until a f
One a„na ef ; owned by a eompany and are rented,
ni71..:1 aftee t:alv:ng.
grain We sereeit poand';'".0ddie'Zint 1'5: to certain groups of farmers. The
2)14 2- ,: for etarieng, ; email 2)212(1112)05achines can do more work in
'd.iii .
one day than the old steam-engine
A eetin time. has given goad re -o
milts t the Michigan Experiraer,
could do in two. The electric thresher
Station ii; ae fellows: 300 pounds of does better and gleaner work and has
a much less fire hazard than the steam
greutel at, 400 pounds of bran, 200
pounds of aettoaseetigneal, 300 pounds! type. It is also convenient, as two
men can easily pull'one of the wagons
of giaten feed and 300 pounds d oil- i
that carry the big electric motors. '
meal. If it cenv benomes thin, increase ;
the amount of glutenIf the w Britt has a large electric are lig'nt
. co '
drops off in milk flow, add a little i in his front yard. He and Mrs. Britt,
are strong comanunity workers, and'
oilmeal, or increase the allowance of 1
, many social gadheringe are held on
. roots fed in addition to the graM
i the , electric -lighted lawn.
There are a few modern cantle-,
vances that Britt intends to add to
' his farm. One is an electric menbator
1 I
: and another is an electric brooder.
1 People who know him have properly
- nicknamed Britt the "Electric
What are the
for 1.020?
What are wheat prospects for
1020-21? Here is some of the
latest inform,ttion:
• Fra.nee has mr.,,de very little
gain in wheat acreage. England
and Wales haNe Ins; whe•tt acrEE-
age than last year, ST.Sfarmers
plowed up 11.9% .01 winter wheut
sown last fall. Australia's crop is
off Sou`h AfTlca's Wheat 11.
-For wiie:at r,11 rasdium learn soil
use 250 to 200 lbsper acre of
fertilizer carrying 2 to 4% am-
monia, 8 to posphoric acid,
and 2 to 4% potash.
of wheat sown
in 120COUNT
use rertilizero. They 1.11$1.1X0
Increased yields.
For further information write
$o1.1 and. Crop
Improvement Bureau
Of the Canadian Fertilizer Ass'n.
Henry G. Ben, B.S.A., Director
1111 Terriplo Building - Toronto
, At War With Disease.
i The time has come, with the increas-
! ed 'demand for plrlysieal efficiency, that
! systematic physical culture ehould
i take its p ace ,n t ie pubile schools
along with the other essential sub-
jects. The war on disease must be
, both offensive and defensive. While
killing disease-pio lacing germs, we
must strengthen bodily resistance
against those germs 'that are likely
, to escape our vigilance. It avails but
, little to wage war on tubercular germs
' so long as our boys and girls, with
stooped shoulders, contracted chests,
! adenoids and diseased air passages,
invite attacks from ever Y weak, wand-
ering bacillus that chances to come
, their way. The wise general, while
fightirig the enerny, never fails to keep
his own army in proper fighting, shape.
Good legume hay—alfalfa clover,
soybearie 'ices the grain
In the present
the farmer who is
appears to occupy
position than the
farm labor crisien
keeping live stock;
a much etronggr
crop farmer. Ai
well-managed stock farm affords a
better distribution of labor during
rush seasons and has more of it -
available at other times of the year.,
In no other type of farming in a
northern climate is it possible to pro-
vide a steady and prefitabie labor
program throughout the year, and as
the costs of living advance this situa-
tion is becoming more noticeable from,
economists argue,
that the high cost of living will force
men to return to the farms, but this
is a question which has more than,
one side. The high cost of living has
thus fax compelled many rural work-
ers to leave the country and seek
steady employment in cities where,
they could earn good wages every
month in the year. • Years ago the
farmers had little difficulty in finding
day laborers when needed. In fact,
the day laborer was at that time an
important factor in rural life. Thou-
sands of men who owned small farms
worked by the day fax neighboring
farmers during a &eater part of the
egamen. • With the meagre income
from their day labor they managed to
live- and support their families. To-
day the cost of living has reached
euch fiigures thee these men have
found t nenoesibie to live and support
their families, for while their clay
labor has brought them more money
per day the average farmer has so
managed his basitiess as to reduce the
number of days of hired labor to the
lowest possible notch. Cutting down
on the number of days of labor has
forced these men out of the coerntry.
The loss of these day laborers has
made it necessary for 'farmers to ad-
just eheir business so that they must
depend an their own labor, or change
work with their neighbors. In either
case it has necessitated a curtailment
in certain crops and made it advan-
tageous to plan their farming so that
they could keep their labor supply
busy at all times of the year.
If the farmer is to compete success
fulls in the labor market he neut. con -
Devid Briags the Ark to Jerusalem,
2 Sam, 6: 1-19; Pealm 24: 7-10,
Golden Text—Naha 100; 4.
6: 1-10, To Bring Up . . the Ark
of God. David was wise in desiring
to make his new capital the religious
centre fax all Israel. He knew, as
Moses and Joshua had known, that
the utility of the independent tribes
cf Israel could only be preserved by
a common faith and it common wor-
ship', Per Jehovah was king, and,
until Saul, the free men of Israel had
recognized no other king. They rec.
agnized Saul and David only as "the
anointed of Jehovah." While there
were local sanetuariee and altars
everywhere throughtnit the landi the
ark had a special mereeng fax the
whole of Israel, and where the ark
was, there was the national sanctuary
and the Proper dwelling place of Je-
hovah, and so alto of Israel's king,
Jehovah's chosen: and anointed repre-
The story of the ark ,,:,11aulet be re-
called here'its place in the sanetuary
in Shiloh, its (gesture by the Philis-
tines, and its retail -he Judah (1 Sam.
4: 1-7: 2). It is very probable that,
while in the territcler of Judah, it was
still under Philistine control, until the
Philistine power was broken by David
in the two battles described in 5: 17-
25. Now at last it was poesible to
reetore it to its proper place, and it
was David's purpose to set it in the
national sanctuary in kis new capital,
as an object of reverenee and a sinnhoI
of unity for all Israel. Compare the
; parallel story in I Chron. 13: 1-14, in
which the writer says: "The thieg was
• right in the eyce, of all the people."
, It was an act of real piety, as well
as of wisdom, on the king's part, and
!, it was exceedingly popular with the
The thirty thousand men wimm
David took with him indicate that the,
eetcrprise was pertly a military one,
anti that opposition an the part of the
Philistines was feared. Beale of Judah,
or Battle Judah, 1,.'24.5 about nine milge
, west of Jerusalem. It was also called
Kirje.theicarim (1 Chron, 13: 1).
The Name of the Lord of lIasts,
that is Jehovah Saliaoth, WEIS Neu-
: Laily sacred to the people of Israel,
and was. associated in their minds with
(the great work, of Moses and Joshua.
He was the "Lord of hnsts, the God
of the armies of brach"
Perez-Uzzah. This name. which
means "the breach of Uzzah," is ex-
plained by the strange stgry of the
death of Uzzah, a story difficidt fax
us to understand. The act of Uzzah
duct his business on a profitable bads
as many months during the year as
possible. As a general proposition
there is more interest fax the good
farm hand in taring fax live stock
than in growing crops for market.
The care of live stock is exacting and
painstaking work, -but there is less
drudgery in breeding and feeding op-
erations than there is in tilling the
land and cultivating crops. Another
important factor in live stock farm-
ing is the fact that it creates a greater
family interest in the affairs of the
farm, thereby affording an incentive
for the young folks to stay in the
Many progressive farmers recog-
nize the attraction which good ani-
mals hold for the young people and
cater to it by giving them a share in
the proceeds. In many instances they
have found it profitable to give the
boys a share in the live stock raised
on the farm'such as every tenth pig,
lamb or calf, which is fed by them in
the same manner as the others, but
becomes the property of the boy who
takes eare of the herd or fleck! In
a like manner giving the girls orphan
lambs, or every third ox fourth egg,
for linking after these interests is
sure to stimulate activity and give
them a better idea of farm life.
While good live stock helps to solve
the complicated labor problern on
many farms, it requires careful plan-
ning to keep the different branches
operating smoothly, utilizing stock,
crops and labor to the best advantage
and steadily improving the property.
The greatest benefits are obtained
when labor-saving methods are em-
ployed, and when plans are made so
that the greatest amount of labor in
caring fax the live stock comes at
seasons of the year when work in the
fields is not pressing. Making farm
work steady, profitable and interest-
ing is one of tire essentials andkeep-
in help on the farms. Farmers must
eliminate, as much as passible, the
hum -drum phases and give the young
folks and hired help a high mark to
shoot at, or better still, a set of high
rna:rks. This, as well as -financial re-
ward, will help to keepthe boys and
girls on the farm, and help to keep
the farm hands buy and contented.
seems to have been right and proper,
fax he sought to hold the ark in its
place when the stumbling of the oxen
on the rough road might -have upset
it. To the Hebrew of those days, how-
ever, the mere touching of so saored
an object by an ordinary, unconse-
crated person, was an act of sacri-
lege, and for that they believed Uzzah
to have been punished. David was,
aft* of the Lord that day,. The
death of the driver of the ort seemed
to, him an evil omen. The time was
not prim/douse Jehovah was angry.
He would, therefore, leaie the ark in
the house of Obed-edom, the Gittite,
that is a native of Gath, and probably
a, Philistine, until a more faverable
11-10t The Lord Blessed Med-
Edom. This men was, 119 double a
convert to the Jewish faith and must
have lived not far from Jerusalem.
The fact that Iie was prosperous at
this time seemed to indicate the favor
of God. David is, therefore, led to
believe that the same blessing will
come upon his city when the ark is
brought into it. The faverable time
has come.
With Glad»ess. It wee made an oe-
casion of great feetivity, in which peo-
ple front all parts of the country, all
the house of Israel, took pert. Th's
time the ark was carried, rue driven
on a carte The wieter of Chronielee
(I einem. 154 1.4-1:31 sayei "The
priests and the Lerites eacrifieed
therneelves to bririg 11T) the ark of the
Lord Coe ef Israel. And the children
of the Levites bare the ark of God
upon their shuuldere." Compare lexod.
25: le. Sacrifices were offered by the
way as the eolemn proeeseion began
its march toward the city gateAnd
David danced befere the Lord, joining
with many others; in the precession
who kept time with the nresic of
psaltery, harp and cymbal Chron.
15: 10. Ile was girded with it linen
ephech that he a short, !twee coat, or
perhaps merely a eket girt about the
waist. The (homier cenegi ;in ex-
poeure (f the 'Mem, etegne
David's wife, the ilaigginee of Saul,
ehose to regard tie lnewit This
made the one jarrieg uote 1e: the her-
mony of a perfeet day it's. e0-21).
Psalm 24: 7-10 appear? te have loon
composed either for or 111eimirmemora-
tion of this notable event. In Forg
the gates of Jeruealeen, gate= of the
tenant stronghold of a le -limn rime,
are challenged to open wile thet Je-
hovah, the King of glory, raey enter
in and take posseesien ce his city.
Twice the warders of the gate e are
represented as demanding tn 1.12032
is this King of glory eel twice
the priestly choir reply, the Lord
strong and mighty, The Lard of hotte,
Ile is the King of glory.
Financial Notes
Our Montreal Bureau wires—The
sudden spectacular rise in Spanish
River preferred was ascribed to the
fact that the stook had been tipped
widely all over Canada over the week-
end. This resulted in a rush of orders
and as many of them were at the
market, brokers had to get the stock
at any price they could..
The local interests who are large
holders of other paper stocks, are re-
ported tO have added very consider-
ably during the past few weeks to
their holdings of Spanish River se-
New York—The strength and ac-
tivity in the stock of Canadian Pacific
ia reported to be due to reinstatement
of this issue in the strong boxes of
investors, who knew that the Can-
adian Pacific is not under the handicap
of the United States restrictions; that
it is in a position to expand largely
throughout comparatively virgin ter-
ritory and that the poliey of the gov-
ernment is te aid rather than to re-
tard transportation enterprises in
Dawson, Yukon.—There is censider-
able excitement here over the dis-
covery of silver in Mount Hinton, in
this vicinity. '
London.—Japan, it is stated, in in-
ternational cireles that by reason of
the drastic readjustment, through
panic, will be in a position. much soon-
er than ether nations to enter into
foreign competition. Reports from •
Japan are to the effect that economy
is bein,g widely practiced and that
labor is being liquidated rapidly, so
that great members of workmen will
soon be available at comparatively,
low wages. It is expected this will;
enable Japan to undersell abroad.
The Best,Hammer in the
Once upon a time a man began to
make hammers. The tools he turned
out were well liked by those veleo had
occasion to use them. There wae some-.
thing about them that led carpenters
especially to seek them.
On a certain day sone one said to
the maker of these good hammers:
"You make a good hammer, sir." '
• "A good hammer!" came back the
quick response, "I never made a good
,hammer in my life. I make the bot
hammer in the world."
And yet, after that he put a number
of touches to his hammer that made
it still more perfect and more to be
desired. He was not satisfied with
the hammer he made to -day, to -1
morrow he must make a better one.
If we could know the truth of the
matter, the probability is that he kept
right on making his hemmer leiter
and better. ;
That is theeeway it ie with every
farmer who really loves hie Work. Of
one farmer we know, the neighbors
say: "He is not happy 'mien21 lie is do-
ing something to melte hie place leek
better and the land more, productive."
Ambition always prods, men just
that way. It won't let them sit down
at the halfway pose. The world owes
all it is to -day, and ell it ever will
be, to the men who are deternmed to
make a better hammer to-dity than
they made yesterday.
Getting Rid of Ants.
When ants are objectionable becouse
they make holes in the greund around
plants, they can be killed by putting
a little gasoline or bcnz:ne into the
holes, or by dusting the sell abundant-
ly with tobacco, or lie- pouring into
the holes hot water or a telmeco de-
If there are large ant -hills to be
destroyed, the best and eateleet method
is to use earbon bisulphide, as follows:
Thrust a crowbar Or sharp stick to a
depth of eight or ten inchee. into the
ant -hill. Pour in one ounce of carbon
bisulphide and quickly close the open-
ing with dirt. Ae ecion as this is clone,
throw a wet blanket over the hill to
keep down the cat bon bisulpidde
fumes, so as to increase their effi-
ciency in suffocating the ants. Do not
remove the blanket for at least an
hour. If the hill is large, it will :be
advisable to make two of these holies,
ten inches or a foot apart.
Trimming the horee's toe -nails is
one of the jobs that should not be for-
were made during the period im-
mediately 001 awing destructive
war by those who made hMvY
Investments In Lhe dapreeiated
moneys and securitiesi of the
warring nations, particularly In
the g‘overnment and munteiPal
obligations of thoee nations which
Were vanquished. •
. The present situation .effords
meat remarkii,ble• opportunity that
will not • present itself againfor
generations to come.. '
This is history, not .theory, and
iustory twin repeat itself,
Wet have a list al these se-
curities. Ask for partieulars..
• 1,
Steak and Zuvestment--,Broketr-
112 C. 71. aTrirmrao