HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-15, Page 7AUTO SPARE PARTS
for most mattes and models of cars,
'Your old, broken or worn-out parts
replaced, 'write or wire us•desortb-
ing „Whet You want, We carry the
lai'geet and moat complete stock in
Canada of slightly used or new parts
and automobile equipment. We ship
C.O,D, anywhere in Canada, Satis—
factory er refund to full our motto.
Shaw's Auto Sa1va9'e Part Sapely,
023-931 Dufesits St„ Toronto, one.,
Royal Perquisites.
The ring has sore very strange
Perquisites, many of which have most'
interesting histories attached to them.
Few know that he can claim the head
of a whale, so that "there may be no
lack of -whalebone wherewith to stiffen
the Royal garments;' although it is
mere commonly known that every
sturgeon caught in ,j3ritish waters be-
longs to him by right.
What a remarkable collection the
King's perquisites would )mite if they
were all duly claimed! Antal what pos-
sible use could his 41aesty make . of
some of them? A tablecloth of the
"value of three shillings; a coat of grey
fur; a horse and halter, and even a
silver needle, contributed by the Cella
tailor, might conceivably be welcome;
but he alight wittingly dispense with
"a nightcap of the value of one half-
penny, a pound of cuulin-seed, a cata-
pult --'-which might be a tetnptation to
some young Royal Prince --a curry
Iamb, a pair of scarlet Bose, a cross-
bow, a pair of torts, and a falcon.
And yet the King is by law and
ancient custom entitled to this strange
as ortntent of perquisites, and to
others of greater value and usefulness,
such as the costly'and beautiful Cash-
mere shawls which are so much trea-
sured as wedding -presents.
At the C'orouation of a Sovereign
perquisites come in showers, and come
of them are very quaint, From the
Lord of the Manor of Addington the
Sovereign can claim a dish of pottage
eoucocted of "chopped ehickens, ca-
pon -brawn, spices, sugar, and almond, -
milk"; While the Lord of the Manor,
of Hayden iuust 111ake a Isolenia pre-
sentation of a towel for hie Sovereign's
In olden times the Chamberlain
claimed the furniture of the room In
which the Sovereign had slept on the
eve of the ('orouati'on, in addition to
forty yards of crimson velvet and a
sfh•er ewer and basin.
Bits of Information.
The 1'olieh alphabet contains forty-
five letters.
11spice is the pea -like fruit of a
shrub grown in the West Indies,
"Alice's Adventures in '.Vo lderland"
was arst published in 1555.
The properties of eocafnc as an
aUa sthetie were discovered in 1SS4.
There are more than 1,500 different
tribes of American Indians.
,Item to the number of 24,500 were
interned in England at the beginning
of the Armistice,
There are 11,000 British troops still
stationed in France as guard to
"clumps" of war material.
lexplo ive shells, which were fairly
successful, appear to have beenused
bertha Dutch as long ago as 1538.
More than 60,000 people have return-
ed to the ruins of Rheims, where they
are mostly living in the miles of wine
Although only two peaks of the Alps
are over 15,000 feet in 'height, there
are dozens exceeding 12,000 feet.
Peasants on the Swiss rnoantains
use horns, often as much as eight feet
long, to converse with one another •
front a distance, -
War medals to the number of four-
teen and a half millions will be re- x VACATION CLOTHES
glared for award to past and present
personnel of the British Army. seee
The }tame "Indian" was given to the
original inhabitants of Arei'iea about
1493 by Columbus,who. thought he '
had reached India,
The Blood Should Constantly be
'Kept Rieh and Pure.
If you suffer from any form of tat
digestion. your diet should be care-. a
fully chosen. Over -eating is always
harmful, but at the came time one
)Bust take enough food to supply the
needs of the blood. It must be re-
membered that the blood has to carry
nourishment to every part of the body,
find fuel for energy and defence
against its enemies, es well as the re-
quisite juices for digestion. Hence,
when the blood becomes weak and
fails to clo its wotl:, indigestion arises;
also when indigestion begins the blood
still :further suffers. Therefore, to
safeguard yotir digestion the blood
should he kept rich and reel, and this
can best be done by taking a course
of Dr, Williams Pink Pills. These pills
are a blood -building, nerve -restoring
tonic and through their use yvur de
gective syet:',ni will respond naturally,
your aepetite will improve and your
foots will do you goof. The value of
Dr, Williams Pink Pills in cases of
stomach trouble is shown by the ex-
rerience of Mrs.. J. H. Alexander, Bar.
riefield, Ont., who says: "Some years
ago I was in a terribly broken down
condition. I had indigestion of a
severe nature, and sharp pains of
agony all through me. My stomach
was so weak that it was difficult to re-
tain food, . and often after eating 1
would have vomiting spells. I was un.
der medical treatment, but as I did
not improve my nerves were in a ter-
rible condition and I was always iu
much misery. One day I read of a
woman who had been relieved of shine
lar trouble through the use of Dr.
Williauts Pint: Pills, and I decided to
try thein. The result can be summed
up by saying that after using the pills
for some weeks 1 was entirely bet-
ter, could eat a hearty meal and
was again enjoying fife. If I feel run
down at any time I take Dr. Williams
Pink :fills and always get benefit
from them,"
You can get these pills through any
dealer la medicine, or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from
The Dr. Williams 1ledielne Co„ Brook-
ville, Ont,
Incendiary Bullets.
The incendiary bullets used during
the war, mostly fired from machine
guns carried by airplanes, were in ef-
fect miniature high -explosive shells.
Those supplied to our armies were of
brass, hollowed out to hold a composi-
tion of which the principal ingredient
was barium.nitrate. To set this off,
each bullet had a primingcharge of.
magnesium and red lead.
An ordinary rifle bullet, of course,
is solid. The incendiary bullet IS ' of
wholly different construction, though
of the same calbre, being meant to
carry dame, Its discharge sets fire to
the explosive stuff contained in it.
Possible Plods
Suppose that a new planet, a fresh
addition -to the sun's family, were to
appear one of these fine nights in' the
sky. What a sensation it would make,
to 1)e sure! '
Astronomers do not regard such an
occurrence as impossible, though 6.s-
suredly most unlikely. The sun's erup-
tive forces are so tremendous that it
might conceivably throw out a flaming
mass of gas that would cool and con-
dense into a planet.
• Not long ago, at the Yerkes Obser-
vatory, an eruption was observed (and
photographed)) on the rim of the sun
which threw up material to a height
of 500,000 miles. One cloud of it,
" which appeared as if floating detach-
ed; was reckoners to have some thous-
ands of times the volume of the earth.
We are accustomed to regard great
volcanic explosions on the earth as
the most appalling of natural phenee
mena, ;blit they are .feeble'and trifling
disturbances compared with the out-
:_ -
bursts which are continually taking
place all over the body of the sun.
When an eclipse occurs, we can see
with the naked eye, through a piece of
smoked glass, gigantic flames darting
out from the edge of the solar disk.
Very likely the little planet ou which
we dwell Was originally part of the
sun and was thrown out from the lei -
ter as a mass of burning gas. The ro-
tation of the sen on its axis started
the mass whirling, helped perhaps b1*
the vortex motion of the eruption.
The same eruption . may have
thrown out the moon, a smaller mass
of gas, which fell under the control of
the 'embryo earth, becorniug its sates
Possibly the four, little planets-
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars—
were thrown ; out at about the same
time. Greater eruptions .may have
given birth to the four giant hot
planets—Jupiter, Saturn,` Uranus and
@ren,I,M, n,Xn WI,I nMmlxn,mrLpJ 4lnWWI1,1lum11t11 l,1110MII(n11111vm
IIlnf,uutnw11111MXIru,IH -MMX1.
Tea nd c,fffe
who find it advisable
to leave off tea
and coffee, find
a cup of
frwlefcldrarrnI o Mh„I
I cu ewan
deli is the taste and satisfieSthe
appetite:with no hi to health.
'thousands ' of foinne' tea and coffee
drinkers, now use Post m .
1ere's: a l eason
In lliln1111 1 hill ll-A.I III III IIII�lilinllllpllll Mllntl X111111 XIIL e.�.�;;�-sem s Iw I n, - I,.wumXnn n nmm�,Mu.,l tnm pnminm,m�� ncI m�n w
7742 9432
7792—Girl's Bathing Suit (bloomers
attached to underbody, or to be worn
separately). Price, 15 cents. In Fl.
sizes, .1 to 14 years. Size 8 requires
2% yds. 32 ins. wide; contrasting, 3.
yd, 18 ins. wide.
9482—Girl's, Dress, Price, 25 cents.
In 0 sizes, 6 to 14 years, Size 10 re -
'quires 27,s yds. 36 ins. wide; collar,
cuffs, ee yd. 36 ins, wide.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local AXcCall dealer, or from
the McC:al1 Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,.
Dept. W.
Au ostrich's egg equals twenty-two
hens' eggs.
There are only 200 physicians in all
Serbia, and five in Montenegro.
A crowd of 1,000,000 persons stand-
ing in comfort would cover seventy
Aromatic honey, excelled in no other
locality, is produced by .the bees cif
Typhus is raging in the famine areas
of Europe, there being 250,000 cases
in Poland alone.
13ed•liaired people are saiti to be less
liable to baldness than those with hair
of any other color.
A silent, keyless clo(•k, which con-
tains only four wheels and no springs,
has recently been patented.
Turkey's population will, by the
Peace Treaty, be reduced from 30,000;
• 000 to 6,000,000, and her navy mist
consist only of a few revenue cutters.
Thera are under construction for
the British Nary'one battle-cruieer,
eight destroyers, thirteen submarines,
and eighteen other vessels, •
Iir;ipps (Essen) • employed 50.000
hands before the war, Thie grew to
110,000, and now stands at 45,000.
They are making ,: gricultural
ehinery and cash r•egi tore, :Huang
other things.
The summer months are the most
dangerous to children. The com-
plaints of that season, which are
cholera infantum, colic diarrhoea and
dysentry, come on so quickly that
often a little one is beyond aid be-
fore the mother realizes he is in. The
mother must be on her guard to pre-
vent these troubles, or if they do
come on suddenly to banish them. No
other medicine is of such aid to
mothers during hot weather as is
Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate
the stomach and bowels and are ab-
solutely safe. Sold by medicine
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont,
Burglars, Beware!
A "burglar chaser" !a the novel in-
vention of Gertrude Markle and Ku-
wakichi Fujita (the latter a Japanese),
and it promises to be a terror to ill-
advised persons who break in and
It consists of a series of alarm boxes
distributed through the House, one in
-each room. They are harmless -looking
affairs, fastened to the wall. Bat they
are loaded.
In case of an alarm of robbers, the
householder touches a button that com-
municates with the box in the room
where the thieves are supposed to be,
and the box, pneumatically energized,
tarns on a pivot, pointinghalf a dozen
gun barrels toward the interior,
Bang! bang! go the guns. Perhaps
the robbers are not bit, but they are,.
badly scared. They may run into an-
other roam. I! so, the 'box in that :.
room is sirnilarly revolved by another I
button, and starts 'shot,ting.
As the inventors stato, the opera-
pera tion may be repeated "until the in-
truders. have entirely fled the pre- i
mises, thtt5 obviating the necessity of
the occupants o;_ the house having to
face al•nied hurgiars,"
Marriage Etiquette in Chin.
When,a Citineee girl is marriotl she g
If you know the nerve-
raeiring a oni,es, of eleural-
That ou wsili Use �s the tray
Tern pieton's,.
were .discovered. This,
ruinous remedy is abso-
lutely guaranteed to glee
relief to suferrora from
',end for free sample to
Tentpietous, lee King st-
mt., Toronto.
Doctors recommend
them, and reliable drug-
gists everywhere sell then
ler 01.01a »:ox,
Templeton's et AZ- el A ti Cap-
sules are guaranteed to relieve
AST I3 MA. Don't suffer an-
other Clay,
WriteTenapletons,1421ring St.
W., Toronto, for freesampie.
Reliable druggists sell them at
81,04 a box.
""California Syrup of Figs".
Child's Best Laxative
Acocxat "California" Syrup of rigs
only--Ioak for the naino California on
the package, Hien you are sure your
child is having the best and' most
harmless physic for the little stom-
ach, liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Full directions on
each bottle. You must say "Cali-
The Grim Companions.
I saw hint dancing between the two,
When the spring was young and the
leaves were green.
Oh, gay was he, for his life was new,
Though the sombre two ethat he
danced between
-Were Pain and Sorrow, Sorrow
and Pain.
The brook was fuel and the wea birds
The child bur playea and his iaughter
For Pain and Sorrow had barbed no
'When he started down life's lane.
I saw him again on a summer's day,
A man full-grown, stern-faced, and
And Pain acid Sorrow he held at bay,
Though they sulked beside as he
walked along--
Oh, Pain and Sorrow, Sorrow and
The trees were full and the way uphill,
Spring's rushing stream was but a rill;
The wee birds dreamed, and their
song was still,
As he climbed the hilly lane.
I saw him next on an autumn eve,
Weary And sad by the ' moaning
And he cried and prayed' for a short
OI two who 'were forcing him to his
Hard Pain and Sorrow, Sorrow
and Pain.
Tee brook was dark, and the wind was
The windslSwept down, on the steeper
While Pain and Sorrow were working
their° will
To strike him deep and again.
I saw him last in the winter bare,
The church was nears and its graves
were dank.
He crept along to find refuge there.
Until at the foot of the Cross he
Scourged, and followed by Sorrow
anti Pain:
For Sorrow and Pain they had racked
each bone,
end he prayed for the peace that is
Heaven's own;
Till a light shone down from the Great
White Throne; ,
And there was no Sorrow ` nor
' Pain.
The safe way to'send looney by Mail
s by Dominion Express Money Order.
"'Why did you strike the telegraph
operator?" asked the magistrate of
the man who, eves summoned for as -
eine "ell, sir, I ;gives him a'tele-
ram to sen to my gal an' he starts
must wait. four months before eti- r
j,aette:allows her to.payher first visit
to her mother; but alter this initiatory
call it: is within bounds of social cus-
tom and propriety, to visit' the home
of her parents at her'home.
You. can't wear
soil out t ray cultivat-
ing. it.
eadin' it. 'So, of ` course, I ups and
giveshim oiie.','
Atik for Minard's ..nd take no other.
Everyone is needed: even a rag doll
is priceless if it tills the heart of a
ED. 7.
ISSUE NO. 28,-e-'20.
Open to Persuasion,
While touring in the Highlands, a
motorist was stopped by a local police-
man. While lie gave his name and
address readily enough, he stinted
broadly' that he might pay to be let
"What, six!" cried the constable,
"Dae ye suggest that IA wud telt a
bribe? Dae ye dare to insult me, sir?"
"Oh, excuse me," said the motorist,
quite abashed, "1 really-----•-"
"But, now," put in the constable,
"supposiu' I eels that kin' o' men, how
much wud ye be inclined to a ;) me?"
A Word Omitted.
The curious effect sometimes pro-
duced in telegrams by want of punc-
tuation or the oxuission of a single
email word cannot fail to have struck
A ;London lawyer had a woman re-
iative in Scotland from whom he had
"expectations," She had been ening
for some weeps, when one morning
carne a telegram asking the iewyer's
wife to go at once as she --.his aunt --
as niselt,worse. Ilia wife according,
ly went.
During the evening of the following
day the husband reeeved this an-
"Aunt Matilda went to Leaven at
3.30; returning by 11.50 to -morrow
A Neat Scheme.
Vieille a pile of bricks in front of .an
Unfinished building a boy about twelve
years old picked up a single brick,
The v:atchman saw elm, and called
out: •
"Here, boy, you mustn't take any of
those bricks away!"
"I want just one, replied the boy,
"Well, you can't have one! What
do you want of a brick, anyway?"
',Why, a lady who lives near us
wants a bath brick, and she gave me
sixpence and told me to get her ane."
"Weil, why don't you go to the shop
and get one? That is not a bath brick
you stave there'"
"'Look here!" said the boy, as he
came closer, and spoke in tones of con-
fidence, ""1 want to earn that sixpence.
"I'm going to take this brick home, and
tut it in the bath -tub and make a bath
brick of it, and to -morrow I will take
it to the lady,"
The watchman looked at slim in a
Puzzled way, and then said:
`Bay, you can have the brick. You
are what they call a genius, and, if
you live many years longer, you will
be a millionaire or in prison,"
Minard's Liniment Cor; -Limited.
Gents—I relieved a valuable hunt-
ing dog of mange with MINARD'S
LINIMENT after severalveterinaries
had treated him without dafng him
any permauent good.
Yours, &c,,
Prop. of Grand Central Hotel,
Drummondville, Aug. 3, '04.
British Columbia is making plans on
a Iarge.scale to kill sea lions and use
their skins as material for shoes: a
project that the fishermen of the
province welcome, because a sea lion
eats on an average of fifty pounds of
fish a day.
Americalq Pioneer Dog Remedies
� �7" Book on
and Trow to Feed
Mailed Free to: any Ad-
dress by the Author.
Clay Glover Co., Sum.
118 West 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
Classified Advertisements,
VVi"r-fi 11Ew13I'A,VN
and gob brinting plant !a: Laaltars
Ontario; Tn iiranea carried ;1,¢00, WIU
ro tor, $1.200 on ouiok sale. Boz 17.
Wt) on rublii,hinx Co.. Ltd.. Torontl,
norx' nr.11 W4rr5 D;
L thicker, shipped green from saw.
Do not 4e11 until. you comtru .:gate with
es, Keenan Bros, Limited. ()Wen Sound -
Ont. -
Australia has _-cows enough to give
each man, wo)nanand child in the +con—
tinent three back; while Argentina can
do even better. Thereare five cattle
to each inhabitant en the South Arn-
erican republic,
Minard's Liniment for sale eyerywhers
If we are not afraid to face out
duties and .',shoulder aur responsibil-
ities without hesitation or reluctance,
we shall always find our strength
equal to what is demanded of us.
,01- WAVY, E. , +^'LE;*3.'_i'E Y,,
Let "Danderin&' save and
glorify our hair
In a few moments you can trans-
form your plain, dull; flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life, Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a small bottle of "Dan
deriue" for a few cents. Then moisten
a soft cloth with the Danderine and
draw this through your hair taring
one small strand at a time. Instantly,
yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. It will be a
mass, so soft, lustrous, fluffy, and so
easy to do up, All dust, dirt and ex-
cessive oil is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair. This
stimulating tonic will freshen your
scalp, check dandruff and failing hair,
and help your hair to grow long, thick,'
strong and beautiful.
For Skins In, AI ,
Bun�y���..qq��.ryy, and � ��,
and �b�.�f.•l �
Bathethe affected
part with Cuti-
curs Soap and hot
water. Drygcntiy
and rub on Ceti -
curs Oint rnenc.
This treatment is
usually best on ris-
ing and retiring.
For every purpose
of the toilet, bath
and- nursery the
Cuticura Soap
and Ointment are
ideal. The Soap
to cleanse and
purify, the Oint-
ment to soothe.
and heal.
Soap 23c, O ni-•z nt -5 and Sec. Sold
throughout theDor,i .toe. CanedkaiDepot:
7 mans, Limited S. Paul l St .Montreal.
5 ' Cuticura Soap ahoy= without situs.
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The name "Bayer" identifies the contains proper directions for Colds,
only genuine Aspirin, the Aspirin Readaehe, Toothache, Earache, Neu -
prescribed by pbyeicians.;for over nine- raigia.:Lnrnba o�;`Hbeutnatism,,Neuri
„Fl .ears and now made in Cenatla. tis, Joint Pains, and. Pain h'eniiall
Always buy tui unbroken pacleage Tin loses of 12.tablets "cost but
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which afew con(. Larger "Bayer" packages.
There is only one Asper. --" Bayes"-•- o =last say "Berea's ,.
.Aspirin is the trade tinrI (registered ht cenoda) ,of Bever lfanufacture of�
ttcatica.c�it]ester or Salka ucactit. While it is well -1sp'own that As aria Meat lone.
I Means parry,
manufacture, to assist the ppb!ir.:tE;a.nst imitations, tt•e Tablets of Bayer Company,
will be stamped with their general trade mark, the '':Gayer Crows."