HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-15, Page 2• • . and. the warld-famous institution in soite • a that s all right," saul the said it that time, young man. But per- ea again at tile scrap of. paper, of ta1 the attacks Made upon it by ' - 1"We had it painted green!" haps I can help you there. Fee got i then be,gan to turn the leaves of the A motor dealer friend aseures me among, my lumber an old-fashioned; code book rapidly. 1 crime, .fallure, "runs," or any other ot ! : that, whea v. very uncouth pair came • desk that's no god to rae• I had to l "Yes, etes, " he said half -aloud,. ag; the various causes which operate ; to buv a car, the' most expensive one take it tvith state real etuff I wee.; he ,Compared ems of th3 phrases; against the banking system Of a come • • ' buying, as it was part of the lot. It I "that's it, Bailder's topsy-turvy code.' try. . .; they had wee not impreesive enougli to has orly got two legs, ana it WOUld rPtiblie Spturity'—that means anavate, "Runs" on the Bank. tI suit the wcanan, who said. slie wanted ,coet more to repair it than it is worth.; safe."Raised to eeiling'ycs, yes,! i "gold. 'andies to the car." Gold The first "run" on the Bank tot Eng- , handles ehe had, too, though my friend But the top Is a good pieee of poliehed 1 hers it ie---tsunk in floor.' 'Over and, ,ureter. land was in ran, when a call of twen- was wood, and emu can have it for •the t above"—yes, of course, thatae discreetly silent.as to the locality asking. i Death,' and 'big box'—what on earth : ty per cent. was made on its propriet- ; of her ,garaget In •warm weather, when the heat picking up and cooking and dishwash- -SZa ....41b17kft I the bank for Mr, IVIaraden. Fred teak 1 the note and opened it as he walltel , back to ilia desk. Then be gazeed, • arid nearly fell over hist high stool.• • The directors of Tonbridge'a begged to .offe,r lam their beet ehanke, ani , they desired to ask his aceeptance of . !the encloeed cheque fore -five hundred ds! pour). Fred went up to his cliter's -desk, WW 444 Jenaie Wateen loitered. aimlessly; for one of the rialle tiampetitions in would have to go hanee. But he did claw u4 ef TO.0....P. Furnishing a lionic ma* $14 maxema.zsAt rfafainalle4CWWM444.6947464f544WwW4.4440ter".4 And s.ait he 'wee r.ot ng we ,mit " LI -DOG" The Original rutty-7-11sPnircl sot Water %),`Z)° BleYele. Auto ' e Clua.ranteed to satisfy. 50 vents Postpaid. Mali 307e.usrouerotlarcrwt,o2-d*ayl;c04Quaie st., woronto. ywn• or dcr to -day. B. Schofield, 24 Daihousie St., Toronto. abeut her father's shop with the tolere; the Sunday papers. net go home. He went stvaight to 2211' $nlile of a Yaunat girl who feel:a; During hie luneh-hour en the- fal-a Watson's shop, ana .seid that he ha.d that sae ie far supeeent to teat eget day; therefore, he strolle 1 eome to take Jennie out to elloore the cf thing. Old Watson was a dealer Lenhall Street. and found. that N. furniture for their new eemet as they would. probably be getting 'married irk antiques, and the shelves atul floor; 850 a -as a Large building lot - out te! of the shop were littered with quaiat i businees ana profetelonal people a; withh1 a mt.:nth. vehee, olti ruzFltets ana other carlite•i-; floor at a tinte. The whole ef tlie vast i tics, whie.11 in Mise Jennie'e opinion. ground floor was oecupied ley the' A pr, /lc Etti 1'» 1T . , Nver.: IlOt WQrth b.,Ftwer: them, a eotty ; great sh:pping firm of Tonbriage ,a: Ca.,' p Li.,14 no p4:a ji kA , 17a. . Aresitie arraehair capable, in an enea vihoee name wa.s a power in. the City,' ta" ergency, of samting, two. Here, indeed,1 and in the dearway there was a longt oF rIxrpi A Din I Wa45 WI this ridebash, .zind yet she anti; ealunin of laeass plates referring te I lelaia2Latieitata a Fred alareaen Were unable to get ; the other occupants of the premises., married beseuse they had no tuella.; But, there was no name that was any-; tare! !thing Iike Banat.: & Co. Frei took the ' OM Wets= was vela' sn'eng on that ! memorandum from his pecalmt er..1 OLD LADY OF TH peint. 'A° leaet a, young nam who looked at at agein, al ease he she:ad NEEDLE STREET," teek hie aaughter feern him kvuld do have mistaken the number. But there would. be te give lam a prove:ay furo vras the "850" right enough. He :stroll- rteihe aten..0 of awe. He was ell, ed a little way aleng the main eer-.;, -ease:en:a exteee ee believe. gear ilor arta al -out him. An te,...,5ton. • • .t r . -1, a.t1 nes or nsxi u - tion Famed Throughout ana he had sworn that it should trouble and inconveuience in the past. The forgeries :of Charles Price and his clever mettle -as of getting ria of the coueterfelt notes were quite won- derful. Ile would. alter, the amount:1 on banknotes to higher eunas iu a way absolutely untidtectable. Price's frauds lastea over a period o.f many yeere, but when at last he was ,run to earth he committed suicide. One of the most remarkable .forgers of modern times was Henry Fauntle- ray. On his arrest as a fraudulent trustee a long list of forgeries on the Bank of England was fonnd, by which he had eaueeti n loss to that institu- tion a tio. less than el,S00,000- His ingenious reason for his (gimes was that he bore a grudge :.igainst the Bank , yeerg pestele sheual Iteein as. they gentleman ceme out of a dem: racier.- for destroying the cre.lit of: his busl. smart for doing so. the World, nisseet te es; ma, eral that trgant taeth ca -Private" ana, eettime, Fret there,' thee :nest have their owe eurnitere, est -toe. a. Ill 3, ii.t4 s.kp.ht....Oat.;,!... ::51,i Tout do roil knov, ote. aalno of -,hdodez le Bank af England builaings cover bills to the_ _extent of 0,600.000 by onel The embezzlement of Exchequer i •-I beg your maraen, sir," ite eaa,la ad ; alenn four aeres cg, eremite and the et the Banige cilehiers. Robert Aslett, n th;s llui/ditiga" ; ten,: -, 4, e te 1 .1. •• ; i thewee isrci of the r-,•itest blows 't v : ;r.st Tux f.atiletos _e......,_ rdll _ stl,ad ...,,r .1.,..qt;:t,..hi: ,. . tet ett ve me .ete, 1..a,..:0Ati 0, Nery la . a ear:irk:11,1e defence'. was a, fem. was. :it that :!rae :11-, The al'd 1,h:in:en/an teekea at hint ',;(, di .t 1 • t 't • 4 ' :- .I d A , . or '...-1:,and, \ " 4, " :- .4 ":::,, ..,:1 .7:":.: -'Ti, pretty gaielen ceart, onee the ohi titre of hls trial, auil he NVII6 ultimately 4's ' . ' „eget teera tee .etert. "...• were tame.= telearet remits tete , tarp. 'met the 'id ft..-„tnislaing titem. w Fr: thetiglit it Was eget tit her erear. that , trete, e teen churchyatel of St. Cliristopher-le- acquit tell. reen ham ameineee for . staatrar neeray et. tne aer to the prat- "Whea Denier's retirea free here Stocks. 'The eureeee of the. great wall Among tat great scenes which ar- /Athlete net- been tWe'4tY :Fears ago, whtn we" teak over for P11. 4.4. has' paesed aevay, for statia out eremitic...nay the• yeame man, the fine.. And that Meet, haVt1 .h.C.,11 the ilanh'4 trmieure le now guardea. of the -Old Lady" are the time! When , ;a ',great heals bave beee floated, The Fee i tame la the sleep, twiee Week? lung. hd'f0ne a°0na taa-e• Wiaat Yau by. ether Means. But (ever slime the to :et ale' a w.alk ana Omar Gordon Rheas. in 1780. the Bank. has talthig up of what was called the ; know about Bawler, pray a tm teitati the eh; men sup-! "Nothing, air," Fred hasten.' ta hail a military geara ;it night. it, le Loralta Loan, in. the 18th eoutury, fur.; 11 Agi as ta--e, was tho 16111. lit :tree tme lade- elle of the eights of londea to see the ntellad a memorable 4'. '44. Mr. Pat ' m- es- n ▪ e is it ele ;41.11,1 sbLlt h be , deeit MI: nag • ekne ;eerie gee ieune sheet of paper by aeciaent, ana ttle CRY frma their barnieke each DO:itiCal and petrio.tie perposee. - • ' (:hcap "iut I just came t4.. 1S thiAu.xr t - through aeatanded Aunt of a90 000 ON for I tlie tame with her axed at fre-1 ahaugla, tha. i it %sae of ane mieez anerviiis tlee faee of tt: the writer might like to have ;..E. s"ning ta take up their nightly vigil The fleet day $25,000,000 WaS sub - Edna and Efficiency. ' "Ala can say is, I think it's a nice state of effairs if I can't be away from sCIfileneutotanieedihutepr N‘VviitileTtI fignetdinbgacitthtiihmatet I have to spend half an hour getting my desk straightened" . Edna's eoice was sharp with annoy- ance. There was a deep line between her level brows, and her very fingers .h vexation. Sophie looked at her with a scut of amused contrition. Sophie did not know the meanaig of the word order; yet every- one in the office. liked her; no one could help it, she was so frank and friendly and kind-hearted. "Believe me, Edna Welker, I never saw anybody like you in my life. You'd know it if a fly flew aeroes your desk! wasnt there ten minutes, and I didn't touch a thing except your clips, and I put those back in the identieal spot I took them from." "Well, 1 diln't say you were res- ponsible, Sophie, hut it certainly strange how my scissors and knife and blotter all disappeared! I found the blotter in the westehel-et and the soissors in the filing cabinet. I haven't found the knife yet, but I haven't look- ed in the water cooler; probably I shall find it there." Edna herself was cooling down now; the look in Sophie's eyes made her nshanied. Yet she was sure that she had theright e. •,* inefficiency of it that fretted her, she idlers. A clever club woman aptly dubbed the two classes. "Diggers" aril 'Shiners,'" and paid her respects in verse to the women who always want to p . in thelasitchtn to keep the kettle lel. infs. But we don't need to go into the clubs to see the distiaction, we eau find it in every family that is large enough to boast of four or:five .mem- bete. There are always some who slip out from under ail the hard work with the easy assurance that "George," or "Mary," as the ease may be, will do it, because they just "love to work." Here's Aunt Mary, for instance. She lives on a farm where butter and cream and milk and eggs and fresh fruit and vegetables don't cost her a thing. They jure grow. She has a Member of loving nieces and nephews. mei sistcre and brotherE:i and smell tawes. As soon as school is out June, all thoughte turn fond- ly to Aunt Mary. She just levee chil- dren. They don't bother -her a bit. Besides, she hertar anything in her house they can aurt. tilang about lame deep • in .lin;'. Sister Susie writes the ehildrentare so anxiona to see Aunt Mary she has decided to let them come up for a couple of weeks as soon as school out. Brother John liates eity koliday with as noiee, and hie beet yearhe for country quiet. He drops line, the feat in a year, saying that he and "Mother" will run up for the First With the kiddies. Ho leaves the Otte s din, but told heaself. She had explained to brings along enough eraelters ana toy Sophie a hundred times how the west- seribed; the eetouil saw the subscrie- tion.reach $00100,000, and on the third cannon fodder to turn the peaeeaul ed moments ebunted'up. glee': 1:atilt:as eleeli wieltan was tiek- saYs ao aaual about being imPartant•"' 3"ile ila"; af . countreaade into a miniature "Marne." 1\1r. Allenas belt rang juet then, and het he g,g., r.:.z i weleit gave the Anti he explained exactly how the sheet Stneted by a Scoteman. Brother John goes home after the holi- N street wat the er vd. that anal Edna picked up het- notebook and went „elle trsilugh f;1.4.. 0. pmeer hail eonie into aie (b14:t.;;eoUld not e'et coin -ten" ' into the office She flushed a bit as day, but leaves "Mother" :ail the h • purieieee. 'When the eloek! Ile held ;t out, an -i the ela gentle,a It le generelly known lhat the origii! for a littl • h e outing vitt. Mary. r a ,e out their names to thoae e no iced that his door wile ajar.. fte,:s etx. Jerelie walketi te the eater man aajusted hie eyeteliiteee carefully t. et the groat eatimIal Me tit ution wale eat e- e :really the result of the finenvial straits p. ar I very izineetle ;Otte aral teak it from him and read it. Taeit - had caned Susie's children are thez•e, aria the The total subscriptien for She was sorry that she children ean have such a good time e 'ante. atti tie? tetetal warm areet'neee tail sdl Lia giaasc.a :•mol. raad the Pailar i'18 10 rah' mame'' an't um or or '''''''sall Wa8 4-.41T1111111eWtIe-otiatili51 iltal8ntat0iive'a tlert ' 441 4: am:, imsejr.'..t. r,m1.11,1 tl-, he leelmai regirebanttly at lard ‘iver the' of the Stairte, who were AlWays want- ' tile 1,1 44,111` ,o, Sophie down so hard; yet elm was sure that alr. Allen evould untierstand. If . together. And alary just lo('Sitt..,de, The July; gueste denial: in duei‘ weee l'aitlifelay mei length:le. ge; again. Then lie ;seal, in a tiontwluit ' Stl'atinfi.Ms ill the 1'. 15 chi doing so. : "2' '''''n ."1"S' during, the Great War, of course, Mr. _Allen had heard, hewever, he ea le :era. . ' 4 D A . ug all gee figures -or the Bank's pre, made no comment. - ' ',imitated tone: "Bless my sou:: Siege, In the sixtienth centurv tlx mer- /tater in the eveaing„ as F. 3,1u r„ ma* a'atu• AA t a good as to step into' eherae of Lonaen teeed- te deposit ' tiw' ... t. mead et enee in the City and and remetantly, Mary managee to vi •i • 1' :net private otfiee, young titan, Will their en:aline teeth tlie Mint or the . • a:: g..!:.!.•.1 at tiiie eueer- ••• clean bailee for the eeeond time. and.- „ I aprovided An hour later Edna laid the finished ▪ Watern .1‘ ay: It was Fred's turn to iteeorne a 1t 1.0 Exaltegeer, Klee eannee IL, just prior to hie flight tie the tt 012.1t1 111, laida thie.luttliont the British Isles. . a ;tel. Itelalar4? Yet,. excited. Ile reeognized the ola' - men . thievish halide, on title money, .and the 'guide:nen note as the great 31r. Ton- nierehante were ruined, evil. Englisl.za True Taie3 of Profiteers. 'Sot exaetly. Mr. Wen:meta' rollea bridge, who was net only converene.el Iarsa. "It takee b•it itattine. these' with hina familiarly, but who had et.'"ert :credit was brought to a sarre state. • 1- t:msta pate:gra pewee. But. I ve Just opened the door of an otnee so that he f ” A lady, whose wealth was of ob- ; 13 juet wondering if she cen't get away work on Mr. Alien's .desk, Edna was to the lake for a week, when fresh let - proud of her typewriting. She could ten arrive. Brother Tom has his va- hardly believe her eare therefore, when Mr. Allen called her back and cation the first two weeks in Augigt, and there is no place like Mary's te pointed out a couple of errors, one in spend it. Her blackberries are at thole transcription and one in spelling, itt best. He and the wife and baby will I overheard out lecture to Miss anisizei it tine kitchen table rve been might Pass through firet. Further,' later on approached by a Scottish vidn'atY‘ 1.6 • • meat origin, marched into a , be up the flret of August. Tore is plane dealer's shop awl asked to be Oleson," Mr. Allen remarked with a making. Starele aS aS rorka alr. Tonbridge inilicated eomfortable bantar, William Patelson, and with 414 111 etett;ng on, "you sms!" followed by a collate or two with their shotim the most expeneive instrument Mile. "I infer that you were a trifle armchair, and, with it nice, old-fash- its aid the Bank of Euglaud was ; descendants, even to the third and begged that Fred: tounded to accommodate the men. 1,. ' gra: .t. awl site b. , . 1, , d i "rm afraid I was," Edna acknowl- , wrotasht un " (mirth generation, and it le really the •aky," returned the old num a little, ionad taalrtesY, ; i in emelt. It wis a lovely roimwood sare.astieally. "I ean see that. ..:a.t. that would be eeated there a moment. Then! 1, eeaate and then to raiSe money for ' ougl,t it with wan middle of September and fair time, be • d "But it's such a necaleas waste' - • ote a ant is Rue of an empty house. rate, '4 111 have a eoutae of chairs 'he V.0114 a bell, and, in hie eagerness' notes, says a. London eltate. • t 1 f , / • aiel a eltthes-horse rea,ly te see walked to the door that led to the; ag, i et es an . the Government to preeecute the war ' ns"w .rreaeury TI . • of $6,000,- . , neweamen A month later she re- 1 01 "inle• me, Miss Walker. I appreciate it.I • g . e d g up s Out of subeeribed in a few hears. the egwin end men in i am/eller year or two. don't it ?" , N. • akawiens " the old gentleman said ' la ;sate, with the rosewood of . the ! ' time. worths or so, an..1 then you can start' general offiee, to meet thg clerk ather, tereeil in quest of a piano stool, and • ' ' Mr Allen notified Foow you rn between she is trying to can and r suua U00 asked tor from the public was ne t e and tend tile r are very conscientious about youi ge. den. keeping • on year parlor stuff. Looks like tilde' ians'a:ered.hia can. wae ehown eeveral wheel would har- "I'm afrait the parlor *tuff wall he, excite:11y, "isn't that eode book of, ThiS 170,S. L'era lent to the Govern. ; • a 11 But, did you evet stop to think that th° (111eStiOn• yMti inea' Frei aaisa!ttea. eThergs Band.2r 0:: Co, sail in the main gale? ment at eight per met., eal thee wae She reJected thee°, and is glad to see her frietuls. But 1 wort Of (mune 'Mary loves company and clared Vett she wanted a green one to to let a thing get on yeur nerves is -ray C::', t! ale. 1 e;,...-! make., fee tile I'l- a.'e '0'1' a . n 1 qv 1 it •• • lirgi '' it . ti I 1 ., .„ , .,,a.,1 .1 •b . , the t lea i t the great moaned ate. e,e4 v. - ,,pi , .. e N Itil th4. color seheme es! a worse kind of inefacieney than to r, . ae-, ea I "shet's a eiee rhelil to a. 'ill. to me. 1 hepe „t aasn t been de- Loans with which we have bevonte .-,0 ' --'''''''' ' ' der if she just loves to have the whole ', misplace a pair of scissors? These ine . he het fee that I want a lar sa'ortaa 1 • i ; familiar. , the reran. out on the farm every of eta., "5.J a elt er mithogany er 1 Ilaiwkane ;-.. eon returned with tne. eaaft us • • the, Bank of England" it a - " ' ' " ' ' • • ' "teit -talent- atm the dealer, "the ! mistakes of yours, which it will re- farallY carnal summer. I wonder if she 1 c ; ' teep. se - te thee e r.-- sreeehet experee emie heok in 18_.-1.4.1) 1, dusting it tia' ,, ,,, , • , , , • ,.. , ' colter oil the plane would :warmly quire twenty minutes to rectify, are • s „xi fond of pia :ate wawa aas Jaen jusenea the direct result of your loss of poise. ' - . eb getting up wort- that she really enjo - meet these tette..., 1 he eagle. Mr. Tonbridge dismissed , • blend with the green room, would it?" k . through all the 206 years' hietory of i , nteeregse„, at ateen, “vou've him with a word of thanks, and loo - 1 '01 That's something to think of. The real loss is yours, not mine. Do you see?" A hot color swept Edna's face; but site took the kindly reproof in the right -spirit. "Thank you, Mr. Allen," site said. Candy Malting Without Cooking, at daybrenk and "digging" until dark, white a houseful of guests "shine" on the verandah or in the lawn swing. I wonder, too, if througb the fall, winter and spring, she enjoys working every minute so that father and the ehilaren can have the best to eat and wear, and leisure for reading and play. Don't you think Mary would just love a little division of labor, a little help with Fred replica that in that ease he 'is that? Oh, yes, here it is—attain ors; but such was the trust in the A tale is also told of a certain iero- makes it a disagreeable task to work ing so that she -might have some of would ask at orme, and all three then, I safe.' " -Bank's stability that many of its tus- fiteer who wee shelving a friend round over a stove, the ordinary kind of the spare time? get up to look at the two -legged rent- He rang his bell twice, deliberatelY• touters, inetead of withdrawing their his newly -bunt aud beautiful -fitted candy making is not a pleasant oc-! Mane ofa former splendor. It was "Oh, Barker," he said quietly, as a, accounts, paid in as much as poSSible. mansion. When they reached the cupation—the results seem hardly ; klinard's Liniment used by Physicians. leing in a corner of the shop, and; yo•ana man, of evidently higher rank; A second "run" came at the death of beat -own the teamed w9q onppot,1ooworth while. The following recipes Fred dragged it .it into the light and in the office than Havame, appealed, - . . teueen Anne when Bank ctock led with admiration of the gorgermsly- , jo,e-fully pronour.ced it to be just tvhat in answer to his summons, "a veryi - - e ' from la6 to 116, and the crisis lasted furnished chamber. It was a vision he wanted. The ti.ve undependable 1 etrange tiang has . happened. You legs that were left to it re broke off rememberett a e have often wondered' for several days of marble, alabaster and gold. Every A third "run" occurred when a sup- possible convenience was there, and ful of orange juice with the finely . tured forcefully against the evils of with ea•se and liehtened the table -top 'What use there -coital have been feel ; grated outside- yellow rind of one . alcohol. So Emma was perturbed orange, being careful not to grate ; when cider appeared at the family, into the white part, for that gives a i table. "Cider," she proclaimed bitter taste. Stir in the unbeaten yolk', promptly, "is bad for us. Teacher portable, and later on, after taking senger to take up the boards in front on the Throne. A camp was formed ; on the possession of such a lovely of one egg, and enough .confectioners' ; . • says it contains 10 per coat alcohol " t elide": leave of Jennie and assuring of the main safe with what tools he, in Hyde Park. The disnlay of armed hathamom. e Yes, said that gentleme,n, "it is it sugar to make a paste that is stiff , Well said her father, 'how do you enough to handle. Form it into baits ' her that the -wedding day was not far tan get in a Innejr. If rny conjecture' forcehad a good moral -effect, and th - e e e • account for the fact that old Mr, off now, he shouldered the table -top is right, there will be another safe of its ' trouble to the Bank soon ceased. lovely ' bath -room, all right. It is a about as large as a hazelnut, and in- : Franklin, who lived next door, lived and eat mit far hie lodgings. - underneath, and thie is the key The greatest ' run in the Bank of great pleasure to 'aye a bath in a place , II • sert at one end of each a bit of grass to he much more than take the framevrork insade the smaller safe. Please tell England's historyoeeurred at the time like this, You can guess •ow much e It was too late chat night to do door. The other key opens a deed box of the invasion of England by the look forward to Saturday nights!" or tiny flower stalk. Place the candy i 94 though he drank a great deal .sIht ,e, \1 ovaoedkivle,adnrcblleadbd away so that he could see how the the messenger to hurry." on waxed paper to dry. i0ctafsuescliedefeelb.n?uete eefttte' her lotEe7dylatyl: an;st • table -top would fit with measurements Barker said it would be only the young Pretender. When the news • Mock Lemons.—Use the grated rind are for sweetmeats that can be made I Unhealthy When He Died. without heating any of the materials. , Little Emma had begun to study Mock Oranges.—Mix a tablespoon- physiology, and her teacher' had lee - still further by taking out the two these in the qfiee," and he dangied,posed conspiracy to dethrone the Ring every article was of the best and most drawees, one If which he noticed tura- two strangely -cut keys at Ins. finger's -a and send him back to Hanover was an- ; expensive that could be obtainecl. omely, was lined with eine. What was end as he speke. "I think I have found, flounced. The Pretender was to be • When the visitor regained his left of his prize he feu/el was readily th-e explanation. Please get the meet.: brought over frorn France and placed breath he congratulated the profiteer he had- already prepared. He knocked work of a few moments, and darted reached Landoll that he was at Derby, away the edging at the sidesand. back away. Mr. Tonbridge then turned to only 120 miles away, the City was a the alab, and as he did so a piece Fred, who had been a little mystifted panie-strickeu. All having accounts of paper fell out and fluttered to the by all that had been going ort, and at the Bank wished to draw their floor. said: 111 your money out, and everybody wanted to It looked like an old' letter, and had "Do you mind giving evidently been caught between one of name?" cash the notes they held. the drawers and the framework of the Fred gave it, and added that he was table, and so had been overlooked by employed at tbe Old English bank just all the preview owners of the 'reliceound, the -corner. Ile picked the paper up and read it, "Ah," .salci Mr. Tonbridge, "then you, but all he could gather was that the writer of the document was a person who wae -elearly not given to the weakness of malting himself intelli- gible to ordinary people. The note ran: "Memotrandum from Bander & Co., 850 Lenhall Street, London, E.C. Mast important, Publke seeurity, Raised to ceiling. Over and shove, Big box. Safety on epot. Twenty thousand. Most irepertant, Refer code." There was no date on the rnemor- are a responsille reason, and I may teal you just how the matter starrds. When wetook over this •bueinees from Hander's twenty years ago, paft.of the aseets were twenty thousa,nd pounds in bonds to bearer. Mr. Band- er had them ready to hand over to us; but, unfortunately, he died suddenly before the transaction could b,e corn- pleted, We did. not know of the exist- ence of the private oaf 0, though he had safeguarded us by leaving a de-- oegiption of at in oode,, which but for andum and tke paper'having- been you would have been irretrievably preserved :from duet amel light hy the loo. We had supposed that the bends cenapleteriette of its concealment, it had been stolen; but, as the interest was imposeiale to say whetlter the otamorts teed pavey been presented fee atrange message had beei). wrat fleyment, we egme at last tq the 00,31 - "el ago °17 00117 Y45tande-Y,nel-nalea at the banda had been hid- patobed the paper op one aide, but&tit by a., ptypiclier on greater seeety, a,fter h lied eempleted tha measetere- whet elepet- ho not been, fiepos:;.ted set meats fqr lii pace eeted W4001 NO the bank, we ,eoula inite's tell, This Paper the note up agaia 244 Lit 415 nse iftoiras Af$t elate to the was eit9 Ong 11P for the gilt, you, heave 49(44 004 fitrugh to Pao pocket; 7-1, re...118d the that Len- rentegy we have -boom able bo Obtain. halt ,gtr4,4 was citrate by the bank at 4,41 her frain. us :clueing- the labial 11±9 Wee aPalaloYed, and he *id a . 04 e/ , , eaza.,17 ,r,, retina to Bander & gds, i, a : wailted out tea the office iin a plaog :, W ea4y his enrieseby as to as i In e .i1ii of natien and hex- wefajtetg..the aee was .. e ,,, ' k ' cels that Otig- f tae. . 9 :,te ' :21 Ip!,) :41 _ alk. i ka 1441* ila Taataiallavic The directors managed to cheek the great rush by an ingenious stratagemsoon enter the house To epill toe, when pouring out is sup - Persons in the employ ot the Bank were given notes to present for pay- leased to foretell hasty woads. To knock over a cup of tea before 1:oep Minard's Liniment In the home. Cup and Saucer. To leave the lid of the teapot off in- variably means that a stranger will ment at the counter, and the cashiers paid these in- sixpences, Those who received the cash, after leaving the aloe, rhturned by another door and paid the money back, again, This method of delay and hindrance of pay- ment to the real customers saved the Bank until the panic had eubsided. Preyed•on by Criminals. " Crimes against the Bank have been many, and they have caused It great NTD l'oung women to take the NursEW Training Course in the Ontario Ilospital fOr the Insane, Toronto. Three' years Iours() in general nursing secures a raduate Nurse's Diploma from the rffYInclaI Secretary's Departtnent of the ataxic) Gfovernment, 'V,740s—Fir§t Yeari $5,0Q per month, jt -d, uniform, and lapntering, Seoond re.gr; $80.00 per month,. oard, uniform, 14 lic-erin.0'0.1WIci, iligh cps* IV 4ving bonitS. ra . 'Fear; $ 5.00 per month, Veer& afjform,- laundering, and high cost of living bonus. write for particulars to the 494ica1 Zu. orinitendent aaa ;taaateal g4reet eea t e Testoute .- t . , any has been taken out of it Indicates that a past worry has east its chadow over the future, and will result in small annoyances at no distant date. Two spoons in one saucer means that thereewill soon be a wedding in the family, Bubbles that rise to the top of the tea indicate kisses or money. If round the edge of the cup, kisses., If an the centre, money, To ensure success they should all be sipped up. A tealeaf aoating On the top indi- cates a stranger, If short, thick, and hard, year yisitar will be a short man. If long ancl thin, then a tall, thin per- son may be expected, . A lot of odd tealeavta floating E bout on the top of the tea usually paeans worries, If you ewe gather them all up In a spoon the wqrries will be hat slightmews, T,o find you have got sweetened .tea, When you prefer it without sugar is a very lucky omen. To the unmarried it means a lover and wedded blies; to the married the best of luck and pros- ptrity, of lemon, and mix the sugar with the , very healthy when Ite died." white of the egg. Add a trace of the 1 a' --1,-------• yolk to give a faint yellow tint. Form' A camera has been invented which' the paste into miniature lemons. - combines the features of an ordinary Smothered Dates.—Stuff dates with! standard camera with those of a Vine - nuts aud wrap them en the following . matograph camera. It also serves the paste: two tablespoonfuls of softened 1 purpose of e kinematograph lantern butter, two of powdered -cocoa, two of : for showing, the films on it screen. .• water, and enough ' confectioners" - . .. sugar to stiffen the mixture. The escapement wheel of a watch Peanut Butter Whirla.—Mix .a tea- , makes 781,000 revolutions every •spoonful of melted butter and a few ; twelve months, : drops of vanilla with one pound of confectioners' sugar, and add enough, i gm'agat milk to bring tha mixture to the con- sistency of stiff dough. Roll the paste 'into a sheet a quarter of an ineh thick, ' spread a thin layer of peanut butter over it, and make it into a miniature jelly reit about an inch in diameter. Slice the brown and white roll neatly into thin wheats or "whirls." Tea and Coffee Balla—Steep either tea or coffee in twice its volume of water—for example, two tablespoon- fuls of, either in four of water Drain off the liquid and eta' in confectioners' sugar to make a paste. Form it into • balls or cut it into squares. This eon- feetion le refreshing, and stimulating on tajourney or a long tramp. Summer Yieltors, 'The world is clielded bito two , elassee—those who clo not like to work and ,don't; and those who don't like to work, but do overtime to take care ea allele ewe Jobs end those of 'the ,-..ADARSE. SALT LAND SALT Bulk Quiets TORONTO GALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF • TORONTO Beautiful Women of Society, duringthepast seventy years have relied upon it for their distill- guiehed appearance. The soft, refined, pearly white coniplE-Ition it renders instantly, is always the Soares) of flattering comment.