HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-8, Page 8EIE11 R AfVIMATr, THLJA$IIAY, JTJLY 8, 1821, Exeter Markets Changed each Wedntefday Fall Wheat .,•••••M 1,95 Barley „ 1.70. Oats ................ ,...., 1,30 Family Flour ,,, 7.55 Feel Flour yx.r cwt 4.50 Shorts per cwt, ,,. 3,90 Brae, per cwt. 3.35 Eggs 49 ,''Dairy Butter , ¢,...s . 50 Creamery Butter 63 Lar:i35 Potatoe n.4,50 to $.40 ay per ton ,,. 20,00 to 22.00 Hogs ....... ...... ..ti...... 19.00 PR,ESENTEp WITH CHAIRS. The .utnual picnic of Huron County Council, br_:1 at Jewett's Grove, Bay- field Tune 25, was an event attend- ed wit!, more than the usual satisfac- tion and pleasure. A. large number was present including ,the county officers, their families, ,ex -wardens and other former members. The ex -wardens present sinev'e, Cantelon, G ovenlock and W. R, Elliott a Stephen. A. very in- teresting nteresting feature of the event was She presentation to County Clerk Holman and bride of a pair of beautiful leath- er chairs, accompanied by a suitable addressism behalf; of the CAunty Council. Mr. Holrraan very fittingly resinonded, thanking the donors most heartily for their kindly considerations. mumps COOK WANTED At Central Rotel, Exeter, City wage* paid. toonnn FRAME HOUSE' FOR SALE. One and half storeys, Exeter North Apply to Ted, Walper, FOR. SALE. Rubber -tire open. buggy; set single. harness. Apply to Dr. Vining, Exeter VIOLIN LESSQNS, taught by Mrs, E, J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply' at any time 4 to t+ U,°clock ; ew eaten; s 7 to 8. COl1:MUNITY LAUNDRY, Will those Interested in the estab- lishment of this laundry kindly leave their address at this office. There are many rm.xious for immediate ser- vice, but ea•n give alio assistance except in purchase.of stork. Will those for- tunate wcamen, who can get their laun- dry work done without hardship, re- member the aged and delicate. O A,RD OF THANKS. Mss. Wm. Skinner and family de- sire to thank the many friends for the fondness shown during their recent bere evetnent. WANTED—Experienced teacher' for S. S. No. 2, Hay, duties to com-'. menee after holidays. Personal ap- plications preferred. State salary and qualifications. Chas. Aidworth, Secretary, Exeter R. R. 1. Where do you go from .here? To. Wilson & Sims' ice cream Parlor. Any person wanting to go. to God - elicit ,on July 12, kindly ,weave 'their name at W"uson Sr. Sims or Phone 56. ^ter COW AND CALF FOR SALE Good Durham now in. calf; also, a young calf for sale. Appy at the Advocate Office, Exeter. REPRESENTATIVE✓ WANTED for Exeter and Huron County to repres- ent "The Old Reliable Fonthiil Nur- seriesr Big sales are to be made in selling Nursery stock during the re- construction period. A splendid op- portunity for a live salesman. Highest commissions paid, handsome free equip merit, large line of fruit and orna- mental rnamental stock to offer.-" Stone & Wellington, Toronto, Ont. TEAMS WANTED The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage of Exeter hereby ask for arum ber ,of teams for the purpose of haul- ing gravel for Street Paving, Wagon boxes must be made to contain a full third of a cord. Apply to William• Ward or J. W. Taylor, overseer. OARS FOR HIRE -Wilson & Simms Phone 56. MRS M. KKERR, Doctor of Chiro- practic. has h•er office at the home of Mr. Wm Andrew, Exeter. Phone 43: Office hours;' 9 to12 a.m.; 2 to,,5 p.m, WOOD PUMPS REPAIRED. If your pump needs fining we are ready to do the job ,nowbefore other work commences, We do turning of all kions Saws gummed, etc. S J. V. CANIJ Phone 115 °`n' Successor t& A. Cottle FARM FOR ,SALE 125 acres, North Boundary Mc- Gillivray. three miles from Crediton.. Highly improved, wel:L drained acid fenced. Excellent state ,of cultivation Splendid home. Possession Spring of 1921. Terms, very• moderate D. L. O'BRIEN Box 182, St.. Marys, Ont: STORES CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY' AFTERNOONS r - We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close mtx places of business each Wednesday at 12.30 •during the summer months of June, July and Au,gust. J. A. Stewart, Jones & May, G. ` A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, South- eott Bros., W. W. Taman, Jas. Lew - ion, S. Fitton, W. J, Beer, W. J. Herman, H. SiWaiters, man, 3's Senior', Gni:pation•e ,$yp" aCok- . Elliott,'F. Boyle, Hoek • nos:. 'P,q , eY•� , Times Printing Co., Advocate Print- ing Co., P. F'rayne. The following stares close Wednes- dayafternoons until 6 o'clo+ck,-Wilson, & Simms. A, Moore, Harvey . & Harvey W. J. Statham. Local Doings Mrs. Johin Sweet, Huron St;, is very ill at her home, Band concert in park on Thursday eVentng at 8,30 p.m. Mss: Edna Follick swig a solo which was ,much appreciated in Main Street Church. on Sabbath evening. Miss M. ,Broderick assisted in the program at the garden party at Far- quhar on Wednesday evening :last, Mr. Joshua Heywood, who ,has been quite ell from sortie inward trouble for some tittle tame, is now slowly on the mend Misu Lulu Kestle, who has been off' duty at the grist -mill office for sev- eral days owing to illness, is recover- ing nicely. Revv, McAlister ha+s taken up his pastorate of Main Street Methodist Church, and .preached his first ser- mons ,on Sunday. The bowlers who attended the tourneys at Elmwood and St. Marks ,on July lst, made about 550-m50 score, and had -a pleasait day's outing. Mr. Henry Luther, who has been renting Mr. John, Willis' farm on the 3rd ,of Stephen., has purchased the farm of Mr, Robert Horsley on the 4th of Usborti ,; On Thursday last while Mr. Theo;, Sweet of Hamilton, formerly of Exeter, aria his family and some. friends were driving .:ii their car Se that city the auto was struck by a, taxi, and Mr. Sweet and .two others were injured so than it was necessary that they be taken to the hospital. All are recov- ering, however, Mr, Sweet's car was badly ,damaged, The marriage took place in Flat, 'itch, on Wednesday morning, June 30, of 'Miss Margaret McGovern to Gordon Ford, soil of Mr. and Mrs%, John Ford, Lake Road. For some time the groans has been employed in the eleetrica department of the. Buick Mo - ter Co, of that city, in, which they will eauntinue Se reside. His friends here will. ;extend congratulations and best wishes. .Jr James Hutton died at his home in Forest on. July 2nd, in his 83rd year, He was the first physician and dr ug - gist of that town and was widely known He retired ten. years ago, and most ,of the time since has been an invaldHis wife died some years ago. Four children survive, Mrs, Chas _Me- Drrnell of Hensel', Airs, Elizabeth Wal- ters of Forest, Airs..(Dr,) In., C Wil- son of Parkhill, and Jaynes of Warwick The pupils of the public school rooms of Misses Kinsman, Rowe and Taylor had a happy time together at a Picnic party an the school lawn on the afternoon of closing day last week. Af- ter spending a thoroughly enjoyable time in. games and frolic, the teachers treated all to ice cream, and delect- able refz•eshments were served which had been provided by the pupils, Miss Ermatinger of New York, who was a guest of Miss Taylor, was also present. The afternoon's pleasure was concluded by all forming a circle and singing ,heartily "0 Canada", and the National Anthem, Both, teachers and pupil, voted this a very happy ending to the work of the school year. DEATH OF WM. SKINNER, William Skinner, another of Us-. bsirrne's best and most highly respect- ed farinez•s, passed away, at his home, Lot 12, concession 5, on Wednesday night last, at the age of 64 years, 4 months and 24 days. Mr. Skinner had been ailing far some little time, but his condition did not take. a serious turn until about two weeks ago; when he was compelled to take his bed and gradually sinking the end came at the time above stated, the cause of death being chronic stomach trouble, De- ceased was born in ,Usborne, being a sin .of the late Samuel Skinner, and his whole life and energies were spent in. that township. He. was twice mar- ried his first wife being Charlotte Cornish and the second Catharine An- drew. by whom he is survived, to- gether with one son, Melville, by his first wife; and two sons, Everett and Frank, by the second, ail being of Us - borne. He also leaves two brothers, Russel of town and Thomas of Kip - eel,, and two 'sisters, Mrs. John Noble sof Kippel, and. Mrs. Jahn Peart of Ex- eter.' Deceased was a member ,of the Methodist Church, and while possess- ed of an unassuming nature, he -was a man of .honorable, principles, good na- tured:and thrifty, and commanded the respect pi all. The funeral took place to the Elimville cemetery on Satur- day,.thefuneral being largely attend- ed. ?'rivitt Memorial Church Services as usual. Rev A. A. T'rumper, Rector' CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN UHU.1t0H 10.00 am. -Sunday School and Bible Class , 11 a.m.—"The Gospel." 7 p.m.—"From Slave to Prime Min- ister." Prayer meeting at 7.45. Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J, Watson, B.A. 11.0.0 a.m.-" iteceptiion of Membership and ,Sacrarnent." 3 p,m,-Sabbath' •School and Bible Classes, 7 p.m. -Sacrament and Sermion by the' Pastor All heartily welcomed. Services bright: and. music attractive,. Q r • MAIN ST AND BE'1'13ANY Minister. Rev. Dr Medd'' g , �sII�sT' .c. R>JETCHURCH 11 tam, ..3• "`stir ='Sunda • School- & B ble St d p Y i BETHANY . -- several -Sunday School and Bible 7n ern: Exeter, and his 'frietnds were glad to Class. see,him again, Mr, John Speckmaav hes returned to Twroxtto, fko?41rrthe . R,hegoU, •Pe�rsprts, teacher, is home rlays, Mrs, RegElliot of Norwiek is vralt- leg relatives hese, Mies irna Sweet of Teeswater is home teethe holidays. Mr. Wilfred Stewart was home from Kitche ter .over Sunday. • Rev A,ustti, Dupla@n, of Walkerville• called An friends here Monday. Mr; Edgar Westcott of Harnijton v;s- itedhere and in Kippers this week, Mr, pnd Mrs, W. Hi' Levett of Lone don visited here over the holiday. Mr. Linden Harvey left Monday to preach ion, a circuit neer St. Tborpas. Mr. .Oscar Anderson, wife and child of Sarnia, visited in town this week. Dr,Roulston is in London tbis week ntteniding a special course in dentis- try. Miss Reta Roive left Monday .For Guelph to take acourse in Agricul- tore. Miss Middleton of Toronto as big Mrs Mrs W: H. Armstrong for a few days. Mr, W. D. Sanders left Tuesday on a two months' iris) to Vancouver and Seattle. J• J, Meiners M P., of Seaforth was in town ti'tfonday shaking .hands with old friends, ,fir. Chris Zuefle and wife of Flint, Miele. are 3i"re visiting with friends acid a'elativres, ,1Mr: acid ,MMrs. Latimer Grieve and child ,of London are holidaying with relatives here, Dr and 'firs. Bruce of Kincalydine are this week the -guests of Dr, and Mrs, Roulstonc Mrs T, Creech, Mass Jessie Creech and Mxs. S. Sanders were in, Strait - ford over Sunday. mir, Fred Maiiettt of London spent holiday Here with bin parents, Mr, and Mrs Frank 11allett, Mr, Garfield Sheere and slaughter; Madeline ,of Brentford, spent July 1st with aelativos here, Banes and; lirs Mollard of Grand Bend were guests of Miss M. Lewis for several days, Mr. and Mrs. Gloyn, of London vis- ited the latter's sister, Mrs. E. J. Homey. over the week ,end, Mrs, Chas, Adams of Calgary and .Hiss Whimster of Aurora, are 'visiting at the 'home of Mrs. D. Johns, -Messrs Alf, Satter of London and Gen., Salter of Toroixto visited with Ars, Mark Salter over Sunday, Mr, Victor Sweet of Cleveland and Miss Ina Scott „of Windsor spent Sun- day at the former's home here. Mrs, W. H. Doerr and son, Jack spent a week at the home of her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. Geo. Vivian, Mitchell Mr.. Charles .Bailey and ,wife of To- ronto and:kis. and Mra, G, Ba ley,L•on- don spent Sunday with Mrs. John Snell Mss Ella Link, having completed the niillinzery seas'otr: at ?lattsvi,lle, has re- turned and is now with her aunt, Mrs. Kuntz. lir. C. `Eason of Detroit spent a few days .in town and country during the past week, the ,guest of C. Hl Sanders Miss Gladys Kestle, who has been teaching near Hamilton; returned toh,er home here last week to spend the holidays, Dr. Clive a11cAlister and bride -.of' Winn;_reg are spending a few days with the, formezt's parents, Rev, and Mrs, -McAlister. Misses, Florence and Gladys Down of Pickering axe visiting their grand- mother and aunt, Mrs. J. C. Tom and Mrs. W. D. Ye ct. Mrs. G. F. Oakes ,of Chicago who has been visiting her Mother, Mrs, T. Gregory here, is spenndiin;g a few days with friend's in Clinton, Mrs. Fred Nichols and Mr. and Mrs. Wm,, Luxton and daughter of Bay City ,bitch., motored over and spent the week end at Mr. Fred. Luxton,'s_ Mrs Flewwelling, accompanied by three children, of Mirror, Alta., is vis- iting her lmroth,es, and Mrs. Hodgson and sister Mrs. Skiunner, for a time. Miss May Powell, Miss Smith, Miss Boyd, Mr. G. Muir and Mr. H. Gilmour, of Wingham, spent Thurs- day, July 7,st, with Miss M. A. Hor- ton. ivtiss Stella Gregory .is attending the C•oti'nty W. C. T. Ut. Convention in Clinton :this week and is expected to give an address at ata evening mass meeting Mr, :David Tait, an, Exeter old boy, now residing in Detroit, spent Sunday at the home of his' aunt, Mrs, Christie, Old friends were pleased t,o shake hands with "Lockiuef' again. Mr. George Baker of Walkerville, Mr. and Mrs Thos. Baker, Mrs, Sandford and two children and Mr, and Mrst Basil. Baker sof Pt. Huron, Mich„ visited here iovea Sundaly with relatives, Mr, Arthur Greg,ary of North. Battle - ford, •Sask„ who is visiting his mother and' !sister here, is at present spending a few days visiting in St, Thomas, Brantford, Toron''to and Stratford, Miss Wining Baigen,t of London is visiting with herr,,parennts, Mr, and Mrs, las. •Baige,nt, lean lon Road, Lauth, Mr. Janes ,13aigent, after spending a few days with his parents here, return- ed to W'i,ndsar on Monday. Miss Pearl Love, who has spent the past year teaching in Vandura, Sisk„ spent a few days with Miss 11,1:.A.. Horton before going to Guelph t...complete her 'course in Elemen- tary Agriculture and Horticulture, Mrs. x5 Johnis; and, .11filss Lille 'after stsenciksg sameweeks- at the home of Mrs. Goodisrnn,,--anima, returned home oat Surrtclay•Mi''�a,nd Mrs. Gocdison gaud Dr. ` Janies accompanied theniJ.•re ttaiahrg;until Mionday,.. 1vfrs, Jahns, we' egret to ss�r is; .stet ,enlayi°n,g,.; good; Ir;e th;' ;A mink t 'ka Sack s' ed `;t .�t.,Sr'i ut i,• hdu we'ek's w'i:tit. ;his li th a' -in laity, Mr ' A, r, McDotnell, fir a-...fthv days ..T3°e paslO 'v utecti 'C1idti ton aauiGadea7cli vyath, relatives: It ,isr several years ui�it,ce Mr. Bennett left PHONE 32 JONES: -84. MAY PHONE. 32 d. EXETER CHAUTAUQUA WEEK Monday July 12 to Thursday, July 15 Inclusive During Chautauqua Week we will offer espec- ially attractive prices on many lines throughout • our store. Don't miss this opportunity to hear some of America's greatest artists, also to visit this store and secure real bargains. JONES & MAY Closed Wednesday afternoons during June July and August, Miss Ethel Sweet milliner of Tin- sonburg is home for holidays. Mrs M. E. Gardiner will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Dickson of Chat- ham ,an an auto trip to Hamilton, To- ronto, Niagara Arid New York. Mr and Mrs; Wni. Daw of G-oder- ich were ,in town Saturday renewing acquaintances. They visited with Mr. and .Mrs. John H. Cole of Usborne. SINCE £t87o 3oritacouons DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON • AND DENTIST Office -Betters' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A; Barrister Sialicittor, Notary Public, Comniiissliamer., Solicitor for the Mal - sone Banik, Etc. Money to lean at liawest rates of inter -est. Office -Maine Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED want an unlimited number of Horses in good condiiti,on,. Geldings 5 years std up, weighmir:g from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 Hounds °up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. JeDOW FRANZ TAYLOR Licensed Auctiorileer for• Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed, Crediton, Ontario. SUMMER TERM COMMENCES' JULY 5th, nerierroccl instructorsgives .thorn c ttises` , g h r ,a .and " °ts •; res ,raduati . raK1e s' ��Theg e to='`high g Po itiiosxls, ;;demand upo+nties ;;for= traianed 'help exceeds the number graduating. Commerce your ,course watIi u`s at ,ap,eaniag of ,summer tenni, as ' Jhly Sth. Get our'free catalogue. D. A. McLachlan, Principal, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amiount of private funds to loam on farm and village property Drates ScGLt AMAN8TANBURY Barristers, Solicitors°, Exetdr Dr. A. R.. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S. Horror Graduate Toronto University Office -cover Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night, OSfige- Dr. Sweets old office Phone Nok, 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONE,I,R AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron, Perth, Middlss.ex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Speciality. Office at Cockshutt Waneraoms, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Notice ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE , THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will coli'iri- Ce' Dr. G, F. Roulst.on, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Produce taken in exchange Office aver Carling's Law' Office 'Closed Wednesday afternoons, Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 GOOD VALUES IN MEN'S CLOTHING • Thi? week we are showing a range of Ment's Brown Worsted Suits smart three -button style, that are exceptionally OM value at "$35:00 Elegant Blue Serge Suits at $45„00 APROZIS AND HOUSE DRESSSES. ; This is another line that we have added They are made in small, mediun. and large sizzes, Anyoate wanting large sizzes should see tlieS'e dnesrses. We are showing a fine range of 'styles %ri;eiacT' washing msitar- ials. Prices are'Moderate.' r W HETI; CANVAS • OXFORD'S FORDS $1;48, 5 pales f Whitee art va Okfoi ds regular' $2.25fie $2,50 ,50 voae .Clean, uv, of all lines. rust the thing for the hot weather. at per pair $1.48. ,.-estr`sessee Southcott Bros. ?`s:AXtF(7h,. "_•.,n.;4; Va..f"L_Y"', rt