HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-8, Page 5CASTOR IA
Far Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Under and ;by virtue of a Power of
Sale contained in a certain Mortgage
made •by ;George Schroeder to the
Vendor, which said Mortgage will be
produced pa the day of sale, therd
yvill be !offered for Salle 'by, public
auction, on:
SATURDAY, JULY 17th, 1920
at the hour of 2 o'clock, p.m.
On the Premises in the Township of
Hay, in the County of Huron, the fol-
lowing desirable Farm Property, viz—
All and singular that certain parcel
.or tract of lands and premises, situate,
lying and being in the Township of
Hay in the County of Huron. and
Province of Ontario, containing one
hundred acres, moreor less, and be-
ing composed of Lot 13, Con. 13, in
the said Township of Hay.
This is a good farm, situate con-
veniently to \market, churches and
school, and infirst-class farming com-
munity, well fenced and drained, and
upon which area erected suitable home
and farm buildings.
Terns -10 per cent of purchase
money ,an day of sale; balance in. 30
days. Other conditions made known
on day of sale, Arrangements may be
made for p,. 'loan of at large percent-
age of purchase money ata 1-2 per.
cent. for a term of 5 years. For fur-
ther particulars apply to
Dashwood, Ont.
or to, L, R. CABLING, Exeter, Ont.
Solicitor for Mortgagee
Dated tlt Exeter the 30th day. of June
HAY —Jrt 2nd to Sr, 2—G. 'Finney,
B. Tin'n'y. Sr. 2nd to Jr, Sid—Velma
Caldwell Jr. Srd to Sr. 3rd—Lily
Greb; Sr. 3rd to Jr. 4—Violet Murray,
Oscar Tuckey. Jr. 4th to Sr, 4th—
Leonard- Greb, Bruce Tucktly. Rec •
r�� mmc;nded—Frank Wildfarg, Homer
'IllRussel1.—A. E. Johns, teacher.
by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of -
RAND TRUNK Reyrretvi
Unexcelled dining car service
Sleeping cars On night trains and
Parlor car on principal day trains.
Ftil1 information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. , E. Horn-
ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto
Phone 46w Agent. Exeter
Mail Contract
SEALED TENDERS addressed to
the Postmaster General, will be re-
ceived al. Ottawa until Noon on Fri, -
day the 6th day of August, 1920, for
the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails
on a proposed Contract for four years
six times Der, ;week over Exeter
No. 1 Rural Route, from the Post-
master General's pleasure.
Printed notices containing further
information as to conditions of pro-
posed Contract may be 'seen and
*lank forms of Tender may be ob-
tained at She Post Offices of Exeter,
Hay, Centralia, Hensel Crediton; and
at the office of the Post Office In-
spector, London.,
Post Office 1 tspectoi+,'s Office,
London, 25th !June, 1920.
Post Office Inspector.
Women of Canada
Who Testify
Tillsonburg, Ont.:—'•"Ever since I can
remember, Dr. Pierce's medicines were used
in our family at home
and they never failed
to give good results.
The 'Golden Medical
Discovery' was used
as a tonic and blood
purifier and for bron-
chial trouble, and it
proved excellent. I
have personally tak-
en 'Golden Medical
Discovery' for bron-
chial trouble, and
the T avorite Pre-
t,seription' to build
me . up when I was
run-down and they both wore very bent -
Mother always used Dr. Pierce's
Compound Extract of Smart -Weed for
pain; it also was very good. I feel safe in
recommending all of Dr. Pierre's medicines
knowing them to be good."—MRS. CLIF-
Central Butte, Bask.:—"I have used Dr.
Pierce's Medical -Discovery for a number
of years and am pleased to recommend it
as a blood' purifier. I know;it-has no equal, •
as t used it for my boy for tuberculosis of
the knee joint. ' My neighbors and friends
were surprised with the maths; in fact, I do
„fleet think he would be alive today had it not
'Veen for the Medical Discovery.' I also
keep it on hand for coughs as it differs so
from other cough medicines, instead of up-
setting, the stomach its most cough syrups
do itis good for the stomach, I only wish
I had known about Dr. Pierce's medicines
sooner."—MRS. PERCY WOOD.
When you take Golden -'Medico:: Dias
covert'; you are getting the benefit of the
experience of a doctor whoseeeputation goes
all aeound''the earth. - Stfl'1 naore;'you get"a
temperance ,medicine • that contains, not a
drop of alcohol or narcotic 'of any
Long a.ge Dr. ,Pierce ci'ombiued: cextatf'
valuable vegetaleie ingr$drbnte-:wititettt-3..
the use of alcohol -so that his remedies
always bare been strictly temperance
medicines, ,t
Thursday by Toronto /ire -saving
George Duncan won the. British
ovan gut championship with a total
of 30.3.
Walter Morrison, Nassau street;
Toronto, was fatally hurt at Hanlan's
Thousands attended the annual
Horse Show in Queen's Park,
Thorold , Council has appointed
N.. C. Martin, a Canadian, "town
Reports that Avlona has been cap-
tured from the Italians have not been
Belleville Board- of Education has
increased the salaries of the High
School teachers,
Edward Smith, aged 17, was
drowned in Hamilton Bay when
canoe overturned.
A powerful bomb was exploded on
Wednesday near the Japanese House
of Representatives.
A. A. Macdonald, judge of the Pro-
bate Court for Prince Edward Is-
land, is dead; aged 56.
In the first of ill a inter -city soce• r
gailzes,betwesan.DriontrQal and Cglronin,
the latter lost by 2 to 0.
Two policemen were killed and
many persons were wounded in food;
riota at Lubeck, Germany,
The "Leafs defeated Buffalo in To-
ronto Thursday in both games, the
soores being 4 to 2 and 16 to 9.
"Bob" Dibble, Canada's champion
oarsman, proved an easy winner in
Toronto on Thursday against Johnny
The steamship,OIympic arrived at
N •w York on Friday.
A special commission has been ap-
l -,int el to Study rural credits.
D tvid Kays, son of Prof, D. R.
won .; Harvard fellowship.
James J, Higgins is Soldier -Labor
''idi tr.i•^ t'•ti• Northeast Toronto.
Toronto '.vas defeated by Buffalo
b'rit.ay. The score was 3 to 1.
\ committee is to report on pos-
' xt.•nsion of Land Titles Act.
• ,',•6-iftration before increases,
• .1i• -r Drury told civil servants.
Czech" -Slovak troops at V1-
Day. Cap were reviewed on Dorat-
+'al'uary t•arppntet are now t:, g •t
an hour; bricklayers and ula'ster-
Mit,: Toronto II, broke the world's
record Cor one mile at Burlington.
Iowa, Friday.
Rev. Dr, D. J. Evans told l3apr',;ta
Ottawa's new party looked ihi • a
phenomenon. ,
The United Farmers of Quebec
will work in h.,rntony with the t'°zion
des Cuitiv.iteurs.
Tlp Belgian (Itt;nber of D"•p'a.ies
on Friday defeet 'd a bill to grant
suffrage to women.
Tne Milner Co nut ~:,1011 is expe. led
t •> r:•COutrn nd a degree of self-gov-
rmtuc,nt for Egypt.
Th' Magdalen College four easily
c1c'feat.•-1 'inion Boat Club of Boston
entry at the 11 nley Regatta.
Minnie Sammons, aged. 19, corn-
nu'rcial •heist in Eaton's employ at
1V:unip g, was killed by a motor car.
The Prince of Wales has honored
the War Se:vitet Memorial Club by
becoming its Ileac:wary president.
Sydney Wakelin, aged 24, riding a
horse to water at Sans Souci, near
Kingston, was thrown off and
John T. Haig, Conservative, is de -
stared elected in Winnipeg. Md. Mc-
Qneen is also elected. He is a Social -
A Sinn Fein party in ambush at-
ta,.:: e1 fot' policeman on Friday be-
tty set C' ;hel and Ballinure, Ireland.
Sergt. Toin was killed and Constable
Brady was wounded,
i'dONDAY. '
Rev. Dr. Andrew Robertson of To-
ronto is dead.
Registration fee for letters will be
10 cents from July 15.
Eleanor Kinnear,- Weston road, To-
ronto, was hurt in a motor aceidont.
New appointments have been made
temporarily to the Board of Com-
Sunnyside (Toronto) bathing
beach was the scene of another
The International Baptist Young
People's. Union convention in Toronto
came to a close. '
A Western coal company offers to
send east 1,000 tons of coal a day for
the next eight weeks.
Irene Florence Maso'n of . Ottawa,
aged 16, a good swimmer, was drown-
ed in Lake Deschenes.
The 'National- Lacrosse 'Union, ow -
ink tp lack of patronage, has 'sus- .
pended for the season.
Gabrielle Lancl,riautl, aged three,
was fatally injured- when run down
by a motor truck in. Ottawa.
Maj. -Gen. Sir ' Charles Townshend,
the hero of Kitt -el -Amara, has return-
ed to Britain on the Mongolia.,
Lord Downhatir, formerly Right
Hon. Hayes Fisher, and long one of
the tlnioiiist leaders, is dead.
Reports from India are that the
Sinn Fein agitation has caused mu-
tiny among Irish troops in India..
The Leafs defeated Rochester in
Toronto on Saturday by 24 to 4„and
at Rochester on Sunday by 7 to 4.
William T. Tilden won the British
tennis championship when he beat
Patterson of Australia in the Chal-
lenge round Saturday.
Gen, Francisco Gonzalos, former.
governor of the State; of. Tarepauli-
pas; Mexico, Inas' been ordered exe-
cuted by Gen. Calles, Secretary of
The deaths ,are reported in Lon-
don. of :Sir''Edward 'Durand, Anglo-
Indian --Maj.=Gen. Sir David 'Mercer'
of the Marines; Maj. -Oren. Malcolm -
son; Mutiny veteran, and Sir Robert •
Bernard, Public Works Commission.
!Chinas • Will Have Consul at Moscow..
PEKIN, July 67—The Chinese Gov-
ernment, in accordance with its gen-
oyal policy of promoting relations
With Russia, hasdecided to establish
flit Consulate -General at Moscow and
e cout;niercia1 delegation at Verchneu-
.dinsk, Siberia.
Three Organisers Killed.
CHARI,,FST'ON, ;W..Va,,'July, �:--
Three organizers of the Unitce Mine.
i''orkers of America have been killed
a' fight with mine guards at Iloder-
!' ..,:, McDowell county. on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Morley Wass, who have
been tom; a, ,tripthrough. the West and
out :to Victoria, B. -'C:, returned home'
week and have .,enjoyed their trip very
much,—Miss Minnie Million spent the
holidays in, London and at Springbank
-The attractive, stzawherry festival at
the Presilyteria i Church drew a large
cnotyd. The program' by,the Marr
Family of Toronto was god, The
,occasion was the 60th year, Jubiliee.
—Our two teachers, Miss Kinsley of
Ailsa Craig;and. Miss Harrison of Park-
hill are re-engaged for another year,
—Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Fitzgerald have
moved from the farm into town.—The
Orangemen. of this village attenided
divine worship alt Wesley on Sunday.
Rev. Jefferson preached a good ser-
mon, -
Mr• and Mrs, C. P. Matthes of
Smith Centre, Kansas, are spending a
few months .visiting Isere,—Mr. and
Mrs. (nee Carrie Galman), Lloyd Schi-
efle of Detroit and. Mrs, and Mrs. Hen-
ry Eicher and family of Bad Axe,
Mich. were visitors at .the home of
Mr. and Mrs, John Gallman.--Miss Lil-
lian Weseloh, who has been attending
the Commercial ,department of the
Stratford Collegiate has received
word that she was successful in her
recent examination, --Mrs; E. Weido is
on the sick list. --Pei; Mrs. Eicher and
children, a missionary of India, visited
friends in, this vicinity,—Mr, and Mrs.
Chas F. Hey, of Bad Axe, Mich.; and
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert ,Hey of Cleve-
land . Ohio visited relatives here,—
There passed away on June 26, John
Theodore, infant son of Mr, and Mrs.
John ,Kipper at the age of one year
and three months. The little fellow
had been (ailing almost since birth,—
Mr. Wes ,Schelick of Detroit called
on friends tin the village.—A very
o.leasant event took place at St. Bon-
iface R. C. Chur7h, on June 29th, when
Miss Martina, lclaughter of Mrs. Jos,
Regier Goshen Lane, south, was unit-
ed in .marriage to Mr. Edmund J.
Deniomie of Blake, The Rev, Father
Stroedea performed the ceremony,
is a root of mach t�eskne and
6iaders progress sad grave.
Scott's Emulsion
1 die world-famous ionic=food, r
is the natural o>lemj of sal-
nntritioa sal w
daiy's throe y' t gth >j n}es�
daily, builds s t �s
drive matruttro on away.
Scott do ne_'lb nte,Ont.
Reding Comfort
M ade-in-Canada
WHY let rough roads in ter -
T fere with your motoring
In this Overland you need not
let bad roads spoil good rides.
Trpkx Springs make every
mile you ride a more enjoyable
Light weight makes every mile
a, more economical mile.
This rare combination of rid-
ing luxury with driving economy
accounts for the tremendous en-
thusiasm which is greeting the
Overland all over Canada.
Its equipment is of the most
modern type. Its stamina is a
credit to the Canadianinstitu-
tion which created this car.
Let us show you the Overland.
R. 1-I. Elworthy, Dealer, Exeter, Ont.
Head Office and Factories: Willys-Overland Limited, Toronto, Canada
Branches; Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina
It is Dangerous to Use Counterfeit Parts for the
11DY allowing your garage man to use imitation parts in
13 repairing your car you not only invite repeated repair
bills and more serious breakdowns, but you actually endan-
ger your own life and the lives of others. Cheap and inferior parts used in
connection with the steering control are liable to cause accidents of a very
serious nature.
You Risk Your Life When You Use
• Imitation Spindles
In a recent test the tensile strength
of the genuine Ford Van*diur
Steel spindle arm was ,found to be
over 100% more than that of the
counterfeit machine steel part.
The arms were submitted to shock,
and the counterfeit arm broke
.at a pulling force equivalent
to 11,425 pounds applied to a cross section,
The same pulling., force applied to a corres-
ponding cross section of a genuine Ford
spindle arm did not even change its original
size or shape. In order to separate the genuine
spindle arm it was necessary to apply a pulling
force of 25,000 pounds.
The spindle arm is one of the vital parts en-
tering into the control of a car, and by using
spurious parts in such places, Fordownersare '
risking lives and property.
Genuine Ford Springs versus
Imitation Springs
Genuine Ford front and rear springs
are made of Vanadium spring steel
having a tensile strength of 210,000
pounds per square inch, and
an elastic limit .of 200,000 pounds.
Every genuine Ford spring is tested
in the factory. Front springs are
subjected to a pressure of 1,890
pounds. In the fatigue test the average gen-
uine spring will stand 60,000 strokes before
breaking. Rear springs are subjected to a
pressure of 2000 pounds and the average
genuine spring will absorb 40,000 strokes
before breaking.
Imitation springs are generally made of car-
bon steel having a tensile strength of only
130,000 pounds per square inch and an elastic
limit of only 115,000 pounds. In ordinary
service they soon flatten out.
You are merely protecting yoursel f and avoiding repeated repair bills when
you demand genuine Ford parts.
Only Genuine Ford Parts Can be Used with Safety
Look for
the Sign.
Milo Snell, Dealer, Exeter