HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-8, Page 4The ;Exeter Advocate
Sanders. & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—In advance $1,50
per ,fear in Canada; $2,.,00 in. the
Ul to d States, All subscriptions not
pard stn advance 50c. e;tra charged,
P:epiay Advertising—Made known
out apnlieation.
Stray Animals—Ogle insertion 50c„
three insertions $1„OQ.
Farm for Remi Estate for sale 50c,
e,a,eli insertion for one month. of four
ins brtions
11.1s,;ellaneous articles of not more
than five lines, Fear Sale, To Rent,
Wooed, ,each insertion 50c. Lost and
hou:t+g Lionel% 25c. an insertion,
lee' al reading notices, etc„ 10c. „per
tate per insertion; No notice less
thin 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.
Auction Sales $3 for one insertion
and $1.50 for each subsequent in
serelen. if under five inches in length.
Legal advertising 10c, and 5c. aline,
Ti fURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1920
K sake--Hocking-A• very pretty
M''d3te was s,o1emztnzed by Rev, la,
Rit -hie at the home of Mrs, Agnes
1{n -king Cromarty, on June 30, when
her only daughter, Janet Elizabeth
Lae: -ie was united in marriage to Mr.
Geroge Kerslake, son, of Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Kerslakeof Staffa, To the
streets sof the wedding 'march Played
by !1t Pearl Hocking, the bride en-
ter"' the parlor leaning on the aria
of ? .'r brother, Mr, W. J. Hocking, B.
A. r f Ottawa. She wore a gown of
,duchess satin, trimmed with sea
pee°'' end carried a bouquet of roses
aril .ferns. The young couple were
as ; tt n.led, excepting that little Jean
Heel:lee acted as flower girl.. The
neer nt was tastefully decorated with
fw-..3 and roses. About fifty guests
eat 1eeet to a dainty wedding supper,
and let!! in the evenng, a most enjoy-
ab`e '..inee was spent, when about 150
.r- gathered to do thein honor.
1x1.4. „ eestly gifts received testified to
1i ..cent an wh'ch the young couple
'oel. They will reside on the
gee -ere, fine farm near Staffa.
ate :ind Mrs. Thos. Ballantyne and
E-emi ; Mr, and Mrs. Baobt. Duncan and
dau late:, Jean, visited at Mr. William
arrear Chiselhurst, on Sun-
dny,-2dr and ,firs. Wm,. Pollen visit-
ed . Staffa .oda, Sunday.— —The straw-
herey festival held here on Wednesday
ev::._:t,; was a. ;rand success in every
w : large crowd attended and an
ex .t was rendered. Owing to the
I.e..; , ry' 1lrs. Garnet Passmore \Mss
Bee i k sof Exeter, on a low hours{
rant..e aria favored us with a couple
4 „-oontlid'readiangs, which was very
nut -11 enjoyed. The addresses ;riven
by Ar. Fletcher was very much ap-
€ hotel, as was the solo rendered by
Men Jean Allison and Mr. Will Mills)
The Woodham Orchestra furnished
nuo,t ,excellent music throughout the
pro, ram. We also feel very • grate:ul
W, Sa;taders of 'Exeter, who
acted as chairman, and kept perfect
pald.er, Two ball games were payed
in the evening, at 5 o'clock Kerkton
and Farquhar, resulting in favor of
the home team, score 13-4, and at 7
o'clock, Woodham and Farquhar re-
sulting 'en favor of the visitors, 9 t o 8.
lereeee.de ,amounted to $136—Mr. and
Moe T. Hunki'n and Edgar and Mr.
•d;ind nee Fred Parsons of Exeter, p n•
Su.,,1 ty at Munro.
O:t Dominion Day an old-time straw-
berry festival was held here and was
largely attended. We were greatly
fevered in having Rev. and Mrs. Dav-
idson, ,who are capital entertainers,
with. us. Action songs were given by
the children. After the program
sports were. held. An exciting game
of baseball between the two Sunday
school League teams, "The W-ces,"
and "The Mites," proved interesting.
Bath ;''itchers showed speed and curve
The resulting score was in favor of
the "Mites)' At five ao'clock supper
wee served, 'everyone receiving a heap-
ing dish sof strawberries end aplenty
of cream. After supper another ex-
citing game of baseball was played be-
tween the married, and single men, the
score. resulting in 13-7 via favor oaf the
single men. All report a good time,
a the evening a number of our young
people motored to Grand Bend.—Mr.
Lewis Woods ;spent.Dominion Day at
beeee.—Miss :Oldfard is visiting her
raster, 'firs. Parnaby.
Hunter—Sims=A quiet wedding took
Place at the Methodist parsonage,
Crediton, as Wednesday, June 30th,
when Rev. C. W. ,Baker united iaYmar-
riage, Olive Myrtle, daughter oaf Mr.
rid Mrs. Wm. Sims, and Mr. Gordon.
miter; soon, of Mr. and. Mrsl Simoon?
Hunter of Osborne. The bride was at-
tired in white duchess satin with bead
trimmingsw.earbag a tulle veil with
wreath aof orange blossoms. She car-
ried a bouquet of p_:rnk and white• car-
nations and fern. They were 'attend-
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. of Henn.
call, brother and sister of the bride'
and groom. Mr. and Mrs, Hunter left
omit short wedding trio after 'which
they will eds;a'lei loin the groom's farm
in Osborne; They have the hest
wishes of thaeie many friends.
Nei. and Mrsi. Chris 'Zuefle o i'Flirn:t,
Mich.., motored here on Monday and
vent a few aclatys visiting:relatives.
Harry House and sister of Kitchener
riveted Leone W. Browp Last week.
A "large'nurnter- attended the cele-
bration at Graln;l Bend. July lst, Our
iEiencl furrnalaeid the mus::'c toe the day,
Several. went to Centralia to heir
the Oritaarlo.P:rerneler speak. Judgirn
fneeni eeeorte he made a very favor-
able impress loan.
' Next .,Sunday .;evening tee ennuail
C eriedrenl's Day Festival will be ,held in
the Evangelical Church. A splendid_,
aegran. has been prepared which no
•dQt,bt tial prove, quite a treat, ,,
Dr, and Mrs. Orme and daughter
Helen motored, to Buffalo, last week.
Mt. and, Mrs. Rloszel accompanied them
as Marr as Caledonia..
Mr, and, Mrs: Ilan Sdreitzer of Al-
gonquin. Park spent a few .hays in
town this week.
Miss Wailed Ginter of Kitchener
Visited Mrs. Moore last Sunday.
Wm, Biowman's addition to the
l3arrk is about comnleted.t
Mrs, tllleatrier' and Mias Edna Fink -
heeler Of Bt1t;eato are visiting their
mother, Mrs.'John, Stcina,cher:
Mr. and Mrs„ Smith and Mrs. Ort of
Detroit visited Mr. and Mrs!.. Dan Mc-
Isaiac 'st 'Sunday.
Mr gold Mrs, John F. Finkbeiner
have returned home after a week's
visit with their children in. Cleveland.
Mrs John Sweitzer visited her sis-
ter Mrs, Ha:Flock last Sunday,
Re,' :Brooke and family have arrived'
here, He "occupied the, pulpit in the
Methodist Church last Sunday and
preached very eloquently to large coo
gregations. We welcome them and
trust their stag' with, us ..will be a
pleasant end profitable one.
Miss V'oelker of Elkton, Mich., is vis-
iting her sister, Mrs. Wm H, 'Smith,
,Hay of the Bank of Toronto,
Petrolea, called on Mr. Wilson of the
Commerce Monday.
Mr and Mrs'', J. Gi; Anderson of.
Lucknow visited Alt, and Mrs. Herb
Faber Tuesday.
'ars, Harry. Rapley and daughter of
Finlay Ohio are visiting Mr. 'and. Mrs
F. W. Clae'k.
Mrs, Jas. ;liaodgins attended the
County W.C,TU, convention held in
Clinton on .Tuesday and Wednesday
as ,a delegate of the .local branch,
The Crediton League team lost a
game of ball to Clinton on Mondayl
score 10-1. The visitors played hard
from the start and made the ten, runs
i the first. three innings. Our boys
seemed to lose from the .beginning
through costly •errors- and were never
able to 'regain their standing. Our
-ditcher, O'Neil, ,was hit hard. In the
fth innings Weir went into the box 1
after which. Clinton did not score a '
run, Our only run was maple in the
fourth. Our''teaun, goes to Zurich Tues- '
day acrd eilay here on Friday. A hat
time is 'expected and we earnestly
hone these ;games will not be marred
by "horseplay." as it has a tendency
to cause hard feeling, and nothing
much is ;aired by rough stuff.
Grand Bend
One :Of the largest crowds ever vis-
itlnl; Grand Bendovas here on July lst.
The day being fine everybody seemed
to enjoy themselves.—Mr, Joe Sharrow
who was hurt in ,111r. Heaman's sawmill
is not a;moroving ars rapidly as his
triendr• would like to see hum.=Mr, and
errs. Fairburn of Hensall 4 sited at,
Cyrus Green's July lst —Gordon Al-
lister har ,gave to St. Marys to work.
—Mrs. Farm of Port Huron and Mr.
H. Wilson. of Arkona anal Jas. Wilson
of P•etroea, visited their mother here
July lst.—Mr, Jos, Lawson is having
two cottages built here, and when
completed he will rent them. The
cottages are nearly all filled, and the
boarding •houses are begirutiang to fill.
—Mr Louis Grat ton, who is quite ill,
i$ mot improni g.
Hugh Norris, father of Mr. James
Naorri; of Mitchell, passed away at his
lue:ne in Staffa an June 26, in bis 80th
year, Deceased was among the early
setthre sof Ni'bhert and was well-known
throughout the ',cwnship. He' was a-
iming the thrifty c;aas cited made a suc
cess` :of farming. Bes::des his wife he
,'.eaves a•family hof six sons and s°,';
daughters, all ,grown to manhood and
wonanho):1. The funeral was held on
Weeeesday of last week, interment
taking :glace en Staffa .cemetery. The
sons and. daughters .are :James of
Mitchell; John of Brucefield; Hugh of
Hibbert - Robert and William of Day -
Wean .Sask.; Harry an the, old home-
stead. Cromarty; Mrs. Leonard But-
son Munroe; Mrs. Robert Sillery, Ex-
eter • Mrs. Wm, Piper, Fresno, Cal.;
Mrs. John Drake, Staffa; Mrs. L. Keil,
Brock ,Sask.,•and Miss Liza Norris at
A very quiet ceremony, at which,
only' the immediate families of the
bride and groom were present, was the
merriagc.lof Mess Muriel Lynette Car-
ter to Mr. Irving Gibson, which took
place at the Colborne -Street Methodist
parsonage, ,on .June 23, the Rev. Mr.
Kelly •iofficrrafhag, The bride wore a
dark blue ,silk farillie dress,' hand -made,
apd richly embroidered with French
'knots lav•:self-tames of silk. Her bou-
quet was of red and white roses. Af-
ter the. ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Gib -
lion took the train fax Toronto, They
will also visit several other points east.
la going to her future hoe in Lucan
the bride returns to scenes of her
childhood ,end rgirrlhood friends.
Aa ar ieerndeeent0,to the Ontario Tem-
eeranse'e ,Act' came into force an June
4th,; whereby the maximum penalty for
all first oefenrses for having liquor in
one's possession other .than in a private
dwelling house, hats ;been increased.
from $1000 to $2000:'
The Ad.vgcate is anxious to have
correspondents in. ail ^ districts. If
your' •territory '. is not represented . by
our staff correspondents will you
send us' the news, or suggest the
name .of°.3drnieone who,would..be .likely,.
to do 'so? We furnish stamped en.-
vetope,s and writing supplies.
is at the bottom of most
digestive itis*
for indigestion afford pleas-
leas-ing and prompt relief from
the distress of acid -dyspepsia.
MAKERS OF SCOTT'S smut -slew
Important Events Which Hays
Occurred During the Week
The Busy World's Happenings Ohre-
. fully Compiled Nnd Put Into
Handy, and Attractive Shaw for
the Menden; of Oar Paper --'A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Belgian and Dutch immigrants
passed through Toronto.
Vera Crust authorities hare got the
bubonic plague under control.
The Acct train to Ottawa aver
C:N,R.-Q.T.R, lines lett Monday.
A coroner's jury severely criticised
Toronto's life -saying equipment.
Mrs. Geo. De Beck, of Eburne,
B.C., celebrated her 106th birthday
on, Sunday. _
Jimmy Miles, five yeA`rs old, of
Merritton, was drowned in the old
Welland canal.
The .Hungarian Ministry has., -'re-
signed and Count Apponyi may form
a government.
A ballot box was reported broken
into in the Libau District, Manitoba,
and 400. ballots stolen. •
The first official meeting of the
League of Nations will be held in
Geneva next November.
Inquiries from alt over the conti-
nent are being made about the new
treatment of cancer in Toronto.
The Board of Railway Comgrission-
ers has beettrgiren extraordinarypow-
ers to deal with the fuel situation.
Toronto's baseball team lost to
Read, 4 to 3, Monday in the final
game of their road trip. They play
Buffalo in Toronto to -day.
"Bob" Dibble of the. Don Rowing
Club, Toronto, and a four -oared crew
from the Argonauts, Toronto, will
compete at Philadelphia's annual re-
gatta next Monday.
Unfavorable weather prevented a
trial race between Shamrock IV. and
the 2'1-innr'tre Shamrock Monday. The
challenger took a spin with her full
complement of forty men.
All the 2,000 war prisoners on
board a Bolshevik steamer which
sank recently in the Neva river were
saved, according to a despatch to the
Dagblad from Helsingfors, Finland.
Dr. Edward W. McBain of St.
Thomas is dead.
The Indemnity Bill passed the
House of Commons,
Quebec farmers have, organized an
independent political party.
Two children were killed in To-
ronto yesterday by motor cars.
The annual rose show was held in
Jenkins' Art Galleries, Toronto.
Several persons were severely hurt
in labor riots in Turin, Italy, Tues-
day. -
Lord d'Abernoon has accepted the
office of British Ambassador to Ger-
The Toronto baseball team lost to
Buffalo, 7 to 1, on their home
The China Inland Mission annual
conference is meeting at Niagara -on -
the -Lake. „
James Moore Hickson opened a
two -days' mifiistry of spiritual heal-
ing in Ottawa.
The fourth Decennial International
Congregational Council was opened
Tuesday at Boston.
Over -stocked sugar dealers 'in the
United States are making an effort
to unload their holdings.
Jack Dempsey is en route to New
York from San Francisco to endeavor
to force Georges :Carpentier into a
Geo, S. Lyon, many times Cana-
dian golf champion, was the star of
the titular tourney at Montreal on
Wm. T. Tilden of Philadelphia and
Zenzo Shimidzu of Japan qualified to
play in the final for the British tennis
singles championship.
Three :nen were killed and three
were injured in the collapse of the
four-story Sutherland Hotel in Lower
Main street, Buffalo, Tuesday.
The financial conference at Brus-
sels has been fixed by the Council
of the League of Nations, which has
decided it shall be held July 23, it
was announced.
Tel U RSDAY. -
An unknown man jumped into the
Gatineau and was drowned.
A Woodstock hotel has closed its
dining -room for lack of help.
William Cutting of .Acton was killed
by a falling tree on his farm.
A committee has been named to
investigate High School courses.
The French Senate has ratified the
Treaty of St. Germain with Austria.
The British House of Commons
has passed clause seventy of the Irish
Toronto Board of Control named
George H. Ross to succeed Mr. Brad-
shaw. •
The International Conference of
Baptist Young People are meeting in
The University .of Toronto has an-
nounced the results of music exam-
Over one hundred thousand mar-
riage licenses were taken out in New
York in June.
The Leafs were defeated for the
second consecutive time by Buffalo
in Toronto,,,6 to 3.
Stephen Lusted, city clerk of Wind-
sor more than forty years, bade fare -
,well to his associates.
Hon. Mr. Raney has sent out 'let-
ters .to magistrates on the Ontario
Temperance Act changes.
The troops of Gen. Wrangel are
advancing with little opposition on
the north shore of the Sea of Azov.
Georges Carpentier and champion
Jack Dempsey will hold a conference
in New York -relative to their pro-
posed titular bout.
The result of the Nelson and Colne
election is a victory for Labor, Rob-
inson 'Graham, :Labor candidate, be-
ing elected to the British ' Commons
with- 14,1,.34 -Votes
Germany's total t1ebt is; placed at
265,000,0,00,000- marks
'The Soviet forces are again iris
ning on, -the 'Polish front.
Three persons were rescued on
Cont 1ue'd on, next page
Rev. Riversdhis
occupao pulpit in
the Methodist Church Sunday for the
first time and his sermoiarrs were well
eeoeived. Mrs. J. SC McDonald has
returned from't visit with:( relatives;irn
Toronto, :Miss Mary Hogarth. and
Miss Margaret E. Habkairk intend go-
ing to Gadierich to spend a week at
the summer • school.. --firs, Thomas.
Sherritt. Jr., who was so seriously ill,
is now much improved and getting
around nicely.—Mrs. Geo. Forrest of
Alberni, B. C„ is visiting her brother-
in-law William ,Henry.—The relatives
and immediate friends, of Mr. Fred
Simmron., recently tinct at his new home
in Hensel' and presented him with a
fine black walnut library table. Mre
Simmomaa is 'a; returned soldier who.
was badly wour,ded in battle, but re-
covered. He ,was recently married to
Miss Alda Dinsdale,—Mr. J. H. Cante-
1,on, who has been; accountant in the
efolsons Bank here for the past year,
has been transferred to Lucknow. —
Mrs. J. McD. Wilson received a mess-
age advising her of the death of a
mep hew, who, while sailing on one of
our steamers through, the accidental
bursting of tan oil reseevour, was sat-
urated with oil and which spraalb out
immediately :fur flames and jumping
overboard he was .drowned. • His young
wife sprang largo the water after him
but was fortunately rescued, The ves-
sel was in the St. Clair Laker The
deceased was a returned soldier, who
had net long been, married,
Mr, and Mrs, AdeIbert Morley spent
July „1st at Grand Bend.—Mrs. Percy
Passmore and Non spent a few days
last week with ther mother, hirs. A.
Gunning.—Rev; and Mrs. W. A. Find-
lay and -children were visitors in this
neighborhood and Centralia last week
Rev. Findlay was our former pastor.—
Mrs. llayman of Tuckersapith has re-
turners home sifter visiting' her daugh-
ter Mrs, Geo, Squire, jr., for some
time.—Mr and Mrs. N. Ogden and
dr and Mrs. Jeffery Fisher of Exeter
vent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fran:
this Squire,—Mia' Ivy Perkin, teacher
of this place returned to her home last
week ta,ear Palmerston—The W. M. 5:
eel hold their monthly meeting' at the
church Tithursday at the usual hour.—
Gudu•in, the infant baby of Mr, and
Mrs. Herb Langford was quite ill
during the ,past week, suffering from
a severe attack of whoapleg cough.—
The Mission, Band will hold their reg-
ular meeting at the home of Mrs. John
Stevenson on Tuesday afternoon. --
drs. John Langford, of Liandon is visit
ing at the income of her son: Herb for
a few days.—Mr. and Mrs. John Hodg-
son attended the funeral at' the late
Mr. Skinner can Saturday last•
A large :number •of friends from this
neighborhood attended the funeral of
the late Hugh Norris, Sr., of Staffa,
on Wednesday last.—Mr. and Mrs, Dan,
Campbell of Bad Axe, Mich., who mo-
lncorperat-din 1855
O&PITAL RESERVE $9.000.000
Over 120 Branches
A good Banking connection is essential to the success of
any merchant or trader.
This Bank is equipped and prepared to give efficient,
careful and quick service in every department of banking.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bram h.
tored here ,on their wedding tank,
spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs.
Broaslfoot, and :family: Mrs. Wrn
Glenn of London is here visiting her
sons.—Mrs. John McQueen has been
visiting her daughters, Mrs, Hernry
of Mitchell and Mrs. . Bartlett of
Tharnesford, for the, past two weeks.—
Mr. Frank Horton treated himself and
wife to a fine new Baby Grand Chev-
rolet car recently.
CORBETT—A quiet but pretty wed-
ding took place at the parsonage, Cor-
bett, on June 23, when Jessie, daughter
of Mr and Mfrs. Peter McGregor was
united .ht marriage to Mr, Gerald Sni-
der sof Zurich, the eeremany be'aag
performed by Rev. D. W. Williams,
KIPPEN—Mr. Purdy, who is working
for Wm A1exsader, sustained anum-
ber of broken ribs and severe bruises
on July 2nd, when, the team drawing a
mower ran away. The mower was
badly ,smashed but the horses were
SEAFORTH—Fire broke out in the
workroom ,of W. D, Bright, tailor, on
Saturday. but was quickly extinguish-
ed most of the damage being dome by
water.—The death occurred from tu-
berculosis at Speedwell Military Hos-
pital on. July, lst of Charles A. McNa-
mara of Sea,forth, in his 27th year.
The remains were interred at Seaforth.
with full military honors. Deceased
went overseas with the 161st Huron
Read this challenge
by the Edison Laboratories, and come in to hear
the phonograph which stands behind it.
An Invitation
to Talking -Machine
"We are informed that the rep-
resentatives of one or more talk-
ing -machine manufacturers have
stated, on several occasions, that
they are able to distinguish be-,
tween a singers voice, or inetru.
mentalists performance, and the
New Edison's RE-CREATION of
such voice or performarce."
"We hereby invite responsible
representatives of any reputable
talking -machine manufacturer to.
permit themselves to be.klind-
folded, and to listen to such a
comparison, in the presence of
judges of their own choosing, in-
dicating to the judges when
they think they are listening to
the artist, and when to the New
Edison. There is only one con-
dition attached, and that is—that
the representatives of the talk.
ing-machine company, and the
judges selected by them, shall
sign a written statement, setting
forth, in full detail, She reaulti of
the teat."
"The test will be made with an
Official Laboratory Model, taken
from stock, such as can Le bought
in any Edison dealer's store."
We have it in our store—the Official Laboratory
Model specified in the challenge.
,.Read the "Invitation to Talking -Machine Manu-
facturers." It's printed here, just as the Edison
Laboratories sent it out.
27-ze NE
"Thr Ph.rrsrraph with a Soul"
The Official Laboratory Model ' has proved its
Realism ill 4000 Comparison Tests, made before
3,500,000 people all over the United States and
• Canada. For instance, in Los Angeles recently,
an audience of 1,500 people was unable to tell
the -difference between the living voice of Miss
Marie Morrisey, world-famous contralto, and its
' RE-CREATION by the New Edison.
There's a way for- you to test the wonderful
Realism claimed' for the Official Laboratory ;
Model in this sweeping challenge. We give Mr.
Edison's Realism Test. Come in and let us give
it to you.
The price of the new Edison has advanced,less
than .15% since August 1, 1914. Mr. Edison
has absorbed the biilk of the increased cost
of material, skilled labor, and taxes. He is de-
termined to keep the New Edison within the
reach of everyone. But conditions may force
a' price -advance. Buy your New Edison nowt
Our Budget Plan makes it easy. It is system
applied to spending. Ask about it.
J. Willis Powell, Dealer
Exeter, • Ontario
' A t
.M E R
IVTAKE your banker your financial
adviser. Let him help. you to
shape your affairs so that he will be
warranted in giving you ample credit
to operate your farm efficiently. Our
aim is to assist you in every way
possible, 66A
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND $15,000,000
,EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
lncorperat-din 1855
O&PITAL RESERVE $9.000.000
Over 120 Branches
A good Banking connection is essential to the success of
any merchant or trader.
This Bank is equipped and prepared to give efficient,
careful and quick service in every department of banking.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bram h.
tored here ,on their wedding tank,
spent a few days with their aunt, Mrs.
Broaslfoot, and :family: Mrs. Wrn
Glenn of London is here visiting her
sons.—Mrs. John McQueen has been
visiting her daughters, Mrs, Hernry
of Mitchell and Mrs. . Bartlett of
Tharnesford, for the, past two weeks.—
Mr. Frank Horton treated himself and
wife to a fine new Baby Grand Chev-
rolet car recently.
CORBETT—A quiet but pretty wed-
ding took place at the parsonage, Cor-
bett, on June 23, when Jessie, daughter
of Mr and Mfrs. Peter McGregor was
united .ht marriage to Mr, Gerald Sni-
der sof Zurich, the eeremany be'aag
performed by Rev. D. W. Williams,
KIPPEN—Mr. Purdy, who is working
for Wm A1exsader, sustained anum-
ber of broken ribs and severe bruises
on July 2nd, when, the team drawing a
mower ran away. The mower was
badly ,smashed but the horses were
SEAFORTH—Fire broke out in the
workroom ,of W. D, Bright, tailor, on
Saturday. but was quickly extinguish-
ed most of the damage being dome by
water.—The death occurred from tu-
berculosis at Speedwell Military Hos-
pital on. July, lst of Charles A. McNa-
mara of Sea,forth, in his 27th year.
The remains were interred at Seaforth.
with full military honors. Deceased
went overseas with the 161st Huron
Read this challenge
by the Edison Laboratories, and come in to hear
the phonograph which stands behind it.
An Invitation
to Talking -Machine
"We are informed that the rep-
resentatives of one or more talk-
ing -machine manufacturers have
stated, on several occasions, that
they are able to distinguish be-,
tween a singers voice, or inetru.
mentalists performance, and the
New Edison's RE-CREATION of
such voice or performarce."
"We hereby invite responsible
representatives of any reputable
talking -machine manufacturer to.
permit themselves to be.klind-
folded, and to listen to such a
comparison, in the presence of
judges of their own choosing, in-
dicating to the judges when
they think they are listening to
the artist, and when to the New
Edison. There is only one con-
dition attached, and that is—that
the representatives of the talk.
ing-machine company, and the
judges selected by them, shall
sign a written statement, setting
forth, in full detail, She reaulti of
the teat."
"The test will be made with an
Official Laboratory Model, taken
from stock, such as can Le bought
in any Edison dealer's store."
We have it in our store—the Official Laboratory
Model specified in the challenge.
,.Read the "Invitation to Talking -Machine Manu-
facturers." It's printed here, just as the Edison
Laboratories sent it out.
27-ze NE
"Thr Ph.rrsrraph with a Soul"
The Official Laboratory Model ' has proved its
Realism ill 4000 Comparison Tests, made before
3,500,000 people all over the United States and
• Canada. For instance, in Los Angeles recently,
an audience of 1,500 people was unable to tell
the -difference between the living voice of Miss
Marie Morrisey, world-famous contralto, and its
' RE-CREATION by the New Edison.
There's a way for- you to test the wonderful
Realism claimed' for the Official Laboratory ;
Model in this sweeping challenge. We give Mr.
Edison's Realism Test. Come in and let us give
it to you.
The price of the new Edison has advanced,less
than .15% since August 1, 1914. Mr. Edison
has absorbed the biilk of the increased cost
of material, skilled labor, and taxes. He is de-
termined to keep the New Edison within the
reach of everyone. But conditions may force
a' price -advance. Buy your New Edison nowt
Our Budget Plan makes it easy. It is system
applied to spending. Ask about it.
J. Willis Powell, Dealer
Exeter, • Ontario