The Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-8, Page 3dmerhalis Vicunas ]cast ghillies 7;'1001', on DOG DISEASES and now to r esti :traced .-Free 'to, ant Ad- t?ress by the .Auttsor, 21. Olay Glio7ot: Cs., xao. 118 West 21st Street Neuf York.. 1 PALE AND WEAK WIVES AND MOTHERS Can Regain Health and Strength Through Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Many women wino had a ,good color in their girlhood grow pale and. color- less *when they become wives and Mothers. When the fading color in the cheeks and lips is accompanied by a loss of brightness in the eyes and an increasing heaviness in the step, the cause will be found in the state of the blood. • Many causes contribute to the con- dition of the blood known as at:aeilnia Overwork in the Some, a lack of out- door exercise, insufileient, rest and sleep, improper diet ---these are a few of them. The important thing is to restore the blood to ncrunal, to build it up so that the color will return/ to cat(- and insisted upon, cheeks and lips, brightness to the eyes It is a family which knows how its and lightness to the step. Dr. Yi1awn members spend their days and Hams' Pink PiIis are the great blood where they are. C'ltildren and parents Builder and nerve strengthener. They do not meet as strangers at the table begin with the very first dose, and now and then. Pleasures and sorrows through a fair use make new blood shared like toed or labor or any that carries strength and health to other blessing. every part of the body. The appetite There is no funnily life whore the 'increases, digestion becomea more heads of the household are not -defer- ential and energy and ambition re- ental to eai:lk other. No contagion turn. The case of Mrs. Wm. McNish, spreads so fast , e Oita of disrespect Abbott Street, Brockville, prcves the If husband and ;wife are querulous or value of I)r. Williams' Pink Pills in caustic. so runs tam tune of all the cases of this kind. aim.:tic,Nish says: household. The children will follow "I' was quite young when i married;' the deplorable pattern. Muck of the and in raising my funnily I became all pleasure of life is in the retninis.ence; run down and a nervous wreck. I be- and there is nothing we remember cane EO weak tat I (-Quail hardly more glean: than the affection evident walk across the floor without sitting , between our parent.. who were lovers down to get ray breath. ath. 1 slept poorly to the last. In a time of upheavals and at times my neves would twitch' and varying st, ndurds, when civilize - 60 that. I could not l.eep still. and I tion e cans to stand on the debatable was in constant misery. I tried many ; ground and the pillars of the social or•- medicines but they did not help tae; der threaten to cullap:e, we need to indeed my conthzktu was growing consider the part that the bonze plays .worse, instil ene day a friend, tell me . and the duty cif eat11 individual in the abet site had been In a s ernewhat sins- hone. The cauntry t,t large will have tar condition and had been helped by no higher eliamtee than that which 1)r, 1:'iilier.t. l'Ink Pine so 1 dec'ideCt the table.; nuc, idc:.. s of its beanies es - to try: tlti = medicine. After tine use Walsh. Sweeteu Ghid •purify domestic of a couple of lit•ses I felt they were existence and a eleausiu, wind blows helping inc. My appetite was better; thyough the nailon. This life of those and I :slept better. By the time I had who one by one connpese a family Is used half a dozen boxes 1 felt like a linked with the upwird'.truggde of tat? new wcnt:un, my health had fully re- Flee, and in the (amity one learns the turned and I could do my housework meaning and the utility of cement with ease. In view of what Dr. \111- and comin(!n aetlfln, fer the good of Balis' Pink Pills have done for ale 1 all, cannot recommend theta too highly.' The best time to begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the moment you feta the least bit out of sorts. The sooner you do so the sooner you will regain your old time energy. You can get these pills through any medicine! dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or l six boxes for $2.50 front The Dr. Wid- I VerneMedicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Members One of Another.. Family loyalty is not the lea.at of the virtues. The Iiouschold divided against itself, we are assured, cannot stand. A young roan or woman facing life and entering the world without the faith and the love of a home in the background is destitute of one of the most Yalualtfe assets. It is net news that most households live at peace and in equity behind closed doors, and so it is quarrels and muxdera that litnd their way into e newspapers preferentially. • Could we but see at close range how most families flz"es lead their-ives welives should be reassured, and we snonld not become cynical because of the minority of dismal failures in mar- riage and parenthood.' The foundation -stone of society is the happy family. It is a family in wbieh a firm hand of discipline con- trols the growing child; in which children's rights are recognized and stili a respect for the elders is incus - 'As. Cannibals See Themselves. Two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Martini Johnson risked their lives on Malekula i island taking motion pictures of the savages. They were captured by thea viscous chief Nagapate, and had to run for their Iives, just managing to effect an escape. But later these in- trepid explorers made another trip to the island, and this time they were received like royalty. What brought about the change of heart of the can- nibal king? Mr. Johnson took with him a gen- erator to furnish the light for a mo- tion -picture projection machine. He bung up his screen between the palm trees and in the starlit night of the southern seas he exhibited, under the protection of an armed guard, motion pictures of the natives themselves. So amazed were they at seeing their past actions thus preserved that, they immediately set the whole thing down as a work of "devil magic" too astonishing to be combated. Therefore they figuratively handed over the keys of the island to the white explorers, and the chief personally led them about from tribe to tribe, openly boasting that he had brought them there. In tile drainage there are a number of things to be considered in each in- dividual case before work is begun; however, cause ana effect are the main elements. SAY "DIAMOND DYES" Don't streak or ruin your material in a poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes:' Easy directions in package. "CORNS" Lift Right Off Without Pain Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop `a little '"Freezone" on an aching corn, instant- ,ly that corn stops hurting, then sheet - ay you lift it right off with 'fingers. Truly! • Yotir druggist sells a°tiny bottle o'f, "Fret zone for a sew cents, ,sufficient to remove every hardcorn, soft corn, or corn et,ween the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation, ' The. "Weaker" Sex,. If it is charged against won i u that their brein weighs less than the 'pale brain, the quality of the female brain is much higiner than the male. It itas been noted, too, that few great causes succeed unless there is a wo- roan behind then,. It was. a woman ;1'J14ereally roused the conscience of the world against slavery. It was a woman -- Florence Nightingale—who roused the world to make warfare Unmans It was wonen--Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria --whe lifted the prestige ai 1 et"ndirg of the Empire' to higher pciets than any male ruler. In paying oar thank: for "services.. rendered" to such great statesmen as Gladstone,. Salisbury, end Chamber- lain, to mention but three of many, we are really honoring their wives. Froin whem they drew their inspiration. A wennan-7Joan of An— saved France Frear becoming part of Britain, and another wor_tan, Catherine the Great, set Russia high amoeg tiie na- tions. There are more women inventors than or 'Men, e•i r and more female a e @F., C than male. It is admitted that women have far greater 'notal courage than men, and it is n very moot punt as to whether they have not greater physical cour.l age. On the stage, and in the world of song, women reign supreme. And let it be remembered that women stood nearest to the cross en ('rlvary, and { were first at the open tomb ,on Easter 1 morn, The Self -Reliant Raven. The literary history of the raven be- gins with Noah and Elijah. Natural- ists call him "the most wary, the most amusing, the cleverest of birds.., He has also been described as grave, dig- niiled, and !iodate, and many instances have been given of the peculiarities of this historical bird. The bill of the raven is a formidable weapon, strong, stout, sharp at the edges, curved toward the tip. It is his one weapon of offence, but it answers the purpose of two or three, Like the dirk of the old time plainsman it is equally available as a dagger or as a carving knife. it ean also be used as a pair of pincers. It can kill a rat at one blow. The raven can drive its beak right through the spines of a hedgehog. It is said that the raven will „never attack a man, If this be. true, it is, it is thought, not so much from any defect of courage as from the bird's keen intellectual perception of what will pay and what will not, Like most of his tribe, the raven. is, In the strictest sense of the word, omnivorous. I:Iis dietary ranges from "a worm to a whale." When his nest is built, as it general- ly is, beneath some overhanging rock which quite conceals it ,from view from above. its position may some- times be discovered by the remains of HEALTHY CHILDREN ARE HAPPY CHILDREN The well child is always a happy child -it is a baby's nature to be hap- py and contented. Mothers, if your little ones are (-roes and peevish and cry a great deal they are rot well-•-- they are in need of nmedicine- sonme- thing that will set their bowels and stomach in order, for nine•teatba of all childhood ailments arise from -a disordered ,state of the bowels and stonlaeb. Such a medicine is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus drive out constipation, colic, indiges- tion; breakup colds and simple fevers and make the baby healthy and happy. Concerning them, Mrs, Albert Hamel, Plerreville, Que., writes: ---"Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I ]now of for little ones. They relieved my little girl from constipation when. nothing' else would and I can +strongly recommend them to other mothers. Tho Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Water We. Carry. The body of an average man, weighing 154 pounds, contains forty- six quarts of water, the fat a Iittle less, the nerves more than one-half water, and the skin nearly three- quarters water, The brain, muscles, lungs and heart are three-fourths'. water, while the blood is more than four-fifths water. Ask for Minard's end take no other. Copperas is an iron compound, and contains no copper. When beginning to 'give a foal cow's milk do so most gradually. If it is suddenly given a full meal, indi- gestion. and troublesome results will be sure to occur, but if given in small quantities, and often, there should be no complaints. When once accustom- ed to a cow's milk there will be few or no dangers in feeding more liber - rabbit neatly laid in the short grass at ally, the' top of the cliff in what might be called his -larder." But a larder im- plies an amount of economy and self, restraint that it is not in the raven to practise. - In districts,lvhere food is scarce the ravens will attack without scruple a newly born lamb or even a sheep that has been cast. The raven has a passion for soli- tude. He will tolerate no rival not even his own offspring, in the neigh- borhood of hia throne. He drives them ruthlessly away as soon as they are a.ble'to shift for themselves. • Are Handkerchiefs Dan- , serous: When you have been suffering from a bad cold have you noticed what a long time it hangs about? The handkerchief is responsible, for each time you use it you reinfect your- self. No -one would think of cleansing a wound and then replacing the dirty bandage on it, yet that is what we do when we continue to use the same han:dkercliief for -a cold. • The Dower of eucalyptus to kill the germ is ,well known, and a handker- chief liberally supplied' with it is ren - dared as nearly disiifected as pos- sible, considering that the handker- chief is repeatedly used '•Ibiltelunate- ly, so many people dislike it. I have discovered ' that by lasing eucalyptus on a; supply of paper liana - kerchiefs, ;when used once only and destroyed, -a bad cold can be cured within .a ven•y few days, for by this. treatment every application of the handkerchief, to the nose carries• with. it fresh disinfectant, and being used once only no reinfection can possibIy take place, .A "clean, properly disin- fected handkerchief, Is isin-fected'handkeichiri,is of the greatest. value, to use, for breathing through where there is dust, bad smells, or in- fection of any kind, • FALLING? HERE1S. WHERE IT SHOWS `'Don't worry! Let "Danderine" save your hair and double its beauty To stop falling' hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle • of delightful "Dnn- derine" at any drug or •toilet counter for .a feu cents, pour, a little in your' hand and rub it into the scalp. After• several applications the hair usually stops coining out and, you can't find, any dandruff. Your hair will grow strong, thick and long and appear salt,, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. Try it! W). 7. ISSUE No. 27-12O N EU RITZ So atmpai ful,yeparra ysing Inflammation of the other day. 11 you, are a, victim, try Templeton s Rheumatic Oapsuies Nothing else brings relief so.quickly and suso surely. U Send tor free sample to Tompletons, 142 ,ging St. W., Toronto. For sale at reliable Vatic - gists Ter 51,04.- a bog. ASTHMA Templeton's RAZ -MAH Cap- stiles are guaranteed. to relieve AST H h14. Don'tsuffer an- other clay. WriteTenapletona,142Eing St. W., Toronto, for ireesampte, Beltable drliggtsts sell; ' em at, 81.04 a box.. His Grave.. His grave is far away Aez•oss the sea, Away from home and love— Away from. nnf'. I'd go and lay on it, If it were near, The spring -time flowers he loved When he was here. I'd plant the summer roses, White and red, Beside the wooden cross Above his head. Lord, I believe his soul Is in Thy care, Yet from my heart doth rise This human prayer; "Oh Lord, beside his grave May flower., spring,. And in the air above May sweet birds sing! "Oh, stay the spot be Messed And brightness shine! May Nature take the charge That should be minel" MONEY ORDERS. Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders. rive Dollars costs three cents. Quebec's Maple Sugar. The Province of Quebec has three schools in which maple sugar making is taught. The Province's output of mel+1e sugar for 1919 was 12,353,667 pounds, and 1,470,275 gailous of syrup. tdlnerd's Liniment for sale everywhere Many farmers have been handl- capped because they have been taught• that clover and the other legumes were the only means of increasing the nitrogen content of their soils. Of course, these are the best,and in many instances the most satisfactory means of adding nitrogen to the soil, but there are millions of bacteria, waiting to feed upon roots, stems and organic matter that may be plowed under and make it into available: nitrogenfor another plant. FACE COVERED WITH P!MPLS Had arld u Awfr 1 tk;t e3 Itch& ::i ac rd. e aka `0I had never had a pimple Gad then my face became covered. Later on the pimples became hard and awfully sore, and they itched no that I could not rest one moment. I had to scratch so that at last I thought my face was poisoned. "I was advised to try Ctzticura Soap land Ointment, and after ming thein three weeks I was healed." (Signed) Miss Edith Grover; West Oldtown, Me., Dec. 16, 1918. ' Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tale -am £or.a"sl toilet purpoees. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 59c. Sold -throughouttheDominion. CanadianDeoot: i ymane,'Limited, St Pool St., Mei item. agirTuticuraSoap saaaveewithoutmuz. 444' MOS .-...PAIMINS1014:14•4 in Sunday School, Teacher "Why did kdoali. build the rli?r, sol°'T Era! WANTED" Young Canada ---"I think it was the , p „rem wAtiTsp. " s IN ANN first attempt to solve the housing 1 Classified Advertisements.. `t TEYENS' COMPLETE FP.',l TUAZBit ►►77 will pay • you, Georg(' Stevsail. Peterborough. Ontario. 1'O* SALR WEirX'. >c!OIPPED NEWSPAPER ant* lob printir+i plant la E+ajaterm Ontario • Insuraaos carried 11,500, IF o :or /1900 an quick sale. Boat U. TrilleGn /310 an Co„ Ltd.. fioronto. problem." • Deaf to 'Duty'a 'Call. An American was boasting about his country, and stacking wonders, tier on tier, when a listening Britisher In- tervened with: ---- "Pretty ,good, ail those things! But we have u bugle which was sounded in England in 1914, and -it wasn't heard in the 'United States till nearly three yearsafterwards." One On the Parson. always f "It is not ays sa e ve e n for a clergyman to quote Scripture." re- marked Bishop Weldon the other day. "For instance (be continued) one very cold day a certain vicar and one. of his elderly parishioners were walk - big home from church when the latter slipped mid fell flat on his back. The clergyman looted at him for a =meat, and being assured that he was not hurt, said; " 'Alt, sinners .stand on slippery places: "The old urian looked up and smiled slyly. " 'Yes, I I can'/: fe see they do,' be said, but ;4linard's Liniment Co„ Limited. - Dear Sirs,—This tall i got thrown on a fence Arid hurt nay chest very bad, so I could not work, and it hurt use to breathe. I tried all kinds of Liniments and they did )ane no good. One bottle of MINARD'S I.INI- MENT. warmed on flannel; and ap- plledl en any breast, relieved me com- pletely. C. H. COSS-U3i1QM Rossway, Digby Co., N.S. "The essential charm of the farm remains and always will remain: the care of crops, and of cattle, and of orchards, bees and fowls; the clearing' and improving of the ground, the building of barns and houses; the di- rect contact with the 'soil and with the elements; the watching of the clouds and of the weather; the priva- cies with nature, with bird, beast and plant; and the close acquaintance with the heart and virtue of the world." —John Burroughs. thicker, shipped green front- saw,t Do not sell -unfit you comma: ;eats :with us, I eenan Bros. Limited, own Sound. Ont. TEzz iztrs� scs8 s. ei c$o� Eon go>"ry ss �}1 F.LIISTk31RPiD `1 i;.AI INC 8Cj3OOL �Pt+ fer 1 iireee; 4t, Elizabeth fosptWl, 204 South Broad Street, Bltzabeth, New Jersey. Complete course. Monthly al lowanee: first year $5.00, second $10.00,, third $15.00. Address: Superintendent. AGENTS WANTED. •" ANTED—AGENTS ivITII FORD. cars. everywhere is Qntario to handle a fast selling guaranteed device' that improves the lighting system on the Ford car 200 per cent.; agents mai{' ins' 1169 to $200 a, week profits; spare o xx whole time, Write quick, territory is ' going fast. The Arlington Ca.. Lorne, Park. O , Electricity Closes Windows. Electrical apparatus bee been lea vented to close all the windows in a. house when rain begins to tail, the. first few drops moistening blotting paper, puttlua the mechanism in operation. MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative, Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only ---look for the name California on the package, then you aro sure your child le having the best and moat harmless physic for the little ,stoma. ach, liver and bowels. Children. love its fruity taste. Full directions on. each bottle. You must say "Cala fernta:' SINCE aORMCCAJOHS ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"• Por Colds, Iain, Neuralgia, Tooth- package which contains complete di- ache, Headache, Earache, and for rection. Then you are getting real Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre- ritis, take Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians+ .for over niae- rante "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years. Now made in Canada. Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab - Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists Aspirin" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one Aspirin—"Bayer"—You mast say "Bayes' J vlrtaJs the trade ;nark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mono- aseticacidester of Ealicyttcucld. While it is well ncnown that Aspirin :Weans Bayer manufacture, tooassist the nubile .against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company will bo s'.arnped with their general trade toarn, the "Bayer Cross." HE -freshness, and flavor, of ANCHOR ` PLUG is not equalled, nor approached by any other chewing tobacco. That is why ANCHOR PLUG is supreme. ;�t