HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-1, Page 8EXETER A11VD[ ATE, THuR8I1AY, JTTLY 1, 'an, Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesiday Fall Wheat ,. Berle) ,:,,,,, ,,,, ,,,,,,,,, Oats Family Flour„ Feel Flour per evil, Shorts Dercwt „,,, „ ,.,, „ Bran ger cwt EgLlai y nutter ',, ``o. SO 53 Creamery Butter ......... ...... 63 Lard ,. 35 Potato,'. 4.50 to 5,40 Hay per ton 20.00 to 22,00 Hogs 1,95 1,70 1,30 7,55 4.00 3,75 3,35 Local Doings Beerame On. June 16th the marriage took ;dace at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H, J. Gould of Windsor, formerly of Es, eter, ,- eter, of their daughter, Henrietta Belle, to Jack H. Coyle, .After boat tri, to Buffalo they will reside in Windsor. Magistrate W. D. Sanders imposed a fine of 610 and costs on Clarence Kestle, after a trial on Saturday af- ternoon, on a charge of reckless motor driving In giving judgment the mag- istrate gave all and sundry warning that. if others came before hint and were 18.75! found guilty $50 would be the fine, 4fr,.Armstrong is Ldsiting with • her daugaLr, Mrs. Smith, in Toronto. Mr. John. Fitzpatrick of Vancouver, 13. Co spent a couple of days with his Stent Mrs. ),IcAroy, He left Sat- urday to visit other relatives iso. Kin- cardine and vicinity. Don't forget the band concert in Victoria Park on Sunday evenizeg, WANTED—Experienced' teacher for S. S. No, 2, Hay, ditties to eorn- xuence after holidays, Personal ap- plications preferred. State salary and qualifications. Glias. Aldworth, Secretary, Exeter R. B. 1, "Where de. you go from here? To Wilson & Sims' ice cream parlor. Any person wanting to go to God- er ieh on July 12, kindly °leave their name at Wilson & Sans or Phone 56. PURSE LOST. A purse containing a sum of money, between, Win. Pxeszcator's, Stephen, and Sam'l Preszcator's, Exeter: Find- er will be suitably rewarded by ,leer - in' same at this offece, FOR SALE One good second --hand ;Maxwell mower, 5 -ft. cut; 1 secoatd-hand fax - well side rake. --Wm, Ward. 00.01 The Advocate mailing list has been POT:eated up to June 10th. Look at ,your label and see if you have been duly. credited. If not paid up please remit and obi ge, COW AND CALF FOR SALE Good Durham cow in calf; also a young calf for sale, AxPW at the Advocate Oftice, Exeter, ' REPRESENTATIV. WANTED Cor Exeter and Huron County to repres- ent "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nur- series+” Big sales are to be made in selling Nursery stock during the re- construction period. A splendid op- pOtrtunity for a live salesman. Highest commissions raid, handsome free equip nzent: large line of fruit and orna- Mental stock to offer,—" Stone & Wellington, Toronto, Ont. USED ,BINDER FOR SALE, LTC, -Binder in good condition, also other farm machinery. Apply to John Mc- Mahon, Lot 4, Con. 3, Hay. TEAMS WANTED The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage, of Exeter hereby ask for a num- ber of teams for the purpose of haul- ing gravel for Street Paving. Wagon boxes must be made to contain a full third .of a cord. Apply to William Ward or J. W, Taylor, overseer, CARS FOR HIRE—Wilson & Simms Phone 56. Mrs: Wethey is organizing a junior orchestra for violins. Anyone wishing to join can do so by paying a small fee, — — — — MRS M. KERR, Doctor of Chiro- practic has her office at the home of Mr: Wm. Andrew, Exeter, Phone 43, Office hours, 9 to 12 a.m.; 2 to S p.m. WOOD PUMPS REPAIRED. If your pump needs fixing we are ready to do the job now before other work commences. We do turning of all kinds Saws gummed, etc. S ' J. V. CANN 'Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle TAKE NOTICE That a meeting will be held at the Chiselburst Methodist Church in the Townshit of Tucker•smitli on the 2nd day of July, 1920, at the hour of seven o'clock in the afternoon for the Dur- sose o1 electing trustees for McTag- gart's Cemetery. The owners of plots are requested to attend this meeting. Dated at Hensall, June 5, 1920. Signed by two plot owners, M. McTaggart John McQueen FARM FOR SALE' 125 ares, . North Boundary Mc- Gillivray. three mimes from Crediton. Highly improved,+well,' draped and fenced. Excellent state of cultivation' Splendid.. home. Possession Spring of 1921. Terms, very moderate, O. L. O'BRIEN Box 182, St. Marys, Ont. STORES CLOSE ON 1,0„, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business each Wednesday at 12.301 during the summer' months of June, July and Angust. J. A. Stewart, Jones & May, G,' A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, South- cott Bros., W W. Taman Jas. Law ,SFitton, W. J. Beer, W. J >rfeamayn, H S: Walters, Spaek- mail,: J' Senior, Grigg Sationery cd., T. 't.niott,. ` Iti3yfe, Hockey altos .Times Printing Co,, Advoeate. Print- ing Co., P. Frayne, The following stores ,clone Wednes- day afternoons until o'clock,—Wilson 8c Simms, A. Moore, Harvey & Harvey W. J. Statham, The 23rd Annual Convention of the Huron County W,C'.T.U. will be held in Wesley Church, Clinton, on July 6 and 7, commencing at 1,30 p.m. on the 6th„11iss :forton, organizer, W.U. sneak. On Tuesday evening aconc-ert will be given by gold and silver med- alists'of the county. All welcome, The Huron. County Children's Aid Society have a number of children of various ages for whom they desire good foster bonzes. A little girl of six months; two little boys just over a year old and about able to walk; and others from n boy of seven to a girl', of 12, who would repay careful train- int and ldndiy home treatment. Surely there are many people who could make such an investment and thus help in this much needed Christian work, Call or write G. M. Elliott, Secretary and Agent, Goderich, Wm Heffernan and his sett Vincent appeared before Judge Dickson for sentence at Goderich on Saturday on the charge of obtaining goods under false pretences, The .offences, re- garding which some 16 complaints were laid were committed throughout the county. The (method was that of at- tending auction sales and buying cat- tle giving notes on one another, the notes turning out later to be no good. They were found guilty on three of the charges. The judge, in passing sentence, referred to the fact brat Heffernan, sr., was convictedin Clinton about three years ago on a charge much the same, but was released on suspended sentence. He was given an indeterminate sentence from 8 to 18 months in prison. The son was al- lowed out en. suspended sentence with a warning. HURON OLD BOYS PICNIC. The annual picnic of the Huron 01d Boys' Association of Toronto will be held at Centre Island Park, on Thurs- day ,afternoon, July 8, when. a 'full program of sports, races, etc., will be earned out. A large number of do- nations have been received,and liber- al prizes will be awardede Every Huronitc in the city of Toronto es invited to be present, and a big turn- out is a,nticaated, WOOD—FRANK. The marriage took place at the home of Dr, Ji ,C. and. Mrs, Frank, at Shelburne, on June; 19, when their daughter Mary Enid, was united in marriage to ,Dr, Cid re Jory Wood, son of Mr. and. Mrs). Frank Wood of Exeter. The bride was married inher travelling suit of navy blue broadcloth with tailored Leghorn hat, She car- ried an old-fashioned bouquet of sweet -heart roses, Miss Ida Frank, sister of the bride, played the wed- ding march. Miss Bessie Lewis .of Orangeville sang "Untie" during the :signing of the register. Following congratulations a buffet luncheon was served. The rooms were prettily de- corated with roses and Old English Hawthorn flowers. The bride and groom after a. short wedding trip will reside in iBlyth. The groom's friends here extend best wishes, SPEND DOMINION DAY AT GODERICH, Goderich will celebrate Dominion Day ,with as all -day program, begin- ning at 9.30 a.m. with a procession, games, baby show, etc, on the square. Afternoon at Agricultural Park — Horse races, 2,18, 2.30, and 2.50 class- es with purses of .750; baseball, Zur- ich and Goderich.; athletic contests,; Highland dancing, funny features, etc. Evening on. Square—Band Concert and fireworks• Morning and ,evening performances free to all,; afteriioosi admission, 35c. All roads lead, to Goderich on Thur. day, July 1st, Trivitt Memorial Church Services as usual. The Orarogemem, wall a ttend the evening service. Rev, A. A. Trumper, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Class, 11 a.m. 7 D m Prayer meeting:xThursday at 7.45 Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 a.m.-"At ;the Three Taverns}' 3 p.m.- Sabbath School and Bible. Classes. 7."11.M.—."The ,arialn whip could not deliver the goodsl" Special music by the choir. A heart welcome Seats all free: School closed on Tuesday for the summer holidays, Mr W. H. Dearing is recovering nicely ,from his recent illness. The Qrangertea, attend service in, Trivitt Memorial. Church, next Sunday evening Two or three rinks of bowlers will attend a tournament in London; on Thursday, The Exeter Canning company start- ed on, their pea pack at the factory on Monday. Sixteen pupils wrote on the En- trance Examination from the Exeter Public School,. Ree, Love of Staffa and Rev, Wilson of James Street church exchanged pul- pits on Sunday. The bowlers, who went to 'London and to Blyth last week did not s.zc- ceed in figuring in the list of ; rite winners. The solo and organ recital,' in the Trivia Memorial church Sunday even- ing ay Mrs. Aires of Renfrew was much appreciated. At the School° Board meeting Sat- urday :evening Mr. E, J. Wethey was re-engaged as priacipai of Exeter High School at a salary of $2200,e Inadvertantly the name of William Lawson was omitted from ,the list of successful .pupils in last week's issue, be having been. among those passing from form two to three, Rev, Bowen of the Bible Society, oe- eutaied Main. Street pulpit on Sunday morning, and Trivia Memorial Sunday evening, The Main, Street v*ngrega- tion met with the Coven people in the evening, Dr ,Clive 'McAlister of Winnipeg, son of Rev. and 1v1rs, McAlister of Ex- eter was recently quarried to Hiss Ethel 'Muriel, daughter of Dr. D. A. and Mrs, Anderson of Winnipeg, ,oixu- erly- of Exeter. The field gun alloted to Clinton by '1'r').•hies Committee has ar- rived and is now in the, Library Park. It is a four -inch gun and was captur- ed front the Germans by CommPany "D" of the, 3rd Battalion, Where is the on that is to come to Exeter? The lady teachers of the St, Collegiate institute have declined to accent their appointments on the itaf.i at an increase of salary of $300 tach. G. E. Ramage, principal, who was at engaged at an advance in salary, has tendered his resignation and the board is now advertising for a complete new sta.' of teachers, DECORATED GRAVES. The brethren of Exeter Lodge No, 67 .O,O.F. suet at the cemetery on Sunday afternoon and decorated the graves of departed brethren, as is their usual custom, Noble Grand T. Waiper and ,Past Grand E. Howald Performed the duties of Noble Grand and Chaplain ,respectively. GRAY-DORT CONVENTION. Distributor T. H. Newell bad aeon- ve,ntion of his dealers here an Friday. Dealers were Present from Huron, Perth, Bruce and parts of Middlesex and Lambton, ""1Ir. McGee, assistant sales manager, was, present and gave a talk on Gray Dort policies, etc„ and explained the matter of the taking off of the 7 1-2 Der cent duty on parts coming in from the United States, thereby making it possible for the company to Snake a slight reduction which practically meets the increased luxury tax. The, sales manager also announced that Mr. Newell stood high- est in Canada ,on percentage of sales, The convention was heldin the giw- age and Mr, Newell entertained the dealers at the Central Hotel, MAIN ST. AND BETHANY Minister, Rev. Dr. Medd MAIN STREET CHURCH 11 a.m. a s '3 p.m.—Sunday, School & Bible Study 7r;m BETHANY-. '+:1 1,30—Sunday School and Bible Class. Mr;. Wm. Sweet of London is vzsit- ing relatives here. Mrs. Shapton and daughter, Miss El- la, are visiting in Hamilton: Mrs. Eleber of Chicago is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Frank Mallett( Mr, Aquilla Sheere of Detroit is visitin'; at -the.. home of his mother, Mrs A, Sheere. Mr. and Mrsi , Frank Johns of 'Tor- onto arc visiting at Mr. Well Johns,' for a few days. Mr, Angus McKenzie and wife of St, Thomas visited Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Taylor this week. Mrs. Lockhart has returned to IKing- ston after attending the funeral of her sister, v1rs Miners. Mr. and Mrs, Newman .and child of Kingston are, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs', R. G. Seldon, Mrs. James -M. Irving of Grenfell, Sask. .arrived home Wednesday to vis- it tier mother, *Mrs. F. Luxton, who continues quite ill. Mrs. A11an JvIcLean and little son, Jack, after n'visit with the forme/to mother, Mrs. F.. Luxton, left Wednes- day for [their home in Fillmore, Sask. efr, W. A. Gregory of North Bat- N. tle'ford, Sask,, and Mr• and Mrs. G; F. Oakes of Chicago are visiting at the home ,of Mrs, M. Gregory for ai few, clays. "Mir John D'eariinilg of Marlette, -Mucha ar-ived ,here Saturday to visit rela- ti'vd., fOlea short tiime. His old friends are. pleased toi.see him, but regret to know that hie "is not enjoying the best of health. Mr. and Mrs+.; J,' Ti Weastcott, son and grandson of Hamilton, are visit- ing relatives en this district,' -having motored here on Saturday. They will attend .a, re -union of the Butt family at Goderich •oin, July 3rd. PHONB 32 JONES & MAY PI-IONE 32 SUMMER MERCHANDISE lialimemloweamaamisimasa SPECIAL VALUES LADIES BLACK LISLE HOSIERY AT 59c. A PAIR. 300 pairs Ladies' Fine Quality Black Mercerized Lisle Hosiery, sizes 8 1-2 to 10, 4gootl fast dye, are being placed on sale this week at only 59c, a pair. This, is a real bargain. LADIES' AND MISSES ODD DRESSES AT 98c. We Place Boas, sale this week several ladies' and Masses,' Dresses in Sum- mer Wash Fabrics, regular values up to 55.00 )each, Special Sale price is only 98e. !each, Rev. F. 13, Moo,. t LADIES' VOILE SMOCKS, We have a very fine range of thevery newest styles in Ladies' Smocks These are shown in. different colors nicely embroidered and at moderate Prices, (iALATEA5 AND GTNGHAMS AT 40c. YD. We have a large range of colors in Steelclad. Galateas and good qua' ity Ginghams., light and dark colors, .exceptionally good value at 40c, yd. See our Girls' Gingham Dresses, ready-to-wear, GOOD VALUE IN SUMMER FOOTWEAR :Ms's White Shoes or Oxfords. Alert's Brown Oxfords. Men's Wilhite or Brown Running Shoes Ladle,' White, Black, Brown and Grey (oxfords and Pumps. CHILDREN'S SUMMER SHOES, Running Shoes of every description in, colors of white, brown and black ChiltteeD„s sandals and girls whit e canvas Oxfords, MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING. Young Men's Palin Beach Suits and fancy suits for Summer Wear., Boys Bloomer Suits in popular colors and moderate prices, JONES & ¥AY Store Open Next Wednesday All Day and Evening on .Account of July 1st Holiday, Mrs Crittenden of Blyth visited with relatives and friends here last week. lirs. Penrice leaves this week to visit her soon Sea Vancouver for two months• Mrs. (Dr.) F. Rodrignez of London is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Baigent, London Road south. SINCE 1870 3 STQPScovo�,s DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON - AND DENTIST Ofilice—Beakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commisaloner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Banie, Etc. Money to leen at ]lowest rates of intereist, Office -Main Street, Exeter. fApn Set The secret of buoyant, vigor • ous-heaith, is a well-nourished,. tI • bei Y as an open 9eC1'E t at. Y th Pe :iiia )f Wofdetftil 'help toj are >! iii -down m vitality': r"om airy cause, •:` 7?y:it �` Scott do Bonne, Toronto, Ont 20.47• • HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 ysara old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years aid up, weighing• from 1300 pounds up. Parties 'having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter, . G. J. DOW FRANKRTAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, -- Ontario. SUMMER TERM COMMENCES JULY 5th. CENTRAL ON1'. ueriencecl nns,Gru:ctors,, gives thorough'. courses ancf•,aa'ssistts'graduates to ,high grade-positi nns, The demand;; up on,; us or—,trained help 'exceeds the number gr-alduatirng, Commence your course with at. opening of summer term on July 5th: Get our free catalogue. D A. McLachlan, Princiapal. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds tag loam on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr, A. it KINSMAN, L. D. S,, D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Office -over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. 11, Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness, DRS. SWEET & WINING Veterinary Surgeons All cans promptly attended to day or night, Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron P,erth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Watnrooms, next door to Central Hotel„ Main Street, Exeter. Dr, G. F. Roulston, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST ' Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20. Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will coning- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas.. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS: PHONE 134 GOOD VALUES IN MEN'S ' CLOTHING This week we are showing a range of Men's Brown Worsted Suits smart three -button style, that are exceptionally 'good value at $.35.00 Elegant Blue Serge Suits at $45.,00 APRONS AND HOUSE ISRESSS•ES. This is another line that we have added: They are made izt small, mediun, and large sizzes. A.ny'on,e wanting large •sizzes should see tI e,svd dmes'se>. We are 'showing a fine range of styles in 'goad washing mater• ials• , i riices'nre: ,rit'oderate. WHITE-CAT1 V:AS. Ol }•j'•ORDS .$1,48; 25 pairs of White .Canvas Oxfords re ular :$2;25• to w, g ,,. , $2u50 values.,... clean ut of all lines: Just the thing `for't e� Special at per'pair $1,48, e h hot weather. . , Southoott Bros. tem. te.imw--wnSs+M �-- • �.�r�+r + ic•wo...:, �,.,pa�,, „M��1�