HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-7-1, Page 3AUTO SPARES PART8
for most makes and models of ears.
Your old, broken or worn,out parts
replaced. Write or wire us demerile
trig what you rant. We caner the
largest and most complete stock in
Canada of slightly used or new parts
And automobile eettipment. We ship
COD anywhere in Caneda, setie-
factery or refuna in full our motto.
sleeves Ante Beavin-e 'ears feipply,
92e -e3 Defferin Bt. Tereeto, out.'
eee.. 6
•' MR. GEORGE E. BUNTING What the Woodman Sees.
,345-elLZS Se2S-refel• • 0.56e
Bala-1,44es, One-Plece Cereet
cater, Price, 15 cents. Cite in 5
taes. 34 to 42 ins. bust.
Peel—Ladiesand MisEee' One -Piece elle George E. Bunting,.
Closed Drawers, Price, 20 vers. In
the Grand Trunk system, and in rele,
1arozee relperees V,i,.„‘•,110elert,„e, \v....4Tc,, wee preelotea to the Geneeal Ageacy
9•'21.1if pew_ a the 4111an Steamehip in Chicago,
473,,esLadies, Miss
mowers; in two lengths. price, 23 relieve lie remained limit 191./.
cents. In a 24. 26; \Viten the "NOtional" Mercbaut
28 30; inrgn, s2. 3,4 in.:. waist. smell,: elarhie was orgauised. Mr. Bunting,
size, longer leneth, 2,1e yds. ins, s'' made Geeeral Ageut for Ontario,
wide, Last Deecinber lie was eent to Aus-
Newly Appointed Australas-
ian Manager of -the Canadian
Government Merchant
Marine Limited.
Mr. Bunting began in the transpor-
tation business with the Grand Trunk
when nineteen years of age. Later he
was with the Lehigh Valley at Buffalo
and afterwards with the Canada Attar,:
tic Railway at Ottewee He became
travelling freight agent for the Allan
Steamship Company when the Canada
Atlantic Railway was absorbed into
You can always tell a trained woods-
man from a tenderfoot, because the
tenderfoot sees only the 'obvious
things that axe plainly evident, but
the •trained woodsman notes the lit
tie things that are unusual or eat of
the orinnary. For exempt% the ten-
derfoot walking through the woods
-will see a' lot of trees that leek all
alike. The skilled woods maa will no-
tice that one tree is beet in a peculiar
shape, or has a knob or burl on one
side. Ween he sees that tree again
he will recognize it and know he is
on the right trail, The teaderfoot will
be startled by the sound of two trees
rubbing together or of bushes crack-
ing with the wind. The woodsman re-
tiegnezee theas ordinary sounds,
but he hears the faintest snap of a
twig, made by au animal stepping on
it. The tenderfoot walking oa a trail
see.s only the path iu rout a tam,
which locks all alike. The woodsman
will notice the sligitteet mark in the
trail that shows that some animal or
person has passed before him, and he
will be able to reed thee mares and
tell the tale e whet happened.
Tills Is just tete season
wlieuXtheuznaj4sm with i ts
grinding pain and stiffen. -
leg of joints gets hotet of
you. vight It with
Rheumatic -
eeempletonet Rnetematte
Capsules bring fee t at ix
relief, and permanent re-
sults, They ere recent-
meettlee by doctors. and;
sold. by reliable druggist%
everywhere for581-04 a box,
or write to Terapietone,
1 jgSt, W. Toronto.
edeeed anywiaere 4.133.
Oet'Pt of pewee
re -
RAZ-elA Pr Cap-
sules are guaranteed to relieve
AST Ie 14A. Don's Buffer an -
Other da'.
WrIteTempIetons. 142King St.
W., Toronto, 1orfreesamp1e.
ItuelitealetitioTagists them.
" - • y
°reign Railways and Rates.
During December, 1019, and jean*
Even Dirt is No Longer heap.
"It's as Cheap. as dirt."
"As Cheap as dirt! Say. have you
tried, to buy any black dirt lately?"
Ultra-felodern Hoel.
Hotel Manager—"We have every-
thing here for the eonvenienco of our
patrons; wireless telephone. wireless
telegraph -P
Patroia—PDo yeti :happen to have
any stringless string beans?"
Looking Forward.
' "Where are the snows o yester-
deer inquired the an who quotes
..Be practical, John.' exclaimed hie
wife. "Let bygones he bygones. The
thing to begin worrying about now is
next year's coal supply.".
Skkly Streams.
"Rivers," said the Anieriean, "why
your river e are nothing to ours. Com-
pared with our Hudson and alieeiseip.
ary, 19e0. the Italian railways ed- let your eeersoy. seceeru and Thames
vaeeed their Ant -class paesenger farce
e0 per cent.. their 515S tares ..0111e, ecilL'Ins;‘;.holYrnsttersetrf't;e English,
50 per cent. Bath frogut. awl tic,sen think your riven are juet as
ger ratee itireatly duriug the haft sickly as ours."
The Sufferer Restored to ,Health 60 per cent„ and their third-clase farce
Through the Use of Dr. WO-
" that t?"
hauls' Pink P4Is.
St, Vitus dance is a disease of the
i r • s brought on by n marble conalof the blood. It is a erntinion
aso with children, and attache girls
more freqeently than boys. IrrIta- ieg the war and the freight rates 30 Order. They are payable etrerewhei'e.
signs noted. 'elle child frets, it is quar- ficits which hare continued to be in -Child's Best 1=ative.
bait:, is frequently one of the Ara to 37 per cent, 13ecautee of the de -
0 I Better.
07—Lades' and Miens Japanese tralia and New Zealand to organize 5 velem°, and does not sleep well. The carred propoeals for further advattees -
jerky movements that characterize the have beea under cousideration. "eo you really think your memory is
Kimono. Ptice. tl5 cents.. In e sizes; asc, tee, for the Canadian Govern- improving ender treatment. Yen re-
ereall, 3-1., ttin rettl'oret l'lS, 4e; laefie,' /nem e;eethelet marine, les appoint, , disease come a lime later. The pa- The advances in rates en the Ails- ineeseer things atm teeter
tient becomes rale, lauguid, and often Wan railwaya sines pre-war days „,
42' '14 in9' baSt"' Srriall r'''.4c'' 3.`•1111re5 mete as Aastralasian Manager follow- :Weil. not exactly but 1 have pre -
:Pi etle. Pe: :Me- velVe, 17e Yd.". `,.ci irca • • Is 3 eOuetipated. 'Me limbs and sometimes have been eitormoute The increase of . '
wele. --* erg, lee tweet in that conuection.
the whole body lerus spasolodicallee, 30 ler cent. made in FebruarYi .1.40.. greeeet! so far that 1 eau frequently
• • re** ti t 1 have for of wile; I
been advanced 20 to 43 per cent.
The passenger rates of the Freacli beds," replied the visitor.
eilwaee. two of which ale owned, by
tin* government and all of which are
behie oneratee under government con- MONEY ORDERS.
trel, were ativitneed 40 per cern. dur- Sell" 1111i1"" E'llre4s M°11°Y "California Syrup of Figs"
leost do eau ma eou
"Well, they are all confieed to their
Classified Advertisements.
TENt.E24S'CieefleLK',CE PT/earl el'ZEit
ee pay you. Georg* Stevens.
Peterborough.. Ontario.
Vox se.x.$
_ and lob printing meet Eters
Onterio. Insurance earrlee 11,500,WW
re ler 81,280 on quick sale Box ea -
v. eon - 'a bilehi CO.. Ltd-, Toronto.
lierT mew
P.,. tbicker. sbismea green from saw;
ee ue-r Epee Nelele-rieD, 2 N. AreD
Do not sell until yen comirktp,...eate with
tue Keenen Bros. Limitect Owen Sound -
EGIsThatED Tite.INING SO.Kuoe,
ks Lor Nursee: Ea. ElizabethL. Hospital.
204 South Broad Street. eilizabeth. Neer
.rersey. Complete course. Monthly al-
lc/seance: :fret year $5.0e, second $10 Oe.
third $115-.051., Address: Sunerintendera,
•eiee ANTED,
gteingrrpeunoteoids wtoagewso.ricsteoandyintweroizoiLr
Apply Laidlaw Lumber Corepeny. 2280
Dundas we. Toronto.
Still ()sing Candies.
Candlee still are extensively used
and a candle stick has bean invented
with a enuffer that automatically de-
scends and exiinguiehes the entre
when a cendle butte dowel.
hek for Minaret's rid take no other.
Canada sold Se0,000000 of. dairy
products to British Government,
Thtee pzeterns veer be obtained;
frete year level ele.("all dealer. or/
trete the McCall ro.. SO Dena st-co,..,'
Tvrcaza. 1,14,14. Via
Imitation Economy.
There ie cue forte of imitatien
eteeeruy that seems ta flouresh alike
In Unice ef peace and of nee. .t
(Let whieh teelics tinny women vate
buy reehleesly dislike to destroe a uee-
lees art lent atul take event' epportuni-
ty to ehlit the respoveibline for it ea
ster. t enone mflt for botths to
ttaet a librery eosnetehere and rec. the
etenit. Oel seiesoinottlie, seieutille
evoke hire eupeeeediel, novel!' id' fifty
;ns itgr'.. giCt boolo• no one ever look.
•j at, peteeer. (Ws; ever rend. oda
volumes. of eueyelopreams•-bow tbay
eitne eenrine it Rummage 5tti4s
have Cell* pla,et in the ntodern
etententy, but vu there ever a rune
iantee :tale where brace cif staled rib-,
bene and raeeeti bell gowns eel not
eiTer a preeit in no the inenagentent?
Ae for iniseitniary boxes-ebut to the
Mien' of the clench the fashion in
atileeiereey lane eve etengoe of kite I
ecars: But theto aro maseienuriee
were in eel - the and wise in the
tit -mew and pluful woys of th5r Innuali
le art wile amid tell incredible and
eteuetenee heaabrealting tales. As
ter the old and deeeepit furniturs
elored away in li.111M to burden the
shoulders of innotcet beim:, who has
t Intone "etrauge, true tales" of
it Cr, in short. bre of the small, dark
wuys of the human mind—this unwill-
ingness to eleetroy worthless things,
tbis everwillingnese to dump them up-
on °theta at tee firet preteet. It as:-
etreedly is not economy, for it wastes
valuable time. It is not honesty, for
It is shirking our rightful responsibili-
ty. It is not generosity, for it is giv.
;ng away what neither we nor others
want. 'What is it? The right name
hes not yeebeen discovered; but what-
ever it is, it is a weed to be rooted
from the garden of the mind, where
we are trying to raise the fine old -
lime crops known as thrift and fore-
thought and judgment.
Old Stuff.
"How much did you pay for that
suit of clothes?"
"Forty dollars."
"Forty dollars! For heeven's sake,
man, where can you get a suit like
that for forty dollars?"
"I don't knew nowadays. I bought
this eight years ago."
Canada has 8,000 doetorss
••4444 4•1.444.4.44.44,4,4•4•5444.4,44•14444•44
!end in severe eases the power of
mirt TAT BE sPeeeh is afteeted. Snell a. child
Vella T1 1 1 1A1/1.11 should not be allowed to study, but
1461 3 0%, d • eiet, remain out of deore as much as • e per, •
Ipassible, and above all thiegs given a war times. Further increases have Should Be Tipped Off.
-• should, be kept quiet, glycol a linteitteue
made the (teal luereaies about 330 wog if I ecu
on! )4 remember winet
per vele it is."
hi Septeutber, 3.919, freight and pas-
eenger ratee in Belgium had been in -e Mlnard's Liniment for sale everywhere
erne a mother ems urea Baby's ewe „ eoure,e of Dr. 'Williams Pink Pine to been twee since teen. Coruelia•-"I see that another effort
had up tbe blood and restore In September, 1e19. freight awl as
Tablets ter her little one be would^3- to get in communication with Mars
t shattered nerves. 'Without Me treat- =ger rates in me Netherlauds were ,
'a be Wthort them They are the
adveuced 00 per cent ,
bus ended in failure."
Mere home reniedy for the baby; be- ment the trouble may become chronic
Ing guaranteed to be absolutely free and the patient a life-long sufferer.
fi .. le ' f 1 1 The value of Dr,Williams Pink Pills
-, * - ,
They aro a gentle but therotieh lata- in cam of this kind is shown by 'Malin Germany, where, it is well known,
tive and have been proved of the following statement by Mr. Frank J. Peeetlealle all the eallwaes are owned, it..,
that elm will be on the lookout for
greatest aid ei epees ee eeeseleateen, Scriven, Acton, Ont., who sayse--"In luta operated by the government. Re-
eidaeld - les. I dont thick they
Very much, the largest advances re- ' will ever be able to communicate with
pertee in any country have been madeleiars unlees they lIrst send a signal so
-eceept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the paekag,e, then you are sure your
is having the best and most
indigestion, colic, eeeee nue simple January, 191?, when I resided at Mil- peatea advances were made during Lg-r.
tell, Ont., my daughter Gertrude, thenithe war and
fevere. Concerning them Mrs. Ernest still further very great
Gagne, I3eausejour, Que., v, "I aged fourteen, had a bad attack of advances have been made since the
have esed Baby's Own Tablets for rheumatic fever, which left es its af- signing of the armistice. The pas-
tor effects a severe attack, of St, Vitals zeitger rates now average about 700 .es- air
cauetipation and colic and have found SHave a mass 9f long.
them Po suceeesful that, I would not dance. For weeks she was confined per cent. higher than before the war, '-
thick vleanty hair
be without thele. I WOuld atrongly re- to Ler bed under the doctor's care. and the treight ratea about 800 per
commend every mother to keep a box She was entirely helple.es, being un- eat, higher.
in the house." The Tablets are sold able to even hold a spoon to feed her- Large advances in rates have also
b,y medicine dealers or by mall et 25 self. For a time she lost the power of had to be made in mauy countries • -ese
cents a box from The Dr. Williams speech almost entirely, and only with which were remote !rem the seat of , nl..
• / 4 -
great difficulty made herself un- 3.er- eestaities. For =Mille, Decera-
Medleine Co., Brockville, Ont.
stood. The twitching of her muscles bei-, 1919, all freight and passenger
was so had it was painful to see her. rates an the South African Govern -
A Man and His Necktie.
After a long time and tatting a lot of ment railways were advanced 2a per
Every morning we stand before the wedietho, she seemed to improve. cent, while in Auguet, 1919, a raise of
mirror, 1101> the large end over and '
around Push a behind and up and But she did not seem to get along as 20 per cent. in both freight and pas-
sim ought to. In November, 1917, we senger rates was made in l3razil, and
draw it carefully through. It becomes removed. to Acton, and in January in October of the Rime year addition -
a habit, and yet, like dining, it has a 1918, she was again confined to her ai Increases were propezed, Even in
certain fascination. The keen plea- bed with St. Vitus dance. She was Australia, *which was about as remote
sure of a new and uncreased cravat again in a terrible state and quite help- from the theatre of hostilities as any
belles to make a whole week brighter, less. She was under a doctor's care; part of the world, all the government
And that dread day when a white spot
appears in the centre of the front of
our favorite green one, or when the look well and was always tired. In to make advances in their rates.
beloved brown parts internally, and, May, 1918, we decided to try Dr. Wil- The railways of Great Britain were
placed -under government control at
the beginning of the war and are still
being thus operated. During the war
after taking several boxes there was a the passenger rates were advanced a0
decided improvement. After a further per cent., while the freight rates were
use of the pills she is now as healthy not advanced at all, and because the
a girl an you would •wieh to see. She enerea,ses in expellees greatly exceed -
is fat, with a fine, healthy color and ed the increases in rates the govern -
and while there was an improvement,
she was etill very nervous, did not
railways have auffered severely from
the effects of the war and have had
while appearing the same without tells Hams Pink Pills, and see what they
us that it is gone forever—that day would (to for her. She took them re -
our coffee is bitter and the mercury gularler according to directions, and
But we never cruelly desert a faith-
ful friend. For a couple of times af-
ter the white spot appears we try to
tie it farther up or lower down, usual-
ly with pathetically ineffectual re-
sults. And then we pasture it back
somewhere on the rack with the bow -
ties that are not good taste any more
aud the selections made by a worthy
aunt at a reduction sale, and let it
enjoy a quiet old age. Somehow
eventually it disappears. We do not
know how,. Perhaps a careless maid
drops it in a waste -basket, or a plot-
ting wife makes away with it. But
most probably like old watches and
college textbooks, it hes some unseen
heaven of Its own whither it is wafted
after its life among us is aver.
Montreal has 32,422 trades union
members; Toronto, 18,834; Vancouver,
15.459; Winnipeg, 12,050; Quebec,
is time of year
it's a 600d idea
to combinefresh
fruit or berries
with your nrtorn-
irk.t°, dish of
The blend of flavor proves
cleli6htful and is in tune
There's a Reaso.n"
is strong and lively. The neighbors,
to whom she is well known, remark
on the 'wonderful change in her ap-
pearance since taking Dr. 'Williams
Pink Pills. Beth her mother and my-
self are convinced that the pills have
done her a world of good as she is
now far healthier than we at ane time
thought she ever would be."
Par all trouble due to poor blood
and weak nerves there is no other
medleine can. equal Dr. Williams Pink
Pine. 'You. can get these pills. from
any dealer in reediebee, or by mail,
post paid, at 50 cents a box or six
bolts for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
• Do You Freckle?
During the summer months, and es-
pecially while on. holidays, we shall
probably find that freckles will appear
on .the face and neck.
Persons of a fine complexion, and
those whose hair is red, are the most
subject to freckles. Sometimes
freckles are the aftermath of jaundice,
but in the sunny weather almost every-
body is affected by the action, of the
sun, and it is interesting to trace the
origin of freckles.
One authority says that the skin,
during the winter and spring, has be-
come strangely sensitive\ and the heat
of the sunbeanis draws out drops of
moisture whieh operate like a coy:wee
glass, thus concentrating the rays,
which are made to act' powerfully on
the skin. The heat of the sun thus
operating on the drops of meisture,
causes the skin to become darker in
"spots," which we call freckles.
There are no three countries in
Europe whose water -power potential-
ities added together would equal those
ment incurred a large deficit. To re-
duce or wipe out this deficit advances
in the freight rates of the British rail-
ways ranging from 25 to 100 per cent.
weremade effective on January 15,
1920, mad extra charges were added
to rates which cover the collection
and delivery of freight at stations as
well as its transportation. In March,
1920, the demurrage charges imposed
for holding a car one day beyond the
period of free time were increased 100
per cent., and the charges for subse-
vent days 200 per cent.'
Worm• s.
The little worries which we meet each
May be as stumbling -blocks across our
Or -we may make them stepping -stones
to be
Of grace, 0 Lord, to Thee..
0. McPherson,
Furniture Dealer, -Undertaker,
Armstrong, B.C., June 11th, 1919.
Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd.,
Yarmouth, N.S.
Dear Sirs:—Since the start of the
Baseball season we have been hinder-
ed with sore muscles, sprained ankles,
etc., but just as soon as we started us-
ing Minard's Liniment our troubles
endedessEvery baseball player should
keep a bottle of yonr liniment handy.
Yours truly,
Secretary Armstrong High School
Baseball Team. •
To Sneeze Correctly.
„Children and even some adults are
being taught how to sneeze correctly
in a London health celitre.
Produce and conserve.
of Canada. •j k.O. 7
ISSUE No. 26—'20.
ereeepee • A .; ,
Let "Danderin• e" save your hair and
double Its beauty. You cau have lots
of long, thick, strong, lustrous hair.
Don't let it stay lifeless, thin, scraggly
or fading. Bring back its color, vigor,
and vitality.
Get a 35 -cent bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or toilet
counter to freshen your scalp; check
dandruff and falling hair. Your hair
needs this stimulating touic, then its
life, color, brightness and. abundance
return ---Hurry!
Anteriesee Timmer Dog Dontedlou
Boot on
. laud Eow to Peed
Mailed Free to,any Ad-
dress by the Author.
R. Clay Glover Co., Inc.
118 West 81st Street
- New York. "U.S.A.
harmless physic fOr the little etom-
etch, liver and bowels, Children love
its fruity taste. Full directions oa
each bottle. You must say "Cali-
toe -Young Men -tze
Don't Get -Bela
Cuticraa Do s -g Rich
To Prevent It
Dandruff, itching, eel irritation,
etc., point to an unimal 1.3r condition
of the scelp, which leads to thin,
failing hair and premattu-e bald -
nese Frequent shampoos with
Cutlet= Soap zed hot water do
much to prevent such a condition,
ecpeckely if preceded by a gentle
anointingn'itli Cuticura Ointment to
spots of dandruff and itching.
Some 25c, Ointment 25 and Bee. Sold
throughautthaparninkm. CanedianDepot:
Lymans, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal.
ggirCuticura Soap elutves without moss.
SINCE Is lees
30 R11-814COUGHS
Not -Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The name "Beier" 5 Aspirin is
like Sterling; on sever. It positively
identifies the only genuine Aspirin,—
the Aspirin prescribed by physicians
for over nineteen years and now
made en• Canada.
Always buy an unbroken package
There is 01117 one Aspirin—P:8
Aspirin is the trade mark Crey,ktered
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which.
contains proper •directions for Cade.
Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu-
ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neurie
tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally -
Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but
a few cents. Larger "Bayer" packages,
ayee--Ton newt gay "Bayer"
n Canute.) of Bayer Manufacture of
aceticacidester of Saticylicacid. While it
is well known that Aspirin means Bayer
manutricture, to assistthe public against imitations, the Ttanets of Eaar coinpaez
;win be stamped with their general trade ataxic, the "Bayer Cross."
- • • , • ,
• ." k.te. •