HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-24, Page 8r 010. E.XEIEB ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, JUNE 34, 1920, Exeter Markets T. e;han,g,ed each Wednesday Fall Wheat .,.,..„ Barter Oats Fami13 lrlcrur Feel F.tour per cwt , ...... 4,00 Shorts per cwt „�, 315 .brat per cwt. , 5.35 Eggs 1.95 1.70 1.30 7,55 46 Dairy Butter ....,. ,,:::o ,,.; 50 to 53 Creamery Butter ,. 60 Lard 35 true,ata>e, per bag Hay, e.r ten ....,,, Local . Doings Mr. Ed Treble is slowly recovering from bins recent illness, Band .eon,eert in the park at 8.16 p.m. on Sunday evening next, Where da you go froknz here? To Wilson Ze Sims' icecream ararlor. Owing to Thursday, July 1st, being a holiday, there will be no half -boli qday the previous day; Junior High School Entrance pupils will begin writing ori their examine- 3,00d*re a;00 i trans June 23tht 9 a,ni.. Grammar is 40.00 to 22,00 the fust paper, Liss Clinton Collegeatte Trustees are considering reducing the number of teacher: on the staff and making it High Sci>oc.,owing to the high cost of teachers. Execs: of Odd'ellows .c3r3 hold Decoration Day en Sunday, June 7th. meeting at the cemetery at 3 o'clok p.m'. Alt brethren please it'a'per, SA R:4\\' BERRIES raayo e w alttitg strawberries tot 'rennin o- table use, phonie, or leave your o.,iee and we will deliver prom- ptly.- Wi sere Sena Phone 56. to ARDhN PARTY, l etiae:uber the Garden -Par Triritr 'Memorial Church, Law: Tuesd;:a . June 29th. Good tar x dmiss:ora 1( Rents. he CARD OF THANKS. :lir C. T. Brooks desires to thank the firemen and to unteers who work- ed eo well at zhc time of the ft rr e which destroyed h,- tarn o. Thursday night. TRAILER WaA.TE1—A second-hand trailer wanted A r?y to 't't'itso:n S Simms, Exeter: LSELa BINDER FOR SALE, i.TC —Mader in good kc 4t era also other. farm «to4hin:rFAPPl ten Jo".m, M- Weho:n, Lot 4, C. 3. Hay. Pe.aties c ieltre to . L, w Granc1bend eel July 1st kir d,y Iereve name with Wilson. son. &Sri-, ..' our 'ens will bre a^,:.teln:, a?i :lay. TEAMS WANTIEIA The ;tIur'ar:pza Collar.: W. clue NIP ,of Exeter hereby ask far anunt }ler off teams Air the purpose at haul- ing gravel for Street Paving. Wagon boxes must be wade., to co :taro. a full third of a cord A:'ply to William � ",'rarer •o: J. W. Taylor. overseer. GARS FOR HIRE -Wilson & Simms' Phone S. Mrs. Wethey is organizing a junior orchestra fortizoL.-i . Anyone wishing to. join. can do so by paying a small fee, MRS M, KERR, Doctor of Chiro- practic Lias her ofiice at the home of Mx. Wm. Andrew, Exeter, Phone 43. Office hours, 9ta12 a.m.; 2 t Spam. WOODS PUMPS REPAIRED. If your` puma steeds fixing we are ready to de the job new before other work commences, We do turning of all kinds Saws gummed, etc. J. S V.CANN Phone 115 Su.:cessor to A. Cottle TAKE NOTICE That a meeting w°� be held at the Chiselhurst Methodist Church in the Townshir of Tuckersmith on the 2nd day of July, 1920, at the hour of seven fr'clocl; in the afteioon for the pur- pose of electing trustees for McTag- gart's Cemetery. The owners, of plots are requested to attend this meeting. Dated at Hensail, June 5, 1920. Signed by two. Diet owners, M. McTaggart John, McQueen FARMI FOR SALE —wo125 acre:=, Nortth Boundary Mc- Gillivray. three miles from Crediton.. Highly improved, well drained and fenced. Excellent state of cultivation Splendid home. Possession Spring of 1921. Terms, very moderate. D. L. O'BRIEN Box 182, St. Marys, One • STORES ('LOSE ON 'WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS We. the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business each Wednesday at 12.30 during the summer months of June, Duly and August. J. A, Stewart, Jones & May, G. A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, . South- cott Bros., W. W. Taman, Jas. Law- son, S. Fitton, W. J. Beer, W. .T. Heaman, H. S. Walters, H. Spack- man, .I. Senior, °Grigg Sationery Co., T. Elliott. F. Boyle, Hockey Bros., Times Printing Co., Advocate Print- ing Co., P. Frayne. The following stores close Wednes- day afternoons uzatil 6 a'c1°o:ck,—Wilson & Simms. A. Moore, Harvey & Harvey W. J. Statham. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Willson, B.A. 3 p.m.— Sabbath Sch,ool and Bible Classes, fixe .aus-ocate 'nailing list has been roreected up to June 10th. Look at. your label and see if you have been =;I.1 credited, If not paid up please remit and oblige. 3 iss Mattie Horton will preside over the Public School Graduation Exam- natiane at Winchelsea on June 24 and 25 • alsc• at the Junior High School 'Entrance June 28, 29 and 30th. The :Il -night rain one night last weer, was a welcome one, and every- thing b,ow,ng, even, to the weeds and thistles, received, a. new lease of life. Hay , =sticu]ai1F doter, will be short. but other +crops are looking fine. \fr. R. N. Rowe, who some time ago- /aced golaced an order with the McLaughlin Automobile Co. for a. motor hearse, re eiv ecu same last Friday. It is beaut- ifully designed and Mr. Rowe, as a funeral director; is :now equipped equal t:► any of the city undertakers. He, will retain the old hearse for the winter and unfavorable roads. Four young men from Stratford had rather unpleasant experience here on Sunday. They carne aver in a car anti taking their own word for it they made the run in. 40 minutes. When turning the corner at William and Ana streets they could not get around the corner and ran. into the creek. Luckily the ear clad net overturn or ti..;cth ng s.r ous might have happen. aid. They were, however. some tine getsine the ear out. Exeter battlers are attending the London Thistle Scott" Double `I'ourn- iment this Wednesday and Thursday. NV. J. !Leaman and R. N. Creech won craw Fr,e Press trophy in this event last year and are having a try at it again this year. A ink of bowlers is also toxin;; part in the Blyth tourney this week. Rink skipped by C. B, Snell and R. G. Sekdon attended Clinton Bowl- Ira; owlir: ; Tournament on Friday. The for- mer wen two and lost two games. The Latter won his four games with a small plus score and got third prize, cream and sugar cut glass. 2,fr, Snell bad with him Messrs, E. Harness, W. Rivers and Rev, Trurnper, and Mr. Selden had Messrs. T. S. Woods, J, A. Stewart and W. W. Taman. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who worked saheroically to save our prop- erty from fire on Thursday last. JONES & MAY. CARD OF THANKS Mr Goa Andrew anal sisters desire to thank the many friends for kind- ness shown during the illness and the subsequent death of their mother ;. also for the floral tributes. COMMUNITY LAUNDRIES Are women stronger than. horses? Many women, particularly 'farm women are working longer hours than horses are permitted to work. Help in the homes cannot be secured, then why net make the old-time wash day a day of Test and recreation by joining the Community Laundry and reduce the H. C. of L„ and postpone the high cost of dying, also make the home and fain more attractive? You will hear more or the Community Laun- dry. ._.-_— REPRESENTATIVh WANTED Sar Exeter and Huron County to repres- ent "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nur- series:" Big sales are to be made in selling Nursery stock during the re-- construction e-construction period. A splendid op- portunity for a live salesman;. Highest commissaens paid, handsome free equip meat, large line of fruit and orna- mental rnamental stock to offer.—" Stone, & Wellington, Toronto, Ont. Trivitt Memorial Church Rector will preach in the morning and Rev. R. J. Bowen in the evening!. In the evening Mrs. Aixth, of Renfrew will sing a sola and at the conclus- ion of the service will -give a short Organ Recital, CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10.00• a.m.—Sunday Scheel and Bible Class. 11 aim, 7 p. ,m. Prayer. . meeting' Thursday at 7.45 Rev. dames Foote, 113. A., Minister DEBENTURES— FOR SALE The Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the 1tllege of Exeter Offer for sale to the. General Public, Street Paving Debentures to the amount g¢ $25,000.00. Debentures are issued in d•eniomina- ttion; of $100 to $500 each, with in- terest coupons attached, and bear in- terest at the rage of 5% per cent per annum, payable on :ttie, 15th day of Juneineach and every year until ,Sully paid" .the, early applicant has the :option,. of a short or, a lowterm debenture, Amply to any member of the Coun- cil ,or to JOS, SENIOR, Municipal Clerk & Ta-easurer Seats all free. A welcome for all. MAIN ST. AND BETHANY Minister, Rev. Dr. Medd MAIN STREET CHURCH 37 .p m.-- Sr'Sunday School Bible Sanidy .n„in, BETtJANY- - NT • 130—Sunday School 'and - Bible Class, FIRE DESTROYED BARNS. A, fir., -which started about -five `cocl �? 1 c oil Thtu'sday afternoon last destroyed lour buildings betweenMain and Wiliam Streets, Exeter, and tunny other buildings narrowly escap- destructiion from the sparks, 'Ile buildings •burnedwere barn and ice arouse belonging to W, 5. Stathann barn and ice hoose belaag1ag to F. W06u and occupied by B. Makin, and the barns of C. T? Brooks and F, E• Willis. Mr. ,Statham host a new delivery wagon, set of harness, sleighs two Pip and some hound pups. His loss is the heaviest its he hady De in- surance, while the property- of the others was zat'tially insured. The budding being .41 of wood burned rapidly sad -Ow blaze was a fierce one. The :roofs of many buildings caught on fare from the sparks, which were blown by the high wind that rrevazie;l during part of the time, S,ou. thcott Bros.' warehouse, the Mol - sone Bank residence, W. J. Heamaa's warehouse and Mrs, James Pickard's house, all in the path of the windy were among the number that caught on fire, .but bucket brigades saved these Dines. The excellent - water aressur.; and the good work of the Firemen axed volunteers succeeded in c4nfiulug the Ike; to the buildings des-. troyed, end, marry a surrounding build- ing was saved, although scorehed and bursted ut places. The fire :is suppos- ed to have been paused by some boys who ane said to have struck a match to enable them to see the pups, DEATH OF MKS, ANDREW, There passed away on Thursday night Inst mother of the pioneer and highly respected former residents of Usborne township, in the Person cf Ann Delbridge, widow of the late Philiir. Andrew, who died at the home of her son, Mr. George Andrew, I lur- on street, with whom she has made her borne since the death of her hus- band 26 years ago. About twelve years ago Mrs. Andrew was stricken with an illness that threatened her life hut she recovered to some extent and net withstanding her enfeebled condition her life was snared until she had reached the good old age of 82 years, 10 months and 4 days. The deceased as a native of England. having been born. in Devonshire. When :,hut twelv;, years of age she rime to Canada with her parents and first settled in. Lobi Township. Af- ter remaining there for four years the faenil4 moved to Usbarne Township, where she resided continuously until she came to Exeter to live some four years ago. Airs. Andrew was possess- ed of a kind heart, broad in her sym- pathie and was oanstantly devoted to her,home and family. She wa a, mem- her of the Methodist Church and when health permitted teak a deep interest in its welfare. She is survived by three sons and three daughters—Geo- rge, William and John of Exeter,'Irs, Wm Skinnier of Usborne and Misses' Edith .and Bertha at home: She also; leaves two brothers, John, and. Wil- liam Delbridge, both of Usborne, The funeral took dace to the Elimville cemetery on Saturday, it being of a private µnature, MURRAY-UDALL, A very pretty wedding took place in Waverley Road Baptist Church, Toronto, when Ethel A„ only daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs'. A. J; Udall, was married. to Mr. William J. Murray, son. of Mr, and Mrs J. Murray of Exeter, Rev. F. B. Merrill officiating. The bride was gowned in white charineuse satin, and georgette, trimmed • with opalescent pearls. Her veil was cap style with hand embroidery and orange blossoms. She also wore the groom's gift .a diamond and platinum bar pin, and carried a streamer bouquet of bridal roses and lily of the valley. She was attended by the Misses ream McLean and Elsie Mayo. Miss Mc- Lean was in white georgette. and taff- eta, trimmed with coral satin and car- ried Obhclia roses. Miss Mayo wore Nile green eatin, and carried Columbia roses. Both wore black picture hats. Little Miss Audrey Jordan was flow- er girl, dressed in white silk with pink and carried' a basket of sweet peas. 'The groom was supported by ..Mr. Stan. L. Wright, and the ushers were J. E. Jordan. and Albert Kelly. The wedding music was played by Mr. At G. Merriman, and during the signing •oi the, register Miss Elms a, Baharial san.g "Until.'' After the ceremony ar•e- ception was held at ,the home of the bride's parents, Elmer Avenue, the happy couple, leaving later for De= trait and a motor tour to Kentucky, the bride wearing a navysuit and white. Milan hat. They will reside in Toronto Clyde Heaman was home from, Kit- chener over Sunday. Mrs, P. 'Gardiner'•of Blyth visited in town during the week. Mr. R Hoskins and family where in town from London aver Sunday. Judge and Mrs. Dicksioa and Mies Dolly- of Goterich scent Thursdayns town. Mrs : John Brooks, of Owasso, Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr. C., . T. Brooks Dr J. 'A and -Mrs'. Rollins of Lon- don were visitors for a rew days with Mr. arul Mrs, -W. Mayr 1Vlr,. Sidney Andrew of London at- ten ie,' the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Philip Aaclnew here on Saturday fast. Mr. W. N. Manning, of the Sherlock & Igannin,g Piano Co., was in town shaking Birds with laid friends Thurs- day last. Mrs • Alf. Eacrett of Los Angeles, Cal is visiting at her uncle's, Mr. M, Eacrett • and Mn, and Mrs. > . W. F. Beavers'.. Mrs Wm'. Hawkshaw returned last ;week from a Visit in Loddon,, and left again os Tuesday morning to visit with irelativee in Detroit. Mrs, }toWe,., and two daughters, Misses, Mabel and Helen of Edmonton ome spenc1in(g the summer with, Mr. and Mis's Jeckell, .London Road- North: Mr and Mr's; B. We F. ',Beavers: and Mrs, Jesse Elston. visited' Dr. and, Mrs. Bothwell at Stratforrd on.Sunc ay; Mrs;- Bothwell was formerly ' Miss ' 'Fanny' Pinch, who some years ago ;resided here with her mother, and at present she is in a very low state of health, • 1 PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 SPECIAL VAL UES IN SUMMER MERCHANDISE LADIES' SILK HOSIERY REGULARLY $2.75 A PAIR; FOr $1,98 PAIR • SPECIAL -5 dozes,, pair Ladies' Silk hosiery in colored shoteffects, good reliable quality, sizes 9, 9 1-2, and 10, were regularly priced at •$2.75. Sziecial June Selling price ,only $1.98 pair, LADIES' $38.00 MOIRE COATS FOR $30.00- 2 ,only Lad,i' Black S1k Moire Coats, size.; 36 and 38, reduced in price this month. from $38.0.1 to $30,00. All Ladies' and Misses' Spring Coats ut further reductions in price, SUMMER 'WASH SKIRTS, We have an excellent range of Ladies' and Misses' White Wash Skirts in rezaps piques, and gaberdines, at from $2,50 to $4,50. Also Special. outside sizes for stout figures. CLEARING SALE OF CREPE BLOUSES. We have placed on Special Sale this week three dozen Georgette and Crepe-de-chene Blouses, sizes 36 to 44; ;popular colors,' and styles, at greatly reduced. prices to clear, MEN'S STRAW HATS Our stock pf Straw Hags for .Summer i5 now eonnpiete. W.: have the latest styles an Panames, Sailors, etc., at moderate prices. UNDERWEAR Athletic Underwear for Men and Boys, the coolest for }rot weather. x1.11 sizes in, ,stock. Palm- Beach Suits for Men and Young Men for Hot Weather Light and Dark Colors t JONES -& MAY Store Open. Next Wednesday All Day and Evening on Account of July lst Holiday. Mrs (Dr,) H. F: McDonald of Holl- andale Wis., visited Mrsi M. E. Gard- iner and Mr. Ea Davis. alr. and Mrs. Macdonald and ` Mr. Cliff Spackman of Guelph were ,in town Sunday visiting relatives, Mr. .A L. Handford and family left en Sunday on their 4et'urn to Ren- frew after a. visit with relatives for a week. Mrs. S. IS. HAndford accompan- ied them as far as Brooklyn, Ont,, to visit her heather in that place, btI;OPS 3448 COUP HS DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Ofrnce-Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to- day or night. ISA#.C•R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary. Public, Comm'issj!oner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office—:Manor Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses 'in good condition. Geldiin.gs5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 4300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. • G. J. DOW FRANII TAYLOR Licensed Auctttlonleer for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, .. — Ontario. SUMMER .TERM CO,MM,ENCES JULY 5th. nerienced instructors, gips, ;thorough courses. and�'assists; graduates.' to high grade positrons. The, demand upon us for trained; lfe1t3 ,!exceeds the number' graduating. • Commence your course With' us ,alt evening: ,of summer terra, on July StIi. Get our free catalogue,. D, A. McLachlan, Principal. MONEY TO LOAN Webave'a re h 1a o t g amI un o:f private funds to loan on farm' and village property at low rates of interest. .. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr.1A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D, S. Honor Graduate Toronto University ' Office—aver Glardman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice, Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & WINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. Of>fSrcle— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeber. C. W. ROBINSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEhR' AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, 1Vfiiddles,ex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wapteraoms, next door to Centra], Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr, G. F. Rouistate, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST r Office . over Carlig's Law Office Cioeed Wednesday afternoons. Notice i SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS B. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & h&MBALMER Phonie .2Q Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as: to quality will con'in- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas.. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. • PHONE 134 GOOD VALUES IN MEN'S CLOTHING Thi> week we; are showing a range of Mer4's Brown Worsted Suits smart three -button style, that are exce, tianally good value at $35:00 , Elegant Blue Serge Suits' at $45.-00 APRONS 4ND HOUSE DRESSSES, Thio• is' another iitne that we .,have added. They are made in small, mediun. and large sizzes. Anyone wanting large sizzes should pee theid diiesSea. We are shOwin;g a fine, range of styles in 'good' washing mater -• ials, Prices are moderate, WRITE CANVAS' OXFOR'i+ts • 25 air s e s , . . p it of White Canvas O.�:fords-, regular '� ,:. �, the,..2.25 toT $2.50 tryxlu�es. .lean: up sof a11• fines, just thing for the hot weather. Special at per' pelr $1,48. Southcott Bros, •