HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-17, Page 8.: 1 Exeter Markets Changed each WedzSeslday Fall Wheat ; ., 1.95 Barite • ,..., 1.70 Oats 1,20 to 1.25 Family flour 7.55 Feed Flour per cwt.: ....... ........ 4.00 Shorts per cwt :. 3,75 Bran per cwt. . 3,35 Eggs .., 48 Dairy Butter ..........• e... ,, 50 4o 53 Creamery Butter 40 Lard . , , o 35 Potatae3 _ .., .r -5.0'0 to 5,50 Hogs 18,00 terest terest June. TRAILER W ANTED - A second-hand trails wanted. .ply to Wilson & Simms, Exeter. Representative Wanted. Canada Petroleum & Refining Coe Ltsin are offeri,nt a Binned amount of stock; strong directorate, good locations, splendid prospects, liberal comndssionss What about your territory. For par- ticulars, address R. McLelland, 81 Victoria St., Toronto, Ont. USED BItiDIER FOR SALE, ETC. —Binder in serol condition, also other firm nneehmery. Apply to Johrz Mc- Mahen, Lot 4, Coto 3, Hay. aaes WATCH LOST—Qu or about May 15th; Weide case and movement, and Rockford make. Finder will leave at this oftiee acrd get reward, TEAMS WANTED The lfunic:;*ial Coulecid a the ViL11 lage of Exeter hereby ask for a num- ber>of teams for ,the purpose of haul- ing gravel for Street Paving, Wagon boxes must be made, to contain a full third of a card. App1)' to William Werel o; J. W. Taylor, everseer. VIOLIN LESSONS Mrs. Ganzbrill will be pleased to take a, few more viols ]pupils. Violins and eszaezisive: prose Tent whenever re- quired. Easy teams to beginners and satisfaction guaranteed. GARS FOR HIRE--W'",Isoza & norms Phone 56. _ _ __ club- q, �'rTh.er� &dv,ncate. eant give daily biaig rates with any o..4 the daily rews- papers or utea ines. Mrs. Wethey is ging a junior >Esrche,Itra for violins. Anyone wishing to join can do so by paying a small ,fee. MRS M. KERR, Doctor of Chiro- practic has her office at the home of Mr. Wm. Andrew, Exeter. Phone 43. Office hours, 9 to 12 a.m. ; 2 to 5 p.m. WOOD PUMPS REPAIRED. If your pump needs fixing we are ready to do the job now before other work commences. We do turning of. all kinds. Saws gummed, etc. S J, V, CANN Phone 115 Successor to A, Cottle TAKE NOTICE That a meeting will be ,,held at the C1liselburst Methodist Church in the Township of Tuckeesmith, on the 2nd day iaf July, 1920, at the hour of seven o'clock be the afteezioon Lor the pur- pose of electing trustees for McTag- i gart's Cemetery. The owners of plots are requested to attend this meeting. 1 Dated at ,Hensall, June 5, 1920. Signed by two plot owners, 1 M. McTaggart John. McQueen FARM FOR SALE 125 acres, North Boundary Mc- € Gillivray, three miles from Crediton. c Highly improved, well drained and I fenced. Excellent state of cultivation t Splendid home. Possession Spring of 1921. Terms, very moderate. D. L. O'BRIEN I Box 182, St. Marys, Ont, NOTICE 1 1 Grand Dead, May 25, 1920 On. and after the above date I will I not be responsible for any debts con- tracted by my wife, Elizabeth Tetreau as she has left my bed and board 1 wnh,out any just cause. t Th!eiopirolus Tetreau. t STORES CLOSE ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business each Wednesday- ednesday at at 12.30 during the summer months of June, July and August. 1 J. A. Stewart, Jones & May, G. A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, South- 1 cott Bros., W. W. Taman, Jas. Law- son, S. Fitton, W. J. Beer, W. J. 1 Neaman, H. S. Walters, H. Spack- man, J. Senior, Grigg Sationery .do., T. Elliott. F. Boyle, Hockey Bros., Times Printing Co., Advocate Print- ing Co., P. Frayne. 3 The following stores close Wednes- day afternoons until 6 o'cloack, Wilsorr & Simms, A. Moore, Harvey & Harvey W. J. Statham. i DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Municipal Council of the Cor- ; p,oration of the V"a,11age of Exeter offer fear sale to the.enneral Public; Street Paving Debentures to the amount of $25,000.60. Debentures are issued in d.emomina- 3 lion; of $100 to $500, each, with iYi- pesupons attached, and bear in- at the rage of 53 per cent per z' nnum, ziayable /on the 15th day of iii, ae1,.and every. year until wee Paid, t E 1 a*. 1' t ' s- e The, early. . p .cans, ria thee optuoai ' , zf a'. short or a •lo?ig term` 3ebenture, 1 to asp .merit 'er of the 'Count-- A.�QdY y.. , l}rif- . it ao to JOS. SENIOR, er M.. oei - t'1. 1,. a.. T.POe.11,.... EXE r.. ArnroL ATl , TELUBBLIAT, JTINE i 18.20. Local Doings mop Miss ,Ariel Beverley .has accepted a position with Messrs. Glade= & Stanbury, Two of Mr. Luther Penhaa:e;'s little children, who have been sufferir.�g from whooping cough, are now afflicted with pneumon a, The first of the ,half. holidays for Exeter during {June, July and August was observed Ion Wednesday after- noon last, and as a consequence many were lout,of town. The road work in.. town has been delayed ,somewhat owing to gravel and scement coning slowly. The cement is Laid however, from the bridge to the [laid 'Taylor factory. A meeting sof the Huron County Temperance Association will be held ira the First Presbyterian Church, Sea - forth Wednesday afternoon, and er- eni'' June 23rd, Dr; A. S. Grant of Toronto head of the Re`fez?endum Committee, will speak, In the case of Hamilton; vs, tole, both .of Clinton, tried before Judge Ddekson hast week at Goderich, the jury could not agree and a new trial will tale place at the December ses- sions, The grand jury brought in a true bill against Jos, Essinhoffer of Brussels pn the charge of stealing flax ;fron. the Hurons. County Flax Mills also to the charge of false pretenses. At the elosieg exercises of the Juin.. %or Auxili."ary of the Trivet Memor- ial Church, Carrie Davis, daughter of Mr and Mrs, Daniel Davis, was pre - seated with the dioeesan prize, cousis•- ting, of a handsome book on missions, Art ,exanzitrai; on had been set on, "Our Work iva Italia:" and out of 80 can- didates ifs, the diocese, Carrie came out ore top for full ,marks for every. ques- tion O1uriel Bissett also received the branch prize, consisting of a silver W. A. 1tiz.. Mr. Jos Senior has on exhibition at Ms studio a photograph taken by him- self such as ;few photographers have had the privilege of taking --the photo of Mrs. Willem Fraser of Mooresville, who is low over a hundred and one years of age, She is a remarkable person having retained her faculties to a wonderful degree and is bright and cheerful stria, at this great age. It is said that instances orf ,long- evity is chiefly amongst the abstem- uous , reed this may be truly said of Mrs. :Fr, ser, although she enjoys her cuts of tea to the full. Mr. Win. Fras- er, Huron street, is a grandson. WON TROPHIES W. J. He;.in,::r end R. N. Creech at- tended the Seaforth Bowliag Tourna- ment on W'ednes'day of last week and lion the Merno Trophy, representing he Scotch Double Championship of Husoo Heaman azul. Creech won this same trophy last year, The runners- up were Stewart and Beattie ,of Sea - forth, The consolation event was won by McTaggart and Thomas of Blyth, who defeated Willis and Bright of Seaforth in the finals. The same day T. ,S,, Woods, J. A. Stewart, W. Ar. Taman, end R. G, Seldon .,skin, woven, the Mintee Trophy t the Thistle Club in London, Set don's rink, consisting of Clarke, Stew- art, Taman nem Seldon won the same trophy in 1918. This is a two -rink challenge cup and Ale winners have reeceived two challenges from London Dr, A. R. Kinsmon will be in Ham - ton one week, commencing, Monday, (Special e ung 21st, taking the Sp ill Course n Prosthetic Dentistry put on • by r, Ruaert Hall of Chicago. Office lased on this account, REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. to report on building and engineer - ng work in Exeter. This is a good ide line for anyone with facilities for- ening or- ettin g news. Commission paid for ach report, We supply forms and ostage, Apply, stating qualifications o MacLean. Daily Reports, Limited, 45 Adelaide St. West, Toronto, Ont. CE CREAM PAR- LOR. Wm. Mitchell of the Metropolitan lotel has fitted up an ice cream par - or in hie hotel and will serve the pub- ic in this line. A call solicited, iURONDALE IN- STITUTE MEET. Mies Clayton of Listowell will sneak a the Hurondale Institute at S. Sy Io,1 next Saturday. The Institute ex - ends an invitation to all the ladies e come Trivitt Memorial Church Seryices as usual. REV. A. A. TRUMPER, Rector. AVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 0,00 atm. -Sunday School and Bible Class , 1 a.m, 7 D. sn,. Prayer meeting Thursday at 7.45 Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister AMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J W ]son, B.A. Rev. H. en. Paniaby :of Eii'mville i,orning . and. evening. 3 p.m.- Sabbath School and Bible Classes: eats all free. A welcome for all, MAIN ST. AND BE$'ANY Minister, Rev. Dr. Medd JAIN STREET CHURCH The last'Sunday for Rev. D'r, Medd this charge. 3 p m Sunday School & Bible Study ETi-LOY us. S c o S h oand Y l 'Bible e C lases. The as Sanday foe :Rev xM, edd. . . this i ;>ag e x, DEATH OF MR.S. MINERS. The zdeath :occurred on Wednesd June ,9th, nt the biome of Mr. R. I. Hunter, .Usborase, erf Bessie White wife ro4 J T. ,Miners of Exeter, at the age of 59 years, 2 months and 9 days Deceased batt been in fai111 g heajtb for !about six months, and about a ,rnontlr ego she went to visit her daughter, Mrs R. D. Hunter, and shortly afterwards became seriously ill, owirr, to ,an internal ,growth, and she passed ,away ;as stated above. Born near St Marys she :,resided there and rn Usborne until e, few years ago when she anal her husband ,retired to Ex- eter, Mrs Miners ,was a woman of very pleasing manner, and disposition, and was highly esteemed by all who knew her. Besides her husband she is survived by tone son, Garnet on the home fano, south of Eliravilie, and one daughter, Mrs. R. D. Hunter; also a brother, Joseph White of St, Marys, and a sister, Mrs. T, J. Lockhart of Kingston. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon to Exeter cemetery and was largely attended, , USBORNE BOY IN AUTO SMASH, A. Ralter,wIio works with Mr, And- rew Gibson, Thames Road, was quite severely injured in ,one foot and badly shaken. up in an mato smash in London Township ore Sunday evening, Three cars were approaching a road crossing and the drivers apparently became con fused . One vicar escaped the steasli;but the wither two crashed together and were badly broken, up. The people of one car, Mr. nod Mrs. Wilkin: suffered uainful injuries and were taken to their home a mile away, Three wheels were ripped .,off Bolter's car. CASE—RYCKMAN. A delightful end pretty June wed- ding was polenuaizzed on, Tuesday at noon at the residence of Mr. and Mrs,; E. G. Ryckman, Hensall, when'. their younger daughter, Elizabeth El ma, became lthe bride of Mr,. Benja- min Stirling Case son, of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Case, London Road north. Only the immediate relatives ,of the con- tracting parties were present towit- ness the tceremony, `which was per- formed by ,Rev, A. E. Doan, ,pastor of the 'Methodist Church, Hensall. The pride's nister, Mass Myrtle Ryck- man, allayed the wedding march and during the ;signing of the register Mr. Roy Ryckmaa. ;sang, "Because," most pleasingly. The bride looked charm- ing r. gown of navy chanteuse with georgette and :steel bead trimmings, and carried a shower bouquet of car- nations. Both bride And groom were unattended. The young couple motor- ed to Seaforth, where theytook the afternoon train to spend a short hon- eymoon in. Kinston, the bride travel- ling in a suit' of navy blue serge with hat to match, Both bride and groom are favorably -known in the commun- ity and we feel con[ident that when the Aderocate wishes the newly wedd- ed couple a long and useful life and continuous prosperity it only 'echoes the fervent wishes sof the host of in- timate friends of both, On their re- turn. they will reside on. the groom's fine ,farm on the London. Road, north. Miss 'Mariam Blatchford of Toronto is visiting her parents here. Mrs. Culbert tof Liman is visiting her sister-in-law Mrs, Wm, 'Whiteford. Mr. Wilkin, teller in the Milson Bank here has been moved to Wind- sor. Mr, and Mrs, W. H. Martyn sof Lon donare .here visiting with friends and relatives. Mr and Mrs. Adam Case leave Sat- urday for Virden, Man, to spend a few weeks. Mr end firs, J. M. Southcott re- turned Thursday from their honey- moon trio, Mr, and Mrs. McComb and little son visited with Mr, and Mrsi W. S. Cole over Sunday, Mrs Jas, F. Hodgins of London is scending the week with Mr, and Mrs, Newton Baker .Here, Miss Susie Case of Merritan has been visiting in town and neighbor- hood for several days, Mrs. P. Robertson and on of Strat- ford visited with relatives here for a few days during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hawkins left Tues- day for Salvador, Sask., to visit their daughter, :Vlrs. Wilbur Hunter. Miss Violet Willis, after a visit in town with relatives, returned this week to her home in Marlette, Mich, Mrs. C. H. Sanders and son Borden, spent several days during the week in Kitchener Land St. Jacobs with rel- atives and /friends. Messrs A. J. MVlcDornell, C. W. Rob- inson Fred. Elleriagton and C. H. Sanders took in the races at Simcoe last week, gains by motor, Mr Louis Day attended the funer- al of his brother-in-law, Mr. Thomas Beadle, :who died pin, Sarnia and was. buried On .,London On Saturday. Mr. rand -Mrs. J, A. Stewart and daughter Mrs. wReW, Puke, Mrss, Amus and Mr 4. G. Seldom. motored to Toronto on ..Sunday, returning Tues- day, Mr. Roger Crocker of Tor :into, who is attending I. Ow O. Fl. Grand Lodge at Loindon, spent -a few days with hes mother aid othe,,r relatives here dur- ing the week. Mr, and Mrs'. A. LI Handford and family tot. Renfrew motored here on Monday and are'visiting 1Mi, Hasid ford's ern:ther, Mrs, . S. Ha}nidfard, and sister Miss Attire. Mr. Luther Pemhadie and Jack Elliott returned :from Hamiitoin, where theywere taking a short' course in learn- ing to ;,apeirate the ;closing machinds at the Exeter Canning Factory, Mr. and Mrs. S. R, Eacrettof Brant- ford visited with the former's parent. Mr. aincl Mrs. M. Eacrett',onn Wedne day, Mr. Eacrett ,vwas a delegate tto. the Oddfellaws' znieetjng at London, Miss )K.iirk of the Chatharn Callege, lateInstitute etaff .,vutsited Miss Ste a 11 Gregory :for a 46r da.'s ;r ,y last,. ween far ' o- r. P n.. 'ta'(goaknb ta,Tosogslta aspE ... , , aminser ¢;n the" Provirteul .De'.ast" re` _ peal' 1a rri E xa a xx atito s: s rli' s .rn � > I£ns7t.: teac'l'i s'; P 1• e t diysica, Gulturir. as1,d �. Sczemc:� �rr� 'Clratltarn' 10, PHONE 32 JONES & MAYPHONE 32 SPECIAL VALUES IN SUMMER MERCHANDISE LADIES" SILK HOSIERY REGULARLY $2.75 A PAIR; FOr $1.98 PAIR SPECIAL -5 dozen pair Ladies' Silk. Hosiery in colored shot effects, good reliable quality, sizes 9, •9 1-2, and 10, were regularly priced at $2.75 Special June Selling price wanly $1.98 pain;. LADIES' 538.00 MOIRE COATS FOR $30.00, 2 topiY Lsdieis' Black Silk Moire Coats,, sizee 36 end 38, reduced in price this znonith from $38,00 to $30.110. All Lades' and le i'sses' Spring Coats at further reductions in price. SUMMER WA SH SKIRTS, W have an excellent range of Ladies' avid Misses' White Wash Skirts in repps piques, and gaberdines, at from. $250 ,to $450. Also Special outside sizes for stout figures, CLEARING SALE OF CREPE BLOUSES. We have placed en Special Sale this week three dozen Georgette 'anal Crepe -de -chane Blouses, ,sizes 36 to 44; popular zcolors,' and styles, at greatly tredUced prices to clear. MEN'S STRAW BATS Our stock of Straw Hats for Sum= er is now complete. We have the latest atyles in Panatelas, ,Sailors, etc., at moderate prices. UNDERWEAR Athletic Underwear for Men and Boys, the .coolest for ,:hot weather. All sizes din (stock. Palm Beach Suits for Men and Young Men for Hot Weather Light and Dark Colors JONES 8r MAY Closed Wednesday afternoons during June July and August. Miss Pearl Rollins of London is visiting g 14 Zrs . Wm: May. 3' Mr. and Mrs, 31. E. Gardiner and Mr ,and Airs;. 13. Ne. F. Beavers at- tended the wedding of Mrs. Gardiner's niece, Miss Terry of London, to Mr. Wilford Hulbert tils,p of London, on Wednesday :of last week, e 5TQPS CO eHS DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC IL CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Baulk, Etc. Money to loam at DoWest rates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good contliit on, Geldings 5 year.- old up, weighing from 1500 pounds uyy�- Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds .up, Parties having the required stuff, write or. phone 83 Exeter. G, J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of - Hunan. and Middlesex- Prices iddlesexPrices ''Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. ' SUMMER TERM• COMMENCES' JULY 5th, CENTRAL f'riRAT/ O O. ONT. nerienced instructors, gives thorough courses and aSsists g'aduatea to, high grade positio s. „The demon& u o:, tin or r f t d fie, exceeds 1?wtLe help +exc ds the nrittzxiber taiduat lit 'Cil g -OW Te g your poi* Y wztlz • oI)reetii `of: su me ,Ing � ??I r ter•'m on ju1y,5th ' '•. ' Gate •flee c at alogue, D. �A • McLachlan. Principal,. 1 MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount a private funds to loan en farm and village property ratesat of 'interest, & STANURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exetdr Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S,, D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto Unineisity Office—over Madman & Stambury's Office, Main :Street, Exeter, . MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders ,at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night,. Otf3,cie— Dr. Sweets old ,office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUGTIONEi,R AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, _Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Soles a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wasieraoms, meat door to ,Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter: Dr. G. F. Roulstora L. D, S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Notice ! SPECIAL' DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phonie ? 0 Tea & Coffee Store For the • choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line (Call and see Us. A trial as to quality will conOitii- Ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. SMART CLOTHING IOR MEN. This week we are showing some stylish clothing for young men,, ars well as d. number of more conservative styles for older men. We are offering a splendid all wool Blue Serge Suit, 1t<e ry soeci,a,! at • $45.00 -SUMMER UNDERWEAR FOR MEN In two piece or combination with short or long •sleieve, and, knee or ankle length at per garment 75c, 000 and $2.00 NEW SHIRTS FOR- MEN We have them, as low in price as 51.50 • as well s a spjiendid raailge of good materials that a ra good a�{ ext value at $2,00 $250,,•.:$4.00.`. SILK AND LISLE HOSE 02 FOwhiteR MEN ,; black, grey, fawn champagne:, blue, brown; in fine lisle orIn silk.shades Great value at Der yard Sc.7& $1,00 NEW NECKWEAR FOR MEN Just in and ready for the 24th of May A big assiorrtmeit of sum er tId`sli ties es cvel1 as a -fling ' �FS0 s ail ;. 9ti"t giant ,fa'r ilk $ NEW ST4' . AND C�.C)� � y ,. ,... z',fiS INIVI�7r7 , • �R VC. O T S. .A Th•. e ,e Y: 'mak �`. seat °ibist,eo�at a ; Tiell r'.:" � � wejl a, :tui •:` th :,. n r . . ...,• •,... Ever 0 un hee�i�s ami tivese days. ., y Y uxag , We, .are shown% iriasl avew.. cloths " c d' e at � t?rz ,$16,00, 3d1$ 50 �p •535.00 eott BTO'8, Bout