HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-17, Page 5PURE BRED IMPORTED CLYDP.S-
No, 17411 17226, enrolled mid izt-
stzected form 1, No. 4363,
Stands as follows,—
Monday—Bruce Mitchell's, Stephen,tor
x,00ii; T, W, Hodgson's, for alight.
Tuesday—Dan Lewis' and Mex Steep-
Wednesday—Daird Hutchison's and
Geo. Weigand's, ,Hay,
Tbuxaday-Isaac Bestard's and James
Friday—Cory O'Brien's and Milt,
Saturday—to his own stable, Exeter.
Terms—$15; Z ,snares $28,
W. H. ,Kay and S. Baskerville, Props:
Display Advertising—Made known
on, applicatlece
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c.,
th*ee iziserti;ons $L00.
Pam lar Real Estalte for sale 50c.
eAch &ssertiwon for one month of faun
Mssceh}a,ne*us articles of not more
than five lures. For Sale, To Rent,
Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and
Found jecrsls Z5e. ata insertion.
Lecel reading notices, etc.{ 10c. ,per
line per insertion; No netttcie less
than Z5c. Card of Thanle's 50c.
Auction Sales 13 for one insertion
and $1,50 for each subsequent in
scilicet. ii under five inches in length.
Legal advertiing 10c. and Sc. a line.
The Advocate la anxious to have
correspondents in ail districts. If
your territory is not represented by
our staff correspondents will you
send us the news, or suggest the
name of someone wlto would be likely
to do so? We furnish stamped en-
velopes and wrtttne supplies.
Utoexceejldd dining car service
SIeeepin e cars on night trains and
Parlor cent on princ teal day trains,
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket. Ageate or C. E. Horn-
e* I)estriet Passelager Aunt, Tomato
ee. J. DORE
?bone 44w Ageot, Exeter
Makes dollars
go farther
mare quickly
—Investigate our
We like to explain
our. Budget 'Plan.
Itc`proves. so helpful
to folks who are am-
bitious to own a
New Edison.
The Budget Plan
:,The Phony,;raMM Waith a SIar"
into your home at once.
Then it applies the estab-
lished, principle of big bust-
nesse-systematic spending.
It takes the purchase price
out of your income so
gradually that you don't
have to «squeeze" at all
Come in and ' learn all
about it.
Important Events Which Have
Occurredf‘Dur ing the Week,
The- Busy World's- Happenings Care-
fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper -- A
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
Federal housing loans increased by
Fresh excesses against the Jews
are reported from Kiev.
An anti-Semitic movement haa
been started in Vienna.
A sharp decline in the net earnings
of the T. & N. Q. is reported.
A large crowd attended the dos-
ing day at Thorncliff. race track.
Details of the Civil Service bonus
was given in the House of Commons.
An International c•onventiou of Big
Brothers and Big Sisters opened in
Thomas. Renten, G.T.R. employe,
Hamilton, died while sitting down to
Conrad artd George 1-'inweber,
brothers, of Calgary, drowned while
The 1. S. railways are to be given
immediately $125,000,000 for new
rolling stock.
The liner Inrperatar has been ever -
hauled 't Southampton and sailed
for New York.
The Connell of the Oxztar.'io College
or Pharmacy opened its annual meet-
lot;; ir1 Toronto.
Terve thousand Szecho-Slovak
troops rect.'. Vancouver on way home
fro i Vladivostok,
The To: e.ato International League
t a1u hit Cie ball hard Monday. and
ei afe a f ed , falo 7 to 1.
Tug w;t ten and a man drowned.
n tie, reteine plunges into Riche-
li'et Cetrsl, ;leas' Montreal;
'Mee Maty Stevens was found by
h r hel.:beeel in thein home In To-
ronto, dead, ;and with her throat cut.
t, elite . ,aG:ties entrants far el badly
in the ope ting day or the I;,'itisl.i
'te .ateur golf championships. only one
or six being s'it'toriorzs.
In the seeend of the trial races to
tleterznmine which shall det•'n:i the
America's Cup, the sloop Resolute
was buten by Vunttie. On Mondey.
wi oNi;sm.r.
Th,, Toronto l.a:c. ball team is back
in Yee'ond place again.
Rie;hara Mer•pole, a C..P.lt. oilieial
since 18tH iii' I r \ e:te:weer.
The Methodist Cent• renee publish-
ed iiia tire ,,Inert DI :stations.
Gendarmes ei .1 On ez nob vl: Gratz,
Au.;:eta. '* lizz ;e von p zs r:'a.
A clew lite ; reehent on Peace
1e'r,.zs beth. ,en North and. South
The .;Ir,=;:i,al committee's report on
LI, re t';::•arra waa :iapute was made.
1 .ep a ti '..1 behalf of retrained
ant.r,e , • Ea 4. :lade from Toronto
a., •a , , .; rlt,;rn staked that the
new i.., t trul,i hurt t';ut;idian in
Geo. boli" t', tit. John, is se-
as lee se s sehoiar for New
The Poles have .wozz sisraal vie-
tori s over the R e:s on the northern
het,' front.
.'t'szrk Nationalist ofdrers are on
tri for ;,sze:npt onehe lite of 1)amod
1. a. I'e'rseing of the ti. S. army
+•re;nent has no political
Fresh elegy eosures were a 1: tae re-
garding the e *i,nct 1Joz ri eon Per-
manent Loan.
Western crop : „rt; indzc;tte bet-
ter conditions at this date thee in any
year since 1904.
County Judge Ermateiger ef Elgin
suggests Federal measure guaneete-
ing prices of farm produce.
A young son of John Piggott of
Brigden, near St. Thomas, was killed
when lightning struck the house.
John Dick was killed and two oth-
er employes seriously injured by an
explosion in the Toronto Telegram
Stratford Chamber of Con>,merce
agricultural section opposes eight-
hour day on farms with Wednesday
afternoons off.
The Toronto Street Railway Board
of Conciliation Held its first sitting.
The joint convention of Big Bro-
thers and ]lig Sisters was: eonclnded.
Walter 0. Patterson, ft fears old,
of Belleville, was killed- by a motor-
Laura Alberta Daluns •of Milver-
ton, eight years old, died as result of
Edeetrd Lucey was fatally le in
wheel thrown out of his 'rig near
Cus..oms House employes in To-
ronto protested against the new wage
Katie Parcarro, 16 years of age,
has disappeared from her home near
Galt Public School Board has ap-
pointed D. S. McPherson supervising
Many lives were lost at Kohl, Ja-
pan, by an explosion on Tuesday in
the harbor.
The theory that Ambrose email of
Toronto was kidnapped is strength-
ened by a letter.
King. George opened the Imperial
War Museum in the London Crystal
Palace on Wednesday.
J. L. C. Jenkins, holder of the Brit-
ish Amateur Golf championship since
1914, was feated Wednesday.
Wealthy British immigrants to
Canada are going in .considerable
numbers to British Columbia.
The Gulf of Ismid, an, arm of the
Sea of : Marmora,: has been closed by
the British owing to Nationalist
Ted Lewis• won the welterweight
boxing chamtrionship of England by
deeeatingeJohnny, Basham in a 20 -
round bout.
The Toronto baseball team eut the
lead of the Bisons to oneand a halt
genies by' beating Akron here Wed- ,
nesday while Buffalo were losing to
Ontario Historical Society is .meet-
ing in Owen Sound.
Arthur T. Moore is appointed Chief
oe Police of Woodstock.
London Council unable to agree,
and car strike is, stili on,
Prof. Peter Toews, formerly of the
University of Toronto, died,
Toronto retail nidrehants voiced
approval of the budget revision.
The mercury rose to 93 degrees in
the shade In Toronto Thursday.
Middlesex farmers have proclaimed
a weekly halt -holiday on the Uartit..
Board of commerce reviews rte
year's work, and makes reeem vend-
The British. Labor delegation to
Russia urges the removal of the em-
Toronto letter carriers voted in
favor of a strike if their. .demands
are not met.
London is to be the perihanent seat
of the International Woman's ,Sue
frage Alliance.
J. J. McNevin nominated by LT,F,O,
of Haiiburton and Victoria to appose
Sir Sam Hughes.
Robert A. Gardner qualified toplay
in the final for the British amateur
golf championship.
The allied Governments have ten-
tatively set July 5 as the date for the
next Spa meeting.
John H, Stuart, manager of the
Bank of Hamilton at several place4
until 1915, died suddenly,
Apposition to Mae renewal of the
Anglo -Japanese Treaty la voiced by
British residents in China.
Toronto baseball club is now in
third' place.
Mrs. James Gilmour died at Mont-
real, aged 104.
Sterling exchange in New York is
stronger at $3.94%.
The Victoria Industrial School
Board held its annual meeting.
A two years' pharmacy eourse was
approved by the College Council,
Alva Grenzebaeh of Concession 15,
East Zorra, was drowned at. Lakeside.
A reward 01 $5,000 was authorized
for the apprehension of John
Two eases of bubonic plague have
been discovered in the Republle of
Five are named by the Board of
Commerce for prosecution for sugar
First payment of mothers' pen-
sions In British Columbia is to be
made in July.
German Chancellor Mueller has
been asked by President Ebert to
forma Cabinet.
Stanley Edmondson, Moose Jaw,
]las been awarded $7,200 damages
for loss of sight.
The Ontario Womela's Liberal M-
sociation met in its fifth annual con-
vention at Hamilton.
A bas-relief in memory of Edith
Cavell will be unveiled in the Tuil-
eries Gardens at Paris.
Hon. N. Via. Rowell warns Toronto
postmen that a strike will be taken
to mean their resignations.
The strike of the agricultural
workers In the Province of Barr,
Italy, has been declared off.
FIve of the crew of the Eagle Boat
25 were drowned when she turned
turtle in the Delaware river,
A strike has broken out in the
smelting works at 1t1 einhausen, Ger-
many. Increase in wages is demanded.
The Toronto Skating Club execu-
tive announce that they will erect the
finest figure skating rink In America.
The Government has granted Vilh-
jaimur Stefansson a grazing permit
for thirty years of the southern part
of Baffin Island. He intends raising
reindeer and other herbivorous ani-
mals for the meat trade.
Boner Presbyterian Church, Toron-
to, held its, annual service in Gaelic.,
Rev. Salem Bland will be asked to
represent Labor. in Northeast To-
An appeal for the re-establishment
of veterans was made from many
pulpits. ,
The Leas defeated Akron on Satur-
day, and broke, even at Jersey City
on Sunday.
Thomas Chicoine, a Montreal con-
stable, was mortally shot by a party
of burglars.
Another Irish policeman, Constable
King, was- murdered at Glengariff,
County Cork. "
Edward Haddock, of London, a
trouble man of• the Ontario Hydro,
was electrocuted.
Brockville Council by a vote of 6
to. 4, refused to repeal the daylight
saving measure. -
Stewart of Queen's University won
the 135 -Ib. Canadian wrestling title
on Saturday night.
A'fisherman named Dawson was
killed by lightning at Wheatley while
looking after nets.
A general boycott against the Irish
constabulary has been proclaimed
throughout Leitrim.
Parkdale Collegiate and Givens
Street School led in the annual To-
ronto school games.
Miss May Furber fell to her death
from a window of her home, 315 Spa-
ding avenue, Toronto.
A shortage of $3,300 having been
reported, the Council of Carleton has
dismissed the County Treasurer.
G. B. Ryan, a leading merchant of
Guelph, with a store also at Owen
Sound, died in a New York hospital
The West End Y.M.C.A. (Toronto)
team won the relay race at the
Olympic trials in Hamilton on Satur-
Fighting between a Chinese gun-
boat and the Japanese garrison ha•s.
occurred at Nikolaicrsk, Eastern
.•Negotiations between the, 'British
Government and Gregory Krasset,
Bolshevik representative, are` still
wending:"t �..•
Ronald Hooper, • secretary of the
Proportional Representation" Society
is to supervise the, provincial 'elec-
tion ie Winnipeg
eiec-tion'•inWinnipeg • •:
Capture of Melitopol, in the Cri-
mea, by den. Wrangel, who succeed--;,,
ed to the command of the 'Denekine'
forces in Southern Russia, is report-
ed In a Reuter message from Con-
stabtinopi`e. Five thousand prisoners,
27 guns and Ave armored traieayrere
Mies Florence on, ons is visiting
w,rve, ,--..,. i4xur-
dockith has
elatiagasin,imbeenBarriegiven theThos
tract for delivering ,nail on R. R. No.
2. Ernie Cooper had hive arm broken
while cranking a ear, --T. Drummond
has ,loved his family here from Wing -
ham acid has rented 14 Er. Dieg.walke
leouse oa Richmond St.—Mr. Owen
'Geiger last week ny vel. the house he
purchased from Mr, Peart on Queen
Street to a lot en Rkeli 'oaid St =Mr',
and Mrs. A, L. Case and ,? aaud e:Mrs.
Geo. Case and Mrs. Glenn. of Ailsa
Craig motored to Detroit for a few
days.—The Masonic Lodge attended
divine service int the ,ivlethodist Church
on, Sunday evening, when the Rev. E.
A. Doan will deliver an address --While
at work Mr. Barry Smith had the anis
fortune to cut his thumb badly, :and
as a. result will be laid up for some
titre.—The Rev,. =A, 14, E. Garrett,
rector of St. Paul's Church, last week
was successful in passing with honors
his Licentitate of Theology course
along with ,his B. D. eaurse,—I1tt L.
A. McKay has again:. been successful
in winning another scholarship, At the
recent examitzaticas in Toronto Uni-
versity he Was awarded tate McCaul
scholarship for classics.
Miss Mary Gasche is spending a few
weeks in, Sarnia,—Mr. Jacob Wurm is
visiting relatives an Deereit,—Mrs; H.
Axt Af Detroit was a, ;recent visitor
with friends here.—Mr, Chris Gascho
attended the Menoniita Convention in
Ifiitchencr last week.—Itis: Chas Eiiber
who has been in hospital at Kitchener
is convalescent and returned home, -1
Mr. and Mrs; Mark Schweitzer of
Texas are visiting at the home of the
latter's mother; Mrs. P. Haugh, whose
health is ,poor, -1121; Wm Seibert is
visitusg at .Shakespeare.
TUCKERSMITH—The marriage was
solerunized at (the home of :17r. George
Strong, Con. 8, on, .June. 9, of their on-
ly daughter, Isabel, to William Harvey
Moore ,of 'Tuckersmith,
PARKHILLWilliam Clark, but-
cher, narrowly escaped death, Friday
when, his auto was ]sit by afreight. lie
was learning to 4d4ve the car and did
not hear the train: The car was part-
ly ;over the track when bit, and it was
thrown some distance and badly
damaged. Mr. Clark sustained only a
few scratches and bruises.
SEAFORTH.—The mill of the Can-
ada'Flax Company is again, in operation
having been rebuilt since the recent
g A Right Choice
lisNearly everyone arrives at a
point, where there is need for
a tonic -restorative,
Scott's Emulsion
is the choice of tens of thou-
sand Seca gives ton4
a use it
to the whole system an
restores strength.
tt Bo: nt, tanto
extern University
London, Ontario
eils and Sciences
Sumner School
July 5th, to August 13th
K. P. R. NEVILLE, R:egisirar
tire, They are now operating wit
Hydro Power.
MITCHELL—Mrs. Albert Yates, a
former popular resident of Mitchell,
'Passed away at her home in Orange-
ville last week,—Mrs. Chiles of, Hav-
elock. announces the engagement of her
daughter Charlotte Theodora, A.T.C.
M,, to Jobe Edwin Vivian of Mitchell,
the marriage to take place in June.
—David 1MicKnight of Mitchell was
recently ,marrie to Miss Lillian Mole
fat, west of 1?onkton.
SEAFORTH—A quiet Izouse ived-
ding way celebrated on June 7, at high
t ;loon, at the residence of Mr. S. T.
• Holmes, when .his youngest daughter
Eva Kathleen ,was united in marriage
to Chester Morse Jones, el; D,, of Bos-
BAYFIELD--The engagement is an-
neuneed of Lucinda J. Shouldice,
Owen Sound, second daughter of the
late air, and Ates. W. 31, . houldiee,
ahoutdice, Ont., to Rev. Erie L. And..
ersion B A., Bayfield, Ont., the wed-
ding to take place quietly the last
week in June.
► For Infants and Children.
In Use for Over 3OYealrs
Always bears
Signature of
Don't Worry
,max; s°, r ',,,
p04 rtrgzc r '
WIT- ' Economy
New Canadian Car
, .
-Overland is built from In every detail of its equip-
ground up to secure rid- ment from Electric Starting
comfort, light weight and Lighting to Speedometer, Over
land• is high-grade and complete.
Springs combine, in a 'The:large Canadian factory
way, the economies and service organization behind
weight with the luxury the Overland are big factors
formerly possible only the success of this new car
heavy car of long wheelbase. new Canada,
), it Aria tg.
AboutYou*'Victory Bonds
1M .
Victory Bonds today are stronger than they
have ever been. The important anrwuoe•e-
meet of the Minister of Finance that Canada
has finished borrowing, means that there will
be no increase in the supply of these bonds.
--110 �' /R•re •lir
AY t
R. H. E1v�or t hy' Deiter �E py� s
Office and Factories:. °Wills O verl i
y � altci ]L.iljttted,'ll'oronto, Canada
Branches:: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina
The huge sums of money that must be in►'r.'st-
ed from time to tiute in the highest possible
grade of security, will therefore seek invest-
ment in existing issues. This should mean
a greatly increased demand, and have a
strengthening effect on prices.
If you have money less well employed, we
recommend that you invest it in Victory
Loan Bonds at present prices.
Write us, and we shall be glad to furnish you
with full particulars:
W shindy Coinpalny
Canadian Pacific Railway Building
tire, They are now operating wit
Hydro Power.
MITCHELL—Mrs. Albert Yates, a
former popular resident of Mitchell,
'Passed away at her home in Orange-
ville last week,—Mrs. Chiles of, Hav-
elock. announces the engagement of her
daughter Charlotte Theodora, A.T.C.
M,, to Jobe Edwin Vivian of Mitchell,
the marriage to take place in June.
—David 1MicKnight of Mitchell was
recently ,marrie to Miss Lillian Mole
fat, west of 1?onkton.
SEAFORTH—A quiet Izouse ived-
ding way celebrated on June 7, at high
t ;loon, at the residence of Mr. S. T.
• Holmes, when .his youngest daughter
Eva Kathleen ,was united in marriage
to Chester Morse Jones, el; D,, of Bos-
BAYFIELD--The engagement is an-
neuneed of Lucinda J. Shouldice,
Owen Sound, second daughter of the
late air, and Ates. W. 31, . houldiee,
ahoutdice, Ont., to Rev. Erie L. And..
ersion B A., Bayfield, Ont., the wed-
ding to take place quietly the last
week in June.
► For Infants and Children.
In Use for Over 3OYealrs
Always bears
Signature of
' the
of light
of riding,
in a
,max; s°, r ',,,
p04 rtrgzc r '
WIT- ' Economy
New Canadian Car
, .
-Overland is built from In every detail of its equip-
ground up to secure rid- ment from Electric Starting
comfort, light weight and Lighting to Speedometer, Over
land• is high-grade and complete.
Springs combine, in a 'The:large Canadian factory
way, the economies and service organization behind
weight with the luxury the Overland are big factors
formerly possible only the success of this new car
heavy car of long wheelbase. new Canada,
), it Aria tg.
for a
1M .
IL .
--110 �' /R•re •lir
AY t
R. H. E1v�or t hy' Deiter �E py� s
Office and Factories:. °Wills O verl i
y � altci ]L.iljttted,'ll'oronto, Canada
Branches:: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina