HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-17, Page 3skUTO-. ,SPARE PARTS
15r. meet 'makes and models of ears.
Your' old, ,broken ,or r oru-opt parts
replaced. Write or wire us deeertb-
ing what you want. We ,carry the
largest and most complete stool*' in
Canada of slightly used or new parts
and automobile equipment. We ship
CO,D, u,attytvliere in Can.k.cle,. Sans,"
factory or refund In. full, oar trtotto;,
Sbawfs 1Luto, Salvage. Part Supply,
sza-sat DuH.rin at., 'Lo oto„ Qat.
`Bi c1dha Statue Rivals
Sphinx. •
For many years it has been known'
that about fifty miles from Jah-ding,
in western China, there is a very large
and remarkable statue of Buddha, but
it was not until a very few years ago
that it was ever described by an
Dr. Sprague, an authority on things
Chinese, visited it. At the end of
two days' travel he reached the We -
lege and found it to be a colossus in
ttnhlarge o
size although not so as rumor
had made it out. The upper half of
the hillside consists of a sandstone
;:riff, and in this a niche fifth feet
broad has been cut leaving a central
core er stone that is carved in the
shape of a figure seated in European.
style, not cross-legged, as Buddha is
so often represented, The traveller
found the height of the image to be
'not less than one hundred feet.
A sales of five tiled reefs, descend-
lug like a flight of' steps, built in
front of the image, protects it from
the weather, so that only the face
can be seen from without.
When the doctor carne within sight
of the great Reddlue he panned and.
rested from hie journey at a point
hear one of the gates to the walled
city that lies in the valley below. As
his eyes turned to the great face,
which 'has been gilded until it shines
like metal, as the immense size and
perfect preservation of the idol tirade
their imp r ee i+ul, the thought came
to him that "this is more marvellous
titan many of the world's hoaef e1
Be though: of the colossi at Thebes
tent( the Sphinx. Scarred and It e: e'l
eel ,I"i't eed by the hand of pliant and.
c i ^:t9 of time, the, iiee licoe bet -
Never Give Up.
Never give tips-,lt is wiser end bet-
Always to hope than once tp. des-
File off the load of doubt's cankering
And break the dark spell of tyranni-
eal care.
Never give up, or the burden ma• sink
Providence kindly has .mingled tile
And all Arleta and troubles bethink
The watchword of life must be,
"Never give up!"
Never give up; there are chances and
Helping the hopeful a hundred to
And through the chaos Hes wisdom
Ever success, if you'll only hold on.
Never givebold-
u ,fare
Knowing that Providence mingles
the scup.
And of all maxims, the best as the
p oldest,
Transfer D 4
signIs the stern watchword of 'Never
eee, ti64 give up"
9126-••-Uirl's+ Dress, Priv-- 2S cents,;
In 5 sues 6 tie 14 years Size 14 re •;"
Would _you be rid of that
sickening pain -that sharp
ktttte-like thrust along the
sciatic nerve-Qaatrse, at
every movement? Thou-
sands have found lasting
relief in
'Amy doctors prescribe
Write ',['eraplatQns, 143.
ing St. W., Toronto, for
free sample.
Sold by reliabledruggists
everywnefie for o1,o4,.
Templeton's RAZ -MAH leape
stiles are guaranteed to relieve
AST I KA. Don't suffer an-
other day
Writ efientpletons,142Eing fat.
W., Toronto, for treesample.
Reliable druggists sell them at
41.04 4 box.
Blooming Railway Stations.
quires 4% yds. 30 ins. wide. NOURISH G FOOD Flowers are amongst the assets of
Transfer Design No. 889. Price, 15
940.5 --Girl's Dress (with panel
front; with or without bias fold)..
Prce, 25 rents. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14
years'. 'Size 14 requires 4% yds. 36
ins. wide.
These patterns may be obtained
from_ your loeal McCall deaier, or
from the lt'IMCall Co., ?0 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
C'hildr'en who suffer from conetipa-
tiou, indigestion or ally of the other
aiinlen1 i flue to a elogged condition of
the bowels will find prompt relief
through the use of Baby's Own Tall.
tete.. The Tablets are a mild but 1n his oavn lot an+i distributed thi
thorough laxative which r.tn always get sufficient sleep, and when you are alinaanbst his friends at some of tile
be depended upon t9.i regulate the tandel•nourislied, either because you talions. -with the object of startinu
1sweetendo not eat the t•i'-.ht kind of feed or
bowels and iiia stomach.
the Canadian Pacific Railway. Mowers
bloom in C.P.R. gardens at most of the
AND GOOD HOURS principal stations front 000 end of the
j� r! U ccunt:y ko the of ler. There are flow
er knots outside the Algonquin Hetet
at St. Andc•evee, on the Atlantic coast,
gardens id America bloont axrtutla
the Empress Hotel in Victoria.
111 the old data mast of the ]litiret,.,
were too busy opening up the untred•
den ways to give much attention to
the cultivation of flowers. Yet flower
t'illtivat10r1 along the C.P.R. seems to
have progressed with the commercial
prosperity of the railway system it -
Behr You to Resist Drs etse-•-Aid
These With a Tortic to ti+ ep
the Blood Pure.
The power of your body to resist
dieeese and to fight it atter disease
gets a foothold, is one of the most Pre.!
cloys possessions you have. You weak-
en this power when you let your
general health run down, your blood
gets thin anti your nerves unsteady. mended Iter husband, eternly,
side one of the C.P.R.employees pro „
You weaken it �vlten you weepy., Faith, and I litre not," she :answer•
when you over-v.orle, when you do not ` dtt(•ed. a few varieties of flower eeeda' ad, '1 .have done a gnat gr. a, dual better.
and one of the most beautiful dower
She had just accepted him, and they
were blissfully discussing the "might -
have beeus:"
"Darling," he enquired in the tone
of one who knows what the, answer
will be, "why didn't you accept that
little donkey of a fop?"
""Because," she answered, dreamily,
"I loved anther:"
The Closest Race.
een Englishman, a Scotsman, and an
Irishman were indulging ie. ret inis
cenees of sporing occasions.
' "The closest race I ever *saw was a
yacht race," said the 1;ngtisli Han, "in
w is oneof the boats thata been
Tl h n h h d
recently painted won. by the breadth
of the coat of paint."
"The closest race I ever saw," de-
clared the Scotsman, "was one in
which a horse, stung by a bee. won by
the height of the swelling on hls nose,"
"The closest race I ever saw," said
tho Irishman. "ls the'Scoteli,"
The Kodiak, Alaska, bear is the
largest carnivorous animal in ,the
Clever Biddy.
Classified Advertisements.
EZETTx.n Itis,
'b'�'+VFANS'.•COMP ETE kT3?>ktTi�jZ]31t
w111 pay you.' Georg. Stevens.
e t erborough. Ontario.
701 ;AIM
NvELL EQCiI'RE,D )!rmwsp:±,PER
and lob printing plant •in. Easters
Ontario. Insurance carried 81,800. Will
rt -o for $1.200 on auiok sale. Box 42.
Wti.oa 1'tabllahins Co., Ltd., Toronts.
sQPT ELTQ WAtfmnie
►7 thicker. shipped green from saw.
Do not sell. until you -conimuLitutte with
us, Keenan "Bros. "Limited, Owen Soynd,
Oct -
TUA.iN._1ra scnoon FOD RZYDSES.
for Nurses: St, Elizabeth IIospital,
204 ,South Broad Street Elizabeth, New
Jersey. Complete course.. dontliiy s'1-
lowance; flrst year 85.00, second .$1.0.00,
third $15.00. Address; Superintendent
eiezree S1rAuTED,
I♦ i interior
carpenters to work on to F
fittings. Goad wages. steady work..
Apply .Laidlaw Lumber Company, 2250
Dundas W., Toronto.
.�J and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good Pay. 'work sent any dle.
tance, charges paid. Send stamp for
particulars. National ganuiacturinz
gee. Montreal,.
•Biddy," remarked the newly-wed
Irieltroan, "go down and feed the pigs."
"Faith and I will not," replied the
"Dent be after contradicting me,
B2 u.ly," retorter the husband.
"Haven't I just endowed you with all
, my worldly goods. and if you cannot
feed your own property, then it',i
ashamed of you I am."
This was a new point of view, so oft
Biddy went.
Presently :she retureeti
elf for it i4 nor. t2;irty-ollt: ve:trs
Iiaa•e • tart fel tilts pif,a, 1lkay?" de -
tla,vve+1 gar(e:ling alone, the line. The
• , ,• because your digestion .s out of order,
ter then melte of beteered asci:.
not 'I hey are absolutely satt0 and are „old you i .seiv 1 • •t resist ,tart was auspiciously made, and now
disease when you heap good hours ^ , ! + Pay your u l �f-town accennts by
,u car;3, ul.n +.lcttt :lilt a„loo t on. well headquarters at Windsor Street .
and eat proper food at regular inter•Demulen k:xprees Money- Order. rive
,tt Concerning them errs: 'Thomas A. Boil -
Slather ..tt•rn. 3iortreai. Mr. 13. 1I. Ru.r. •
l:ro;vn. yet },) r an Giza, than thevials. \e ott lsta ter increase andD')Ilard (•"1316 'three l'a'ne'',
tot. Lake ll "Leri Nate writes:p"1 amr i; the horticulturist and forester. i
,t,gp�i an Cit;o cal. with his pi'op:rrtioltystrellothen ret3Istancc to disease when ''
re,ertie+l intact. with tem le:i above pleased to >%Lot@ that 13uir 11 Own Tab -
4041 build u s our blood incl nerves b I''very year thousands of packets of!
!whew e' with h . std itis were Uf great
latltl tQ 1118 4ylteil uiy 1 } y
:tn t l .lo hint, :eel ills t e ltrie, ., .
is they were *ny property I have sold
hem. and .hail nee Ise holvired with
hem ag-un. '
nntier a guarante tel he etitlrel} t1�4 p e. a Sour towel o
far ill the wiee of (_'lural lice this oldt i t` F 1. hos a floral departrno; t :
I' d •' t' t t , front opiates -1 or Puler injurious( drugs.
dower seeds. bulla, trees, shrubs
babywas suffering Item efut tipatiou.' file Qetasiollal use of n tonic like Dr.
Til :a:'eRne#iattaF tt) lice? 1nCen'0
r , ttltzete are distributed tree of charge
Crone opiates land harmful drugs of any " .� c Qlltendt d by a French
scientist, be-
to 8tutlen fir, .pts, seetlon foreitle.l,
kind. The value of tile.e pills as a cause the oils which produce the per -
caretakers of round houses and em -
fume health builder is fully shown by thefulme re foreed out by tile water pies-
experience of hlrs. E. C. Taylor, Han- ptoyees living on the property of the
over, Ont., who says: "At various c•tsnlpany. The seeds. that will flower tire in the plant Boll: and thus Is
tines since I was a girl of lfteeu ( along the railway in tate summer and } diminished by sunlight.
autumn are sent out In :Larch. Full ;
have proved the value of Dr. William : I tRinird't Liniment for sale everywhere
Pink fills. At that age I ayes in a.. particulars for cultivation are printed, _
much run down conditiou, sttirering on each seed. packet. Bulbs for spring i•:aw Germ Foe.
frons many of the well known synip- flowering are sent out in the -fall. 1
Seeds and Plante of the hest kind l Recent stud]• has proved that the
tents of anaemia. My mother pro. are always Provided. Standard flaw- Juices of lemons, oranges, onions and
cured a supply of Dr. Williams' Pial.garlic kill disease germs. Those of
er seed packets contain nasturtiums,
alyssum, mignonette, sweet peas, leptons and garlic are most effective
phlox and kochia. Ferns and house In this way. It is the free acid in the
Marne:. tat` tl •l It,ft. are tt :::t+,
grinily gazing +!!tf over the tiled awls Tin' Dr. \\'illiuln-1 Meditine, ('o., 13roelt-
of tho city
asst.i'oi min
"Danderine” creates mass
of thick, gleamy waves.
Shade Crest for Flowers.
sant , ri are more -c ,P� , when
,• : ta,s se�cl, al.d arse quantities; of fer- .. F! ve^ fir or tri an 'hen
sold t l ti'Filliame Pink Pills, which are free
ere or by Inuit at 21 conte a box from
1 l f
• • vitae Out,
, 1
The Tablets are .0 1 1} mf'a clue' deal-
i.'k :e:r Minard's red :eke rio other.:
Sing a Song.
£ 1a...% Cat P: $efs. • If you sing a sang as you go •along,
Wily have blat'k tars ne,nly always in the 'face of the. real or fancied
been ai+, au11!t' L lucky?.
Irelatel le by 110 means titan only In spite of the doubt if you'll f bt It
place where euperst.itious about Marts out,
sats are or were rifer In Egypt cats' And show o. heart that is bratte and Pills, •.and after taking about a half
rare regarded with great r verent'e. stout; dozen boxes I was restored to normal
Areha'ologisrs have found diem In If you'lllaugh at the jeers and refuse
health. Again after my marriage, and
tombs of kings and princes. the tears, before my boy was born, I felt Miser-
Australians hove a ouriotts legend Yon'll force the ever-rehtcttant timers able and again took Dr. Williams' teles' Pink
lbotrt tilts. rilityaro. the moon, they That the world denies when a coward fills, which once more met all my ex-
peetations and fully restored my
health. My latest experience with
these pills was following an attack of
pleurisy, which left me completely
broken in health. Part of the time I
was under the care of two doctors, and.
for three months I was practically be-
tween life and death. Again at my
mother's suggestion I started the use
of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had not
been taking them long before I could
tell that they were helping me. Day
by day I could feel my strength re-
turning, and was soon enjoying good
health once more. In view of my ex-
perience I think I can safely say there
is nothing in the way of medicine bet-
ter than Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by.
all medicine dealers or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from
The Dr. Williams Medicine -Co., Brock-
rockville, Ont,
How He Worked It.
A good story concerning Henry La
bouchere's grandfather is related by
George Grenville in his "Memories of
an 01d Etonian."
.When he was quite a*young man, it
appears he was a clerk in a bank at a
salary of £80 a year. But he moved
in good society, ,amongst other fami-
lies he was on visiting terms with
that of Sir Francis Baring, the mil-
lionaire financier.
This gave him an idea. Presenting
himself before the senior .partner of
the bank where he wasemployed, he
inquired whether itwould be possible
for him to become a partner forth-
"Certainly not!" was. the ;reply.
"Why, you are only a junior clerk,"
"But supposing,':. rejoined La-
bouchere, "that I had received the
consent of Sir Francis Baring to mar-
ry his daughter?"
"Oh, that alters the matter entirely'.
In that case we' shall be only too
Labouchere next approached Sir
Francis, and asked him, for his daugh-
ter's hand, only to meet once more
with a curt refusal.
- "But supposing," said Labouchere,
"that I am not a mere clerk, as you
suppose, but a Gartner in the bank?"
The baronet's- manner changed.
"That being so, he said, "I will talk
the matter over with my daughter."
The result was that Labouchere.
married, Sir Francis Baring's ,daugla.
ter, and became, at the sante time, a
partner in the bank.
One of the most important -:things
in life ieto stop when you have said
In a few moinents you can'trans-
lte sun is .not shining on teem, it is: form Sour n]ain. du11, list hair. You
MY. was It native eat, who full in love
With 5 0 1110 0 11 0 else's wife, and was
To give to the man who bravely tries,
harm away to wonder ever•-sinoe> To And you'll win success with a little
theta :t cat, black, grey, or white, song--
pltophesies only bad luck. If you'll sing a song as you go along.
In Japan and China a black cat Is '
regarded as a.dangerous demon, often
you'll sing a song as You plod along,
possessing as many as two or three
Corked tails, and having the :power to
change itself into an old woman.
The Chinese believe if a cat leaps
en or walks over a corpse it will cause
)',he corpse to rise up at once. Any
person • passing through the room
would be in .danger of being seized
by the corpse when in that state, and
Would bekilled immediately.
in'Egypt; according to ancient writ-
ings of Herodotus, if a cat died is a
private house by 'a natural death, all
,rile inmates of the house were obliged
lo shave their' eyebrows.
Where Old Uniforms Go.
The denizen of African forests and
Eastern deserts are clothing them-
selves in khaki. and longing for the
flays when. the British army .shall re-
turn to its mote stylish scarlet. For
It is to' Africa° and the.. East that the
Army's cast-off uniforms go -to be sold,
er to be bartered for rubber, and ivory,
and other wealth.'
' Kilts are considered very good form
for barbaric dances, but nothing is
Afore admired than the waistcoat
which .has adorned a London dandy.
A native will show leis importance by
the number of •waistcoats he can ac
euire,, and if he can wear twenty at a
lime he is very grand indeed._
You'll find that the busy, rushing
Will catch the straiu of the glad re-
That the snn will follow the blinding
That the clouds will fly from the
blackened sky,
That the stars will come out by and
And you'll make new friends, till -hope
From where the placid rainbow bends,
And all because of a. little song—
If you'll sing the soug as yon plod
If you'll sing a song as you trudge
You'll see that the singing will make
you strong,
And the heavy load and the rugged.
And the sting and the stripe of the
tortuous goad
Will soar with the note that you set
afloat; t
That the beam will change to a trif-
ling mote;
That the world is bad when you are
And bright and beautiful when glad,
That all you need is a little song—.
If you'll sing the song -as you trudge
,sistlatina stint,atelWtruttlat"1u, wmollnttttamlitt ultiu1H1ttuttastutpAnatlttatuttstattlittnttuilit111liiiiii
L -
`Mat Unusual Flavor
htolesorne, Riche, De i hitful
that.. comes from. blending ed -barley with whole wheat is
distinctive of
`phis food is -ready cooked, eco-
noxiicol, easily digested and
`'t erY•5 V
Sold b
ourishin -
Soldb grocers
1 t4111r1111H1111aI1111(111H111111fn 111111111111111Ht11111HN+flfit 111111111111
plants are sent to Iarge stations. An i fruit 311i0es that 0009 tae auslness,
endless variety of pereuniais are dis {Buyp Thrift Stamps.
tributed, and amongst the varieties of
trees supplied are maple, birch, beech,
poplar and catalpa. Shrubs include
laurel leaf willow, sumac, berberrles
and weigelia.
In all cases the euitivation of flow-
er beds is done by the employees of
the •company, many of whom have be-
come expert gardeners. On each di-
vision of the C.P.R. prizes are given
every year for the best display of
flowers, and some of the products of
gardens kept by the railway amateurs
have won prizes at Canadian and
United States floral exhibitions.
During the last thirty-one years the
encouraging, influence of the C.P.R.
flower growers has materially assist-
ed in the inauguration of floral
societies all over the country. Many
of the railway officials are members
of these societies. Flowers have im-
proved the appearance of the railway
stations; and inspired by the beauty
of the stations, residents of the' towns
have planted flowers that beautify
their- hones. A little flower flame
along the C.P.R. has often thrown the
spark that ignited a fire of flowers.
Spanish Flu
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be guarded against.
Minard's liniment
Is a Great Preventative, boing ono of
the oldest- remedies used. Mlnard's Lini-
ment has cured thousands of cases of
Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and similar diseases. It is an Enemy to
l ,erms. Thousands" of bottles being' used
'Avery day, for sale by all druggists and
general dealers.
Yarmouth, N.S.
Soft Pedal for Typewriter.
To remake typewriters less noisy a
Cleveland inventor has patented a
platen core that changes the loud click
of the type to a dull thud.
America's $loner Dog Bemedies
N;i Zook on
a:qd .cs0 tt to 4cti
Mailed Free toan3� 'Ad-
dress bY the .Ailthof
n. Clay glover Co., 3 to.
118 West 21st Street
New York.
3s' sTopsCOUGR
enough., "ED, 7.
ISSUE No. 24—'20.
1,14 LtLci.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only -look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the hest and most
harmless physic for the little stom-
ach, liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Full directions on
each bottle. You must say "Cali-
can have it abundant, soft, glcs sy and
full of life. Just get at any drag or
toilet counter a small bottle of "Dan-
derine" for a few cents: Then moisten
a soft cloth with the "Danderine" and
draw it through your hair, taking one
small strand at a time, Instantly, yes,
immediately, you have doubled tbo
beauty of your hair. It will be a mass,
so soft, lustrous, and so easy to do
All dust, dirt and excessive oil is re-
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor, and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp, check dandruff and falling
hair and help your hair to grow long,
thick, strong and beautiful.
Cuticura is Al You
Need For Your Skin
Bathe with Cuticura Soap to cleanse
and purify the pores. If signs of pimples,
redness or roughness are present- smear
gently w-th Cuticura Ointment beforebath•
ing to soothe and, heal, Foreveypurpose
of the toilet, hath and nursery Cuticura
Soap and Ointment are ideal:
Soap 26e, Ointment 25 and 50e. Sold
throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot:
L aa6, Limited, St Paul St., Montreal.
Cutieura Soap ehavoz without 3n
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
The nitmo °Bay*er" is thee thumb- of `Bayer .Tablete of Aepirittn which
print of genuine Aspirin. It ':posi- .contains proper directions for Colds,
tively idealtifies the only genuine .Headache, :Toothache, Earache, Neu -
Aspirin, --the Aspirin prescribed by ralgia, Luuabago, Rheumatism, Neuri-
physicians for, over nineteen years and tis, Joint. Pains, and Paid, generally,
now made in Canada, Tin hoses of 13 is lets cost but
Always -buy an unbroken package a few cents. Larger "Bailor" packages.
There 4s only one Aspiaia,-"Bayer"--Ton mast say "Bayer"
Aspirin is ono trade mark (registered to Canada) of Bayer Manufacture'of'mono-
ttoetleacldoster of Salfeylioactd. While it is well-known that Aspirin rattails .t a;ler
»tanufs,oture, to assist the public against ttaitattozis, the Tablets of Bayer 0=041
will ba etarepod With their general trade mark, the, "Bayer Cross,"