The Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-10, Page 7ision to the stament the of the •divine ection given a in a high which he is is the same tad's w'sdom .ative in the tIon and in the source Avid's exper- w birth." It SIWZ,' of God, a new con - papers than; :rte. Grow Your Own Cm-rs, The system which prevails oS kille ing nearlyeall the calves and filling up the herd with cows piked up hero and there is an expensive one. Bze raising the heifer ealvee from the best cows and uzing bulls from milk- ing strains of pure-bred cattle, the ! quality of our herds can be greatly 1 improved and profit maybe found ; where matt there is none in the dairy bushiest% The idea that it does not 1 pay to raise your own cows meete 1 with the most favor among, thoue farmers who permit a half-dozen scrub COwe to absoia all the profit from their other half-dozen geed ones. ' -----e-•-ea - Buy Thrift Stamps. 14 .. ilir7e, P17'.' r 4 ..,.,-1;,'•:•,,••Vg'' -.ea, ... :41 IT‘ Pi e-'711 r are roads maereingly of the AN -ay. matte a wrong :e other maw, FRY ROAII; °tering rondo flty. ant hver ,1,7,avin gutliot e.t 1.41“4,140,0114 plitt1,14 tn ftn, for 1:0$11Vlo r:,r, 'Wad+) vsta ot;t1 e.rf.4 qua re COPY ow.;Ratirattt ° eregwere s. es. • ., at6ehth,:tt „ ee1.11:14 menem eteetia • s--ee en- t ' •.• ' "etanaaat a re iattiesateeseere e)„1,0,40 Cord OT Fakek. Goode:amp:Tar c::1,,24',..nramey maker.; Mc zr,:,,,,,Itzsavr,C.50rten. Dependablo Partrhilr, Tires should be your companions on all your motor 'trips, They shor- ten the journey by allowing you to travel in comfort-- free from the annoyances, delays and expenses, caused by tire trouble's. Partridge Time, like loyal servants, serve you faithfully always. as Their Name In cam, F7ivor ?arowax-seals in all the natural flavors of fresh our preserves. The safe and sanitary way to. , jams, tackles or -vegetables. Saves time, labor way is the easy way. just pour the melted wax el preserves and it solidifies into a clean, air -tight tf and moisture -proof. '91E6kg, • 27/Peset=-6 ?,d white, wax, odorless, tasteless, colorless, abets. -no cheinicals or acids. wash -boiler, Imperial Parowax loosens the dirt, Ahes and removes the greasy spots that otherwise rubbing. Rubbed over your iron, and mixed it gives that finished lustre to ironing that is d. Imperial Parowax, a household necessity. - br sale by good dealers everywhere. "MADE. IN CANADA" A r• e NEW. S.U. 'RANDALf,"..RDITS FOR • . CENTRAL EUROPEIECONSTRUCTirri Creeits Are Mainly in th Form a•Rawr Materials and Faad •.--SeVerd .Small Countries Will Benefit by This . , . . Arrangement. ....... ..._.... A 41.1::-T.11 from Paris says: -New 11.1 rl,tibst.ntial credits for the relief and reconstruction of Central Euro- eser countriee, including Austria and Hungary; have been arranged by the Governments of Great Britain, Den-, merit, Holland, Norway, Sweden and Steitzerland, it was announced to- day by the International Committee ler relief credit's, The tredits are mainly in the form of raw materials end food, and although the United; States is not, officially represented, en the 4:or,r.natee, it in co-operating ia a lop'e way, it :s stated, by pro-, • irlinte mete:Isle-0 conmodity crate' for Ceatral Eurotie. Canna has berm approached hut is not yct sent a reply. The credit's will Le avinatisle for Czeeba-Slovakie, :teem-Sir:vie. Pee:re:mien the • 13altie, States, Armenia, Georgia, Ay:stria and Hungary. Each cot exteading cred.ts, it is explained, is feee to eel- ect the country it desires to hermit by its credit, but agrees to a common form of bond tie tesemitn. In the can of Austria atel limentaa' these bonds will be aecorded taaority over reparation pe.yrainte. The arrangement ie rmile:I as an important step in esin: the coun- tries n question to get back on a normal basis and in the committee's view it has come just in time to avert disaster in some places. The definite amounts of the eredits granted so far as known are; Den- mark, 12,000,000 krone e; Norway, 17,00Q000 kroner; Sweden. 10,000,003 - kroner; Great Britain, 410,000,000; Holland, 12.500,000 florins, and Switz- erland, 15,003.030 Swiss frailest. WALLS RED German Sant Down ITICT.P.IS' BLOOD: For Sixteen Years Etruntents 0-'7 Torture Used A despatch from Geneva says:- B , e v, Sixteen _years in a French prison WAS oleuevIst va,raorcariarY the sentenee prommeced by Freneh CaflenlieliCaOrt, 1 military judge at Ludwigshaven, in A ti,„ruttch from Geneva says:egA1, the °coupled zone, upon Captain Ime 'nor, a German cffieer accused of loot - Red cherater of horeors was diseov-, eel efter the captare of Jitomir by. ing Freneh chateaux durieg the war. Imo in the couz4 a a Captain Imhef, it is stated, was ar- . ',tinted by the Peleheviet ExtAtori-rested by the French during their oe- eery Corareamion, :se:or:ling to a re-' eal:a'ncY of Frankfort. Imhof's house reeently reeeived by the train- was found to be full of furniture, pie-, Legation in Berne. Nun12ran4 !ne tutes and tapestries stolen from! .einente ijf teeture reminiecent of Freech chateaux during the German! m• Spaniel' I:delil:on were fond, eceepatian. In defenee. Imhof plead -I :eel the wa, erel doer were ea that thm's""(12ofuffwer•N franc the' mires aitli the blood of the unfortunate lemma, Crown Pratee downward, did' e free. the same fie he. Tile Freneh judge.' sad he reps,ratted he as unaille eee..at teetetet, weiv huntoncea tt eat the prieor.er ,en ordinary burg- 11.1ity Fele:met the (mean:ia, glut der neamens whom tet lar and intliet a heavier sentenee. te death he t:; he ; ight reefer(' the Polieh and Ukrainian ..w.....e...... ..-0.4m ,.......,..,m ';•;ecie, .ntered the city, The Presei- Valuable Discovery of it ,.,titt ci the eeramieeion, Over4ieeliehov,1 Radium in Ontario i1:14.,•eyl, 41 to km; as a witness of their' ,, c:•ectitiou. ; A cle.spateh from Montreal says;- Ilie delight in his crueity (wet 11:m The discovery of radium is reported 1%; in'e, foe when be tied to follow in 101'1 townatipa of Proudfoot and I •1 that . the retr eeting Reds the adjacent Ttunk neer Kearney, on the Grand Railway. mreete were already occupied by Claims are made and staked off. '..; Pelish scliliere. Seeing, escape was Other valaable minerals have been pcs;ible h 2 t. a m rn i t t e (1 euiide. He found, including vanadium, meilyb- e ite found dead in the torture ehara- denura, potash, feldspar, muscovite i • cr emerig the mut:lated bodies of and mica. The reek le of gneles 1! Ji A vi,,tilas, - granite ferznation, with a pegmatite / !vein gunning through it. This pegraa- '; British Company P'urchases i tite vein contains the valuable miner- . als and is found to be from 13 imams; t Patents of Zeppelins to 20 feet thick. _ I W. Ryan, a Cobalt prospector, A despatch from London says:- stated that on his own claims he had" The Goodrich Tire :Corporation has traced the vein for more than a mile, 4 1A'nhzrei the eccret •processes, pa- where it averaged seven feet in thick- . I write, materials end plant of the . a every pointhe broke it he found radio -active mineral. 7temelin Company, aceording to the Evening News. 1 Tim terperatien will begin the con_ Can Fly Across Ocean 1 eteuetion of Zeppelins on a large With Greatest Ease Chapion Bull of Ireland taken at the resent sho t hher RAIN ENDS EASTERN FOREST FIRES Situation in the Maritime Pro- vinces Greatly Improved. A despatch frons St. John, MD., saVt-I'leavy rams; on Thureclay in Dublin, crlprfl IV Trf",t r Olk L,,ff sop ent 1.);:ef to,w.n Decic•!o-7,. Inanence Pee -4 ti l-louces Into Ftluklzefi A chapati% from Londou ettys;-, TheK:ng of F.neeitind has deideed to: eublet 11:s palerea to ease the bee:telt/et, difficaltee His Majesty ofrere nee- r:son furnisimd flan for reanciede C1,;71,4,65 at the St. darnel' lantwe, where the Prince of 1f1..a*.cet eeteelgs. ordya few roeres. nttifent IT; a v.vele, 6.ttormally ;Awe.; $11i, eel ihree-romet flees far free g • JCFS areeti-ler t about $25). The iet insludes Stage ;gal dinnee: is bteiree'-ht the 1.it..:her ::t Deenitaltbene 1e1rat ems t'.'3 a dem Iiie,s41t.e.rete Image hie ele e• ;1.1 e the petme to sp: into fttrinieh . in. arsteale fereeti to Ilve net Erae;c:.f.1.-a4 ort -teethe B tee tke 4,7" oard. tetd..hun': et -et he mem i A At e remee•nee bed n'Am-t, ot The.teday, May 'Seth. etep ver' le the t•rstealeatien 0Jra lately to he leteeen tee +".. "A WI t • „ .1)t2FC rOf.: 2." An its ti 1,^ .1 cbje •;-. the ft.ree. :' Wet ef plans fee 4' x7.",, refiatte o iete etecle freed...., it "ee-ee.,- tracatleat te pay teat mem." :nee . at tines time to tents...met-es etowle, a trecaee tehissa, yeomen ee 1, t/.1 a great' r eaten; thee Fet eedline •,reecettlaw,i, t. it -f ettloele in Irtreati being., nee:ides! ing an an e-terreoat eat:ten-lie amete food proiluets by reamer. (of tag city for eeltdeetin:ng. an 4.1r.fit for ha.- man food, tereaseee or pmetiorm ,careasees et* ti17.rereelmis an:teethe The Board is ew teer-osen of telve retembere, four teem the live st ,n,fooat.:0/11.,,, four from thO Hal tem ; ao: erethen of any feet t time. tate; ee ,ivr the per - s peee, 1.V,M 111,","„•:;',1 h',14::' 0.,•01:,"Ci.',U.'t X7R een the; lare°%aaa, ;dee ::;•e-te emelt reera the Fe - 7 Agee:- beithiree ne, t. • e1.. „ea- dieeotee ftema tea 'vente a., tree live getrel: aten!- The let meg ratetieew; /twee re:. '1•1.- eetee timar :entre ere geed reaserg e1.see t'.egenettnee wri 'tee eta t The n'hate are neeeeeneliy teme ;eta; e ;- a great deal af emenereew lees aiready Leen. nae, ard eftcr tee, • rearceetnetieee et' the granotte beve had tee reeperearity coneu:t itO 4.10 rifr....."?..,ersh'..p tht. %Tr:" it is expected that e, fall -nu will be developeI amt de- ta erete meeete. BRITISI-I LABOR p..., . WC, ehere tont four 'rot O it °NI -April aateer.a, .1,-,h;,Parti.tellt, Of 'AfIti,,,ttitrare, and the we -errae2 S,44,:z. That Sank .3,1altimo , . 4:"‘"' )'?"4tteat ter: of the Burd wth 1 fit , Europeans Giving Place ,c:s). uz,verrmterrte, railways hanks„ ee;tram ce:eeaa„gee Ottawa. Co-mmwhit Previa:, ironligrants. From Britisn... putilie health :hotece (tcearee etteeateetne At the Tereerte meeting. ria %°,11641 ,,teele. the leasitan;a and Isle3,. '1.‘""e t'orrumittfe e fAt-ne ..te oae cn tite eveet eatt. - ed in extieguiehing -the forett firea :A" 4k(411.14!' from eaelt. of the te.t en, re- •tht%tral. Ika- 111:•`? bus 42l'en1Ing wcre pr.;;..tly quenehed on Wed- t°) on uus tly.y.oirtect to eoetiste, e seen ta :t ate!: e nee, e nestley, und o Itete feeee, cre pen nt put: ee, soa.ene the pt.ohletia of lettlie reeernatte: I..ticne to the fel'e l ehte„rc cti,y A deettateh from 7.1,1o11treal eayet- 14110r tgaehtatte et the .1143C'' 4.V2.1 '4%731 rt1fe-t•etee the- niieulate 11"%*‘'''' isnn'• h intcre-ts with offices; here Luraberhaern Onto:a. In a nano/tent recently' of a plan of tampaign for ecettrellieste nette me a ea' „. *lee n • te tine alieease meet cifeadeelp the • to l',*•t? elereenn rea'ate nriamd Ireete been 'watehing the prog,reee of ninde 1.1Y a P"'"' "14` awle '1"'11""g124. • the lores"reo :ger, B , _ k ot fernel:„. effeer thie r,f4,241,11:e,icit/uIp,241,1%.14'; teleeenPetalrnd..a+kre'ett:1-' ft'r I"! "e and IVia1ne with keen amciete' . eriew . ie alreeme nminea .1e. Out of &alit ; - r . tielextdeniriet thvre o;-„uir ng the mem- F o ry rands' for e 1 4 g Its rill ile-11 with the iret.,0,4 '1 4 ""' urruer in It is also untarstcod that the gim- e. ,Lteekiy rilarket Report airplane serviees considerably aur- mine' as `-vn other PrR'tie3 zhe i • • , ment^ed. f tleee new recruae to tee ritehe A despatch from Halifax, N.S.,. Cenadian tensor are to he feani. says: --The past :?.4 hours have; The pereentage et: foreigner's 1%1101yr:11u Grin. Marlegie ear Litnee, lb., ; . . . brought about a merited impeovement.zudd eluope urenn ”.;radually Tcreur), Keteiquu4e4h1 v;i4c4:til'ili'l-A•0'°1- 11" menace, which has been hovering in the forest fire eituatien, and the tunur.:111112,4.,kilti (:!'- No. 1 Norsitern, a3.15; No. 2. \( ti e.netlea nr•Ojlte-Slearea Zlea about the doors of numeroue Irene, ;, 31111 e"1"1"n4)()", steadier &%unt made un of Iteitiel:;""h S3•111=i, Ne• 3 Ncrtherni • z'4ir4t to s,;.,ri; per tap, v;.ts,„ wen 41,, a)bt;i„e 1,111.ant. ; ; ea.25 to anta' O. Menie euem r, 3321 6414 these smell villagee, is ' grimily test sprirsklieg ;rare Air'eetera Europe. It: Mathtuba oate----e•To. 11 CV, Protieions-Witelettale. eened. On Thursday the situation ie eepreially true that from the Porea-1;Itl• "• 81'22; tam I feed, a 1 .23 , No. 2 feed, i'4,314, 1 e; , -;44 -e -ma Extra Na. 1 feed, am, la y ea Stare u, l;•! t throughout the province wee favor- Pi" and Su tt,Aling the Mate in able for the first tune in over a week. laet few months, there -me tee . • 4; In Cumberland County rein came steedy trek of foreigners back to their' Na store Fort William. to the aid of the people of Rivet , former homes in Middle Euro:: en mettitot, botee -No. 3 elv,LitIle; rt,11,, 31 ti -r, 32e; lereenif;as. , e; o. 4 CW,Si1'1.6tles; II:melees, a" 10 58e. pia 21 rio to t • ; A meeicen corn -No. 2 yellow, $2.4th: Lard - Peers tureen.. rejP:'tod,i 45 to fe.ed, $1.5914, in ewe Eort1 the fires were reported only smould- . E Cereal n111' -Lon : ea, f.' i?.?.r. • 1, • Hebert and surrounding villages and 1W*11*- , enct moorage ering. The danger there appears to. nweinnl, t reek. Toi onto, pr. rept ebip- tube, 2a ee tt 29e; Pail',t.:Qzts to be at ea end. Lame Families went. pents, tZt431, t fake Cempounti, t:ertes. !to, 4.„1••: ,4,,z1FS, 2i tothatem Onterio oate-No. 3 white, nominal.: te 27%. ; t OM, t prelet ke in Lake Superior A despatch from Palle saye:-: Ontario wheat ---No. 1 Winter, per 27% to ai,'" t t.; prime, 7.18ie to eer. eeele. • Motherhood at Inst eemitAs into r let hee1eaele2 to $2.01; 'No.•2, do, -31.98 tot Mcntreai • • 706,600 Is Montreal's Population A deapateh from Montreal says:a-, ghe population of the city. of Mont; reel, not including any of the sur- rounding municipalities, is returned vs 706,600 at end of 1919. There are in Montreal 37,793 dwellings rented citizens, while other dwellings 0 f.t- cupied by the owners number 6,452. t A despatch from Barrow, England, says: -An airship, R-80, built here for the Admiralty, will be launched in .two or three weeks. She Embodies the latest improvements in aircraft designs. It is stated that she could fly across the Atlantic -with ease, The vessel is 535 feet in length and 70 feet wide. Her lifting power is 38 teas. Four engines, each of 240 horsepower, will give her a maximum speed of 65 miles an hour. She will carry a crew of 15. EXHIBITIDE FIRST CANA IAN 11A011 OPENS IN LOND9_11 A despatch from London says:-. The first Canadian Trade Exhibition' ever held in Britain opened in the,t Agricultural Hall, London, last week. The exhibition will afford an object, lesson of wide range of present-day Canadian trade. it includes Canadian! products varying all the way from ai motion -picture projector to *folding beds. A Montreal ready-made cloth -1 ing firm, apparently- unimpressed by the competition of- the world's woollen (male, Manchester, has an exhibit of! ladies' and children's garments and; other limes are showing wall papers,! tractors, spark plugs, washing ma, chines, chemicals, tools, steels, enamel ware, chocolates and Other products of divers kinds. Buyers have been invited from the United Kingdom and the Continent, and it is safe to pre- dict that Old World purchasers, who have been hearing with some amaze- ment of Canadian whiskey in Glasgow, Canadian engine shafting • on the Clyde, and. Canadian chocolate creams in London, will be surprised to find to what extent Canadian manufacture has developed since before the war, the Dominion now being a larger ex- porting country than. France and Japan, or Italy, Spain and Holland combined. • AMingiMmaarmSralate..,,, A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie, rightfel place in the list of French,' -"Mt IN°' h°, $iSin t'D °." f*°*bn 'Montreal. June $.-Oats, CW, Nee' are still coming from vessel -masters piTentVdesacregrrdinggrat:tittitg denetreeielallsvhiVol vt,heri7oltn',g. . 2, alnife de 31.ts114•zolitour$5n; points, accoraing to freight-% e2,01; No. 3 do, el.95 to 32.01. f.o.b g` standard grade $14.85 to $15.05; role led mite, bag_, 90 se . ; mothers of large families. Eive th11-r,e . I .1 • fi Ont., saysi-Occasional reports of iceN on Lake Superior. In 1919 ice had July, and Marquette harbor wee still medal; eight to a saver meaaI, and! Pcas-No. 2, $3.00. 1 to1 O t di f . : .1 t 1 . brim, 54.25; shores, 51.25; hay., m 6 ' i 2, per ton, ear lots. $51 to $32. Cheese, , not disappeared from the latee befere, dr ill itl le e i e. en w ent a a met ier a wonze shit* ng point, newer ng to ,. ; fineet ea:sterns. 2t9eec; butte!, ehhoir,e5est ice -filled during that month. ten to a id d 1 • 1 i h ill b 7 Et 1 Ikt i ', Si 87 t $1 89 go me a , e. i c w e er ey- a t ng, . o . , tt.- . ;,----. called the Medal of the French Fare-. cording to freielits outside. 1 crenmery. 55 to t,tit.; etre, res . Sir John Kirk,' �f Loudon, England, who has spent fifty years in reclaim- ing waifs from the gutters and .mak- ing good men and women out of them. He' is one "of amndon's bent known • hilanthro ists NAME. OF •TtriE. ;61E+4 RePe L. VIEJO sit, Pt DIE- iiPsPC'e/e 6EN UAL 'WOLFE ... , ,... . ... per hag, oar lots, e5.75 to ily. Like the Legion of Honer medal,1 Builewheet--No. 2, Lomita:I. i'.1,25. the bronze medal will be signified by ' Rye -No. 3, $2.20 to $2.25. accord- a ribbon, and rosettes will be the, jag • to fie -gilts outside. . i Live Stack Markets. Tereeto, .fuee 8. -Choice heavy Manitol•:i flour -Government etand.! higher awerds for increasing the • , steers. a15.50 to 310; good heevy • ard, $14.85, Toronto. ' _ populatioe. efeers, $14.75 t; Ontario ficalr-Goverr.raent stancl- o $15buteherS' cattle. choice, 3.14 '50 to $15- do, good, 313:1S . area $13.25, nominal. Seaplanes Used in earn,. 811.to 812 buns, clime, real freights, hags included: Bran, 10 per. Milifeed---Car Its, delivered Mon') ;to $14; do, med., $i3 to $13.50; do, • Whaling and Sealing ton, $54; shorts. per ton, $61; good. $12.50 to 313; do. good, $10.50 to , , 811.25; do, rough, 38 to 38.50; butcher A despatch from Copenhagen feed flour, 33.75 to 34,00. Hay -No. 1, per ton, $30 to 331a cows, cinece, 312n0 to 313.50;37.50 do,' says: -Seaplanes are to be used this mixed, per ton, 325, track. good, 311 to e11.50; do, come - , to $8• stockers,$9.a5 to 311. feeders summer for 'whaling and sealing in Straw -Car lots. per ton, $16 to 31r. , i ,, - ' , , track, Toronto. tel. to 31-.50; canners and clatters,' Denmark Strait, between Iceland and 1 Greenland. A plane will probably be Country Produce ---Wholesale. 34.50 to 30.25; milkers, good to choice, 13100 to 8165; do, coni. and med., 365 despatched to the field in the -course twins, 82' ese-taNew, large, 32 to 33e; to 375; springers, 390 to 3165; lamb.e, of the next week. Some fifty sealing '''''nete. to88ac'e• triplets, 331,e1yeaattings. 314 to S10; do, spring, each, and whaling ships are already on the to 84c; Stilton, new, 34 to 35c; 01(1,1312 tO 315; calves, good to choke, $12 large, 32 to 33c; do;twins, 38 to 34,,.' to $16; sheep, $9 to $13. hogs fed ground. Prince of Wales Rests - For Week at Melbourne • • A despatch from Melbourne, Aus- tralia, says: -The Prince of Wales, by the advice of his physician, will take a week's rest after the Victorian :festivities before proceeding to Syd- ney. He is due at Sydney' onnI1. une6. "-By Gene Byrnes -ezi- Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 51 to and watered, $20,25; do, weighed ofit 52c; creamery prints 56 to 5Se. cars, 320.50; do, f.o.b., $19.2; do, do, Margarine -32 to 38c. country points, 319. Eggs -New laid, 52 to 53e. - Montreal, Awe 8. -Butcher heifers, Dressed poultry -Spring chickeee. cern., 38 to 810.50; buteher cows, med., 80c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 35c; turkeys. 38 to $11; canners, $5 to $6; stutters, 53 to 60e; ducklings, 38 to dOc; squabs dozen, 36.00. Live poultry -Spring chickens. 70c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 270; ducks, 35 to 40e. 'Beans -Canadian, hand-picked, leas., $5'to 35.50; primes, $4.50; Japans, 35; -rt-kkoAtT's 12.1rir Do YOU RiotE.M/BEP-- v1/40-kftT Brtte. IT WAS 36 to 37; butcher bulls, good, 311 to 312; come 39 to 311; good veal, $12 to $14; med., 38 to $13; selected sheep, 311; lambs, 38 to $10 each; hogs, off - ear weights, selects, 320.50 to 321; heavies, 319 to 320; sows, 316.50 to, $17, 1).)H.1.40rACt-k„ L)1B I Ao6vo, tT WAS 1it5 1.fiN5 E5,NTTLe.• - 41.40,21,0041 esanteee• t7'tennoteta-----1 eteeteEfe ' . _ - ,..1..t1'..efeeee,,11ege,,,,, s • e , • set • • • •