HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-10, Page 3I1 €34o DYKE
Of PoitatreInez. the
i Premier Pros-
eet of Canada's Gs;eatest Gold Came..
Write V,s for 211ustrated 7:Sondet,
t J. P. CANNDn2 a CO.
l 56 Xing St. W., Toronto. Ont.
Members Standard Stock Exchange.
Adelaide 3342-3343,
ModeIs for the Home
Cod scatters love on every side;
Freely antoiig lits children. all,
And aiway e tweets are lying ,epe t wide
Wherein some grains: ntay fall.
—Lo well.
Caused by Starved Nerves Due
to Weak, Watery Blood.
People generally think of neuralgia
as a pain in the head or face, but
neuralgia may affect any nerve of the
body. Different names aro given to it
when it affects certain nerves. Thus
Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve is called
sciatica, but the character of the pain
and the nature of the disease is the
sante. The cause is the same, and the-
remedy, to be effective, must be the
sante. The pain of neuralgia, whether
it takes the form of sciatica, or wheth-
er it affects the face and head, is
caused by starved nerves. The blood, 1
which normally carries nourishment
to the nerves, for some reason no long-
er deers so and the e: crueiating pain
you feel is the cry of the starved
nerves for food. The reason why the
blood fails to properly nourish the
nerves is usually because the blood it-
self is weak and thin.
When yeti build up the thin blood
„ ,F•
FROgiFig c'$ER
There Was Hope..
Aged Aunt, despondently—"Well, I
shan't bd a nuisance to you much
Nephew, reassuringly -•-"Oh, don't
talk like that, .Auntie; I'm sure YOU
Lesson in Bushiest.
64 pop!
"Yes,my son,"
"What is a gardener?"
"A gardener is a man who raises. a
few things, my boy,"
"And what is a farmer?".
"A man who raises a lot of things."
"Well, what is a middleman, Pop?"
"Why, he's a fellowwho raises
A Pertinent Question.
A young minister away from borne
went for a shave. The barber Was
talkative, and -Showed a friel.dly inter
est in the stranger, who was not dress-
ed in clerical attire. "Stranger here.
ain't you?" "Yes." "Travelling mean?"
1 i You bolo Asthma,don't,
imagine that you Must al.
ways suffer untold misery..
is g"tuee anteed ine verde thee
worst cages BY using
TE L ETo i'S
sults we Wileo lesenid you °-
free sample of these oap-
rules, coniidont that you
win find therm, ui1 we have
claimed. Write to Tem-
pletons, 142 King St. W.,
d by reliable druggists
everywhere for $1,04 a boa.
Lift off Corns!
"'Doesn't hurt bit and Freezons
Costs only a few cents.
HUMATC CAPSULES 1ur fingers! You -car. lit off
tt1twee the toes, au1 the hadcal-
specifici4i:i, Gout l m �
For et ;ears the s andarr3 t
Met/mature.oa/mMet/mature., i`1c1a4•
any bard corn, soft corn, or corn be-
LSoLtica, Lumbt,gD, neuralgia lu es frobottom of .set.
any7. ectora pro tribe them. A tiny bottle of "Freezore" costs
lta ta TdanPl•tc ra 14. Ring t 1 Trr.�rta. for 1'ttle et any drug store; ap sly a fedincac,rle. 4:,14 !] r,- .1Sa...a,,,,lstdMriwtierofor • 'an 1;cr Lox. drops upon the corn or callus. In -
staidly it stops hurting, then shortly
Blinded Soldiers Publish you lift that bet:rersoire corn or callus
Maga%i-ti e.
A. magazine for the bind which may bug.
y became •one Gf ilio fv..�iuost I •
1 right off, root and all, without one bit
of pain or soiene s. Truly! :vo hum -
possibl til true iliercil:n:s
said the barber. „No; said the par I'ra€11€e perinciieals oY the w•ot9t1 is l `
9§�,} with I)r. «'illianl5' I'lltlt vele, soy are son, "Don't litre herendo you?„ Mara•, 1 !
l.,ee prli ted once ever; two ,a ,c fes` 'I'trti-)'fete Sitirt; � '' "11171.),e7 are YOU sttlying.' ver a
- , sciatica
Classified Advertised
-n• 7
7rtiS' fr&a7gr'I,L"dxa
wl aao. .su'e't
I'•�terh,lr'iir�tllfy'hY, •t?YntKul-ir+.
g TrCLL EO,UI'I?Et) NE, NVS1+A4' +
anclfab vrintinft Pant in Eaeteeee
Ontario, Insurance. earriv4 $1,500. Wt1I
rro for 11.233 on °meek sant Box 0'X
Vi nson I ilbtishinit Co.. Ltd,. Toronto.
o1!'"2 ELM,' WANTED, ,2 IN.. AND
thicker, chipped green from saga
Do not sell, until you. coramu •:tate with
us. Keenan Bros. Limited., Owen Souetl.
.'i'..A1'11ING seI3'Oox, X`07 ..•:retia$ ..is.
for Nurses: St. Elizabeth Hospital.
204 South )hoar) Street. l0lizabsth, New
Jersey, complete course. Itiiontlsly al-
Iowanee: first year, $5.00, second $7.0.00,
third 515.00. Address:. Superintendent.
=DP W9.14'1TB. -
T -tiTE1u I•`IIl$T CL. SS 137;Nl:Ft
carpenters to work, on interior
fittings. Good wages,. steady wrk.
Apply Laidlaw Lumber Company, 2250
Hondas ?w.. Toronto.
A blunted sewing niachine needle
may be sharpared by stitching
through a p_ee of sandpaper for a
short distance.
/ask for Minard's end take r,a otbl r
A bit. on the Virgin River, Nevada,
note than 25 nti:es long, is composed
with of Get per, cent. salt,
e and 1 !nq,seeks i fire and freed and aline and the recoge
9 f} I t tt Lelsiilg neuralgia cf ti a y O t b r of blinded and I edl tits- I ninon of rain or frost," -•G. K. (lies-
,In 6 size 24 to 34 tired diseases at the root.' As proof i X_.,�,hatciza (loin' over there?" Y fi aup S tel
in. tai=t. Size .,b regterpes 2 is gels, of the value of these pills in cases of ahled solniens in the Phare de France ^f' n cis or , yds, •'7 in., wide. this kine€ we give the statement oft "i'm supplying the pulpit, said 1
„ 1 ins t• i . � "its �, ;.tlie parson, "Supplying the 'Pulpit?"
V. lath, X ' i y d .. ?.Ira. Tltamas cGnire, North iSalileA. ,
'►i„ 3--1 htdiee' 'I'ltrer•Piece Skirt (i:7 Ont., who says: "1 hciv-e been a severe i asked the harbor. who had never heard
nt :; ;-fetch lett length from waistline). I this phrase before. 'What with.
Z; sufferer from sciatica which attacked €
Price 2:s cei,ts
I'.ii e, '.-j cents. In. (1 sizes, 24 to 34 the sciatic nerve in the left leg. At
i,e tea. 't
0, is Vele. or 2?
� a 1t 11 li' edi .
(Lighthouse of France), according to , Tokio, the capital Of Japan, is
the annual report of the committee i
which has just been made public.. The have an underground railway.
output of the pleat for the last year ;
was 3,305 book~ in I3railllo, 200 copies '
thiels the pain teas most exerueiating 0 :rag s t alltgazines and 8,400 of La
f ^1 e BAB Ltiniiertr (Tho. Light), the magazine
'i'hc ret 'e'•i:e inay be 'o'leeiretl away a di=tincrt shrivelling of the leg I •
, rct)urs i t f F li l
s yds. 5l ins. tv
and as a remit of the trouble there 1 •S Y �. �
fr.a n ;oar local McCall dealer, or
front the 1k•t.'ail t:o., 70 Pond St.,
T n mesh, Dept. it
, i .:.1 Illi' itisi:tls and Wait.
.'... a a,i' ir:r Whitt. or tide. or sea;
><.'•:�N !il•tt k i est time or fate.
1"E : .e': 1..., t .itl : hitt] eeme to ii?
I. ♦` ,l' fee 1i.'. ' I mike delays.,
w t ,.a�le th€s eager I';a'e?
.t;... tee €-terual way„
Int: to it+i; �r m e°.' ha11 know my
a for the blind,
could only liobbla about by uyiag a iItiiss Winifred Holt. who founded
cane, and if I attempted to walla to
i When the baby is sick when be .the committee end has been directing
, i
the fields I would have to sit down ; s cross and peevish; cries a great the reeducation work anunir, blieded
deal and is a eou�taut worry to the isoldiers in France for the last five
every little while to ease the agony i meatier—he needs Baby's Own Tab-
nnent, but as,the thereunder
itoical intp eve- i lets, The Tablets are an ideal rnedi• pr nting dears,epl ant in l the ibe4 annual report
rkings of the
meat strewn, 1 twos getting very des„; cine for little ones. They are a gee -
The staff includes a proofreader who,
Ilalllfelt'�, tt the trouble was affecting :ile but thorough laxative which le i' aside irunt bring bl€nd, is deaf, has
late the bowels, sweeten the stomach, my gc'.neral health, Finally t friend tnisk ebowelufion and indigestion, 1 only one hand and all but the index fir,.
advisee me to try Dr. �. ifliama' Tu.• break up colds and sin?pie fevers and gar of Mut ere been inflater ted. An-
ne autl 1 dented to clo so. I teak the other proofreader euhiered head
make teething ersy. Concerning thein
pills faithfully for several 'maonths,'. yvrtlsre in rattle which phys€c€ons
, Muting, a gradual and fncreaSin g im-
Mrs, Philippe Payen, St. I lavien, Que., , declare will never heal. The book -
prevenient in any ease, until finally
every vestige of the trouble had ,one,.
and I was ngaln nn, sing the blearing
%ne l _. he nig of goad health -inti it t tom from pain s
'1'h , al rn+4 1°4 'wl. are t"'el.in , nae; orby meati at 25 cents a bow from Ziac In France, as in other countries,
;:.i wind .!,- tlr;ve my bark aatrly, ''ne scents almost 11 miracle and I )tope i Jr, 7ilber:e' Medicine Co., Brockville,' city -bred politicians are prone to con-
ir elta 1;ge %he tide of destiny. that my experlerne may benefit s. Hie
other suite°-er,"
writes: "Baby's Own Tn=.blets have y ,
been a wonderful help to me in the binder is deaf and one legged.
ease of niy h;!by and I can strongly re -
mend them to other mothers." The Minard's Liniment for seta everywhere
pt Urday, t 1 c' 1, dealers
What Dr. William,' )'ink Mlle did Tablets are .gold
by medicine ea ern
\i."stat metier if 1 stand alone?
1 weir whiz joy the Coming year;
aly heist shall reap where it has sown,
.ted eat eer tip its fruit of tears.
The %levers iteow their aivn and draw
The brwe•k that springs in yonder
So flows the geed with equal law
Unto the emu of pure delight.
q'lte stars t onie nightly to the sky;
The tidal wave unto the sea;
Nor time. nor .pare. nor deep, nor
Can. keep niy own away from me.
—John Burroughs.
_- --- --
Greusy frying `pans or saucepans
should be well rubbed with plenty of
soft paper while still hot. The papers
viii absorb every particle of grease,
arid will be useful for lighting the fires
next morning.
1f you are suffering from any ae.1
ment due to weak plot d avail yourself I
at once of the splenic) hone '\ treat-
ntent which 1h•. ilfiems' Pink Pills 1
so easily afford, and you will bo among 1
those who rejoice in regained health. .
These pills are sold by all dealers in
medicine, or may be had by mail at
50 eents a box or six boxes for $2.50 j
by writing The Dr. Williams' Medi.
eine Co., Brockville, Ont.
An Island -of Sulphur.
There. Is an island in New Zealand
nearly three miles in eircumference
that is almost entirely composed of
sulphur, mixed with gypsum and a few
other minerals.
Ont. ! trast hone agriculture with German,
--- -- to the detriment of the home industry.
A Goad Excuse. A French agricultural society, irri-
The excuses offered by schoolboys tated by such statements, and skepti-
are often laughable, perhaps none cal on the subject, has been making
more so than those of two pupils of a investigations, with the result that
country school, for being late. Asked
why he didn't come when he heard the
bell; one boy said, "Please, sir, I teas ated to satisfy German pride!
dreaming I was going . to California,
and I thought the school bell was the
steamboat I was going on."
"You did, eh?" said the teacher.
"And now sir, (turning to the second
boy), "what have you to say for your-
"Please, sir, I—I was just waiting to
see Tom off," stammered the other.
A. piece of old velveteen is an ex-
cellent substitute for chamois leather.
for all polishing purposeseand is much
IEnglish Spoken here99
• Acquiring a working knowledge • of
the German language presents a
,thorny problemto the thousant'is of
` British soldiers who fortune—or mis-
fortune—picked for duty in the eccu-
'pled area of Germany. One of therm,
gt ning himself "Tabs;" writes to "The
London Daily Mail":
"Thus the other afternoon I went
into alarge emporium to purchase
birthday gifts for loving hands at
home. My German not being com-
pletely understood (sheer impudence,
this) the 'house interpreter' was sum-
moned. -
"When I inquired if he could send
"Thera are two approved methods articles to London. and manage the
of grappling with the Teuton tongue. customs formalities he blinked help -
'The official method is to attend the lessly through his spectacles. Then
'classes held by the Rhine Army Edu- he pulled himself . together and made
leational College. The unofficial meth-
od is to put one's self in the liithds of
a private tutor.
"A conversational knowledge of
German is very useful, and leads to
promotion, staff „billets and other
pleasant things.. For ordinary inter-
course with civilians it is also ad-
{vantageous, .as `even in the biggest
shops in Cologne it ie the exception
,to find any oue speaking English. Cer-
tainly several of them display the le-
gend, 'Here English. Spoken!' but this
has to be taken on trust. '
an effort. -
" 'Good morning, Herr Captain. Fine
day' (it happened to be raining like
the dickens at the time). 'What you
want, please, sir?'
"' 'I've just told you,' I returned.
Then I repeated my demand.
" 'Yes, no. Certainly, very well, not
at; all,' was the answer. 'Everything's-
quite all right here,'
"I -gave up .the unecp al contest, and
the 'interpreter,' looking more fright-
ened than ever, hastily took cover be-
hind a showcase."
the German statistics as to yields are
said to have been grossly enagger-
Instead of tea
a cup of that healthful
b eve rage
1 -fie favor this pleasant table
drink is .con.stantly winnin8,
from nev;r" users, commends it
to all' -with whom tea or -cof-
fee disa6rees
A Health Saving
Reminder. Don't W at t
until you got the Spanish Influenza, USE1
tilluard's liniment
At the first sign of it,. Its Healing
Qualities are amazing. THE 01;15
Yarmouth, M.S.
Nothing Lost.
"My darling," said a fond mother,
who believed in appealing to children's
tender feelings instead of punishing
them, "if you are so naughty you will
grieve mamma so that she will get ill
and have to lie in bed in a dark room
and may die and have to be taken to
the cemetery and be buried, and you
---" The child had become more
solemn, but an angelic smile over-
spread his fate at his mother's last
words, and, throwing his arms about
her neck, he exclaimed: "Oh, mamma,
and may I sit beside the driven"
Remit by Dorainion Express Money
Order. If lost or stolen yeu get your
money back.
France Repairing War's
labor can accomplish if in-
spired by the patr;etie deeire to re-
constauct its 'wrecked homeland. shp-
ported by an efficient ,system is shown
by the figures issued by the French
Gevernment. in connection with the
work done on the railroads in the
north of France since the armistice,
On armistice day more than 1,800
miles of railroads including every
bridge, tunnel, staitien. and Veorksho
were completely destroyed, but to -4
communication over all these lines has
been re-established. -
The Germans wreek-ed more than
600 railway,bridges, of which 475 have
been reconstructed, while 80 more 'will
be compl#ed this month, Five great
eteduetS, from 60 te 75 feet high ant
300 yards (Tesa•oyeA explo-
elves, have been repaired, as well as
the tunnels of Vauxaillon, Lafere and
Guise, which were blown up by the
departing enem'es!
Mexico has had fifty-nine revolu-
tions within sixty-ope years. ,
ED. 7.
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California, Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are MO your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full
directiona for child's dose on each bot-
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother' You must say "California.'
'''11111 PIMPLES
Icy Sint. Cutictwalieale,
they were ec.e.elered all over
zlqiee my face. They aitertvards
turned into SOalea and
when they fell off they
le.ft big raarhs my
face war, dieilgurecl. They
itched and burned r,o that
"I bad been bothered for tem"
two months before 1 started ueing
Cuticura, and after 1 had need three
boxes of Corieura Ointrzent with the.
Cuilcura Soap was completely
healed." (Signed) ,Wlies L. Bzuns,
St. Basile, Que., June6, 1048.
Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum for all toilet purposes.
Seem 25e, Ointment 25 and 50e. Sold
L ens. Limited, St. Pout Montreal.
.6.ntoricwo Bioneer Dog Remedies
Beak on
'ICO•cr to Peed
Mailed Free to,any
dress by the Author.
H. Clay Glover Co., Ism
118 West 31st Street
Not Aspirin at All without -the "Bayer Cross4
The name "Bayer" identifies the
only genuine Aspirin,—the Aspirin
prescribed by physicians for aver nine-
teen years and now made in Canada,
Always buy an unbroken package
Of "Bayer Tablets of _aspirin" which
Tin boxes.' of -12 tablets cost but
There is only one Aspirilk-Jlidetyea7"—Y.plt. must say '''Baye.r,"
Aspirin le the trade mark (registered in Canado).ck.iiiayer lita,puTacture ef Mono-
acetleaeidester of SalleYtteaold. While It Is weir know that si means Bo:eiver
manufacture, to assist the public against•ifaitaliges: :8;3Trz
Will be stamped with their general.. tradoltark, ,`Bayer Cross%"
HE freshness, and
not equalled, nor, approached
other chewing tobacco. That
NCHOR'PL,, VG is sup