HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-3, Page 8Exeter Markets Chan ed each 'Wednesday Fall Wheat /hales. Oats Family Flour Feed Flour per cwt Shorts per cwt Bran per cwt, ....,,.. Eggs • Dairy Butter Creamery Butte Lard Hay per ton Potatoes tier bag ... Hogs It 1095 .. 1.70 1.20 to 1.25 7.55 . 4.00 3,75 3.35 55 to 58 66 35 20.00 to 22.00 5.50 to 6.00 • 19.00 CAltll OF THANKS. Mrs. ,Henry Robinson desires to thank the -lends and neighbors for many kiadnesses shown during the ill- ness and subs. quest death ,of her late husband WATCH LOST—On or about May 15th; sickle case aid movement, and Rockford make. Finder will leave at titin office •a,rt'1 get reward, • NOTICE Grand. Beed, lxay 25, 192e On and after the above date I will not be respozsibie for any debts con- traded by my wife, Elizabeth Tetreau as slxe has left my bed and board without any just cause. Th+eopholus Tetreau. The person who took away a Baby's little wagon from the front a Dome Theatre will kindly return same and save further trouble. --Homer Bagshaw PIN EAPPLES--Aou't ct..lay. We have: a large shipment errlwing here 'Friday,. The quality is first-class and we can see no chance of them being any lower 'in price. HARVEY & HARVEY LOST --A gold brooch 'with tones carved front with name of Exniia Todd engraved on back, valued as keepsake. Loet at Creditors, Mats lath, Finder well rewarded t.eave nt postoftice, Crediton, VIOLIN LESSONS Mrs. Gambrilt will be pleased tai take a few more violin in pupils. Violists and expensive music lent whenever re - (Mixed. Easy terms to beginners and satisfaction guaranteed. CARS FOR HIRE -Wilson & S ixtu s Phone 56. Mrd. Wethey is orga:nizimg a junior orchestra for violins, Anyone wishing to join can do so by paying a small fee. MRS M. HERR, Doctor of Chiro- practic has her office at the home of Mr. Wm. Andrew, Exeter. Picone 43. Office hours, 9 to1Z a.m.; 2 to 5 p.m, FOR QUICK SALE at Cost to clean u,-3 anew wagon gears; 2 new mowers; rw r W ROBINSON. De Laval a a cream separa- RABBITS FOR SALE—For breed- ing, table —A. H.Ga or for pmbrill,x aEet deadr FOR SALE. A few lnew buggies on hazed for sale. A B. Grier & Sons make. Prices right. Also a number of No. 21 Oliver plows at 520,00 each. Wm. Ward. WOOD PUMPS REPIAIRED. If your pump needs fixing we are ready to do the job now before other work commences. We do turning of all kinds Saws gummed, etc. s J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle STORES CLOSE ON w elDNESDAT AFTERNOONS We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business each Wednesday. at 12,30 during the summer months of June, July and August. J. A. Stewart, Jones & May, G. A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, South- cott Bros., W. W. Taman, Jas. Law- son, S. Fitton, W. 3. Beer, W. 3. Beaman, H. S. Walters, J3, Speck - man, J. Senior, Grigg Sationery Co., T. Elliott, F. Boyle, Hockey Bros., Times Printing Co., Advocate Print- ing Co., P. Frayne. EXETER. AGRI. SOCIETY Will hold a FIELD CROP COMPETITION IN, 1+'ALL W eielAT AND OATS Steelton. Usborne &Hay Townships are each awarding special prizes for Baby Beef competitions. Jenkins Stock Food Company, of London, are offering $15.00 for the best calf, fed on Royal Purple Calf Meal. For particulars apply to the sec- retary, R. G. SELDON. EXE Local Doings A rain would be very welcome just tote Mr, Henry Palssmnre is :quite ill at his biome pa Main Street. Mr William Mitchell had a valuable colt die nine day last week. Y. Robinson of Stephen is recovering slowly Trona the ,stroke sus- tained recently. The funeral of the late Henry Rob - lawn, was held from his Iate residence on Fxld ty afternoon to Exeter ceme- tery Fifteen hundred dollars has been. fixed as the nxa.n :mum; salary for Metlio- dist ministers by the General Confer - Constable W. J. Bissett has been laid up for a few days owing to a sprained ankle, the result sof a fall from a step ladder :on Wednesday of last week Mr. C. Skelton has a proposition that should interest furnace users, in which he guaranteees to regulate the heat in the home, axed by which you can save 20 or 25 per cent, of your coal b i111, The fuaerai of the late Digory Braund took place to Exeter ceme- tery Bon Friday morning last. Among those present from a. distance were his two,sons, Messrs. Luther and Ed- win Braund of Brantford. 1 LIENFELDT—BROIVN. A quiet wedding was solemnized at :Slain. Street Methodist parsonage yes- terday (Wednesday) morning, June 2, when Dr. Medd united is marriage Rowland Iti lienfeldt, son of Mr, and Airs. John Klienfeldt, of Hibbert, formerly of Usborne, to Miss Laurette daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brown of Usborne. The young couple will settle down on the .groom's fine farm in Hibbert, and will have the best wishes of their many friends for their future welfare and happiness. I)iED IIN WINNIPEG. Woo" was received here last we,n; of the death of a former resident of Exeter, in ahe person of John Dew, who died at the family residence, Win- nipeg, Thursday, .lay 2llth, in his 57th year. Mr. Dew was born in Exeter ;n.i wens from here to Manitoba, where he has been a resident about 38 veers, For many years he was in the hotel business and was widely known :by the travelling public. He leaves a widow and three 'daughters: itIrs . G. H. Parker and Mrs; J. D. Showier of Winnipeg and Mrs, H. Lawson, London, Eng.—all being home at the. time of his death, also seven brothers and three sisters, SOUTHCOTT—•MAY. The home of Mr. and Mrs Joseph May, London. ,l.oaa South, Usborne, was the scene sof an interesting event on Wednesday, June 2nd, when their only daughter, Miss Florence Alma,be- came the bride of Mr. John Melvin Southcott, editor of the Exeter Times, The ceremony was performed in the presence of a number of the contract- ing parties' friends and relatives by Rev. J. M. Wilson, pastor of James -St. Methodist Church. The„ bride who was giver away by her father, was gowned in white .georgette over satin axi3 lace. Miss Mildred Rowe, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor; Miss Ruby Trusoott of Hamilton, college chum sof the bride, played the wed- ding march; and Miss Stella Southcott sister of the groom, sang "My Heart is singizig". Thebride carrireda show- er bouquet of white roses and lily - of -the -valley and the maid of honor a bouquet of pink roses. The cere- mony and congratulations over all partook of a dainty wedding luncheon, after which the young couple motored to London, where they took the train for Ottawa and Montreal: On their return,. they will reside in Exeter, The Advocate -offers congratulatioais and best wishes to Brer. Southcott and his estimable bride. DEBENTURES FOR SALE The Municipal Counicirl of the Cor- poration of the Village of Exeter offer for sale to the General Public, Street Paving Debentures to the amount of $25,000.D0. Debentures are -.issued in deniomina- .ttioo; of $100 to $500 each, wiith, in- terest ,ciouPorts a,ttac7ted, and bear in- e ,of „534,o'er seat per; ` .t the rate : in- terest dayof: ' �a,niium,' iia'yahle• late the 1° th . `ear unt` June ,u1 each,and e�nerly y fill's paid. t Vihs the n The early, w:�Plicana optio of a short or a long term . :ebenture, .Apply to any member' of the Colon, cil or to JOS. SENIOR, Municipal. Clerk & Treasurer WOMAN'S INSTITUTE. The annual meeting and election of officers of the Woman's Institute will be held in the Public Library on Fri- day ,,ext June 4th, at 3 .o'clock. All member.: are asked to be present as some arrangements are to be made for the coming 'Chautauqua, which is to be •held .in. Exeter from July 12th. to 15tM.G. E. A. Hastings, M. re idem. Secretary President. Trivitt Memorial Church Services as usual, REV. A. A. TRUMPER, Rector. OVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. 11 a.nl.--Rev. Wm. Lawson will preach. 7.00 p,m.�--"The Virtue of Joy.„. Prayer ,meeting Thursday at 7.45 Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wiasom, B.A. 11 a.m.—Rev. ,, Jest Foote, B. A., will preach. 3 von.—• Sabbath School and. Bible Classes. 7 D.111.• -Rev. Wm( Lawson of Strat- ford will sp1era�it on "Lolyd's Day 'Preservation.." Seats all free. A ,welcome for alt. MAIN.. ST. AND BETHANY Minister, Rev. Dr. Medd MAIN STREET CHURCH "reach ' .exam, ells 'c alI' : �IYI ss n' orta' P i � , n, Toren odn arid' evem1n . Stud 3 p.rns�=Sunda'y�"Schlor�lr.&' Bible St y BETHANY t 1.30--Sutiday School and Bible . Class, 2.30 -Public vnorship.:: , • ER .A /TWAT" TRIJR$RAY, JUNE 3 teas❑h Ain/TWAT; , County Council is in session at God - erica) 'this week, ,. The London, Conferepce Of the Methodist ,Church is needing in aan- atual session in Stratford this week. A number of delegates from the Tnvitt Memorial, Church attended a Deanery meeting in Goderich Tuesday Mrs. Garnet Pa$s.znore of Usborne sang is solo in the Trivitt Memorial Church on, Sunday, evening with pleas- ing effect. Exeter and Hensel' school boys play. - ed a game of ball here Friday evening the former winuiog by a large mar- gin Messrs Jinxes Frayne and F. Y. Delbridge are the lay delegates to the Bandon Conference at Stratford from Janes Street Church. The Flax Mill C•omnany are justly Proud of the fact that their team drew the cement mixer, weighing 8 tons, from the station, to the brow of the hill at Given Church; Oa Monday ns the road toiler was coming is on John ,St. to. IVlairt.St, the old tank adjacent to Jones & May's stare gave away allowing one of the large wheels to sink ,to quite a. depths causing considerable delay in opera- tions. The large steam cement mixer for use oo. the roads he Exeter, arrived Ion. Saturday, and on Monday the work of laying the cement was commenced south o£ the river in the meantime the digging up process continues, and Huron Street has been; reached. The remains of the late Mrs. 0. H. T3uplan, which have been dying nt the Mausoleum in London since her death on. March 5th last, will be interred at St. George's cemetery, "London Town- shirt ownshirt oft ,Sunday, June 6th. A funeral, service will be held at St. George's church at .U. o'clock. LOYAL TEMPERANCE LEGION At the Annual Meeting sof the Loyal Temperance Legion in James Street S. S. room on May 28th the following officers were elected,—Pres., Kenneth Stanbury; 1st vice, Fred Neaman; 2nd. Francis Abbott, 3rd, Elva Hunkin; 4th Charlie Gladman; Sec., Vivant Idog- arth' Treas., Mae Abbott; Pianist, Bob. Gembrill; Asst. Pianist, George Beavers; Program Com„ Edith Hog- arth, Reg. Beavers, Donald Gladman, Vargeret Harness, Dorothy Snell. On 'Monday evening Miss Morton address- ed the boys and girls in Main St. S.S., and an interesting program was given. W, C. T U. NOTES. the annualmeeting of ,the W. C;, T. U. was held in the Public Library on Monday afternoon, when reports were given and the usual business transacted. The fallowing officers were elected for the ,caniin year; -- President, Mrs. Follick; 1st Vice, Mrs, Merd Nestle; 2nd Vice, Mrs. (Rev,) Foote; 3rd Vice, Mrs; (Rev) Wilson; Rev'd -Seery, Mrs. Hastings; Treas., Mrs, A. Camra; Cor; Sec'y, Miss Shap - ton. The union, has done splendid work during the past year, and before Ref- erendum vote was taken, were instru- mental in getting out the Jorge number of voters, and also iry helping educate the pew voters, and in fact helped in every possible way with elle men and through their untiring efforts were able to give the big majorities for pro- hibition last October, Two auto loads from Crediton were visitors at the meeting on. Monday to hear Miss Mor- ton, evangelist, and Prov, organizer W. C. T. U., who gavel one of the{ best ad- dresses ever given, our women on W. • C T. U work, and our responsibili- ties in connection with the franchise.) Those who were privileged to hear her pin, ;Monday will not soon forget her messages. She also addressed a meeting in Centralia ,on Tuesday after- noon in, the interests ;of the W. C. T. U Miss Vera Sweet of London is visit- ing relatives herre. Mr. Reg. ,Bissett of Chatham was home for the week end. Miss Gladys Harvey of London was Mame ,over the week end, Mrs Irwin, of London visited her Parents here over Sunday, Mr. Wm, Hill of Toronto visited his father .,Mr. George Hill, Tuesday. Mr. George ,Bawdem, of Lucan was avisitor with relatives here Sunday. miss Peathaie of Vancouver, B,C„is visiting ,her brother, Mr; Wm. Penhale. Mr. Linden Harvey ,of Toronto Un- iversity returned ° to hips home here this week. Mr. W A. Watrous of Salina, Kan- sas, spent a few days in town last week on, business, ,w, Mrs, John Spackman after a few days' visit here has ,returned to her home in Toronto. Glyde Heaman, •left Thursday for Kitchener to accept a positiion in a manufacturing plant... Mrs R:ousom of Hamilton vistied her parents, Mr. and SST's. W. J. Bis- sett for a few days. Mr. Frank Hill and son of Detroit are visiting friends and relatives here and in. Usborne Township. Mr and Mrs. John Jacobs attended the funeral (oE their aunt, Mrs.-Beain, at Springbaark, On Sunday. Mr Ches. Wary ,of Edmonton is vis= ing with Mr. and Marv. Nelson IKestle, and other )relatives 'here. Mr• and Mrs. Amy ;of Burford :vis- ited among rela'tivies here for a few days during the 1a,st week, Miss Morton, ,evangelist from the Brotherhood, Toronto, is visiting Mrs B. W. F Beavers this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Howey and fam- ily motored to Wheatley and spent a few 'days with Rev. and Mrs,. Fear. Mr. dad Mrs,. Marshall Box and fam- ily of nears Parkhill visited over Sun- day with relatives end felends .hereend Stephen ; Mrs .Faiod'gers end daughter g of here Lon- don. l la t eek attending d the Niteroi: Of the fo,rmer's nephew,Will- iam George Ford, of Usborne. Miss Ruby Treble, after a two weeks,' visit ;t her home, owing to,;the illness of her' mothrer, returned' to rn nonta Monday evenitg, her mother having considerably recovered. 1r \TIM The Seasons Newest &kyles are First Seen DuikLnt Jne's tilt ! THE ^vogue for Knitted Coats has been maintained by producing something different each season and by per- fecting the making of these coats so that They retai,3 their smartness and give excellent wear. The name "Ballantyne an a Knitted Goat is a guarantee of its high quality, and any woman zvho examines the nein wodels.we are showing will find an irresistible charm in their daintiness, their fascanaiing colors and their chic design. •We arc showing a fine assort trent of these coats for this season—new designs, new colotr, bat the se ; old dependable Ballantyne quality, Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Coats, end Raincoats at Greatly Reduced Prices. JON ■ •jS & MAY Closed Wednesday afternoons during June July and August, Miss Grace Stalker of Blyth left Wednesday for her home in Blyth, after the millinery season with Miss McDonald, Mr. and Masi Peter Moir of Usborne left Wediaesday morning for Crystal City Map,,, :where they intend re - meanies; two menthe. They were ac oompanicd by Mr. William Jeffery who goes to Beaver, Mali. SINCE $1870 305TQPSCC JIGHS DR, HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Of lice -Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or niug'Ii't. ISAAC R. CARLING, 13. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at Dewiest fates of interest. Office -Main Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED 1 want an, unlimited number of Horses iri.good,condiityon. Geldings 5 year,: old up, Weighing from 1500 pounds up. Mares- from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 noimds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FEANK1 TAYLOR Licensed ,Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and „Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, — On'taeio. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE 7 CENTRAL S ittAYFdP1D;.. ONT, We gvthorough courses We give individual :;instxuctiion„ We have no summer vacatioki.;, Students many enter at, any. time. 'Commence your eours,e nrow` : We.plac•ee g adua,tes•.its, positions: Write for our free catalogue. D, A. McLachlan, Principal. `MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & ST. N•BURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S„ D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extractt1 without pain or any bad effects. D fee over Gladman '& Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders .at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confideriitial; no witness, DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night, Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties • of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford, Farts Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Waleeroonts, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter, Dr. G. F. Roaster* L. D. S., D. D. S.. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons., Notice ! SPECIAL'. DISCOUNT ON ALL FURNITURE FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS R.N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER cud ,,MBALMER Phone ZQ Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spice*, teas, coffee . and every- thing in the grocery hrie Call and see us. A trial as to quality ' will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. SMART, CLOTHING F'O.R MEN.` �• This week we are '&&hoeing some stylish clothing, for young men, ars well as a number .of more conservative styles for older men. 1We are offering a splendid au wnal Blue Serge Suit, very special, at T4s:oa SUMMER UNDERWEAR FOR MEN . Tie two Piece or combination with short or loe g sleeve, ;and, knee or ankle length at pier garment,, 75c., x,1100 nodi. ,$2,00• NEW SHIRTS •POR MEN We have them as ;Low in price as ra1.50 • as ;well,as a:spjendid, range ',Of good`' 4texra1s that aae•xtra good 0b'• 2>0 4.00. value at 52. 5 . , 5 SILK AND LISLE HOSE FOR MEN • In: shades of white, black, grey; faw;n,' champagne, ,blue; brown; •in fine IThib or silk. Great value,•at per yard 75ce:'`& 81.00 NEW NECKWEAR FOR MEN Just tai -orad ready ,Tics tive 24th` 01 2 ay A big assiolrtmemfi of sumnilear h : t e.,.• was , s c x is , vvedl 2,s- a fine' osis ”' .y f 0•, n a allt 7 atuf $ NEW STYLES AND.CLOTHS. IN MEl S RAINCOA'T'S They time, a great :dust heat as well gas turn t S aka-., , n theyrain. every y'•ourig stun ineeds one these;;,days: We are' showing mase new cloths priced at 1; y _ $-,.16.00, $+18.50 to X35;00'` Solithoott Bros.