The Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-3, Page 7IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM OPENS
Famous ‘‘No Thoroughfare" Sign of 'Verdin Saved From
the Scrap Heap—Many Other Memory - Stirring
Pieces in Four -Year Exhibit.
A despatch from Ottawa says:- dently meant the dant ages occasioned
Canada's claim against Germany for in that city by the explosion of the
reparationfor losses sustained by the numition ship Mont 131ane, in 1917.
country and by individual citizens dur- The sum claimed under the head of
ing the war has been forwarded to army of oceapktion is. the cost of
England a .confer- maintaining Canadian troops on the e
enee of representatives of all parts Rhine frontier far a period after the
of the British Empire, soon to be held signing of the armistice on Nov. 11,
in London, and,subsequently,at an 1918. The last item is a claim fer
Biter -Allied Conference at Spa,. The compensation for damages sustained
bill rendered by the Dominion is for a by Canadians as a result of the resort
total of $1,871,000,000. The total is by Germany to illegal methods of war
made up of the following items fare. Included inthis item, for in-
Cost of War and de- stance, would likely be a sum to cavy"
niobilizat:on , . , , .. • •?1,'715,000,000 losses of Canadian merchant and fish -
Separation allowances.. 85,600,000 ing vessels sunk by German U -boas
Halifax losses , . , 30,000,000 during the period of unrestricted sub -
Army of occupation .. 8,000,000 marine warfare.
Illegal warfare . , , . , , .. 31,500,000 It is intimated that Canada and Every year Toronto's schools
The separation allowances alluded other British dominions will share the tees city with wreathe of flowers.
to are those paid to families and de- indemnity received by the British Em- e Avenue School.
pendents of persons who served in pire in the proportion which theit ex-
the military and naval fame during; penditures beer to the total expendi-
the war; By Halifax losses is evi tures of the Empire.
Its Acceptance Would Put An
ineffaceable Stara on
Nation's Honor.
A despatch from Washington
seys,-President Wilson' vetoed the
pcaee resolution on Thursday, ens in-
foinacd Congress he could not become
a party to the peace programme fram-
ed by Republican lee ler:, s,f the Sen-
ate and House be arse be consitkred
it world pat "•in;tincenble stain" on
the nation's honor.
To technical peace by
a:ateb a method, the T"rveident est1,1 in
bin veto message, eveulel be to .•tze:t
"e complete surreneleeof the r elite
of the United States o far as Ger-
many is concerned," and to relin-
quish all the high purposes -whieh eposr xec eel, photo o> a vtt by the President, Muth will, $l.fiU, In stere hart le /Thane
were embodied in the rejected. Treaty ,1lexandra, whose illne „T.- . reiteratedb , y .60,ericst corns --No. 3 yellow, $u'.f4•
of Marseilies, anxiety. pretest the mine evo"ke"s in wage in -a ,
,The President's act apparently ..,.-.._ creases as from April J. naniarel, #melt. Toronto, prarapt ship-
brought to:, -.another and. final dead- D.S. REFUSE MANDATE """'`"•""" "''" Ontario oate-No 3 %r;:3te,
leek the efforts of the present Ad-
ministration and Congress to agree
031 a peace settlement Republi••an
decorate the varltus raiontlments a#.1
Pheto shows that pre.'eutea by Brae
A Striking Me;ao al.
To commemorate their occupation cf
Slln�, Cauap, Mulford, says the London
Graphic, the New Zealand troop, cut
sr gigantic figure of a kiwi (a bird pe.
culler to New Zealand) in the face of
a chalk !gill overioolciug lbe camp. The
body alone covers an. area of one and
one quarter acres, The bird is four
hundred gnat twenty feet Higla from tip
to toe, and the body design is ringed
"evict by a. fence inelosing four and
one half acres.
The idea cannot be called a new one,
for the Saxons put a white horse on a
13eri.4liire Hillside wore than a thous•
and yeaee ago to commemorate a vie-
tory* that Alfred won over the Danes.
That memorial is still to be seen to-
day, amens to tate 1%erlodieal
lige" that the people of the couutry-
side give It. It the ,game care Is given
to keeping the New Zealand emblem
tree a encroaching undergrowth, that.
too, Will becoine an imperishcble me-
morial of a creat episode in British
U.S. Wage Dispute Will
cum TOTALS$1,871,000,000
British Dominions Will Share the indeirinify. Received by
the Empire 'in Proportion Which Their Expenditures
Bear to Total' Expenditures of the' Empire.
A despatch froaan London eayre---, being the Zeppelin raid in September,
Signposts bearing the inscriptions! 1915 -and scores of other - entree
"Hell -Fire Corner," "Piceadilly midi which have weeny vivid' associations.
r "Haig Avenue," erected ny Br:tislit 'The larger pieces of ordinance,
treeps lust behind the front lines iia Beane of which weigh fourteen tons,
France, ere among the more than 10,,•? are 'being arranged on the floor of the
° 000 eehnoits being asseni[.1%ri a:, Cry =-' spacious hell. But the galleries will
ti Palace, London, to form tela iril:er-! hold displays of equal, if, not greater
tai War Maseun'. it ri ill b. opeaul interest. These include war paintings
E b5 the hang in June and will cot.t:nue,. and trench implements, realistic scenic.
for ;our years. l models and protective devices and
Exhibits have been withered :rent " caries that throw an illuminating light
every land %".here the wear ;eft its trail.; ,cn cenditier s which .existed in the
" to show the concaen effort �cf the' Gerr;,nn eerly. Sone of these aro
empire during the great ccr dict c areuzing, cone tragic
a Shortly after the signing; of The aereie h There is a eyrie with a dynamo at-
tiee the eirgnnesa.s nientioaied %ere xa •hmeat fare lighting an officer's dug-
I found in a pile of dig:arded hirci .r. out, upon which two of the worst Qf*
In adeition to those bearing street' fenders of the ranks had to 'sit in
, names there was found the sign of shifts and pedal in order that those
IVerdian, "No Thoroughfare.," They within an glht have illuraipation.
are nos.• to be pre'erved «rs relies for, Far le' arousing is a specimen of
posterity, , . the a .:*as '- "bear trap." A soldier
There evil, he on u plsy the gaga, explor3nly No 'Fit:: s Land might %tel►
that fired the first British sect "rt she ` into ite 'gle epit*Res, concealed in the
vcfir--from the decks of tiee destroyer! ernes, and er rc pe from their grip.
Lanae at the minelayer Koenig Lenie t° :vas virtually hopeless.
the E battery gun that opened the The lifebuoys of the Lusitania, the
A despatch from ll'ill:cam Farre; Iia., military boetilities; the antii-aircraft! Chattered fennel of the Vindictive, then
says" --The ogee of President ' been poyn.pani which, mounted at Greshani4 portion of the Zeebrugge mole and the
to appoint sa commission. to .arbitrate° College, fixed the first etot eve,, direr -t f vmidat,le mime that bestrewed the
the anthracite wage dispute was ac- ted ata foreign foe frons London since i1:=rd nellee will recall many chaptero
eepted here Thursday by an over=' the days of the Itonfans-the occasion f a gear
whelm ng vete of the tri -district cow!
- f bard coal miners. The ldi Sheits, $fa12`v Iles No 2 pa- ton
mine worker=. however, eek the privi-Y ear lots, ,sal to .3.. Cheese, fine_ir
els he
lege of se',ceting a "praetieal miner"; • eeeterns, 28 5-e2c. Butter, cheiees9
to represent them on the commission. li-,at Crain.
'The convention adopted . xesolut:an
declaring, that the miners were forced Toronto, June 1.---:43anit.oba wheat•-
to accept the evinntir'ion, as "indus-x:No. 1 lortneri 83.1.x; No. 2 North•
trial e : legislation ina];es it al noaxi e!n, ti'I,1+-' • o..3 Non;