HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-3, Page 3ANAEMIA ROBS ITS VICTIMS BY STEALTH Conditions of Thin Blood That Could be Corrected Easily Are Stealing the Health 'and Eller- ' gy of Many ?Olen and Women, and Boys and Girls; • Anaemia; which literally means ibloodlessnees, is one of the most pre ;valent troubles -of the present day, If :neglected it is apt to develop into per. vicious anaemia, ane of the most hope. less diseases. While anaemia attacks 'teen a.nd boys, it is more prevalent !among young girls and women and for !this reason every woman, particularly every mother, should know how to re- cognize the signs of this trouble which makes it approach so -gradually and :so stealthily that it is often far ad vaned before the, nature of the • trouble is noticed. One general sylnp- 'tonl of anaemia i;; pallor. The cheeks gradually lose their color, and the lips become pale or white. With this loss of color there comes a tendency to fatigue, a palpitation of the heart, and 'breathlessness after slight exertion, �tftlt occasional headaches. In the more severe cases fainting spells fre- gnently occur. 1e ordinary anaeatic conditions, in- cluding the auaemia that affects young girls in their 'teens, Dr.Williams" Ptak Pills are all the medicine required, Fresh- air, sunlight and nourishing 'red will do the rest. Any woman or `gill taking, 'Dr. 'Williams' Pink Pills tem tell by the growing redness of her Fps that the pills are mal:a{ig her blood ri,'h and red, Miss • Mabel laaeiet•, Liverpool, N,S., Bays: ---"Before I began the use of Dr. 1i'ilifams' !'illk Pills I felt like a com- plete wreck of my former self, My Wood was thin and watery; I ataff�:re:l from, faiet anti dizzy spells, and bad itd\sdaehe,a aintoet every day, I was taking doctor's nteaLleine, but it was net helping me and at this time I was learning my trade as a wiloress, and w.is forced through my illness to give up work. After reading an advertise - meet of Dr. W illa>anea !'ink Pills one day , derided to give the pills a trial.. Aster taking two bore I felt that I was being benefitee, and continued their use until I lyes fully restored to health. The pith• certainly did won- tl"rs for rue, and I menet recommend then$ too highly." The purpose of :Ur. Williams Pink Pills ',a to build up the blood, They dui this one thing .til they do it well: 'f"Iiey arts for this ie tson an invaluable remedy in theetsee arising from bad or deficient blood, as riteumntisnr, neuralgia, after-effects of the grip and tevers. atm mile are guaranteed to be free from epiatee or any harmful . drug, and cannot injure the, meat dela este systems. You can get Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine,or by mail at 50 cents a box of six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Banjo at South Pole. One can scarcely imagine a greater contrast than playing a banjo in a crowded meeting in the heart cf Lon- elon, and giving a performance in the joy atmosphere of the Arctic regions. `At the hundredth lecture given sly Sir ,Ernest Shackleton, when he told the 'thrilling story of his last polar expedi- ition, he introduced some of his old colleagues, and insisted on the prcduc- ,tion of the old banjo which played so great a part in keeping up the spirits of the men who were marooned on Elephant Island for a dreary four and a half months. At an informal gathering after the $'lecture some of the old songs were 'sung and specimens .given of the int - Imamate ditties that helped to pass away the'time alfa, amuse the men the $tale of whose fortitude and patience is. Being listened to by thousands of tpeople from the cushioned seats, of the EPhilharmonic Hall in London, Sir Ernest Shackleton tells his ad- venture in simple, homely language, ,with a sense of humor .that is a relief rto the thrilling story. The penguins, Angie pictures, all uncanscious, of their ondon audience, behave in their usual amusing way; familiar to stay-at-home. !people, who love to roam the world by 'tkte.help of more adventurous spirits. ' 1 Human blood passes through the cir- culatory system at" a rate of seven miles an hour. - Make Up Your Mind. He might have been, something -he's plenty of; brains, And to labor he ,lan't ,avenetse Yet 1'nt s•'orry to eay that the fact stili 1 rental= I -Ie lias "never much coin in his purse. He always considered just what lie would 161 And would hope something better to 1 and; But -the more that he thought, more uncertain he grew, And he never" could- make up his • hind. Quite often he might have got on the flood tide,. Add have ridden to power and wealth; , But he never felt able at once to de- cide That the damp wouldn't injure his • health, • If Fortune would knack at h+,s door he would wait, To her becks and her smiles he was blind,; If he opened or followed awes always too late, For he never could make up his iniud. So Ire's plunging along, and he's al- ways in doubt 'Whether this plan or that is the thing; But the chances that come never lin- ger about, Being birds that are strong on the wing, He's provided with salt for each alga tire tail, And to drop it he's almost metaled; But it's certain and sure that he al- ways must fail, e Since he never can make up his mind, Towers For Airships. How will airships be anchored? General Maitland, the Admiralty senior airship officer, who took part In the IL34's Atlantic crossing, re- cently gave the following explanation, says a London .newspaper. "We Maize that in time," he .said, "an airship arriving, say, from New York at ail English terminus, will conte over a single mast under her own power, drop tt coupling, and be connected up by rine or two men on the ground to the coupling inside the mast. Then the airship will he pulled down by a which to the top of the mast, and the passengers will go down the utast in a lift," Steel towers are now being con- structed from which it will be possible to supply airships moored to them with fuel, water, gas, and goods; and crew and passengers also will be able to go aboard from the towers. The completed mooring -tower will be about 150it, high, and will be built of steel lattice -Work. It is being furnished with a revolt', ing head. To this the airship will be closely moored, bow on, and floating clear of the ground, the vessel will be able to swing round in accordance with the direction of the wind. • An airship making for the tower will send out a wireless message an- nouncing her intention, From the tower head a wire cable will be drop- ped to the ground and there picked up by a man who will enter a small car and drive away some 300yds. A second cable, weighted with sandbags, will be dropped from the airship when a ground signal has indicated the point at which it will be picked up, and the two cables will be coupled. The airship will then be hauled in, assisting where necessary with her own power, and when she has been moored it will be possible to uncouple the cables and rewind them. The air- ship will be released automatically from the mooring tower by mechanism controlled by one man, so that from first to last, apart from those en board, not more than three men will be need- ed to bring a dirigible to port and send her out again. At Night, The little stars, like armies, Are softly passing by— Marching with a noiseless step tip and down the sky— Who spoke of sheep and shepherding Little sheep like these, Who leap and laugh, and laugh and leap Round the old. Moon's knees? • "There's Mare in all his glory, Orion in his might, Sirius with his flashing sword And his shield ,of light— Who•spoke of`gentle 'shepherding ` And looked on such a eight? i5't• s.-.+. .Sas'7 ,.4?.r.:''u 3•. C•:3,162{>;;.; `=a,!,c , :>nF•. „1:F,:. -.`+u:. •,.*na±vr�;� For your br,,alcfast cm ready- ®-eat od. that rests but little and is .ill 'of -thy sound; a.ourish cleat of wheat.... seetreatteleetiteraira and mal -Led barley. ,' '• nV 1 1F APPetizing Econ., n Grocers Everywhere! her ! ;,-t: "t^.. ..E,. ..i,%.,, 164.. t'. �,�'.:Y ,.S:..i:it„`$,,..:P'+. •<t,+sr: -r--e 7: rti Happiness. There's joy la the song of, the robin that rests on the twig of the tree, Andthere's joy be the bane -saes of sum- iner,`and'a thrill in the roar of the Oh, the peace and the gladness -we're seeking are clothed in- all manner of dreres And some in the laugi:ttereet children 'may coma to their dream of, success. There's joy in the sn'tfle of a comrade, and'joy in the blue of the sky, Who lives in the suasliitie of Weed - ship has joy that no money can IJny'. There is peace to be found in the val- leys sad calm In the shelter of trees, And millions of people -are happy in claiming such pleasures as these, The man that is proud of his children owns more than the man with his gold, And he that has chummed with the songbirds has found a delight he can bold; There are millions of ways to be hap- py, too many by far to recall, And who -lives but for gold and for sil- ver has chosen the poorest of all. A MOTHER'S Ana Onee a mother has used. Baby's Own Tablets for her little ones she le al- ways happy to recommend them to others. Her advice, given after a careful trial, can be readily followed with"assured good result's, The Tab- lets are a mild but thorough laxative which never fail to regulate . the bowels and sweeten the stomach. They always do good -they cannot possibly do harm even to the youngest babe. Concerning them Mrs. P. La - forest, St, Nazaire, Que., writes: -- "For three months my baby was con- stipated and cried continually. On the advice of a friend I gave him Baby's Own Tablets and now at the age of five months he is perfectly well and weighs twenty pounds, I ani de- lighted to be able to advise other mothers, to use them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. The Earth's Crust. Interesting facts concerning the ea'rth's crust were disclosed by Colonel Sir Sydney Burrard recently, "Isostasy” is the particular science which deals with the structure of the earth, and Sir Sidney told how all mountains and heights standing above sea Ievel are compensated by deficien- cies of matter underlying them below sea level, and that all oceans and sur- face hollows dipping below sea, level are compensated by excesses of mat- ter underlying them in the cruet. - There is considerable evidence in favor of the view that the cou'ditioir•of isostasy exists throughout the earthly crust. Apparently, in a region where an extra load of rock is accumulated, the underlying crust increases in den- sity, and wherever rock is removed or eroded, the crust beneath .increases in density. - "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look' at tongue! Remove poi. .sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or . physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child - ten love its delicious fruity taste. .Full directions for child's dose on each•,bot. tie.* Give it without fear. Mother! . You must say "California.' Real Trade Secrets. There are at least two trade secrets which have been so Jealously guarded that. -they have'remained close secrets for hundreds of years, and may never`, be known• to the world at large. 'One is the Chinese method of making the bright and brilliant :color known as vermillion, or Chinese red, andthe other is a Turkish secret—the' inlay- ing of -The hardest •steel with gold or silver. Among the Chinese and Tuks1raS two secrets are guarded well, Ap- prentices, before they are taken for either trade, are compelled to swear an iron -clad oath to reveal nothing of what paeses in the workshop. They. must also belong to fgmilies' of high; stranding, must pay; a Iarge' '`tient• 6Y- money as a guarantee, and mast fur- nish certifioetes of good characte}' and honesty. Theso secrets have been handed clownfaithfully from One, gene .ration to another t for hundreds, ai±= Years, • Nearly all accordions are made in. Paris, NEURITIS So many have Neuritis, that painful. paralyzing inflaxama-tton of the nerves. Doilotsuffer an- other day. If you are a victim. try lihetunatie apsu es Nothing else ; brings relief eo quickly and eq. surely. piietona 1142 Sing St W'., Toronto. For sale at reliable drug- gists for fS 1.04. a box - ASTHMA Ttempieton's RAZ -MAH Cap- sules are guaranteed to relieve AS'I•H MA. Don't suffer an- other day. Writo T,e:ripletons,142 ;Xing St. W,, Toronto, for ireesample, Reliable druggists sell -ate= at 161.04 a box. English Bay Road, Stanley Park, B. C. Vancouver would be famous if It had only the attraction of "Stanley Park," was the opinion of an English tourist who had circled the globe. That peerless playground of 1,000 acres of virgin forest, with many acres of priceless waterfront and over six miles of marine panorama of park foreshore, is the greatest municipal park on the continent, It is fringed by English Bay which abounds with mirrored reflections of forest trees and birds of every shade and plumage bank on the surface. No bulwarks or ccean wall mars the beauty, no roar- ing billows disturb tranquility, but there is all the beauty and majesty and novelty of its placid surface with a soft calling of the waves. Tao park is picturesque with its magnificent firs and cedars, and is largely in its natural state, yet with touches of the conventional in that it is encircled by a perfect motor toad which affords the pleasure of enjoying'' the innumerable points of interest in • this wonderland. The unique bril- liancy of the exquisite scenery in the distance where mountains of grace and stateliness form a group of peaks, grey and green and rose-colored, call ono again and again by their enchant- ment. Down ti.eir pine -clad slopes, sylvan streantlets wind their way. A. variety cf enormous trees, spreading their branches on the green lawns, greet the eye, creeping ivy decorates the base of thee.° giants of the forest. Walks through the park reveal pic- turesque retreats where the aroma of nature in all her bewilderment of luxuriant gro vth, sweetens the out-of- doors. The "Lions," the "Sleeping Beauty," "Siwash Rock," the grave of the Indian Princess Poetess, Pauline Johnson, who cast over the lovely surroundings a gracious mantle of romance, are some of the points of interest.—C.G. • _ a Sand is Guinea Baby's Cradle. An infant in Guinea is usually buried in sand up to its waist whenever the mother is busy, and this is the only cradle. it ever knows. The little Lapp, on the other hand, fares most luxuri- ously in its mother's shoe. These Lapp shoes are big affairs of skin stuffed with. soft moss', and can be hung on a peg or tree branch safely out of the way. The Chinese baby is tied to the back of an older child, who goes about its play quite ignoring its. burden. Keep Your H8aIth • TO -NIGHT TRY MinartPs LinimflI 'for that Cold and Tired Feeling. Get Well, Keep Well, Kill Spanish Flu by using the OLD RELIABLE. MIN ARD'S LINIMENV CO., LIM1'ITED) Yarmouth, N.S. Edison's First Studio. Edison's first studio was called the "Black Maria," It was, an oblong wooden structure and had a movable roof. The roof could be raised and lowered at will. . The studio building was "i�ainted black both inside and out. Instead of beautiful scenery for a background, only the bare black walls, made a uni- form back far all productions. -The entire structure was set on a pivot so that it could be swung round to face the sun, which was the only available light. As one lamp lights another nor grow less, so nobleness enl.indleth nobleness. -=Lowell. - emeriewe P.ioneer ?log 733moalss 1 Soot on • mein n 4t1:* «-u wr ,, U x coo ?flailed I i'ee toYany Ad- drede by•the Author. 3t. clay Mover Co., atom 118 Weet 81st Street .,,New York, U.S.A.. yp � C /1 1j ! f 4) 3Cog Ors. r Eb. 7, ISSUi No. 42.•—'20. 1tg: 1-47:11EY Not What She Meant. He (after the proposal):• "Why are yon crying, ;clearest? .Are you not hap-. py to know 1 love you?" She; "Oh, no, dear, it's not that. I am crying from pure joy. Mother has altvaya told me that I was such an idiot that I wouldn't get even a .don- key fur a sweetheart, and now I've got one, after ail!" - Good Example. A little Ontario girl who had a ban- tam was disappointed at the smallness of the first egg laid by the bird. Her ideal egg was that of the ostrich, a specimen of wlilch lay on the table in the parlor. One day the ostrich egg was missing from its accustomed place. After a prolonge;i search it was found near the bantam's nest, and on It was written these words: "Something like this, please, Keep on trying." A Poultry Problem. `"Tell me"—'twas a question addressed. To a maid 'farmeretting•--. "Should este say of a hen on a nest That it's sitting Or setting?" But a shake of her pretty, fair head Was her way of replying: "Tell ate, when it cockles," she said, "Is it laying Or lying?" MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in rive thousand offices throughout Canada, Firm "Demobilizes" Top, coats. The swagger cut of the British army officer's regulation overcoat nral.est possible the nta.n'tenanee by a Scottish dyeing establishment of a arvice that is proving increasingly popular with doinobiiized officers. On receiving an array overcoat through the parcel post the firm, removes all military insignia, and dyes it. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Auto Grocery Store. The standardized travelling stores recently seen cn the streets of many communities in the U.S. middle 'West represent one of the most promising of the many attemets now being made to force down the price of foodstuffs. Tho big trucks are being sold by a cen- tral corporation to operate throughout the country, Paying nothing for rent, heat, and light, and little for the few essentials, these operators can afford to sell meat and groceries at close to wholesale price, ---- �—_ Buy Thrift Stamps. Anoint i twis With Sooting Cuticura First bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. These super -creamy emollients not only soothe, but in most cases heal annoying rashes, irritaxions, eczemas, etc. Nothing so insures a clear skin and good hair as making Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment your every -day toilet prepa- rations. Soso 25c, Ointment 25 and SOc. Sold throughout theDonvmien. CanadianDepot: L��yym, n,, Limited, St, Petit St., Montreal. Cutieura Soap shaves without mug, Classified Advertisements.. S Tk1VD:,is' c0111;PLrs'.E' FERTIL1ZEE pay you, Georgi►. Stevens. Peterborough, Ontario. Pax cabs o FaL. n4idi.aoo?QpoUrnIlPtqtEtU plsaNanleW1BLEFo=asAPteD* ,Onao: Iniurancsried $1,600. Will Wftcon i•ubltstiinx Co:. Ltd.. Toronto. SOFT >�L W41t D. OFT I L3f WANT"LU, 2 IN. AND thicker, shipped green from eaves, Do not sell until you eomrAun cate wills us, Keenan :Oros, Limited, Owen Sound„ Ont, &6.DTES ,WYe172'11D. T ADZES WAI' Tisa.) TO DO PLAIN J..1 and light sewing at home. whale Lox. spare time; good pay, work sent any dis- tance. charges Paid. Send stamp for Particulars. National Manufacturing Co.. Montreal. 2,,3 61NT•NG BQUOOL 'OB sztrusEi3, D 1llGIZTBP.ED TRAINING SCHOOL Al, for Nurses: St. Bllzabeth Ioopitai. 204 South Broad Street, Elizabeth. New Jersey. Complete course. ?Monthly al- lowancet first year0 00, seeond $10.00. third 515.00. Address: Superintendent. 1L'srSCF.,“...4 l PVI. ft »" QICR, 7.'Lla10.1i3. Lt191t'B. L^TC L/ internal and external. cured without Eatore}too hit* mDMsdtcM co, Limited- Retlingwond, Ont,. Antipodes island, not tar from New Zealand, was thus named because it 11: directly opposite to London. Minard's Liniment for Sala everywhere Coffee sold for $20 a pound when first introduced into England about the middle of the seventeenth century. GIRLS! DRAW A MOIST CLOTH 'THROUGH HAIR. I.:et "Danderine" save your hair and doufile its beauty Oh, girls, such an abundance of thick, heavy, invigorated hair; a per - feet mass of wavy, silky hair, glorious- ly fluffy, bright and so easy to man- age. Just moisten a cloth wit's a _i.tti t "Danderine" and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; this magically re- moves all dirt, excess oil and grease, but your hair is not left brittle, dry, stringy or faded but charmingly soft, with glossy, golden gleams and tender lights. The youthful glints, tints and color are again in your hair. "Danderine" is a tonic -beautifier. Besides doubling the beauty of the hair at once, it .checks dandruff and stops falling hair, Get delightful Danderine for a few cents at any drug or toilet counter and use it as a dress- ing and invigorator as told on bottle. • How to Purine the Mood A- "'Fifteen to thirty drops of , Extract of Roots, commonly called Mother, Seigel's Curative Syrup, may be taken in water with meals and at bedtime, for the cure of indigestion, consti- pation and bad blood. Persist- , once in this treatment will effect a cure in nearly every case:' Get the ;genuine at r3ruggists, ola TABLES MA-Kto "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not.:Aspirin at A11 without thea•"Bayer Cross' fUe/puzeine • u--.4.zeiyeAzad lagat. mamma DAyez �skum.wS� Ci CaiG\\ \1 `1\ \�5 ��\�\\ \\ The narn:e `Bayer" identifies: the contains propef' directions for 'Colds, only genuine Aspirin;—the .Aspirin Headache, °Toothache, Earache' Tett, prescribed by physicians' for over nine- ralgia, Liunbago, Rheumatism,Neitri- teen years • and now made in Canada. tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally..: Always buy an unbroken ackage •-Tin boxes Of,'xg tablets cost lick ` o£ "Bayer Tabl to 01 Aspirin which, a• few cents. 'arc "Bti' ern padcagast iel' only one .Aspirzu—i Rayer -'T- 'on muni say "Bayer" r' Aspirin is the trade rr'ati% (registered 111 etlnavaa) of Sayer Manufacture 04 Mono- acettcacldester of Saltayneactd. While it is wall known that rocas klaver 4uufactur0, to assist the pub!lo agalestimttatlous, the 't'ablets of Bayer (et4i13ny, *ill be rstatnped with their; gexaorai trade .mark, the "Payer 'Cross,"