The Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-3, Page 2Have You Ever Thought of This? 6681 properly infused, is on,e of 'Natures greatest blessings as a harmless stimulating beverage "I darn believe a wert1 ef it! Yon can't frame me for anything," "All right, Listen to thds: Zutter- rneister said you're the man who kill- ed Judge Blackburn. He told Us it how you. did it--" "'You're lying, I say! I didn't—" "He said, continued Quinn, 'dm got ; you a job in Judge Blackburnhome, washing 'windows, He let yeu get the 'layof the house, He hid Yea in a The Citild's Welfare. I grew stronger until I could fly land 1 eloeet a Mise Blackburn s sitting , even walk on the ceiling. l room. 'When you heard her enter the There is no reason why even tne! some sugar I went out into the world and ate ',bedroom, -yOn Slillped ont, grabbecl her roest ignorant mother, if she will read,1 I stairs and shot her uncle. q earn a aboutow, w a t , from the sugar hoete first. " revolver from the desk, and ran up - •1: ou laid when to feed •he r child, and all mat -1 I need n t 1 nil h le t end' !the revolver on the floor, berried out 4. sanitation,1 t,he supgar,Q8C - d 't know how 1 get / the judge's study, climbed un the ;..el-7411.ytilltini;., fuetarterteissseq:ny thing , , etedi a syrup which I put on the zugar to so I will tell you. I have T9 bear about tbh uh0,17 days, Ere motors were inventteu! upon the small portico Wiliell opens off eters relating to exercise, !roof and hid inside the home until do pith tee! Nreviatobeuiity'sterfutu,ka„nd then 1 euek it up i Zuttermeister let you escape" ' 1 Perfect physical health of the child: But howsoever he began , paused, watching the man; Just now all the stress..- - - . Next I went to the high chair vii r • * 1 e e Ills stories alWhy a ended 1, narrowly. Hisaeeusati.on, e.f eenrae ' but , t on physieally perfect babies.. But the le being laid. baby was and helped it eat its break- With Nelly 131v bis pretty e 'I was largely based on surmise; " baby hanother ' ' y as nature wench must fa t 1alwayst baby's• ' ' . a . wen to awe Never was horse so splenlii.17-- swore! justice, The mental, moral and spat. for ray breakfast after that. If baby tried to chaee me away I would buzz mid bite him. After a night of falling snow hoomarea," knew he had come not far from the . . not be oierlooked if we are to do him 1 truth 'when the shriveled little manel grindmg his teeth in rage, 1 inutl sule ea the child must be trained, At sunup sbe'd start neighing vividly at Zuttermeister. And stamp and paw as- if to say, 1 qrai lit" he said He must be diseiplieed. Not beaten 1.ID his jaw to cat,cchatnethe When the dog was asleep 1 bit his ,,cCoeunietecl,14JieetZaphuteroeris mgoxotslielvleel:hing! "All's Well—e" - taught that he is. a part of a Society I obey the necessary and right laws, and In. the fall I got cold and I crawled well beet all swells on eiridetou Come, take me cut, old fellow! Road. bells, 1. proper pleasures, simply trained to but I buzzed /dray and sang, ' me if you can," CHA.PTER XVI. ! At detective headquarters, the miss-- where the individual muet be willing oft' in a corner and slept an winter, - • • ' When the snow was gone and it was If red or blue or yellow!" AUTO SPARE PARTS for most, ioenee an'd models Olf curs. Your glee brotten or worn-out parts replaced. 'write or wire us describ- ing Avat you want. We carry the largeed: and Inost complete stoolt in caoadrt eukttly used or new parts and automobile equipment, wo ship c.o.o, anywhere in Canada. setis- facto/7 or refund in flail our motto. Enntwa Auto Salvage Part annvlyt 023-S3 DUlferirk ta.OrOnte. Ont. A RenflielieCeLaCe. How often, round old Jerry's knees, We boys have sat contented, .1 SEAL OF ,SECRECY - 11:707 DW BAIRD. at last. "I shot „Judge Blackburn!' I and scolded, coerced or deprived of ' • ling details -were speedily cleared uP. to give lap many of his wtesonal lig Its xii uttet....eister, hae ne retu dt te 0/ rne o h ' for the eood of the whole. warm I went to the cupboard to see vat then Qehel who wes -wee tl• an z s............‘,. "I3Oys, if you could have seen the i,tvaiee a,' rar awr,:y? BA.uckburn home, WEIS arrest -ed, and ee,„ is Ineause of the apjlem oe a if I could find. siomething to eat. I aaclath i h narstin:It' eigalliaant aluat.tion, Quinn walked eclaiesett he. too' //lade a "Inigetei want to lay stress on the fact that 'eh"' Pea ty n`e That (low') tee road went clashing! tfifeng Hat e _ __It....e21 t;it..,ot ii.egsaurnb,a..egeecrote heap and The Verdict. : With ills attentlon coneentrated on Al -hen -0.,. ,., .s • L -,-,- , e • 1., t 13 that 11"- conaederate had meenei for advice, teat once more 1 Ih'inil c t'Ati3 'v't.::.: Nt-4've 4!utv!$(`'l F.kbw:7C ilat'lt along the siaewalk toward cenren. e,nce 4 played on a taole with scene And NellY lil5' a"nassing all, wore1rilt:::). Irt,..r'' t -IW hraAhltril laellie, Suddenly he Both Stentermeister and his accomet this diseipline must begin with the S ow in their !twee splasbiree!" .. teamed in a Jedge Blaeltburn had sentenced to a six weeks, old he can learn, and often eager to serve tho. ireas, red I. te e U. Zettermeister, of my friende. All at once a girl came and hit at us with a fly swat. I got Now he le gone, trotain my dream , way but some of my friends were Od Jerry etill disemarses, killed. Then I went to another house, ...weert Nob, eomos down the read The air is full a' homes!" One For Copernieus to Answer. A young alall borne from college telexed; to inspire 1113 little sirtor with - awOfor his learning. Accordingly, Judge illecatierar ; ing the murder, the accomplice had needs but not large enough to hire Keeping the Baby Ceita. he pointed to a star awl .e Bugle ent for then, CRAFTER XIV. Yen see that brIgirt little star? Its ahldtre earl eauretael leet. elehatath Quinn Finds the Murderer. the rear room by way of the attic, "44 art(1 she e" net get any help Throw away the feather • bigger than the; whole world! ' reeerte'riie.:*. reelled Qainn. "The clinibed upon the roof, descended to e lthein a pegs,' mattera-arel 1 left; Zattermeletcr, With the 'furtive air and was spirited away by ?Atter/. from any 0 the three ehildren, The Feathers ceok his laaelt. Use alett it isne s- tilashe.1 ;to; ,topriA enrn,-..02119.4 alree,ett. beheld, Piteie were friends of the men whom baby's first cry. Before the child is federal penitentiary, and for that they does, that he en n get hat he wants the pulaite !here wee a pereeptiolc. • !teas!, .se(x,ea. and Al e.-rmg a cap, A stir au:mtg. the lurk -Ts. A bliZa Of Vmcztrcti frem a side deer of the house had. plotted to slay the judge, Seour- by erying for it.. And Heaven help nee.,,e T fl. , ,,,,,,,,,ak.,„ a ho, 1 vomment net* i art,,iata .0.„, reene, aro eeee eareeay 9eannir.ts bee en„ ing employment in the latter's home, the child and the household where the d''''' 4 "4" - -4' ---"" - — of Miss Blackburn's note -Paper and e 1 ear I 1 ed 1 , leeree and peatetieee this watched Wm until it was done, Thee The amazien. 91 '1 enexpe,ged eon- v.rernaent, his attitude aenoting a Zutterme.ster bad purloined a sheet fession, ermine Late a thantierbet fear of being watched. . eystem. 1 ceept in; I could not get out, Later from a June • kr. had startled evere- Peering around the tree, Quinn ,a,w` written the anonymeue letter. Then, _ they took my friends and myself out , eie twee further to direct S45Picion her way, The mother 'who just now wants leely. Ae the exci.,ernent snip-lit:N.1 him, sal the eap lewer on and killed Us—A Schotatboy's Campo - the e, roue. with an etthirt t ) eeneeal end make off down the street, Quinn he bad hidden his aecomplice in her help is a widow with three children, tecee ' his eeea ;:,tr.vt:ssi-;ntnt. :..-4.4.,:li: roe:owe-a bine • sitting -room so that he might -commit thirteen, eleven, and six years M. a".""" , "WE! van ter. ee why yoa ittneti1 the crime with her revolver. Follow- She has an ineom the -eel iy. eerting a t,' -.: ine against / of ere who :ears pursuit, boarded a meieter while Quian was searching for girl, thirteen years old, will not wash pillows fined with -moss, hair, finely- .; - : • ,,' / ' 1,, - 14• les, it is, e' el the young te a11, - him. (Iii the teat e n 1 ,vvr,f,,i :, m: -.et e:x t4.1; the next coreer. Quinn, him. the. dishes, will not even lay the tatee chopped straw or corn husks. leglau. Mise Medea:. ;de sin eg reem ana I.e.:az-Ilea' not far beh:nd, bailed a, . . With both eonfessions made and iner elear it away, and needless to say beep baby ht thin shht and nalikill .. "Then I wish you'd tell me wily it 0 ,nr en tbe front seat be,side thedon't heel) off .31e rain?" was the <pre 1 h., r• v 4''' ." "r —v ro ket Pa' - • , ,t. — ...r.. .. .... ;:. . - —,- '''''h34$ 84 t3ie 1- a,e nas o si ned—with the seal of eeeree.y the boys wM not do any such "girl's 01111. V. biLle -;;Ie v. a pi% 1•A adtte. Then, in- broken at last—Quinn walked to the worlz,** 'rile mother pi ' 1"t the children talk ;Irenedefnildlyaintos th;r', *teed a 'Iti-liv :mg ty,,, Lou..? :.zs sbe pap. eel/Otter, Quint: kept the car in sight telephone, and called up the city edam, pate,1 I d: 1. I went nada upstaies to ae it hewled note:Ze through the erose- ef The Star and gave him the "story." call her names and do nothing but play *be jutigeae study. He wea" eating ue tov r9. strecte. When Zutte.rmeieter And then. notwithstanding the late- 1,-- 1 e' I air ell 'le eutre He *u -p- Q"Agitted et a dm* corner far out on ness. of the hour, he te.ephoned to and beg for Malley, not alone beg for tif nrel leeked az rev—and I shot him." •4.'w Waat Sale of the eity, arid etrode Mar10r4- . The coroner held up the sheet of aaP:dily off into the shadow, Quinn (The End.) blue note -paper. "What about this?". si"ng to the ground. wrote d. i--------------------uin1" ' rd The i e Example of Nehemah. tc ooheI 'Come on!" he said ..elow did you , peoeuee ads par.- a matter of life and to theehaufree death. liurryll Margaret Was in a peck of other age will not obey and will not help tieuIar s.ort -of wrieing-eaper?" , But the chauffeur hesitated. , people's troubles. She had been at- their mother the trouble is mostly Easily eriougli. I reeeetly received' "Not sea few" he said dubiously. "I' tending Some meetings of, the church with the mother. Somewhere along a communication Irma Ws' Black- ath't•1-'0 sure 1 like—" . social service committee, and the sor- the line she has fallen dawn, and fal- b.an. 'written en her private Ptat'on. "Yeu won't lose by it! ' urged, and there is not the cry. mei I renzoeed one-half of the' Quanta impatiently. "You'll be. well: rw.s ei As esuel she fled to Miss Nairn. least use beating the children now of the world were weighing on len down hard, enteteneer and wrote en that." ' f Fazd. Just to show you Pin on the• "--n . 4 ' eneee you vow reasen et parteteatr, eimare, here's $10 in advaneet—andi Mies Nairn heard her out with in If a girl of thirteen already as tall as Mr. Qoinn, f'or makites title eon- : he handed a ten -dollar bill to the: sYmpathetie smile. Miss Nairn was her mother, refuses to work, she can fee:tient '' ' ••hauffeer, ile pocketed it and climb -1 never too busy or too full of her own t not be eured by a display of temper pr,t, 1 • , , ' , . ve, , . /bat 1 elleuldah like eu reluctantly (mai iron/ las seat. ; thoughts to let you "pour it all aut."; end brute strength -on the part of the to eee men inne:ent Penten illeele1 Several Weeks away, they dieeerned! "And now," Mgrgaret pparting Marpr dlapind himtheysanh finished,' mother. It was some time before 1 ae,1.1.;cd." The tbys:kln ttin ib; Rhh .Zutterraelster harreing on ahead with' rtntr. throwing cut her hands in a geature of i asmad . I scarcely know the naotherbut rr.rdoorway, gat at the root 11ef the trouble, aprcarel the lIniiii sidesMaintaining a desPair, , ly , ..0ie. laezreet istanee , "what in the world can T da- `lanirder win out" and in the end the who was still very pale end visibly. hire enter a dark alley beside a twe- f . about it? Everywhere people are suf- t it but demand it, and in the end get it. The adds that she beats thent until she is Ashamed, but it does no good. Of Course, On the face of it, one says at once that if children of that ..7' •;,- - • se . - -,- - r d needing hel It's so clis- truth came out here. The children did I a erme an . e p. edngl What is anybody going not mind, because from 'their earliest felifering. etegay frame building, the lower floor, ....leen aieeihearte, etee ee. ...bee e, w.h was et, p.ed by a grocery courae. . ir elm F.*/ prefer." C,,:,:"..r.n. leatii te.. the wee. into the "The only thing I can think of/"i wanted by screaming for it if they ; to do witb only one pair of hands? . . 1 th deys they had always got what they "Thank you, Meet Blagent /ea ;11ey. etZlle triton a enkety staircase. . . answered Miss Nairn "is to follow; screamed, long. enough. The mother is , I wonder sometimes as I pass atecst•ory new, I thinle Mr. teelan a tr:VVY emrvin the I'Ll(linf're and a hasty the example of Nehemiah." 2 A hem that his fellow , . If they approve of me. . 17,-.0: cl:,rfInt? •, "tall. it Wi:: AW.:',.KY I (Pia tempered and impatient. She nen etet,ndea ' "Nehemiah? Why, he was an old' does not ecntrol herself, naturally she I give them greeting niglii and morn ti the upper finer. He , eneetee here ee.: -Yon wait , here. I'm going, up-; "Yes." Mies Nairn smiled in spi i It came about over -the movies. The 'teI like to think they answer, too, • • 't he 9" can nat control her cbildren et:titre:* With that benign eseeranee born line, and her flighteeed blue eyes 1 of, herself. "One of those old Jews, eleven -year-old -wanted to go every 'When youth gives age the reverente Dip baby in a cool bath thece or glum/alma rejoinder. four times on a hot day to cool him., Keep him out of doors, day and Leep Miiiard's Liniment in the house. night. Build him a fly and moseuito proof crib and play pen. Trains fargle to Carry Flanes. The hotter the day, the less food English retie eys have special types your child can digest. of cars to carry airplanes. If he el•les, try a driult of cool boiled water. He is doubtless thirsty •and cannot ask for it. Prickly heat is a sign baby has been kept too warm, 0:4 • • • The Poplars. My.poplars are like ladles trim. Each conscious of her own estate; In costume somewhat ovetaprim, In manner ceedialla eedate, Line two old neighbors niet to chat Beside my garden gate. My stately old aristocrats -- 1 faney still their tolls must be Of rose reserves and Persian eats, And lavender and Indian tea; • lias just von:est:ell that he jeten unaie." whieecrea te cliauffeur: due, tamed upon Quinn., /aid he seee ' ehater te earefUl, boss. You got lvhose stories Were Written down for evening, and he does. It always works s them not only dteafounded fear bet_ a gun?* And bend their wise heads aI go ° our help and instruction. Nehemiah'st this way: '• f Sh 14 - l'eee h. "Itlen bet I have two fists, said problem seems to me very ranch worse "Mother, want 'ten cents for the .As 0011 rteous ladies do elain her uncle! iler oyes. slowly re- Q17;3111* his foot on the lower step. than yours, but that doesn't prevent tamed to the eoraecr. She was "-Hide yo-arself here and keep both', his example being of use to you." trerablime from head to feet. eyes oten. If he comes down, follow: ehe exclaimed in a horrified nine Reeort to me at deteetive head -1 "What was his 's problem?" "To rebuild a ruined city in the face QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Kingston, - Ont. ARTS rs t of the arts coIll luny be ceverrq 4.orrespondeus.te SCII001, GOMMEnCE BANKING MEDICZNE EDUCATION hulling, Chemical, Civil, Mechanical( end Electrical ENGINEERING MTV, SWUM; NAVIGATICII pay and August December to April MICR KING, Acting itegitttur 1.1111110101MIRMSC•10 • COARSE SALT ,LAND SALT Bulk Carlots " TORONTO SALT WORKS C. CLIFF TORONTO movies." "You can't go to -night. You went, Long may' you„ stauti before my door 1_,.. last night." Oh, kindly neighbors gerbed in , green. vo ce, berely louder then a whieper. . e.- e ,-- ; "1 am going." , ./1...nd bend 'with rustling welcome o'er 'He was tot telling. the truth. He strad ! - bleareet, cautiously, the young nume of powerful opposition with the aid "You re not going to do any such t The many bat only. le an effort to eeeet teme.. ' . elanbed thni e etamin steps. At the top of a small band of patriots. Conditions a thing. You can't go every night." te een, . friends -who pegs be It wee 1 v..1110 killed lanele Refuel" :landing wee a doGr anti, beyond this, were so had that people said, Will "I am, too, going, and I want the ; The .1ury returesd the orile vezdiet ' a winAve:. A light shone through the . , they revIve the stones out of the heaps money right off." And v,here the little childrea play e. 1-3.av.ng: Mari the mai:1-, win:low. Wn When Quin peeped into the of the rubbiir. sh that have been berned?' "I haven't got any or,ey." Look down with gracious mien. serrant testify that she h.ad admitted, rocm through the discolerecl pane of Quinn to the houe...e after the merder.1 glees he might h:s breath in a. sud- Jerusalem was literally in" rubbish." "You have so and if you don't get' P 1 ereoner, tonsidered the nossihilitv of i He refdized—and wondered that he "He built it up. The third chapter purse." . In Florida there is always a ready feticide, and decideti that Judge Black-, hadn't suspected it earlier—who had ef his history is full of the names of `"Why, you bad boy, shut up your market for baby alligatora. They are teen had met his death at the hande killed Jutig-e Blackburn. sold to tourists for pets, alive, or of an unknown assailant. And they , reteramended that Dougles Qunn and littejorie Blackburn be held. _ it right away steal it out of your Hatching Alligator Eggs. the jurors visited the study with the 1 dah gasp of amazement. "What did he do?" the builders, and again and again sig- noise, Now you shan't go. nificant little phrases, 'over against "I shall, too, you Old —" their house.' by his house,' 'everyone Here the mother bursts into tears, CHAPTER XIII: CHAPTER XV. The Confession of Guilt. It was an uncommonly dark night, sometimes stuffed for curios. . The only way to get them in quan- over against his house,' and even boxes the boy's ears, and gives him tity is to at up, alligator nests, which 'over against his chamber,' appear. the money. .Similar scenes take place are found usually on the' sandy banks "I've thought of it so often, Mar- with the other children' over every- of streams, take the eggs` and hatch and the email landing was shrouded 'over against their own houses! thine,e iinaginable. They get beaten, them artificially:, - Quinn Turns Detective. blackness. Quinn crouched down Beautiful Women of Society, during the past seventy years have relied upon it forlheir distia.. guisbed appearance. Tile soft, refined, pearly white complexion' it renders instantly, is always the source of flattering comment. garet, If peo.ple would take that as a motto, yes, to an extent that better laehailed This , cart be done in rather mime. The thing that stood gloriously behind a metal garbage -pail and wait-. forth in Quinn's mind was that mar- ed. Goon the door opened and Defter- how it would.help! amuse me children time. nothing about. ,b . Of • th •1 -Bet tive fashion by burying he eggs in ' ' believing, him a murderer, had meistee came, out. . must always be people to go afield, they ,are not disciplined. They know boxes of moist sand and. exposing the offered to sacrifice hereelf for him. He Quinn did not sta• till he was sure people who have a 'call' to do so and that they can.always get their way, boxes to sunshine on a roof. . jor.e, assured himself that she was as inno- that Zuttermeister had reached the the leisure to obey. But suppose that and so they are corning up lazy, saucy, Experience has proved, however, cent as he. He hadn't forgotten, nor street. He then stepped to the door time the rest of 'us, who haven't me old, disagreeable and with criminal tenden- that an ordinary chicken incubator would he soon forget, the look in her and tried the knob. The door was strength to spare for that sort of ciei. Yet they come _of a good family, serees tb_e purpose better, temperature • ' • - • k • e t a • 'n the fashion of take the highest rriarks in school d d tlcondition s being perfectly , an an o ter . eyer, when she was told he had con- locked. He rapped thrice on the panel. wor jus. s al in, i feesed. That look declared—to him, Agnoet mule late y t .e door was at least --her innocence. And he meant opened. Quinn shoved his way inside, Neheinlah's helpers, 'over against our to prove this innocence to the world. closed the door behind him, and stood own houses.' Surely lit's our trst duty On the following night, therefore with his back to it. The room WEIS to build up the broken walls that we (his bond having been satisfactorily small and shabbily furnished, and the -can see from our own windows. Do aeranged), he returned unperceived to only illumination was supplied by a the Blackburn home, his mind fully flickering gas jet above a broken set on at least two definite points. wash -stand. First, he serreptitiously measueed the The trampish man who had opened. distance from the house t� the garage the door was of small -stature, and his in the rear: Next he determined, with bearded face was excessively wrinkled. a fair degree of accuracy, the distance Two fingere were Missing from his from the bailee to the spot where he right hand. There was no doubt that was when he heard the two revolver he was the unwholesome -looking per - shots. Less than 100 feet separated son whom Quinn and Marjorie had the garage from the house, while the seen watching them, through the lib - other distance was twice as far. And jrary window on that memorable after - yet Zuttermeister, according ,to his noore test:monY, had not reached: the house 'The man had opened the door on until seVe.ral minutes after Quinn had the supPosition that Zuttermeister had reached it. I returued and he now shrank 13ack, Zutrineister had saicl, ethe • ereiring 1-aei arm son -ort, o out, that he 1 re -teat -xi lalie 'con-vase-Crwlth fear'. " ryas in the garage, or no feet from! "Wbat d'you want here ?",, he the house, when the shots were red!Ilcroaked. and that he bad rushed forthwith to "I want you," iaid Quinn; aclvanc- the house and upstairs to the judge's hg. "You might just as well tome study. Why, then, had it taken him iteacefully and ;save nourself a let of you see what I mean? - Margaret nodded. "Yes, Ido. More than you realize, perhaps," she said. just foand out to -day that one .of father's tenants is being helped by a charity organization soeiety. That's my wall, isn't it? And our laurtdress has a little lame boy," she added thoughtfully. "I can see quite a good many holes in the wall right `over aga:nst my chamber.' Though it's not very spectacular, I suppose I'd better stop those up before I go down to offer a hand in the publie jugs " Frighten .Fish. Fisher/pen in Siam use boats with low, sloping sides, painted 0 white, which frighten fish so that they leap to everyone 'but their own mother are controllable. uniformly Polae.- The babies, under natural condi- It is highly important that we have tions, emerge from the sandbank and healthy children, but even more im- find their way as quickly as possible portant is it that we have industrious, into the water. But pelicans, skunks obedient ones. They must be trained: and other enemies are on the watch to from their earliest days to subMit to i pick them up and the mortality ,fs just laws, and above' all to world Arid; large. - first and most important of all they1 After the first- year or tvvo of life must learn they ean not get their own' they' have virtually 'no .foes to fear ex - way by tieing out the mother's pa- eept man. They grow very elowly and tier.ce. It is highly necessary for her, it is likely that aeNveivedoot spectmen to make a thoughtful decision and' maY be a couple Of centuries old. then stick to it. Let no amount of teasing prevail upon her to change her mind, for teasing so easily. changes to whining, then to impudence and later to dieehedienee. And d'.g b nea of the French "Poilu" as a little ente to law is the most iinporlaiiVes- man Is without foundation son the child can learn. Everything • • • ' In 1911 the ministry 'Skii`is the aver - depends upon it, even health for • age height of the 288,437 consicripts who presented themselves for service wa.,s 5 feet 51/2 it'10.es. W4 only 1883 Men of 5 feet or qess N,Tere -passed for service, though aehthe war went on, this numfter ir0veitsed. "Poile Not a Little Maii. The .Irrench ministry of war publish- es, figures showing hat the traditional feet health is secured only by obeying nature's ;laws. There can be nei•ther health nor happiness without. alai- .. -trouble. Zutterroefster has squealed. Over the_ sides of the craft into. the ence. MIA ORDER NOW The D. PIKE CO., Limited, 23 King St. East, • TORONTO ' "Squealed!" The tranwts tremblingnets. hand eneouetered the wash -stand, and - ._____, confessions of a Fly. he aestga tbeete...ear. his face, contorted - with hatred- and "Sure!" replied Quinn. "We "tabbed during the mosquitoes which infest Greenland I am a fly. I was hatched with . summer are , larger and about one hundred and twenty other - him as he left this room a moment more ferocioug than the mosquitoes of eggs in a horse stable in the manure. ago. My meu are holding him down_ the temperate .zoneS. After twenty-four hours I hatched stairs now. He made a. complete coat I from my tlny white egg and became, a fession—" MI/lard's 'Linirrient dsed by Physicians. pupa. In a few days I was a fly and s. . ea. !Why didn't you send' your man to mend, my 'electric' door -hell as you promised?". "He did go, madam; but as he rang threetin-lea end got no ansWer he concluded that there was nobody 'at -ho -me." Bois Lobe; Usaprelado Gloves Overalls & Shirts bad° ' Bob Long Says:— "My overnlls and sbirls are roomy endreemfastable, and made e5Pft. ciHy for farmers. I desig.ued them. 'with the idea that you might want to stretch your arms and legs occasionally," will outwear any cater make of ' Giove op the market, becanse they are merle by,skilled work. men from the strongest glnYe leather obtaintible. Insist on getting Bob Lonfi Brands from your clealar-- they will 'save, you money R. -G. /-_,ONGI.: Co.,jLjmited Winnipeg TORONTO- iVionn.ent BOB LONG BRANDS Known from Coast to Coact A..14,G••49....1."