HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-6-3, Page 1T.
14 lean is both bad and worthless
t13ere isiet -much hope for him.
A mu occaslopelly complains of his
lack of memory but ,never of his lack
f knowladge.
There is a proposal to make the
t enn of the Methodist ministers five
years instead pf four.
Was ever thing more beautiful than
the blossom art the fruit trees? The
, fruit trees of ail kinds are one mass
of bloem
The dollar buys only about 45 cents'
worth of ,stafe just,p.OW, but the Cleve-
land Plain Dealer points out that
Mien it is sated and Invested it draws
interest at 100 cants:
The Ontario ,Government bas made
it possible for smaller munepfpalitips
to pay 'their councillors at the nee
of not more than $5 a day, Good-bye
to ,-th.e job now for the mere "honor"
of the thing.
The very best way for the average
citizen to go about bringing dawn, the
cost of living as faa as hie table is
concerned, is to see that every square
root of that back gardea is growing
something for Ids family to eat.
Peoele in the country who Re anr
noyed by flies should remember that
clusters pf the fragrant elovar which
grows abundantly be nearly every
reeelsitle. if hung in the xcem and lett
ta dry teed shed faint fragraut per-
fume through ;the air, will drive away
more flies than sticky saucers of mol-
asses and other fly-trapsa.nd fly pa-
pers can ever collect.
At the June session of the Huron
County Council, the good xoad by-law
promisee- to be an important issue.
Some $125,000 is being spent this year
throughout the eounty, neich of it be-
ing <Wee on the Lake Shore road from,
boundary to boundary, also the Lo. -
rd from Wingham to Exeter.
In fact all the main roads are being,
araded. Considerable difficulty is be-
ing experienced in getting capable
men, to oversee this work.
Correspondents will please get the
budgets of ineeas to The Advocate of -
not later than. Tuesday, and we
trope always on Tuesday morning. It
is necessary iso that the half holiday
be observed on Wednesday for t he
summer months.
Mae 81a
Seaforth teani dropping out it be-
came necessary to make a new ecbed-
ule, which tallow's,
May 24-Zertell at Goolerech
May 31-Creditonat Goderich
Zurich at Clintoa
June 3-Goderieb at Zurleh.
Clinton at Creditors
June 7 -Clinton :at- Zurich
June 9-Go1erich Crediton.
June 10 -Crediton at Clinton
June 14 Goderieh at Clinton'
Zurich At Crediton
June 16 -Clinton at Gotlerich
June 17 -Crediton at Zurich
June 21 -Zurich it Clinton.
Goderich at Crediton
June 24 -Clinton, gt. Zurich
Crediton et Goderich
June 28-Zurch et Goderi,eh
Clinton at Creditoa
Jule 5-Creditor,.ttZerieh
Clinton at Goderieh
July 8--Zur1ch est Crediton
July 9-Goderich ncbp.too
July 12 -Zurich at Godeeieh
July 15 -Crediton at Clinton,
Jule 20--Zurieh at c-Natop. -
July 21-Clinteaat GoderIch
July 23-Gederich t Crecleton
Crediton t Zerieh
July 28-Goderice at Zurich
Aug. 2 --Zurich at Clinton
Aug. 4-Goderich at Crediton
Aug 5 -Clinton let Zurich
Aug. 10-Creeliton at Claxton
Aug 12-Gederich at Zwiele
Aug. 13-Clintont ot Crediton
Aug 19 -Crediton at Goderich
This will make 36 genies in all -nine
games at home and niae. games away
to each teem. •
Cliaton plays a League game at
Crediton oa June, 3rd, at the morning.
Exeter Council
Exeter, May 25th, 1920
Tbe municipal council Piet in reg-
ular session on above date with all
members present. The minutes ot the
meeting held May 10th were read Senior. Honors—Marion Bissett
and approved.
Correspondence was read as foie
Letter from H. Strang, Clerk at
Usborne Township re owners of Iota
.No, 23, 22 and 23 in the last conces-
sion of Usborne and copy of resolu-
tion as to the collecting of school
rate. The letter was referred to the
Board of Education on, motion et
Perchale and Elston.
Letter trom the nitre Elected
atalletay Association of Ontario re
annual dues. Filed.
.A. letter and copy of resolution
from the mayor of Galt, re tax on
autos. Filed.
A circular letter from the Mini-
ster of the Interior departmeat, Ot-
tawa, re the protection of birds. In
this connection one-half of any pen-
alty imposed is payable to any per-
son, other than a game officer who -
lays information under the act.
Mr. S. M. Sanders addressed the
council re paving of Wellington St.
from Main $C to the G.T.R. tracks.
Per Penhale and Davis—That if
the committee having in charge the
furthering of a pavement for Wel-
lington street can secure subscrip-
tions 'to the amount of $5,000, the
Council will submit a by-law to tie
citizens for the approval for the bale
an.ce of cost. Estimated cost $10,-
000. Amendment by Councillor Ward
—That if $4,000 can be secured by
subscription, the Council submit a Class 4. Jr. 2nd.- Honors• -•--Clare
byelaw for the balance. No seconder.
The motion yeas declared carried. ence Boyle 80; Catherine Woods 76;
Pass—Stanley Walter 74; Sydney
Mrs. Saxoia. Fitton addressed the West 68.
Class 3, Jr. 2nd. Honors—Greta
Bloomfield 91; Gladys Hankin 86;
Russell Snell 86; Verne Brimacombe
83; Billy Balkwill 81; Cecil Laing
81; Harold McDonald 80,
Class 2, Sr. 1st. Honors—Ruth
Council meet incidental -
expenses Collingwood 89; Billy. Nelson 85;
for three weeks. Carried. Gerald Skinner 77,
The following letter was laid on Class 1, Sr. 1st. Honors—Kath-
the table by Reeve 'Beavers and dis-- leen Reid 86;. Lois Statham 83;
Violet Gambrill 79, Pass—Harold
"In pursuance -of your further iBeaver 63'
No on roll 37; average attendance
quiry with repect to the provincial en.
R Rowe, teacher
grant to a pavement through Exeter "- .
we would advise that a subsidy on
a width of twenty feet will be au- ROOM V.
:veep -
thorized if this width is considered Class 5. Honors—Charlie, Lodder
91; Gretta Little 84; Kenneth Vale
necessary by the county authorities. 75. Pass—Ila. Whyte 60.
Class 4. Honors—Margaret Mare
W. A. McLean tin 85;
Grace Christie 84; Gladys
tage and salary 48.66.
Adjournment by Davis.
Jos. Senior, Clarets
Exeter, May .28, 1920,
Special meeting of the council
called by the Reeve. Absent Coun-
cillor Davis.
A petition from rate-PeYers along
Main street between Sanders and
Ann streets regarding the doing
away with curbing and extending
the concrete pavement nearer to the
sidewalk was read and discussed.
No action,
Jos, Senior, Clerk.
School Report
Sr. 4th. Honors—Kenneth Stan -
bury 87; Ruth Audrew 83; Irene
Stewart 83; Muriel 13issett 83; Lilia
M. Snell 82; Ruby Creech 82; Fred
Heitman 80; Nellie Medd 79; Grant
Sanders 79. Peas—Idabel Walker
73; Marion Woods 72; Helen Dignan.
71: Ethel Houlden 70; Ronald Wit-
wer 70; Mary Nelson 69; Ruby
Davis 65.
Jr. 4th. Honors—Vivian Colling-
weed 83; Grant Collingwood a3;
1flaIettatz 79; Dorothy Seen 78:
Pass—George Beavers 73; May Ab-
bott 72: Francis Abbott 70; Amelia
Acheson 68; Charlie Acheson 68;
Acheson 68; Charlie Acheson 63;
Verne Roulston 67; Oswald Brown
67; Florence Walters 66; Charlie
Gladman 64: Wanda. von Waseinsei
63; Bertruni Gardiner 61; Clifford
Webster 61; Aijoe Sanders 60; Hel-
en Wethey 69.
No. enrolled $5; average attend-.
nee 33. M. A. Horton,
Yes, we sell. Raencoats, guaranteed
to protect you inisnow, sleet, raise and
storm. It is acreall weather - proof
garment that will glve you long and
satisfactory everyday service. Get
your quality ghirts, underwear, neck-,
wear,olosiery,.etc e thi sable
SUITS ...... $20 to. $40.
OVERCOATS $E0 to $35
• . • ,
RAINCOATS $15 to $30
81; Margaret Johns 80; .Jautes Pen.
rice 78; Mildred Murphy 77; Her-
man Gower 76. Pass—Harold Mete
74; Harold Nelson 70; Susie Reeder
67; Walter Spencer 67; Margaret
Harness 65; Elsa Hankin 65; Hazel
Sanders 65; Robert Gambrill 64;
Reta Elworthy 63.
Junior. Honors—Marjorie Clark
80; Frank Creech 78; Greta Brock
77; Hugh Creech 15, Pass— Edam
Russell 73; Eugene Howey 69; Fiore
rie West 67; Wallace Makins 66;
John Kuntz 85.
No. on roll 33; •average attend-
ance 30,
J. S. Murray, teacher,
Sr. 2nd. Honors—Wm. Lodder 92;
Marjory Medd. 87; Russell Brock 86;
Vera McDonald 85; Nona Reeder
82; Edward. Taman 80; Marvin
Howey 78; Pass —Muriel Howald
73; Clifford. Hutchison 73; Jack
Gambrill 69; Wanetta Nelson 65.
jr. 2nd, Honors—Vera, Mooney
80; Harold Skinner 80; Donald
Gladnian 78; Alvin Passmore 76;
Hilton Laing 75. Pass—jennie Pass-
more 74; Harry Jennings '73; Baden
Rowel 68; Orval. Beavers 68; Myrtle
Beavers 64.
No. enrolled 36; average attend-
ance 29.3,
H. M. Kinsman, teacher
Coundil re the care of Mr. Robin-
son who was injured at the Salt
Block. Messrs. Carling and Coates
regarding the, same case offered to
pay $5.00 a day for a period of two
Per Elston and Davis—That the
• Department of Public Highways Hutchison 83; Helen penhale 82;
Penhale and Eiston----That the ap- Madeline Stewart 81. Pass—Mable
proval of a 20 -foot pavement be se- Snell '73; Jean Sheere 68; Edith
cured if possible from the county Kestle 64; Forbes Chapman 60.
officials. Carried Class 3, Honors—Mary Cann 90;
The followiag accounts were read, Margaret Etherington 84; Raymond
having been passed by the Finance Pryde 84; A•Imer Huukin 82;' Flor-
Committee; - ence Brack 78. Pass—Helen Hey -
W. Andrew, stock tonic for horses wood 73; Thelma Baker 64.
'6.00; Kenneth Ford, labor at cern- Class 2.. Pass—John Paine 73;
etery $46.50; 8. M. Sanders, treas., Harold Snell 68.
relief cora. 9.25; Asa Penhale, hay Class 1. Honors—Wallace Seldon
and oats, horsefeed, $40.05; Rich. 86; Helen Stanbury 84; Harry Cole
Quance, labor, 21.00; W, Westcott, 83; Vera Kestle 80; David Neetell
doa 12 50; John Parsons do '8; Jean Penhale 75. Pass—Flor
. .7 • 17 50; 7
James Parson, do., 15.75; Thomas eitee Cornish t73;• Chester Cornish
Welsh, do., 24.15; Wm. Creech 5.00;
aohn Worry, do., 1a.25; John Mor-
ley 5.25; D, Russell, Sr., 6.26; Geo.
Hackeey 3•75; Thos. Houlden 5.50;
W. J. 13issett, part salary and road
Tailor&Furnisher are, horse feed and barn rent 91,50e LUCAN RACES June 23-$900,00in
Taman construction 79.00 ; j. Ford, part
11. salary 62.50; Robt. Luker, part sal-
76`:''kildred Collingwood 69; Teddy
Wethey 67; Viola Skinner .65.
No. enrolled 41; average attend
ance 35.
0. M. Taylor, teacher.
J Senior blue print telephon.e pose purses. Big field of hterses zesured•
Local News
LaTCAN' RACES June 23-$9e0.0 in
pursee Big field toe horses aseured.
Mr Tho,, Sanders, we are released
to state, is now showing' signs of im-
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
will hold its animal picnic en Tuesday,
June 15th on. the eburch grounds.,
Goad sports of all kinds for old and
young. From 4 ta 8 a splendid sup-
per will be served in the basrement.
Admissior. to the. grounds tree, Meal
tickets 50e.
Mr mtd aim 0, W. Graybell and
Miss Beatrice of Toronto are Nisi -t
ine; their parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. W.
Graybell-Mr. Geo. Koeh is buy with
a gang erecting, a cottage on cne of
his jots at Grand Benet-Mr. D. Te -
and family spent Sunday 'a Thed-
forti.-Tbe Joeal ereartiery nae a fine
new truck icin the route now.- Last
Friday eventing the members of the
Evangelical Y.P.A. spent a Ideesant
an:; profitable evening M. the tase
tnent of the church, It was tt tee let-
ter day enc.: which will be long re•
membered and cherished. The Zur:ch
Y.P.A. motored over and aV2 us a
rich musical treat under tee topable
leeiersbip 121 ;Miss E. Renee. els. IL
Pfile ably the ebalts The lkish
%yawl Al/lance furnished a social en
iertainment and lunch.. -Mr. end alre.
I-1. Englaed, Mr. and Mrs. S. Earjand
and '1rW. Devine attended the fun
eral oi the /eta Mrs, Bean et Byron
;ea Su ay. -Mr. Alfred Zimmer and
seamen of Detroit motortel over end
- neat Suneay with the former's par
eats. -Mr. :net 'Mrs. W. J. Tough of
Stanby visited wlth Mr. and Mrs. How
aril on aloaday.-Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc.
harmieh of Bridgebury attended the
funeral of the late Mrs. Walper Sat-
urday. -Mr. and Mrs, G. S. Howard,
Niles Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Delgaty ,spent Saturday in Hensel -
Mr. and Mr ere Seth Brown. of Exeter
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. finall.-Mr. Wilfrid Koch
of Detroit visited his parents over
the week end.
There _passed away on. Tbursday,
May 27th, the wife of Conrad Walper
of this velage. Deceased had re..ched
a goal age mei leaves besides her
husband. a son end a daughter, both
of witon are married, The remains
were interred in the Lutheran cern-
tery on Saturday afternoon, Services
were held in, the church by the pas-
tor, Rev Gratipner,
On Friday, May 28, the death occur.
rod of the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Richard Baker. The child hved
but a few hours.
Colbert -In Biddulph, on May 28th,
to Mr and Mrs. Myron Colbert, a
Simmens-lainsdale-At liensall, on
May 29th, Fred Simmons, to Alda,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dins -
dale of leenoelL
Southcott-May-In. Usborne, at the
home of the bride's ,parents, on June
2nd, Jelin Melvin Southcott of Ex-
eter to Florence Alma, daughter of
Mr, and ;Mrs, Joseph May.
Klienfeldt-Brown-At the Main St,
Methodist parsonage, on June Z. by
Rev, Dr. Mead, Roland Kletrifeldt,
son of Mr. and Mast John leleinfeidt
,of Hibbert, formerly of Usborne, to
'Miss Laurette Brown, daughter ot
Mr, and Mrs. Seth Brawn of Use
eleunteastle-In Dundalk, on May 22,
Edmond .Mountca•stle, formerly of
Clinton aged 19 years.
Zurich on May 31st, Mrs.
Herman Well agea 67 years.
by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. Strictly confidential; no witness.
of ,meat that comes from our shop,
vou are never disappointed at the
appearance of ite Itie always red
tender, fresh looking and ',juicy- al-
ways palatable and wholesome, no
matter whet cut or kind of meat .it
may be For this is the quality meat
'sheep of Exeter.
B. Makins
where euality is higher than price,
' • , . • ,
, • ' , ,
. • , . • .
. „ .
Under the auspices of Creditoa Amateur Athletic Association teree err
be a Big Celebratioa of the King's Birthday on Thursday, June 3rd
Calithumpian Parade
9 a.m. - Bands, Floats, Decorated Automobiles, School Children, le'cre
League Baseball
U,15 a.m. and 4 s.m. - Clinton and treditott -League Baseball 'Teens.
Liberal Prizes will be ,givesa,
Athletic Sports
2 ;ern. - ,A fine list of Sports for whieli suitable prizes will be ;,,,weeted„.
Do not miss the Barrel Fieht. Beooeln 'Ascension
Concert in Town Hall.
p.rn. - Imperial Male Quartette ot Loneioa, and also Local Leant
Reserve o Seats 50c.; Children tender 15, 25e.. Plan of Hail at 1):. Ore'v
Exeter and Crediton Bands
God Save the King
Insure Success
-- a
No need to have dark heavy bread.
'Manitoba's Best' or 'Model' will solve the
problem.for you.
Give them a trial.
Phone 16
Men's Youths' and Boys'
We have a full -range of Clothing in, the very latest stylee
for the Young Man. Also: a go ed selection of Conservative
Styles for Olden Men,
These suits consist of Fancy Worsteds and Pure wad,
Serges Black and Navy Blue They are prices far , below
present replagernent price, and NO LUXURY TAX.
Every- anan.should have a maw
Straw Hat. We have Sailors in •
Senate, Clup add Panema; also
soma nice Feelore Shapes.
Prices range from $1.50 to $4
Our Stock of Men's Fine Shirts
is sure complete, Some of the
very latest patterns lata • Fancy
Stripes and Plain Colon. Come in
and look ever our range beftee
buyiag. - •
Priced $1,50 to $4,00
Why. 4-441 anatela that r,ew dress
with a necepaer of silk eteelrings
We hate the -A iii the HolePhdof"
and Luxite makes, in 231 the pop -
War shaAeK
Novi a jt1ie time to get pair
of Rama% Slims for yourself
and all elle kiddies. We have
afull range in'. White, Tan and
i3lue and in all the different'
s tyle:s.
Mete Listen, We halve the
very thing you want ,in Under-
wear for the hot weather in
Combination, Two-piece Snits,
and B.V.D. Styles, Get ready
flor The Summer Datys.
Ladle-ea:at should be easy for
yeti eo.zelect your new citess •
front Our Splendid 'ehdieinig df
Plain, Fancy, Figured and Stai-
dtVoiles. /Vfake your choice
Closed Wednesday afternoons during June, July and .August,