The Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-27, Page 7,t
Shown by Pallor of the Pace and
Lips—How to Obtain New
.A.uaeplia, or lack of blood, is so
gradual in its approach that it is ofteii.
wEU developed before the patient is
sufficiently alarmed to consult a tioc-
tor or take proper treatment to re
'store the blood to a healthy condition.
The earliest somptotui of anaemia is
;loss of color, especially in the lips,
gums and ntembranee lining the eye-
lids. Then comes shortness of breath
on slight exertion, such as going up
stairs, palpitation of the heart, in-
creased pallor of the Mee and lips.
It (hie thinning or the blood is not
corrected it will proceed rapidly until
a complete breakdown in health MI -
town when there may be disorders of
the stomach, headaches and back-
aches, dizziness and fainting spells.
The most effective and prompt way to
laereaee and enrich the blood at a
time titre this is through the Mir use
of Dr Williams' Pink Pills. These
pills have restored to good health
the:in:eft of weak. gluten& people,
e-tratang them Miss Mne, Johneton. of
Port Arthur, Vat., who saysi--"Ile-
tveteu the WA of sixteen and eigh-
teen1 wore] u a teleettone oftice, and
It wee- ver e trying to the items and
health. 1 became Needless, and so
pete that frientle often said I looked
consumptive, One night I lied to be
taizen home from the office, mid, a
Meteor was called in who told me I
utwt not go baek for to time. Soxue-
timee I would faitit, and to walk up
airs would leave me utterly breath -
leas. As did not tippear to be get-
ting :Inn 'better oue of u girl rricutis.
who' ther had weld Dr. William%
Pink tulle with great benefit. adveyea
ine iota theee. I tont. the Mile very
faithfully fer eeme time. with the re-
bid( that they restored Me to gond
inentie and Haas wee% ttnyeae tens are
they feel wenn or rundown I alwere
anent:noel Or. Winners.' Pink Pine.
1 feel so lieontfol fen the Leap they
geve nue'
e -ea here any of the syrimtome
de eeibeil by Mee Johnsnri by build -
lug up the blood with Dr. Williame'
Pink Pills. alet neurieldun food, ex-
ereise a little in the open air daily
an;atch the color re urn to eheene
Ana Bps. Yen can run no rlen in giv-
ing Dr. Wiiitents' Pink Pine a trial aft
they can not injure the most, delicate
eyNtetn. You ran get these 1)1115
through any dealer in medielne. er by
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxee for
nate, trent The Dr. ‘Vali;one eleaielue
Coe Brocitville, Ont.
Why I Grow Forage Crops,
Years ago fore crops were con-
) idereti of very small importance, and
their true value was practically un-
known to many landowners. Times,
however, are changing, and many
good things have come to light
through absolute nnessity. Among
thee are our different kinds of forage
Years ago I tried out the different
kinds of forage crops that I found we
could grow. My work at that time
was more of an experimental nature,
but some of the lessons learned from
small plots have been of inestimahle
;value to us. I have learned something
of the real feeding value of these
crops, and have always found them
to be of value when handled properly.
There is nothing that helps more to
make hog -raising profitable than a
'good forage erOp. 1 firmly believe
the time is now at hand when we will
.not find it profitable to raise hogs
',without an abundance of forage. Rape
anakee good forage for hogs. The
'advantage of rape is that it can be
'igrol-vu continuously throughout the
growing season.
In the past we have aimed to pre-
pare only sufficient acreage for the
,Itogs. However, other stock will bene -
At greatly if the acreage is large
ienough. This will depend largely on
,Iathe season. When the season is fav-
• orable, a great crop of forage can be
grown from a comparatively small
Ilike red clover,because of its high
ifeeding value, and because it ean be
1 eadily worked in with other crop ro-
ru. tions. For many years past it has
rpished us with an abundance of
;hog and- cattle'pasture. In order to
grow red clover euccessfully, the
Rand must he' sweet, well drained, and
l'jleirly rich.
Viareldery Nunn
9459—Ladies* Dress (surplice clos-
ing, two styles of sleeve; two-piece
sleet with or wediout peplum, at or
35-inelt length front waistline). Price,
25 cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust
measure. Size 36 require e 41,1 yds.
40 ins. wide. Width around the bot-
tom, 1 yds.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the DtleCall Co., 70 Bond Street,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Cost 44 Complaining.
'Titian in the way ocommon sense
To growl at ram an' bring the sun
A grumbler never built a team
Or finished work that should be
rye never known the elonds to go
Beenuseeome fellowe eat iin* whined,
When it's too wet to plough or hoe.
Sonia titter task to do I find.
I've rawer known a keener yet
To alter things past hie vontrel.
, Nor met a man with power t feet
An olsier journey to hi . goni.
Filnd liopo.: go won.;
However mut it then eimiptelee
An* epite of all we have to ely
when It Is wined to rain. it
Tbo ebap that gets the bingdat 'oPs
Is not the, one that wears the frown:
When growlin' starts all pregresn
No num can ellinb by Acting down.
mient, in whimpetIn' le le, t.
An mem never (*hanged the Shy:
The grumbler ;Jaye a heavy vote
For every die °wonted eigh.
4444444•44444.41,;45444.A 444444.444
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhe
4444,444.444444444:4 4444=-44•44444.044
Where Woman Really Rules.
Tiburon, otherwise ltnown as Shark
Liana, is a real Amazon kingthn. or
Perhaps (tumult:zit.
'rhe women are the heads of the
family arl lute the men with a hand
of iron, graciously permitting them to
attend to the work of gatberiug Mod,
wood, and water, while their wireS,
mothers and daughters take care of
the serious, businees cf governing the
A11 the men on Tiburon are under
the rule of their women -folk, but the
newly married husband is the most
abject of slaves. After mother has ap-
proved of the suitor who seeks her
daughter in marriage—father's ap-
proval is taken for granted—the
favored youth is at once made a slave
of the family of his future bride, and
for a year must be at their beck and
Earth's Noblest Thing.
Women are a new race, recreated
shim: the world received Christianity.
Earth has nothing more tender than
a woman's heart when it is the abode
of pity.—Luther.
Woman is born for love, and it is
impossible to turn her from seeking
it.—Margaret Fuller Ossoll.
Handsome women without religion
are like flowers without perfume. --
Woman is the masterpiece.—Con-
If there were but one potato in the
world, a careful cultivator might pro-
duce 10,000,000,000 from it din ten
years, and thus supply the world with
seed again.
Less Troule,
to mal4e yqur table
bevara4e when. it is
- 0
eon „
• A lazITERAGEZ dIftvrent Otto or Vglatf
tenta 4:441!xgtion,of 1401,s4'
Posture Camel Cerspeny,
earApittKLtli„u.,4.A., 4
'IE t trvastt
It is made instantly by addling
hot a 4D)poon-fult iri the cup
sftiling and adding sugar and'
i...reigt. to 'tste.
et -4
A.iad by Grocers
etreereasateseame, ee7.—ente!-Tieerentieeemeaegnmet
• -drieg zee
Made a Dig Difference.
Bringing with him an eleetrle atmos-
phere, the man strode into the news-
paper office and banged his stick ou
the counter.
"Where 'e the editor?" he shouted
"He's—he's out:" replied the clerk
nervously. "What's he done this
"In that advertlaernent for Ply valve-
less motor," stormed the vieitor, "he's
turned the second nt' into a 'a'!"
Their First Haul.
• With the summer come aunshine and
itowers and bete of ether joys—and
sorrows. Little Dorothy's 2:tether was
Cella- alive to the situation, and made
preparaticn5 beforehand.
She vent her daughter inte the Istt-
hen to go through the parcels from
tbe grocer's shots and pick out some
But Dcrothy returned reat, and at
Met mother got Impatient.
"flurry up, dear!" silo called from
the dining -room. "Cara you get
"No, mummy." mute a sad little
voice hi reply. "They've got Me, but
were befo coming."
Constipation is one of the most com-
• mon ailments of childhood and the
eldldsnfferiag from it cannot Wine.
• To keep the children well the bowels
• must be kept regular and the stomach
sweet. To do tide nothing can equal
• Inthrs Own Tablet. They are a mild
but thorough Laxative; are ubeelutely
.safo ;ant rever fail to relieve
Mu and headeeetten; eelele and simple
fever. (zeenieg them Xi's, Jules
Fatopiereati, Netninitegue, vain's:
ge'dly bnby was terribly CG;I:Slipated
land i,nuflete.1 nay talla piglet. I wee ed.
vied to give him Dalone Own Tableta
and from the Cant they helpen htina and
age of thirteen menthe he
le tt big, healthy, kappa- boy." The
Tebtels• are sold by mediente dealers
Or bY 1410111 ;It :15 Celiti a nos from The
Dr. Wit:lame' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Spain is Land of Licorice.
The greater part of black licortee is
ierived front Srain, where it it made
ram the Jul' of the plant and mixed
with starch to prevent it from melting
in hot Nt'Patiltr.r. The licorice plant is
a eltrub that :Melee a height of three
fr. t, and It grewe• wild where its roots
reach the water. It nourishes eepeeiul-
ly on the banks of the Tiede and Du-
phratee rivers. Since the Valley of
the Duphratee contained ane of the
earlieet eivilizations in the world, the
probability Is that licorice ie about the
oldest eonfection in the world. and
the taste which the 1/0;16 and girls of
to -day line so well WiLi eujoyed by the
Youngsters of $,02e1 leers ago.
So Many„ have Neuritis,
that painful. paralyzing'
Inflananiatiou of the
nerves. Do not suffer an-
ovt,i'ma,fitit? It you are a
Look at tongue! Pernove pol<,
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
140thlpg else brings relief
se cr.:204y end so suzgly.
Send for free carntlite to
Tcnooloton3, 142 4Ing 8-
W., Toronto.
• .nnle at reit druzp••
• for e.1.0e a nee..
Templeton's R AZ- NI A It COn-
sul:3 are guaranteed to relieve
AST 1 M. Don't suffer an-
other cbzy.
Write Templetons. 142 Zing St.
W-, Toronto, for freesample.
Reliable drugelets sell them at
Mee a
Every geed Sikh prefers to die liege
Ott' Iirira ground. Regardles cf rank!
or age, no rag must intervene between
and the earth when he hreetilee°
his het.
Ask for Minerd'e 4nel take no ;titer. !
Ola, when cut, gala./ e.
irepurit:ee in the air, allkl
they net as dieinfectants. B Cm
mlpurtt e% they take up make them
urait for food, ee ie cut
be uaell at mute er thrown aweee
Classified Advertisements.
iT will pay you. George Stevens,
roc-I:borough, Ontario-
PC)ke !.&t
V1( and lob printing Plant in Seaters*
Ontario. Insurance carried 41.000. Win
for $1.200 on quick sale. Box ea,
wagon a ablishing Co.. Ltd...Toronto.
sora =ad. WAN.PPVii
t)i."r La IN-ANTI:I), 2 N. AND
A..7) thiciser. ^shipPefl green from saw.
Do not sell until You eemtau:.cate 'with
us. Eeenantros. Limited, Owen Sound,
fcf4244;;ZTI7-Icil SC/100n roz
) TilNINO • SC.1100r.,
P for Nurses: St. Elizabeth iiospita,
• fit Dread Street. Elizabeth, New
jersey. .t.."omplete course., :Ilonthly al-
inwalwei. first . year 55.00. second $10.00,.
S15.00. Addrevs: Superintendent,
• internal and external. otired wIthel.14
• D.1.2lirepittootio risit:ineprt.reautrnelelmntin W.r4iat&caasi
Lirsited. collingwood, Ont.
Aeeept "Ca:lee:are :leek:, or r:g3
only-- le ft•r o Cl'ift•rn•a,
toe I.e.-el.:lee. then yaa ere euee Yon? ;
chihl Is Invite; tiao eve: and ries:,
haraaleee laxative aryhydae. fer the ;
iiu:e e—ecii liver and b 'nee C'el t•
ren Invo fti de:leneia fraity e.Veal I
tilrectiorna tar eacee eaeh bete
tie. Give tt, 'widget !gar,
Wilier! You meat aay "rerif nede.n
••Me -•*•••••••,•--0-,,,,•,,, • -,••-•—••••••
..,.....„•••,••••a ..1•71W v..: cw, •,,I,T..C10 •FMCGM
Horees en the ihirio i: -:a1 o i
Walee in 1019 tete r -A eee
than lest aa'. . O. .
of tre,..1!on.
"Danderine" will cl.wk that
ugly dandruff and stop
hair COilling (alit
'Ia. 4445
411111, 4,1
On Faces Very Sorc
Did Not Sleep, Ct.4%2r,-;.s
"When mylittle thatwen eve
rebs old ahe hod ceaa re;Ty
badly 079 htr, -tee. it
• no: wee of a ritediet
end teedea forna
•,..• and was very' Cre. it
itched, nInieng ber faan
:fed hot, end eat would
scretcla hadY.Line. did
not sleep well nighte.
"A rielghbor recnrenlendien Ceti-
cura so we got them, and one cake
of F.cap and two bozeo of Olnunein
healed her." (Segnetil leilee
G. Stoddard, R. ie. D. 3, Readelph.
Centre, V't„ l4arcb 10, 1914.
aTaUe Outierra Soap, (pint:rant end
Talcumyotir daily toilet preptuntiorea.
Soap nee, Ointment 25 end. Sec. St
l4'man, Limited, at. Paul St„ Moniresi.
Cu llama Soap shares oaths:utast:.
To stop falling hair at once and rld ,
the scalp of every partiele of dandruff.
; get o. small bottle of "Danderine" at ,
any drug or toilet counter for a few
cuts, pour a little In our hand and
rub it into the zealp. After several
'S raataliqh • applications the hair usually stops
i coming out and you can't Mid any
dandruff, Stem every hair on your
Irdinentrala 1 scalp shelve uew life, vigor, bright-
• ness, thickness, and more color.
•The Liniment that Cures All
Yarmouth, N.S.
Adding to the World's Good.
It is not alone those high in place or
great in the world's esteem who have
the opportunity of living a purposeful
life and of accomplishing a part in the
world's work. Whoever does a useful
thing, and does it well and cheerfully,
is contributing to, the world's happi-
nese and betterment. 'Whoever does
no more than keep himself truly hap -
Py, is adding to the world's good.
When ordering goods. by mail send
a Dominion Express Money Order,
Bottoms of Ancient Lakes.
Many of the most fertile valleys and
plains in the world appear to be tbe
bottoms of ancient lakes laid dry, an
exit having been opened by some con-
vulsion of nature, in some instances
by mere gea,duai operations, for the
waters that were previously inclosed
by impenetrable barriers.
Most of the great rivers were form-
erly successionsof lakes, like the St.
Lawrence, river in North America. Th.e
level spaces' between the Allegheny
Mountains and other parallel chains
appear to, have been inland lakes, until
the rivers which descend' from these
heights formed for themselves, exits.
The Euxine and Caspiaa seas, as
wallas' Lake Aral and:several others,
are the remains of an extensive sea,
which covered the great part of the
north of Asia., according to the belief
of Peter Simon Pallas; , the German
naturalist., • It has been conjectured
that the opening of the Bosphorus was
'the occasion ,of the draining of this
oceah in the naidst of Europe and Asia,
the. memory of this dieruptitan of the
two continents being preserved in the
traditions of Greece,
ED, 7. ISSUE,. No. 21---'20,
Consibation Cam 619
A druggist says: "Foe ;weeny
thirty years 1 have carriarittid
the Extract of Rooto,known as
Mother Seigel's Curative Sleep, foe
the radical cure of constipation
-aed indigestion. it is an old
reliable remedy that never fails
to do the work." 30 drops
thrice daily. Get the Genuine, I
at druggists.
America:a Pioneer Bog Bemodiou
Boot 031
anA•iteow to 'Peed
Mailed greo to,any Ad-
• dress by the Author.
Z. Clay Glover Co„ Enc.
115 West Slat Street
. New York, , "esaV RAT EIGHT CENTS
to insure against loss of
time sickness or accidents? We
tiatio a retie!: that will Oa 'Sq. • Further
ire.r.,riveticn will -cheerfully be given by
writkig1 *low..Ceniinenal Casufg,,,,
ty King'East, Toronte,
Agent;:,' V; $a et r -
111 • a htghgra4a
1,1o.7 pIsrt CT all:of-them On"
04 Corns!
hxt a Nt an Rearm*
custs '44 a few cents.
W'r,1 r fitti;ers: You t an lift oft
;4:4' hard torn, soft corn, or cola bee
mean the oes, and the hard skin can
oetee frcin !mitten of feet.
A Oily indite of -Freez.c no" costs
ratio at wily drug store; eletlY a few
drey, tiles: the corn el.
etataly it eteps hurtiree then •shortly
you I:ft bethersoree eean or enilus
r4sitt, and all, without one bit
ef pall: or .a nges. Taunt! No hum -
S!NC l11/0
P-‘11' Iftd
L4-7) vr
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross";
For Colds, Pain, Lumbago, Stiff- package which contains complete die
nese, Rbeumatism, Sciatica. Neuritis, reetions. Then you are getting real
and for Headache, Neuralgia, Tooth- Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre -
ache, Earache, take Aspirin marked scribed by physicians for over nine -
with the name "Bayer" or you are teen years. Now made in Canada.
not taking Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing, r.s. tab -
Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
.Aspirin" in. an unbroken "Bayer" eIso sell larger "Bayer" packages.
Them is only one Asperin--"Bayer"—You must say "Bayer"
Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer manufacture of Mono-
accticacidester of Salicylicacid, 'While it is well 'known that Aspirin means Bayer
manufacture, to assist the public against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company,
Will be stamped with, their moral trade murk, the 'Bayer Cross,"
r. "".".
ANCHOR PLUG is the chewing
tobacco of superlative excellence.
• Try plus today,