HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-13, Page 7A DF:R E TO la... WHAT YOU WANT Row Stomachs Can be Restored to a Vigorous, flealtlty Condition, Not to be limited Au, diet, but to eat whatever he pleases is the dream of every dyspeptic. No one can honest- ly promise to restore any stomach to this happy condition, because all People cannot eat the same .tlttnge with equally satisfactory results. It is literally true that "what is one man's food is another man's poison.,' But it is possible to so tone up the digestive organs. that a pleasing diet May be selected from articles of food' that cause no discomfort. When the stomach lacks tone .there is uo quicker way to restore it than to build up the blood. Good digestion without riot, red blood is impossible, and. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills offer the vete' best away to build up andenrich the blood. For this reason these pills are especially: good in stomach trouble attended by thin blood. and in attacks of nervous dyspepsia. Proof of the value of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in even the most obstinate eases of stomach trouble is given by airs. S. adorrisott, 'Varney. Oat., who says: "I stall always feel indebted to a friend also advieed nu to use Dr. Williams, fink Pills. 1 had been a eub:erer for upwards of twelve years with etomach trouble which resulted in a general wal:nees at the whole eeetem. My steals always caused me great disconttort, and at times I would go hungry rather than undergo the suffering which followed meals. • I was constantly tithing something or other recommended for the trouble, hut without finding a cure, and often tate trouble kept nae iu bed wires I p smould loeve been about doing my ltousewor;c. ale' friend. who had had a similar attack. came to see rue and urged ole to try Di•. \t'illiame' Pink bila. which lead bellied her. 1 got a supply at once and began Wang theme, anti seam found relief. By the time T had tsar eight boxes 1 was ag;riu en. laying the beet of livable end with a geed eppetite and a stomach restored normal. Had 1 known of this int411. rine earlier ft would have eared me years of sure,°ittt,;, and I urge any who may be in a similar condition to try these pills at once." You can get liar. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine er by mall postpaid at ee csnts a box ter pix boxes for ee.50 from Tite Dr. Llilliants' flee/eine Co., Brockville. Ont. Fine New Citizens for Canada, The imnsigration buildings at any of the Dominion ports of matey pre- sent a curious scene of hustle and bustle shortly after the arrival of one of the giant ocean liners, and a wit- ness.is not likely to soon forget the commotion created by the discharged emigrants. A vast mass of.huinanity surges through the galleries past the immigration officer and the various in- speetors, and once accepted for Cana- dian eitizeuship, Hien, woolen, and children 01 every kind, loaded down There rvt•eu^1y arrived al. the Lop - eon Zoo a Bell Bird Cram Brazil. The Lute of. t;'ris laird, whe r in t.ap form. is of a piercing and ear-splitting Char- acter, and, according to travelers, can be heard a distance of three miles uway. and that Canada wants them A cheerful send -oft, free from anngying worries, zneans, a great deal, and to this end the Colonization, Agent has been appointed, When Plants Are Dormant. Atter the period of growth iii spring and summer there is a period of dor- mancy in plants before the cold weather sets he and if plants are maintained artificially at a high tem- perature this dormant period persista. Exposure to cold is needed to activate the plant for another period ot growth. with baggageof every shape and forml Perhaps the liberation of enzymes rush hither d thither It multi.i acts on the stored stareliea. corlvert- an lel nnuusig tudinous inquiries of everyone general.l ing them into sugars, or the phenome- 1,y unacquainted with the next steps to Hou may be due to a change in the be taken to further Proceed n o n # permeability of the cell -membrane.. ,journey- taut Though normally the simulus required It is neither for a renewal of growth is supplied by t u iter pleasant nor strange cold, mechanical injury or a period of able toIan 0 e c I pe a friendless in d ess a drying may have the same effect, The land. The hardened traveller feels process occurs independently in any this and more deeply those who set or two branches of a plant be kept exposed part of a plant, so that if one continually warm while the other is subjected to the usual winter chilling, the former will not develop on -the 're- turn of summer' temperature, though the latter develops as usual. each move is fraught with ensbarrass ulent, Yet each month thousands of THE BEE CINE potential Canadiancitizens are ale t riving at the Dominion's shores from the British Isles, France, Belgium. Holland and Scandinavia—people who have broken up homes and life-long Thousands of mothers state post. ties at the promise of the great new lane into a whirl of unfamiliar slgkts Neely that Baby's Own Tablets are and sounds, in a Confusion of eteeenity the beet medicine they knowncsit for and baggage, many unacquainted with little ones, Their experience has the language they hear on every hand taught them that the Tablets always ---thus, et the gateway of the Domee da just what is claimed tor them and ion. arrive the ancestors of the Cana, safetyhthey can be ,given with perfect theins of to -morrow, to childree of all ages. Con - First ioauorr oes are often linger- ceasing them 1\Irs. Jose, h Therrien. ins: they are apt to have a consider- St, Gabriel de Brandon, Que., writes: able bearing on future outlook, "Baby's Awn Tablets aro the best Realising this and tate expediency of medicine 1 know of for little ones. I nation and with insert enemies ot rendering the utmost service to those thought I would Ione my baby before plant life. it shows in a way that can - Dominion U !i do.stahe,heDepart-trying the Tablets but they soon not be questioned the effect upon silent of Colonization and Development made hint healthy and hmuchappy and, plants of too much too little sun - of the Canadian Paeinc d Railway, in- now I would not bo without them.' . shine or moisture and the bad effects retested amongt The Tablets are sold by medicine of weeds and the ee , i v other progressive zeas l• ot wish pleases, in the human development of dealers or by mail at 2;r cents a box r a plant plenty of room it we wish to the country. has appointed a colonize- f from, The Dr. Williams' eled1e!ne Co., secure a high state of development, Sion agent --a foster parentBrockville. Ont. Dr. Putman to ewe Points out that these grants arriving en the company's things would mean nothing to city lasers. :iten a weseel steamy into ; A Golden City. children 1f recited from books or told port he is there to go all board with; Trip 1►iexlcarl pity . of Guanajuato, by teachers. These things taught the immigration olfeer--Capt. Andrew built, near tare oldest gold mines in i ptrepare a garden where the children McDuff, veteran of two wars, verged , tiro country. eras originally construct- prepare. the soil, sow the seeds, and In tunny languages, sympathetic, tact. i care for the -plants cannot be without ed of abodes made of the refuse of (good results, tul, and nature. led in the many s eredea of i these mines. As the early processes In addition to a central garden of human nnlerre. Ile is at the service I of extraction were very imperfect, the ot thes=e new arrivals to assist w.it'it avails and floors of these buuilciin S one acre the Ottawa plan involves the information and advice. Ile sitep• were hilus full or gold, g- ' eareproorganization of home garden clubs, herds them from the boat to the wait•each representing a school. 7n the ing traits, See ures seattng alta sleep. Things In would have, continued t1iied Eiius three years 1817-18.19 about 1,000 leg aceonrsotlatloii. overseas the 1 for an inclefunte time, and the yet i - checking and loading of baggage, does tants would have ,been living yet in these valuable buildings, if the • pass- t The school board paid rorty dollars foot in a foreign land where customs, conditions, and possibly language dif- fer from triose to ,.vhielt the emigrant rias been accustomed from childhood. Then the petty worries incidental to travelling arelatensiited by the total unfamiliarity on every hand, and FOR LITTLE ONES RHEU.MATISM.'' This Is '''l ust the season whenftlneumettsm witiriis blinding pain. and al lHen- ing of ioints gets hold of You. Fight it with Temlaleton's Rheumatic Capsules Templetan's' Rheumatic Cansules bring, certain, relief, and permanent re - suits. They are recom- mended by doctors, and sold by reliable druggists everywherexor$1.o4a box. or write to Tem letons, 142 Sing St. W., Toronto. Mailed anywhere on re- ceipt of price. ANIPCNOTAMINIt ASTHMA Templeton's RAZ -MAH Cap'. soles are guaranteed to relieve. AST 11 itA. Don't suffer an- other clay, WriteTempletoos,12Eing St, W.. Toronto, for freesample. Reliable druggists seli-thena, at 81.04 a box, Gardening for City Schools. Gardening is systereatically carried on by the public schools et many Canadian cities, as a, part of -the edu- cational course. Dr. J, II. Putman. Senior Irspector for Ottawa public schools, in the March number of the Agricultural Gazette, published by the Pepartnlen.t of Agriculture at Ottawa, describes the system under which this work is done in the Capital City. The sehool garden is referred to as a big class room for outdoor instruc- tion in plants and plant life. It has many of the possibilities in miniature of an experimental farm. It has to do with the eouipositiolr and fertility of sails, with drainage, with seed gernti- •erything Iturstauly laosihle in rear age of a railway line near by hacl not r to ensure a safe and entire arrival att necessitated the demnlit au of about each teacher who managed a chub pupils from second and third book classes received gardening instruction, the mauy points of destination even to accompauytng the train an the 'first part of its journey. It is a great work, this fathering of the Dominion's citizen -to -be, not only tentlsarar1ly accommodating m,odating, but ins - parting the lasting impression to Ask for Atinard's end take no other.. these strangers that they are welcome' Newest of Summer Blouses 0441 rmbroiaery Doke: No. 10225 �,•� 4 9470 9381 13a,broiatry 3mbroiderr .. Design No. 1031 theibmtio. 799 9439—Ladies' Kimono Blouse (with inset panels Vont and back). Price, ;25 cents. In 8 sizes, 34 to 48 ins. bust slseesure. .Size 36, ;Lee yds. 40 ins. Davide, 'figured; 1 yd. 40 ins. wide, plain. 9411—Ladies' Blouse (to be slipped ;on over the head). Price, 25 cents. In 1(3 sizes, 34 to 44 ins. bust. Size 36 re - .quires 1% yds. 40 ins. wide. r Transfer Design No. 1025. Price, 25 cents. 9.79—Ladies' Blouse. Price, 25. .cents. :'In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins, bust measure. Size 86 requires 1?,e yds. 36' ins. wide. McCall Transfer Design No. 1031. Price, 25 cents. 9381 --Ladies' Side -Tied Blouse (to be slipped on over the head). Price,( 25 cents. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 ins.I bust measure. Size 36 requires lee yds. 36 ins.. wide..—ivIeCail Transfer Design No. 799. Price; 15 cents. These patterns nay be obteined from, your local McCall dealer, or from the McCa11 Co., 70 Bond Street, Toronto, Dept. W. Tea and Coffee Rolle,Many Pe pl;;-' ,If- wi u .in ke a ten d yr trim 47, amore . ,` l ,. -L:.a o . s.,f', cal J.`'• pietlse$. Ss,, . by • vexywherei= "SYRUP' OF FIGS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels • Accept "California Syrur of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren. love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bete •tie. Give it without fear. Mother! You mus. say "California." Sharp Bombardment. An amusing result of the lax dis- cipline that exists on some of the ships belonging to tropical countries is related by, an American ttuval of• ficer,• It appears that erre of the Haitian gun -boats was lying in the harbor of Port-au-Prince. One day a mess cook for some reason. .cleaned .about a peck of knives and forks on the gun deck. He wassuddenly called away, and so he stuck the mess pall, full of knives and forks, into the muzsle of thebig- gest gun and put the tampion in after it. About an hour afterward the ad - vital came aboard, and as the gun was loaded with blank cartridge, rise sailors used it to fire a salute. It happened that the gun 'was aimed toward the town, and almost point- blank at the Grand Hotel.-. The guests were assembled on the porch to wit- ness: the ceremonies when. they were saluted with a rain of knives and forks, which stuck against the wooded walls like porcuplue quills into an un- !vary:- dog . 1! orttinate.ty, iso one was hurt, although the "narrow escapes" Were itunret'ous. From 700 to 1,500 hens, averaging nine:doeen or 'more eggs a year each, garden. Every pupil member was re- quired to keep an accurate record of planting, cultivating and other aCtivi- ties. The atm is to grow everything possible from seed. • Cold frames are found, to Relit valuable addition to the equipment. 1n the central garden, in- stead of giving pupils very small in- dividual plots, a plot 32 by 43 feet for vegetable.l and 1e by 20 feet for flowers is given to each class. This garden is having a permanent, perm= alai hordes established which will give a succession of bloom as well as an opportunity to slscw tho children what they may have in their own home gar- dens. A Health Saving Reminder, Don't !'wait until you get the Spanish Influenza. USE Hours of Lalaor. "You soma tired-" "A bit overtaxed," admitted the stu- dent of ecanousics, '.1 have been rise Ing at 6 iu the morning and working till midnight on a series of speeches to prove that six hours' worts a day is enough for any man:: a The Truth. First -Class Scout --"Say there, have you ever seen any three-eent piece?" Tenderfoot—"Nope'. Don't believe so, but I've got some eighty -five -cent pieces home." First -Claes Scout—"Cut that out! That don't go •• around here. A scout is truthful, you know." Tenderfoot—"I know It. But these are vietrola records." The Well -Spoken Sergeant. An old drill sergeant was so much given to using bad language toward his men that some of them compl.,..ued about it, and the commanding (Meer told hire he must stop the abuse and soften his expletives. The following morning the sergeant was in charge of a very ragged squad, and after keeping' silence for a con- sidorayl time he eventually burst out `with: " ".Bless you, my pretty dears! You knave what I mean." MONEY ORDgRS. *Send a. Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere A Stern Critic of Education, The teacher had sent numerous notes to vain endeavor to get Johnny bathed and cleaned up. There was no reply and no visible improvement in the boy's appearance, until at last the mother, driven to desperation, sent the teacher a long letter saying, among other things: "What is it to the teachers whether the children in their schools have a bath once a day, or once a week, or once a montb, or once a. year? They. are washing the SAP all out of the children, and that is how so much tuberculosis gets started." Buy Thrift Stamps, Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a' bit and Freezone costs only a fete cents. With yotr li,g.:rs1 You can lift off any hard corn; soft corn. or Torn be- tween the toes, and the hard skin cal- luses from bottom of.'feet, A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few dma drops Upon the corn or callus. in - y rs y scantly it stops hurting, then shortie • i you lift that bothersome corn or cal - At • the itrat sign or it. Its Healing right off, root and all, without one Qualities are amaxlnrr, T11 olCrb bit of pain or soreness. Truly! No RELIABLE. humbug! MINA.RD'S LINTS INT Co., ,Limited. Yarmouth, N.S. Artificial Fuel Reserablies Coal. I From coal slack and dust, lignite, peat, and a binder of pitch, an excel- lent house or industrial fuel will be manufactured. The ingredients are i t pressed iota blocks of any size, and - at .a layered or laminated structure that heightens the resemblance to natural coal. As the stuff is made from materials regarded hitherto as practically valueless, the market price will 1)e .less than that of the cheapest cod . a's Pioneer Dor Zen -males Book on DOG DISEASES sad Row to Bead Mailed k'rec to; any Ad- dress by the Author. E. Clay Glover Co., lam. 118 West slot Street New York, U.S.A. A. man.I know saved a little more than $160 by -soiling his potatoes di- xect to the folks that use them. He had about 600 bushels to sell. By sending out 300 circular letters eto townspeople, stating what he had and the price, he was able to get from twenty-five to fifty cents a bushel above the local retail price.' HOW to Curt Doctors wane against ramedies containing powerful drugs end alcohol. "Tho Extract ef Roots, long .known .as (Methe:•• 6rigel'6 .. Curative Syruphas no slop®"or strong ingretil sats; it curds indigest-on,''biliousness ,sari constipation."Cizn be bad at any' t drug ,s'to a"•..Get the'genuicze.' 50c. and .$3.O'J Bottles, a ,it aisrvgr arge-.e z - e sig , ,.. ui.ake '`'very good 'one-man business, po. IBSIJE No. 19—'20. Classified Advertisements. PEETILIZER. 1 Tk:vl NC' COMPLETE 716R'TILIZ2It V7 will pay you. George Stevens,. Peterborough. Ontario. LARD POs Sb,Z,ii. , eiceseON FARM LAND, virgin soil, surrounding land under cultivation, near Baattleforcl, Sask. Chas. II. Ross, 48 Rutherford Ave., Ilamllton. role, salts. �7[T ALL' EGl'UIPI'L+ A NEW2PAPER r Y • and ‘lob printing plant is Easternq Ontario, Insurance carried 81,500. Wtu: o far 31,200 an Quick sale, Box 42. �vilpon' ?'Will/Shinn gm, Ltd.. Toronto. BORT r0I.M WAW7TZD. SOFT 17X,3 " WANTED, 2 IN, AND thicker, shipped green from saw. Po not sell until, you communicate with us. Keenan Bros. Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. M acaLI,d1tnOTJi9. AN BR, TUMORS. LU bWS, E'X4 ., t/ internal and external. cured without pain by our home treatment Write us efore too late Lr, Bollman Modica* (lo., Limited. Coltiptswood, Ont. Unsinkable Lifeboat. An unsinkable lifeboat equipped• with doors, that automatically close over its, oceupauts should 3t. upset has -been invented in Europe. More Italians live in New York .than in Rome. SINCE al 18'!0 d STOD1S ° .+t .R' s HAIR SOON TOO SHORT TO DO UP A little "Danderine" stops your hair coming out and doubles its beauty To stop failing hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dand- ruff, get a seals bottle of delightful "Danderine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After several applications the hair usually stops comizlg out and you can't find any dandruff. Help your hair to grow strong, thick and long and bet come soft, glossy and twice as bosune ful and abundant. SALT HEUM FOR FIVE YEARS On Face, Arms and Hands, Cutdcura Hens,' "I have had salt rheum for the past five years. My face, arms, and hands broke out all over in rough scaly patches so that you could hardly put your finger where there was not a patch. 1; got so I could not sleep at night. "Seeing Cutacura Soap and Oint- ment advertised I thought I. would. givethe.n a trial, and after using a full-sized box of Cuticure Ointment with the Ctticura Soap I was healed. " (Signed) Aare. Thomas Hogan, Essex Junction, %t., Dec. 18,1018. ;Pet Cuticcra for every -day toilet puraosca. Lathe wse'h Soap, soothe with Ointment, dust with Talcum. Soap 28c, Otntrnent 2s and SOc. Sold throughcuttheDomiaion CanadlanDepot: lymans, L€. tted, St. Paul St. IMYontreat. 2's, CutiouraSoapshaveswithoutroue. ONLY TABLETS MARKED SAYER ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" t, Foie Colds, Pain, 1teitdaelle Neural- pre'4a:re which nontains complete AI;; g'ia, Toothache, Earache, : and for reotiolis. nen y61t are 'getting real Rheumatism, Lumbago,,. Sciatica, New Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre. Titin, take 'Aspirin marked- with the scribed by physicians forover nine., haat 'Bayer or you are not taking g -Wee rears. Now made in Canada. Aspirin . et„all. ` • Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab- .Ace:h t only "Bayer ' Tablets of lets eost but a few cents. ::37rug ists Aspirin” inan 'unbroken "Bayer"alsoec11 larger "Bayer"packages. There Is only one Aspirru—"Bayer"—Yon, mast say "Bayer" .Aspirin to the"tra&e'nun* (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture or itrenn- ncetrcaeI4oeter 01 g ttoyyrteocl8, whne 91. is welt known, that Aspirin means 13aaPz xnanuteeture, to Sestet f:itb public arptnrit imitations, the Tebiete of Bayer tiorimany, ;wilt be stamped with their -general trade insrti, the "BeY‘r Cross!