HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-13, Page 51I�
Umarotceille;d looting car t(ervice
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor caws on principal day trains
Full, information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
ihrg District Passenger Agent, Toronto
Phone 46w Agent, Exeter
on the premises of the proprietor, Gid-
ley Street Exeter, con SATURDAY,
MAY 15th, 1920, at 11o'clock,—
Buggy ante -horse dray, set single
harness, Horse collar, set from, h mes
4 beds, 2 dressers, 2 wash stands,
Verlag' heater, eoak stove, 2 coal oil
stoves, 4 kitchen chairs, rocker, bas-
ket chair. 3 tables, 2 glass cupboards
onion screen and scalier, wheel baa` -
row, strainer tpail, 5 milk parrs, churn.,
lawn mower, soak vinegar barrel, ham-
mock, six foot crosscut saw, shovels,
hetes, rakes, etc, etc,
Thera will }als;a be sold at the same
time and place, thr frame house 1 14
storeys, in good condition; also stable
equipro with .waterworks ; one-half
Acre of land on which are a number of
fruit trees,
Terms -01. Chattels, cash; of Teal
estate anade kaavert on day of sale,
Proprietor Auctioneer
Ii'. Manch^p, manager of the Han
Dent, Detested family moved last week
into thel;ouse awned by Mr. E. \t'urm
-naliss Margaret Stelck left for York
t=on, Sask.,, where she has secured a
good posit int .in;• a hospital as n•urse.— "
Prof E. Braun of Detroit visited in .
the village list week.—Capt J. Can -
tin of Montreal spent the least week
at his home at ,St, Joseph.—Mr. J. E,
Druer and family. of St. Clemens ar-
rived here. and have taken up house-
keepine ai the borne of Mrs, Druar's
mother, Mrs. F, Krauskapf. Mr. 1)ruar
has recently been epzreinted as local
agent or itilasseyrklarrls.—Mrs. Chas:
•Fritz attended the funieral of a rela-
tive at Kitche,iter.—Misses Flossie and
Gertrucle Weber were visitors to Lan-
don Hospital,- where their father, Mr.
Chas Weber is neatened to Iris bed.—
Mr, and Mise. A, Ce Edi'ghoffer and:
Bliss Roxa.e Eilbc(r left for Kitchener
to visit Mr. Chas, Eilber, •whta is ill in
a hospitai with teneltnvonia„
Iis the root of much weakness and
hinders progress and growth.
Scotts Emulsion l
• the world-famous tonic food,
is the natural enemy of mal-
nutrition salt Weakness.
Scott's three or four des
daily, builds strength—helps
drive malnutrition away.
F-:. Chas. felaonell who recently
twisted his wrist, while; cranking his
car, still carries his injured arm in the
bandage,' -Dr. and hirs. Campbell are
visiting in Kitchener and Toronto— 1)r.
J, Grassit:k sof • Grand Forks, N. Dak.,
has returded hams, after spending a
few days visitsna his brother, Mr. D'.
Ceree kk.—Rev. S. McLean, in D., of
Egmendville preached in Carmel Pres-
byterian Church Sabbath morning and
evening.—Mi Frank Fara Oar has
rented the house just vacated by Mr.
Johai Pfatf.—Mr. and Mrs: Geo. Brooks
of Chickasha, .Okla., - motored here
anti after a few days' viset with Mr.
Brook mother, Mrs. Geo. Brooks, they
naotoreJ to Montreal, where they will
spend the. summer. -Jack Swam, who
has been clerk. for Mr. T. C. Jtaynit;
tett Bblorday ar Tomo .to —\rs sVercy
,left last week far Kitchener,
wheee she will assist hler brother, Rory
in Ms .drug store.—Mr, Earl Palmer,
who! :has, been. speeding 'the • oast 1:ew
weeks nt his home. here, left an Sat-
urday ;•Poor Detroi;t, where he' has _se-
cured a position with the. Detroit &
Windsor Ferry Co.—Miss White, who
has been in the employ •of- Jones &
Ma•y Exeter, far a number of years:,
has taken a pasiitioa in the ladies,'
wear and dry ;goads department • of T.
C. Joynt.—Dr. •Ifairdie spent part of
last week .a'ttendin:g the Dental con-
wrentiolrt ,&t• Toronto.
Unless your food is digested with-
out the aftermath of painful acidity,
the joy is taken out of both eating
and living.
are wonderful in their help to the
stomach troubled with over -acidity.
Pleasant to take -relief prompt and
SINCE ii 1870'
NV S421%TOPS �` p,P
Important Events Which Hays
D i t
Occurred ur n� he Week.
The Busy World's Happenings Care-
' fully Compiled and Put Into
Handy and Attractive Shape for
the Readers of Our Paper A.
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
New Brunswick has had slight
snowfalls on the first three days of
Owen Sound business men have de-
cided to put a stop to the "donations"
The Ontario Dental Association
opened its fifty-third annual conven-
tion in Toronto.
A great increase in attendance was
reported at the annual meeting of the
Art Gallery of Toronto.
Four sudden deaths occurred at
Montreal and three fatalities at Win-
nipeg over the week -end,
New South Wales railway em-
ployes threaten to strike while the
Prince of Wales is in the country,
J,° T. Agar lett for Ottawa, where
he will make a final effort to secure
a new trial for George Coppen of
Maj. -Gen. Sir Charles Townshend
was tendered official receptions by the
Ontario Government and the city of
The play "One Night in Rogge,"
was again put on last night at Gar-
rick Theatre in London with entire
Public riots and uprisings among
the soldiers took place in Moscow on
receipt of news of the Polish
Two young women and four young
men, students or graduates of
Queen's U;liversity, are leaving short-
ly for foreign mission fields,
The Windsor Jockey Club an-
nounces that the Frontier Handicap
will have a value of $10,000 this sea-
son. Other stakes at high value have
been added to the card.
The Dublin Corporation has passed
a resolution acknowledging the Irish
Republic Parliament's authority to
undertake the carrying out of all its
deereea affecting the municipal Gov-
Fred Matthews has been appointed
Fire Chief of Brockville at $1„400
The first cumber of the Western
War Cry of the Salvation Army was
issued in Winnipeg yesterday.
Chatham City Council, by a vote
offour to three, defeated the day-
light saving scheme for this year.
Police Sergi. 'McKenna was shot
dead Tuesday and two other con-
stabies wounded near Ballylongford,
Toronto Police Commissioners have
decided to engage a special squad of
plainclothesmen to cheek auto speed-
ing in that city.
The that aerial mail for Western
Canada was brought to Winnipeg
from Grand Forks, N.D., by Lieut.
A. F. Bingham.
A settleu,eut has, it is understood,
been effected between the Greek Gov-
ernment and the Canadian Govern-
ment over wheat prices.
Premier Drury introduced in the
Legislature a bill giving municipali-
ties local option in exempting certain
improvements from taxation.
Over a million francsS collected in
1) nmark for the rebu'llding of the
c-....e„ral of Rheims were delivered
to tie French' Minister in Copen-
Discoveries of • hidden arlus con-
tinue in northeastern Germany. The
Baltic Island of :tuegen has proved
a regular arsenal of weapons which
had been secreted by monarchist
The 23 -metre Shamrock set sail
from England yesterday for New
York. She started about two weeks
ago, but was obliged to put back on
account of bad weather.
Open conflict was staged in the
Legislature Tuesday night when the
demand for higher sessional indemn-
ity came up. As thele was no motion,
no vote was taken.
Increased allowances of 25, 50, and
even 100 per cent. in some cases are
proposed by the Government in the
Workmen's Compensation :Act. The
bill was given its first reading Tues-
day night.
Richard E. Guelph, one of. Guelph's
most wide -known citizens, died sud-
denly Tuesday night.. .
The Ontario Railway .and Municipal
Board takes' over and operates the
London Street Railway. •
Hon. H. C. Nixon, Provincial Sec-
retary, introduced his amendments to
the O. T. A. Wednesday.
Seventeen divorce bills passed the
Select Commons Committee on Pri-
vate Bilis in as many minutes.
Maestro E. Sestero, who claims to
be a distinguished musician, was ar-
rested in Toronto on three .charges of
Sir Thomas Lipton has accepted an
invitation to witness the America's
Cup races from a United States fly-
ing boat.
German communist workmen are
entering the British occupied area
from the Duesseldorf district and are
being • interned.
A vote of confidence in Rev. Dr.
T. T. Shields was passedby the con-
gregation of Jarvis Street Baptist
Church, Toronto.
Toronto won the opening game of
the local baseball° season from Read-
ing on Wednesday, :4 to 3, before 'a
crowd of 12,000.
Miss' Aida Smart of Mimico was
attacked in broad daylight by a thug,
who escia,ped, after assistanewe had ar-
ried, vin an automobile,
The Canadian Locomotive Co. has
completed an order of ten locomotives
for, the.•Jamaican Government, and
has •reoeived •one for. foul for the
C'. & N. O sty: Coxf mission:
The Allies have refusee the Hun-'
ga}ien pleas against the terlus'of tire
treaty 'sty hande' her handed repres.,ntatives in
January, and have• given the dele•
gates from 13udairest tt:rdays io sign
' r awronc,e Uassidt• of ' 'a awn ta.g'ou
1t, was given s five years' pentten-
tiary sentence, v. itlt hard labor, for
shooting with intent to do grievous
bodily barni; he had been convicted
twenty-seven times before.
Joltn Tl. Lewis, president of the
United''Mine Workers of America,
surrendered Wednesday, on a U. 5,
Federal indictment, charging conspir-
arcy to violate the Lever Act. He
was released on $10,000 bail.
Duncan Cochrane, clerk of Ridge -
town for thirty years, died in his
seventieth year.
Two six=year-old boys were Injured
by automobiles in the streets of
Toronto on Thursday.
Three cases of anthrax in Chicago
have resulted from handling'bair im-
ported from Argentine..
Fifteen fishing boats have been
sunk in the Straits of Gibraltar by
a furious hurricane now raging.
A tablet in honor of its ex -pupils
who served in the war was unveiled
at Lansdowne School, Toronto,
The man milliners -of the United
States in session at New York have
promised not to raise the price of
Prince Edward Island is to have a
new Tax Act, providing t;fetireen
$;00,000 and $300,000 additional
. revenue,
Premier Drury's bill to provide for
the superannuation of civil servants
met with general approval in the
Belleville bas given the use of
about 40 acres of land for home gar-
dens, and will plough the plots Tor
citizens free.
Toronto again beat Reading on
i'hureday, 8 to 3, putting Toronto in
third place in the International
League race.
Johnny Wilson of Boston outpoint-
ed Mike O'Dowd, world's champion
middleweight boxer, in twelve rounds
'1`hursday night.
The bill providing for the merging
of the Dominion and Nova Scotia
Steel Companies into the British
American Steel Corporation passed
its second reading unanimously in the
Nova Scotia House of Assembly.
Mr, Justice Riddell stated that the
•olnmission which is investigating the
:;rant of concessions by the Depart-
ment of Lands, Forests and Mines
would not conclude its work until
Hon. G. Howard Ferguson had been
Two Italian priests have been plac-
ed under arrest on a charge of steal-
ing art treasures.
Joseph Webb of Coburg was fatal-
ly hurt when struck by a C.P.R. train
on a level crossing.
The Ontario Provincial Association
of Retail Merchants is seeking to have
parcel post rates raised.
Mrs. Rice Honeywell passed away
al her home in Haidimand township,
in her ninety-fourth year.
Representatives of six Kiwanis
clubs attended a district conference
and dinner in Toronto on Friday.
In practically all sections of the
Canadian West, farmers are on. the
land, some having completed seeding.
University of Toronto and Young
lbrontos unofficially opened the la-
crosse season with an exhibition game
here to -day.
Edmonton was without water, light
or street cars for several hours, as a
result of the pump house pit becom-
ing flooded.
Ubell Laporte, aged five, was killed
when struck by an auto at the corner
of Dundas street and Kensington ave.
nue, Toronto. .
The resignation of Toronto's fin-
ance commissioner, Thomas Brad-
shaw, was reluctantly accepted by the
Board of Control,
An Italian chemist has. discovered
a method of cheaply producing liquid
hydrogen, which may be used for
drivhig automobiles.
Dr. James Anderson, a prominent
rlamilt.en physician. died at Roches-
ter, Minn., where he went for an
1:ieration.for cancer of the throat.
The Seeialist party of the United
states will choose its Presidential
candidates to -day. Eugene V. Debs
will likely be nominated for the
Fifty-seven entries have been re-
ceived for the British ladies' golf
championship tournament which be-
gins at Newcastle, County Down, Ire-
land, next Tuesday. Two are Cana-
Sterling exchange was quoted in
New York et $3.823/,.
Chas. W. Lawton, editor of the
Paris, Ont., Review, is dead, aged 60.
Four Hebrew boys escaped from
Sunday class at Mimico Industrial
The Toronto baseball team. defeat-
ed Reading for the fourth consecu-
tive time on Saturday.
St. Catharines City Council and
Chamber of Commerce have agreed
upon a joint housing scheme.
Toronto Hebrews held a parade
and a mass meeting to celebrate the
retention of Palestine as the Jewish
Lawrence J. Broderick of Windsor
died as .the result of injuiies to his
head and spine through falling down
his cellar stairs.
Employes 'of the Toronto Street
Railway decided to demand a mini-
mum wage of 85 cents per hour for
the coming year.
Feverish military preparations are
in progress in Roumania, and Berlin
despatches say an alliance' is being
formed with Poland against Russia.
The urgent deficiency bill passed
by the, U. S. Congress, carrying $300,-
000000 for railroad operation defic-
iency, has been singed by President
deputation .representing the
Western Canada Colonization Asso-
ciation is coming to Toronto and
Montreal to interview Eastern 'busi-
cess men.
Forty-five Irish prisoners were re -
.leased from Wormwood Sciebbs .
Prison on Saturday. The last remain-
ing 200 hunger strikers in Cork
Prison were atso released.
Lieut. L. L. Brown M.C., superin-
tendent of the Dominion Forest Pro-
4LLCtS't,a171)i'Fta,(1L attached to Uni-
veisity of British f7arlumlri<%,.lras been
- appornted Provincial Lnmbor Com-
missioner for .Eastern Canada, with
headquarters at Torout.o.
FULLARTON--The death occurred
suddenly here pin. May 9th of Miss
Baxter, daughter iof George . Baxter,
She was ill only a few moments.
TUCK.ERSMITH,—Much sympathy
is felt for Mx', and Mra, Harry Taylor
in the glass of ath,ear little d+augthter,
Griseldia Pearl, aged four years, who
died after a few hours ,illness from
GOI)ERICH TP, -.-The death of
Sarah Ann Beacom took place at the
Clinton Hospital oa Saturday. She
had undergone en operatioat, which was
successfully performed, but she almost
immediately developed pneumonia, and
it could,not be checked.
VARNA- 'Jc►1ut McNaughton, has sold
his farm of 240 acres to Robt. Web-
ster of .Lucknow, end • held an auction
sale sof phis farm stock, implements and,
household effects on Saturday last.
Everything was sold and good prices
were ,realized.
HIBBERT—The death occurred on
April 2.1, at his home in this town-
ship, of Duncan McKeiler, aged $5.
veers He was bout in Dalhousie, Lan.
ark County, in 1836 and moved to alb -
beet in 157 to the farm on ,.hash be
dies;- Two years latter, he roamed Jan-
et Par,,. who died five years ago. fen
out of thirteens children survive.
ST. ? ARYS—A wedding was sol-
emnized at the =rise, St. Marys, on
May 4th, by Rev. Chas. E, Evans, when
Miss Viola (Seaton became the bride
of Mr. Otto H. Pollen of Windsor,
St. Marys --Milton McCullough of St.
Marys has entered a $10,000 action in
the Supreme Court against Gilbert
Gregory, his father 5*law for ,alien-
ationt of his wife's affections and for
the ,enticing away and wrongfully har-
boring his wife.
—the mosthealing,°soothing and effee.
tive preparation for Kidney and Blad-
der troubles yet produced.
Positively relieve pain, and assist the
organs to regain normal action, ridding
the system of uric add poison.
Get Gin Pills lo -day and be on the safe
aide. 30c. at alt druggists and dealers,
with moneyback guarantee. Sample.
sent free.
Address: Tb. Natloaat Drug &
Chemical Co. .f Cavils, Lta.. Tomato.
U.S. Address: Ne.—pro—Co.. Inc.,
202 Maio St.. - . Buffalo. N.Y.
KIPPEN—The late Edward Clegg,
who died Ext London last week, was
a former Kippen boy, his father, Mr,
Robert Clegg having been, station mas-
ter here for many years. A brother,
Dr. Frank Clegg resides in London.
L N quiet wedding C I _TON—A took
place yrs May 5th- at the bonne of Mr.
Atli Mra. R. • A. Sell, when their daugh-
ter Jean was united in marriage to Mr
Carl Male of Allendale, sown of Mr. Geo
Mair of Huron Road.—Mr. and Mrs,
J. Crich rend Miss June '_eft for Coch-
rare, where then intend mak'n.g their
home in future.
b�y C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of-
fice. Strictly confidential; no witness.
The Most
Artistic Roof
is the one that complete-
ly harmonizes with the
design and finishing of
the house. For this rea-
son there is a steadily
increasing demand for Brantford Asphalt
Slates for the modern style of homes.
Brantford Asphalt. Slates have a surface
of crushed slate embedded into our asphalt
coating, thebase of the roofing being felt
saturated with asphalt. They are cut . the
size of shingles, and their beautiful soft
colors of reddish brown and dark green give
a roof a most artistic appearance. The
colors are the natural shades of the slate as
it comes out of the quarries. Brantford
Asphalt Slates are, therefore, unfatleable
—never require painting.
Asphalt Slat
are accurate in size and pliable, which c: t...as them
very easily handled and quickly laid, sa•,°' ,• r:i . a and
labor, and therefore costing less to lay.
Brantford Asphalt Slates snake an artistic, durable
and economical roof. Booklet describing them it .ailed
on request.
Brantford _Poo
Head Office ar d Fa. dry . s raare?te tai Canada
Branches ott Toronto, eiltenteeni, x•x.:3ifax Si
For Sale by -- The Ross Taylor Co., Ltd.
Geo. A. Hawkins
" 0 1111,
• 4
The Hard -Drying, Long -Wearing
Floor Finish
"i00% .PURE,.
The paint for wear
.. and weather.
It wears.and wears
and wears..
beautifies and pre?
serves 011 Ciotti
and Linoleum.
Improves the new
—renews the old.
The sanitary, wash-
able Fiat;.Oil Paint
for Interior Decor-
Nothing adds so much to the beauty of a home
as floors that are properly cared for; on the
other bawl, floors that are not protected are
unpleasant to look at, are hard to keep clean,
anbecome injured through wear. Don't
neglect your floors, beautify them and save
them. Save the surface and you save all.
MARBLE -ITE Floor Finish is the perfect
treatment for floors of all kinds. It is the one
floor finish that has a money -back guarantee
attached to every can.
In 24 hours MARBLE -ITE dries hard. with a
beautiful finish that will not show h e1 marks
It has a high gloss, yet toutenoughto stand
any amount of wear wjthotijury. It can by
washed with soap and water and it will not
mar nor scratch white.
We invite you to call and discuss this method
of beautifying artd protecting your floors. We
can give you full details regarding this or any
other painting or v rnishing_: rgblem. We t ye
a complete stock o ttlAItTIN-SENOUR Paints
and Varnishes. For every ptnrpose--For every'
C . A. Hawkins
Exeter, Ont.
" •e
,::::::,......,_,,,,m ®' - -1. {be, surface .an.
=— aVF a�,eY axY »'..
Q1 s�Ct L `' .
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