HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-13, Page 4Children Cry for Fletcher's
Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for iufala and Children.
Foods are specially pie red for babies. A baby's medicine
is even .more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
.for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of
a remedy for the cots;,;7, . aliments of Infants and Children
that brought Cast;.ria b;.fore the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 3fl
years has not proven.
'Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregorric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains.
neither Opium., Morphine no other narcotic substance, Its
age is :its guarantee. For more, than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Rind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.
Fears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
ease -
''he Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price—In adya Lce $1.50
year in Canada.; 52,00 in the
'United States. All subscriptions not
,Pall in advance 50c, extra i:ttarged.
Display Advertising—Made known
ease application,
Stray Animals—Oise insertion; SOc.,
" three insertions $1.00.
Farm or Reaa Estate for wile SOc,
za.elr insertion, for one month of four
iniertioan .
Miscellaneous articles of not -snore
tat to five lines, For Sale, To Renta.
Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and
. ound ,locals ZSc. an. insertion.
Local reading notices, etc., 10c. -per
tale per insertion, No svoltioe less
than 25c, Card of Thanks 50c,
Auction Sales S3 for one insertion
and $1.50 for each subsequent in -
martian if under five inchtes in length.
Lega'. advertising 1.Oc. and 5c. a line
THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1920
Mount Carmel
On Sunday ,evening the friends and
,neighbor: gathered at the home of Mr.
:paid. Mrs Lewis Rowland to say good
:bye, before their departure to their
easew borne at Parkhill. Mr. Matt. Re-
train presented Mr and Mrs,. Rowland
with an electric rewires; lamp and cut
-giu§s dish, krrtd Mr. Fran.k GougbLin
Crecht on
luring the atast week arrangements
have beer made, whereby Crediton is
to be one of a five -teams baseball
league, The South Huron League
comprises the teams, of Goderich, Sea -
forth Clinton, Zurich and Crediton, A
schedule of games has been prepared
and printed copies of which are dis-
tributed in town, and' will also be
found in, .another column; of this issue
of the Advocate, Our local fans are
delighted with this arrangement as it
will give us plenty of games this
summer and we look forward to Cred-
iton upholding gats reputation as Lease
one of the best in the league Ae seen
as weather permits work wit be clone
on the diamond and everytheng nut
into. shape for pract:,ce.
Nave since the baseball matter hes.
been settled our celebratio.t for June
3rd is assured. .Sesfo th w 11 pay
Crecliton that day and it ie expected
that 'Zurich and Godertch will play Oti.
a game ,here also; Then in addition
to the sports it is hoped that a shoot -
ins, tournament esaal also take. place,
The concert commatte a Inas seCUIV:.i
the services of The Imperial Quar-
tette of Lo-xd-on to furnish the pro-
gram in. the evening, This Quartette
has been giving the majority ot con-
certs around Loatdon this past win-
ter' ;and excites lighly recommended.
Aubrey Baker, a Crediton Boy, sings
Bass and we know there are many
who will be anxious ,to hear lam, So
save your money for the big day in
Our Band has been giving lopen air
concerts on. Saturday evening oflate}
It is the means ,of drawing a crowd
;n'1 judging from the applause, the
;goys efforts are being appreciated.
J"-ey ,twice part in the Military Pro -
grain at Exeter 'on the 24th of May
.tn1 hive- tare promise of the Exeter
3 n 1 searring .earringhere on. June 3rd to beta
ti •:.ut is our celebration,
The tlirectars of the Hay Town-
ship Farmers Ins. Co, had a meeting in
row: cat Saturday.
A rasters show was, held in the Town
Hai ere aloaaay night. The f lms
prove,t very interesting.
Our School Trustees are calling a
x, eeiat nseet ng of the supporters 01
the section to Met in the School on
;alonday night for the purpose of con-
sidering the Heating System, and
whether it is advisable to reinstat the
hot air system or ,else put in the, steam
system OI late considerable difficu-
lty :has been found to keep the school
warm besides burnng an extraordinary
amount of fuel, and now sincethe
furnaces need replacing, the Board
consider it wise to take the people in-
to their confitdenrre and ask their op-
inuon whether it would be best to
adopt the steam system.
Mr Stephen Stotbers, district
alricultural representative, of Clinton
was in the tallage on Ftriday evening
to arrange the program of prizes for
our School Fair which Will be held
some time. this corning fall. . We look
forward to. this FKtmmr being one of the
best. Centralia, Fairfield, Shapton's,
Flirtzel's, Khiiva, and Mount carpel
Schools are in with us. The cateteen
have received their supply of seeds
and vegetables, and are anxiously wait-
ing results. The ,Balak of Commerce
is donath;g cash prizes for calves and
rigs «hien have been raised by boys
or ;iris under 17 yrs of age and in
additeen will donate a cup to be
awarded asp prize for whatever the
committee may see fit.
Mr, Wilson, who is succeeding Mr..
McDonald es manager of the Bank of
Commerce, has arrived from. Galt and
taken charge. We welcome him. It
exnectecl that his family will arrive
sieve in the miear future. Mr. McDon-
et t : or Lashburn, Sask., .this
week. Mac's ,many friends wash ,him
every success.
el -s Edward \Vurm and daughter
itatheleen of Zurich are visiting ,Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Geiser,.
A traveller coining: to town last week
from the west had his car badly smash
epi by running over a culvert, He
claims school ch?dren threw dirt or
sod at him which caused him tolose
coitro:. a.f the machine with the ae-
sult that it sktilded and jumped into
the ditch.
Word has been: received here of the
(Leath of john Wind ,who died in De-
troit oa Monday, at the age of Si
years. Mr. Wind was an old i•es;dent
of this v.cinity and moved to Detroit
four years ago He was highly re-
spected and esteemed by all, and the
relatives have the sympathy of all. -
laiother's Day was observed in both
our churc-ies last Sunday. The Bow-
er was much in. evidence as a token of
r7es: ect for ;the best friend we ever
had. Special programs were given :n
both churches appropriate to the oc-
Ivfr,a. and lefrs. Dan Schwarz of Cal-
borne and Mr. Schwarz's parents of
Goderich weee here an Sunday v sitt
ing Mr .and Mrs;. Christian Heist.
Miss Muriel Nichelsonn and Miss
Addie Geiser, whd are attending Nor-
mal in, Loudon. were home for the
week end,
Mr. "1'mombyll of Toronto has ,been
in the vwllag:e this ;mast week aro busi-
ness in, connection with his flax -pull: -
sing ,machines, Our flax -man Mr.
Nicholson intends sowing quite a large
acreage this season, 3s the demand
for flax was nether iso great as at pres-
Anneuncemeatits ,have been, received
for the Graduating Exerceses of St.
3rrse'h's T,na:rang .School for nuraes'
in St. Peter's Hall, Landon," on Wed-
nesday May 19. • Among the graduates
we notice • the nlarue of M',ss Wallie
Hill of this place., 'Vy e cangiratulate
Miss 1-Li,l uaaoz the succelss of hea'
training and wish her etvery success
It is reptartell that: Fred Kerr is as
a fair way of beams; oriel of a patnty
of trate-men, wh,oi will tet selected: to.
take part in the Olympic Shoot in
Antwerr this summer. Fred has made
a rtame 'fear himsejlf at trap shoeti;ntg
and if he can ,q.ualefy et the fitnais,
C.redi'an catn boast of :be''aug rhfghla'.
lvoctoret1 ua being ae,resented over-
seas. Here's honing.- ,that Paeid makes
the grade, and come back loaded with
Miss Minnie ,St,ettnac, lief, has :return;:
ed to Kitchener, after `'vusatin!g her
father Jeer a f e w rWeeks;
Michael" Finkbeiner has had teams et
widrk this ;cast week fllji ig irct hti,s lawn
Chas ;Ei"lber and Harry ,Beaver,have
bean ,at:Grelettla Bend this week assist -
the following .farewell address :—
Dear;air a,nr1 'airs, ,Rowland
We, your friends and neighbors, are
here .to -night to say good bye.
These are concrete facts and around
these fasts are other truths which we
summarize in ,these a,ssertitons. When
-ou ;leave Mount Carmel we lose the
best in manhood; when you leave Mt.
Carmel we lose the best in woman-
hood. These assertions are made with
sincerity They include every good
quality en, you, whether as neighbors
or paxjshoners. This milestone in
your life suny be forgotten in future
veers, We ask you to please accept
these gifts. They mew be of use to
you and at the same. time serve to
remember us, We tare sorry to lose
both Mrs Rosvaand nand yourself—our
loss is Parkhiil's 'gaisi,
. Signed on beheaf of the friends and
neighbors. '
Rev. Fr. Tierney, F. Coughlin, alt.
Regan, Jas. Carnot ,
Mr Rowland, who, in reply, thanked
his friends and neighbors for their
kindly words kind token of remembr-
apnc e,
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland served a
beautiful lunch, wheltt all departed for
their hones, wishing Mr. and Mrs,
Ieowlarel ,every success in their new
' ame
Mr. Loon. McCarthy left last week
for Winn-veg.—Mr. Thos. Rowlar 1
trurchased the lot formers owned 1:y
r. j. ,Hall Haying a good figure.'sta.
Rowland intends building a residenate
here at once.—Miss Henna Rees -Jon,
who has been quite ill, is recovering.—
Mr. Joel Glavin was art London: this
week on. business.—Miss Nora Collins
is on the sack list this week.
einseersas faia Sisatea .. *4 ae ea xa
Is Your Muth Tender?
Axe Your Gums Sore or Bleeding?
Are Your Teeth Loosening?
If so, you have "Riggs" Disease, Pyorrhea, or Trench Mouth, and
you need
Riggs R e edy for Riggs Disease
Why suffer when you can easily treat yourself in the comfort and
privacy of your own home by this sure, safe and painless method,
which will give you immediate relief ? Write
Pyorrhea Specialist 144 Carlton Street, Toronto, Ont. 30
airs t : "` ^+la: s aaaa: care
eea „saes
The McLaughlin .Car
S. M. Sanders, Dealer.
lex. Purdon, Sales Manage
Pimples and Eruptions
Mean Bad Blood
People who have impure or impover-
ished blood should be careful to take
only a temperance remedy wade of
wild roots and barks, such as Doctor
Pieree's Golden Medical Discovery is.
and bas been for nearly 50 years..
ingredients priuted on wrapper.
The first day you start to take this
reliable naedicine, impure germs and'
accumulations begin to separate in the
blood and are then expelled through
the eliminative organs,
In place of the impurities, the ar-
teries and veins gradually get fresh
vitalized blood and the action of this
good blood on the skin means that
pimples, boils, carbuncles, eczema,
rash, none and many skin blemishes
will disappn:u'. Then you must re-
member that when the blood ie right,
the liver, stomacli, bowels and kidneys
become healthy, active and vigorous.
and you will have no more trouble
with indigestion, backache, headache.
Get Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery to -day at any medicine deal-
ers, in tablet or liquid form, or send
10c' for trial pnekage to Dr, Pierce'e
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. or
branch Laboratory, Bridgeburg, Ont.
BRAMPToe , Oar. --"A Yew years ago
I was in a nervous and run-down condi-
tion and felt greatly In need of a tonic.
A friend who was being helped by Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ad-
vised me to try it, too, It helped me from
the very start and eventually reatored
me to perfect health, 1 feel In a position
to praise the '.Golden Medical Discovery'
very highly and take pleasure in recom-
mending it to all those who are at all
nervous, weak or run down." -- Mits.
ESTsmR PEA.'rsox.
ing Jos, Lawson to b`uila a temporary
bridge across the Sauble River,
Mr, Irwin of Lambeth has rented
the barber slot from. Mr. Sambrook
for the summer months.
:lir Walter Pollen and son Clifford
of Woodham spent Sunday at the
home of Frank Gunning,—Mr. and Mrs.
Wm Toohey And Mr, and Mrs. Mun-
sey of Lucan were Sunday visitors
with Mr. .send Mrs. Albert Gunning.—
Mr. and Mrs, Nat. Ogden of Exeter
spent a couple of days last week with
their daughter, Mrs. F. ,C. Squire.—
Services were as usual on Sunday,
the subject being, "R.spah ,on the
Rock." Special music was rendered by
the, choir for Mothers' Day.—Don't for-
get the annual W. M. S. Convention
at Woodham an Thursday next, May
13.—The Independent Order of Odd -
fellows will attend divine worship in
this church on Sunday next, :at 2.30
o.m.—Percy Foster spent Sunday with
Frank Squire.
Hay for March and April.. Those
marked x were not present for all
tests,—Sr IV., Jennie Dearing 71
Beatrice. Edwards 63; Jr, IV., Ethel
Dearing 77; Sr. III., Edna. Dearing 76
Loonard Pfaff 76, Harry Stanlake 64
Jr Hie—Lyle. Ford 69; Sr. al., Irene
Bierl.iing x 91; Inrit. II., Clarence Stan -
lake 66, Jr. II., Elva Dearing 86, -Sr,
I., Orville Ford x 85; Jr, I., Bernice
Carrick 95, Sr. Pro, Eldon Smith 90;
Jr. Pr., Charlie Stanlake 90. Nos on
noil 14, average 13.
Laivijne Smlith, teacher.
Hay, for April.—ST., 4., Gretta Alds-
w orth 71.8, Hannah Murray 71.2; Jr.
4 Leonard Greb 72; Sr. 3, Violet Mur-
ray 74.5, Oscar Tuckey 64, Jr. 3, Lily
Greb 64: ,Sr. 2, Catharine. Hiuser 65,
Velma Caldwell 62; Jr. 2, George Tin-
ney 62 No. on, roll 27, Average 24.
A. El: Johns, teacher.
Tmyllor—In ITuckersmith ,on May end
to Mr and Mrs;, R. Taylor, a daugh-
incorporated in 1555
OAPI I'A I: RESERVE $0,000,t 00
Over 120 Branches
like all other good habits is the result of resolution cwt pract-
By depositing regularly a portion of your earnings in THE
MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon. acquired.
Your money grows by the ad dition ot the Sincerest which we
pay at current rates on savings bank deposits, It is safe, and
can be drawn upon when really neeled.
Avoid careless spending by opening a saa;ings accot:n with us.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch
11/0 you want to i'y
This is the new and fascinating way of testing the
NMN Edison's realism.
We can give the same tat that was ms4e b11
distinguished American psychologists in New York.
Let us give it to you. See whether the New Edison
produces the same emotions as listening to the liv-
ing singer.
Cane in and try it.
J. Willis Powell, Dealer,
,,Exeter, Ontario
bu!JI $et good satisfaction out of
J`-' this GOLD MEDiu.tooi"
r Sale a
at First Class
1~'irst-class materials and skilled
workmanship, coupled with perfect
balance, make "GOLD MEDAL"
Tools best for every farmer.
Ease of motion and maximum
work are the rule when you use
• " GOLD MEDAL Tools, because
of their right construction..
Ask your neighbor how he likes
the "GOLD MEDAL" line. Heavy
duty tools should all be as good as
"GOLD MEDAL" quality.
All Sensible Farmers Insist
Harvest -Tools
Hardware Stoires
o dines are_for�sale by.'
it ppv
Your Victory Loan Coupons due ist
May can be cashed at The Canadian
Ralik of Commerce or left on deposit
in a Savings Account.
Triterest on Savings Accounts is paid
at the rate of 3% per annum. sos
OIL 1,01VEN1 FR !
PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,00
EXETER. R. P,RANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
incorporated in 1555
OAPI I'A I: RESERVE $0,000,t 00
Over 120 Branches
like all other good habits is the result of resolution cwt pract-
By depositing regularly a portion of your earnings in THE
MOLSONS BANK, the saving habit is soon. acquired.
Your money grows by the ad dition ot the Sincerest which we
pay at current rates on savings bank deposits, It is safe, and
can be drawn upon when really neeled.
Avoid careless spending by opening a saa;ings accot:n with us.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch
11/0 you want to i'y
This is the new and fascinating way of testing the
NMN Edison's realism.
We can give the same tat that was ms4e b11
distinguished American psychologists in New York.
Let us give it to you. See whether the New Edison
produces the same emotions as listening to the liv-
ing singer.
Cane in and try it.
J. Willis Powell, Dealer,
,,Exeter, Ontario
bu!JI $et good satisfaction out of
J`-' this GOLD MEDiu.tooi"
r Sale a
at First Class
1~'irst-class materials and skilled
workmanship, coupled with perfect
balance, make "GOLD MEDAL"
Tools best for every farmer.
Ease of motion and maximum
work are the rule when you use
• " GOLD MEDAL Tools, because
of their right construction..
Ask your neighbor how he likes
the "GOLD MEDAL" line. Heavy
duty tools should all be as good as
"GOLD MEDAL" quality.
All Sensible Farmers Insist
Harvest -Tools
Hardware Stoires
o dines are_for�sale by.'
it ppv