HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-13, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR EXETER, Ors TA.RIOe, THU SDAy MAY 13, 1920. SANDERS & CREECI-l' Our Corner 1 BTG CELEBRATOIIN lri • A yearend a half of peace, and look at the dunned thing. Strike, rend the world strikes with you; work, end you work alone.: You are not helping much ,if y wear silk underails beneath those cot- ton overattls. Another long-established daily, The St. Catharines Journal, has succumbed to higher costs. of ,production. '.The steady- ,shrinkage of the number of Canadian: newspapers is a matter of seri'aue conccaln, to the public. Perhaps few ;people knew or real- ise the Langer there exrsta int connec - tion welt dust. It •s stated 4n the best authority that durieg the 19 months following March, 1916, dust explosion caused the loss of over eight millions'worth of property, three million bushels of grain and its pro- ducts, wseveral million pounds of sugar 36 lives and bode; ,iniury to over 69 , men, Clean up—pain up—shine up—cheer up. Put the sunshine sof cleanliness, the cherry homey, ,glietening atmosphere into every dirty career ort the town,. Fourteen points sof cleanliness t --ii Fix up; 2. Sween up; 3, Rake up; 4. Clear. up; 5. Y)ig. up; 6. Build 7. Screen up; 8. Pen up; 9. Glaze; 10, Paint up; 11. Dress up; 12, Lift up; 13. Cheer up; and 14. Keep it up. Here is a plain duty you owe yourself annd your neighbor. The St Marys Board of Trade has asldxlesse.I a letter to the C. P. R, r.eciuestutp that the company :oak in- to the matter of 'extending the toad from St. ?liarys to Goderich. We be- lieve the C.D.R.C.,R, stall holds the clear - ter to the. 'road thats d to svas propose be built through this see;tion some years ago: The line was to go through Exeter, and needless to say we would like: to see it aa, accompliebed fact, There is no better territory in Can- ada that that it would 'pass through. Nobody pa earth` is so long suffer- ing as the etoun;try editor. He can make jokes about the high cost of 1, - ing even as he starves to death. Ex- penses have doubled, trebled, quad- ruplet:, ibut ha gets no more for his ,pax er .than the ancient dollar and a half, which was less than, enough be- fore the war. He pays his helpmore, he pays the farmermore for less food, the grocer more* fo:'bis supplies, tIre tailor ntorc for !kis clothes, the shoe- maker more for his shoes, and every- thing ,else la proportion. Yet he con tinuea to charge just $1.50. And now, the government says he, must pay a higher :ate of postage, P]vcne 81a TAMAN'S YOU SHOULD BEE OUR MEN'S WEAR GET YOUR RAINCOAT HERE. Yes, we sell Raincoats, guaranteed to protect you in snow, sleet, rain, and storm. it is 'a real weather - proof garment that will gime you long and satisfactory e•sneryday service. Get your euaiuty , shirts, underwear, neck ,,ear, bosieree eitee at this shop,. ,L.-- SUIT8 .. $20 to $.40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35 - RAINCOATS $15 to $30 W. Taman Tailor& Furnisher • EXETER MAY 24th Dersesiting of 161st Bre Colors in Trisdtt Memorial Church. Basehail—Crediton, vs. Clinton. Morning and afternoon The !runless ,PLayers at Night in Opera. Houde. in "The lefislea;ding Lady„ Lots •of ;Music all clay. S_ rr Robert bent .Bard . Ptak takes u the . pd - ties Qf Premier apart, this week, after sante months rest in the States. It is hotted that het es again in the best of health. Canada owes .a great debt to Borden, end he is needed just naw, Learn this lesson, my sort; then learn it over and over again. The world does tttot owe you a Huta:gIt ,lines ,not owe any man a living. True, there are those who have gotten motion in their ,heads that they have a right to be taken care of by others regardless of any exertion themselves, They will Lind out in time, however, 1 that wbile they are wanting for the procession to come along ,with a featherbed•o:nwhich to carry them to. fame and .fortune, the hustler has got- ten a long way to the Front. — Es. change. In the ,debate tett, ,the natter of in, - creased indemnity for the members of tthe Ontario Legislature, Andrew Hicks of South Huron, drew atten- titan to the fact that they had only spent four months on ab t h. � job, , nd. might wisely Wait fi f,or a. year to see what the oast actually was before they startel to complain. Thexc were many men, hu sae, who had sacrificed limbs ami homes for a me.re $1„10 a day, anci it ill behooved the members to peti- tion. -for morr'e so soon after election, Mr. Hicks was notfar away front the fact, either. One hundred per cent increase in the Provincial tax on banks is announ- ced. Last year the provincial levy on head offices was $1,500; this year it is to be ,increased to $3,000, And branch banks, which formerly paid $50, are this year ,to pay $100. Inad- ditinon they will be required to pay zone -fifth ,of os.e per cent on their paid-up cepata!, instead of one-tenth. Change is -.5e,0 annOeii cad la tIih tattier tion. of insurance compaedes, Life in- surance companies will pay one and one-quatrter per 1cent. and all other insurance compani,es osae per cent. on they gross premiums receivedon busi- ness transacted in Ontario,. Lumley Hiss Olive Fairbairn of Hensel! is spending a few ,days an, the boundary this .week,—The Misses Newell of Hen sail visited their sister Mrs, Noah Hor- ton, last week.—Quite a number from tbis neighborhood attended the fun- eral of tbe late Mr. McKellar, wb o - was buried in Cromarfy cemetery last Thursday afternoon—Word was re- ceived here of the ,marriage of Nass Grace Horton, who bas been, giving musical instruction for the past two years ea Zelansdia, Sask. - Greenway The sym»ath,y of the neighborhood is ,extended to 'Mr, and Miro. Henry Hurtles- who lost tire second of their twin daughters last week. The .other little girl died' several months ago. In- terment took plaice art Grated Bend. FIRE AT SEAFORTH The Canada !Flax Mill took fire on Wednesday of east week, just before moon, and in a few moments the build- ing was doomed as the dry flax and oil inside burned rapidly. The -fire stetted it the shoot, and is supposed to have come from ,a, spark from the smoke ,stack., The engine room was sa gyred., The, building had lately been remodelled and the loss is a heavy one. The• ,mill will. be rebuilt at once as the -owners have' al large acreage in flax in thee district. for Music Lovors WHEN? May 18tEh; 8.15 pm:. - WHERE ? Town- Hall, Hensall, . WHO ? - Miss Peteier, Soprano Fagan, Whistler Mr. Oshorne, Violinist Whet? Mn Edislon's Phonograph, "with a Soul" "The New Edison,,, Preying by actual comparison 'that there is no diff es ence be- tween the tecreatiion on the New Edison and the original aatist, FRET✓'? ? • " Cards lof admissrojii may be had at Prowell_s Bazaar, Eseter .or W. C. Mont tgomesy's few- - ew- ] enlsalle Tone Tient: tendered by J.' Willis Powell, Edison, Dearer, Exeter, Ont. LEAGUE BASEBALL IN HURON.;'if 1 s to r. and :h,frs, A. Traqusir, - a' Dashwood BIRTHS slaughter. Last week art Clinton the Hee= County Baseball League was formed comprising teatns from Zurich, Gorier -1 ich .Clintten, Crediton and Seaforth,, A schedule was adopted and an effort will be arcade to affiliate with the N. Wellington League as a group. The officers -elected were,—Pres., y. E. Cantelon, Clinton;; Sec. -Trews;, Kerr; executive, J. Silts, Seaforth; C- I Draper, Clinton; L. Hoffman, Zurich ;. W, W. Barlow, Goderich; W. E. Oes- treicher, Crediton, The schedule— May 24—Zurich at Goderich; May 24-.,Seaforth ;et Chetan. May 26—Goderich at Seaforth, May 27—Cliiuton, at :Creditor'. May 31—Crediton, at- Goderich May 31—Zurich at Clinton June 1—Clinton. eet Seaforth June 3 Cakerrch at Zurich June 3—Seaforth at Crediton. June 7—Creditors at Clinton.. June 9—:Goderich at Zurich June 9—Seaforth. at Zurich June 11 -,Zurich ,at Crediton. June 14--eG ',lerich at Clinton June 16--Seaforth at Goderich Tune 17—Clinton at Zurich June 17—Crediten et Seaforth June 23--Gaderich at Creditor June 24—Zurich at Seaforth June 9—Crediton, at Zurich July 7—Goderich at Crediton. Jul y7 --Clinton at Seaforth July 9—Seaforth'at Zurich July ;12 -Zurich et Go:ler"ell. July 14--Seaforth at Clinton.. July 15—Crediton at Goderich Jul} 19—Crediton at Zurich July 21—Goderich at Seaforth Jul y22 --Zurich at Crediton, Jury 28—,Seaforth at Crediton July 28-Goderich at Clinton July 30•-Goderich at Zurccl', August 2—Clinton at Goderich August 5 --Zurich at Clinton. August 5—Crediton .at Seaforth ich atzurr August 10—Crediton, Q August 3.1—Seaforth at Goderich August 12 --Crediton, at .Clinton August 19—Clinton at Crediton August 19—Zurich at Seaforth L'SU.ORNE (`OL'NClL 1'sborne Cannon :net at the Town- ship Hall, Elimville, on May lit in their regular monthly meeting. All the members were present. Minutes of meeting of April 3rd were read and approved. Messrs. Beaver and Hutchison waited on the councilin reference to the position of NIA lot 21 and lots 22• and 23, con. 1, re school td ' s eof S. S. No. 9, union. The following resolution was pas- sed regarding same: "That the cleric communicate with the Exeter coun- cil to state that the Usborne Coun- cil refuses to collect any school tax for S. S. No. 9, Union for 1920, un- til proof is fufnished that the said lots are liable for such levy," As there was no appeals against the assessment of the Geiger drain scheme it was unnecessary for the Council to sit as a Court of Revision on same as per notice. The assessor having filed the ag- sessment roll for 1920 with the clerk, the Court of Revision to hear appeals will be held at the Town- ship Hall, Elimville, on Saturday, June 5th, 1920, at 2 o'clock p.m. 'By -Laws No. 5- and 6 for 1920 to appoint a school attendance offi- cer and an =lnspeetor to secure the enforcement of the Cow Tag by-law were read and passed and signed by the reeve and clerk. The Hydro Power Committee re- solved to`solieit signatures to the petitions for Hydro in the Township early in June. - Bills to the amount of $292.28 were passed and orders issued for the payment of same. Council adjourned to - meet on June 5th, 1920, at one o'clock. Henry Strang, clerk Local News - Why overalls? Why not pyjamas? 'Then the ladies can wear 'em, two, May 12th was the 100th aoniversery of the birth, of the first of all nurses, Florence Nightingale. - 1Vfr, W. H. Collins, manager of the Bank pf Commerce, Kitchener, and bermes -1y manvagex Of this branch, some ten years ago, called( on, old friends here Friday last; He, was, in. the com- nany sof a naumber of other bank man- agers, who were here for the pur- pose of inspectitn;g the two banks, with a 'view to carrying away ideas' for the 'erection of other bank buildings, CORRESPONDENTS ATTENTION, Correspondents wile! please get the budget.: of news to The Advocate of- fice not eater than Tuesday, and we hone always ,on Tuesday morning. It is niecessasryisle that the herif holiday be observed on Wednesday for t he summer months. MOTHER'S DAY IN MAIN ST. S. S. Mother's Day was duly observed in Main street Sunday' School • on Sabbath last with a large attend- ance. The orchestra furnished good Music. The primary ' class occupied the front of the school and were. seated on small chairs. They render- ed a couple of songs that were nice- ly given. Recitations, songs, readings, addresses and a duett formed part of the programme. Mother was cer- tainly not forgotten at the services. Groceries.—We have opened gree- er'y department in connection with our confectionery. Our stock is fresh, an,:I we will always keep nothing but the beet, Butter este eggs taken in •exeher ge. Fred White. Labour i)ay was a busy one at our educational ,in titutioa. A genera c,leani.n2 up, f,ollowee by the sowing of one buttered plots, occupied the day. +Three prizes are offered each zoom. , for the hest tem, plots, and three tethers fo: the best rot e.:tions of ,t-egetable grown ca. these plots. This creates quite a competition: Mr. and errs, J. Delgaty and Mrs. English spent the. week -end visiting at the borne of sir. a and Mrs. G. S. How- ard Miss elareeree Jeziel oa spent '�atur- nay with Mliss Laura Mae Reel Mn E Tiernan and family motored to Stretford on Saturday and itrcught back Ira •af the Galt Bartle n: Com- merce with them. Ait agitation, is an, foot to oil the Treat street of our town to lessen, the ilust during the coring season. Mr. and Mrs. Lindenfield and ...am - and Mrs. 1-i t ?of Parkee. %Gant Sunday in town. Truck. lio.atl after truck lord build- ing material leaves our factory ter Gran,! Bend, where extensive balding is going on. brothers' Day las observee ',ere r a Stueesav Mrs r, Preeter, Sr., ie ennt r •t to her home with an attack tit retell mania. We roue. for a spec ly aee v- ery, Brow't has returned to !en tom^ lard, ester epeneine the 'sites iaa Thedtor4. hiss Armee Ehlers of Kitchen's:, s:ient the week-ene. wit'o Mr. and Mrs. !� S Oestr+:r+seer. Mr. tete Mrsa. $,1e -rt of Godersrlt e:alle'i rra friends in town. Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. E. Foist and Mr. and Mrs. F. Wuerth ,of Crediton were vis. itor.s 51' town, Sunday. Centralia Misr Marian Neil spent part of last week visiting friends in Landon. Mrs 'etude/sort of Belgravia visited with her daughter, Mfrs. Brooks, Last week - • Mr Gco. Hays is out from London aeon looking after the. removal of hr's furniture to that city. bosses,. V•e'ra, Davie angel. Mabel Flea - ma neot tantion: spent the week -end at their homes here. Misa .Thompson, sister of Mr. Thomson station n(gent, sdsite,l with him over ,Sun. -ray, The chair made up of the mothers of the congregation of the Methodist Church was highly appreciated on Sunday and were invited to furnish the music again in the near future, The men ;of the congregation are now busy prganizeing their choir for two weeks Seam, last Sunday. Mrs, Bayn- hanr had the church niicely decorated, far the occasion, Farquhar lir. and Mrs. Chas. Tuffin and lit - tie son of Staffa visited at Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pollen's on Sunday. The regular monthly emeetin of the Wo- men's Institute was held Tuesday af- ternoon, efa,y 4th, with 17 members. present. bliss Helena elanteith gave a very interesting paper on, "The Motel elan' We were also favored f with ciol,n and Memo duets by the Misses McCurdy and a. humorous reading by Miss Ilackaaey, after which refresh meets were served.—Misses Millie and Reta Pollen, of Mitchell, accompanied by Miss Florence Dowding spent the week -end at their .home here.—Miss Margaret sieleNain vasi,ted Miss Viola Hunkin ,on Sunday.—Little Charlie Sttewartwho has been ,quite i11 of tuneumonia, we are pleased to report, is i.mprovine, whirl, Mess Gertrude Stewart, we are sorry to 'say, is still very i]1 ,of pleurisy. We hope, how- ever for a speedy recovery.—lir. Wm. Stewart of Toronto is visiting in this neighborhood. - WHEN YOU OPEN THE PACKAGE of meat that comes from ourshop,; you are never disappointed at the appearance of itj It' is always red tender, fresh looking 'and juicy- al- ways palatable and wholesome, no matter what cut" er kind' of meat it may be, - For this is the quality meat shop of Exeter. B. Makine, THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET where quality is higher than price. y'm]main.'s I-Iastiital, on Smithe-At Dr. H May 9th, to I fr.. end Mrs. Wrn. Srn'te a son. Taylor=law Usboozae, on, May 9. to Mr. and Mrs Hector Taylor, a 'sen— stillborn. Chew—At kirkton, on. April 25, to Mr testi lits. Thos. Crew, twin girls, lupe--At Kirkton, on .April 24, to ;tio- nerd Mrs. Perry F. Doupe, :a eisu",hter. Deyrnan—;n Tuckersmith, 'on April 30, to 3lr and Mfrs. B. Dayma n, a daugls.. ter. - Trar-r,air—In Tuckersmith, ore May let Huston. ---In Vancouver City, en May. 11, to Mr. and Mrst. W. Me Huston, a son DEATHS Perrin --In Beidulph, on April 30, Sarah.' - Marie. n°;le for Edwin Perris:, aged. 58 years. efrKelie.-•—in Staffa, on, April 29, Due can. :+leleelier, Sr., aged b4 years. IN MEMORIAM isseett—In loving memory of Fanny :Bissett. who died at Exeter on. May • 14th, 1919. —Her daughter Fanny 4111.01•111•1171•171,7 Wito. Automobile Owners YOU BENEFIT BY OUR "I'VE LVIi VEARS EXPE AUTO? .MECHANICS. ti h; REPAIR RADIATORS, 'IAS TANKS, IEAt STRAIGHTEN FENDERS, ETC, ETC. MOTOR OVERHAUI,I:+YG OUR SPECIALTY. ALL WORK GUARAN MED. SERVICE OUR MOTTO. CF A:S -LIGHTS,. Soupier &. Foote Fod Ga r arage Exeter( Eat More Bread It is ti1.1 the be :mete you can find. USE MODEL FLOUR ii you want Breed with the a tatty ilacour, - Never have we heard so ^tany good xe;torts about ,sur flour, as ,of lote, We give substantial recluc ties oe flour in I Cities. We have Bran, Shorts, Feel Flour, Oil Cake, Tankage, Chop, Etc., also some nice Seed. Peas. Wanted—Wheat, Oats, Parley and. all kinds of granny ge quark HARVEY BROS. • T. fi ......................,..„ J. A. STEWART Phone 16 A FewReal Bargains in Pure Wool Berges for Ladies' Suits & Dresses. I Soft pure wool Serge; close even svetve; pure dye iit Black, Brown, Navy and Green ...Per Yard $3,00 Special Pure Botany Wool Serge, good weight, perfect weave, clear bright calor in Navy, Black, Et own. and Green—Per yard $3.75 Our Big Leader Pure ail wool Iniportect Seege—$w e11 for Ladles' Suits -Pere felt Dyne; Navy, Black, Green. and Heather Boow,t._, er yard $4: Our Big 3 Three Extra Ba,rgans :Black ,Duchess end 1Messalim;e.eilk 30 inti wider. Every thread pure soft silk—perfect .bright- Black at eq., per •yard $2,75, $3,00, $3,50 Buy your silk naw; 'and save money. • SCOTCH LINOLEUMS-2 and 4 yards wide. TAPESTRY RUGS WILTON' 1Z.U. GS BRUSSELS R UGS And VELVET RUGS ALL SIZES, ALL AT MONEY SAVING PRICES. J. A. ST W A 1' • • 4 4 4 •