HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-6, Page 8Exeter Markets Changed each Wednesday Fall Wheat„.., 1.45 Oats 1.10 Barley ...... ...1.45 to 1,65 Family Fleur 6.85 Feel Flour per cwt. ...... . ......... 4,00 Shorts pee. cwt , 3.45 Bran per cwt. 3.35 Butter „.55 to 58 Creamery Butter ..,...,,, 70 Lard .. ... .......... ., 35 Potatoes ,.,,..,.. 4,50 to 4.75 Hay per ton 20000 to 22.00 Hog; 4..... ... 19.00 Mrs. \Vethey is organizing a junior oic hestr.t for violins. Anyone wishing to join tact do so by praying a small fee. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Ed. Snell wishes to • express her then.ks to the mealy friends Who have so generously assisted during the illness and. subsequent death of her husband, a.'al a1s0+ for the many floral tributes MRSJl, KERR, Doctor of Chiro- practic has leer ,office at the home of AIr. i1°sn. Andrew, Exeter. Phone 43, Office hours, 9 to+12 a,m. ; 2 to 5 pm. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. The Advocate is anxious to have correspondents in all distri'acts. If your territory is not represented by our staff correspondents will you send us the news, or suggest the name of someone who wduld be likely tC+ do so? We furnish stampeden- velopes and writing supplies, ----- FOR SALE Pony, harness, rubber -tire buggy; al- so two steel -tire buggies, Wilson & Sims, Exeter, CARS FOR HIRE -Wilson & Simms Phone 56, FOR SALE. One 14 -plate Disc Harrow, out - throw, in good rep* andworthprice Ward. Wm. CALVES FOR. SALE Any body wishing to get good Dur- ham calves should apply to L. J, Wii- lert, R, R. Na. 2, Dashwood, or phone 34r20. WOOD PUMPS REPIAIRED. If your pump needs fixing we are ready to do the. job now before other work commences. We do turning of all kinds. Saws gummed, etc. 5 J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS STORES CLOSE ON We, the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close over places of business each Wednesday during the summer months of June, .July and August: J. A. Stewart, Jones & May, G. A. Hawkins, S. Martin & Son, South- cott Bros., W. W. Taman, Jas. Law- son, S. Fitton, W. J. Beer, W. 3. Neaman, H. S. Walters, H. Spack- man, J. Senior, Grigg Sationery Co., T. Elliott, F. Boyle, Hockey Bros., Times Printing Co., Advocate Print- ing rinting Co., P. Frayne. COURT OF REVISION. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN NOTICE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Township of Stephen will hold .its first meeting in the Town Hall, Cnelitea, or Wednesday, 26th day oe: Mev, 1920, at 1 o'clock p.ne Hary Eilber, Township Clerk, Crediton P.O. ANYTHING YOU WANT? If there is let us act as your buyer or shopper. We are in. touch with the lowest possible market and can get you anything from a bag of pea -nuts to an elephant whether the article is new- or second-hand, large ar small. it cost., you nothing extra for our service and we may save you money Write us. Specialty Service Co.,1204 Bank of Hamilton Building, Toronto: EXETER AGRI. SOCIETY Will hold a FIELD ('ROr COMPETITION IN FALL WHEAT AND OATS Stephen and Usborne Townships are each awarding special prizes for Baby Beef competitions. For particulars apply to the sec- retary, R. G. SELDON. FARM FOR . SALE -"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp. of Hibbert, County of Perth, 100 acres imediately north of Far- quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling large bank barn, with water all thro it supplied from never failing well with windmill. A second windmill. &nd.well on back, of farm. New up- to- date nen and hog uoice large new drive house. Good orchard of apples and small fruit, 8 acres of bush, 5 0 acres mostly double - ploughed and ready for crop. Bal- ance in grass. This is a choice farm, well fenced,well draihed and in a high state of cultivation. A lovely home and mustbe sold as the proprietor has bought a larger farm. Easy terms of payment. Apply ori premises to Thos. Rundle, or Thos. Cameron, R. R. No. 1, Kirk ton. E.XEeER ADVOCATE, THURSDAY, MAY 61 1820. Local Doings The trout fisb&Lg season opened last Satur'ay. The Jackson Factory was elosedfor stock taking a few days last week. If you have anything to -sell or you want to buy, try The Advocate Want Column Mr. Chas. F. Hooper,, after several days' illness is able to be up and around again. The subscript9an price of the Tor- onto Daily Star has .been advanced from 53.00 to $ 4.00 a year. Me Robert Cole of Chiseihurst has purchased the 75 -acre farm of John 'feu ase" ors the 13th of Hibbert. Mr. Albert E. Etherington has been on crutches for a few days owing to an injury to his ,feet when he fell front a ladder. Mr. David Richards has purchased the dwelling and three .lots on Huron street, owned by Mr. Eli Snell, paying therefor 51650. Friende and relatives here regret to leant that Mr. \Vm. Davis of Hamilton hen been quite .iB of influenza, but are glad to know that be is improving. Newsprint ;paper ,has gone up 300 per cent in four years. Subscription price. have gone up about 50 per cent. The 12 weekly will soon: be the rule. Mn Jas. N. Howard has purchased the dwelling and four,fifths of an acre of lag,.:, situated on Mill street, being a part of the estate o: the late Wm. H. Welsh, John Payne, who has been in the service of Afessrs, Jones & May for a number of years ,has resigned and taken a position with the . Jackson Co. as presser, Quite a number of the Exeter Old - fellows went to I-lensall Sunday ev- enine anti accompanied the Hensel' brethren to St. Paul's church for the evening service. Where daylight saving is in etfe;:t la Canadian towns and cities postmas- ters are given. authority to fall in line in regard to hours of opening; ` and closing pas toffices. Many of the flour mills 'in Ontario are shut clown owing to the scarcity of wheat, Many o: them have been idle for a long time, and some have eat turned a wheel since New Years. Rev Wilson. of James St. Church preached anniversary sermons et Full arton on Sunday afternoon and evening and Rev Shoup of°Fullerton occupied the James Street pulpit on Sunday evening On Saturday, May 1st, Miss Josie Medd was the presiding, examiner here for the pupils writing on the Theory ea -ams sof The Royal Academy and Royal College of Music, Canadian Headquarters 1Montrea1. . A new G. T` aR, station+, is to he, er- ected at Claatdeboye to replace the one destroyed by fire last year. Plans for its structure have already been received by the mem in charge of the construction department, Did you see the eclipse of the moon on Sunday night? The phenomena was unusual because of its cloudy cop- per color, it usually being black. The eclipse was on before the moon was above the horizon in the evening. In fact it :commences at 5.49 in the after- noon. It was ,half covered at 7.01, and after becoming total it disappeared at 11,53, DIED IN LONDON. The sad death occurred in London last week of a former Exeter young woman, in the person of Martha Etta Welsh, daughter of the late William Welsh and Mrs. Welsh, and beloved wife of Mr. John Salisbury. The 'de- cease.l had been a victim of influenza hilt apparently she had almost fully recovered when she was stricken down on Tuesday April 27th, and the fol- lowing day she passed away, aged 24 years and 11 months. The deceased was well and favorably known here and her sudden death will be learned with regret. Besides the sorrowing hus- band and three small children, she is survived by her mother and two sis- ters, Mrs, Harry White. and Mrs. Hill- wood Thomas. The funeral took place Saturday to Woodland cemetery, Lon- don T rivitt Memorial Church REV. A. A. TRUMPER, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Jones Foote, B. A., Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastore. M, J. Wilson, B.A. 11 ane -"Our Mothers, Let's honor them." 3 p.m. -Mothers' Day Program -=All insite,d, 7 ,p.m, -A )vifsit to ai tailor establish- ment. Anew choir un the morning: Cars to bring all who send in .request to the parsonage. All issvited, Ali Seats .Free MAIN ST. AND BETHANY Minister, Rey, , Dr. Merl a MAIN STREET CHURCH 11 a.m.-Mo'ther's Day Service. 3 p.m. -S. S. and Bible Classes. Moth- er's Day Addresses, 7 ip,m.-Sermion, Nagar the Slave Girl BETHANY -S.. S. AT 1.30. 1.,30-S , ,S. and Bible Sturdy.• 2.30-Searmon, Mother's Lai Fine music in both' churches and seats are all free, George Hind has taken a position with the Molsoas Bank as junior. The Advocate can give you club- bing rates with any of the daily news- papers or magazines. Mr. W. J. Bever ,is having a garage erected at the rear of his business premises, on James street. PRESENTED WITH RING. Mr. J. A. Alaccionald, for several years accou atant at the Exeter Branch ,of the Bank of Commerce, and latter- lyatm:rager at Crediton, who hasbeen transferred to Lashburn, Sask., was on Tuesdayevening presented with a Masonic ring by a number of his old friends, who met at the home of Mr, 1'. H. Newell for that purpose. Mr, Newell ,made the presentatian anal all. spoke words of appreciation of "Mac" who in reply thanked his friends for their kindly words and token of re- membrance, Mrs. Newell served a delightful iwieb. KNIG IiT--ROWCLIIFFE, A quiet but very pretty wedding wassolemnized in London on Wed-: nesday, May 5th* when oae of our young men, Mr. Reginald John Knight son of Mr. and Mra Edward Knight, London Road, south, was happily wed- ded to Aliss Janet Victoria Rowcliffe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Row- cli£fe of Usborne. The ceremony was performer, by Rev, D. C. :McGregor. Both bride sand groom were unatt.nided The ,young' couple will spend a short honeymoon al Guelph and Tomato, after which they will re- turn to town; and will occupy the home the groom recently purchased on on Mair;, street from Mr,. 0, Cann, The happy couple will have the best wish- es of all. Miss McDoneit wag in London en Friday. .hiss Blanche Quan.ee spent Satur- day in London. Mrs. C H. Sanders visited in Lon; - (104 t Friday, Mr Richard Bissett of London was is town on Thursday, Judge L. H. Dickson. of Goderieb was iA town on Friday. Miss Ethel Case v^,;„sited in Toronto with relatives for a couple weeks. Mr. Gamey Acheson of St, .Thomas is visiting with his parents here, Dr. Roulstob, is this week attending. ties mutual Dental Convention In Tor- orto. Messrs Russell and Herb. Southcott were in Detroit for a flew, days last week. Mra_ Ericson of Fargo, N.D., and. Miss Crocker +of Buffalo are visiting airs W. G. Bissett. Mrs W. J. Bissett visited with her sister, Mrs. laieDoweil at Listowel for several bays during the week, Miss Florence Forbes and Mr. B,W, Ware of London spent the week end with Mr and M'xs: F. A. Chapmaxe Mrs. King of Ottawa, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. D. Johns, is visiting in Sarnia with Mrs. Goodisonl hiss Jessie Bowey, who has 'been in Lpndon for the post few weeks, returnee ltonie Monday :evening to re- main. Mr: Aldsworth of Leos Angeles, who has been away from Exeter for 24 years, is visiting his father, Air. Cicero Aldsworth and other, relatives is this district, Mrs, D. Johns and daughter, .Miss Lila leave to -day for Sarnia to re- main for Borne• weeks while Mr. -end, Mrs. W. T. Gloodisort, are in the Can- adian West on a trip Mrs. Lee, and little daughter Maine and little niece, Velma Quaill of Sea - forth, .spent a few days during the week with Mrs. Lee's parents, Mr. nand Mrs. Geo. Easterhrook. Mrs. Wm. Collingwood and daughter Priscilla, Mr. Thomas Welsh, Mr, James Collingwood of Hamilton at- tended the funeral. of Mrs. John Salis- bury in London on, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brooks of Mon- treal were visitors in, town. and vicin- ity a few days last week. The object of the visit was to ,be present on Thursday at the celebration of the 70th birthday of his mother, Mrs. Geo. Brooks of Hensall, and his aunt, Mrs. George Melville :of Russeldale, they being twin sisters, The event took place at the. latter's ,home., Mr. and Mrs. Brooks travel in. a twelve cylin- der Packard car and are now on their way to Philadelphia. Mr. W. Melville of town is a cousin.. School Report ROOM V. Sr. 3rd. Honors -Mildred Murphy 82; Marion Bissett 82; Margaret Johns 82; • James Penrice 82; Harry West81; Meta Salter 79; Herman Gower 78; Harold- Nelson 77; Elva °Hunkin 75; Bob Gambrill 75. Pass -Walter Spencer 74; Reta Elwor- thy 73; Margaret Harness '71; Har- old Whyte 71; Hazel Sanders' 68; Susie Reeder 67; Harry Snell --66. Jr. 3rd. Honors -Eugene Howey 82; Frank Creech 80. Pass -Greta Brock 74; Marjorie Clark 73; Flor- rie West 73; Wallace Makins 70; Edna Russell 69; Hugh Creech;65; John Kuntz 61. No on roll 36; average 32. Jean S. Murray. teacher. ROOM VI Class 2. Sr. Honors -Wm. Lod - der 86; Muriel Howald 84; Nona Reeder 80; Marvin Howey 80; Vera Macdonald 79; Edith Walters 79 Marjorie Medd . 7 8; Pass -Edward Taman '7.4; Russell Brock 72; dolda Wells 72; Jack Gambrill 70; Reg. Beavers 70; Clifford Itatchison 64. Class 2. Jr. Honore -Winnie Bish- op 79; Harold Skinner 76; Alvin Passmore 75; Pass -Harry Jennings 74; botiald Gladman 73; Jennie Passmore 72; Hilton Laing 71; Lily PHONE 32 aeleesseleasitilleaseitlasselessed JONES & MAY PHONE 32 Ladies' and Misses' Spring Suits and Coats Moderately Priced. OUR LAST SHIPMENTS OF Ladies" and Misses' Suits and Coats for the present season are now he stock, Coats areshown in Velours, Serges. Tricotines, Coverts and Don- egal Tweeds in a big range of colors and at attractive prices. SUITS -Over fifty stylish suits to select ire a in Navy, Brower and Black. Every Suit we. have is guaranteed to he Absolutely all wool material. READY TO WEAR GARMENTS FOR SUMMER Our Reedy -to -Wear Department is now well -.stocked with new Middies, Wash Skirts, House Dresses,: Blouses Silk Dresses, Coat and Pullover Sweater., Summer Hosiery anal un- derwear. etc„ etc;,, PARASOLS In the new Ring Style handles of Backelite in dainty colorings, g; x d quality, silk and wool tops at prices ranging from $3.25 up to $12.00 each SAVE MONEY ON HOUSE FURNISHINGS We have an iimmen, se stock of House Furnishiegs, including Rugs, Congoleums, Linoleumns, Oilc loth, Window Blinds, Curtain Poles, Cur- tain nets, Etc. In many cases our retail prices are lower than, to clay', wholesale quotations. LINOLEUMNS ALL ATt LAST SEASON'S PRICES. WALL PAPERS Just arrived more new patterns in Chintzes, tapestries, etc. We hese papers to suit every room in the house SILKS NOW IN STOCK. We have shot effects, so popular this season. JONES & MAY Payne 69; Aida Macdonald 66; Dor- is Salter 65; Orval Beavers 64; Ba- den Powell 60, Number enrolled 35; average at- tendance 32, H. M. Kinsman., C A TO R I,A For Infants and,Children In Use For Over30 Years Always bears the ��Signature of DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office -Bakers' Livery- Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Cornmissplosser, Salicntor for the Mal - sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at llowest rates of interest. Office -Mann Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condirtion. Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pour ds up. Maras from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 Hounds up. Partied having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR' Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of Huron and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guarantee. Crediton, - Ontario. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL ST.RATFORD. ONT. We g.iv'e thorough courses. We give individual instruction, We have no summer' vacation. Students may enter at any time. Commence your course thou!. We place graduates in positions. Write for our 'free ,catalogue MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount orf private funds to loan on farm and village property GLADMANs& of TANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman '(x Stanbury's Office, Maim Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended day or night. Office - Dr. Sweets old .office Phone No. 120 Exe ter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Waalerooms, next door to Central Hotel,. Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Roulston;, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Kitchen Cabinet Week CALL AND SEE OUR DISPLAY. R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMhR Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery Line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will conin- oe. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT :.ROS. PHONE 134 SPECIAL IN MEN'S WORK SHOES $4.;50. 60 pairs Men's Urus Calf Heavy Shoes. ,This is a, real special. Th'e,- Regular price in $5.50. and they are easily worth to -day, $6,00, Every pair guaranteed. Caine, in and see if they are nut rgaoid volare. Special price! for 10 days per pair $4x50. i WHITE FLANNELLETTES'. CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON Very scarcegoods, We are show- 42 lurches Circular Pillow Cotto@3 ing a beautiful cloth 35 .inches wide in a Broad weight, and fide - eves rood weight end a cloth,that will thread. It' is a good .iiavestmealit fo be sold later- for per yaxd -60c, buy ,what you need of this' Cloth' Get all you' waist at per yard. 40c. at per ,yard, 65c, NEW WALL PAPERS We are showing a good range of the cheaper papers ,bor kitchens.,, and bedrooms, as well as an elegant range of better glade ;papers .foo Dining Rooms, Halls, and. Parlors', We will be guci 04 a opportunity fo show you thiese goods. BLINDS CURTAIN NETS , CURTAIN POtES We can, supply yogi with any size blind .you may require as well as any ''color, and can show : you a splendid ajalnge iaf Curtains and Curtain' ' ` t vier i e .rices . e t. Nets a y,. as�xnable prices. W have a sACCial for beds obiats at 75a yd • D A. McLachlan, Principal, Southaott Bros.