The Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-6, Page 41/44.1 il\rieleifet:la'l'i ly,;S t , y °atinel cl'eet M1 e:a tax ; teeSie .ra4tsere;A Dweiseer Therebere0111011lee pieestice s Gheeifu1neSSandl3est,GenOies neither Oplunt,?fsm'phine not M i neral. No.'r N. o oT I o, Beclicetallix .. Sclera Rer,,icar (ago s 4wiadallor iridevoteraor AheipfutRemedyfor Constipation: rd'A=arrhocd and Fci eri&''n si, a d 14`,S5 o: s restiltitadthci'.ta':irinitata :l leoS z-i;eateceo Tetr,tars:•-'- K)'1 EiN. TORI For infants and Children.. Mothers Know That Gemine Castoria __ways ' aI'.8 the Si. „'nature of in Use For Over 13irty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. 1 TNT CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK C;TY. The Exeter Advocate `Sanders & Creech, Proprietors `Subscription Price—In advance $1.50 er year in Canada; $2,-00 in the .Ileijted States. All subscriptions not ;Haid in advance 50c. extra charged. ADVERTISING RATES Desp ay Advertising—Made known a,a appiication. Stray an mals—One ,insertion 50c.,. :three insertions $1.00. Faris or Real Estate for sale 50c. •teeer insertiokn, for one month of four insertions nil seeilaascous articles of not more lefee a fiese lines, For Sale, To Rene, Wanted, each insertion 50c. Lost and Found locals 25c. alk insertion, Lo • O reading notices, etc., 10e. per Bate per insertion: No agtioe less than 25e. Card of Thanles SOc. Aui.taon Sales $3 for one insertion Herd $1,50 for each subsequent in- seftiuon if under five inches in. length. Legal advertisiing 10c. and 5c. a line. T1-IURSO AY, MAY 0th, 1920 GRAN I Oji The furuera,t of Mrs. Ed, ?eerie et .,Prospect, who died sudden.ty on day, seas conducted on Sunday after _noxa, Rev. Jefferson. officiating.—the .epworth League held a splendid con- e,ert in, tee _l eueotest Church on Mon - dap evening.—rieetor 11.aso,a and ,.siiss M3yrtic HoDos roto, ticrc t,.t Nun - ,,y and took his sem..., _.les. John :'Wright back won thew ee Laad,c;nfor visit.— l here,is a sot cl seeuing clone these parts, some far,,,_: be.,-iz a- bout done with the ,gra.,. iryrc G .t, --1be Anglican Church . ,v .te i wn .i.exceucut concert m Ctixea's 1-iall last aerivay pa.gnt, the tatert beide from at. vlirys.,an-i the pasts were very c_ever- . ly taken. 1 he ride of roe play was, 'c..;heertw. Liar."—The ems oyier.an ,y, s more than, crowded Ost Jutauity e - �c�it:zsg, rue o xis ala being to.: oi aeemoria,, taolets erected co t.,e .boors of the Yresoyterien Church, ys ee e ice 'ea the Le.tas o. uatti:e oversea.,. 'i.be service wela a very inpress,y: raise.—Sac ratnenat was atimrivisteri? at the mourning sservkce, of tne Methoce,�. chi.irc.n aria et Wesley in the atter �t,txan `,British Colombia Woman Spaks Plainly. -E-Ier Message le to Everyone. "Thosewho have found relief are the -people who want all sufferers to know 'what they gained from, their experience. _Mrs. B. Walters, of Savona, B.C., •writes, praising Gin Pills for the irn- •rnediate relief given by these splendid !k'il1s. Mrs. Walters says:— "I advise people who have not eased. Gin Pills to try them. T have ,ben troubled for years with weak "kidneys, and one box of Gin Pills 4.eure.L.me. I reecimmend them es s zbn absolute and reliable cure." c "'Derangement of kidneys or bladder as so very serious that, at the first sign of pain in side or back,. treatment -with Gin Pills should begin. ,The duty of the kidneys is to cleanse the blood. If weak or inactive, urie acid and c.3ither poisons and waste aro carried Ito the - joints and museles, causing inflaimmation, rheumatism, sciatica, • nefiijalgia, lumbago, constant head- aeles, .dizziness, floating specks before othe ,eyes, gravel or. stone in the blad- der, general debility and lassitude, If -yon :have any of these symptoms, get oGi,ii?ills at once. Free sample on re- quest At druggists or dealers, 50e a "oos. Money refunded if not relieved. The National drug & Chemical Co.. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, United" States Address, NioDru-Co,, Inc., 202 fain St., Buffalo, N;Y, 253 ' Lumley Mrs John ,11. Gime spent a,. feu in London last week visiting, friends, —Mr. Jas . Keetoci, returned home on Saturday from Forest atter spending .few days with the Brandon, brothers, —Wedding bells are ringing in Lumley, HURONDALE 'lie 'regular monthly meetete of the Women's Institute was held in tee schoolhouse Wedn,asday evening April ZSth. The invitation to out- siders to attend met with a hearty response and a very interesting pro- gram was given. Mee F. W. Gladma-moi of Exeter had kindl,consented to speak and his subject "What a woman ought to know about Law" was inter- esting and instructive. Mrs. 'Wright of Exeter gave much pleasure to those present in, the reordering of two solos and also Mrs. Dougall and Miss Ford, Before tiie meeting, closed Mr. J. Mor- gan was callled to give information on the Hydro question.. The president announced the next meeting for May Zetls when the e:.ectioa of officers Neill take place. It will be held at the hone of Mrs, Luther Oke. An invite- ti,o:a to resit the ,Crediton Inst;tute rn May 4th was also announced and at: . ceptee. STEPHEN C'OUNC'IL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, May 3rd, 1920, at 1 p.m. All members were present. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. An application from the Police Trustees from Grand Bend was read asking the Council to pass a by-law to submit to the electors of the said Police Village to vote on the ques- tion whether or not the electors are in favor of asking the Hydro-EIec- tric Power Commission of Ontario for a supply of electric power for the Police Village of Grand Bend. Webb—Penhale—That the re- quest of the applicants be granted and that by-law No 265 to take the vote of the rate -payers of the Pol- ice Village of Grand Bend entitled to vote on money by-laws, having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the seal of the corporation attached thereto. Carried. Hayes—Sweitzer— That by-law No. 264 to appoint Pathmasters, Poundkeepers and Fence Viewers having been read three times be passed and signed by the Reeve and attached thereto. Carried. Penhale-Webb-That'. the assessment roll for. 1920 as filed by the assessor' with the Clerk, be accepted and that the Court of Revision to hear ap- peals be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on, Wednesday, the 26th of May, 1920, at 1 p.m. Carried: • The following orders were passed: Toronto Stamp and Stencil Works, cow=tags $10.3e; Jos. Gideon, sal- ary, ae` assessor 100.00; Dr. Hynd- man, re Bloomfield examination 2.00 Eli. Lawson, re Bloomfield removal to Clinton 6:00; Musser & Hodgins, grading S.B. 18.00. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on May 26th, 1920 at 1 p.m. Henry Either, Clerk. A. Social 'Necessity. "Why is your daughter taking les- sons. on the violin?? Has she, shown, le special aptitude for the violin?" "No, but every girl has to take lei Sana on ,g2,347',7' :oesn't ahs?" Iiensail Miss ee Walker of Guelph ',s spend- ing t few weeks visiting, her grand- mother Mrs. A. Smallacombe.., 1r, Garnet Case, who leas been visiting with ;hit ,parents, leer. and Mrs, Geo, Case, for the past few weeks°, has are- turned to Toronto,—Mr, John Pfaff last week moved to the farm he re- cently purchased from Mr, M. Rennie. —Mr. John Eider of the Goose Line District, Sask„ ' siter his cousin, Mr. John Elder, Hensel', fer afew days.— Mr, and Yirs, W. S. Caldwell, who have spent the past two months in Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Caldwell's parents Mr. artd Mrs. T. Sherritt, Sr, —The Hensall I,O.O.F attended .div - Me service in. St. Paul's church Sun day evening and heard en excellent sermon by Rev. Garrett, the rector. Several brethren from Exeter and Brueeliele were also present. SCHOOL REPORT of S. S No. 8, HAY, for the month of April: --Jr, 4 A. Kuntz 73, A. Miller 69 2--3, L. 'Liner 63. Sr 3—A..eliller 89, E. Schumacher 6S, A. Bender 61, F. Quackenbush 52. Q1'.. Hartman absent, Jr. 3—U. Milker, Q66 1-3, E. Becker 62, E. Wiegand 13 absent, Sr. 2—E. Miiler7 , R. Becker 57, Jr 2--A. Wolper 86, H. Weber 83• 1Jr, 1--A. Ziler 89, F. Milner 87, E'. Lista \\ eeee to Q3, I, Rader 14. Sr; A—J Hartman 88, A. Becker 87, E. Rader 84, L. Wiegand 75. A—N. \Va1- per 95, M. Restemeyer 95, P, Wiegand 88, A. Gackstetter 72.—E. Guenther, teas lies SCHOOL REPORT of 4. S. No. 2, R 1.iiPIlEN, for ,the month of M; rr It and- April, based on regular attendance }ilk wort:, test exams. and hehavour jr 4--'..> Wetzel, L, l3'rtle1, L. Eng ' a t A J snkbe*neer, T. Lampert, L. ' llirtee, St, 3-0, Lampert, Jr. 3—C. l< lwerds. Sr. 2—M. Lamport, Melvin 1. tmpert W. Rollins. Jr. Z --T; I -TA Lampert, R. Fenkbe.ner, W, Lampert Sr Primer—T. Lamport, H. Hirtee, jr P Hier—E, Lamport, \, i.tweee Number cot real 19; average (`tttte.n.; e 15, C. M. e ehro. der. tee- Icher. SCHOOL REPORT at S. S. No. 4, STEPHEN, for .the month of April: Sr 4—R Either, H. Rader, Jr. 4—E. eloriock. Jr. 3-0. Weber, L. etch - ware, M. Wein, L \Ve:n. Sr. 2—Iva Btrokenshire., I£; Morlock, I. Staley, R, Weber. .E. Fabner, R. Schwarz. Jr. 2, A—S. Railer, 1. Mas-tene, A. Becker, L, Wein; Jr. 2, B—M..bia,rtene, C. Marlene. Pt. 2—L. Wein, T. Weber, T. Weber, Gt Becker. Sr. Pr.—Edna hlartene, G. Hodgsoire Jr. Pr,—Edith Weber, G. Becker. Number on troll 26; average attend- ance 24,—Mina Ehlers, teacher. AFTER CLOVES COMES Srtwsni +ra. AFTER DESPONDENCY COMES Jor. Anent SioTi eess comes HEAra.8. AFti,R WEAKNESS CQMES STRExCTS. In the spring when you're "all in" —fagged out --blood thin, if you will turn to Nature's remedy, a tonic made from wild roots and barks, which has stood fifty years as the best spring tonic—you will find strength regained, No need to tell you it's Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, put up in tablet or liquid form, and sold by every druggist in the Iand. After a hard winter ---shut up indoors,.your blood needs a temperance tonic, a tissue - builder and blood -maker such as this "Medical Discovery"ofDr. Pierce's. SARNIA ON .—"I'was in a very bad condition I could not eat without feel- ing distressed Had indigestion so badly 1 was always In misery, I bad liver" trouble as well, and the two just put me down and out' for about five years. I had many good doctors but got no re ref. I took Doeter Pierce'*. Golden Medical Discovery and before I had taken two bottles 1 was melt improved, and In less then six months I was well. I could eat anything and do my work with pleasure.' —MRs. ANNIE BASION, •326 Burand St. TU THE PUBLIC Your Victory Loan Coupons due est May can be cashed at. The Canadian Bank of Commerce or left on deposit in a Savings Account. Interest on Savings Accounts is paid at the rate of 3% per annum. 306 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. meat p ,rated in 1855 CAPITA R PHS (OWE $9,1100,104) Over 120 Brienebes THE MOLSONS BANK THE MOLSONS BANK is prepared to render every assist- ance possible to responsible bu siness Wren or farmers in financ ing their business, The Manager will be glad to go into your affairs with you and give you any information n eeeled about banking, EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia Branch opens for business daily.. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Branch efee Sketch from actual photograph showing the distinguished psy- chologists trying the Realism Test to the Edison Shop, New York. We give ,it in our store. You can hear it exactly as did the noted psychologists who visited Me Edison Shop on Fifth Avenue, Ncw York, You've been hearing about the astonishing realism of the New Edison. Now you ask: "Is this realism so true that I feel the same emotions in listening to the New Edison as I feel in listening to the living singer?" Our answer is -put the New Edison to the test l Mr. Edison devised his unique Realism Test for this very purpose. '' Then he invited. distinguished psychologists to try it out. Each of the three men got sensations that were startlingly viyid. "I could have sworn there was a living singer standing behind me," said Dr. W. V. Bingham, Director of the Department of Applied Psychology, Carnegie Institute of Technology. "I felt the presence of a living singer. The accompaniment seemed by a separate" instrument," reported Prof. C. H. Farns- worth, Director of the Department of Music, Teachers' College, Columbia University. "The music filled my mind with thoughts of peace and beauty, " said Wilson Follett, Esq., noted music critic. We'd like to have you come into our store and try this same test. `See what sensations you get. The Realism Test is the conclusive way for judgingthe 'realism ofthe :NewFdison: Ask about our Budget Plan.: It shows you • how to buy your Netv Edison through Thrift.