HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-5-6, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR Our Corner The family sugar bowl will soon c,4ta,tairy p treasure more costly than the contents of the family jewelcasket. We have had a few dry days during the, week and the seeding operations have been, in full swing. The weather was Gee cool for growth, but fine fox team work, Owing to rising costs, particularly the big 'mei-ease iia, the price ,of news print, the Listowel papers have found it :n,ecesse,re to increase their subscrip born rates and after July 1st, will charge two dollars a year. The beginneng of the gardening sea- son masks the beginning hg of the neigh- borly h- borly disputes over chicken, Thisis one auestican to which there are not two. sides. The! map, whose chicken dig up tris neighbor's garden is abso lutely hn the wrong, Owing to the rush of the last .few days of April, and so that there may be ala excuse for anybody, the Gov- ernment ;drag extended the time for rnalcipo "rename returns to May 31st, eccordima.tt ton despatch in the daily paper; of Monday last. I:low often we see instances of aman. laboring and saving, working hard to get together enough money for his oli age, then retiring from active work; only to pass away in a few months, without laavulgg had a little liesure tinge which to enjoy himself. What is the lesson to be learned? To spend as you go? Or simply to take a few holidays every year end keep on work- ing and holidaying right up to the finish ? Did you ever stop to figure the odds against you when you decide to beat a train to a crossing? Suppose when you first see the train it is a quarter of a. mile away and coming at .forty miles a o rl n hour. twenty two sees Ern y seconds it .will be on the crossing. If running forty-five miles it will be there in nineteen seconds, at fifty miles, in eighteen. Subtract from these. Figures. the time it will take you to clear the crossing from the point that you first see the strain and eouwill readily real- ize there will be go time for slowing down, to shift gears, or for the en- gine to stall if an attempt is made to make an, incline to the, traek on high, Evean, if the, tree], is half a anile away doubling the time given for the guar- ' ter, brings the margin ;of safety far below where any one should deliber- ately :glace it in Larder to save a half minute. The moral of this plana Watch the train. go ,jny. Phone 81a TAMAN'S YOU SHOULD SEE OUR MEN'S WEAR GET YOUR RAINCOAT HERE. Yes, we sell Raincoats, guaranteed to protect you in "sntnow, sleet, rain and etor'm. It is a real weather - proof germeart that will gine you long and satisfactory .everyday service, Get your Quality shirts, underwear, awoke wean, hositery, etc,, at this shop. SUITS , NO to $40. OVERCOATS $20 to $35', RAINCOATS $15 to .$30 W. W. Tainan Tailor& Furnisher '`it",; -20 ,BIG CELE>RAT:OII,'vl JLC EXETER MAY 24th Depositing of 161st Bn. Colors in Trivitt Memorial Church. Baseball Tournament. Three Bands Grand Concert at night. EXETER, 0 TA W°, THURSDAY )A.Y MAY 6, 1920. There are no parks in St. Marys, In other words there is .no puce where the town lover cars sit down and tell leer the old, o Id story that .n.o age has been. able to supplant, -St. Marys Journal SENT FOR,TRIAL FOR THEFT. 1Z'illiant 13e11, aged 19, and Leeeard Bell, aged Z2, both of Kineardne, ar- rested by I-iigh Constable Wbiteseles at Brucefield hallowing a report ni burglaries in Shiley, Township, were set up for trial by Magistrate Pent: at heap sJl. They are said, ee. have a palie'} reword et Stratford, and to have been inmates of the industrtil home. A number of stolen articles were found in their possession includ- ing some taken from the home •af Harry Chesney at Kip en, One of the young man had a revolver and a box of cartridges. Qrand Bend Mr, dark Weld last week disposed of A.I:12ollardrfrom whostore m Ir. Wildess to e. W. ur- ehased the busies Mr Mallard :is new in posseris„toaa,, Owing to the ill- ness of Mrs. Wild \fr'1, Wild has dde- cried net to go ,±,rata business again for a time. --Workmen are engaged in putting en the foundation; of the "new sawmill to be !eat by Mr. Wm, Hea- man sof London. We understand he will also install a chopping machine, -Mr, Bert Statto . is tuning over quite a ,number of the NOW Overland cars -The young soa of Mr, slays, who moved here recently from "Klondyke" heti the misfortune last week to break. his leg above the knee while going through. the .pinerry, and as a result is new confined to his bed, having had the injured eiteb,set no less titan three times, Chiselhurst Mr. John Chambers' ;at his home in Chiselhurst on April 25th, after a short illness at the age of 62 years, 6 months. deceas- ed liveon a farm••nyearxs here, e nst years 'rented his farm awl purciunsed the general store at Chisellhurst, He was married thirty years ago to his now sorrowing widow, who has the sympathy of tier many friends. Be- sides Ins wife. one son George at home and lone sister, Mrs. ,Alf; Ryckmaaa, cyf Exeter survive. The funeral took place on Tuesday from the Methodist Church for interment in McTaggart's cemetery. Farquhar Miss Mare Staffa visited with her sister, Mrs. Milton Hodgert last ti;.eek.-:fir, and Mrs. Wm( Pollen visited in Mitchell Sunday. -41r. John IdcNioot has purchased Mr. Thomas Rundle's ;farm, and moved there last week. -Mr, ,and Mrs. Anon Senate spent Sunday pe Mr. Ed. Coward's, and Mr. end Mist. T. Hunker) at Geoi Coward's, -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc - Nicol and family moved to their n ew home on the boundary last week, they having recently ,purchased the farm owned by Mr. John McNicoe-Mr. and Mrs. Lome McNaughton; of Chiselhurst spent Sunday at the honne o"f Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hunkin,-Mir„ Kenneth Mc- Nicol' and Miss Julia Sinip,sdn, 'who were married last week, are living here with ,the former's mother. We w, ei- come Mrs. tl4IcNi(col to bur myaaslt. For Music Lovers WHEN? May 15th, 8.15 rem. WHERE? Ttovvn ILah; Hensal1. WHO? Miss Peteler, Soprano. Miss Fagapa, Whistler Mr, Osborne, Violinist What ? Mr. Edispa's Phonograph: "with a Soul," "The New Edison," proving by actual comparison that thele is nto difference be-- tweein tithe Recreation, on the New Edison and the original artist. FREE? '? Cards of admis,siio(n may be diad at Powell's Bazaar Eketer tor W. C. Montgomery's Jew- ellry, Heutlsaall Tone. Test tendered by J. Willis Powell, Edison Deelerr, Exeter, Oazt, Crediton Mothers' Day ir. the Method Church will be a combination of Suns day School and Church service next Sunday morning. We want all mothers to be present. There will also be a Baptismal Service, SANDERS. & CREECl Dashwood MARRIAGES DEATHS ret . •1' edd G Free; VIengacus 'of Detroit visited his home for the week end. He left Tuesday for ,British Columbie with his family, where ;he bas taken 'up land Garnet Sweitzer was in; Laindon. c» 1Londay. Mrs Edith aeoore and daughter, Virginia, lrave.errived .home,. after vis- iting friends in: Kdtcheaner, Toroa.toend Ottawa for three weeks. The gist anvil rec'v.c as' ea 1 shipment of coal last Week and are ab.:., to ie surae their business, Thoee who c ttended the services in the Evangelical Church last Bingo} were privileged to listen to a musical trent, Parole Chas. Braun •of 1)e troit presided at the organ and in the eveningfurrnished tke music during the song service. -The Professor is m ar- tist, and his brilliant playeng wall re inane �,a our meanorres ;far a tong tine. Ord. Tuesday tevenio a concert was given iia the Town Hall under tha auspice:: of "The Beacon Lights Cl; ss" The proceeds sof the concert are Il in; donated ,to the Arrnen.,am Hund_ The most of the program was render ed by local talent which, was much appreciated and goes to show that our young people are well able to give a cenncert at any time. Prof. Braun o; seteoit. also gave several violin nd piano selections. His numbers were cif high order and a treat indeed, It is a ,•oat`; lime s;:nee .our people have. had the privilege of listening to such a gifted musician, Seeein Ss .practically finished in this district. The cold weather leas kept back .the growth, etauy viewed the eclipse of the moon on Sunday night, It was a eon - per color from 8.30 and graduawy disc epoeared until .11 when the Queen of the night shone iia all her glory. ro,crtes,--We have opened a groc- ery department in connect+on with our confectionery. Our stock is fresh, and we will always keep nothing but the best. Butter and eggs taken in exchange, Fred White. \1r, and Mrs. Wm. Hey, accompanied. by Miss D. Fowlie spent Sunday town. Mr. F. S. Kent hors exchanged bis Q Ford fora new dee of the same make. Mrs, J. Kellerman. attended the fun- eral of a relative n; ititchener this week. Mise Ada Fassold of London spent Sunday with her parents. Mr II Tole o fC' Clinton n B s n ss ur � eel - lege visited with Miss Edmeston over tin e week end. Mr. J. K. Goetz underwent an oper- ation at St, Joseph's Hospital, Len elfin ,last week. Mr. Elgin Schatz of Strat;ord leer mal spent the week end itt town. The \Vomen's Institute entertained the ladies of the Hualoneale Branch in. the rooms on. Tiesday afternloon, The visitors !rendered a very interest- ing program. Lunch was served after- wards. Mr. Wilson.of Galt, who is to sue- ceed Mr.M:cDonald as manager of the Bank, was in, town least week trying to locate a residence for h n s family. It is unfortuntate that the Bank doesn't build a bank with a residence com- bined, and thereby relieve their man- agers from t. great deal of worry in. securing suitable, homes for themselves. Houses are at a premium in our vill- age It would ,bel good business for some of our monied men to put un a few houses, Alvin Baker has purchased a Ford. Jos. Amy, Frank Glanville and Chris. Dinney have each, bought themselves an Overland. Miss Alma Hill has returned after visatimg friends in London, Miss Stock wax in Toronto Monday. Council meeting eves held en Mon- day A bylaw was passed to author- ize t vote to be ,held in Grand Bend on ,the 25th Maty as to whether the Police Trustees (shall Jive the power to purchase light and power from the Hydro Commission. Mose Faist sold a handsome Rayold to Geo Fiuk.beiner last week. He has sold a number of these instruments in this neighborhood recently. Centralia The Box Social held under the aus- pices of the Mission Circle last Fri- day ri J,ay evening eealized the sum .of $89. Mothers' Day evil]. be observe," next 'Sun lay in, the church here, when the cheetr will be made up of all mothers and the ladies are now busy practicing. Mr. Dan. Hodgson has purchased a new Ford car, also Mr. Thos. Willie a pew Grey Dort. The farmers are taking advantage ,of the fine weather by rushing seeding Operations. ' Little Marian Sinclair had the mis- fortune. ris- f ortune : ito 1fan . and badly sprain and bruise Cher Darin. Usborne Sudden D�enth.--A startlingly sudden death occurred on the 4th concession of Usborne on Sunday east, when Mrs, William ,Samervelle passed away with- out a moment's warning. Mr. Somer- eille had gone' to the beers toi do the chores while Mrs. Somerville hard, gone out to examine the little chucks in, the incubator. , Seeing that these were all right she returned to the 'house. Some Little time latter Mr. Somervnidle afro ;returaned,. finding Mrs. Somerville prostrate :on the floor in an ur.consci- nus conditioim, with an egg in Nyach hand, which she had batought with her. Medical aid was' immediately summon- ed but she never nege;in:ed conscious- ness. The deceased was bora in the township ,of Usboalne, being a 'daugh- ter iof the late Robert 1l orrislon, and her w.h,ole life was spent in, that tovyn- ship. Mrs. ISaamoervulibet ' was a keel hearted (neighbor and commanded the highest respect and tetsteena of the en- tire neighborhood; for her.lovable char- acteristics. She was a member of the Thames Road Peesbyterian Church fenen which she will be, much m,i,ssed. She bad' no fatmily, but is survived by two , sistet s, ,M,r+s. Daniel Coward and Miss. Jennett Monism, besides her sorrow stricken 'husband. Mr. of McLane and Dr. Can were sistors to London :Monday. Mr. S. B. Stothers, agricultural re presentative of the county, met wee the teachers ion, Friday even �n ; end :r ranged thepr n se list for the Schoc: Fair to be held this Fall. A nuanba .of thew dines of exlgbits were addr,l, which shouel •nioke it a. hemi and better Lair. .• ne Urs. Herman Eitlt and ram sly 'at Forest spent Sunday :n t':w•n. Mr. anfl Mrs.S. Jt Adams of Lon- don were also visitors in town Sunday Messrs Ta, Bettschen, W. Lv elan.' Free Louis and Edwin Rinker, ell of earner, sprat Straitly at their homes here. \tr, M Drysdale of Hensall was in town Frelay last delivering Orono graphs SCHOOL REPORT. -The following report shows the standing of the pu- pils of our school beeel on weekly ,. tt.at,.:.n,l daily markings. Those mar.• 1, ee with an "x" were absent for all or part of ,the time. - V.. Sp41., Read., Writ., Agree., 450; E. Howard 39S Tiemen 393, C,Stein hagen 325. Sr, IV., A. Hoffman 354 E. Guenther 330, F. Hartleib 298, P. Kleinstiver 325, e. Guenther 269.. U. Zimmer +c; Jr. IV, L. Tiernan 350, Lir Willem 333, Lu Wili,errt 323, L.Eve :62, A. Raeder 246, C. Snell 22x; Sr, '111., L. Reid 337, V, Baker 280, \IP, Ranker 250, E. Zimmer 236, S. Bett schen 211, A. Guenttner 205. ee G. S. Howard, Principal. Room IL -Total marks 200; V. Birk 171, L Baker 153, E Gratnpner )33, L. Witmer 120, C. Fisher 96, A. Kel- lerman 944, H. Kellerman 76, C. Ben- der 68, H Hartleib 35, M. Schade x. Sr. III., Trotail. 200; A. Willert 153, A, Grigg 123, A, Steinhagen 123, A. Rest- ameyer 113, E. Merner 110, C. Bur- meister 86, E. Wilds 72, E. Hamacher 70, W. Stitre 67, G. Guenther x, -M. White x. Inter. III., A. Tiernan 174 E, Tiernan 171, K. \Vein 143, H.Hoff man. 140, T. Elsie 121, E. Hartleib 106 F. Kleinstivcr 98; Jr, ill., total 160; F. Gue,nther 100, T. Hayter 85, G. Bender 76, M. Stire 60, I. Lippert 57, E. Schaus 55, L. Zimmer 544, Al. Mer- aer 46, G Burmeister 40, L. Bender 30 C. Edmeston, teacher, Room I. -Jr, III., Mi. Held 685, W. Evelan:J 660, M. Graupner 655, N. Fas- s.o1.1 639, F, Wein, 601, S. Genttner579 P. Bender 578, E. Witmer 556, A.Stire 490, L. Staubus 471, G. White x. Pt. III., H. Nacliger 599, N. Wein n 571, E. Rinker 545, M. Willert 537.E. Guen- ther 508, L. Stire 466, EKraft e. Pt! I. M. Clark 449, O. Staubus 356, V. Kraft 339, S. Stire 331, A. Morenr, 275. H. Schluntdt 215, P. Schade lee R. Vincent 295; Beginners -R. Klein- stiver, B. Edighoffer, S. Held, V, Burmeister, E. Stire, M. Klumpp, L. Willert, E. Held, V: Kraft, E. Fisher I, Genttner, H. Miller, H. Rinker, Z. Natdiger x, lie Tiernan, teacher. BIRTHS Oestricher-In Dashwood, April. 7.9th, to Mr: and Mrs; Aaron Oestr'icher a spin. WHEN YOU OPEN THE PACKAGE of neat that conies from our shop, you are never disappointed at the appearanrc�e of its It is always red tender, fresh looking and juicy- al- ways palatable and wholesome, no matter what cut or kind of meat it may be. For this is the quality meat shop of Exeter. B. Makins, THE SANITARY MEAT MARKET. where quality is higher than price. w t€- rahan _At London, April 27 ?Mss Elizabeth Graham, daughter of \1r D. A. Graham of McGillivray, to Mr Joseph Tweddle of McGilli- vray. Isenight-Rowcliffe-Jn. London, on May 5, by Rev, D. C. McGregor, Mr. Rcg- inal.l John Knight, son, of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Knight of Stephen, a little south of Exeter, to Miss Jan et Vie't'orka, daughter of Mr. and ells. John Rowcliffe of Usborne. salrsbury--I1 London. on April 28th, »\artha t E to %9'elsh, daughter of the late Wm, H. We lib and Mrs. Welsh a formerey oit Exeter, and wife of John H. ,Salisbury aged. 24 years, and 11 months. Chambers -At Chiselhurst, era A pri,t , 25, John Chambers, aged 62 years, t t months. White -At Ailsa Craig, ,on April 77th James White, Armstrong -In. Bienshard on April Zit Lias Cameron, Sire, of .H. J. Arrn strong, aged,54 years, 2. months. Automobjle Owners YOU BENEFIT BY OUR TWELVE \ EARS EXPERj1 LCF AS AUTO MECHANICS. girl: REPAIR RADIATORS, (AS TANKS, HEAD -LIGHTS, STRAIGHTEN FENDERS. ETC, ETC. MOTOR OVERHAULING OUR ePI CI.ALTY, ALt. WORK GUARANTEED. SERVICE OUR t2OTTO. Soullier & Foote Ford Garage Exeter "Model" Makes Happy Farm Wo en Light flaky Bread, with tn• t -matt} ranistr, is ever, woman's pride. Disc.ri min.tt :hts tisk* el tr flour. We are milling again, so hay-• sooi.' Bran, Shorts ,.,:. Feea Flour, Bring along veer bag: end ;vee will do aur bete to supply you. We are;always open for wlw.tt oats barley end nrixeti grain. ARVEY BROS. RE5'QLVEDTHAT TIIERE ,,AR,E. DOLLARS ASID DOLLARS WORTH OF 6OOD VALUE S ),N OUR STORE HOW, LOTS OF PiCKIN4. Av To ENTICE THOSE WWTHOWJ,SH To SAFE NN . ATTRACTIVz, MONEY SAVES i FORt 0. 4/dCAREFUL BUYERS' YOUR FORTUNATE OPPORTUNITY 20 PER CENT, DISCOUNT OFI' ALL LADIES. TAILOR-MADE SUITS, LAD- IES' TAIILORED READY-TO-WEAR DRESSES axed LADIES' UP-TO-DATE SPRING COATS, We pre shiovvimtg a beautiful range ,of Ladies' Pure Wool Serge Suits! ion Navy, Black, Brawn eine] Sand at $20 to $55.00 les:; tour Special Discount of 20 per cent. Also a last .of Ladies' Pure wool Serge ;Dresees an "Brown Black and Navy; button .and braid trimmed, $22.50 to, $27,50 less Special Discount o£ 20 per cent. We still have a splendid .assortment oI Lartie,s' and braids' New :Spring goats in Tweeds, Velours, Palo Cloths and Black Moire. On every coat we allow our Special Discount of 20 no A .Speciae •lene of Bleck Coats f000tr •eedterly ladies. All must go at 20 per cent. Diistount, Extra Special -36 i,ne.hes Black Duchess Silk, lovely blight. sheen, ,every thread. pure silk, guaranteed not to cut. The last we •expect ,o£ this special duality .,at per yard 33,50. J. A.. ST ♦ V A a JL, Phone 16