HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-22, Page 5+t • RAND TRUNK RSYAISTEMLWAY THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTI► Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcened acing car aerrice Sleeping cars on night traits and. Parlor cam on, principal day trains.. Futllinfo.rmateon from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- krg Dfistrsct Passenger Arent, Toronto N. J. DORE Ager t, Exeter Phone 46w Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- ceived at Ottawa until; moon, on Friday the 14th day .of May, 1920, for • the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, six times per week, over n»shwood No. 1 Rural Route, from the ist day of October, next. Printed notices containing further ;afornatiort as to conditions of pro, posed Contract may be seen and blank farms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Office of Dashwood, Exeter and Zurich, and at .the Office of the Post. Office Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Beet Office Inepcctior Post Offac'e inspector's Office. London, Znci April, 1920, AUCTION SALE OF FAR:'I ese the. tructio.f neer waterwks. HEWS' TOPICS OF WEEK systecmonsetosUL,aon <370a,000, usingothe River Thames es the source of supply. Chief Tobias of Moraviantown was the only Indian representative eo far heard by the Parliamentary Commit- tee ecasidering the Franchise Bill who thoroughly approved of the en- franchising of the Indians, • Important Events. Which Have Occurred During the Week. The Busy World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper -,-. A Solid Hour's Enjoyment. TUESDAY, Port Colborne went on the day- light-saving plan at midnight Satur- day. James Henderson, formerly Inspec- tor in the Toronto post afnce, died Red Triangle Club, Toronto. suddenly of heart disease. Mrs. Pankhurst emphasized the The Anglican Primate of All Ire- need of prompt me sures to euppress land, Rev. John Baptist Crozier, Arch- Bolshevism in an address in Toronto. bishop of Armagh, is dead. Louise Roulini, the French woman Vassar College will not graduate who acted as spy for the Germans, a single school "marni" this year. has been sentenced to death by court --- Low salaries are the eause. :iartial. Toronto Public Schools closed this. Another consignment of live stole afternoon as a tribute of respect to from Germany has been received by the late Trustee C. A. B. Brown. France under the terms of the Ver- Philip Gainsforth of Wooler, East sailles Treaty. Northumberland, dropped dead while G. H, Caine, son of Hall Caine, attending to traps near his home. the novelist, has come to Canada to Wm. Currel, a hotel porter at negotiate for the purchase of pulp - North Bay, was found on the street wood limits and pulp. dying; having evidently been. clubbed. The marriage of F. J. Syrians to Former Premier Clemenceau of Nellie Mahon and of I. Bonnofoy to France Is expected in Paris at the Helene Marrenger were annulled by k is a routecrag endo this wee, He n m f Superior Court judges at Montreal. Egypt. re- Thet oa special coin- McCready resolution to cisappointment to investigate of f she t coof quest a referendum on liquor import- milk production is expected at an tttion was the subject of a smewhat early date, stormy Government caucus in Queen's BishopFalcon of Loudon has is- Park" The farthing and labor Interests. sued special instructions to Roman ;rill fuse in the counties of Nova Soo - Catholics in regard to marriage with ria where suck amalgamation is be - non -Catholics. necessary for the candidate's Senator Fowler is appealing vclavalictory. against Mr. Justice Latchford's Manual Cabrera, President of judgment against him for not appear- ivatemala, against whose adminis- Ing to d' tend in an action. tration a revolution has been going "Frank Hall," the mystery soldier, an, is believed to have Sed and to be FRIDAY. The Bank of England rate was in- creased to 7 per cent. Gananoque Roman Catholic rate- payers are to establish a separate school. A gendarme was murdered on Wednesday at Flensburg, Slesvig, by a German nob. Detective McMahon was roughly handled by returned soldiers in the Beizl, Lot 10, Con. 10, McGillivray, was identified by means of the Ber- tillon system as an ex -convict, and ON will be deported to England. Margaret Adair, nine years old, of SATURDAY, MAY 1, 1920 St. Catharines, while playing on the one hrin:ired acres, more or street, tripped, striking her temple against a post and died instantly, less. There is on the premises a Nine Detroit babies have died at good Brick House, a good L shaped scalding in that city within a period Bank Barn, never failing well of watt of one month, and a municipal cor- er, goad orchard; all well fenced and i oner has issued a warning to mothers well drained; water tank in barn driv i to exercise more care. en by wind mill: The land is in good state of cultivation and nicely located; Terms -51,000 e otvn day of sale, balance Oct. 1, when possession is Oen For further particulars apply to Arthur Lewis, proprietor, or to Frank Taylor, auctioneer. AUCTION SALE HOUSE SIX LOTS & HOUSEHOLD, • EFFECTS, ETC. There will be sold by public aue torn, on. Huron. Street, on. SATURDAY, APRIL, 24, 1920 WEDNESDAY. Wheat seeding has begun at Cadil- lac, Sask.. under favorable conditions. Ald. Harry Phelan of Peterboro, died suddenly of pneumonia, aged 63. Dissolution of the Turkish Cham- ber of Deputii s has taken effect on order of the Sultan. Jimmy Wilde offered to box gratis for the Windsor Army and Navy Vet- erans on Labor Day. Roderick, MacFarlane, formerly Chief Factor of the Hudson Bay Co., 44" at Winnipeg, aged 87. A violent seismic disturbance was felt in the Charente Department of At 1 o'clock sharp the toliowing :- France on Saturday night. Parlor suite, bedroomsuite, dresser Toronto landlords are making an sad stand, 2 rocking clears, 2 side- aver..ge increase of 25 per cent. in boards, cupboard, extension table (oak) rents for the coming summer. 6 dining -room chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, Wm. Gordon, four tines mayor and 2 kitchen tables, Pandora range and six tier 's alderman of Stratford, died suddenly. at the age of 79. An effort will be made this sum- mer to bring fresh-cangbt fish from James Bay to Toronto by air freight. Belleville citizens favor the pur- Gem e:h.opper, cooking utensils, guar- chase of the bridge across the Bay tity ,wood, sleigh tongue, and many of Quinte or the erection of a new other articles. ' one. There will also be ,sold at the same The Robt. Simpson Co. had net time and place the ,Propreetor's Frame ear'-.ings on merchandise of $1,986,- House 1,986;House and Six Lots of Land. There 343, compared with $1,282,304 in the is a good frame barn, hard and soft previous year. water and other conveniences on the The Danish seamen's strike is be - premises. and the house is wired for coining increasingly serious and Den- Hyd' . mark is virtually cut off from Great ferns -Real estate made known on Britain and America. die of sale; Chattels Cash. "Jimmy" Wilde, English fieweight C. W. ROBINSON, ELI SNELL, Auctioneer. Proprietor pipes heater and pipes, base burner linoleum, carpets, curtains, blinds, mats toilet set, dishes, pictures, Feaatlers, bureau, stands, carpet sweeper, elec- tric iron, clock, step ,ladder, lantern, IT'S UNWISE to put off to -day's duty until to- morrow. If your stomach is acid -disturbed take IthmOIDS the new aid to digestion comfort today. A pleasant relief from the discomfort of acid -dyspepsia MADE BY SCOTT 4'c DOWNS MAEEES OF sCOIYS EMULi;IONN 8 SINCE ii 1870 . NH 114t 9 E3140OScj oLIG Hs rte RAW FURS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for Skunk, Raccoon and Mink Enquiries promptly answered ROSS Li illi ITED MANUFACTURERS Established 1885 LONDON - - ONT. lin his way to Cuba. The Winnipeg branch of the Dom- inion Labor Party decided in favor of he ten strike leaders lately accused if sedition being nominated for Wine .tlpeg seats in the provincial elections. next July. The Grand River Valley Board of Trade passed a resolution urging ear•- Iy deepening oe the St. Lawrence canals and locks, and the develop uient under public ownership of power from the rapids. Hensall Mr. Orville: Twitchell .of Flint, Miele,. was here for a short visit. -Mr. John Murdock returned 'from Detroit -on Saturday, where .he :had been attend- ing the funeral of his late nephew,. Mr. Aikenhead, .who was accidentally drowned some time age, and whose remains were only found recently.- Mrs, I.1 Johns of Guelph is visiting her mother. Mfrs. Henry Cook. -Many of the •Oddfellows ,will attend church service with Exeter brethren on Sun- day eveniag,-Catherine Victoria Smith died at Iter home on Tuesday, April 15, after a lingering illness, at the age of 65 years and 6 months; Deceased was ,an gold and ,respected citizen of Hensall, having lived here for many years. For rna.n.y years Miss Smiths conducted a millinery shop here. -Mr. Jas., Bengough of Port Huron, is visit- ing friends and relatives in Hensall and Kippen.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harburn of Flint. li;ich., spent the week end with friends in Hensall.--Mr. Wm. Chapman who left here for Toronto, about a month ago, is now in a .hos pital in that city, seriously Ili. --Miss el. C. Kale of the staff of the Mol - sons Bank, is confined to her home through illness. -lir. and Mrs, J. Can telon were called to Waterloo last week, .owing to the illness of Mrs. Cantelon's mother. -Mrs. E. H. Johns of Guelph is spending n few days in town visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Cook. -Mrs. L. C. Lipphardt of Hand- el' Sask., is speathag a week, or so with her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. B. For- rest tof the Township of Hay. -Mr. Harry White, accompanied by ius wife is here from Saskatoon, Sask., Visit- ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William White SATURDAY. Anthracite coal advanced from $14 ro $15 a ton in St. Thomas. Two young women have been given positions as firemen on the Long Is- land Railway. Sevent thousand eattle in Alberta have been destroyed because there is to feed for them. The Legislature devoted much of its time yesterday to the denial of newspaper reports. Three state troop officers and three 'ivilians were arrested in Berlin for conspiracy against the Government. Sugar jumped to 25 cents a pound. in many London grocery stores yes- terday, and to 22 cents in Hamilton. The Coalition opposition in the Greek Chamber of Deputies is de- manding prorogation and a new elec- tion. Fires of mysterious origin have done several hundred dollars' damage to sugar camps in the vicinity of Renfrew. The Dominion Government has per- mitted the export of 10,000 tons of granulated sugar to the Central West- ern States. The Turkish delegation to sign eecce is expected to leave for Paris hefore the end of April or during the ilrst few days of May. The National Council of Women is sking the House of Common to pass 1 iw permitting for all time in Can- a& the s- 1e of oleomargarine. boxing champion, outpointed -Young The first Gtcrsva branch of the Zulu Kid in every round of a 10- Grand Army of 1' ilea Veterans, for - round bout at Windsor. inerly known as , he United Veterans' Colin C. MacLennan, manager of League. wss formed at Ottawa. the Dunsmuir Hotel, Vancouver, fell James Livingston. former member out of a window while evidently 1 ne the Ontario Legislature for South 'Waterloo and later In the Commons, a pioneer in the fiax industry, died at his home in Baden. T. F. King was sentenced to' 18 months in jail at London for defraud- ing a Syrian merchant of $300 in a fake potato deal; he defrauded an Ingersoll man similarly out of $500, Enraged at his brother-in-law, Jake Senft, for alleged improper relations with his wife, Harry Johnson at- tempted to shoot him, but shot Jake's brother, Fred, instead, killing him, on the latter's farm as Jasmin, Sask. walking in his sleep, and died from his injuries. Representatives have been named for all the provinces, except Prince Edward Island, to' participate in the conference at Ottawa in August to co-ordinate labor laws. Jockey clubs, after hearing that the provincial tax on mile courses would be $10,000 daily and $5,000 daily on half -mile courses, announc- ed that it is prohibitive. THURSDAY. The Orange Grand Lodge of On- tario West is meeting in Orillia. The Italian Aid and Protective Association has been formed in Toronto. Ten huge motor lorries are coming from Detroit to Toronto to take back merchandise. The Prince of Wales left Honolulu Wednesday for Australia on the battle -cruiser Renown, An unsuccessful attempt was made on Friday last to assassinate Presi- dent Carranza of Mexico. Sir Lomer Gouin, .Prime Minister of Quebec, was received Wednesday by President Deschanel of France. Mrs. John McNeil of Wanstead died of heart failure while across the river at Port Huron to spend a few hours. J. B. Tyrrell of Toronto has been appointed• consulting engineer to the National Mining Corporation, Lon- don, Eng. The Grand Council of Ontario, Royal Arcanum, is holding at Hamil- ton its first meeting since the begin- ning of the war. Dr. Wolfgang Kapp, leader of the recent unsuccessful coup d'etat in Berlin, is at Dantzic, outside of the German Government. Magistrate Denison of Toronto has requested Attorney -General W.- E. Raney for a means of curbing autb speeding in Toronto. Zeno Riopelle, aged 45, dropped dead on the Walker road, Walker- ville, Wednesday. He •had relatives and owned property, in Northern Ontario. Harry Vero was instantly killed and his two companions serious in- jured, when an excavation on St. Clair avenue, Toronto, collapsed and buried them under •tons of earth. Chatham ratepayers defeated, by 496 votes to. 273. a money by-law for BLANSHARD-James Irwin, a na- tive sof this towrl,sltiee died in Toronto Hospital on Saturday, April 10. bir, Irwin at este time published the Brus- sels Herald, and also the Lucan Sun. He was 65 years,aof age. KIPPEN•--Henry Ivison caught once foot my the rode ,of a road scraper on Thursday and fractured a smelt bone in bias ankle, and lac will be laid up for some weeks. MITCHELL --Mr. Baur of the Royal Hotel was sentenced to four months at the county jail for setting lia_uor.- The store of Wm. Stoneman was en- tered by burglars who stole two we: - cites, gold chain;, braeelette etc -.-Can. Davidson aged 72 years, asi old resi- dent and at one time prone/tor of the elicits House, died on April 10th,. Zurich Mr. Erwin Fisher, who has been at Kitehener for some time returned to his hone here Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Jacobe moved on Tuesday into the house they purchased from Mrs. J. 'MMelick.--Mrs. Roland Geiger of the Bronson Line, left far St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where she will take treatment. --Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Trucm- ner got the 14th con., Mrs. \Vm. Shade of the Sauble Line and Mrs. Geiser of $hipka, visited friends,.iit Michigan. -Mr. asci Airs. Arthur Tr`itemner, bri- dal couple of Toronto, were visitors. at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Truemner.-Mr. Chris Gingerich of Stanley, had the misfortune. while cutting wood in the hush last week to cut a severe gash iii hs< best. -Ir. Jacob Howald of Kit - chener is looking for a residence, he having disposed of his dwelling pro• petty at Kitchener. -Ir. Ed. Deichert of Detroit is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. J. Deichert.-Conra 1 Siemon et the Zurich Road has pur Zchase.t the farm adjoining his from Mr. Chas Redmond, being lot 23, con. 5 Hay. -Mrs. Johnston has sold the residence she got from Casper \Val per in the deal, for the hotel, to Mr, Alex. Foster, -The death occurred at Waterloo of Amelia Hartleib, wife of Charles Hertleib, ;.n her 56th year. They recently moved to Waterloo from this tallage. She was born here and besides .her husband, six daughters survive. MONDAY. Potatoes sold at Chatham Saturday for $6.25 a bag, or $1.10 a peck. The recent cold spell considerably increased the yield of maple syrup. Halifax yesterday had a snowstorm which reached the proportions of a blizzard. Three boys were arrested in the east end of Toronto on charges of highway robbery. The Turkish. Nationalists have oc- cupied the town of Hadjin, a short distance northwest of Marash. Upper Canada College held a me- morial service in honor of .tholile of its ex -pupils who fell in the war. When taking a short cut home from work Saturday Edward Bedford was killed by a G.T.R. train at Galt. The Metropolitan Methodist Church, Toronto, celebrated its forty- eighth anniversary with special ser- vices: George Walker, formerly a pros- perous farmer of West Zorra town- ship, but living retiredfor some years at Ingersoll, died in his 83rd year. The tercentenary of the Ven. Mar- guerite Bourgeois, founder of the Congregation de Notre Dame, was celebrated Saturday at Montreal. A meeting of the Grand Army of United Veterans in Toronto called on the Union Government to resign office and present the re-establishment question to the country for decision. One person was killed and 45 oth- ers injured when the Paris -Cher- bourg express left the rails Sunday. The Archbishote' of Paris was on board. The Swedish Parliament has pass- ed the new marriage law abolishing the husband's personal guardianship and depriving him of the legal right to dispose of his wife's personal pro- perty. WOODHA.'tL-The engagement is announced of 'Mary Almcda, daughter Mrs. Henry, Stratford, and the late W. r. Henry, to ,Oliver Id. Hazelwood son sof Mr. George Hazelwood of Woodham the marriage to take place quietly in April, FOUR Shingles In One rantf'ord p T Slab Slate HE newest idea in roofing. Just think of the titne and cost of labor saved in laying the roof of a big barn, freight shed or other large building with this new Brantford Asphalt Slab Slate which is four shingles in one. Fewer nails are also required. Brantford Asphalt -Slab Slates are so cleverly designed that a roof laid with them has the appearance of being covered with individual size shingles. Onesize only: 32 inch x 12 inch, with, cut outs five inches. 'They are laid five inches to the weather. Red or green color. Brantford Asplialt Slab Slates are made of the same materials as our famous Brantford Asphalt Slates which have given such satisfaction for artistic homes. The same roofing is roll is called Brantford Crystal Roofing and weighs 80 to 85 lbs. per square. Particulars about these roofings furnished on request. Brantford Roofin8 C.Limilad Head Office and Factory: --^^angora; Canada :+ranches etToroato, Montreal, Flalifsx, $ilianipej 11$ For Sale by -•- The Ross Taylor Co., Ltd. Geo. A. Hawkins 1 ti „ inn i+ruinnwu 1181 uarruwtnl!:: MARTMESENOUR PAINTS AND VARRI1F16S Touch up Your Furniture and Floors ' Furniture that is scratched and scarred is an eyesore. If the surface is spoiled, the article is considered use- less. This is not so. Save the surface and you save all. Use WOOD -LAC STAIN Floors and furniture that are shabby can be made to look like new by using WOOD -LAC STAIN -a durable, beautiful finish for woodwork of all kinds -a combination of high grade varnish and permanent stains. It imparts to common wood surfaces the. rich appearance of more expensive woods such as mahogany, rosewood, cherry, etc. Twelve beautiful shades. Get A Sample Bring the attached coupon and secure a trial can sufficient to do over a chair or small table. We will give you full instructions how to use it. We want every householder to try WOOD -LAC STAIN. G. A. Hawkins Exeter, Ont. ' 4, . 4t. e ts. .4 eta Gz Se ch Obd L" • c b iYa oya, gQ •tspOtk . 5 T'p 0. eo`. 1,1' yt, ofte .0 4ti /S ay'