HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-22, Page 4fl:RIA
For Infants and Children.
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1901Zie a the
'Nit•g aeo lre
For Over
thty Years
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription; Price—Ina advance $1.50
per year in Canada; $2.00 in the
Unete.1 States. All subscriptions not
paid in advance 50e. extra ciaarged.
D sp"-ay Advertising—Made known
tt+t application.
Stray Animals --One insertion. 500.,
three insertions $L00.
Farm or Real Estatte for elle 50,•.
ends insertion for one month of foul
bi:sceda,ncous articles of not more
than five lines, For Sale, To Renit,.
Wanted, ,each insertion 50c. Lust and
Found ,locals 25c. an insertion.
Local reading notices, etc., 10c. ,per
line per insertion: No notice less
than 251. Card of Thanks 50c.
A.ut Con Sales $3 for one insertion
and $1.50 for each subsequent in-
serJ.von if under five inches in length.
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. aline
THUitSD AY, APRIL'22ni, 192e
Mrs J. Foster has returned here, :;f
ter a few weeks spent with relatives
end friends.—\Ir. Lawrence Pollock
and leIr rend 'errs. Wilson Hicks mo-
tored: to London last week.—Mrs. R.
iglish spent a few •', t s w;th her xis-
ter, Mrs. A. Smither.*.—Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Wickert of Parkh'tl motored out
here Sunday in their new cer and
;pent the afternoon, at A. `I. Wil inn's
They .were accompanied by Mrs C.
H. Wilson.—Mrs. Gorden Hutch'.son
was taken ill on Sunday while visiting
her parents, llr. and Mrs. W. Mellin.
—lelr Moss. Stewarrdson, is on the
sick list.—Mrs. Dean Brown he Id a
successful emitting be last Friday.
— Mrs Goiin visited her father one
div last week.—Rev. D. W. 'Williams
gave a very interesting lecture aline
lrib.te i about one -hundred slides at
tike Young people's Society last Men,
day night
(Intended for last week.)
Miss Lillian Meets went to Torontl
where size has secured a positlOn. 141 -
.has a frost of ,warm friends, who
wish her every success in the Queen
City. Her mother, Mrs. W. 1'. Ulens,
accompanied her and spent the week
end in Toronto. Mr. Harold Thome,-
son•.spent the holidays here.—Mr.
Sherritt has moved a kitchen for
.UJ.r. W. Eagleson.—The program of the
Young People's Society next Monday
Needed Prosection
Keep your body well
nourished and strong and
there is little danger. It's
essential that you keep up
your resistance. There are
thousands of families who
would not dream of being
without the protection that
;.Affords. The right idea is to
.start in the fall with Scott's
µEpnarrlson and be pro- g _
,tected for a strenuous
winter. It's Scott's, j�I1
�eiuisloni you ask for.
• Stott&flowne', Toronto, Ont.
n;ght will consist of a debate, the sub
.uhia.t being, resolved that the school
hes; a greater influence in making good
sereems than the home. The aftirma-
•° t
,� tt iby D George Marks,
1. o led tr. G a e .larks
e ,
supported by I. C. Goodhand and Dav-
id Sheppard and the ,negative will be.
l;.:i by \Ir. \ti'ibert Young, supported
by Ed. Mark and Fred Sharp.—In a
letter received from Miss Eihel Mire
she seemsto be well impressed
with Stratford.— The rho.r of the
Metho3is, Church .received a very ap-
preciative vote of thanks from the W.
M. S. for their attendance and hell
tendered Faster music.
(Intended for last week.)
•Mist Reta Denham is spending a few
days with .her sister, Mrs, Reg. :Coupe.
—Miss Bessie Bickell is visiting friends
in London The Box Social that was
held in Aberdeen Hall under the aus-
pi. es of the I<irkton baseball team
was a success. The music was furn-
ish& by the Woodham and Kirkton
orchestras. also Wm. Mills, Charles
Paul and E. N. Shier favored us with
lively solos. Nathan Douppe land E.
e, Shier swung the clubs. This was
certainly a treat. A number of the
p`oale there bad never seen the club?
wung before. After the program.
boxes were auctioned off by P. I.
Doupe, Proceeds of the evening a
mhunte°i to nearly seventy dotllars,—
i We are glad to see Miss Ester Hanna
!hack again after spending two weeks
in London at the Victtori,a Hospital,
• undergoing an operation: on her throat.
I Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hoskins and
slaughter who have been respected
residents of Kirkton, are spending a
few days ,in Exeter, prsor to moving
The undersigned has received in-
structions to sell by public auction
Lot 7, South Thames Road
WEDNESDAY, 3,1A.Y :,U., 1920
At one o'clock sharp the following:
HORSES—One team, 7 years old,
mares; one driving colt, 2 years
CATTLE—Three cows, freshen-
ed; one cow due at time of sale;
2 heifers, rising two years old; 1
steer, rising 2 years old; 4 last
summer calves.
PIGS -2 sows; 12 shoats.
HENS—About 75 hens.
IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bin-
der, 7 -foot cut; Frost & Wood mow-
er, 5 foot; Massey -Harris drill;
Frost. & Wood cultivator; Interna-
tional corn cultivator; scufier; one
land roller; set harrows, 3 sections;
walking plow, Verity 21; 2 -furrow
plow; buggy; cutter; new Chatham
wagon, 3 -inch tire, b'ox' complete;
steel track, Massey -Harris, new;
Toronto 3 h.p. engine, new; Gil-
son engine 1% h.p.; steel blocks
with 100 feet rope; .blacksmith vice,
fulI set of taps and dies, different
sizes; crosscut saw; three good log-
gingchains set brass mounted
breeching harness; new this spring
set of team breeching harness; set.
of single harness; • Melotte cream
separator:; Daisy churn; one long
ladder; one double-barrel shotgun;'
steel oil tank. A quantity .of white
ash. 2x3 and 3x4, 14 ft long. Also
numerous .other articles.
TERMS—$10.00 and under, cash,
c:ver...that amount, 8 months credit
on furnishing approved joint notes.
. discount of 5 per cent off for cash
in lieu of notes,
Terms of auto made known on
day of sale.
C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneer.
to London where hir. Hoskins has
purchaseia a home. Mr. iIcskine has
been in business here. for 25 years,
ani it is with ,regret that we see this
family move away from town. We will
eypect to see them occasionally and
+'ill raid: them every success in their
new home.
Mr. Newton Gunning has soil his
general store in the village' to Mr.. John
Moore and has bought W. W. Baker's
Hardware store at Granton, Mr. Mel-
ville Hoskins who has been ilk Toronto
is helping Mr. Moore at present. —
Mrs. Richard Hoskins was most pleas
antly surprised 'recently when the
Women's Institute called at her home
and presented her with a handsome cut
glass berry bowl and an address in
which they express their regret at her
departure,—Mr. Jas. Atkey was in W3 .
arton attending the funeral of his
father elr George Atkey. The late
'.,Ir Atkey was ill only two weeks foie
lowing a stroke,—Mr. Ruben Shier at-
t'eneed the Grand Lodgeof the Or.
ange Order in' Orrillta last week. —
Much sympathy is extended to Mr. and
Mrs, Franck Kelland in the loss of their
fourteen months' old little girl.
KIPPEN—The Funeral took place to
Ross cemetery on, Saturday of a pion-
eer .of Tuckersmith, Mrs. James Mc -
1 ay. Cominv to Canada from Scot-
land in 1848, at the age of 15, she set-
tted with her family fin the bush in
Tuckersmith, She .married at 20, and
her husband died sorne years ago. Six
hilciren survive.
S I . MARX S.—Dr. W. B. Stevelas, V.
lied at his home here on Monday
-atter about ten days' illness from
boo poison"ng, contracted while per-
^- eb tet sin operation on an aan.imal re -
Long - Standing EViI
Effective Measures Taken
Since childhood Mr. A, Cail was.
under the shadow of a great evil,
which always menaced his comfort and
safety. Read what he says:—
“I was troubled with my kid-
neys since childhood and spent a
large amount of money trying to
get cured. Instead of getting
better, 1 kept getting worse until
a friend of mine advised me to
try Gin Pills. 1 did so„ and after
taking one box, I was able to get
out of bed and walk around. Two
more boxes relieved me completely,
and since then I have had no re-
turn of the trouble.”
Many people have kidney and blad-
der trouble without knowing it. They'
think nothing of the backache, the
pains in the sides,. the constant head-
aches, the rheumatie. seiatie and
neuralgic pains, the floating specks
before the oyes, the swollen joints, the
highly-eoloured urine --all signs .of
trouble --an signs which should receive
immediate attention and treatment
with Gin Pills, whiela are by far the
most effeetive of all preparations, and
which may help you to avoid a fatal
operation. They quickly relieve pain
and heal the congested tissue:bring-
ing the organs back to normal. At
druggists and dealers, 50e a box. Money
back if no relief. Send for free sample.
The National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto. United
States Address, Na-Dre.Co,, Inc., 202
Main St,, Buffalo, N.Y. 252
Grand Bend
Gently. lie was in his 70th year and
as surv'ved by his widow, one (laugh-
s t.:. -Nell two sons.
Heart Between the Planes.
If there is an, ex, taaUar et ttvar t*
tweeu the planets. uo nunaan desist
can measure it, tor the ttalorneter can
cot be increased In Its delictic rut$
dent to detect the minute amount:
That is, the platinum wire the nerve,
more >,ensitive than human nerves, can
EA be made any tha;mer and bold to-
gether in use. >\"o influence of the plan
eta Upon each other ban ever been de
tested by the, most accomplished ob
servers with the most sensitise tnstru
zr ents that can be made, besides two,
to n
� do and light It must be that
beat from the sun to the planets is abs
rorbed by them, since none comes to
the earth by reflection intense enough
to be measured by an electric nerve
thinner than a spider's thread,—Near
York American.
hr. Abner Mollarci of Sarnia visit-
ed, around here for a few days last
week Arnold Ravelle of Monroe is
vieet n x hie mother, Mrs. L. Ravelle.
—Mr. cen,.uil Sharrow Juts bought the
100 -acre farm 'owned by Mr. Periso on
the B .Line.—Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard.
of Thedford visited at Asaph Gran
elle anti H Gill's can Sunday.
Untended for last 'week.)
Mss:: Gladys Patterson, who visited
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Pat-
terson returned to Detroit Wednes..
Jay. --Miss Minna Brenner and sister
-are hi Forest visiting their mother,.
who is at present very 311.—Mr. Wm.
Ippersop of St. Thomas visited at
Wan. Patterson's during the holidays.
—Mn and Mrs. P. Baker visited a few
days at Arkona; as did also Messrs.
John.G' s
Lombard, Gill.—Mrs. amb who
was visiting around here. returned tee;
Port Huron.—Mrs. Bert holt, whohas
been quite .ill seems to be improving.
—;err. David Pollock of the West is:
visiting :Among friends and relatives J
IN addition to the branch at
Exeter, this Bank has
branches at the following near-
by points:
CREDITON J. A. McDonald, Manager
DASH*OOD • • F, S. Kent, Manager ass
PA/D-UP CAPITAL. - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
EXETER PRANCH, r, A. Chapman, Manager.
incorporated in 1555
Over 12Q Branches
A gaol Banking conaectictn is esse.ntlal to the success of
any merchant or trader,
This Bank Is equipped arid prepar9•i tO give effieient,
careful and quick service in every department of bankit.
T. S. WOODS his,nsger,
Centralia Branch open for business .sally.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran h
A quiet
. wedding took place "a
t the
home ot Mr.and Mrs.John Sampson
of Listowel or► April 14, when their
daughter Ethel, became the bride of
Sidney Emery, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John. D. Emery of Parkhill. After a
trip to Toronto and ,other points, they
will reside 'en the groom's farm, 7th
noneession of McGillivray.
A quiet wedding took place on Wed •
nesday April 14, at Askin Street
Methouist Church, L.o don, when the
marriage was solemnized of Chelta
Josephine, daughter of Mr. astd Mrs.
Alfred T. Kelly, 123 Bruce street,and
Colon Athyioin Hodgins of Denfield,
son of the late Uri Hodgins and Mrs,
Hodgins, ‘of Lucoaa.
It is Dangerous to Use Counterfeit Parts for the
Y allowing your garage man to use imitation parts in
13 repairing your car you not only invite repeated repair
bilis and more serious breakdowns, but you actually endan-
ger your own life and the lives of others. Cheap and inferior parts used in
connection with the steering control are liable to cause accidents of a very
serious nature.
You Risk Yolir.^ LifeWhoa n You Use
irnitat otv. Spitkrr1k sro
In a recent test the tensile strength
of the genuine Ford Vanadium
Steel spindle arm was found to be
over 100% more than that of the
counterfeit machine steel part.
The naps were submitted to shock,
and the counterfeit arm broke
at a pulling force equivalent
to 11,425 pound a plied to a cross section.
The same pulling f rce ap. iicd to a corres-
ponding cross of a genuine Ford
spindle arm did r.0(; o-,-1 change its original
size or shape. In erd ; r to s epc.r to the genuine
spindle arm it wt.s r+ecek.sary to apply a pulling
force of 25,000 pounds.
The spindle arm is one of the vital parts en-
tering into the control of a car, and by using
spurious parts in such planes, Ford owners are
risking lives and property.
Genuine Ford Springs versus
Imitation Springs
Genuine Ford front and rear springs
are made of Vanadium spring steel
having a tensile strength of 210,000
pounds per square inch, and
an elastic limit of 200,900 pounds.
Every genuine Ford spring is tested
in the factory. Front springs are
subjected to a pressure of 1,850
pounds. In the fatigue test the average gen-
uine spring will stand 60,000 strokes before
breaking. Rear springs are subjected to a
pressure of 2000 pounds and the average
genuine spring will absorb 40,000 strokes
before breaking.
Imitation springs are generally made of car-
bonsteel having a tensile strength of only
130,000 pounds per square inch and an elastic
limit of only 115,000 pounds. In ordinary
service they soon flatten out.
You are merely protecting yourself and avoiding repeated repair bills when'
you demand genuine Ford parts.
Only Genuine Ford Parts Can be Used with Safety
Look for
the Sign
Milo Snell, Dealer, Exeter