HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-15, Page 4osinimmusammawAnnwassanamme Children Cry for letcher's •\, '� \. tea,- • die .. - ..,...*_ e~•'�'�:y... . - ... �".'^,.G' Fletclier's Castoria is ::.y a remedy for Infants and Children Foods are specially orapared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more e -se n,i,t, ; r Baby, Re' m d:es primarily prepared for grown-ups are not i•aterebangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the c r. ea ,ailments of Infants .and Children that brought Casio ra:t fora the gilt's after years of research, ..and :.a claim hes been mad: f.:r It that a.'ause for over 30 years has not proven. What is CASTORIA? 'Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee, For more than thirty years it has been b constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wired Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the asq mi?ation of Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort ---The Mother's Friend. R7��ams1 n� eeE��rq • •�'-+, .t �«J. CASTQRIA ALA Be a the Signature o In Use For Over 30 Years TNLrCENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscr pUon Pace—In advance $1.50' mer year an Canada; $2.00 in the United States. All subscriptions not paid in advance 50c. extra charged. THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 197.1 Zurich Mr. and Mrs. C. Truenaner of the loth con are visiting relati es Aliehigan.-Mr. Wm. Bassow of the Bronson Line had the misfortune to tail ,off the wagon, white engaged in loading some bags at the midi, last week .and injured his back. Mr. Bassow itad a similar accident a year ago.— i4fessrs R. F. Stade an:d F. C. I'alb- fjelsch are visiting a few weeks In De. tritit;-_Mr Wm. R. Lehman of Cale- donia, Mach„ as visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity,—Dr, and Mrs. Campbell have moved to Hcutsall, at.ere they will reside for some time, —.Mr. Morris Weber moved his house mold effects on Tuesday, into the, dwelling property he purchased from Mrs. J Kuntz,—lIrs. J. Melick returned ftiom Sealorth last week, where -:he :pent the past winter, and is about to move her household effects to Hen sail, where she has purchased a dwell - "The Fisherman is the "Mark of Supremacy" which for nearly five decades has marked the fame of (O!TS fMULS10N . When you need a tonic to help ,pu' you on your feet again you will want Scott's that is known around the globe :lie highest known type of purity and goodness in feo�;l cr medicine. Look ., for ' The Fish erman." Ntzy Scott's! Scott& Bowne, Toronto, Ont. [9-35 RAW FURS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for Skunk, Raccoon and Mink Enquiries promptly answered ROSS LIMITED MAPitfPACTI KERS Established iSa LONDON - ONT. • pr:aperty.—Mr. Casper Wainer dis- pi:,'l Of what is known as the Mas - a garage ,may -Harris implement shop and „ara„e to Mr. Jos I)ruar of St. Clemens, who intend:; to costduct that business. Mr. \a.p_ bought the Johnston Hctn t .- Ge.>. Thiel, Jr., has purchased the liv- ery business and dwelling property fret Mr• Ed. Wurm, who gets Mr. 111.6":s re..tenz_ on Main street. Kirkton A quiet w edd:cog was solemnized at the Methodist parsonage at 5 o'clock on Saturday everting, when ;hiss Elsie ;E. Haziewool, daughter of Mr. George Haziewoad, was married to Mr. Ar- 'thur Hopkin of l31anshard, The bride was ,attired in a navy blue suit, with `pink crepe yvtist sad hat to match. The bride was attended by the groom's sister, Miss Ada Hopkins. The bride's brother, Mr, Oliver Ifazlewaod, was ;groomsman. They will reside on the groom's farm in Fullerton. The young people of . S. S. ' No, 3, Plugtown who were presenting the play "Tho :Matrimonial Exchange,,, are to be congmtulate:l on the suc- cess of their effortsu The various participants 'did their parts with re- markable credit to themselves and they were amply rewarded by the liberal pat.onaga accorded them. •Til:> amount sent 1orwar•3 in aid of the Ar meniaa Relief Fund $97.60, after pay - expenses. Five dollars of this amount was contributed by Mr. Facey. Hensall ?ir' Yaeger left for the Wei, cm Monday to join. her husband in Brand- on.—Mr Andrew Boa, student of Al bert College, Bellevill, preached in the Presbyterian Church, both morning and evening on Sunday, -Mr. Arthur Stewart and family left for the West. Reeve, George Petty has leased. to the Steele, Briggs Seed Co of Toronto; for a term of years the Moore machine shop, formerly known as the York- shire Packing House,—Messrs, Earl Partner and 'W'm. Be!ii of Windsor an: d Elliott Bell of Detroit spent a few days here, Whalen itr. Delbert 1orley sold his farm on the townl.ine last week to Mr. Wm. Hodgson of Granton,• The price paid was. $0300,—Mr. and JIrs, Clarence ;tfillsoz anti daughter Ruth of Taranto are visiting. at the former's home, Mr. 1a l 3.1 s. George Millson.-Joss Ina Harding at Usborne spent last week with \Ir..in.i.. Mrs. Gc>rdo:i Morley. -- 1. Wm Ogden has purchased the c'ci'elle tnf the late Mrs. Suiherby°. ervtt,t: ver, csanatulea as usual tin Sunday. the subieet being, "The 1.)oc- t n: ars the Seco!). l Chance." by the i>>:o.—The. \V. \t S. will hold their 3.111141 meeting cit the church Thurs- 1.1, for the election o: of t iters for to corning year.—Fr ends will be sir -- v .::I Via .ir. I), 0. Johnson, Sr. ?t r •a1.Ot 14 v ry Iast.—Mrs. Ethel. T.>St9so1, irrrneriy Miss Gertie Suthe-- j Vit' '>.' this leao•e, s quite ill a: ,her M. l.uu 1^n,—,Master Keane ieturnad return.Irani Dev,.es. wnare hp : the E •er tac•atioa. •`1 "> .lp ne-i M nday. April 1:. ; ~,Airs FTa*v: y ;latah: wer 1-1 St tr;; . din Tn.4 lav last.—\i c � s-ry oto rep•,t .h. daih two b by Lop. (torn t:, \Ir ani Mr. Oscar M •crl y of B,ansharcl being t:'x the lase :A-2, of the rrap:els, the tit e: ho .ua...lte. Lerch, Tia: .des i�t,r. Z.:'rly two 1t-eeks .e.d.—',d• Ear•~ Johnson spent Sten lay w:t a en o iricn.ls ,.t Thames Road, SEAFURTH,—A very pretty arcal, clinkwas so <rin in Toronto April and when. Miss barna May ti:srr*, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, G. i1 Harp of Seaforth, was unite`'1 in t+a: riage to Mr. Robert \fic g. scan Iger o. the C;F. O. store, here. Farquhar The Faaquh•u- Women's Institut,' met Tuesday afternoon with an attc:nti pace t>r 19. It being the annual m. e ing the tollow!ng officers were eat..• ed for this year.—Pres., Mrs. Tho. -r% Cameron: 1st vice, Miss Louise Hack -ney; ?na=l vice, Mrs. William Poller Sec.-Treas., Tiss V3ol<a Hunkin; Dir- ectors. Mrs. David Fenwick, Mrs. Thos. Hunkin, Mrs. Anson Smale; District Director, Mrs. Wm. Turnbull; Audi- tors, Miss Alice Hackney, Mrs. Wm. Stone, Program Com., Miss Jean Al- lison, Miss Louise Hackney, Miss Bel- la McCurdy, Miss Gertrude Morgan Miss .Bella Turnbull. The business be- ing finished we were favored with a pleasing solo from Miss Jean AEiom, after which lunch was served.—Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hodgert of Chiiselhurst sprit Sunday at the home of the tat- ter's mother ,here_ Mr. Milton Hodgert spent 'Monday in Landon.—Miss Ag- nes Fenwick left for Toronto on Sat- ur3ny, where the has taken a position as book-keeper.—Master Almer Tuf- fin of Staffs spent The week end with his cousin, Master Harvey Pollen—Mr,, and Mrs. David Brown received word of -the death of 'their son, Gordon, of Sarnia eta Wednesday) Mrs. Brown and soli • Garfield -attended the funeral on Friday.—Mr. Milton Hadgert has got is new lady clerk this week, be having :married Miss Edna. Miller of Stafia, Wednesday. Lumley •''Maine ,pothole of this vicinity attend- ed, ttend ed,..Hemsall Carmel Church on Sunday to b•ea'- Mr. Andrew Boa, who 'took the sort --ice both manning and evening aen+d was much appreciated., Mr. Boa is -attending (Belleville College but is home at present sz ending a short. time ,with his mother at Rodger•vil1e. Ile is a clever speaker and mo doubt bas •a bright future before him.—Misses i .Helen. and Aima Miller, who have beesz home spending the Easter 'va- cation :with their father and brother returned to Seaforth :whlere,they have been. attending the collegiate.-Mr.Art Cole ha., cativo returned' to, Toronto to resuMe. his in College.. McGillivray The couaicil inet an the 5th. All the members were present, The previous minutes were approved, ;A consider- able number of minor accounts ' were passed, and 1;1000 was paid Jas. W`en= hers ion: i\lud Creek Drain contract Pat'hmasters, poundkeepees, etc.., 'were ap)o.nted. Adjournment was iptgde tOMay 3rd at one .o'clockwhen-gravel. contracts will be lett J. D. Drum- no'n,:i, clerk. MARRIAGE ••. LICENSES., ISSUED by'C' H• Saentters. at t1e'Advacate 'Of- fi:e. Strictly confidential; no witness, 6 SINCEIVO ti ILOH 30 sTOl S COUGHS BACKACHE Palms in sides and groins, headueLes, lassitude, swollen joints, all point to Kidney Trouble. Quick and sure relief can be obtained. and dangerous con- sequences avoided, by taking FORTH ills KIDNEY'S which lave brought relief to thousands. etabox to -toy front yoor druggist or r a. ealer,5i a -yuir money back if you are bl not satisfied. Free Sample - on request. 11144,Addrent Tbo National . Drug & Chemical Co. of Cana.i.t, Ltd., Toronto U.S. Address: Ns-Dru-Co.. Inc., 202 Main St., - - Buffalo, N.Y, �s- McG1LLIVRAY--•A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. a'vl Mr, Armstrong of this township when theib daughter May became the brid of lir. Ernest Ferguson of Lon- don Township. They were supported by Miss Donna Armstrong and Mr. Jeff. Ferguson. They will reside on the groom's fartn_ TLLK1sR>smITH-•-Following an 3ll- ns o .:y- three days the death oe urreti last Thursday of Leo J. Cahill at S tratfor.l. He .formerly resided ;.n this t mnsh'p. Mr. Cahill was in his $3n'l year, and his illness and death were most sudden and unexpected. Help Your Digestion When acid -distressed, relieve the indigestion with ;�-naID5 Dissolve easily on tongue --as pleasant to take as okay, Keep your stomach sweet, try .i l.rooids MADE BY SCOT at DOWNS MAKERS or scams EMULSION SA. Incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL RESERVE $9,000.000 Over 120 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK SAVING BUILDS CH AR A CTER,—Start ttt Save. Systematic savingstrengthens character by inducing self, deni:'al and creating independence, TIse easiest method of saving is by depositing a certain pox tiplt of your earnings regularly in T1* MOLSONS BANK. Wath the addition or interest at current rates a substantial hum i soon acquired. Small accounts receive the same ;tttentio.a as larger ones— efficient courteous service to all =ETER URANOR T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia, Branch open for business Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran. h July. AUCTION SALE OF FARM t 10, Con. 10, McGillivray, ON A 1'L!RDAy, MAY 20th, 1920 one hundred acres, more or !eh,.. There is on the premise; a goal Br ic1. House, a. good 1. shaped B..nk Barn, never felling well of watl o. r good orchard; all well fenced and u '" drained; water tank in barn driv- en by wind mill: The land is in good st :te of cultivation and nicely located, Terms. -31,000 'down day of sale, '.> t tc•r Oct. 1, when possession, Is a Far further particulars ,apply VI. Arthur Lewis, props ciar, or to Frank Taylor, auctioneer. Being L AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ON ELIZABETH ST., EXETER SA T)APRIL 7 h 1920 on TUR AX; 1 t , At 1 c'clock sharp the following:- - irrm, bedsteads, 2 bed spring,, Z :r4sser; andwashstands,parlor su't e 7 ru ;s, quarter -cult oak sircleboard, 4 leaf extens:pn ~table, drop leaf table, .rocking chairs, kitchen table, toilet sets, cupboard; range, curtain poles, curtain stretchers, two burner 091 stot ,, window shades, lawn mower, laamps, pictures, gr n*eware, wash tub, sealers, trunk, laundry stove, floor cloth, kitchen. chairs, hoe, rake, stove p;pes, and small articles too .numerous to mention, Nearly all these articles are as good as new,. Terms—Cash 1'ERRET'T C. W. ROBINSON Proprietor Aitewtioneear Shielded frim Bumps Sheltered from Storm WITH this beautiful'OverIand Four -Door Sedan you need no longer let road or weather decide where or when you go. Its Triplex Springs soften the shock of the road, its enclosed body protects you from sun, rain, wind and sleet. In .a twinkling, the Sedan may be converted to admit the grateful breezes and warm spring sunshine, making it a car equally appropriate for everyday of the 366 days of the year. This new Overland is very light and eco- nomical, owing to its 100 -inch wheelbase. Yet it rides with the luxurious comfort of 'a heavy', long wheelbase car on account of its 130 -inch springbase. Soft toned 'trimmings and deep upholstery add to its beauty and comfort. It is electrically started and lighted. The Sedan weighs only 200 pounds more than the Touring Car. a lei,. H. Elwor.th Y�, Dealer, xet�: ;On• t Ofl°Ic_e;and Factories': Willys-Oserland Limited, Toronto, Canada Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina A SAVINGS ACCG .1..N .:i , It is always well to have a Savings Aec.nlnt upon which interest is regularly paid and from which you are free to draw at any time should you have a good oppor- tunity to buy stock or feed, A Savings Account is Ready Money. 78A THE CANADIAN ANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP CAPITAL .. $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND - ., $15,000,000 1 XETT R BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855 CAPITAL RESERVE $9,000.000 Over 120 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK SAVING BUILDS CH AR A CTER,—Start ttt Save. Systematic savingstrengthens character by inducing self, deni:'al and creating independence, TIse easiest method of saving is by depositing a certain pox tiplt of your earnings regularly in T1* MOLSONS BANK. Wath the addition or interest at current rates a substantial hum i soon acquired. Small accounts receive the same ;tttentio.a as larger ones— efficient courteous service to all =ETER URANOR T. S. WOODS Manager, Centralia, Branch open for business Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran. h July. AUCTION SALE OF FARM t 10, Con. 10, McGillivray, ON A 1'L!RDAy, MAY 20th, 1920 one hundred acres, more or !eh,.. There is on the premise; a goal Br ic1. House, a. good 1. shaped B..nk Barn, never felling well of watl o. r good orchard; all well fenced and u '" drained; water tank in barn driv- en by wind mill: The land is in good st :te of cultivation and nicely located, Terms. -31,000 'down day of sale, '.> t tc•r Oct. 1, when possession, Is a Far further particulars ,apply VI. Arthur Lewis, props ciar, or to Frank Taylor, auctioneer. Being L AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ON ELIZABETH ST., EXETER SA T)APRIL 7 h 1920 on TUR AX; 1 t , At 1 c'clock sharp the following:- - irrm, bedsteads, 2 bed spring,, Z :r4sser; andwashstands,parlor su't e 7 ru ;s, quarter -cult oak sircleboard, 4 leaf extens:pn ~table, drop leaf table, .rocking chairs, kitchen table, toilet sets, cupboard; range, curtain poles, curtain stretchers, two burner 091 stot ,, window shades, lawn mower, laamps, pictures, gr n*eware, wash tub, sealers, trunk, laundry stove, floor cloth, kitchen. chairs, hoe, rake, stove p;pes, and small articles too .numerous to mention, Nearly all these articles are as good as new,. Terms—Cash 1'ERRET'T C. W. ROBINSON Proprietor Aitewtioneear Shielded frim Bumps Sheltered from Storm WITH this beautiful'OverIand Four -Door Sedan you need no longer let road or weather decide where or when you go. Its Triplex Springs soften the shock of the road, its enclosed body protects you from sun, rain, wind and sleet. In .a twinkling, the Sedan may be converted to admit the grateful breezes and warm spring sunshine, making it a car equally appropriate for everyday of the 366 days of the year. This new Overland is very light and eco- nomical, owing to its 100 -inch wheelbase. Yet it rides with the luxurious comfort of 'a heavy', long wheelbase car on account of its 130 -inch springbase. Soft toned 'trimmings and deep upholstery add to its beauty and comfort. It is electrically started and lighted. The Sedan weighs only 200 pounds more than the Touring Car. a lei,. H. Elwor.th Y�, Dealer, xet�: ;On• t Ofl°Ic_e;and Factories': Willys-Oserland Limited, Toronto, Canada Branches: Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg and Regina