HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-8, Page 8EX.i, rtai TULUBfDAY APR. B, 1820 ter Markets • narazed each ' Wednesday Fal' Wheat .,. ' 1.95 Oats .. 1.05 Barley . , .... 145 to 1.65 Family Flour ....,...,,.. 5.85 Fe- I Fur par cwt. .::...... ......... 4.00 Shor .s Braa Eg.;. , Butter ,.55 ICp5S Creamery Butter 68 fora .,,,,... 35 Po„ Moes .....3.5r to 3.75 Hay per 20.00 to 22:00 Hags ... 13,00 56,00 ,.. .,. 43.00 42 O :: osat On'or Seed early it J. Ii. Grc.v'e, Exeter, Phone 1331 CAR -4. FL t HIRE--'~'t"ilsen & Simrn Ph oats 56 WANTED Eap r .n e `,1 maid far general louse • work. Sinai: fam dy, Good wages will be veld to , ornpetent person. Apply hlrs. j J, C•=ilagba.n, b13. Welle'e to^ St., London LOST. Auto marker, No. 52336, ,last sr. Usborne Tp. Finder will kindly .Te - turn e - turn tag Ford Garage, Exeter. TENDERS WANTED The Exeter Agrieudturel ; ociety will receive ten.iers for the rental of the agricultural erourels for the sum- mer tof 1920, up to Friday, April 9th, at 6 pm. Highest or any tender not ztecessarity accepted. R, Cr Saclon, Secretary! Get your Onion Seed from J. H. Grave, Phone 131, Exeter. FURS WANTED. All kinds and any quantity. Highest cash price.—W. E. Sanders, P. 0. Box 168, Exeterr, POULTRY FANCIERS. A ose:ting of the poultry Of this distract: En is celled for da. evening. April 9th, at S p.m. in the Town Hall, Exeter. All interes'e;l please attea'i. FOR. SALE. One outside gas pump. Bowser style. Apply. S:ms Garage and Cartage Co„ 80 May, Windsor, Ont., S. J. weit- zer Prop. WANTED Smart boy to learn hardware; also one to learn plumbing and th mithing. Heaman's Hardware: CALVES FOR SALE Anybody wishing to get good. Dur- ham calves should apply to L. J. Wil- lert, R. R. No, 2, Dashwood, or phone 34r20. PROPERTY FOR SALE. One and a half storey frame house, eight rooms, in good repair. One half acre of land. Good stable with water- marks in stable.; Centrally located in Exeter. Apply to L R. CARLING, Solicitor, Exeter. DR. JOHN WARD, CHIROPRACTOR Corner William arra Sanders Streets, Tues., Thurs., and Sat, 10.30 a. m. to 4.30 p m, 4.11.111111110. WOOD PUMPS REPLAIRED. If your pump needs fixing we are ready to do. the. job now before other work commences. We do turning of all kinds Saws gummed, etc. S J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle Corn. Contracts The Cumin Co. is prepared to con- tract witb growers of corn far the factory for 1920s the price per ton 'an.creasel to 512.00. Choice seed corn has been, secured from the same source and will be sold at same price as last year to growers for the fac- tory ONLY. VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to 8. FARI%1 FOR .SALE --"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp. of Hibbert, County of Perth, 100 acres imediately north of Far- quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling large bank barn„ with water all thro it supplied from never failing well with windmill. A second windmill and well an back of farm. New up- to- date hen and hog house large new drive house. Good orchard of apples and small fruit, 8 acres of bush, 50 . acres mostly double - ploughed and ready for crop. Bal- ance in grass. This is a choice farm, well fenced, well drained and in a high state of cultivation. , A lovely home and must be sold as the proprietor has bought a larger farm: Easy terms of payment. Apply on premises to Thos. Rundle, or Thos. Cameron, R. R. No. 1, Kirk- ton. garage Business Having . taken over the Garage End of the FORD REPAIR BUSINESS in Exeter we ere prepared to clo Repair ,Work of all kinds on any kind of catoor tgs;s or stead rengiaire;; All work guaranteed. We ,repair 7adtiatorr','and repaint cars.'' Gasoline cc sale Soullier & Foote Local Doings School 're -opens on Monday ,next. The frosty weather of the past few .gays will much improve the sap 'run, Rev. A. L. G. ,Clarke, rector of St. George's Church, .,Goderich, etas ac. cepted the appointment to the Church of St. John the F,vangeaist, London, his duties, to commence in six weeks. Mr. ,Esti Heywood has purchased the property of Mr. C. S. Sanders cn the corner of Andrew and Laughall Streets It is an excellent buikEng tot. :CI Sanders •iecestly moved to \Virile mestag some chemicals Thurs- ,� c:`` "r ng last an enp:`osian Cict'ur- . I end Fret Heama'l lost the top of see fi-tger, an a second finger was :„ s,a injure -1 considerably. Fred is an :ept, but these little things will hap - pea monis one Ls absolutely a ertatp of the chemicals an. their pessib.li;,;:s. The n enthly meeting of the Junior rrn " Assoc.iatio i was heli in Sen- ior's' Har o:t \ 'e.aesday evening last. A debate "Resolved that electricity on cl:.e farm is a profitable irivestmens.": was thoroughly discussed. 'the affirm taken by Enos Herdman, 'i'i eslev johns and Verne Pincombe; tri .i art ve by Ernest Pym, Earl Rapt as and Edgar :Monteith. The taegado won. lty one point. S. B.I ethers, •A,gr. Rep., was presen. and a,ldresse:l the meeting re competitions open to the members of the Assaeia-• tion. Notch paper for announcement exf next meeting. DEAThI OF RICHARD PIC: I ARD. The desalt occurred at Brantford on G.z vi Friday of Richard John Pi ka: d seta of the late James Piekard, aged 53 years. 6 months. The body was brought to Exciter on Saturday even- ing and the furerart .took pla.•e from the ,depot to the. Exeter cemetery' The late Mr. Pickard left Exeter ov- er thirty sears ar„o, arta for many sears lived ire Duluth, lion„ Recently he ha•l beer diving z Br,urtforcl. wirer.; it:s : been s_rrausty i'.3 Sor rome we l:s. He is survived by two math er., jos p't of Msersins flat ;.rel -- PRESENTATION Oa Thursday afternoon. tot interest .; e,• -rt took p a e at clic Jackson t tory. when the factory employes presented ono of their number, Mr. Perrett with an address and signet :g, on the eve of his deppa,r,ture. for England 'Mss Emma Heideman read the address and Miss Morrie Denney made the presentationts Mr. Perrett has been with the company since they crime to Exeter ten years ago, and Exeter c:ilizens in general as well as the Jackson factory will be sorry to Lose air. and Mrs. Perrett, but will wish every success in. the future Following is the address,— Exeter, Onit.1 April 1, 1920 Dear Mr Perrett, We learn. with' sincere regret of your intention of leaving Exeter and returning to England, and we could not let the occasion pass without of- fering you our best wishjes and every success in, the steps you are taking. We are exceedingly sorry to lose you and we earnestly hope that both your- self and Mrs. Perrett will have a safe Tourney home, ani that you arrive at your destination safely„ We also hope you will not forget us, and that as time goes along you will have a kindly remembrance of your friends in Can- ada. In order that you shall have some tken of our good -will we beg you to accept this small present, along with the best wishes of all of us, and we hope it will be gae means of helping to remind you of your ad friends in Canada.. TheGirls of the Jackson M'f'g Co, CHURCH SERVICE. Oddfellows are requested to meet in the Hall at 6.30 pm. on Sunday, April 25th, for the purpose of attend- ing .div -rte service in Trivitt Memorial Church.— T. Wolper, N.G. Trivitt Memorial Church Evening Subject—"The Sign of the Times. REV. A. A. TRUMPER, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 11 a.r,—"Interpreting What We See." 7 p.m.—"Sublime Risks." Rev. Dr. S. Banks Nelson will preach on Sunday, April 18th. A memorial tablet in memory of Rev. S. F. Sharp, B.A., B.D., will be un- veiled at the morning service. Miss Luta Layman, soloist of the First Methodist church, London, will be soloist. Dr. Nelson's lecture on "Ire- land and the Sinn Feiners," Monday, April 19th. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. W. M. Sw. DA.Y 11 atm.—"Thjet 4 garner ;stones of Jahn 3-16". 3 ,p.m.—Sabbath School atvd Bible Classes. 7 par.—"The Cry from the Lowlands" Good' helpful music. Hearty welcome,. Seats iA1j Free. MAIN ST. 'AND BETHANY Minister, Rev, Dr, Medd Main St, 10.15 --Glass Meeting, 11 -Woman's Missionary Soc- iety !service; Miss Batil„}r of God= ericb will be the speaker, • 3 -.Sunda y Schaal:. 7 -Theurer, Eve the 1st woman Bethany --S. S. at 1130. Bethany Worship—W,M.S.service; Minister for the day, Rev, j. M. Wilson B.A. Miss Edna ,Mallick has accepted a positioa with Messrs. Jones & May to fill the vacancy caused by the res- ignat'ra of Miss White. The Loyal Temperance Legion col- lected old rubbers to the value of $12.70 and donated S10 to the Child- ren's Shelter at Goderich. Messrs. Soullier & Foote of London have rented the repair rooms an con- nection with the Ford Garage, an took ,possession on Tuesday. Mr. T. 11. Newell and several drivers went to Chatham Monday and brought homeeleven Gray Darts. Thirty cars in all were brought into Mr. Newell's territory. Mr. Walter Harding of the Income Tax (office, London. was in town on \lona)• giving advice. air how to make out income returns. properly. If nec- sary he will be here for a clay next week as well. The Easter servikes in the various churci es were marked by appropriate sermons music and,, decorations. Some of the dec;tora(tians were very beauti- ful, while the sermons and music were in keeping with the occasion. A inumber tof girl friends gathered at the home of S'Iiss Cecelia Ford on Tuesday beim the employes of the Jackson 1#a`nufacturing Co, and pre- sented her with a kitchen; shower, prior to her marriage shortly. A few hours socially were very pleasantly* spent, followed by a dainty luncheon. Miss Ford has been nrr esteemed and valued member of the circle for some time and will be much missed. EASTER VISITORS IN TOWN. Bert Gillies of Paris. Will Davis of Stratford. Jos. Landry of Chatham . Hugh Gould of Windsor. Reg. Bissett of Chatham George Hicks of Toronto. Archie Davis of Ingersoll Charlie Ford of Hamilton. 1)r. McTaggart of Taranto. Milton Ky dd of Kitchener. Linden Harvey of Toronto. Russett Flynn of Brantford. lir. 't hos. Marton of .London,, «'iltri.I Stewart of Kitchener. Mist Anne manlier, of Stratford. Wm. Bradt arttl wife of London, Fred ::nal Earl Siallett of London, Victor Sweet rind Harry Sweet ,if Sri indsor. Ricbani Bissett an grandson o: London. Charles Triebner sof the Northwest Mounted Police. Mr. and 'Mrs. Chas. Livin'gstone and daughter tot Stratford. Joseph Davis of Morrisburg and Oliver Davis of Zurich. Miss Ethel Day, Miss Gladys Harvey Miss Lulu Amy, Wzlliam Brown, El- more and Cyril Tuckey of London - Alex. Stewart, Walter Tearing; Silas Reid, Wm. Manson and sister, Miss Jessie, Robert Hedden. of London Mr. Josiah h:estle and Easter in Parkhill, Mrs. R. A. Crete(::h is week in. Brantford, Mr. R. G. Seldon is busines, this week. Mr. and Mrs. B, W. F. in London Tuesday. alis, IDorothy Kuntz is spending the holidays in Hamilton. .Miss Mae Harness of Windsor is home for a short visit. Mr. Reg. Tsars ,ns, teacher, is home from Erieau for, the holidays. Miss Irno Sweet af. Tereswaiter is holidaying with her parents here. airs. Thornton of Sarnia is visiting her mother, Mrs. Silas Handford, Mr. land Mrs. Robt. Denney spent a few days in London, during the week. Mrs. Fred Hawkahaw of Toronto is spending a few days with relatives here, Mrs T. H. Newell is visiting' her brother, Mr. Will Hawkshaw, in De- troit, Mr. Deleon, was' up from Harrow this week and moved his family to that town. - Miss Stella Gregory left Monday ev- ening to visit friends in Chatham for a few lays. Dr. and Mrs. Hewett and children of Toronto were ho ay visittors„ at Mr. G. J. Dow's. a Miss Gladys Kestlic of near Hamill ton is spending the Easter holidays at cher home here. Mr, A W. Bannister of Wi,ntdspr spent the holidays with Mr. C. W. Christie of Stephen. Mr. Richard Eacrett of Brantford visited his parents, Mr: and Mrs. M. Eacrett too Wednesday. Mr. H. S, Nickli'r. of Guelph spent Good Friday here with his brother-- in-law, Dr. A. R. Kinsman.. Mr. and ;Mrs. Latiznea Grieve and daughter Helen, after a visit here, re- turned. to Landon this week. Mrs. Billy 'Burke of Win,ghaan, ac- ic,onzpanied by Sherr three children, is visiting with her parents, Mr. anLds'Mrs. James ,Tayilor. Mrs. Fred McD ionell and daughter of Detroit visited relatives here and attended the funtere3, .0f Mrs, l3 wden in Clinton last week. • ,Mr` Chas Vant,Egmlonld,' who at . one time conducted the woollen ,trill here for his father, .spent a couple " days. in town, during the week. Mr. Walter,Ua,rne.ss, whin has been engaged with ,Messrs. Jones &"'May, left Saturday Lor 'Kitchener, where he has accepted a;prosition with ' the. Dominion Tire Co .Miss Etta Manmiilnrg of the Stendard Bank, 'Chatltami and Miss Edythe Wright, teacher in'Oueen•Mary school QChathare, were guests during Raster at the \fain Street ',parsoonage. Master Jack Gtoydis6n, who visited bis igratndnvother, Mrs. D. Johns, :.re- tunner1 to his home in Sarnia; only Sat- urday accompanied by, Master Stuart Startbury ,who will be his guest du,r- i•tug the btoliida}s. wife ape* visiting this in Toronto on Beavers were PHONE 32 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 latest Medels in Suits,s, Coats, Dresses for Spring Make Your Selections Now While our Stock is Large OUR SUITS ARE IN ALL WOOL SERGES, GABERDINES AND TRICO TINES. DRESSES IN SERGES, SILKS, POPLIN, ETC, r '" 6 1 0 -__ COATS IN ALL WOOL SERGES, COVERTS, VELOURS, ETC. i i NT, 13EW MODELS IN CORSETS, You will require new corsets for your Spree„Suit or dress. We have the very latest models in front lace styles, also in the more staple lutes, also the newest styles in brassieres. GLOVES FOR SPRING We are prepared. for the Spring requirements with a splendid stock of both silk anti kid gloves, We han-Ole the celebrated Kayser and Niagara Maid brands of silk gloves, also Perrins' Kid Gloves, guaranteed as low as $2.25 pair, x ' SILK HOSIERY. --Exceptional values in. ail popular colors. MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR. SPRING New 'Spring Ties, Gloves, Shirts, Fancy Socks, Shoes, Clothing, Etc., at very attractive prices. BUY YOUR RUGS, LINOLE'UMS, CONGOLEUMS, ETC., NOW. Lir oleums 41, at last season's prices. New, Rugs, Curtains, Curtain Perles, Window Blinds, Cangaleums, Etc., ,now ready far spring. NEW WALL PAPERS Big assortment to choose from, and the, price is Bio higher than last year. New patterns• arriving each week, Tapertries, Chintz, Stripes ,or Plain Papers: We invite you to edme ini and see how reasonable our new Spring Papers are, MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS STYLISH SHOES FOR sPRING Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps or high lace shoes in black, brown and grey. Men's Stylish Brown &Black Shoes Classic Shoes for Chidren. See our new, Spring Suits and Coats for Men. and Boys. Our new Felt Hats are .1330,11<w in stock. JONES: MAY Mr, Wethley is attending the Onrtariio Teachers' Meeting in. Torotrto. Mrs Victor French and son Jack left ,ioeday Lor her home in We.'taski- win, Alta. Her sisters, Mrs. Dignan ane Was, Martin accompanied her as far at• London where they spent x Lew days CASTO For infants and Children In Use For 'ver- 30Years Always bears the Signature of DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offtice=Beakers' Livery Barn., Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or alight. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. --Barrister Shlieiltor, Notary Public, `Commiss onier, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates oaf interest. Otffioe—Main, Street,. Exeter. HORSES WANTED I want. an unlimited number of Horses in good condition Geldings 5 years old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. Manes froze' 4 yeaas ofd up,weighing:fron 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK) TAYLOR Licensed Aucitdionleer for Cities of Hutton and Middlesex Prices Reaswnable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, - Ontario. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL ST•RATFORD,. ONT. We give tliorough•courses. We give individual : instruction: We have no summer_ vacation. Students may enter at any 'time. Oommlenuce your course now. We radua es ' dsntiozis Write for our free ,catalo+gue, D A., McLachlan, Principal. MONEY TO LOAN We ,have a large amount oef private funs to loan on farm and village property at low rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R.. KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto Uini*isity Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman '& Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter - MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H, .Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness._ DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons - All calls promptly attended to day or night, Officte— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON' LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth; -Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Speciality. Office at Cockshutt Wasieroome, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. P. Roslstonb L. D. S,, D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Closed Wednesday afternoons. Loaded Again Our rooms are filled ,with all kin•& of Furniture which we are selling at a very small marginii Be sure and see us before buying as we have some bargains. R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every' - thing in the grocery line Call and see us, A trial as to quality will convin- Ce. Produce taken. ' in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. PHONE 134 Y. Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! For every member 04 the family Smart ;Styles hog' the Jdtt'.tle. Too ;, English styles in dark brown kid fbr the girls. Blank. ,or brown , lleathe:'r Neolin or leather soles for boys; and a splendid range of Oxford and high Shoes for ladies and meni. Dgm't overlook us when you wart new shroes for then spring • • NEW SPRING SHIRTS When you see thleni you will say they are smart. The patterns are new and are sure to please you- Prices,` $L50,',.$2,O0, $3,00, $5.00. NEW;`S,PROG''CAP'S • In the styles' and shades; the au 1 .;llr d Y Y ala tn,ew, ltte,s for Sppawnig 'hist :app OP.! - fellows are looking Goa. coed gad ready fart your irustpelctipn Game in boys' and look thein over. I Priced at , $1,00 td $2,25 .. placeg t izr p NEW ' FELT, HATS Very smart styles plus' new colors Dor Spring. Better drop in this, week and,: get your new hat • All Colors. M.50. NEW :SPRING NECKWEAR Southoott Bros.