HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-8, Page 5Notice Creditors e to WONIIIMMIO OF MARGARET, ANI PARSONS, late o t, the Village of Exeter, inthe County of Huron, married woman; deceased. , Pursuant to See. 56 ,of Chapter 121 of the Revised Site:tales of Ontario, 1914, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Elizabeth Ann Parsons. late of the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, married woman, deceased, who died on or about the twenty-eighth day of October, A. D. 1918, are on or before the Seventeenth day of. April, A, D. 1920, ;to send by past, prepaid, to Isaac R. Ceelitlg of the sand Vi; iage of Exeter, solicitor :fox Nelsen Starlake of the Township of Hay in the said County of Huron, Yeoman, the adn1alistrator of the whole estate of the said de- ceased, their ciaristan names and sur- names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them and that after the thy last aforeseel the said Adniaistratar will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to such clams sof which notice shall .have been given as above required, and the said Administrator will not be Liable for the said asserts or any part there- of, to any person or person of whose claire ,or claims'.notioe shall not have been, received by him at the time of such distribution, Dated at Exeter this twenty-ninth Jay of March, A. 13, 1920 " elsOn Sta rdeke Isaac,' R. Carling Aslan nistrator Solicitor for A ;minimi t.t or Notice to Creditors OF WILLIAM PARSONS, LATE OF the Village of Exeter, tri the. County of Huron, 1 aholrer deceased. Pursuant to See, 56 of Chapter 121 of the Rev's I Statuees o: Ontari 1914, u otiee is hereby given that all creditors and others having via me against the estate of 1 'ill'am Parsons, late of the. Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, laborer, de ceased, who died on or about the 22nd clay of March, A. D. 1920, are on or before the Seventeenth, day of April, A, D. 1920, to 'send by post, prer,aad, to Isaac R. C.tt+ling of the sa5.3 Village of Exeter, solic. for for Nelson. Stanlake of the Tawnsh::p o, Hay ;in the said County of Huron,. Yeoman. sole executor of the last will and testament of the said de- 4.•cace:1, their christian ,names and ur• • names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of • their claims, a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the said Executor will peace:n.1. to distribute the assets of the said deceased arum* the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to such claims of which notice shall have been, given as above required, and the said Executor will • noft be liable for the said asserts rrr any paxt there- of, to any person: or person of whose claim .or claims notice shall not have been, ;received by him at the time of such distribution. Dated at Exeter this twenty-ninth inth day ;of March A. D. 1920 Nelson Stanlake Isaac R. Carling 'Executor Soal'r for Executor AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE AIND, 4 LOTS AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE cru Sanders Stree(t, Exeter, on SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920 At 1 dock sharp the following:— Rea ollowi g:Rea state—One storey frame house and our aots of ]and, good, stable. Chattels—Bedroom site, wardrobe, 2 beds 2 washstands, sideboard, 2 lounges. ,centre tai'blfe,t 2 rocking chairs, 6 dining chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, coal or .wood nook stone, good, box stove, coal oil stove, Perfection,, 3 burnerand oven, nearly new; 2 kitchen tables, kitchen cupboard, quantity of dishes, number of tfruit stutters, number stone jars aurid knacks, bake board and flour barrel, capper boiler, tea kettle, 2 iron pots, 6 window tshaeles, 3 trunks, cheat jardiniere stand, number pictures and picture frame's, 3 rag carpets, num- ber hooked plats, 2 clothing racks, mir- ror, stove mat, 2 ejiothes wall racks, clock and stand, toilet seta, high chair, number of window screens, quilts, pillows, mattresses, etc„ forks, hoes, rakes and shtovels, lawn mower, buck- saw, step ladder, wash fub, scythe barrel, lamps, laautean, small quantity lumber, some coal and wood, crates and boxes, a few tools, watering can, Swheelbarnaw, and numerous other artic1les. Terns—Of Real Estate, made known on stay of sale; Of Chattiels, cashlt NELSON STANLAKE Executor lalte Wallitdm Parsons. C.:W, Robinson, Auct. THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTh Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car ,service Sleeping cars on night trains and Parlor cars on priineipal `day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn- ing District Passenger Agent, Toronto N. - J. DORE Agent, Exeter Phone 46w SINCE 0 1870 30N8 COUG SCHOOL REPORT OF S. 9, No.1 Usboraie, for Easter tests. Those marke83 x were absent for examinations. Sr. IV., A. Mair, G. Cudmore M. Moir, O. Wood, H, Strangx; Jr, IV., V. Duma, 76, L, Dunga: t70; M. Strang x; Sr III., M. Cud -nose 76, M. Down. 70;" Jr. III, N. Oke 84, P. Wooed 77, R. Moir 75, H. Horton 67, M. B:oax; Jr III., V, Oke 84, M, Dunn 71; lst, T. Horton,. V, Hyde, R. Oke, G. 13ea; Primer, M. Souire, E Boa, H. Appietonh. No. on roll 25, Attendance for Jan., Feb. Mar. good, one pupil., Harald Horton., be- ing present every .lay, Myra E. Morgan, teacher. Baytield *a Monday carried a by-law to raise, $2500 to ,remodel the Town Hall. There will be. a real rush to get on the Iand as soon as this cold spell is over. The probabilities do eat' promise relief for a .few days, how- ever. A few farmers were seen cul- tivat ng last week, Clinton ratepayers defeated three by-laws on Monday—to exempt a flax mill company from teaat„,on, to raise $15,000 for a fuel y-ard under munici- pal control, and to spend $10,000 on to soldiers' monument. The vaccination, ban at the Detroit river has been lifted; and Canadians may again cross the ,boater freely t During the 125 drays that the edict wasin force it is estimated that 60,000 persona were vaccinated at the. De- troit side of the border. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Important Events Which Have Occurred DLit ing the Week. The Huss World's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Rand), ,incl Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper — A Solid Rcur's Enjoyment. :3ragtrlc•=t a a uon, English war Poole adai- 'sed a large audience at the Bliss a' email heuetlt held in Con- vocation Hell, Toronto, Hon. .i :firing e)olrerty'e bill gov- erning the sale of milk and eream was r.tiehtiy attteaa.ied in its second readier in tlr l.rgislature. Fire, itusr,.ned ur,.teee a the de- partr:ae•ait in C,li.«t-•, ha;^P p:a55'd a 1•eeo t a a tui eagu ,,t i. cull:. in- adequare an tit ':a a.^ ut t„t;: S. 1'h Sand eiedrue a Am- herst burg 11, if ; 113;x: tr l:aid- nighl Lee 4 lt.t.ui ti,,,' O..tario llyeir.,-.i o'.. ,•r ,:...• , 4, -r.., . ,fir .,ilei Caua.try :ilii, .a G;M: ph ie p nd a year la „new.; ew.; • , tele , •i t ,tie at the Ona t io Afe ie..,lu1, 1 t,'uil ,;e ane .tiI ' ,t , . Spleen,: ;ta of 1'4, eel, ort the • AUCTION SALE OF DURHAMOICE COWS DASHWOOD ON SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the following: - 30 Cows -15 wall calves at foot and 15 springers, Terms --8 months credit on approved joint notes, with 6 per cent. per annum :added: JOS. LAWSON F. TAYLOR Proprietor Aue'tioneer AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ON ELIZABETH ST., ERETI,R on SATURDAY, APRIL lith, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the •following 2 iron bedsteads, 2 bed springs, 2 dressers and washstands, parlor suite rugs, quartierecujt oak sideboard, 4 leaf ,extens:(en liable, drop leaf table, .x.ecking chairs, kitchen table, toilet sets, cupboard, range, curtain poles, curta1n stretchers; two burner oil stove, window shades, lawn mower, laemps, ,pictures, Igrani(teware, wash tub, rsealers, trunk, laundry stave, floor cloth, kitchen chairs, hoe, rake, stove pines. and' small articles tae numerous to mention. Nearly all these articles are as ,good as new- Terms—Cash A. J. PERRETT C. W. ROBINSON Proprietor Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF 50 ACRES OF LAND, HOUSE AND LO T,,STOCK, IMPLEMENTS HOUSEHOLD EFFEC•I',S. oat ,Lot 18, Con,. 8, McGillivray, Tp, en FR_DAY, APRIL, 9th, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the following:— Stock—Light horse 9 years, oild, 1 light mare, 8 years; general , purpose horse rising 3; Durham cow, 3 years, due to calve itn April; 17 hens. Implements—Set double baa-ness, set sengie harness, abufifalo robe, 'Morse blanket ,crosscut saws, buck saws, 1 heavy !Bain wagon nearly new; old wagon. buggy, ,cutter, set sleighs, flat rack nearly taew; Deering binder, mower, disc, (nearly nlew; drill, hay rake Fleury plow sealrlly new; scuffler, set harrows, fanavinbmill, barley fork, sev- eral tothe,r forks, grindstone, 2 sugar kettles 'dash churn, quantilty wood, and numerous other articles. Household Effects Etc.—Cook stove, heater and pines, 6 dining chairs, cen- tre table ,rocking chair, 2,1aunges, bur eau 2 ,stands, 2 bedsitcads, 6 kitchen che;n chairs, ,glass. cupboard„ 2 tables, 'flour bin, washtub ainitl beard.. A iquantity wood, also quanitity hay and feed which may be seen .ora farm. There will also be sold at the same time and plane 50 acres of land, being South Halt Lat 18, Cone 8; also house and Rot. on. Church Street, Ailsa Craig, 'Terms—All sums ofi .$10,and . under, cash; .over that amount 6 moaahs' credit on approved joint notes, ar a ,tiscoual 'of, 5. pe,r cent per anriuln oft dor c,asil, e,n, credit amounits. Terms of Real Estate -10 per cent. clown ion day of sidle, balatn;ce int 10 drays. HANNAH KEOWN Administretrix Est,` Robe Keown FRANK TAYLOR, A.uct, coast of 13rTttany, threaten To, p'ifr their vessele n 4 't t'iilnrariaSioe if coal is not furnished there at a maxi- mum of 150 francs per ton, "Sure Cure” niedieine fakirs, driv- en from the United States, are alleged to have invaded Canada, and Precau- tions are being taken against the en- try of proprietors medicines into the U. S. from the Dominion. FRIDAY. Three heavily -armed men robbed a branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia in Ottawa. Sir Adam Beck promises an early start on the development of the French river power project, Aircraft will be used to a greater extent this season in forest Erre Pa- trol and forest mapping. Ninety per cent, of the 35,000 na- tives of the Seychelles Islands are re- ported to be afflicted with hookworm. Hon, W. E. Raney, Ontario Attor- ney -General, has promised drastic action to stop liquor running at the -boundary, Robbers used a wagon to remove loads of furniture froma houseon Wm. Bryan's farm, Chatham township. A dozen women, bearing banners urging freedom for Ireland, attempt- ed Thursday to demonstrate in front of the White Rouse, Washington, Toronto Labor Council passed a resolution asking the release of the convicted Winnipeg strike leaders on hail pending their appeal to the Privy Council. The Canadian Expeditionary Force Passed out of existence 'Thursday, all remaining units being transferred in- to the permanent Canadian military forces. The Allies have delivered a new :auto to Holland on the subject of the ex Heiser, in which they enthpasize fire responsibility of the Dutch Gov- er'r] men t, Unexpected opposition to the Gov, ernrnent bill for reduction of the pro- perty qualifications of candidates for municipal office developed among the Liberal and Conservative members of :he Legislature. Chairman J, D. Flavelle, of the On- tario Board of License Commissioners expressed the conviction that most of the orders filled by the Government dispensaries for quarts of liquor were not issued for medicinal purposes. The Federal Government has auth- orized Provincial Governments to loan under the Housing Act up to $3,500, instead of $3,000, and $4,000 instead of *3,500 for four or five - roomed and six or seven -roomed dwellings respectively. SATIFRD P.Y. Sterling exchange in New York was strong, advancing to $3.93% for demand bills. Almost 3,000 persons took part in. the Good Friday parade of Toronto Salvation Army units. Waves five and six feet high swept Detroit river on Friday, making the ferry boats' crossing difficult, Bela Kun and his fellow prisoners have ended a hunger strike by which they sought to gain their •freedom. Fuel Administrator II. A. Herring - on stated that Ontario would pay $17 per ton for its hard coal next winter. Preparations for a world-wide 24- hour strike on May 1 are being made in Switzerland by the radical ele- ments. The Board of Railway Commission- ers has ruled to allow the railways to file a new tariff of commutation rates. Stephen Leacoek lectured on "Frenzied Fiction" at Convocation Ball, under the auspices of the 'Var- sity veterans. United Fanners of North York fav- or President R. W. E. Burnaby as their candidate to oppose W. L. Mackenzie Xing. Rev. Bernard Vaughan, the widely - known Jesuit Father of London, Eng- land, again attacks the gowns of so- ciety ladi,s, which he says are against .:very canon of good taste. Henry Cllarron, a janitor in Mont- real, was robbed of $105, rents for the month which he had just collect- ed, and was taking to the owner of the apartment house he cared for. Altar draperies caught fire from the candles during high mass in St. Alphonse's Church, Windsor, and some1 statues were damaged by smoke, but the audience remained calm. MONDAY. Hydro current was turned on in the village of Markham Friday for the first time. The ex -Kaiser has ' suspended his wood -sawing operations during the visit of his daughter, the Duchess of Brunswick. The Canadian Bank Clerks Asso- ciation is anxious to submit its re- cent salary proposals to a board of conciliation.. Woodstock Board of Education has granted substatnial increase' to the Collegiate Institute and public school teachers. The Lotbiniere & Megantie Rail- way is said to be the latest addition to the Canadian Government Rail- ways System. Jimmy Dellow of Toronto led the. Canadians in the Detroit Marathon. He finished fifth, Mellor of Chicago was the winner.. Official denial is given to the pub- lished report that Viscount French would likely . come to Canada as Governor-General. Four hundred. British, French and Danish prisoners released by the Bol- sheviki have arrived in Finland, ac- cording to a despatch from 'Helsing- fors. . A mass meeting ,of metal workers in the employ of the Dominion Ship- building Co.,, Toronto, voted to reject the offer of a ten per cent. increase in wages. Two children of Mrs. Glare Cossar of Winnipeg, aged nine and two, per- ished in a fire that destroyed their.. home while the mother was away at her work. Adrian Charles Richard died at St. Catharines after a, week's suffering from burns and shock sustained"by receiving 1,200 volts of electricity at Thorold:; • ': Evelyn Glenn of Chatham . and Harvey Sloan of Harwich townships were killed `when a• motor car was: s:ruck by a train on the 1‘1.0.1t".•,' •sit' Charing Cross. . GRANTON—The funeral of the lateMr. and Mrs, John W. Eedy, Sr, ' '.14r. and rMs. Wm: Hoskin of 141tch- Airs, Emery ,Jermyn took place Mfarch ell announce the engagement of th n Marys announce the engagement of The ate Mrs.was es,daughter, r1 ' their it r, m 31. L Jermyn ti s n her Ito our, t is a •ne. thei daughter, Irenle, to . f_, Arehi- 3244 year: fried. was well knaown and re- oto Mr. Frederick William Sailaintry of held ,Gillies,1B, A. Se„' St \f ys. '.ate spected in Granton, and viciaitY, hav- 2'nrkh:1l, the marriage,to .take place Vent. 7th c.R.T.), the maer, a i�'>take i 't •� o” been 'seg, � ' he mmn.�a ,* •` an rat 1 an,t community, �lal" April. � "' •'' place e-usetly,: the middle . ,�A roe fUR1ftWRE WOODLAG .1TAlN --111111111 PuaE: PAINT VARNISHES Spruce Paint Up Up Now is the time you can greaily improve the appear- ance of your home with a touch of paint here and there. Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork. A coat of protection Will work wonders. Save the surface and you save all. t4ARTI N' SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES For the Walls and Ceilrings N E U -TON—tbe washable, sanitary finish that will not fade ar rub off. Many pleasing tints and suggestions far stencilled borders. For Woodwork. etc. MARTIN'S WHITE ENAMEL --(the enamel de luxe) a beauti- ful finish far bathrooms, bed - teems, etc. It stays white. For Floors SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT - 11 wide range of colors. It dries hard with a beautiful enamel finish that wears and wears and wears, For Hardwood Floors 311/ RBLE-ITE`•—The perfect four finish that withstands the .hardest usage. Allard finish that will not mar nor scratch white, it can be washed with soap and water. For Furniture WOOD -LAC STAIN—in many shades, Oak, Mahogany, Cherry. etc. Gives to inexpensive woos the appearance of the more costly. Eas; to use. For Ver rndahs OUTSIDE PORCH PAINT— dries AINTdries hard in a few hours and wears like iron. Come and consult us on any painting you contemplate. Wewill bo glad to advise. We have a full range el MARTIN»SENOUR amts and»arnishes--theeaslestend most profitableto use. For everypurpose--for evetyaurfade. G. A. Hawkins Exeter, Ont, Do not forget to file your Income Tax Return on or before the 30th of April, 1920. Dominion of Canada Department of Finance ALL persons residing in Canada, em- ployed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: - 1. Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without dependants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $1,000 or more. 2. All other individuals who during the calendar year 1919 received or earned $2,000 or more. 3. Every corporation and joint stock company whose profits exceeded $2,000 during the fiscal year ended in 1919. Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920. ALL INDIVIDUALS other than farmers and ranchers must use Form T 1. FARMERS AND RANCHERS - must use Form T 1A. 'CORPORATIONS and joint stock companies must use Form T2. Penalty Every person required to make a return, who tails to do so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of Twenty -flue per centum of the amount of the tax. payable. Any person, whether taxable, or otherwise, who faits to make a return or provide informa- tion duly required according to the provision of the Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $100 for each day during which the default continues. Also 'any person making a false statement In any return or in ' any information required by the Minleter, shall be liable, on eunimary conviction, to a penalty no$ exceeding $10,000,orto mix months' impz eon- meator to both Sne ead imprieonnitent- General Instructions. Obtain Forms from the Inspectors or Assistant Inspectors of Taxation or from Postmasters. Read carefully all instructions osa Form before filling it in. Prepay• postage on letters and docu- ments forwarded by mail to Inspectors of Taxation. Make your returns promptly and avoid penalties. Address 'INSPECTOR OF TAXATION, LONDON,' ONT. R. W. , B,READNER, Commissioner of Taxation. Alf I