HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-1, Page 8Exeter Markets Changed each Wedn,esiday Fall Wheat ti .., 1,95. 1.05 Barley Bartel , + .. ,..1.45 to 1.65 Family dour , ,.;,.: •,.. 6.85 Fec,i Flour per cwt, 4.00 Shorts 56.00 Bran Eggs Buttes +hairy creamery Butter rd Potatoes ........ . . < 3'?0 to 3,75 Hay per ton <..,,.., 20400 to 22.00 Hogs 18.00 48 45 ,,,.,. 68 ALL S1GNe HAVE FAILED. Very lade faith evil hereafter be p'a: el in the old saying that have been,, act c pt tl as never failing 1 We were told by the ,prophets—ani they were get a tees.•-eba<t we would leave ati open winter.; It was sure not open. instead we were treated to a vinter that Nitts the severeat ia>, many years,. January *was without a thaw, and M1i arch cane in like a gentle l et1e Iamb, hut €a: -"ed to go out like a roar- ing lien The gs leave changed, CARS FOR HIRE --Wilson, & Simms! Phone 56. WANTED Experieneed raeickeor general house- work. Small family. Good wages will 'eters.be paid t 7. J QCallaghan, t613,rsonWell"rar:gton St„ Lentlon. LOST. Auto marker, No, 82336, lost in Usborne Tp. Finder ,will kindly re- turn 'to Ford Garage, Exeter, TENDERS WANTED The Exeter Agricultural Society will receive tenders for the rental 01 the agricultural grounds for the sum- mer ta£ 1920, up to Friday, Atria 9th, et 6 p.m. Highest or any terrier not necessarily accepted, R. G. Seedon, Secretary SHOOTING MATCH AT .'ELEW JLLE GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL tend, Atone o'clock p.m. Under the auspices of the Elim - vine Gun Club. 3aek Rabbit System. 1st event 15 rocks, entrance fee $1.05. 2nd event, 15 rocks, entrance fee $1.05. 3rd event 20 rocks, fee $1.40. 4th event, 20 rocks supper shoot, sides chosen, losers to provide sup- per. Six equal divisions of the pot. President, WILFRED JOHNS Secretary, LLOYD JOHNS DURHAM BULL FOR SALE Seventeen months old, roan, first- class pedigree: Apply to W. I. Dear- ing, Znd. Con-. Stephen, Exeter P.O. GOBBLERS FOR SALE. Two fuze gobblers: Apply at this office. FOR SALE. One outside gas pump, Bowser style. Apply, Sims Garage and Cartage. Co., 86 May, Windsor, Ont., S. ): Sweit- zer Prop, WANTED Smart boy to learn hardware; also one to learn plumbing and ti'nsmithinb Heaman's Hardwares CALVES FOR SALE Anybody wishing to get good Dur- ham calves should apply to L J. Wi1- Iert, R. R, Na. 2, Dashwood, or phone 34r20, -- PROPERTY FOR SALE. One and a half storey frame house, eight rooms , in good repair. One half acre of land. Good stable with water- works in stable. Centrally located in Exeter. Apply to I. R. CARLING, Solicitor, Exeter, DR. JOHN WARD, CHIROPRACTOR Corner William and Sanders Streets, Tues., Thurs., arses Sat, 10.30 a. m:. to 4.30 g. m. WOO,'' PUMPS REPIAIRED. - If yourpump .needs ,fixing we are ready to do the job now before other work commences. We do turning of all keels Saws gummed, etc. S L V. CANN Phone 115" Successor to A. Cottle CORN CONTRACTS. The Canning Go. is prepared to con- tract wee, growers of corn for the factory for 1920., the price per ton same as last yearn Choice seed corn has been secured from the same source and will be. sold at same price as last year to growers for the fac- tory ONLY. VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after - :Loons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- eninge 7 to 8. FARM FOR .SALE --"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp. of Hibbert, County of Perth, 100 acres imediately north of Far- quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling large bank been, with water all thro it supplied from *`never failingwell with windmill. A second windmill and -well- on back of farm. New up- to- date hen and hog house large new drive house. Good orchard of apples and small fruit, 8 acres of bush, • 50 acres mostly double - ploughed and ready for. crop. Bal- ance in grass. • This is a choice' farm, well fenced, well drained and in a high state of cultivation. A lovely . home and must be sold as the proprietor has bought a larger farm. Easy terms of payment. Apply on premises to Thos. Rundle, or Thos. Cameron, R. R. No. 1, Dirk - ton.; RXErE1 AfVEM TEA T11UUB3TJ1 Y, APR, i, 13U Local - Doings Mr T. tie. Powell hag moved to town. from Farquhar We welcome Mr, ani Mrs. Powe1'l to Eaejter. , The Lucia Repels; wee be helve on the 23rd of JunacA Three races cam= prise the Bard, wiith $300 purses for each event. The St Marys Journal charges 10e additional -for booking any item less than S1.00. A ;goad idea These little items cause worry, work and trouble. Miss White and Mrs. F. J. Wick- wire will move shortly to Hensall, where Mr. Wickwire conducts the Observer. Their home here has been rented. to Mr, Truemam Elliott, NO APOLOGY NEEDED. Ta -marrow s Ctooel Friday, and a public holiday. The .-price of cots((`. ire Exeter will be 515.00 per ton after aApnll lst. High School Inspector Levan vis- ited Exeter School officially on Tuesday. :vIr Wm. Lutrnain on Monday pur- rhased the residencek of Mrs. W. Davie on _Vain .Street, Exeter Noxell. The focal treasurer for the Armenian Fund, acknowledges a donation of $10 from Thomas Clarke of Sunshine 1sfethodist .church, Friends regret to know that Mr: Ephraim Hewitt sustained a stroke of paralysis on Sunday morning last and was rendered perilously i1:1 selr, Hewitt suffered a similar illness about three years ono. Mr. R. N. Rowe has sold: the azerth Commenting on those weeks)' papers fs'fty acres or his farm omkth:e London which apologise for raising the sub- Raid north to Mr. Arthur Dick, whoscription trate to $150 ,or 52,00, the has e farm or;: the opposilte side of the Bowmanvilie Statesman say s,—' Who- ever heard of producers apo1igizing for asking $6 o barrel for apples they used to sell at $2; 70 cents a pound for butter they sold at 10 cents; $3,06 road an Usbornet The priace paid was $3000: Mr, Dick gets immediate pos- sesseon, Mr. W. W. Taman received. word on Saturday of the death in Dettooit that for wool for which they were glad day of bis sister's ,husband, Mr. le to get a dollar; $1,50 for a fat chick- Claxton. The causer of deaith, was not en that sold for 30 cents; or a mer- etatedr, He leaves chant asking $75.00 for a suit that sold Mr. Taman left Maeda a wife; and sone son y morning to at $20.00 and so one No apology is attea<l the funeral rate ganef has been adc ancing since e a pleasant party for Miss Emma 'Heideman and necessary, I.irer Publisher. At the The Misses Dinney geese 1 1920 beetle, pube,ishers of weekly pa Miss Ida Wambold on Monday night. pets will be compelled to advance;: thea The former leaves shortly for Toronto price to 12,110 or $2,50 a year before to lieu,, ,house for ,her brother and the many nneeves, latter left Tuesday for Goshen, Ind ELECTED OFFICERS. The annualmtteting of Exeter Bowl- ing Association. took place on Friday evening Satisfactory reports were received,. The fee ;for 1920 was fixed at $5.00, and the usual tournament was Jeeided upon. Officers were elect- ed as follows, --Hon,. Presidents, J. J. I erner. M,P., H, Eilber, ex-M,P,R, ani Andrew Hicks, M.P,P. ; Pres., N. J: Dore; Vice,. Pres„ Rev, A. A. Trump- er; Sec,, R. N. Creech; Treas., T. 9. to reside. Miss Heideman was made the recipient of an ivory .clock from her girl friends. 'Ib give advice on, how to make out income tax returns Mr. Wetter Hard- ing of ;the office; of the Inspector of Taxation at Loin"down wee ,be jp• Exeter All day of Monday April 5th, He will hold no meetings but will simply in- tervvew personally those who require information. These. returns., must be feed at Landon.' not later than April Woods; Hon members, judge L, li. 30t1r. Dickson; Grounds Com., W. L• Heat. OPENING LONDON OFFICE, main, W. W Taman:, F W. Gladraart; Match tome R. N. Creech, W. W. Ta- It is annnounned that Messrs, Glad - man, J. A. Stewart, E. L. Cheestie. ; nian & Stanbury, Barristers of Exeter; Tournement Com.:, Messrs. Selaon, have :opened law offices at London, Stewart, Beaman, Creech, Gladman., eommeneing this week„ A lease ha Taman, Rowe, Russell ,with power to been taken •ot the rooms in the Bard, add, C HR1S'I'TAN BROTHERHOOD. Evaagelist McHardy and Revs. How - sea and Snider spoke: in the various eburcbes tin Exeter ,on Sunday on the Christian Brotherhood, and at 8.30 spike at a mass meeting in. James St, church Mr. McHardy being 111 was unable to attend the mass meeting, The aims, objects, etc, were fully ex- plained, and at the close of the mass meeting c:ommertees were named to represent the various churches, and a meeting of the committees was arrang- ed for Tuesday eve/age At the meeting of the Committees on Tuesday evening a resolution was passed asking -each church in town to take up the matter as to forming local church brotherhoods and also a union -council, and to report in three weeks, Mr. Snyder announced that the appeal for Serbia had met with a good. response so fair, but an yiew of the formation of a Brotherhood it Was suggested by Mr, Snyder that the work of securing aicl for Serbia be postponed until such tithe, as the local Brotherhoods were formed, and then it could be completed, This was ap- proved of. FURS WANTED, All kinds and any quantity. Highest cash ,price,—W, E. Sanders, le O. Bax 168, Exeter, • Tr'ivitt Memorial Church GOOD FRIDAY GOOD FRIDAY EVENING Illustrated Service—"Way of Grief" EASTER DAY • Holy Communion♦ at 8,30 and 11 a. mi Morning Sub't—"Christian Happiness" Etten.ing Sub't—Reveilattion en a Gar- demi" ardean4" Special Music .morning and evening; Sunday Afternaon—Children's Service "Resurrection Story." REV, A. A. TRUMPER, Rector. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. James Foote, B. A., Minister 11 am.—"The After Life." 7 pen.—Elijah Series—"In the Vineyard of Naboth," Rev. Dr, S. Banks Nelson coming to -preach, Sunday, April 18th and lecture on Ireland and the Sein Feiners Monday, April 19th. JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCFI. Pastor, M. J. W4lsota, BA. EASTER MESSAGES 11 a.m.—Bringing Boeck- What We Borrow 3 one—Sunday School, Special Eas- ter Lesson, and Meek. 7 pen.—"The Passion . Flowers in the New lWlorld Gorden" Seats all free. ilfusic—A.t „ 3 >ijn; the, Resurrection-- Ladies esurrectiont-Ladies Voices -0n Easter Day. P.M.—Prel. Festal in C. , Wely Anthem, - King of Kings. Solo, Christ is Risen, Bischoff Post,, Festival March, Teilman. -MAIN ST. AND BETHANY " Minister, Rev. Dr. Medd .w Mein St. 11 am,. Easter. Sermon, Easter - Anthem "Aileluiau, Chaise i,s- Risen" "Easter ;Bells." Bethany, 2.30- p.m,.. Theme,. Easter. . Main. Ste 7 p.m. Atlehem, "Why Seek e e the Living".; "A Gleam of Gold-' en..Splendor"r Theme, Death and Resurrection. of Christ, illustrated by aniunber of beautifullanternslides. On . Good Friday might . at 8, public service, "D oath of Christ, illustrated by marry lantern slides. Everybody weloorne. of Toronto Chambers, corner of Rich- mond and King streets, which have been occupied by the Pere Marquette Railway Company, We understand that the members .of the firm will be in charge at London. alternately. 1n this way Exejter office wiill, have one of the •firmhere all the time, Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury have practised law in, Exeter for some twea1ty-rtwo years, and while they are now launch- ing out in the city, they do not in- tend to neglect their Exeter business, DIED IN CLINTON' Mr, A. J. McDontee and other rela- atives here received word of the death of their sister, Mrs. Thomas ,Bawden, who deed at her home in Clinton ,on that day iso her 71st year. Mrs. rBawden had been in ptoor health for over a year, but .;t was not until the past few weeks that her condition became worse and her friends alarm- ed,, Kidney trouble :was the cause of her death, Mrs. Bawden was horn in Exeter, being the eldest daughter of the late John McDoaeil, She, how- ever, has been away from Exeter for over 35 years and the greater part of that time she spent in Clinton, Fier husband predeceased her. over 20 years. Mrs. Bawden possessed -a kind heart, broad sympathies and was much esteemed by a. large. circle of friends, She is survived by one son, Frank, and five daughters, Miss Vita,. Mrs, Wilse, Mrs. McDona(tdy Mrs. Street, and Miss Shirley, She also leaves four sister: and three brothers—Miss Susan McDonell and Mrs. (Judge) Dickson, of Goderich, Mrs. (Dr.) Browning of town Mrs. A E. Bennett ;of Field, B, Ct., John and Charges McDonell of Hen sail and A. J. McD;onell of Exeter: Interment took place at Clinton yes- terday (Wednesday.) - 1•ir. Herb. Southcott, traveller, bas been home for a .few days. Mess Ltilu Nattier returned Satur- day from a viisp;t .lav Totrtoar(to. Mrs. Woods of Harnijlton is visiting her brother ,Mr. Herb. Walter. The Misses Webber of Tavistock are visiting ahlrs. W. J. Heaman, Miss Gertie Johns of Granton its vis- ttnng friends in and around Exeiter: Miss Ida Wamlio9,d of London visit- ed over Sunday with. the bfi(sses. Dgnr Ivey. - - - Mrs. Ed, Jones of London is visiting her parents here nri(or to taking a trip to California, Mrs. W W. lineman and Miss Mar- garet returned Saturday from aviisit in Woodstock. Mr, Cecil McLeod left Monday morn Mg far Kitchener to accept a position with the Donnirion. Tire Company:, Arto Delve retur e'd-from Montreal Friday ,morning, he having gone there with a load of horses .for Mr. Daw, Mr. and Vis, Wi, L. llloticur of Toronto visa:tetd over Sunday with the' former's parents, ,Mr. anti Mrs. We H. Moncur. , Miss Lela Jiohtis was' ,int, -Sarnia Sat- urday, and Cher mother eeturreed„ wiath her after ,s,penJyag sieeneral weeks in tbat city." Miss Gladys ,Ford returned to Buf.- Cala to resume her :dulties in the ho•e- p:ital as nurse. Hee mother accompan- ied her as far as London, Mr. George Ryan, of Brantford, an Exeter Old Boy, called on friends in Exete.r, Mr. Ryan spent all his early days in Exeter and was better known then as "Paddy Ryaah'-' His father was among the number who . moved a,o Brantford with the Verity ' Foundry. Mr. 'Clarence IVjorley, who has been with the M,oilsons Bank for 3 .•years; latterly in St, Marys, -resigned reaeiti- jy and alt er spending a few days with los parents here left last eveek for. Winnipeg. 3efore leaving St, "Marys the Junior Hockey Club gave Clar- ence, who was treasurer of the team, a banquet. He wast popular in " the Stone t wn :end the boys gave hive a hearty ;send off. PHONE 32 JONES & 1VIAY Latest Models in Sues Coats, Dresses for Easter Make Your Selections Now While our Stock is Large OUR SUITS ARE IN ALL WOOL SERGES, GABERDINES AND TRICO TINES, DRESSES IN SERGES, SILKS, POPLIN, ETC. e COATS IN ALT: WOOL: SERGES, COVERTS, VELOURS, ETC. NEW MODELS IN CORSETS, You will require new corsets for your Easter Suit or Dress. We have the, very latest models in front lace styles, also in. the more staple lines. also the newest styles in bras'sierest , . - GLOVES FOR EASTER We are prepared for the. Easter requirements with a splendid stock of both silk and ldd gloves, We han-dle the. celebrated Kayser and Niagara Maid brands of silk gloves, also Perrins' Kid Gloves, guaranteed as low a: $2,25 pair. ' SILK HOSIERY.—Exveptional values in all popular .colors, MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR EASTER, New Easter Tics, Gloves, Shirts, Fa.ncy Socks, Shoes, Clothing, Ete., ;it very attractive prices. BUY YOUR RUGS, LINOLEUMS, CONGOLEUMS, ETC., NOW. Lanoleums all at last season's prices, New Rugs, Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Blinds, Congoleums, Etc., now ready for spring. NEW WALL PAPERS Big assortment to choose from, and the price is no higher than last year, New patterns, arriving each week. Tapertries, Chintz, Stripes or Plain Papers. We. invite you to cohne intend see b,ow reasonable our new Spring Papers are. MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS See our new Spring Suits and Coats for Men. aatd Days.. Our new Felt Hats are also ;;now in. stock. STYLISH SHOES FOR SPRING Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps or high lace shoes in black, :Drawn and grey, Men's Stylish Brown & Black Shoes Classic Shoes for Childress. JONES & MAY Mrs. Cecil ;tZcLe„ad, is 'visiting in In- wood. Mr, Walter Harness has gone to Kit- chener. Mr. Frank H11ll and son Huston of Detroit visited here for a few days with Mr Lanni Mrs. Daniiel Defy, Hus- ton is remaining for sometime. Mr. Dan. Senders of Selkirk, Mani, spent a few days during the week with his sister, Mrs, Hedden, Huron street, and other relatives in town,. His stay, of necessity, had to be short, he having came to Toronto with the hockey tease of his town to play Toronto said the team returns to the West on. Wednesday, It is about seve,n years since Mr. Sanders visited here with his relatives. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Office—Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CARLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitors-, Notary Public, Commisseoinea-, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at ]lowest rates of interest. - Otfficie—Mame Street, Exeter. HORSES WANTED t want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldingc 5 year; old up, weighing from 1500 pounds up. . Mares from' 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK) TAYLOR Lice'nse+d Auctioneer for Counties of Hutton and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, Ontario. ONTARIO'S BEST BUSINESS COLLEGE CENTRAL some ATFORto, . OI T. We give thorougls courses. -We give' intdividtial instruct on, We have no summer vacation. Students may enter at any tune, Confluence your course now. Weplacegraduates in positions. Write for our free ,catalogue. D A. McLachlan.. Principal, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan an farm and village property GLADMANs& of interest Barristers, Stoj citor.s, Exeter Dr, A. IL 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D.D.S. Honor Graduate Toronto U.nlaftsity Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman '& Stanbury's Office, Mains Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night - Oeficje— Dr Sweets old office Phone No. 120 Exeter. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farre Stock Sales a Specialty. - Office at Cockshutt Warlerooms, next - door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. - Dr. G. F. Rouestoni, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office Cloe'ed Wednesday afternoons. Loaded Again Our rooms are filled with all kinds of Furniture which we are selling at a very small margin, Be sure and see us before buying as we. have some bargains, R. N. ROWE THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Phone 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and see us. A trial as to quality will convin- ce. Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT ROS. Shoes ! - Shoes ! Shoes ! For every membieir of the family Smart Styles for the little Tots, Eng'tush, styles in datrk'brown kid for the girls Black or brown lleaither Neolian or leather soles for boys; and a "splendid 'Tango of. Oxford and high Shoes for latdntee and meat Don't overlook us• whelrs you warzat new slitote for the spring NEW SPRING SHIRTS NEW FELT, HATS . When you see them" you will say they are smart, The patterns are -new and are .store to ,pilcase you— . Prices, $1.;50, $2.00, $3,00, $5.0.0. NEW SPRING CAPS In the styles 'and shades the young' 1:elliows are loading foir.' Come in boys' and look them over, Very smart styes plus new "c"olors for Spring Better •droll in this week and , gee •your 'new ha;tefai Easter, All Colors ,. • $4,50. NEW EASTER NECKWEAR Bread new, 'eels' for Easter just a enie i aid' a-erd or i n and' '>I ,y for your .tzv lNeCtiArr. I Price:l tat • $1,00 to $2:25' Southcott Bros,