The Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-1, Page 7auw►;loa'r Toner Dog Din edler Book oa DAG DISEASES 'vv pad Dow to Veed Mailed (Free to any Ad dress by the Authtar. 13. Clay Glover 00.. Ino. 118 'West 31st Street New York. U.S.A. Se^ICE 1873 gIPL 30ROPICOU 4s For Coughs, Colds, tG4 1' inn and the relief of I flanamatory conditions of the throat arising from Bronchial, Astte ;matie affections and. derangements. of the Respiratory Organs. Prepared from Spruce i Oen and other medial anal agents. Success- fully used ford() years, Aimee bus alta terse sine 41., Ne*Yaer" a.i...�,gogelnR`reAnM,. OUT 01 LUCK Never mired l Just take Cascarets if Bilious, Constipated ti a 1 • o y.�..a, r• a,.o-wv.•.-•..n.. .r °...... * the world has suffered se much lately Everyone must occasionally give to began soon after we were immersed the bowels solve regular help or else in the tail of Haller's cornet• suffer from constipation, bilious at- It has been proved that while some tacks, stomach disorders and sick cornets are only ;passes of gas, most headache, But do not whip the bowels ' of them :are tirade up of matinees into activity with harsh cathartics. saearms of nlete0r5 Of all sizes. 'What the liver and bowele reed is a Scientists, fne1utiint; Ford ICelvlta t'ression of spirits iteve passed away. gentle and natural Janie, arae that eau and Sir (liver Lodge. hold that the Influenza leaves behiud it weakened ronstaatl` he used avitlutu# harm. The majority of comets are fragments of vital. powers, thin blood, impaired di- gentlestin+l Cleanse tate colon and boweue of all i or other. la those comets which origin- and women who SPRING WEATHER 1 The Japanese Government is 'going HARD oN BABY to equip its railway tralus with wire- less, to be used iu place of other sig - From All Quarters. The Canadian Spring weather—one day mild and bright; the next raw and blustery, is extremely hard on the baby. Conditions are such that the mother cannot take the little one out for the fresh sir so mucro to be de- sired, Be is eon -fined to the house Which is often over -heated and badly ventilated. He catches cold;. his lit- tle stomach and bowels become dis- ordered and the .mother some has a sick baby to look atter. To prc•-ent € this au occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets should be given. They regu- late the stomach and bowels r thus pre- venting or relieving colds, Shepta fevers, colic or any other of the many Minor ills of childhood, The Tablets are sold by medicene dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from T;,ae Dr. Williams' llledicine Co., Brockville, Oat. Do Comets Send Disease? A satentist has stated that comets actually sprinkle our world with des* ease germs! The old belief that pestilence fol- lows in the wake of meteors may, therefore, have a great deal of truth in it. A short time ago a meteor fell into Lake l ie11igan, U.S.A.., and since then. the attention of . scientists leas been focused upon the fact that our earth is at present undergoing the greatest known visitation of comets. The pestilence known as the Black Death, which visited Europe and Asia in the efteenth century, and caused the met appalling mortality, followed the visit of a great comet. The mysterious luflueuza from which eats which sometimes fail during storing. A strange craft, 6ahggestive of an. ark, is being built in bis garden by an adventurous man at Oakland, Califor- nia. He and his (laughter propose to sail round the world in it. A Swiss milkmaid with a musical voice ohtalne better wages than one who1 of sing, as ow teat is car. n s g, a C ha .soothed with a pleasing melody dur- ing milking will, it is said, yield one- fifth more milk, A me"clianical painter is being used for painting .oinuibuses in the opine. bus factory in Caledonian Road, Lon - c Intwo and a half min- utesIt .toes u a d h 1 na utes work that ordinarily takes two and a half hours. The fast lifeboat ever Blade is still in. existence in Yorkshire. It was con- structed in 1$02, to be used "Por saving life in storms or other dazrgers to ships," A. poor shipwright invented and made it, and. Parliament consider- ed .skis labor and skill so meritorious that it voted him the sum of $6,000. AFTER EFFECTS OF INFLUENZA OFTEN SERIOUS Victims Are Left *Teak,. Tired and Mentally Depressed—Tonic Treatment is Strongly Recommended. No pestilence in years bas eaused more widespread suffering than the epidemic ot Influenza which swept over Canada in the fall and winter. ot 1513.19 stud again this winter. The danger from this trouble le seldom over when the characteristic $Yeel - touhs, the fever, headache and the de- liver and bowel tonic is "Cas• ; gestion and oversensitive nerves. Men carets." They put the liver to work world tont to pieces „by some rause w h en w were robust before stricken with influenza dud their bodies racked by pains previously un- known to them. This condition is due to au abnormal thinn1 e of the blood and leaves the system an easy prey to other serious troubles. TMs is the time when the convalescent from in- fluenza Should build up the blood, with a reliable blood -making tonic such as Dr.Willianas' Pink Pills. Weak bloodmeans impoverished nerves, im- paired digestion, a feeling of tiredness waste, toxins and poisons without griising---t] eY never sicken or ineon- i vanlence you like Calomel, Snit:, 01], or Purgatives. Twenty-five million boxes of Cascar- etc are sold each year. They work wIlile ycu sleep. Cascarets cost so little too. erfe * In Smoky Glasgow. A .thrifty Glasgow man was ap- proached by his small son tIle »t'ller slay with regard to a birthday present: Candy powdered over the matter for 501115 tinge, and then said: "No, I can- na gee ye a present, but If you are a quid laddie I'll cleau the windows so that YOU. can see the buses go by'," Deep Minard's S.iniment in the Cortes. ate(' in the destruction of worlds, the disease germs or organisms would have been carried away with the de- bris and remained in a dormant state in the cold of space. There it no limit to the time certain germs can remain asleep. They are known to remain dormant for count- less ages in the sun -baked deserts of the world and on the frozen soil of the Poles. When, therefore, these germs are ` after even slight exertion, and some - projected into our temperate atmos- i time; even more serious symptoms. where by comets, it is thought by When the blood regains its rich red authoritlee that they awaken front their long sleep and are again render- Uon quality naturally, organs of the body ftth e tion naturally, In fact, building up the ed active and dangerous to the earth's } blood will vitalize the whole System. t.., itants. .. Buy Thrift Stamps. Annual Climbing Vines While waiting tor clematis, wisteria and other permanent vines to make sufficient growth, annual vines niay be grown each year at porch or window. They make a very desirable sereen or shade when trained en a trellis of pro- per construction, and" most of them bloom profusely from midsummer till killed by frost. A more pleasing ef- fect will usually result where several kinds are planted together. For luxuriant growth and: dense shade, there is nothing equal to the wild cucumber, but the lower Ieaves are likely to turn yellow late in the summer, unless the vines are kept well watered. The moonfiower and morning glory, in various colors, are favorites; a trellis covered with then presents a solid mass of blooms against the dark green foliage as long as growth con- tinues. Cypress vine possesses a delicate beauty that makes it very desirable to before window. Balloon vine a w is of slower growth, but when planted in connection with morning glory or wild cucumber, the contrast creates a ;pleasing effect. It is a common mistake to plant vines too near a porch or house wall. 'A suitable bed should be spaded up 'at least two feet fromthe foundation of the house, and the soil should be made rich -with leaf mold or manure of a similar nature. If wild cucumbers are allowed to grow two feet apart, the vines wii4 make sufficient growth to cover a trellis ten or twelve feet high. Morning-glory and moonflower should stand no more than a foot apart, and the other vines about the same. A suitable trellis is made by setting two substantial posts of the right length in the ground, and stretching poultry netting of the right length from one to the other. The trellis should be provided before the vines form tendrils. When vines are trained upon a trellis of this kind, they do not cling to the wall and discolor the woodwork. The shade is more effec- tive, while the air circulates freely be- tween vines and wall. When the vines have reached the top of the trellis, they may be trained to Lorin a canopy on strings leading to the wall over the window or porch. If early cultivation is given, and water supplied in abundance, there is noth ro about g w the place that wilt prove more attractive throughout the seasonthan a trellis covered with an- nual climbing vines. Another use for vines, besides shad- ing porches and windows, is screening' unsightly buildings—outdoortoilets, for instance. Also, fences can be made more pleasant when covered with vines. Rubbish piles can be hid- den by a screen of vines. A small packet of seeds will screen the view of an unpleasant landscape. the Satisfyi•Mg Sweetness of the wheat and barley food ac`` uts is a matter of ecoanor as well as delth.t these days. QrapeNuts pleases without the addition of sugar. as is not the case wit. -most cereals. GrapeNuts is economical The experience ot Mr. Andrew Marty, Bathurst, KB., will prove of value to a host of influenza sufferers who still suffer from the effects of the disease. Mr. Marty says: -"The new life and consequently new hope brought into lay life through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink PIlls is almost beyoird my power of expression. Fol- lowing a severe attack of influenza in 1915I found miseif rapidly failing g in health, and was naturally much alarmed. I began to lose In weight, could not eat, did not sleep well, and in a word I was reduced to a mere shadow. I was forced to discontinue worst because of my weakened condi- tion and things had a very blue out- look. I tried a number of suggested remedies, but without benefit. And. then one day Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were suggested to me. I acted on my friend's advice, began taking these pills and soon felt an improvement. Every day I seemed to grow stronger, and after four weeks' treatment I felt fully restored to ley old-time health. From my own experience I feel that, if given a fair trial, there is no medi- cine superior to Dr. Williams' Pli:k Pills in building up a run down sys- tem." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic, not a stimulant. They build up the blood, and not only the disastrous af- ter affects ot•influenza but also troub- les due to poor blood, such as anaemia, rheumatism, indigestion and the gener- ally worn-out feeling that affects so many people, disappear. You can get these pills through any dealer in medi- cine, or by mail' at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Mighty Kitchens. The kitchen of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in. New York is an acre in ex- tent. Dinners for more than 3,500 persons can therefore be cooked at one time. At the kitchen of the Bon Marche in Paris, which has hitherto been regard- ed as the biggest thing of its kind, a roasting -pan will hold no less than. 300 cutlets, which represent several sheep, while potatoes are baked at the rate of four bushels In each pan,. Nearly $,000 eggs are broken oil omelette days by the sixty cooks and the hundred assistants who • officiate in this gigantic cuisine. No fewer than twelve hangs and- sixty fowls can be boiled simultaneously iil:one pot. At the 14laneion House, London, and in the kitchen of Christ Church, Ok-. ford, there is facility for cooking a baron of beef of 200 lb. et- 'Y,ou can write it down as gospel, With the hags of peaceunfuried, The boys that run the. furrow Are the boys that rule the world. ..RHEUMATISM' . '1'hia is Past th a season prion llheumatisunwithlts grinding pain and stiffen. lug of Joints gets told of 'Qu. VIVA it with 'e1rpletonss Rheumatic Capsules ' Ompleton's Rheumatic Ca sitles bring Capsules b tt ce rtaYn relief, and permanent re, sults. They are recom- mended by doctors. and gold by reliable .druggists everywhere ror01.045 box, or write, to Tern. setons. 142liring,t3t. W., °Toronto, c ot At 9'w sere on res ASTHMA ,remPle.t•t.5 n'RAZ-i11A11 Cap, stiles arsdd'zar'anteed to relieve AST II f a Don't. suffer an. other day, Write Templetons,142Eiag St. W. Toronto, for freesemapie. Reliable drus•;ists seal -Mem, at #i,(14 a box. A One -Legged Facater. The uuconquerable spirit et the crippled veteran has eeltione Inane. Tested itself so strikingly as in the eaao of a mechanical drattamstu of Toronto. who before the war was An accomplished skater When as a British soldier,' be lost a leg in France, bis skating days seemed past, Re- turning to Canada, however, be ap- plied himself patiently to his old art, and eventually learned to skate once more. Now be has become so skillful with his One skate that public exhibi- tions take up much of his spare time. As Seen Through Love's I='es, Mr. Justwed--T"Ilere's my discher o from the army. Nice, isn't it?" His Bride—el—id see. 'lead gray eyes, 'brown, hair, light complexion::' Why, Edwin, that's horrid. It doesn't say a word about those ,dear amber glints in your eyes, nor that soft, tempting wave of yon' hair, nor your 'simply adorable .complexion." lJohnniehhaving accidentallytallY broken He Ran. a pane et glass in a window was snak- ing the best of his way out ed sight, but unfortunately the proprietor stole a march en him. Seizing Johnnie by the collar, he exclaimed: "You broke my window, did you I}Ot?„ "Yes, sir," said Johnnie, "but didn't you see me relining for A1oe6Y to Pay for its" Ask for iunar4'a and tats no other The jawbone of the average 'whale is twenty-five feet ,in length. The tongue will yield a tart of oil. Marlon Bridge. C.13., May 30, '02. I have handled MINARD'S LINI- MENT during the past year. It is el - ways the first Liniment asked for here. and unquestionably the best seller of all the different kinds of Liniment 1', bindle;' NEIL FERGUSON. Too Much of a Good Thing. Sandy had been staying withsome friends for about a month, and whiet he and his host were out for a walk one day they called at ,'t wayside inn for a drink. As his host was about to pay for it Sandy stopped hint. "Na, Iia," he said, "I'll not allow it, Ye've been, keeping me in everything at yer hoose for a month, and ye've treated me to the theatres and cab fares and paid for ail the drinks. I tell ye, I'll bee na mair of it; we'll toss for ane." MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. If Inst or stolen you get your money back. Thoroughness and concentration are 1 undoubtedly necessary to success Half-hearted work never pays. Un- J less your work becomes your pleasure it is not good work. Itwill not suc- ceed. Lift off Corns! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. With your fingers! : You can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between. the toes, and the hard akin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Fres-zone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or sore. ness. '"rulyt No humbug! GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don't have to rub it in to get quick, comfort,. ino relief Once you've tried it on that stiff 4 joint, sore inuscle, sciatic pain, rheu- matic twinge, lame back, you'll And a warm, soothing relief you never • thought a, liniment could produce. Won't suits , the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure. to give rluiek"results. A large bottle Means economy. Your stem or any Cher druggist bas it. Made,ite.Can 85c., 700.; 41.10.- ED. 1.10. ED. 7. 1SSl1G No.^13=20. 'SYRUP DF LGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California .Syrup of Figs only --look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is heaving the best and most harmless `laxative or physic tor the little stomacla, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bot- tle. Give it without fear, Mother? You must Fay "California." REO PIMPLES ITCHED. TERR1DLY OnChest,Face,Arms.Bu Badly. Cuticura He reed Is. "Ever sinot I can remember, my chest, face, and arms wetefihled with dry, red pimples. They werescat• tered all over me, and itched terribly at times, and I scratched them, caus. ing them to fester and get sore. Sometimes they would dry away and form scales which hurried badly. "Then I used Cutieura Soap and Ointment. I' had used them two or three times when. I felt better and I was healed with one box of Cuticura Ointment together with the Cuticula Soap." (Signed) Miss.BerthalCass, Russell,Manitoba,February 19,1919. Use Cuticura Soap and Ointment for all toilet purposes. ,Soap to cleanse, Ointment to heal. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and SOc. Sold . throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot: tymans, Limitcd,St.Paul St.,Montreai. Cuticura Soap ebaveawithout mug. ClAst$i'Aed Advertisement&. *WSZIT.o; WAXxxIl ORTBA.1T .A GI N TS WANTING good prints and Snishes--loweet prices on #'ratues^^asks• for catalogue= United Art Co., 4 l3runswiek Ave., Tor-. onto. c is aO17OZT. clear a`, C4 t 11 BitIte FOR Wet ,. [ L able farms. GI'ae description. 10- CL.tlon and cash price. yanles P. Wsistr, xt,� t 88, New 1'raxairltn, 1Yo.' SOU. Sti,TE tg 1 I,I. 7 t1111I'Pu,:A Ned SPABD t: i - i aster And Joh printing int in Orhtsrla Irnsurptcrce carslde $1,6 OV., 'i1 ill l•o. forouick sale. Bog R.X. Wlisora r'ublishtng Go. 1.td . Toronto,. QT1VEN$"' COMPLETE TBRTIL. izer will pay you. Write for prices, 1r1P YOUR I,itlPR'S' S3AGS—SUGAR.. y flour, bran sacks to Stevens. 1iighr est prices. Geo, Stevens, 164 Mark St.. Peterboro, tt $KITTING YAEI S I1T '4r YARNS, 1$B-UpIFD/J sort lambs' wool . ;our -pia'• ewers ine yarns in sixteen colors. Just the thing for sweaters, Pullovers. toques. and children's wear. Made in Canada. by Canadians from pure Lambs' Wool. and nothing e1 s and somewhat resembles the high ,ess English yarns, but so much cheaper= as you buy d,1reot from thespinners, dollars twenty cents per sample skein. twenty cents postdagSmall Y eel Also heavier yarns in homespun style., an wool to wash at home,. in Grey. Black. and White at one dollar, fifty per r e 81(1 r und. La a sem 1 e n chi t c pts, post se tree. p 1'ostaga etas, oq all orders under ten dollars. George. town Woollen Stills. Georgetown. On. tarso. Note --Carders and Spanners Want ed. used to country life. WOax m its 011 IIAVD A CAR !i write tyre. Geo. Steven Street. Peterhora. ric e :AU 11 tt'D .t Ir`IRE AIr`ls }3A1 a car or more of aeras iron I will me andnuote'you where It says, Geo. evens, 364 Mark Street, Peterboro. 11SCZTari WZ0T S. etilek"IN... STOCK WANTED, I ' YOD are able to susylr, advise us, as we will pap the bigbeet prices, Orr or greet;. from Mc saw, Keenan SUroa. I.tuiite3 Owen Sound. Ont. ett i\t;ER. TUMORS. LUMPS, ETO.. 11 internal and external. cured without vain by our bone. treatment. Write us before too late Dr. Bellrnan Jfedicaj Co.. Limited. Collinewooa, Ont: Russia has fewer physicians than ny other civilized country.. "DANDERINE" FOR FALLING HAIR For a few cents you can save ' your flair and double its beauty To stop falling hair at 'once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bottle of delightful "Dan- derine" at any drug or toilet counter for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. Alter several applications the hair usually stops coming out and you can't find. any dandruff. Help your hair grow' strong, thick and long and become soft, glossy and twice as beautiful and abundant. ^au^a�^e^eo•ur•ae•••••me • Rheumatic Pains e`) Are relieved in a few days hy' • taking 30 drops of Mother Seigel's • Syrup aftermeals and on retiring. • It dissolves the line and acid s accumulation in the muscles and t,11),o joints so these deposits can be •) expelled, thus relieving pain and �• • • soreness. Seigel'a Syrup, also • • • (e•, • • • known as "Extract of Roots," • containsnodopenor otherstrong • drugs to ltill'or mask the pain of • rheumatism or lumbago, it re« moves the cause. 50c. a bottle • at druggists. tt • iVB©0•e••••••1•V•••t• • • • • • • • • QTLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross", ror Colds, Path, Headache, Neural- gia, Toothache, Earache,and for Rheumatism, Lumbago, . Sciatica, Neu- ritis, take .Aspirin marked with 'the ;shame "Bayer" or you ate not taking ,Aspirin at all, Accept. only - "Bayer Tablets of ,aspirin" in an unbroken `Bayer" package which contains complete dt rections. Then you are getting; real Aspirin—the genuine Aspirin pre- scribed by physicians for over nines teen • years. Now made in Canada. IJandytin'boxes;containing 12 tabs' lets cost but a few cents. Druggists also •sell larger "Bayer" packages. There is only one. Aspirin--"Bayer"—You must say `Bayer" Aspirin is the trado mark (registered in Canadal of Bayer eteneraceure of . Mono actrSit Tis well , ttat Aspirin means r3e e. r manufacoe, to Assist the public aguint tiitiationSthe Tablets of Sayer Cbmpang; ,,eo -wish Da stampod with their general .trade inatirt.,i,he 1'2;tiiy8r. CMops." .. "