The Exeter Advocate, 1920-4-1, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR
Map'eG ;Syrup at a3,50 to $4.00 a galla'`
is going some: The editor deem' t
live thatcan eat that stuff this sea -
sore - We aiever dad care for it, and
we sure; less now.
Eyen..thougb, Eals(te(r is early this
year the spring bonnet ;is out before
It was not unciommom ;tto, see
fur coat and a straw ,hat on the same
person. But ,then;, they wear furs
all summer Mow ,and 3111 the winter they
button their collars around
There are several hundred 1914-15
Stars unclaimed in, the District Rec-
ord. Office, Lando, Oat., Only those
who were ,in Faroe early in, the war
are .entitled ho, these. Massy soldiers
on leaving the army have not informed
the authorities as too their changes of
address. In the Advocate Office we
have a list sof unclaimed stars for
consultation;. If aur readers haw of
anyone who may be, entateed to this
star please tell. hilm ,to consult list and
write to D,R•,4, at once, quoting his
Regimental Number and Unit he ser-
erved with in the Field as means ,of
i> lentlficatiou,
An exchange reports that it receiv-
ed the, fallowing communication from
one of its patrons recently: "Send
me a fewicmopies• of 'the paper with the
obituary (notice of the death of my
chilel a month or two ago, You will
please .publish the +ea.closed clippinge
about the marriage of my elect* I
wish you would mention in your front
page ,locals, if it doyesn,'t .tcosa any-
thing, tbeatt I atm ;gig to have am auce
tion sale pad w,i 1 ,rent ,part of 'my
farm, also that I have, a. few extra
Calves to sell ,privately„ Send me a
Weis few';opies of the paper ties %veek,
and as my time is run oat, stop my
parer as times are too hard to waste
money on a newspaper."
The main causte of the high cost of
living is too much iidleness:a All aur
needs anust be supplied by labor, and
it as 'only by ,labor that they can be
supplied. The idlers as well as the
worker a must be housed and fed and
clothe d It requires more labor to
keep the weeI thy idler than it does to
keep the ,tramp, because the former
class demands ,`mare of the products
of labor. If everybody worked and
earned his pc he.r ower, living tegght
hours ,per day would ,keep us all in.
affluence, but if a large class of pau-
pers, rich ooa-poor, must be supported
the workers wall have to continue
working overtime, The, idlers, and es-
pecially the idle, rich, are ethe curse of
these struggling reconstruction, days..
Phone 8'1a
Yes, we, sell Raincoats, guaranteed
to protect you in savaw, sleet, rain and
Atone.: Itis a read wearther - prolof
garment that wii7, give. you long and
e'atisfactory everyday' service. Get
your quality shirts, underwear, neck
wear, • Hosiery, e'tc. at this strop.
SUITS 820 to $,40.
OVERCOATS $20 to, $‘35
RAINCOATS° $15 ; to $30
Ali,I. Taman
Tailor& Furnisher
Figure up youir income for 1919 and
Our Corner ac. it (right, wind theca make the properre
turn, hefare Apra 3oth,. See fie ad,.,.,..,,. ins
this issue
pvo joke alt peal, going up
in .price on April, 1st: If N.V. ever hear
of anything going down we will con-
sider it a joke.
In .all the lanteleitat.Ian thea the dollar
will buy ree little, consider this fact'.,
usually overlooked—Every dollar sav-
ed avow %vial buy two dollars' with
of stuff a few yelars from naw, when
the currency rens its value,
After the fleet day of June, 1920,
every deader iso. .eggs; in Saskatchewan
whether a wholesaler o aeetailer, who
purchases •eggs from producers, must
be licensed, end after that date rto
eggs may be pur'cheesed by such' deal-
ers until they .halve been candled and
all eggs unfit for h ulnain food rejected
We are un receipt of a. copy of the
Winnipeg Telegram cfrom Mr. Harry
Bissett, a former Exeter boy, who is
now engaged on, the Telegramt To
look at it ene would not conclude that
there was any scarcetty of news print
in the Wet .as ,was relaoxtted some
few weeks ago, it bring a special ad-
vertising edition and, contains 60 pages
The Great War Veteran's As.s;oeaa.
tort of Canada bane gone on record
as in favor of a cash bonue of 81;,00
per ,ley for allmen, who have seen.
service on belligerent, fronts and that'
depe.ndeatts tof wt*em soldiers •should
receive a lump sum cash bones 'equal
to wham the soldier would have receiv-
ed had ate returned at the date of the
A widely known surged i. was just
finishing an toperation on a patient
when a fire started in. a warehouse
across the road, illuminating the whole
operating room. The surgeon turned
to the nurse and dryly said .-.-"Nur.e,
the tient is -mita #�aI thinkyou
had beater draw the blinds,, That ire
is too suggestivea T don't want him
to think the operatto.n, hasn't been a
A bill has been introduced in. the
Ontario Legislature recognizing the
principle of partnership in, a family in
respect of ,freehold or 1easebold mun-
icipal voting rights, In othetr words,
where the heed ,of the family, either
man or woman, owns property, or is
a tenant of prouertya ell other mem-
b ers of the Fant ly of age, Wieldier
sons or daughters, will Have equal vot-
ing sights.
C. T. 11.
The regular meeting of the W. C.
T. U. was held at the home of Mrs.
R. Skinner, Andrew St., on Monday
afternoon, March 29th, There was
not very large attendance •but
those who were there enjoyed the
meeting very much, The educational
exercises of our new dept.—The
Canadian Marine dept., was taken
up and much valuable information
given about the work of the Navy
League and Sailors work. The Proc.
Supt. of that department is one of
our own county W. C. T. U. women,
Mrs. Frank Elliott, of Goderich, who
has always been one of our able
workers in connection with the Red
Cross and Prison work, and the W.
C. T. U. made a wise choice in sel-
ecting her as Supt. for this 'mbar -
text work. •
Another pleasing feature of the
meeting was the splendid report of
our delegate to Toronto, to the big
Alliance convention. Miss Gregory
gave avery concise and full report
and a very hearty vote of thanks
was tendered her, for the important
information. given us from the con-
vention and the ladies regretted
that this report could not have been
heard by . every member of the
union, those who were not present
certainly missed a splendid meet-
ing. The next meeting to be held at
Mrs. Pedlars.
e R. E. Beavers,
Press Supt.
SEPT. 30, OCT. le 19201.
The Towarshaipp.of Usb"ou•nJe offers a
prize eof $15.00 -1st $7,00; end, $5.00
3rd $3,00, for the best grtade steer,
or heifer under,onje ,year of age at
the time of the low., opep ,t'oi resti'd encs
of 'Usbonne onrlly;',
The Tawns(bips' of Blenshard and
Fullerton each of6ersethe same aanount
for a like competition to be compet-
ed for by the reslidelnits of Blanshard
and Fullerton resipec,tiv'ely.
The Agricultural Society. offers a
prize mof $27.00 -1st, $7.00;2nd, $6.00;
3rd $5:00; 4th, ffi4.00; 5&hb $3;00; 6th,;
$2,00,- for the best grade; steer or
heifer under Ione year, open to the
coinpetitar•s in the three townships.
Alf. Paul, Kirktoin, offers' a prize of
.$.25.00—.$5,00 for the,'best caa'tf in each
township, and $10.Ofor the Greed
Cbampian calf•. A certified etate-
nmeet' des, ttto thle age of the animal
must be produced a't the time of ce-
The U. tF. Q. oaf Pluugeowar, W.00da
bard and Ki(rktoai globs are ofeerinig
prizes sineuuntaing; ;td $45.00, foe gale
or boys unveler 21wye(airs of age, belong-
ing to the, c'lu'bs named, foe a padlefcd
calf 8 ,months o(ld or undee.
Wm, Bruck, .,Amos Daupe,
President ' 'Secretary.
Local News
Mr. E. ;Rowclieae has engaged with
W. J Statham, Baker.
Seaforth Oddfelknvs celebrated their
50th anniversary on Wednesday even-
ing of Last week.
Messrs T. H. McCallum and George
Willis, formerly .of Exeter, Barre sold
their coal besilzaess ie London .to Mr.
T E. Carmichael.
Mrs. Clarise Snell of Usborne is in,
Victoria Hospital, Loa>vdoni, where she
has undergone an operation, and is
progressing, favorably,
;Messrs Griffin, Bees. are this week
moving to In ersolk During the past
year they thave been conducting the
garage coarmected with the Ford busi-
ness ire town.
AU label Sates on the Advocate
were corrected pin March 25th. '11 we
nrssea yours please let us; know. if
you are not paid itt 'advance agate"
attend to 'the matter at eaac.a,,.
It ie stated that the Toronto World
has anado an assxgrnment, but that the
liquidator will for the present continue
'both the daily end weekly editions
The liabilitnes pie said' ,to be half a
million or even, threoet-queeters' Re-
organization tie e,onitemplated.
Two hundred dollars damages were
awardel-1 by a jury in, the, spring as-
sizes at Landon: last ,week to Richard
T. Reycralt',of Gradton, on the; charge
that ate bad rbesen slandered by J W.
eleFali; of the same village, and who
was "eeve: of 'Biddulph Township der
lug the relecton campaign of 1919.
Sun4ay School Inst,ttutes in ecn-
pection with the Exetrer District of
the Meth list Church were held this
week at Exeter, Parkhill and Granton.
In .Exeter the meetings were hell on
Monday afternoon and evening. Rev.
aianson Doyle, fie,ld, secretary, lathe
afternoon gate an address on Sunday.
School Work, and .in, the evening on
nr! Ga
ls Cls ��b. Rev.
W' is
l .can
at the latter meeting gave an address
on Social Service and Moral Reform.
The 1920 high school entrance ex-
amination will be held. on June 28, 29
and 30, The Junior Public School
graduation ,examination will begin, on
June 24th, 1920, and ,close June 30th.
The Huron County uniform promotion
e,•+taminations will begin on June 28th
and 29th. The senior public school
graduation examination begins June 8.
Mrs H.• C. Camerae, wife of Hugh
C. Cameron, barrister of St. Thomas,
died there on 1viooday morning after a
brief illness, Mrs. Cameron's .death
came as a shock to her relatives and
friends, rays sbeehad ,been; in apparently
good health until Saturday `evening;
She became .quite 11 on Sunday and
Jied early on Menday,t Mrs. Cameron,
who was Miss Aileen Farmer, iso a
Jaughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer
of Longton, formerly • of Exeter, and
she lived ,bele until a few years ago,
when the family, London. Dr,
Roy Farmer of London is a brother.
Mr. and M,rs. Carnelian were married
in England in 1916., Mr. Cameron was
then, a lieutenant in, the Canadian army.
Besides her parents and brother 'Mrs,
Cameron is survived by her :husband
and two small children, The funeral
was held Wednesday afternoon,, inter-
terment being made at St. Thomas.
Mr R. G. Selena was in London on
Mrs. Amos goes; to Brantford to -day
to spend Easter.
Mr. Hart of Werelsar is visiting at
his home here,
Mrs. S, Fitton left Wednesday to
spend Easter in Toronto.
Mr. A Jr. 1Vlcfon,ell attended the
funeral aof .bis sisteir in Clinton Wed-
Mr. Austin Hetvi(tt of D-t(roit is
here owing to the 'unless of his fath-
er, who as ,now improving.
Mr. A. E, Dalvits of Lolnidon spent
the week end with,his sister, and bro-
ther, Mrs; E, Gardiner and, Et L. Davis.
Miss Madeline Heist has retuened
home after visn.tirg frieinds in Dletroi,t;
Adolphus Disjardine, wife and fam-
ily left ,for Peace Riiv'er where they
will make their future home. They
were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs,
Edward' Winds 'of Khiva.: We wish
them every su'cc,ess. •
Frances Clark ,made a business trip
to London on Monday.
Mrs, Chas, Zweeker and sari Gerald
acre visiting Mr. and Mrs. V, Reitz of
New Hamburg.
The remains of the late Tobias
Guenther, who died in Dashwood; were
interred in the Evangelical cemetery
on Tuesday: The deceased lived
here same yeairs ,ego Oink' was: well and
favorably known!. Mrs, Christian
Fahaer sof this ',village .is a daughter,•.
Rev, end Mrs. Melvin Whiting and
family left here on Tuesday morning
for Japan to resume tiler,` labors in
the Mission, Fivelid, after a year's efur-
lough.with their relatives here in Om,-
tairioe O,n Sundiay Rea. Whiting spoke
'u. the elethedist church amp the morn-
ing encl hr. the Evangelical Church at
night.' , Then= emaln'y friaelnr is wish them
a' sate 'oiuniey and every, success in
their work in the loreegn hence
Miss Addie Ganser, who is attending
Normal din London spent elle week -end
at home,
Mrs Moore end daughter Verne left
this week fare short visit wee Kit-
chener end ' ivL njcgo friends.
Mr. Robert A. Seeders has puree-
ase,l the land ,awned by Mrs. eV In. THE SANI'rARY MEAT MARKET
Welsh for London, formerly of Exeter,
situate.1 mseutle of Huron. ;street, where quality ,is higher than price.
Miss Olive Weide. has returned from
Mr.dsor C. W. Yager sof the Bank of,
Commeree is on the sick list.
Mrs D. Meeirbury is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Hartleib.
Mr. T. Klemm) spenit Monday in
Mr. Wm, Musser of Kitchener at-
tended the funeral of his grandmother
on. Tuesday.
onee-matron .services were held in
th Lutheran Church on Sunday.
Miss Eulaeen Guenther it confined
to, the house with an attack of ton-
sslitis, We hope for a speedy recov-
Miss L. M .Hartleib has reeturned
from g visit in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eidt and ch l-
dreat of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday with
W.. and ,Mrs. Ce Stade.
Mrs H. end daughter of
Venedy, Ili,, and Miss Clara Graupner
of Fort Wayne, Inch, are, visitting at
the Lutheran parsonage,
Mr, and Mrs. Wes, Wolf were vis-
itors in, Crediton. on, tSunday,
Mrs. Miller has returned home after
spending the wetter itn, Woodbridge.
Mr; and Mrs. Ernest Stire of Lon-
eon are visit:nig the farmer's parent,
Death. Mrs. Aaron Musser eted at
her home here on Saturday afternoon.
She haw,', been. in poor health for some
time but her death pas rasher unex-
pected, Mrs. Musser had reached the
age of , 5 years and is survived by 'rex
sorrowing. husband and a ,rown-up
family, The funeral was held Tuesday
mornirie to the Goshen Line Ceme-
tery, Rev Yager officia*ing.
i eat' of Mr. Tobias Guenther.
Another of our Divest residents has
passed away, in, the person of Mr.
'I'obets Guenther, who died on March
25th. He had zeached the age. of 84,
and up to a few days before his death
was quite active. '`He was a man of
ea •taes ad up
to late
ective interest. in the Even-
gelkai Church, He, is survived by his
wei,aw, one son, Charles, and four
daeghters. Mrs. Fainter, :firs. J. Holl -
l, Mrs, S. 'Martin andel Mrs. D. Rett -
n, The remains were interred; in
diton cemetery omn Tuesday.
ellsse • Millie aid Reta moiler of Mit-
chell spent the week end at their
home h ere.—Dori t forget the Box Soc-
ial which wal be held here .on Friday
evening Apr. Znd.-All members of
til Mromear,'s Institute and other lad-
ies` interested; pre asked to attend the
amaual meeting ort Tuesday afternoon,
April 5th at 2.30. Lunich pill be ser-
ved by six of the members` Sugar
making is the ordelr,aaf the day in this
vicinity, but as yet there have not
been meetly, good runs.
Mr. Rex lid's of Brutellieild was
home over Sunday.;
Wanda Willis, we are pleased to
note ds able 'to be out agaen, of tier her
recent illness;
Miss Irene Essery of London is vis-
iting ear ,pa!remrtts, Mr, and Mrs. Geo,
Many of � .our citizens have Veen
m:ovin..g the past week, Mr, Wesley
Hodgins :has moved into Mr. Maguire.'s
house; Mr Will Coilwill has moved
into the residence he recently pur-
chased from Mr. James Gadsave; Mr.
Wm. :Westlake has moved to Wyom-
ing; where he will make his •futur(e
Mr. Harry 'Fey has moved to the vil-
il-lage, having accepted a position nnthe
creamery here with Mr. Thos. Willies,,
Perkins—Ira UsbOrne, on, March 26, to
Mr. end Mrs. Harvey Perkins, a conk
Ryan—At St. Joseph Hospital, London.
on 1V2arch 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Ryan, a -daughter.
McVicar—Finest-On March 24 Mary
Louriema, only daughter of the late
Mr. Tom Prest, of Parrkh:U, tot Geo.
Dick McVicar sof Cayle,y;. ,. Alta:''
younger •%Van, of Mrs; Hellen Tweddle
of Airlm Craig,
Our customers, are always well sat-
isfied because we, handle only the very
best quality of meant, our prices, are asp
tow ' 51 it is ;ppsawble to make them and
everything about our Market is strict
iy' rami tory, No wonder our custom-
ers are well satisfied:
B. Makins,,
Guenther --At Dashwood, on March 26
Tobias Guenther, aged 84 years and
7 months.
Bown—Mc1nDColinonell, itort,won idow of Marchthe • 29thTate,
Thomas Bowden, in her 71st year.
Badgley--.In Lucan, on March 25the
6 mHazelouths. Badgley, aged 22 Years
Ryder—In,, oxo March
Tohn Ryder, aged 81 years.
Murdy—A't Lucan, omni March 25, Eiiz-
beth Maguire, widow of the (late
John Murdy, aged 79 years.
Turnbull — At Winichelee,a, on March
2$th Mary Thompsoze; wife of Axa -
drew ,Turstbull, aged 74 years and
11 months,
2usser—At Dashwood, on. March 27
Mrs. Aaron Musser, aged 75 years;.
1 Car Only of Monarch and Safe Lock
° 9 Naive, 12 stays, 6 iaach cvee. spaseae, at 75 ceasts,
8 wire, 12 stays, 6 iaich even spacing at 68 its
8 wire, 9 . stays, 6 inch, even 'sped at 63 cents.
7 wire, 9 stays, 6 inch, •even specing at 58 cents.
Gates Barb; Poultry and Lawn. Fence.
We have only otne car at these prices, having t ought ssoine months a
and are able to sell below the present wholesale price,
Leave your order at Donee and save money an, your fencing needs,
Massey Harris Show Rooms
One Great Truth
That complete success in baking demands the best flour,
' MODEL is a high grade blend, i'Tbe Perfect Flour".
Let the cook prove this.
Special prices for Farmers' Clubs,
Our Seed Oats have arrived which test 46 lbs. to the
bushel. See them,
We have an abundance of Western Feed Oats and Am-
erican, Corn.
Also some Seed Peas, extra quality.
Phone 16
Are You Ready for Easter ?
Right up etja the minute in style, anJ amt prices easy for
in Navy, Brown and Black, male from sure wool Botaiay serge
Satin Braid an,d Button, Trimmee, High in Quality. Full of
Style„ Pricesexceptionally low. .
are alll,here.; We invite your .n'spaectvoin and thew' that yew,
will life them, The cloths are Donegal Tweeds, Polo Velour
and Covert.
Same very, special lines in Black Coats for elderly ladies:
are two .of our very strong lines. ;
as, wcontrol Holeproof Hosiery far Exeter. Buy your
Gloves atnd,,"Hose. from us, W e knew that they will give you
the satisfaction you demand,
We atgai, wish to draw your attention to our select stock of
Suits, Hats, Shoes, Shirts, N eckwease Etc:
Rasivcpats are also a specialty teeth es
Extra Special
We lobe still able to supply you with Sugar by the hundrecl.
treaght with 31ianit of treebaggs to a, custozeer, Yore- cli'tiiee-