The Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-25, Page 5AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS PIOUSEHOLD EFFECTS. On Lot 1, Lake Road, Hay Tp,i on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1920 1117 At 1 .ofeJaek sharp the follpwing :-- s, Horses --2 horses rising 7 years; 1 horse rising 4 years. Cattle—Cow clue in, July, cow due in September, 2 farrow cows.L Implements—Heavy wagon. and plat- form, light wagon, top buggy, Fx & Wood cultivator; set bobsleighs,near- ly new mower, 1 -horse roller, set harrows; snuffler, 2 walking plows, new; scraper, moot pulper, double har- ness, set single harness, collar tops, Mellott separator, ,nearly new; water tank, gravel box, grain bags,forks, hoes shovels whiffletrees, neckyokes, chains and other articles too numerous to mention - Household Effects—Coal heater, kitchen stove, wood or coal; bedroom suite. kitchen table, long ladder, etc. Sums of $10 and under cash; over that amount 6 months' ,cre l t on fur- ishing approved joint notess 5 per cent per annum off for cash on credit amounts Positively no reserve as the pro- prietor prietor leas sold hits farm owing to poor health. GEO FORD, FRANK TAYLOR, Proprietor Auctioneer AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEI EN TS & TIOUSEI•IOL DEFFECTS cm Lot 6. Con 1, Biddulph Township on TUESDAY, MARCH 30th, 1920 at 1 ,o'clock sharp, the following -- i rses-2 mares 6 years old, in foal to Pathfinder; 1 mare 5 -yrs old, heavy draft; 1 mare 8 years, heavy draft; 1 gelding, 3 years, heavy draft; 1 good draft horse, 5 years old, Cattle --10 cows due in April; 1 Shorthorn regisitered cow, 4 years due in. Aprils 2 two-year old heifers; 7 yeasting steers; 1 good Shorthorn registered bull; 3 yxrung calves. Implements—l. 7 -foot McCornt'ek binder in good shape; 15 -hoe Massey • Harris drill, nearly new; 12 hob seed drill ,in ,good repair; i ciambiataticar: e ^ v seed drill, 1 new John. Deering manure spreader. large size; sptirt• tooth cul tiva:tor, wagon, road cart, steel rake steel roller, 6-sedtioa iron harrows; 4 -section iron harrows; fray rack; gravel box, fanning milt, beam scale; new John. Deering corn planter; new cement tile machine; 2 two -furrow plows, 2 walking plows; new Magnet cream separator., etc, etc. 250 bushels seed oats, and 500 bush, seed barley, both strictly clean. Household Effeets-2 stoves, 1 par- lor set, bedroom suite, chairs and tab- les and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms—$10 and sander cash, over that amount 7 months' credit do ap- proved joint notes with 5 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. Positively no reserve as the pro• prietor hats sold his farm. W. T. COLWILL, Proprietor. C. W. ROBINSON Auctioneer F. COATES, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES COWS; AND HOGS at CENTR AL HOTEL, EXETER, on SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920 At At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following :- 3 three -yeas old fillies. 4 three year .old geldisnlgs. 4 our year old Mies. 5 four year old geldings" • Also some good 5 and 6 year old hor;es—tad thin to ship. `_ itched pair of grey 3 -yr old fillies A number of Durham Cows, half, of then with calves at foot, thel others springing. 14 chunks hags ,100 to 125' lbs. 2 young stows with litters at foot. Terms -6 Months' credit on ap- prove•i joint notes. with 6 per dent. per annum added. F. Taylor, Auct. G. J. DOW and 'FLETCHER & LAWSON,' Propriletor•s AUCTIO1U SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS on . Lot 7, Con. 2, Stephen, on FRIDAY, MARCH 26, 1920 at 1 so'ciock sharp, the following, viz.— Horses-1 mere rising 5 year, old; 1 mare rising ,6 yealrs old; 1 black. driving, mare, rrisrjng 3 years.;a 1 mare rising 7; 1 snare rich g 10. Cdue Aril attle-1 1ow, due May 1 Maycow 2 cows, due May 15; 2 farrow cows; 2 heifers rising 2years ; 4 steers, ris- ing 2 years; 6 spring calves. Pigs Etc. -1 sow with litter at foot • 1 sow due April 15; 1 sow due May lir 5 stocker pigs ; 60 hens; 1 collie dog. Implements --Deering Binder; Deet- ing mower, hay rake seed drill; Frost & Wood cyltiva;tar,and seed box, land ro;]er, Frost & Woad disc, Maple Leaf 2-furrow",plough, 2 walking ploughs, set harrows; Deering hay loader, wa- gon; clover bunlcher; new hay rack; pig rack wheelba,rnow, set sleighs, buggy, cutter, Mallsott cream " separat- or, churn fanning mill, 2 set double harness incubator, forks, shovels, hoes neckyokes Drains " wh:ifflettees and numerous other articles. Hay and Grain -35 tans of first class hay, 200 bushels of oats; 200 bushels barley, 50 bushels wheat. Ford car in good shape, '17 model: ,Furniture—New sideboard, dining table, 3 kitchen tables, 2 parlor tab- les; kitchen (chairs, 2 rockers, .bed room suites, 2 bedsteads, 2 wash stands goof: stove; heater, couch, fire extinguisher, Positively no reserve as the propri- etor has sold his farm• Terms—$10 and under cash over that atnount 8 months credit on ap- proved' joint notes, or a disciount of 5 per cent per assenurtt :'ofrfor cash on credit amounts. • ED. LA\VSON PrOp:etor, . Auctionear F, TAYLOR, AUCTION SALE OF HOUSE, TWO LOTS, ;-HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, ETC„ On. Ann Street, Exeter, on THURSDAY, MARCI-i 25, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the, following:— 2 bedstepds, 2 ana1,ttresses, feather tick, 6 feather pillows, 2 sets springs, quantity bedding, bed Lounge, bureau, dresser, 4 rocking chairs, 6 dining chairs, 6 kitchen, chairs, dining table, 2 kitchen tables, drop-leaf table, kit- chen cupboard, sewing machine, writ- ing desk, gldss cupboard, dishes, cur- tains, carpets, mats, ,oilcloth, kitchen stove, coal heater, coal oil stove, 2 boilers, 2 tea kettles, 2 tubs, 2 oak barrels, lawn mower, bag potatoes, a quantity of woad and coal, cooking ut- ensils, shovels -rakes, hoes, and other iarticles too ,numerous to mention. The property consisting of Lots 18 and 19, South Ann Cf , on, wb jch is a frame house, w1 also be offered, for sale. Terms --Of Chatters, Cash; of Real Estate, made known oa day of sale. MRS, PIPER C. W. ROBINSON Auct Proprietress CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF FAR:1f FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS James Jones, auctioneer, has receiv- ed inatructiaas from, 141r. W. H. Janes to sell by public suction, on Lot 30, Con. 8, Township Foillarlton, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp ,,the following,--• Farm -•The farm aontai is 150 acres of chola* tiaanct. There is a good brick house, two bank bannh and first-ci'.a s outbuildings, Ten a,eres•sugar bush, 2 n.res orchard; land well underdrained and in;good state of cultivation, Terms of slate art 1 ,sr I made known on day of stile or by applilcintion to p1r(oprljeitor, 1-1ORSES-.Heavy draught mare, 8 -yr heavti draught mare, 8 -yr old in lea', heavy draught filly risen, 3 -years l cavy draught gelding rising 3 years, ..,ght molt rising 4 years, aged general purpose horseCATTLE-5 cows freshened`'at Jan. a04 Feb., Scows to iteshen about tante: oil` sale, 5 cotes to freshen in spring; 8 steers acme! heifers '-yt. !olid; 8 y'Ciirthng steers and heifers 7 calves, 3 fall calves, 1 grade bull, 2 ears, SHEEP -90 well bred sheep, 2 tams, One Off:o.rd registered. PIGS - 5 pigs about 150 .lbsa FOWL— 75 !lens, 2 ducks, • 1 drake. IMPEL. MEN TS—Manure spreader, 2 spring tooth orgtitsators, set truck disc six- teen plates. draw Plate disci, six ft. mower, five £t, mower with p.;r har- vester riding yang plow font l:ft, horse rake, new u'se drip, set harrows, coral cultivator. 2 wagons', new hay loader, six ft. bitrl:Ie-r,• 8 -horse gas engine, and grinder, (one horse wagon, fanning mill 2 wallkmng ,plows, car, rope, 'pulleys, aiimgs ,and fork, about 500 tit matched taaso'e rooting, quarntilty cedar posts, pile sof bas5woad lumber and other iirt:l.jres. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp Terms—Chattels, all sums of $10 and ,tinder cash; rovs>r that amount 6 mtonths" cr'ei 1.1 ;v ,:a-sn an ap- proved jont nates,, 6 per cent per annum ,Cnff for cash on credit amounts. rsr:itit..,y no reserve as .the proprietor is giv.r g up farming. JAS, JONES pad A. MORRISON Auctjonre,e,rs W. B. JANES, Proprietor: AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, ETC. On Mann Street, Exeter, on SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1920 At 1 o'clock sharp the fallowing:— Dining allowing:—Diining table, solid cherry sideboard 6 kitchen chairs, Happy Thought. range, almost new; linoleum, sewing machine, couch, Brussels carpet, 2 Union carpets, oak rocker, quarter -cut oak bedroom suite, 'two other bed- room suites, single bed, ytoileit sets, 2 mattresses, 2 wardrobes, cupboard, chest drawers, stretcher, odd chairs and tables, washing machine, tubs and rest, clothes horses, pictures, curtain poles, Dans, pails, kettles, dishes, fruit. jars and other articles too numerous to attention. TERMS CASH, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Dignan, ExePut{ors Estate Late Mrs. Lucy Howard C. W. Rob,nsoan, Auctioneer, Zurich Mr. Ezra Ksoe nleir and Mr. A. Mit- tleholtz have mover, to Kitchener.— The sad death occurred on March 8, at Seaforth of Harry Wiiliam Wolper at the age of 4 years and 3 morliths' and 20 days, being sick fox only two weeks with influenzae-pn.�eunnonia. The remains were brought here for inter- ment.—There passed away on, the Zur- ich Road, went, an March 13, Henry Frleischauer at thae age of 60 years and 3 months, Deceased hard been sick only a few weeks with pleurisy of which he succumbed,. He had lived in Hay Township a long time, was twice ,married and with the last unison leaves his sorrowing widow and a fam- ily of small. children!, The remains were ,interred rat the Bronson Line' cemetery.—Another of Hay Town- ship's pioneers passsed away ,on March 10, in the person of Frederick Kraus- kopf. at the age ,of 64 years anti 19 days, et the home here in the village. He had been in fafly good; health un- til the time of his death, which was caused by heart failure. Deceased was well-known here, being born in the Township and resided on a farm on the Goshen Line, south, nearly all his life, until dour years ago, when he moved to Zurich, His widow and one daughter, sirs. J. Druar of St. Clem- ens survive.—Mrs. J. Gascho ,and daughter Marjorie, who had spent the post six weeks at the home of the former's parents, in Pigeon, Mich, re- turned.—Messrs. e- turned;Messrs. Amos and Simon; Gei- ger of Pigeon, Mich„ are vas ting at the home of their father, Mr. Abe Geiger, --Mr. Lorne G41anson, who has spent the avast year in SaskaticQi.ewan has returned t;o his home on the Go- shen Line, north. I)r. John E. Kidd, who was killed by a train in London ,lasjt week was a native of Hibbert Township. s ai —: :::- :- - „- •� Home in Halifax roofed with Brantford Asphalt Slates A handsome roof that defies the weather An added touch of beauty to any house is a roof of Brantford Asphalt Slates, which are in soft, harmonious shades of reddish brown and dark green. The colors are permanent and unfadeable, being the natural shades of the slate just as it is taken out of the quarries. It will also prove a very economical roof, because Brantford Asphalt Slates do not split, get loose, absorb water or rot. They are strongly fire-resistant and are classified as non-combustible by the fire insurance companies, and allowed to be used in cities where the most rigid fire -prevention By-laws are in force. Brantford Asphalt Slates are very moderate in cost. :The regu- lar size of the slates and their pliability make them easily and quickly laid, thus saving time and cost of labor. Being made of high grade felt saturated and coated with asphalt, and with a surface of crushed slate, they make a roof that defies the elements and is -,a permanent part of the building, just like the walls and the foundation. , Irantford Asphalt Slates are being used more extensively every year for city, country and summer homes, churches, golf clubs, stores, garages, and wherever an artistic effect is desired on a pitch roof. If you are going to do any building this year or have: -an old roof that needs replacing, it will be to your advantage to investi- gate Brantford' Asphalt. Slates. i oofin CV Limited . Brantford R , Factory, Brantford,. Canada H Branches at Toronto, M' ntreal, Halifax io For Sale by -- The Ross Taylor Oo., Ltd. Geo. Hawkins PARKHILL—A quiet wedding took Place zn; the Central Methodist Church Woodward ave., Detroit, March 10thy when Veroana. Jacqueticne Munroe be- came the bride of Ctlk»Gford 'Balrneittl. Mrs. Barrett will be at hornet with her her mother, Mrs. Munroe, Parkhill, of - ter March 22,-1*, Psi. G, K taiplton,. carriage and wagon maker here for up- wards of 50 years, and for many years prornineztt lin ethl4 life oaf the town, died at his 1 otn;e ,here on Mareh 181 He is survived by two sons, John of Parkhill and as. a traveller of Lon - dons, Mrs Knapton,. died some years ago.—Dragging for th'e body of Miss Lavie will begin to,tnorrnw., It is be-. 4eiired theft Alse• was drowned iri the Aux Sable just' above, the dam used for Arkona's lighttsn,g system, and that the body will wash, down. =TONE The Flat Oil, Paint For Interior Decoration For the walls and ceilings of any room in your house, most delicate andharmonious effects can be secured by the use of NEU-TONE. It is cheaper and more sanitary than wall paper and will last much longer because it can be washed without injury, It positively will notrub off. , NEU-TONE is made in eighteen shades, and by the use of various tints most pleasing combinationns•.may be secured,! ' MARTIN SENOUR PAINTS AND VARNISHES NEU-TONE is easy to apply. It covers well and leavers no brush, mar'ka producing a dull, soft, velvety finish which will lend charm to any teeti� in the house. Any surface may be successfully treated with NEU-TONE-Plasfer,wood, burlap or metal, Call and let us explain the merits of this and other MARTIN-SENOUR fin hes. For every purpose—For every surface, Our stock is corzt- plete and we can give you full lnformatiop. Et. A. HawiCins Exeter, Ont. "100% Pure" Paint For buildings, outside and in. SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT Itwears and wears and wears. "Yarnoleum" beautifies and preserves (il Cloth and Lin- oleum. Marble -ate" Floor Finish The one perfect floor finish.. " Wood -Lac ". Stain Improves the new ---renews the old. Important Notice ! ;Deportment of "Montt ;Dominion or Conatbet Your Income Tax Return Should be Filed at Once o All persons residing in Canada, employed in Canada, or carrying on business in Canada, are liable to a tax on income, as follows: Every unmarried person, or widow, or widower, without de- pendants as defined by the Act, who during the calendar year, 1919, received or earned $1,000 or more. CLASS 1 Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 31st of March, 1920: Trustees, executors, ad- ministrators, agents and assignees must use Form T3. Employers making a return of the names and amounts paid to all di- rectors, officials, agents or other' employees must use Form T 4. Corporations and Joint Stock Companies making a return 'of,all dividends and bonuses paid to sharehold- ers and members during 1919, must use Form T 5. NOTE, Individuals coinprihLn part- nership must rile returns in their:' indivi- dual capacity on Form T 1 or '1' 1'A. PENALTY Every person who is required to make this return, who fails to do so within the time limit, shall be subject to a penalty of $10.00 for each day during which the default continuils-and all such pen- alties shall be assessed and collected from the person liable to make the return in the sane manner in which taxes are assessed and col- lected. ..u.. A11 other individuals, who during the calendar year 1919, received or earned $2,000 or more. Time Limit All persons in Class 1, as shown hereon, must file on or before the 31st , of March, 1920. All persons in Class 2, as shown hereon, must file on or before the 30th of April, 1920. General Instructions Obtain Forms from the Inspectors o r Assistant Inspectors of Taxation, or from Postmasters. Read carefully all in- structions on Form before filling it in. Prepay postage on letters and documents for- warded by mail to Inspec- tors of Taxation. Make your returns promptly, and avoid penalties Address of Inspector of 'l'axation for this District. LONDON, ONT. • Every corporation and joint stock company, whose profits exceeded $2,000 ,during the fiscal year end- ed in 1919. CLASS 2 Forms to be used in filing returns on or before the 30th of April, 1920 All individur.7. s other • than farmers t:nd r„richers .must use Form T I. Farmers and ra:uchere must use Forth T 1 A. Corporations and Joint Stock Companies must use Form T 2. PENALTY Every person re+;tuired to make a return, who f L, to do eo within the tint. timit, shall he subject to a penalty of twenty-five per centum of the amount of the tax payable. Any person, whether taxable or otherwise, who fails to make a return or provide information duly required according to the .provisions of the Act, shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $100010 for each day during which the default continues. Also nny person making a false •st ;'cement In any return or in any information requrn rt a:y the Minister, shall be l is hie, on summary -conviction, to a penaltynotescecr-r; or to six months' irtprison- • mens or to • both Fine and imprisonanent;,` R. W. TiRE.ADNER,• Commissioner of Taxation. • 4 1