The Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-25, Page 4Train load of, 30 coal, cars leaded with Gray -Dort Automobiles, shipped from Chatham:,. They were sent out in. coal cars ,owi.'lg to the great shortage of railway equipment compared to the volume of business the railways are cateal on, to handle. Zvfr, T. H. New1l of Exeter is the distributor for this district. Fairbanks -Morse "Z" Engine with Bosch Magneto The Greaten Combination WHEN the full meaning of this " Z" message is realized—mighty few farmers in this community will fail to at once call on us. ¶This example of master engine - building ----must be seen. 1i Type and pictures can but suggest this value establishing achievement. ¶This one possible betterment —Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto— completes a rare engine service, fully main- tained by us in co-operation with a nearby `Bosch service station "Z" Engines "F" Lighting Plants Case Tractors Farm Machinery Useiyour own Engine with the "F" Lighting Plant Cochrane Machine Works Agents for Canadian Fairbanks -Morse Company Coming.! 1 Car Only of Monarch and Safe Lock Fencing. 9 ware, 12 stays,, 6 mach even, spacing at 75 cents. t8 wire, 12 stays, 6 •inrh even tspaciing at 68 cents 8 wire, 9 , stays, 6 inch. even spacing at 63 cents. 7 wire, 9 .stays„ 6 inch, even :.spacing mit 58 cents. Gates Barb, Potgltry and Lawn. Feinc•e. We ;have only one ,car at these prices, having >biaught same months ago, sand are able to sell below the present wholesale price. - Leave your ander at once and save .maney,,on, yolur fencing needs.. TELEPHONE YOUR ORDER 137 Massey Harris Show Rooms ONE DOOR SOUTH CENTRAL HOTEL. The Exeter Advocate Sanders & Creech, Proprietors Subscription Price—In advance $1.50 ;per year in Canada; 52,00 in the. United States. All subscriptions not .paid in advance 50c, extra charged., THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1920 EGMONDVILLE—Thomas I -fills, in his 87th. year, dropped dead Friday evening He was a blacksmith here far more than 50 yeairs,r lie is surviv- ed by four of afamyly, W. of Dublin, G. of Egnvaaidville, Mrs, . Boly of Tor- onto., and or-tHnto,.and Miss Jenniie at gnome. BRUSSELS—•A sad •duiowniing acci- dent 'ocicurlied on March 19, about 10 ar m. Jas. Sinclair of Grey Tawnshin .was returning home by ,the 13th con, and his!' team plunged irnta a washout caused by the 'overf;lovimig ,oaf the riv- er; Sinclair and `his team were bath frowned, :ideispitte 'every ef,Lort tares cue them by nearby ,resiiclenfts, who beard suis cries for help McGillivray A sad death 'occurred at the home 'afi Mr. land Mrs. Georgie, Ht Emery, Con. 7, McGilllivray on March 16, when. their (daugbteir, Etta, passed away af- ter a week's dllnesss The and came with startling suddenness as the seemed so be progressing favorably and an iopsetration was to have been performed that mnonnimlg.t She was boron .an; the farm \where she 'died, She is survived by ,her father, math-: er, two sisters and. ,one .brather. T .. SHOOTING MATCH AT ELIMVILLE GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 2nd, At one o'clock p.xn,, Under the auspices 'of the Elim-' viile Gun. Club. Jack Rabbit System,:. lst event 15 rocks, entrance fee $1.05. 2nd event, 15 rocks,° entrance fee' 1.Ofi. 3rd event 2,0 rocks, fee $1.40. 4th event, 20 rocks supper shoot, sides chosen, losers to provide sup- per , Six equal divisions of the pot. President, WILFICED JOHNS Secretary;LLOYD JOHNS RAJ FURS WANTED Highest Cash prices paid for Situ+.l:, Racoon and Mink Enquiries promptly answered ROSS 1.1 M$TED MANUFACTURERS Established 1593 LONDON - - ONT. Mount Carmel Mrs. Mai the McPheereceived the the ,new,; on Sa,tureiay of tits' deatlt her sister \frs. Benjam:tne Sheppard of Parkhill. --Mr. Patrick Regan left en Saturday for St. Joseph's Hospital, London. where Jee, wall take treatment for stomach trouble,—Mr. Patrick Flan- agan returned home lasit week, after spending some: months in Washington Territory and Detroit.—The remains of the ,late Mrs. McDonough were inter- red here on Saturday, Mrs. McDon- ough formerly resided in this neigh- borhood, She is survived by one son, Patrick, and four daughters, Mrs. Cot- ter, Mrs. Whalen, Mrs. Mahoney, Mrs. Somerville—all of Detroit. --Wm. Bar= ry left on Thursday for London„—Ar- thur Appleton left last week 'for Guelph Military Hospital—Mrs. Jahn Walker is busy those days tapping trees,. John says there is a good run. —Messrs. Ed. Wild and Lewis Row- land held very successful auction. sales this week.—Mr. Jahn McIntyre is - all smiles at the arrival of a son. _"' Whalen The W-M.S„ of this church held the monthly anec-lti;ng on Tuesday in the basement followed by the Mission Band at 4 p.m,—Mrl. John Webb lost a, valuable cow last week.—Mr. Frank Squire and ,span Grafton spent a few days at ,the :homes •of her pagents, Mr+ and Mrs. N. Ogd—Mr, Phillip Mc- Gee has xecov%ered after his recent ill- ness.—Friends wit11 be sorry to learn that :Airs Phillip Brooks still con- tinues very ill.—Mrs. John Hodgson ;the to he out again, after bieinag t,wnr:it.e•.? to heir home for some weeks. —Mrs. ,Gela..Sgi rs j.rt,, has returned after visiting her mother, Mrs. Dayman in Tuckersmitha—Mr. Frank Squire has purchased a teppn: of grey horses from Mr. Lamport off Crediton.— Mr: Allan Jaques and. slater Getie spent. Thursday last visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. Ogden. Lucan \Irs. Jane Wadptock, widow of - the late John Wadlock of Luca,n died at London Thursday. She is survived by four daughters and ane son, Mrs. J J. Westgate, Mrs, Ai Thomitgies, Mrs. G. Dusky gond. Mrs. J R. Craig, and James. When The Day Is Over one gotten up by Dr. Pierce fifty years ago. Fiverything growing out of the ground seems intended for some use in establish- ing natural conditions. Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., long since found out what is naturally best bir women's diseases. He learned lt aII through treating ,thou- isands of cases. The result of his stUdies was a, medicine •called Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This medicine is made of vegetable growths that nature surely In- tended for backache, headache, weakening pains, irregularities, and for the many dis- orders common to women in all ages of life. Orillia, Ont.: --"I snffered from a bad case sf woman's trouble with backache, nervous- ness, disordered digestion, irregularity and I had great pain all the time, sometimes I would faint at nay worlr. I had one physi- eian after another but they did me no good. I then toOk Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion and it fixed me up all right, I look much better and feel fine. I will recommend the 'Prescription' to all suffering as I dicV"-- MRS. Mil -BELLE B. GRATRIX, 115 When the household cares and the worries of everyday life have dragged you down, made you un- happy, and there is -noth- ing in life but headache, back- ache and wordy, turn to the right Write : Dr. ]Pierre'sIn'valida' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for confidential advice and you will receive the medical attention of a specialist, wholly without fee—no cleans whatever. AN ENEMY OF MANKIND A Subtle Foe to Deal With The subtle, unsuspected enemy, which, taking hold ou the kidneys, saps them of their strength and vital- ity, rendering t1n'ninactive and unable to remove the poisons and waste sub- stances from the blood, should immedi- ately be dealt with. All who suffer front backache, pains in the sides, sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia, con- stant headaches, constipation, that helpless feeling of lassitude; stiff, swollen joints, hands and ankles, sore museles, sleeplessness, floating speeks before the eyes, irritability, should at once begin treating the kidneys with Gin Pills, t.lti"h are by far the most effective remedy for diseases of this vital organ. The first sign of pain in the back or side iswarning enough. Do not. delay, Once the kidneys and bladder. get out of order, most serious, and often fatal consequences are likely to follow in quick sequence, Get a box of Gin Pills today, and correct the derangement before it is too late. At all druggists or dealers, 50e, Money refunded if not satisfied. Fro sample on request, The National Drug & Chemieal Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto, United States Address, Na-Dru-Co., Inc., 202 Main St., Buffalo, N.X. ss4 Lumley Delayed ix the mails. \frs.- Fraser sister of Al'rs. Simmons was here for several ,days owing' to the : lineae and dearth, of the latter on Sunday \rarch 1.4, at.the age,, of 78 years, 4 months ands 10 days. Tile de- ceased had been in, poor health for a number of years, and for two months had been confined to her bed:grad- wily becoming weaker; Her husband died some years ago.I Seven children survive. 6ou . sons, Jack def Tucker - smith, Westley of Fillmore, Sask, \S911 and Fred. at hscne, and three, daughters Mrs. Geo Fairburnapd Mrs, H. Hog- arth ,Krf Tuckierzmitii, and Mrs. W. Kerslake of Hibbertr The funeral was. heli on Tuesday to McTaggart's cem- etery, The ,late •M'.rs, Simmons was of bright, cheerful xiispos:Ci,oa. always villin•, to ;hive a helping hand in the time of sickness„ She was an, obliging neighbor and ;took' a keen interest in. her house and lam/1yd She will be re- membered Sang in this neighborhood. The monthly mee'ti'ng of Hurondale Women's Institute wail held at the home of Mrs. J. k, Gferut and was largely attended.—Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Horton, sr., pro s(tilll confined.. to Their bed with an aittack sof in.flud.nza, but are improving; slowly„—Mr. and Mrs. Will Fraser ,telt here for their home in the 'W-edit.—Misses Nettie M"c'Tag- gart and E. Case of Landon. Road, spent last week with Mrs. 5. bI.Glem;rid Hay Council By-law No. 3, 1920, abolishing the Statute Labor in the Township and providing for commutation of the same was passed. Reeve Laporte was' authorized to in- vest the $1000 im tV6ctory Loan, due in 1934, the interest to furnish funds for,, the awards in, ,the project to be kntown..als the War Memorial Scholar= ships p f the Township Of Hay;. The following appointments were made,—Poundkeepers, J. Ross, S. Greb E. Weidlo, W. Sl. ,Jothnsftaa, G. Becker J. W. Horniejr, '1 F. Turnbull, L. 1?• Denomme; Fence Viewers, W. Cald- well, J. Pfaff, E. F. Kbopp, H. Stein- bach, A. Hendrick;. Sheep Valuators, W. D. Thompsion, P. Haberer, F. Kad- ing. Mr. Wrier Laanlont was appointed one of the vglutttora to valuate; the Zurich Centra' Telephone property., A number of accounts were passed. Hensall , Mr. Bert G;:,ernes of Tosonto has been visiting his grandnydther, Mrs. 1VIcDougall of towing—Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Pybu•c have moved to the west and will farm neer Webb, Sask. Oth- ers \visa w.,eat went ia,st week were, Mr Norman Pybus and% fa¢agly, and J. Kins- man.—Miss Dolly Carlin returned this week from a visit in Oyen, Alta. — Miss Annie Carlisle left here on Wed- nesday pa spend a couple months with relatives .and friends in Winnipeg and other parts of the Aries(:;—Willson Ber- ry has returned frarn Mankton, where he was takh.g charge of the: Sterling Bank there• during the illness of the manager, and is- again on duty at the bank.—Mr. and Mrs,. Chisplm of Cal- gary,,Alta,., who hsu e.beesn in Scotland for some tine. an a visit, have recent- ly arrived here and will spend. a short time with with their .rellat.ives: and friends before rctunnhng to Calgary. Usborne (Too late for last week.) The family of Mr. John Klliein,feldt was very pleasantly surprised domMon- clay evening by a number of these friends gathering at their home to spend the ev',ening.� Ant enjoyabble time was spent in music and gainless after which, a.• delightful luncheon was serv- ed by members of ,the party. s Farquhar Mr. and Mfrs,. Wiwi .Pio(1(IeIN spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. William Passmore ; at Exelteir{ Tlhle Ford agent io{ •Exeter has belen very busty in this vdcindty :lately—Lsdu.e kindly kejep in mind the annual nmdting of the Wo- men's Institute, Tuesday, April 6. -The Box; Socral undejr' ih,e'auspicersf of; the shlai ,etHaa,',deirs+ttof ;thle, Hag ;will . het held Goad Friday, April 2.—A number of thel•ysouing ,pteiorlie of `thus+ neighbor- hood ot•tendeid the wand bee ,.:.and _lance )at Mir..Gefts: Tuf,fans, S{taffa, on 'Friday evening and report a real goad titrte, Incorporated in 1855, CAPITAL RESERVE $9.000.000 Over 120 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK BUSINESS SERVICE . Many pf our cis timers who started In a small way, have now a well-established business through the assistance and co- operation of this' Bank over a per;ra 1 of years, Open an account in this Bank where your interests will be faithfully looked. after by experienced officers. The manager is always accessible 11XEETl?:R BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager,. Centralia Branch open for business daily. afety Deposit Boxes to Rentat the Exeter Branch. YOUR AMBITI.N Do you tire out easily? Have you lost some of your accustomed vim and is your ambition to do things at low ebb? Your resistance is broken. You should find help and invigora- tion in rich, nourishing (0113 EMULSION Taken faithfully for a reasonable length of time, Scott's seldom fails to freshen the Wood, build up the general health and impart a feeling of well-being to the body. '7 For that tired -out ir;eaisg take Scott's Emulsion. Scott Is' lows•. isioob, Oat. 19-32 CLINTON.—Elizabeth Chidley ,wid- ow of the late James Sheppard, died on Tuesday, March. 16, after a short illness of pneumonia;: She had beena resident of Cli.ntton for a, great many years and was twice married, to Mr, Johns and Mr, Sheppard. POLD Ale DPM �:s'P T IS.!Csi !%sr�OZDSi'?] 1/411 k ;WAS M E R S'>: %WRINGE'RS' ?CUtTL RY s C' .. ssitasst 'i1OR ate, .�f • %MOWERS!:: 1/00 HARDWARE • z5 E WTN G" ''MACK) NES' / c,. i-1Oi3BS ,,t'\, iREF..RIGt:-:� (EERATOR5I l . PROOFING; itrES //11 \\TOC1L51 pi tsoBss ausseJY ///// to 01 R WAPTC}two RD - The "Gold Medal" Label Shields You Against Unknown Hardware Goods Pi Easy to remenberl Think of " GOLD MEDAL" when you want the best! Look for the Gold Medal. Label on any article and you will know instantly—without quer tion—that it must be''right. Iu• For Sale by All First-class Hardware d�rare' Dealers IN addition to the branch at Exeter, this Bank has branches at the following near- by points: CREDITON - -. J. A. McDonald, Manager DASHWOOD - • F. S. Kent, Manager 493 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE PAID-UP. CAPITAL - - $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND ' - - - $15,000,000 EXETER BRANCH, :" A. Chapman, Manager. Incorporated in 1855, CAPITAL RESERVE $9.000.000 Over 120 Branches THE MOLSONS BANK BUSINESS SERVICE . Many pf our cis timers who started In a small way, have now a well-established business through the assistance and co- operation of this' Bank over a per;ra 1 of years, Open an account in this Bank where your interests will be faithfully looked. after by experienced officers. The manager is always accessible 11XEETl?:R BRANCH T. S. WOODS Manager,. Centralia Branch open for business daily. afety Deposit Boxes to Rentat the Exeter Branch. YOUR AMBITI.N Do you tire out easily? Have you lost some of your accustomed vim and is your ambition to do things at low ebb? Your resistance is broken. You should find help and invigora- tion in rich, nourishing (0113 EMULSION Taken faithfully for a reasonable length of time, Scott's seldom fails to freshen the Wood, build up the general health and impart a feeling of well-being to the body. '7 For that tired -out ir;eaisg take Scott's Emulsion. Scott Is' lows•. isioob, Oat. 19-32 CLINTON.—Elizabeth Chidley ,wid- ow of the late James Sheppard, died on Tuesday, March. 16, after a short illness of pneumonia;: She had beena resident of Cli.ntton for a, great many years and was twice married, to Mr, Johns and Mr, Sheppard. POLD Ale DPM �:s'P T IS.!Csi !%sr�OZDSi'?] 1/411 k ;WAS M E R S'>: %WRINGE'RS' ?CUtTL RY s C' .. ssitasst 'i1OR ate, .�f • %MOWERS!:: 1/00 HARDWARE • z5 E WTN G" ''MACK) NES' / c,. i-1Oi3BS ,,t'\, iREF..RIGt:-:� (EERATOR5I l . PROOFING; itrES //11 \\TOC1L51 pi tsoBss ausseJY ///// to 01 R WAPTC}two RD - The "Gold Medal" Label Shields You Against Unknown Hardware Goods Pi Easy to remenberl Think of " GOLD MEDAL" when you want the best! Look for the Gold Medal. Label on any article and you will know instantly—without quer tion—that it must be''right. Iu• For Sale by All First-class Hardware d�rare' Dealers