HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-18, Page 8E.XBrE1 ADVOCATE, Tan UBMAY, MAR. 18, 113211 Exeter Markets ,.'hanged each Wedn.sdsy Fall Wheat e .,. 1.95 Oats 1,05 Barley ,e,.,......,„ . ,.1;.45 to 1.65 Faint:y Flour ,,.. 6.85 Feel Flour per cwt. 4.00 }t or:s .,56,00 Bran ,. ., 48.00 wEry Butter. ` . „y 55 to 58 Creamery Butter 35 Lar:l . ,.,. Potatoes ......IS0 to 3.75 Hay per tan 20,00, to 22,00 Hogs G,: .: 18,50 COAL ASHES Any p , n wane_,;; 031 ashes can have s veee loads bv drawing then Apply at elle ,office. SPRING MILLINERY OPENINGS. You are c o: d: a1'y .invited to attend our despeey Pattern Hats and N'ov- en:..es, C mm:ncwng March 20. • E. T. 'V►„ CURLISS LOGS WANTED. As February eeta March have been very bad for hauling Zags we presume there are maty Zogs Mrd fallen, trees still lying in. the bush. While there. in still, snow and frozen ground if parties will cut these and land them out whera I can get them by truck I will measure them 4.here and pay highest price :—S. Elm, R. Elm, Hard :M1laple, S Maple and Basswood from 1Q arc) up, anywhere within 10 .or 12 miles of Exeter, --R. GILLIES, Exeter. DURHAM BULL FOR SALE Seventeen months old, roan, first- class pedigree. Apply to W, H. Dear- ing, 2nd Con. Stephen, Exeter P.O. GOBBLERS FOR SALE. Two fine gobbeers.. Apply at this office FOR SALE. One outside ens Nene p Bow ser style. Apply,. Sirs Garage and Cartage Co., 86 May, Wirelseree Ont., S. J Sweit- zer Prop. WATER TAN l FOR SALE. Round tank 2ef, es good as ne°"vv fen sale; apply N. Ogden, Centralia, No 1. WANTED Smart Vey to learn hardware; also one to learn plumbing and tinsmithing. Heaman's Hardware: CALVES FOR SALE Anybody wishinig to get good Dur- ham calves should apply ,to, L. J. Wil- bert, R. R. No. 2, Dashwood, or phone 34r20, .. ..., . PROPERTY FOR SALE. One and a half storey frame house eight rooms , in good repair. One half acre of land. Good stable with water- works in stable. Centrally located in ';E*deter. Apply to 1, R. CARLING, Solicitor, Exeter. DR. JOHN WARD CHIROPRACTOR Corner William and. Sanders Streets, Tues., Thurs., and Sat., 10.30 a. m. to4.30p,m SEED OATS AND PEAS FOR SALE A quantity of regenerated Banner Oats—clean and of good quality; also a quantity of peas, perfectly free from weavel, and }good sample; at reason- able prices. Orders may be left at Advocate Office, Exeter, or at farm, Lot 22, Con. 2, Stephen. W. D. SANDERS. APPRENTICE TO DRESSMAKING WANTED.—Apply to Miss Mary Toni, Exeter. PROPERTY FOR SALE Good frame house, containing nine rooms, situate on, Main. Street, Exeter North. There are three good lots of land on which are, good frame stable, driving shed, a good well and other convlen:+ences, Property of Mrs. W. Davis. App:y at Gardiner's Furni- ture Store, Exeter. NECI<VOKES, WHIFFLETREES. Farmers or teamsters having suit- able wood bring it to the 0, K. Cider D411, and I will turn it a standard, or any length or size you wish, also saws gummed, etc, S J. V. CANN Phone 115 Successor to A. Cottle CORN CONTRACTS. The Canning Cp. is prepared tame - tract wee growerrs of conn far the /factory `or D1920.1 the price per ten same as last year: Choice seed corn has been secured from . the same source and will be sold at same price as test year to growers for the fac- tory 'ONLY.. oseeepo VIOLIN Lessons taught by Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Andrew St. Apply after- noons (except Thursday) 4 to 6; ev- enings 7 to, 8. FARM 1'OR .SALE—"Evergreen Farm" consisting of Lot 11,Con. 14, Tp: of Hibbert, County of Perth, 100 acres imediatel'y north of Far- quhar. Up- to- date brick dwelling large bank barn„ with water all thro it supplied from never failing well with windmill. A. second windmill and well on back of farm. New up- to- date hen and hog house large. new drive house. Good orchard of apples and small fruit, 8 acres of bush, 50 acres mostly double ploughed. and ready for •crop. Bal- ance in grass. This is a . 'choice farm, well fenced, well drained and in a high: state of . cultivation. A,. lovely `borne' and 'must: be sold as the ph oprtetoe liaS bought a'larger farm Easy terms of payinenteAeplY' o ° premises to Thos: Rundle, or Thos. Cameron, R. R. No. 1, Kirk - Local Doings wawa! Yesterday—Wednesday—was St. Pat- rick's .pay. Messrs. S. 1%,'t .rtin & Son are ren- ovating then store premises. Automobile dealers ' have been get- ting in car supplies for the spring, Mrs. James Logan who has been residing in Exeter for a year, has re- turned to Hensel), The many dry cisterns in town .have been replenished by the thaws and reins of last week. . The churches re -opened on Sunday but the congregations were not large owing to the condition of the roads.. The sidewalks one Main Street and on many of the back streets have been much improved during thea week by the removal of the heavy beds of snow and lee. e Mr. William Parsons of tow,n, who has been in the ,Hanii&ton PIospi,ttal for some time, still continues in, very poor health, and his recovery seems very doubtful. QUITE A FLOOD.; The rapid thaw en Thursday and Friday last, assisted by a jam of ice east ,of town caused the little creek ruining from least to west just north. of Huron Streele on. Fr dal; to assume the proportions of a river, and from Main street east the back lots and the streets for a few rods were flooded: Cellars, chicken houses and a few stables became ifilte'd with water. To- ward evening the weather changed to quite oced and the flood soon disap- peared, DEATH OF J. C. INWOOD, Atter un. illness of some months the death ocenrred ace Marcia ;12th at his home, 649 Queen's Avenue, London, of J. C, Inwood, aged 45 years. Mr. Inwood was well. and favorably t knownd « t in Exeter, having frequently the home. of the late Samuel Sanders, Main Street. He is survived by his wife who was formerly Eurith Myers of Exeter, and ode daughter, Ka:thee- ane. His passing is greatly regretted and the fatally have, .the sincere sym- pathy of their many friends here. The funeral took place to Woodland cem- etery. London, on Monday afternoon, BROTHERS BURIED. Owing to a change of arrangements the remains of the late John and Bert Piper were brought here on Thursday last end burned• lin Exciter cemetery on Friday. Aa the surviving rnenibers of the faxuit1y were present at the funeral. The report that the Iate,Bert Piper %lied in bed and a bottle of wood alcohol was found beside ,hem was an error. A bottle which, had clontained woof alcohol ,was found cin the house after his dearth, and he diced: nn. a chair, while a doctor and his two sisters were giving 'him every possible atten- tion; The cause of death was evident but hot just as previously stated. The relatives have the sincere sympathy of the ,entire community. DIE1) IN ST: LOUIS. The St, Louis Star contains the fol- lowing particulars of the death of the wife of a former resident of Usborne, -Mrs, Annie Gibson, wife of G. G. Gibson 5612 Cates Avenue, president of the New York Storage Company and the Gibson. Furniture 'Company, died yesterday .at the Missouri Bap- tist Sanitarium, following an operation performed Tuesday, In addition to her husband Mrs. Gibson ,who was 66 years old, is survived by her mother, and by three children, Julian M. Gib- son and Dr. Helen F. Gibson, who is on the staff of the New Mork Post Graduate School of Medicine, and Anna Gibson. Cavanagh of St. Louis. LANDMARK FELLED. The ;large .elm tree which has' stood near the read for,tiane immemorial can the farm +occupied by Mr. Asa; Penhale, Stephen, on the side road leading out from Huron, ,Street, was ,felled last week by Mr. Penhaje., The large branches had become more or less decayed, and Mr. Penhale fearing that they might;some, day fail on, some per- son, decided to lay law this old land- mark, which has stood ,the blast and breeze for hundreds of years. and which marked the thee-quarrter mule post from the London Road to the next concessiion4 It was one of the trees singled out and blazed by the early settlers as a guide to the ped- estriana to, find their way to the Lon! don load and this villages, It stood over ,90 feet in hejwghit and, the butt measured over sips feet across. Need- less to say by ,the exposure of so many year it had become very • tough, T rivit t Memorial Church Sunday services as usual. Evening serivec, The Prophecy of .Amos. The subject art Men's iveeeting ion Thursday evening /will be "Church Union," followed by general discussion • REV. A. A. TRUMPER, Rector. CAVFiN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev,aafames Foote, B. A., Minister Sunday 11 a.m.-"Divine Delay." 7 p.m.—"A Daring Fugative." Good Music at syll Services Prayer meeting, Thursday even- ing 7.45. The Minister JAMES ST. METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, M. J. Wilson, B.A. 11 n. m.—"A1l ,Thun,g,s• for. Goodl 3 .m:—S , Saimaa and Biwb. P` .ur�!Y. X11 lie: C1asses. T •.UV A 7n'�= heli it 7 11'falrxaq, R. 8;. o. - ..a 'e sermon. toy uahlg`m fin ,,., couples. and • those with this ' lot view, Ail Seat Free . er.. Newton, Baker still continues to 1 improve, Mrs. F. A. Chapman wig reneive an CVednesday afternoon, 24th March,, from four to six. Mr. Case Howard, who has been confiwnett to his home owing to illness for several days, is improving nicely. Rev. Ellison, of Collingwood, who was visiting here over Sunday, occu- pied the ,pulpit of James St. Church Sunday .morning. Friends will be pleased to know that Mr. R. W. Fuke, who has been resting at his hoeae,for several weeks, is improving t1Scely. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. T,rebe were call- ed to London Tuesday evening owing to the illness of ;the la,tter's mother Ars. Loadman, whosuffered a stroke of paralysis. Mrs. B, W. F. Beavers attended a W. C. T; U. meeting at Zurich bt eon - junction with a meeting .held by Miss Morton. Evangelist, who has been Bold- in; meetings in that town for the past week. SOLI) BUSINESS. Ur. H. Bierling, who has been con- ducting a general store business in Exeter forth, on Tuesday sold the business to Mr. J. 0, lticIKanley of Varnawhey is an experienced man and who gets,posses,saan on, April 1st.; Mr. Bierj ng has been a good busitness man and has been successful. He has. not made ug hi,s, neitnd as to his future but we hope he ,may remairea resident of town, FORD—HOULDEN A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Houl- den Exeter, on: Wednesday, March 10, when their daughter, Miss Doris, be - game the bride of iMr..Ba,rton Ford returned soldier, and son of Mr. John Ford. Exeter North,I The ceremony was performed by Dr. Medd, in, the presence of about thirty guests. at 4 o'ctiock in the afternoons( The bride was gowned in white embroidered net over blue silk. The bridesmaid vas Miss \label Ploulden, sister of the bride while the groom was supported by his brother, Mr. Norman Ford of Dtetroirt, Miss Cora. Ford of Detroit Played the wedding marche The groom's gift to the bride was a set of furs, to the bridesmaid a pearl set broach . to the pianist a pendant, and to the grobmsman a pair of cuff links. I he gifts to the bride were numer- ous and costly; Mr. and Airs: Ford will leave on Monday next for Maple Creek Sask., where they will reside. Best wishes ev411 go with the young couple. DEATH OF MRS. HARVEY. Sincere regret is felt in E7ieter at the passing on Sunday evening last of Ida Myrtle Moodie, wife of Mr. C. P. Harvey, at ,the age of 26 years and. 3 months. Mrs. Harvey bad been i11 of typhoid fever for about three weeks, and during most of `the time her con- dition has been very serious,/ Deceas-• ed was• a daughter .of Mr. and Mrs, W. l oadie of Usbtonne and was born in that township, She trained for a nurse and ,practised here for soma time. Oa the 27th of March, 1919, she married Chester Is, Harvey, son. of Mr, and i.Irs. Thomas Harvey, and shortly afterwards they went to Eves- ham, Sask., returning to Exeter last autumn,, Besides the husband and par- ents,sheis survived,eby a little daugh- ter eight weeks old. and two sisters, Mrs. Stanley Coward of Usborne and Miss Maggie at home, all of whom have the sincere sympathy of a wide circle of friends,. The funeral took place 'on Wednesday afternoon from the home of Mr: Thomas Harvey, ins terment bele*xnade in Exeter ceme- tery. eneetanteeneateseeleemeneemoneset JONES & 1YIAY PHONE 32 Dresses, Suits, Coats for Spring New Arrivals Every Few Days Prices Moderate Styles Exclusive Mrs. Frank Boyle spent Tuesday in Landon. Air. R. G. Settdon.,was ii Ingersoll on business Monday. Miss Lulu Marlin is visiting *Mise Lillian Boyle in Toronto. Mrs. W. W. Ta!maln and Miss Mar- garet are viseting iro: Woodstock. Clyde and Kathleen. Heaman were in London for a few days last week. Mr. Will Davis was home from Stratford Business College over Sun- day. Mr. Wm. Sweet of Landon was in town for a day or two during the week Mrs. McLennan of Windsor has been 'visiting her seater, Mrs. Foote at the Presbyterian Manse. Miss Mme Sanders attended the funeral . nt the late J. C. Inwood in Lanlon, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, A E. iaads ew intend leaving to -day, (Thursday) for Pon- tex, Sask., where they will spend the taming summer. . Mr Norman Ford and sister, Cora, who have been visiting their father, Mr. John Ford, Exeter Nora, re- turned to Detroit'Monday. •*, Messrs, Julius Sokoloff and. Amy Wexler, who have been• spending the winter in. Hamilton, Toronto and London, have returned to town,. Rev. Dr. Medd :us i in Toronto this week attending a meeting, sof the Evan- gelist and Social 'Service Departs ment of ,the Methadiet Churcie, lie will return on Friday or Saturday+.. Dr. Roulstoa,, desires to announce that he re -opened. ihas 'dental office last week and isi now resuming his regular practiuceLI Also desires to re mind` that his office is closed every Wednesday afternoon throughout tli;e year." CASTC R 1 A For Infanta and Children In Use for. �r . 3. _ � Years Adwaye bears Signature of AiWee A Real Bargain in Men's Fine Shirts 10 dozen Men's Fine Print Shirts in light colors, goad heavy mater- iel, Sizes 14 to 16, well' worth each $250; our special clearing sale price $1.79 each, war 2 for $3.50. New Spring Wall Spring Another big shipment of Wall Papers just received: Beautiful pattern; for parlors, living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. prices are no higher than last year. We will be pleased to show you semen's', neiw Our OUT House Furnishings for Spring Our house furnishing department is well stocked for the coming season with linaleums, rugs, oilcloths, window blinds, curtains, curtain poles, etc. at very attractive prices; New Coongoleum Rugs now is stock, SPECIAL—Genuine Brussels Rugs in, greens axed prawns, :sa.ze 9 x 10 ft., from our old stook at $31.50 each. Men's Furnishings for Spring New Ties, Shirts, Socks, Collars, Raincoats end Suits are here shown n great variety for the spring season. Boots & Shoes Our Spring Stylets in. Ladies', Meats and Children's Shoes are now in stock. JONES & MAY MUST BE IN ADVANCE,. Conditions affecting the publishing business are such as to make it es- sential to adhere strictly to the rule of having all subscriptions paid in ad- vance, It is simply oversight on the part of a few yet behind and for a short while longer we will accept set- tlement for arrears at the $1.50 rate. The Advocate is anxious to have correspondents in all districts: If your territory is not represented by our staff correspondents will you send us the news, or suggest the name of 'someone who wohlwd be likely fa do so? We furnish stamped en- velopes and writing supplies. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST Offlice-Bakers' Livery Barn, Exeter Calls promptly attended to day or night. ISAAC R. CABLING, B. A. Barrister Solicitor, Notary Public, Commissioner, Solicitor for the Mai- sons Bank, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office—Mann Street, Exeter, HORSES WANTED I want an unlimited number of Horses in good condition. Geldings 5 years aid up, weighting from 1500 pounds up. Mares from 4 years old up, weighing from 1300 pounds 'up. Parties having the required stuff, write or phone 83 Exeter. G. J. DOW FRANK TAYLOR Licensed AtctdtorLeer .for Counties of Hunan and Middlesex Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Crediton, -- Ontario. WINTER TERM FROM JAN 5th CENTRAL S1'•RATFORD.• ONT. Western Omario's largest and best° Commercial: SchoeL; We give thor Onighacourses 40,;liav:e.experienced in sfructoas n'Camiere cal, Sho2thad Telegiaphy-Departments: -;: We • assist raMuates to positions. Write for our ree° catalogue. It may interest you. D A. McLachlan,; Principal,; MONEY TO LOAN We .ban e' a large amwount of private funds to loan on farm andvillage property at law rates of interest. GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Exeter Dr. A. R. 'KINSMAN, L. D. S., D. D. S. Honor Graduate Toronto University Teeth extracted without pain or any bad effects. Office over Gladman & Stanbury's Office, Main Street, Exeter MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fice. Strictly confidential; no witness. DRS. SWEET & VINING Veterinary Surgeons All or callsnight promptly attended day Office— Dr. Sweets old office Phone No. 120 to Exe her. C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron Perth, Middlesex and Oxford. Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at Cockshutt Wasteroonvs, next door to Central Hotel, Main Street, Exeter. Dr. G. F. Raulstonw, L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTIST Office over Carling's Law Office C1oaed Wednesday afternoons. Loaded Again Our rooms are filled ;with all kinds of Furniture which we are selling at a very sniall margiina Be sure and see us before buying its we have some bargains R. N. ROWS THE UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER Plione 20 Tea & Coffee Store For the choicest, groceries, fruits, spices, teas, coffee and every- thing in the grocery line Call and -see us. A trial as to quality will cone - Ce.` Produce taken in exchange Jas. Gould SOUTHCOTT BROS. Brighten Up Your Home This Spring WE ARE SHOWING A 'BEAUTIFUL RANGE OF WALL,;, PAPER - and we would like far you to see them-.:.dnsatt�e titre• t;av!er-bf youtr�`ftf; ;'" Telephone Directory you will find three cats of papers we handle. Anjr time -you have a few minutes to spare let fns; show ,you our new linle. 'o€ Papers for this Season. If nat convenient for you )a get up town w;ej will •gladly take retie books to your home, Men's Rubber Boots, $5:00 YOU' WILL NEED , AIPAI R TS OP• HIS WET PX WEATI-IERa We have 24 pours sof ,Boota, ,that •ate gu-arant;e-ed, are the last we;can. get t,a sellatthe price. Get a. payr taday.$5,0 0, . Southoott Broil.