HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-18, Page 7PALE; VIM CHEEIS
To Have Good Color and Health
the Hlood Must be $ept.
Red and Pure.
Many women who had good color
MI bright exec, in their girlhood grow
pale and colorless and lose much et
their charm when they become wives
and mothers, Why is it? When the
fading color in the cheeks and lips Is
accompanied by a loss of brightness
in the eyes and an increasing Heave
nes:in the step arid a tendency to
tire easily, the cause is to be sought;
!n the :tete of the blood.
Many causes may contribute to the
condition of the blood known as anae-
mia. Care of the ]tome, overwork,
lack of outdoor exercise, insufficient
'rest and sleeP, improper diet, are a
feet et them, The igiport et thing la
to restore tie blood, to build it up so
that the color will return to the cheeks
and lips, brightness to the eyes, and
lightness to the step.. To do this,
'nothing can equal Dr. Williams' Pink
;Pills. They begin at once to increase
.the red corpusles in the blood, and
this new blood carries strength and
health to every part of the body. The
appetite improves, digestion becomes
perfect, and energy and ambition re-
turn. .Pivot is given in the statement
of Mrs, Alex. Archarbo, Cornwall,
Ont., who says: -"Two years ago spy
Itealth began to tail. I was suffering
front headaches, pains in the back
and sides, end a, s:oustant tired out
'feeling. I lead used a lot of iuediclue,
but instead of it helping me I setmeci
to be growing weaker. My friends
urged No to try I)i Williams' Pink
Pills, and while I felt disheartened at
my experience with other medicines.
I decided to do so. To my great joy
soon found the pills were helping
me, and their continued use for a time
fully restored my health. I feel that
would be ungrateful if I did not give
my experience with. Dr. Williams' Pinl.
:'ills, in the hope that it may point the
y to health. to come ether firer out
)r, Williams' Pink Pills can be ob-
.alned through any medicine dealer,
ar may be liatl by nail, Post paid, at
aQ cents .a box or is boxes for 45Q
'rota The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.,
Uroekville, Ont.
�f f
A New Cure for Toothache.
In medicine tbinga sometimes hap-
pen that professional men have diffi-
ettity in explaining, according to ])r.
i o-
,rentell his au t
3Vilfred T. Grenfell, who
ntograpliy tells the following story:
A big fisherman came aboard lily
steamer one day end staid that he had
toothache. his jaw was swollen, Iris
nmoutiz 'was hard to open, and the of
•funding molar was visible within; but
when I produced the forceps he pro-
tested loudly that leo would not have
It touched for worlds,
"Why, then, did you come to me?" I
'asked.. "You are wasting my time;'
"I wanted you to charm ber, doctor,"
lie answered,
"But, my dear friend, I do not know
bow to charm, and I don't think It
would do the slightest good. Doctors
are not allowed to do such things."
Ile was evidently much put out, and
had turned to go when I said, "If you
really think it would do any good,
Lome along. You'll have to pay twen-
ty -Ave cents exactly as if you had it
pulled out,"
"Gladly, doctor. Please go ahead."
Ile sat on the rail while I put ane
linger into his mouth, touched. the
'molar and repeated the most mystic
nonsense T could think of, "Abracad-
abra Tiddlywinkum ii'mslopoga," and
1then jerked the finger out lest the
Went close his ponderous jaws. The
f1sherman took a turn round the deck,
'pulled out the quarter and solemnly
handed it to me, saying, "A11 the pain
Is gone. Many thanks', doctor."
I found -myself standing alone in
`amazement, twiddling a miserable
shilling, and wondering how I came
to make sucha fool of myself.
Spending Angus's Money For Him.
"Haw did ye earn the thrippeuce,
Angus?,': asked a. mother of her hope-
ful son, who was exhibiting proudly
bis: wealth.
"A lady gied it me for carrying her
bag," replied the boy,
"Weel, Angus," said the father, lay-
ing down his newspaper and fishing
In his pocket, "here's anither penny.
Go along and get your hair cut, there's
a gold laddie!"
Mothers Wilt Appreciate Tier.
While the war was still going on
two English mothers were talking
about the jani. ration.
"blot's four ounces of Jam a week
to my Why!" said one ot them. "Why,
I used to wash an ounce oft his face i
after tea every day!"
Aunt Kizzie's Choke.
Aunt Kizzie, a negro wash woman
who ead, gloried in her widowhood,
suddenly appeared with a new bus -
"I thought you were never going to
marry again," her employer remarked.
"Well, I didn't 'low I would, but
you see it was this a -way," Aunt Klz
zie explained. "My washings was get -
the so heavy that I either had to mar-
ry Sam to tote 'em around for me or
else buy me a mule, an' I decided it
would be less trouble to marry Sala."
Our. Canadian Marek weather ---one
day bright, bttt sloppy, the nest blus-
tery and Bold° -•is extremely hard an
children. Conditions make it neces-
sary for the mothers to keep the little
ones indoors. They are often confined
to overheated, badly ventilated rooms
and catch colds which rack their
whole system. To guard against these
colds and to keep the baby well till
the better, brighter days conte along,
a box of Baby's Own Tablets sbould
be kept in the house and an occasion-
al dose given the baby to keep his
8G35 9290 s stomach and bowels working regular -
No. 9153--t.adias' Siep•tn Under Iy. The Tablets are a_ mild but
torment. Price 20 cents. in ; thorcadh laxative which never fall to
-i«es, 34 to 46 fins, bust. Size 36 re regulate the stomach aha bowel, and
u res lee yds. 26 ins. wide. or ley thus they relieve colds and simple
q fevers and keep the baby fit. The Tab -
lo 4:de. Shoulder Sit' p", i
mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams' Medicine (:o., DroeLville,
,Ft G• , Incire wide ..
3'd, ribbon 1 in. wide. lets are sold by medicine deafer: or by
No. 8201 --Ladies' and Misses' Night-
gown. Price, 20 cents. Cut in 3 sizes;
small, 32, 34: medium, 36, 33; large,
40, 42 ins. bust. Medium size requires
4% yds. 27 Ins. wide or 32,a yds. 36 inc.
Real Treasure Islarxds.
wide; insertion, 2''s yds.; edging;. The Islands of Spitsbergen-- rich in
ens yds, Width, 2 yds. McCall Trans- goal, marble, and ores—are styled a
fer Designs No. 318 and Na 550.1,
Price, 10 cents each.
No. 9284—Ladies' Nightgown. Price
20 cents, In 3 sizes; shall, 34.36;
t t
medium, 38-40; Iarge, 9,..44 Inc. bust.
Small sive, tills yds. 33 or 40 ins. wide;
banding, .Ile yds. 4 ins. wide. McCall
Transfer Design No. 903 for bow -knot.
Price, 10 cents.
No. 8635 --Ladies' Combination Cor-
set Cover and open or Petticoat
Drawers. Price, 20 cents. Cut In 7
sizes, 34 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 Ins.
bust measure. Size 36 requires 2?ft
yds, 36 Inc. wide, or 2 yds, 40 ins.
wide. McCall Transfer Design No.
632, Price, 10 cents..
No. 9290—Ladles' Envelope Chemise.
Price, 20 cents. Shirred or plain; two
styles of yoke. In 3 sizes; small, 34-
36; medium, 38-40; large, 42-44 ins.
bust. Sma.Il size, pointed yoke, 2 yds.
40 ins. wide; .body, 1% yds. 49 ins.
wide; yoke, ?t yd. 27 ins, wide,
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or from
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept. W.
Wise Men Say
"No Man's Land." The wealth ot the
Islands has been surveyed by the Bri-
tish, but their claim have Dever been
vigorously pu . a
The islands, which are 24,000 square
miles in extent, lying well within the
Arctic Circle. yet only 400 miles from
Norway and less than 1,300 miles
from Britain, were discovered three
centuries ago by Dutch navigators.
holland, Britain, Denmark, and Nor-
way successively laid claims to them
in the sixteenth and seventeenth cen-
turies, but these rights have now ex-
xpired. The Supreme Council has re-
cently awarded Spitsbergen to Nor-
There are 8,500,000,000,000 tons of
coal in sight there. It is on the surface
and needs little mining. It can be
placed on board ship at a cost of
about 42.00 to $2.50 a ton.
That winners aren't whiners..
That you can't advance if you sit
That if you want to advance, get a
move on.
That a small leak will sink a great
'ship. Beware of small expenses.
That a business is like a bicycle--
icycle—if it stands still it falls down.
That a failure may be a rung in the
ladder leading to success.
That one investment that pays good
dividends is stick-to-itiveness..
That it is a wise man who knows
that a wise man does not know too
All Tyros.
"Marriage is a failure," said the
cynic with a sneer.
"No wonder," replied the philoso-
pher. "Look how many inexperienced.
people go in, for its"
Worry is the best friend of the doe -
toe, the chemist, anc1 the undertaker.
esteseteeettentsonteeteeseeeesette-e-setea. ewe; o ;ea*
A Morning Dish Of
get `e . uP'
out dr t it?
r - -cooked,
e e , ;coma .s
c i''.et merapnotui.e
- d�
t i rsi�)1t, r . n : / d
Would you be rid of that
sickening pain.—that sharp
Ignite -like thrust along the
selatio nerve -course at
"Yore nooverneut9 Thou -
same, , neve found Iantint's''
Ru -
Ilene doctors Drasoribe
Write Templeton,, 14
zing tat. W., Toronto, for
free sample:
Sold by reliable druggists
everywhere ror 61.01.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
for Croup; found nothing equal to It.
rt'. tvkshaw, N.8, Sept. lst, 1905.
`i'eimpleton's R Z. MA R Can -
vales ars guaranteed. to relieve
Ai$T.r31VIA, Dorn suffer aA-
other day.
WriteTempletons, k42KinggSt.
W., Toronto, for freesampte.
Reliable druggists sell thorn at
iz 04 a box,
The Blessed Initi�t!,
Howse is the eery nearest,
;lost treasured spot and dearest.
Heart i6 where nue Home ties
Bind, and where true love lies.
Heaven on earth is ever where
home its perfect joys declare.
-12ppinese i", by every sign.,
here home, and heart, and heaven
1 0W ble:+t the l+Stir lI mut be
To initial fear t itch words ter :lie!
home. Iic.ttiee, lieereness, and heist,
Each tf tee Pellet Wheie a pats.
Lift off Corns! t
oesn't hurt a bit and Freezone
Costs only a few cents.
With your fiagersl Toil din lift off
any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between
the toes, and the hard skin calluses frons
Lottom of feet.
tiny bottle of 9?rczone" costs little
at any drug store; apply a few drops
upon the corn or callus. Instantly it
stops bunting, then shortly you lift that
bothersome corn or callus right off, root
and all, without one bit of pain, or sores
cess. "Tolyl No humbugs
The Thinker.
The drudge may fret and tinker,
fir labor with dusty blows;
13t t back of bim stands the thinker,
The elear•eyed man who knows;
I'or into each plow or sabre,
Each piece and part and wbole,
:float go the brains of labor,.
Which gives the work a soul.
SAX for =nerd's mad take no other.
One thorn of experience is worth a
nbele wilderness of w lining.
CIa>!taiKed Advertiserncnto.,
4GNisT• wurna,.
gogq- ring end IIut.b#s., lowest
ces on iranie^eek for catalogue.
United Art Co., 4 lirnnawaek Aye.. Tet
A etufrFfaagtmen, farmers' sons,
or others who can devote .some of
their spare time . to represent es as
Salesmen for Nursery Stock. Weeup-
plY up-to-date canvassing outfits free of
charge and offer liberal remuneration;:
Apply immediately to ¥apse Grovq
Nurseries, Winona, Ortt,
wanted to handle mining stool~,,}
bonds and debentures, to represent To.
ronta gouse. Liberal commission„ Ay-
oat 6, Wilson .Publishing Co... To-ri
nxsTaratx ona w xla
ED inevery eltY town.. and Pro-
vince in Canada: very small capital re-
quired, and you handle your own money.
Shipments all duty paid, to.b. Montreal.
Send for agency proposition. Ga.stine'.
Co,. Bridgeton. New Jersey,
Counts':, Splendid opportunity. Wti
Box T. Wilson Publishing Co.. Lim1
13 ,Adelaide. St. W., Toronto. .._
If and lob prietteg plant iu Eest
Ontario. Ineurance carried 21.60O: RJ'
o for $1,200 on quick sale. Bora 2
Wilson 'I'ublishint Co.. Ltd.. Toronto.
leer will pay You. Write for gristle.'
i flour, bran sacks to Stevens. Ulan-
ig -est prices. Geo. Stevens. 364 Mark St`,i
'eterboro. t14
'1 11 YOU "LANE .4., CAR FOR SAL
! write hie. Geo. Stevens, $t;4 Mark
Street, Pete'boro.
50U.&1' IRON.
r 7: UU 1 A\ B A. r•Inn AND I:IA. 7
a car or more of scrap iron I will
conte and quote you where it lays. Geo.
Stevens, 364 Mark Street, l'eterboro,
A Loudon man claims to have d:e I'&RMS B011G T.
Seep ZXivard's r4ntitt:eat LA the hour covered a new beam of Bout that stili i n1A FOR cAsl BuTEFic OR 81%1..- r a,. - pene`rrte even the (tensest fog. ,8. aibrlirdrea cash price. deAetiir ZFhite
Baoting threads, c- good quentte F
tura lie saved t:re; ,.re,1 i pax 119, 'New k:. nlclin. Mo.
Three Goats Buy a Wife.
If we lived in Africa a. great many
problems would be solved easily -in
addition to the problem of dress! For
instance, one could, if a Massai, sell
one of one's seven. wives to a tribes-
man for a handsome sum. If one were
a Leikuya of Muanza, Gearman East Af-
rica, one could have as many wives,
as he could buy. The purchase price
of a perfectly good one being three
goats, one's family is measured by
one's excess -a, livestock.
A ba.i: re=!,' it moeo'eyriists to s
be f istencei lista obi the ::wit from the 1
I nil la bnrz, ei a rrush:re has been =,
invented ie :antic,'.
When ordering goods by mall send
a DominionExpress Money Order. ,
The Value of Milk.
There can be no doubt that there is
gteat lack of knowledge b1* the people
generally as to the importance of
milk and other dairy products in the
diet. There is no substitute for milk,
and its use should be distinctly in-
creased instead of diminished, regard-
less of cost. The value of milk
cannot be estimated - on the basis
of its contents of protein and energy.
Slven when measured by this standard
it,coinpares moot favorably with other
foods, but it bas a value as a protec-
tive food, in impreviug the quality of
the diet, 'which can be estimated only
in terms of health and efficiency.' '
Milk is just as, necessary in the diet
of the adult as in that of the growing
child. Miik is our greatest protective
' jrtHEY do not
a4 fear cough„' .^
oo!ds and ailed
complaints. icor ;
‘ stet
over 60years they
have relied on 7'
for prompt results. With the lowered4
strength and vitality of ane they reallte
more than ever before the ilnt o.tence
of staving Guay's. SI sup on !Lad for
itnmciiate use. o;
That' *wars buy the Largo +sae
,3fotah of D. WATsON k CO., Neat Pea.
Lime From Subfossil Shells.
An extensive deposit pf subfosell
shells in India ie the source of the
lime :used in a Portland cement plant.
A good cow is a big ,,booster in the
dairy. A bigger one is a good man.
look at tongue! Renldvd poi -a
sons frons little stomach,
liver and bowels
7USCEE+,ZZA2lIt0t ..
light sen.n at borne tivhole oz'
VE IEi T! ., n
� Fi°tire time. good c4Y. ~sort: pent any ;lia-
r ranee, ehart:es raid. Send stamp for_ipar-
tieuiars. Natlorzal 3taraufacturinr coat
Cant. Montreal.
If Coustipate,i, Sh oos .-r
Headachy, take
Cast•urets never gripe, sicken or in-
convenience one like Salts, Oil. Calc -
mei or harsh fills. Feel bully! Be
efficient! Don't stay site, bilious,
head: oily, ronstipated. Remove the
liver anti bats el poison whi:'It is
t your bead di,.ti ti oti tongue coat-
your breath bad and stotmach sour.
thy not spend a few cense for a box
Ca carets and enjoy the nicest,
gentlest laxative -cathartic you aver
experienced?? They work while you
Almost any man will tell you
that Sloan's Liniment
iuearts relief
For practically every man has used
it who has suffered from rheumatic
aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness
of joints, the results of weather ex-
Women, too,. by the hundreds of
thousands, use it for relie.ing neur-
itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head-
ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing,
economical quickly effective. Say
"Sloan's Liniment to your druggist.
Made in. Canada.: Get it todas,.
26c., 70e., ,1.10,
.Accept "California" Syrup or Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love Its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's dose
on each bottle. Give it without fear.
Mothers You must say "California."
Face,Neck,Armsr Terrible
Sight. Itched And Burred.
Cuticura Heal®
" Baby was two months' old when
Y noticed little pimples on her bead.
They keptgetting worse and spread
till her head, face, neck and awns
were onemasa of eruptions, burning,
Itching, and bleeding. I was told it
wasaCuteeczeina, Ihad tosew wile;
:arms and iegs.% lined: Otte Oas.a
terrible eight.' For one ycar' t had
no rest aught et day.
"We got Cileiotira Soap and Olut-
went. In less than two weeks else
began to mend and in a few months
she was healed." (Signed) Mts.
Boorman, 243 McDonnell *glitters
bpro, Ont., Avail:19,1919.
Stop the use of alt doubtful soaps.
Use Cuticuxa for all toilet purposes.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25'aad 6tic. Sold
thrcughouttkeDaminlon. CanadlanDepot:
1, m nJilLimited, St. Paul St..Mantras/.
Guticura, Stag shaves without Mtg.
Issue t' a.
are able to supply. advise ns, as wo -
"mid pay the highest prices, dry or green.
from the saw. Keenan Brox. Limited.
Owen Sound. Out.
ki internal and external, cured without
lsatn by our home treatmert Wrlte us
before too late Dr, Beilman 1edicai
Co., Limited. Cdiinewood. Ont
Amoricoos Planer Dog Romaine*
- and iXow to Teed
Free tc'
dress 4y the -Author.
7¢. clay %1ov cr Co„ Saw
113 'Vest 31st Street
New 'Y'orit, U.S.A.
little r"Danderine" check9
ugly dandruff and stops
hair falling
Get a small bottle of "Danderine" ate
any drug store for a few cents, pour,
little into your hand and rub well into
the scalp with the finger tips. By
morning most, if not all, of this awful;
scurf will have disappeared. Two or
three applications often remove every
bit of dandruff and stops falling hair:;
Every hair on scalp shortly fillOWS.
more life, vigor, brightness, thickness
and color.
Not Aspirin ail All without the "Sayer Crosser
Tor Colas, Pain, Headache, Neural- package which contains eo'u plet4 ci£�
gia, Toothache, Earache, and for reetions. Thea: yen, are gettingz e. 1
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- '.Aspirin --the genuine Aspirin x
ritis, take Aspirin marked with the soeibed by physicians for over :nrin
name "Bayer" or youare not taking teen' years. Stow made iiz CanWd .
,.Aspirin at all. Randy tin boxes containing 12 tah'(
Accept • only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggist*
;Aspirin' in en unbroken "Bayern' also sell Iarger "Bayer" p9,c'kages
There 4s only one Asia . lra-•e"Bayer":'y'ou utast say "Itayes"r"-,'
Aspirin Se the trade mark tregi,tored 10 Canada) o: Bayer Manufacture or<''_4Tyne
neeticacidestar of Salloyficacid. 'While it is well ltnewn that Aspirin means payor
n annfaeturn, tp assist tlio public against imitations, the Tablets of Eager Company;,
C Ill uo stanlitecl witia their lateral trade maria,' the •'Barer Grass."