HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-18, Page 4t.9, 4079
Isiondefingl rood%yllea
tingthr Stotaachsaa
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For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Bears the.
Fo Over
Exact Copy of Wr
TNfr. C NTAVR Coetien Y. NGW Y'7'K CITY.
The Exeter Advocate
Sanders & Creech, Proprietors
Subscription Price --Le advance $1.50
ear year en Canada; $2.00 in the
1..Trzite>i States. All subscriptions not
paidin advance 5Oc. extra charged.
d ep is Advertising --Made kzaown
edict ePot nation.
Stray -Animals-Otte insertion 50c.,
;gree ::•rsc boils $3.00.
Faint or Reel Estate far silt: 50e.
.:..,h ineertien for one month, of foul
ef:scella,ncous articles of riot more
then, lime limes, For Sale, To Rent,
Wanted, peach inseetion. SOc, Lost and
Found ,]orals 25c, an insertiron-
Lo:al reading notices, etc., 10c. per
-i„^.be per insertion; No notice less
than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.
Auction Sales $3 for one insertion
sand $1.50 for each subsequent in-
,,ertson if under five inches in length.
Lena' advertisting 10c. and Sc. aline.
Charlie the little three year old. son
•of. Mr a,nd Mrs. 'ti . I. Wilkinson of
Lundey, who, white coming down
etaaxs the other day,had the nYisfor-
'ttane to fall, breaking his leg above
the ankle, as, under ,the care of Dr.
z'eck, amprovfng as well as can be
expected. ,
Mrs, Hannah. Simmons, relict of the
tate Jonas Sitnmoas, die i en Sunday
March 14th, and was bu :t 1 an Tues-
day. She was an .aid its:,lent, resid- Hensal]
Jog on the homestead for many years:
:gin William had been conducting the
ansa' sa.;etiies, and a government seed
,nspetor. To allow the speaker a
breath:ne space a very appropriate
wee s a dve t by Mr. Iii. Moodie, en. -
tie'' "The Man Behind the Plough"
The meaning was presided over by
Pres_ ent W. Hawkins.
The shooting match which was to
have been daeld here on the 6th, was
withdrawn owing to the stormy wea-
ther. -On Wednesday evening a sleigh
01.4. of our young people attended
the play "Matrimonial Exchange," at
Kirkton,-'Ona Wednesday evening,
"larch 3rd, the Farmers' Club held
leer l the:" regular meettin ,in, tb.e'r hall,
After bus;ness was conducted interest -
:no and beraificial speeches were giv-
en.-Oa1 3fonday, Margit 8th. an offic-
ial ,o-pe,aing was head in the New 1'4r n-
chelsea School. In spite of stormy
weather and rough roads a large num-
ber gathered together,; A splendid
program of songs, recitaltlons and ad-
dresses was given;. Mr. John Del-
bridge was chairman and by excellent
'lustratia'ns he instructed the scholars
to put forth their ,best efforts to re-
ceive ala education.... lir. Josh. Johns
read the Declaration and gave an in-
teresting and beneficial address onEd-
ucataen; Rev, Parnaby read the
scripture and also spoke on education.
Mr. Parnaby successfully slid down
the banister. which reminded him of
o.':] .time school dans. :Messrs. Cha.
Johns and John Skinner each gave ed -
dresses The program cloeed Web
"Gad Save the King." and benediction
by Rev Parnaby. The contractors :r•h')
worked •oi the building and community
are to be tion ratulated on the building.
they ,have erected; -Mr. J. J. Wood
has returned home.. -Mr. Roy Gould -
ling, music teacher, has started a class
St zce the deaof her th
Although the roads have been plow-
• el and shovelled out, they are yet al-
most impassabe.-Mr. Caleb Heywood
of Exetea spent the week end 'with,
friends and relatives here., -Miss Dor-
othy Kuntz of. Exeter spent thief week
end at the home of Mr. Wesley Horne
--A shooting 'match was held here on
W.ed,raesday afternoon. Nelson Coultis
made the highest score, although the
other shooters made fair scores.
(Delayed in the mails)
Mr. A. R. G. Smith of New kiamburg
-tepresentimg the Department of agrr-
vulture, addressed the U.F .0. Meet-
ing here' an the 3r3 in:3t, The club is
indebted to Mr. Smith far a very in-
teresting and educating address .on
seeds and their cultivation., also deal-
ing briefly with beef eagle and milk-
-Mg Shotho nasi He strongly advised
"the use, of locally grown, seed in every
..Case possible, stating that from ex-
perianents with No. 1 locally grown,
and the best imported ,seed, far better
results have been 'obtained from the
;former. . Further 1fr. Smith. advised
;fanners atilt touse any seed that
;eroul,d not grade No. 1, especially so
when red •ceeveg is in, question, 1ti1i,
Smith is pres;dene .of the Board of
Agriculture fear Waterloo County and
secretary of one of the best agricu:lt-
of the stomach has upset many a
night's rest. If your stomach is acid -
disturbed, dissolve two or three
,gr the tongue before retiring and en-
joy refreshing sleep. The purity and
goodness of Ki- maids. guaranteed by
OF sea''!'VS EMULSION -.
Mr Geo. Edmund Troyer, aged 37.
years and 2 months, die -diet his home
ie Hay on, starch 8th, after a week's
illness from pneumoraday, Mr. Troyer
was a good farmer and a. splendid
horseman, keeping only the best hors-
es, which were prize Wiinm.ers at the
.Donal .fairs. He also had a half -ma le
ra:e track on, his farm en which .he•
tra:a'ied his horses, some of which he
sold for big prices'. He was the only
'son. of Mr. and ,Mrs. 1~7.i J. Troyee,and
was well-known and respected, hav-
ing Ilive'J ell h(s ;life ini this ne,;hbar-
hood. He es survived by his parents
• and, ion,e sister, Mrs. . Wm. Jarrett. The
. funeral took place an, Wednesday to
Herrsall Union cemetery., -Miss Milli-
ken, of Strathroy w:i1a. ha.ve charge of
the millinery department in Mr. E,
Rana:e"s store this 'season. -Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Scott of Toronto; Mr.
Chas. Abbott of Detro;lt, and Mr.
\ r obit of London. attended the funer-
al iqt the tete Mrs. V. H. Clough. -
Miss ; ivlattie Ellis, who has been, on. the
teaching 'staff u7'f our Public school for
a great msny years, has zeesiangid
Diss: Ellis and her mother intend go-
ing -West in a few weeks,l--Mr_ A. W.
E. Hemphill, who has been seriously
lel elf pneumonia, is now slowly recav-
ermttg;-Miss ,Dorothy McDomeil has
done to Ingersoll, where she has se-
cured.appctisrtao:n as teacher. -Lieut. G.
V. and Mrs; Laughton, who have, been
v-sitin:rthe letter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. ,.Chas, McDonell, returned to To-
r'onto.--•Mr. Harry Price last week pur-
chased the pooh table' end •equipment
at the Commercial' Hotel, -Miss An-
nie =Carlisle left for the West this
nnooent Request the Prelude to
Much Trouble.
tiler Mr., Temporary's ,Experience
With the Formidable t'System'" Ho
Preferred to Pay for Anything
That He Might Require,
1 wauted a wire paper clip. Miss
ittith, also: um to the ministry, said
he would fetch some trona the store-
teeper. That's what started the that -
ser. I pinned the loose papers to•
tether and went on with my work.
The storekeeper had evidently re-
used to part with any clips without
in order, Miss Smith brought me a
)rinted folder eoutaining a request for
'paper clips, wire," which she had
yped in triplicate on paper headed
'Ministry of Economy. For depart-
nental use only." She said it was the
3ggbt thing to do and I WAS to sign it,
;tad then lir, Jones, downstairs, would
teal with it. It sounded quite inno-
'etit; I initialed It without misgiving.
Later. in the week the folder came
nark, It etiutninetl several extra
})tae to of paper and had evidently
The first minute wee from lir,
mune. '"In reference., to Mr. Tt'zn-
I� s, t..';:C12, request star ;neinelite; wire.
t,t'p:ariiut'urai nee, 1 fee to gee
shoe aadvantaag.r these hove ober ;neer braes, which are in lea' to any
i.t4t.Iuetaa glial Shut the mention
r:,•tl a wide ti'•ltI (Intl he toad re-
, -ted the ete,r-•Ic'^t•laer to let hint
how meaty pylon eiipe. brass, he
din *'De • �':+tt• :.reeett'ei elle •is ;1
lei.\I. " These'alit a formai re (1,1.'st
the ar
tht'.', ?;":'1)• r. algid (• G:. 1'x1+l l', Ill
1.' 1a;atl .:% one-grk+< " +,lel+ on lt, rttt
O one 1.?'a;, 'enrol' tela 8141. which h!'
:stianatcd to contain no, If the noel
umberrotas rt gtairetl he Wtanitl have
he elite. cuutatt'ci.
'1r. short pointed nut that lll� toll -
notion had not nftit'tral that the mat-
eryas One wleirti t'atatt' within the
(wince of the ministry of wire draw -
ng. He had consequently .put through
a request for n prit•t' ut v.laieh payer.
'lips, wire, could be suppi.t'iI. Ile at.
aebed a carbon nee. of his letter. att+tl
t reply from the ;applied wire depart -
melt. ministry of Wire drawhtg. to
my tine matter was receiving attention.
and would be dealt with in due Hine.The next minute wan from a gttitlr-
D)aza who had evidently set the vast
machinery of the ,reetu,•)tte of attire
%tipplies and sundries at work. At-
-ached were ptapers from that to say
hey liner paper t•llpe, wire, las well'as
)aver clips, brass, la stock. They
vistaed to be certain bunt no change
n design wine neceseury, and were;ending, by .motor, wimples of the ptr
aPz Blips (wire) they bad in stock, as
aet'haps one or other might prove suit-
able. Appended. were other papers of
'vhich the first was from the chief of
he departmental garage to say he had
t motor at Bunttngdon awaiting a eon-
tignment of paper. He had.instructed
:he driver to ,return at once. On his
arrival he would dispatch goods as
•equested. . .
.,t dais point Miss Smith entered:
'Will you make out an order for a
pewriter eraser?"
"No." I answered finely. : "You will
lease give this dine to one of the
uessenger ger le and ask her to go out
and buy one: --S. P., in London Mail.
Mr 'ebbe. Duggan. hhs ben :., very
sack hut is rmproven,g-The roads at'
present' Sri in a bad,. condition, making
trafi.i�c almost dmpossible.-The ladies
interested a, .t e
n h 's t•, e
Vi7�amen Ins rtut
are l in, its• asked to a,tte,nd the annual
Iwhich will'.be held Tuesday,
Apri' 6tli at 2.30',p. me --The Box so
, c5al unde"r tee auspices- of the shave-
hof' a.;rs rat th,e Farquhar Public 'Hail,
tveie wa,s„postponed some time ago
held ton Good Friday, Ape
a t 2 vial `ed r ail a good; program 'will' be,
glucal;" "
Two War Heroes.
The two colored soldiers of the
American army in France "who be-
came famous for their bravery and.
courage in preventing more than twen-
ty Teutons west of Verdun from exe-
cuting a weil•devt loped pian to assail
one of the most important points of
resistance on the American front,
have been decorated by the Freneb.
Their names are Henry Johnson and
Needham Roberts, Both are privates
and members of the old New York Na-
tional Guatrd. It is said these ;nen
have been awarded the war cross by
the French general of the. division un-
der whom the unit is serving, and that
Johnson its scheduled to ;l eeelve the
much -coveted gold palm 'of the French
army commander as wcil.-Southern
Woman's Magazine.
"I Like Gravy."
At a recent dinner party that Includ-
ed the little folic in their high ehuirs.
the guests fell to talking of that _cus-
tom of the dark ages -making chil-
dren wait until the second. table: . ,
"When I was a little shaver," said
a prominent attorney, "my brother and
1 were holding forth in the kitchen.
Twice the gravy bowl had been xe
tilled. The third time It was returned
to the dining room my brother seuck
his head through the door and yeUeti:
•'Don't eat up _'ail the gravy. 'I like,
"Fish Meal" for Cattle.
On the shores of the North sea there
has recently been started a factory.
for the manufacture. of what has
proven to, be a very satisfactory food
for live 'stock from the refuse of a
fish -packing plant. A "fish meal is
turned out which Contains 55 per cent
of albumen, and 12 percent of fat. It
is eaten by swine and some cattle 'ac-
cept it readily. Besides making use
of a refuse, It releases ;much grain
otherwise demanded for food by these
Ten Years a Long Time.
"Wily is Woriibat hustling so strenu-
ously? I thought he retired with
enough to live on."
"it looked like enough to live on -
ten years ago." --Judge. _ -y
Avoid Operations
for Kidney Troubles
FoR&• 41iANfors
o directly to the heart of the
trouble, relieving lulu quickly dissol-
ving stone nail gravel. purifying the
systeaatund toning cep the Stdneys, the
most vital organs iu the body.
Thousandsot letters come to ns every
year bearing eloquent testimony to the
great value of Gin pills,. Send for tree
sample, orget a bot from your druggist
or dotter, 50e., with stoney -back guar-
Mare's: Thi, National Drug tR
CtIondealCo. of Commis, Ltd., Toronto
U.S202 Mint St., *Na - Buffalo. Y.
Stmptioity of .,envy Lard.
.Jenny Lind must have been the moat
51vaple,Oupretencileg primal donne that
ever Bred. \'ben stie first visited Eng-
land she was bound to sing only at the
'loyal Italian Opera 'louse, and when
commanded to silo; at the queen's cote
cert she was obliged to refuse. Very
sorry to be eo;upefled to notify this
she ordered tear eurrlage and drove
straight to Bnekin,hunt palace. She
handed her card to an oi#ieial, who, a lot
uuuaturally, deenlned to tate it, A
Higher authority happened to pass and
took it upon himself to present it. As
soon as her Majesty ;saw it she said,
"Admit her by all means." Jenny Lind
appeared and said simply that she was
so very sorry to be enable to sing at
her majesty's concert that she thought
it better to call herself and explain.
The queen was chanted with her nate
neat mauner, gave her a cordial recep- '
tion and promised to be her friend.
Mrs. J. R. ,nfeComb has gone to Pert
Arthur ,to sp: a 1 some tune with her
sen, Dr C. S. McComb. -Mr. John
Ryland ,of London Tp„ has purchased
Mr. Chas. Hobbs' residence on. South
Main streets -Mr. rand, Mrs. Frank Stan, -
lee of Calgary, Alta:.: who were the
guests of the former's mother, Mra,
James Stanley, have returned home, --
Mrs. James Whalen, Sr., has been. con-
fined to; her bed the past three weeks,
through illness, -Mr. Walter Hodgins
has purchased the property owned by
dfr, Ches Ellwood, corner of Main and
Water streets. -Mrs. 38. J White has
sold her residence on North. Maim St.
to Mr. Leo Hodgins. -Miss Mary Smith
B. A., of North Bay, began, duties on
the H. S. teaching staff, Monday. -
Mr. H. E. Pearen ,of Toiden.to has also
been engaged oa the. H. S. teaching
on Lot 7, Con, 2, Stepher>:, on
FRIDAY, MARCH 26. 1920
at 1 ro'clo. k sharp, the fallowing, viz. -
Horses -1
Horses -1 mare rising 5 years fold;
1 m'az'e rising 6 velars 'old; 1 black
driving mare, tishtrg 3 years; 1 mare'
rising 7; 1 mare rising 10.
Cattle -1 claw, due April 15; 1 cow
true April 25, 1 oow, due May 5,th ;
2 cows, due May 15; 2 farrow cows;
2 heifers rising 2 years; 4 steers, ris-
ing 2 year's ; 6 sprang calves.
Pigs Etc. -1 sow with litter at
foot 1 sow due April 15; 1 sow due
May lin*' 5 stacker pings; 60 hens; 1
mad 'logs
Implements -Deering Binder Dee•-
iing avower, hay rake seei1 dile; Frost
& Wool cultivator and seed box, land
-ra;]er. Frost & Wood disc, Maple Leaf
2 -furrow ,plough, 2 walking ploughs,
set hat -sows; Deering hay loader, wa-
gon; clover buncher; new hay rack;
pig rack wheelbarrow, set sleighs,
buggy, cutter, Mellott cream separat-
or, churn, fanning mid, 2 set double
harness incubator, forks, shovels, hoes
neckyo'kes, chains whiffletrees and
numerous other articles.
Hay and Gr i, -35, tons of. first class
hay, 200 busheils of oats; 200 buahe].s.
barley. 50 bushels wheat. '
Ford 'car an. goad shape, '17 model
Furniture =New sideboard, dining
table, 3 kitchen tables, 2 parlor tab-
les; kitchen chairs, 2 rockers, bed-
room .suites, 2 bedsteads, 2 wash
stands; cook stove; heater, couch,
fire extinguisher.
Positively no reserve as the propri-
etor 'has sold his farm.
Terms -$.10 aavd over
under cash;
that amount 8 months credit on a,r
prayed oat (motes, or a, disciount i f.
5 per tent per annum :offs for cash on
credit amounts. TAYLOR,
Proprietor, Auctioneer
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the folloawing':-
3 and 4. year 'olid ;fieli s and geldings
Also 'soma good 5 and '6 year old
horses -ton thin toship , . ,.
Also some eaws.amd pi,g's.
Terni -6 `months' credit on •a,
s P
grovel jointrioteisa With 6 pendent. per.
annum added, •
G. J. DOW,
"rot,.., ..
lneot porated in 1855
A.FITAL RESERVE $8,000.000
Over 12O Branches
A good Banking coalectien is essential to the sur
any merchant or tracer.
.,s of
This Bank is equipped and prepare! to give !ef:it'ie
tended an.] quick service in every department of banking.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily,
Satety Depesit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran. h
on Liot 6. Con. 1, Biddulph Township
on TUESDAY, MARCH 30th, 1920
at 1 'o'clock sharp, the following---
Horscs-2 mares 6 years old, Minn]
to Pathfinder; 1. mare 5 -yrs old, beery
draft 1 mare 8 years, heavy draft;
1 gelding, 3 years, heavy draft; 1
Good draft horse, 5years old.
Cattle -10 ctows due In April; 1
Shorthorn registered cow. 4 years,
a z . in, April; 2 two -gear old =heifers;
7 yearling steers; 1 goo:l S'hor'thorn
reg stered •bull; 3 young calves.
Implements -l7 -foot McCormick
binder in good shape; 15 -hoe Massey -
Harris daxll, nearly ttuew; 12 hoe seed
drill in, good repair; 1 cornbination
seed deal, 1 new John Deering manure
spreader, large size; spring tooth cul-
tivator, wagon, road tart, steel rake,
steel roller, b-secjtioan iron harrows;
4 -section iron, harrows; hay rack;
gravel box, fanning mill, beam scale;
new John Deering corn planter; new.
cement tile anacbinie; 2 two -furrow
plows, 2 walking plows; new Magnet
cxeam separator., etc, etc;
250 bushels seed data, and 500 bush,
seed barley, both strictly clean.
Household Effects -2 stoves, 1 par-
lor set, bedroom suite, choirs and tab-
les and other articles too numerous
to meartion.
Terins-$10 and tender cash, over
that amount 7 months' credit on. ap
pros*ed `joint notes _ With 5 per cent;
per annum off for ;cash on credit
Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietor hews sold his farm..
W. T. COLWILL, Proprietor.
C. W. ROBINSON Auctiosleer
F. COATES, Clerk.
on Lot 17, Con. 12, Hibbert Tp., an
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1920
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the fallowing:-
allowing:-Horses-1 general purpose team Per-
cheron mare and gelding, well matched
1 Percheraa filly 8 months old; 1 aged
team ,mare and gelding; 1 gonad driver
eight years; .1 blood filly three years.
Cattle -10 cows, three with calves
at foot- 1 two-year heifer, fresh; 7
steers 2 years old; 11 calves 1 -yr -old;
pure bred Shorthiorn bull.
Pigs, etc. -30 pigs from 100 to 175
lbs; 2 brood sows with litters at foot
1 sow expected to farrow about time
of sale, 1 Tamworth. boar. 100 hens.
Implements -Massey -Harris binder,
nearly new; M: -H. ten -hoe drill; lef.H.
halt loader, side delivety and tedder
combined; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut;
mower, 5 ft cut; M.H. land roller, 141.1-1.
sprung tooth cult iitor;; M H. bean
cultivator and harvester combined ;
M.H manure spreattler; Deering hay -
rake, 12 -ft.; four section. diamond
harrows two, draw bars, top buggy;
2 cutters 2 pair ,bobsleighs one ex-
tra heavy; Bain wagon, pair trucks with '
flat sliding rack for hay loader, stock
rack ,turnip droll, scuffler, 2 sulky
Plows. 2 walking plows, light twin
plow fanning anhb, disc harrow, in -
throw 3 -,horse tread power, cutting
box, grinder stone boat, ping shoot, 45
gal:' agricult}tral cooker, half share in
Geodiison threshing machine., kitchen
rartge, coal heater, bore ,heater and
pipes, washing machine, hay fork, car
aaind pulleys, syrup pain, 100 sap nails
aid !smiles, 3 doz. grain bags,> pulper
ret Aylmer scales with stock rack
2000.lbs capacity, wheel. barrow, push
out, 400 bushels seed barley, 200 bus,
seed _
oats. ,
Terms -.Grain and mill sums of $1.0.
atroi„'under, cash; over that amount 8
months' credit will, ;be given on fume,
:shin ,approved joint notes, or a dis-
count of 4 per pent. straght off 'for
cash on crelit amounts, ,. No reserve
as the propridtor sols hits ferns:
Aa t;,o..on.T Proprietor
Highest cash prices
paid for
Skunk, Raccoon
and Mink
En';uiries promptly
Established 1885
SINCE 61870 \x f MOH-
r ,
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following:-
ollowing;-40 HEAD OF CATTLE, includiit
6 pure bred Shlarthiarns
20 two-year old steers lin goad cane
ditipn for grass ;
30 sheep;
40 bangs,
7 horses
200 bushe]o seed barley;
15 bushels Timothy seed.
. See laarge bilks
J. H Jerson. Clerk.
On Lot 8, Cone 13, Stephen, on
MONDAY, :MARCH 2204 1920
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the fallowing i --
Horses -Horse rising 7 years, horse
rasing 3.
Cattle -Cow due, t April 7, cowbine
time of sale, farrow cow, heifer r'isiri,g,.
2. 2 spring calves.
Pigs and, Hens -4 stocker pigs, 25
Imp]ements-Seed drill, mower, disc
harrow. cultivator, 2 walking : plows,.,.,.
hay rake, wagon, waggon box, lily rack,
pig rack, top buggy, cutter, bobsleighs
double se't” harness, 2 single set har-
ness turnip pulper, cutting box, horse-
power and pulleys, wheelbarrow,
chicken' coop, forks, shovels, hoes,
wheffIetrees, and many other Reticles.
Furniture -Cook stove, cunt stove,
coal .oil stove, glass cupboard, side--
ide-board dresser, washing machine,cream
separator •maiil box, Daisy churn, .bar-
rel butter tub, anid.rother useful house-
hold articles.
Terms -Sums • ,of. $10.00 and under,
cash; over thee amount '7 months" . .
credit on. furnishing approved joint
notes 5 per cent. per annum off for
for cash on credit amounts.
Proprietor Aucttioneer
A Good Investment
THE money you save earns interest
when deposited in our Savings
Department, and both principal and
interest are safe and can be obtain-
ed whenever required. Open an
account to - day. esik
PAID-UP CAPITAL - - $15,000,000
RESERVE FUND - - $15,000,000
EN ,,TER BRANCH, F. A. Chapman, Manager.
lneot porated in 1855
A.FITAL RESERVE $8,000.000
Over 12O Branches
A good Banking coalectien is essential to the sur
any merchant or tracer.
.,s of
This Bank is equipped and prepare! to give !ef:it'ie
tended an.] quick service in every department of banking.
T. S. WOODS Manager,
Centralia Branch open for business daily,
Satety Depesit Boxes to Rent at the Exeter Bran. h
on Liot 6. Con. 1, Biddulph Township
on TUESDAY, MARCH 30th, 1920
at 1 'o'clock sharp, the following---
Horscs-2 mares 6 years old, Minn]
to Pathfinder; 1. mare 5 -yrs old, beery
draft 1 mare 8 years, heavy draft;
1 gelding, 3 years, heavy draft; 1
Good draft horse, 5years old.
Cattle -10 ctows due In April; 1
Shorthorn registered cow. 4 years,
a z . in, April; 2 two -gear old =heifers;
7 yearling steers; 1 goo:l S'hor'thorn
reg stered •bull; 3 young calves.
Implements -l7 -foot McCormick
binder in good shape; 15 -hoe Massey -
Harris daxll, nearly ttuew; 12 hoe seed
drill in, good repair; 1 cornbination
seed deal, 1 new John Deering manure
spreader, large size; spring tooth cul-
tivator, wagon, road tart, steel rake,
steel roller, b-secjtioan iron harrows;
4 -section iron, harrows; hay rack;
gravel box, fanning mill, beam scale;
new John Deering corn planter; new.
cement tile anacbinie; 2 two -furrow
plows, 2 walking plows; new Magnet
cxeam separator., etc, etc;
250 bushels seed data, and 500 bush,
seed barley, both strictly clean.
Household Effects -2 stoves, 1 par-
lor set, bedroom suite, choirs and tab-
les and other articles too numerous
to meartion.
Terins-$10 and tender cash, over
that amount 7 months' credit on. ap
pros*ed `joint notes _ With 5 per cent;
per annum off for ;cash on credit
Positively no reserve as the pro-
prietor hews sold his farm..
W. T. COLWILL, Proprietor.
C. W. ROBINSON Auctiosleer
F. COATES, Clerk.
on Lot 17, Con. 12, Hibbert Tp., an
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1920
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the fallowing:-
allowing:-Horses-1 general purpose team Per-
cheron mare and gelding, well matched
1 Percheraa filly 8 months old; 1 aged
team ,mare and gelding; 1 gonad driver
eight years; .1 blood filly three years.
Cattle -10 cows, three with calves
at foot- 1 two-year heifer, fresh; 7
steers 2 years old; 11 calves 1 -yr -old;
pure bred Shorthiorn bull.
Pigs, etc. -30 pigs from 100 to 175
lbs; 2 brood sows with litters at foot
1 sow expected to farrow about time
of sale, 1 Tamworth. boar. 100 hens.
Implements -Massey -Harris binder,
nearly new; M: -H. ten -hoe drill; lef.H.
halt loader, side delivety and tedder
combined; Deering mower, 6 ft. cut;
mower, 5 ft cut; M.H. land roller, 141.1-1.
sprung tooth cult iitor;; M H. bean
cultivator and harvester combined ;
M.H manure spreattler; Deering hay -
rake, 12 -ft.; four section. diamond
harrows two, draw bars, top buggy;
2 cutters 2 pair ,bobsleighs one ex-
tra heavy; Bain wagon, pair trucks with '
flat sliding rack for hay loader, stock
rack ,turnip droll, scuffler, 2 sulky
Plows. 2 walking plows, light twin
plow fanning anhb, disc harrow, in -
throw 3 -,horse tread power, cutting
box, grinder stone boat, ping shoot, 45
gal:' agricult}tral cooker, half share in
Geodiison threshing machine., kitchen
rartge, coal heater, bore ,heater and
pipes, washing machine, hay fork, car
aaind pulleys, syrup pain, 100 sap nails
aid !smiles, 3 doz. grain bags,> pulper
ret Aylmer scales with stock rack
2000.lbs capacity, wheel. barrow, push
out, 400 bushels seed barley, 200 bus,
seed _
oats. ,
Terms -.Grain and mill sums of $1.0.
atroi„'under, cash; over that amount 8
months' credit will, ;be given on fume,
:shin ,approved joint notes, or a dis-
count of 4 per pent. straght off 'for
cash on crelit amounts, ,. No reserve
as the propridtor sols hits ferns:
Aa t;,o..on.T Proprietor
Highest cash prices
paid for
Skunk, Raccoon
and Mink
En';uiries promptly
Established 1885
SINCE 61870 \x f MOH-
r ,
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following:-
ollowing;-40 HEAD OF CATTLE, includiit
6 pure bred Shlarthiarns
20 two-year old steers lin goad cane
ditipn for grass ;
30 sheep;
40 bangs,
7 horses
200 bushe]o seed barley;
15 bushels Timothy seed.
. See laarge bilks
J. H Jerson. Clerk.
On Lot 8, Cone 13, Stephen, on
MONDAY, :MARCH 2204 1920
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the fallowing i --
Horses -Horse rising 7 years, horse
rasing 3.
Cattle -Cow due, t April 7, cowbine
time of sale, farrow cow, heifer r'isiri,g,.
2. 2 spring calves.
Pigs and, Hens -4 stocker pigs, 25
Imp]ements-Seed drill, mower, disc
harrow. cultivator, 2 walking : plows,.,.,.
hay rake, wagon, waggon box, lily rack,
pig rack, top buggy, cutter, bobsleighs
double se't” harness, 2 single set har-
ness turnip pulper, cutting box, horse-
power and pulleys, wheelbarrow,
chicken' coop, forks, shovels, hoes,
wheffIetrees, and many other Reticles.
Furniture -Cook stove, cunt stove,
coal .oil stove, glass cupboard, side--
ide-board dresser, washing machine,cream
separator •maiil box, Daisy churn, .bar-
rel butter tub, anid.rother useful house-
hold articles.
Terms -Sums • ,of. $10.00 and under,
cash; over thee amount '7 months" . .
credit on. furnishing approved joint
notes 5 per cent. per annum off for
for cash on credit amounts.
Proprietor Aucttioneer