HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-18, Page 1THIRTY-THIRD YEAR EXETER, 01t4 TARIO, .THURSDAY MAR. 18,1920 SANDERS & CIZEECI Our CornerFor some piutte time many people in Lunen who lrad sent orders: to ,M,,,, e !real for Candi liquors hay*e had their money sefundede The reason The first robin, was seen, oethte 16th,'t,,ser. for they, le, than it is impoesibie o twin any more whiskey from the it Canadian dist;lllers;, There must be e s mighty liberal supply many cella}s considering all the' Canadian, liquors f that have been, disposed of as well as the thousands of gallons ,of imported goods from Europe. Nobody wants a job in the Windsor - L`P,ost efece a(t $2(50 a slay, with a yearly bonus of $325;00 for unmarried' men thrown in.. An advertisement in the leea1 paper brought 12 applicants to postmaster Wigle Tuesday, but when they heard they would have, to work eight hours a day, all but orae left after promising to "considerethe offer. The twelfth man said he want- ee week rk and prom eel to return ip. the afternoon, but the postmaster ha41 seen teething of_him up :to, 5 rem. The c4andiit oizt of the roads made very hard for the mail route courier to awake their trips :luring the past week, and they are .to be forgiven. i they missed 'occaspo,natly- In the United States there has bee no c" r more crime undo pxahibation, the before says the governmeri report Petty offenders are; fewer but rec ords show increase in more seribu crines Cennadian officials report that Can- ada is taking more preccu<tions since the war in Mei matter of undesirable aliens., Agents have been, sent to European ports to ,educate the people there upon the ctuallif;cations requir- ed to pass 5s to the Dontinfon, the aim being to halt undesirables before they purchase their tickets for this country The Government tfr a measure which is tin supersede the wartime el- ection ad+t, is as broad. i. i scope as democracy might we11 conceive or de- mand:, Every Brutish citizen: mate or female, who is 21 years of ago, has been in Canada for a year, and, in a particular constituency for two months wa,l] have tote rightno vote in any fed- eral contest, That chyldren :tall for their age are generally hoes,. io the summer us novel theory: As far as boys are con- eerned, those wIto first ,see light dur- ing antumtz and w,ineer are not so tail as those born in spring and summer, 'hose born. in November ere the 1>rtest, in tidy the ttiallest, Av- 7ra„es for .cads show that th ose born in winter ,and. spring have less length of body than those born, in summer and autumu... The tallest girls are born in, August It has been decided by the Huron, County Home Committee to raise the charge of paying inmates 'from $1.50 a week to $3.t50,, ii line with' the in- creased cost of everything: In. the past it has been' found that it some- times happens an. .inmate has money which is made over to the county in trust for the keep :of an, inmate, The inmate lives for some years, but at the time: of his or her death, there is still a substantial amount 'to 'the credit of this account, •which is claim- ed by relatives'. Had an amount more -eerie commensurate °with the cost of the keep of that inmate been; chargee the money wojdd have been all eaten up, instead of; the inmate being kept partially at the public expenseonly to have a relative claim tithe balance at the death of the inmate. Phone 81a TAMAN'S - YOU SHOULD. SEE OUR MEN'S WEAR GET YOUR RAINCOAT HERE. Yes, we sell Raincoats, ; guaranteed is protect you im snow, sleet, rale and Itorrri. It is a real weather - proof ,' 'm' 't that wile give you long and ,tisfactory everyday service. Get quality shirts,`underwear', neck- ngear, haslet'', etce et this shop, ....,�.e. * Spas w„ $20 to S40. OVERCO,A.TS $20 to $35 1tAINCOATS $15 to $30, aman The frequency 'of disasterous fires. caused by the misuse of coal oil or gasoline, calls for comment, The fact is that we have become so, accustomed to handling these dangerous liquids that unwarranted .sl;sks are runt A small quantiuty sof coal nal, or even a teaspooenful of gasoline, can be pour- ed on ecoid wood ,or kindlingn and then immediately lighted, with little or no danger •of an eexelosieante If, however, coal o»1 or gasoline is poured into a hoot stove even without fire, evapora- tion, occurs so .rapidly that an explos- ive mixture is ready by the time the ignition takes place.% To pour coal o f or gasoline into a warm stove or into a smouldering fire, is to court disaster a, chairman and coded the mecee Te pour it front .a can, (especially to order The following officers were frim ,one that is nearly empty) is sue•' elected ;—Hon. President, Henry Eil4 cidal, and murderous, ber; President, J. A. I4IcDon ed; Vice - Crediton: iENSiLAGE FOR SALE, A quantity of excellent ensilage for sale. Apply to Earl Geiser, 2',e miles South of Crediton, The many friends ,of John Dyer will be pleased to learn ,that het is rapidly recovering from ,his illness In alt ,present very ill. .4feee Wanda Willis has an attack of toesilstis 'folk» r a e an illness of scar- let fever. Mrs. Andrew Hicks spent last week' with 2'4'r chicks in Toronto at the o estaa of Parliament: p - Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon. H neon were in Lon- don ,last Saturday vausiting Miss Rose Hanlon. who has been ill in St, Jos- eph's Hospital with diphtheria, but she is recovering. Dr, Orme, John efailett and Otto1 Ewald were in. London on Tuesday. Chas. Zwieker was in Toronto this week on business. Mrs,. Chester 1lawv iemey was open ated on for a.p nen lleit s in, St Jos eph's Hospital, London, last week. Joseph W, "Lawson moved to tow recently. We welcome slur. and Mrst Lawson to our burg, and hope the will .enjoy their relti�r'<e.3 life; h H e eettly bought from moved to the Mr. j,faW Lawso,r_ on Monday; Harry's roans friends wish him every success Dashwood MILLINERY OPENIXGS—Reid, Ed- ighoffer & Soo wish to extend a cor- n (V invitation, to the ladies of Dash- wood and vicinity to attend they y �E:tlinery Ppenings an March 26 and 27th when Miss Plating will be pleased to show you a 1, the newest styles in Spring and Sumner Hats. Mr, Fred White has opened a new ero..ery store in connection with his ectionery,, Watch for his ' adv. next week, Mr. attd Mrs. le. Zimmer of .Strati ford are visiting in ,town;► Miss Hilda Snell has returned home after spending the past few monies ion Lo don, iSessrs. Enrl and Wm, Schroeder of Detroit spent a few days here attend- ing the funerall of their grandfather, the elate lir, Bacher, which was hell can Sunday Messrs White and Pederse t were business 'visitors to London Thursda, Mrs, Morley and children of Glen- ., ooe gree visiting her parents, Mr. and D esjardirrc, Miss elildree Schoreder of :near Crediton sp.nt a few clays with Mas„ Hazel Smell, Mrs, G. efealton of Stratford spe Harry F. Either has been quite il this past week with append1citifi, bu is somewhat better at the time writing. Cliff. Mallet't spent this week with friends in London. Jame., Cockwell fell and severely cut his nose and ,lip last Thursday ;Severely stitches were required to cease the wound. The snow is rapid y „ e.iving the fields. There is still mete :e ridge on the road which should be, plowed out A. it is travelling js quite dangerous Ant enthusiastic baseball meeting wa, held in elallettt's Hall last Thurnda evening J. A, McDona]'.d acted 1 t o Mount *Carniej Mrs. Elizabeth Ryan returned home, after spending several : weeks with friends in Chicago, -Mr, Ed. Wild.has disposed of his fifty -acre farm toefr. Henry Clarke for the handsome sum of $4,300.—Mr. Thos. Holt, Jr., of Dee trait is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hale—Mr. Wm. Barry of Landon is spending a few weeks at the home of his mother, Mrs, Ellen Barry Of lehiva:-Mr. Mat. Regan. ,has let the contract to Mr; °Mellen of Greenway to erect a residence this coming summer,—Messrs. Dillon, Bros. of Dublin visited their sister, Mrs. Jerry Campbell for a few days last week.—Mr. John Gumeten, is laid off work owing .ta,a sprained ankle.—Mr, Theobald Dieetrich has purchased an Edison phonograph. Whalen Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mosley were v�asators at the ,home ,of eMr, Harvey Squire on Sunday.—Mr. John Morley's auction sale on, Tuesday was very sue- cessful,—Mrs. Nat Ogden, ha;a been under the weather during the paste week.—We aro pleased to report that Mr, Wil] Morley ass renovering from his recent i ess,-Mrs, Harvey Redd Sr., has been confined to her room the past week, suffeering from la, grippe —Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Parkinson vis- ited alt the biome of Frank Pareen.s:on on Sunday.—Mass Minnie Millson of Granton is speeding a few days at her home, owing to ;the illnjess' of her, meother,—Mrs. A. Steele has returned to Toronto, after 'speeding a few weeks with her paremitt, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Brooks,—Mr. Harvey Parkinson moved on Wednesday last to _ his farm eon,' the 8th concession of Elan: - shard .which he recently purchased from Mr. Bert Crozier,—Roads inthis vicinity are in a very bad state after the thaw, whelp the mein have been plowing them out for a .couple of days.—Services on Sunday were with- drawn on accounit of the bad roads, which prevented the pastor, Rev, Sin- clair from being present. , Grand Bend Miss Retha Disjarc]ine, who has been engaged in. Sarnia, arrived home Sat- urday, she having been a victim of he "Flu."—Mr, .Sharrow last week sold his 5,0 -acre 'farm to Mr.• ,Cusltis Grattan: Messrs Arthur Page and Maurice Tiederman; who have beem, home vis- iting their pai-eantts, returned to De- troit Monday„—Mrs. Ernest Mallard is moving to her own fame MLonidayC— Glen ling .Brenner, son of Mr. Ezra Brenner is suffetrinig• from an attack of .pneumonia—Mrs. Bert Holt:con- tinues very ill. Her many frien1s wish for her a speedy rec;overy.,—Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stattton, who have been visiting around here, leave for the West Tuesday.—Mrs. John Patton, wha'lras berm, visiting her gazettes, Mr. and Mrs. Tetreeau and other relatives, here, left ,for her home in the 'West Friday.—Mr. Frank Allister has mow- ed here from St. Marys. STAFFA—Aid, Frank O'Brieettu is. soon to resign, his seat on the city council board of .Stratford; he hay - log purch lsed the general store busi- ness here, amid wig ,cpmc here, to take, over the busyness in: April. HILLSGREEN—Mrs. Wm. Jarrott, wife'eof the merchaent here•, while wash - erg yesterday suffered from a stroke and is an a: serious canditiloa, though her, physsictian, Wilds out heopes for her. recovery, MARRIAGE LICENSES, ISSUED �."atIor&i rurnisher by C. H. Sanders at the Advocate Of- fie.e,' Strictly c,anfidential; no witness. Pres., Dan Mcisaac; Sec'y-Trea Freeman \Iorlock; Managers of the teams. Dr. Eckert and Dan, Mclssac, Several committees were appointed to solicit loads from our people for the purpose of putting the field in shape, beside, buying equipment. The meet- ing' was postponed to meet again an Thursday .night of this week, when the teams well be organized. There is every prospect of having two teams nue judging from the interest taken by the boys, our ;town, will be brought back on the map weth its old-time vig- or. Neighboring towns please . take notice and warning, What about hav ion a celebration here on, Vectorial)a With the Bann an,d two bel team beside:: other attracy:ans we ought t draw a big crowd. Next Sunday special An'auiversar, services will be held in the Evangeli- cal Church,. Rev. Weiner, Field :Sec- retary Loi the. Mrseienary Society, of Naperville. Ill., has been engaged to be the speaker of thee day) He is one of the big men of - the church and we are ;sure there will be treat in tare fel. us, Pamphlets have been distrib- uted net which are printed a number of questions com,cernamg the early church ;services of this cangregattion; Hov many can answer them fully? Our farmers are getting ready ;to tap their trees for sap. We are pleased to state that Chas, :Wolf is able, to get around' the house now with the aid of crutches. s,• afew days last week weld, her p�.;i' , 32 r. and lir:. D. iiaetl,eib. The Forward :Movement of tree Evangelical Church is to be launched o xt week, when sera:. es will be':beid twice each day, Saturday excepted. These will be in charge, of Rev. Wein- er, Field Secretary of %thee Associa- tion, assisted by local clergymen. The canvass for funds will follow. A collectioain behalf of the Arnueru ;ons ds to be taken up mu the coming Sabbath. This is a worthy cause and should meet oriel). liberal response. Mr, Henry Sender has engaged with -1 Mr. Lomb. Foster of Zurich for the y? summer and deft on, Monday to co s, menace hies duties, The lineal Reeding Circle has re- ceived another case, of books from the , Edueiational Department. Sow, very intereeating and instruc- tive iLetters are beitag received by ;our. school from children in other parts, of the Emp.re. ' Death of Jacob Backer,—There pas- sed away at the ,'home of bits daughter, Mrs. George Schroeder, on 'Thursday March llth, another of our oldest res- idents in the person of Mr. Jacob Becher, at the. great age of 90 years and 3 menthe. Deceased had suffer- ed a slight stroke of paralysis from which he never recovered. He wvas a native Of Germany, but came to this ceountry mine yearn ago with his daugh- ter Mrs. Schroeder, and he had since resided there. Besides firs, Schroeder he is surtlived by one son in Germany. Brown—Mawhinney—The home of Mr. and Mrs, Tlyomas Mawhinney was the scene of a very please% event om Wednesday, March 17th!, when their daughter, Miss Irene May, became the bride of Mr. Otto H. Betow.a, sear, of Mr alai Mrs. Albert Brown„ Rev. S. 1r. Hauch performed the ceremony at high nootnin the presentee of aboutt twenty-five guests, The bride was given away by her father, while Miss Vera Mawhinney, sister elf the •bri,1e played the wedding march. The bridal gown was of white organdie with, sat- in trimmings and she wore a veil caught up with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of American, Beauty roses, After •c,ongraltulations a Dainty wed- eing ,dinner was partaken of, the din- ing zoom being decorated with white anti green streamers. Many beautiful end eceo•stiy presents were received by the ,brielee. The groom presented the pianist with a beautiful gold broach while the graom?'s gift to Idle bride was a beautiful pearl necklace The young couple took the evening train for Delimits in Michigan. The bride's travelling tsuitt was ,of navy blue poplin' with hat to matiche) On their return ,they. will reside on the groom's farm ,south .af' Cenn(tratliar.: The young couple start +out with ,the best wishes of all their, faiends. Centralia Commencing Tuesday, March the 30th, Statham's four X ,bread will be placed for sale eat Fairhall's tome twice weekly: This is a response to the -many requests of Mr. Statham to give Centralia people an Opportunity of purcahasing his bread locally. Diel in 'London.—The death occurr- ed in Leolnldon, atrthte Miletoria Home on Friday aa!st of Miss Elizabelth Towle, at the age ,of 61 years and 2 days, De c;eas•ed hes been a victim of rheuma- tism for many years ,and in conse- quence cher health has been very poor. Miss Towle was born la the Township of Stephen, but the greater, part of her ilifm w* spent en O'e_r,itraha . where she •made ; many friends- who will. re gret• her ,d•eminsee, She is survived by one siester 'Mrs, Chatrles Ryan of Lon: , Oen, and :three heathers, Hezekiah of McGregor, Man., '; George of Quill Lake, Sask., ani Joseph of . ;North Augusta: Ont. The ...remains were *ought to Exeter for burial, the -fun- eral taking piece from the E"'� station. on Monday rox.hing to Ex r cemetery ' l Mrs Luker of this village, who has not been in good'health • for some time BIRTHS Wilson—In. Exeter, on March 16, to Mr. and M,rs. C. L. Wilson, a son. Parsons -1n Usborne, on March 14, to Mr, and Mrs: Roy Parsons, a daugh- ter. ' Jones—In Usborne, London. Road South eon March 14th, ;to Mr. and Mrs, John Jones, ai sorn. Gunn—At Calgary, Alta,,, March 9th, to Dr. J. N. and, Mrs, Gunn, a daugh- ter. MARRIA GES Ford—Houlden—In Exeter, at the -home of the bride's parents, on. Mar. 10th Barton Ford, son of Mr. John Ford, to Doris',' daughter of Mn and Mrs. Thomas Houlden. Boawn-alMawhinney—At the home of the bridle's parerets, ,on March 170, by the Rev. S. M Hajucthy Mr. Otto Brown, ,sosi of Mr, end Mrs'. Albert. Brawn,to Mies Irene Mawhinney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mawhinney, all of Stephen. WELL SATISFIED Our customers ere always well •sat- isfied because we handle toniy the very best quality of meet, our prices: areas. law as it is ,ptoteseble to make them and everything about our market is strict- ly, trictly sanitary, , No wonder our custom , ers are tve]l satisfie. lB. IVIakins, THE SANITARY MEAT M:AR1(ET where quality is higher than price.. DEATHS inw od.-,in Lendos , an March 12, J. C. Inavood. husband of Eutith Myers, formerly of Exeter, aged 45 years; Towle—In Londono c March 12, Eliza- beth Towle, formerly of General aged 61 years Harvey—In Exeter, on, March 14th:: Ida Myrtle Maodie, wife of C. P ; Harvey. aged 26 years, 3 mouths. McDonald—In Bayfield, on March 10_ Mary Pflung, wife of Mr. Daniel lwlc- Donaid, aged 61 years. Bather. --At Dashwood, on Dirareh 11. Jacob Becher, aged 90 years, and:, 3 months, At Present We Have One Deering Fertilizer Disc Lri.] nearly newv; One McCormick Fertilizer Disc Dri',1 in good condition. Three spring tooth Cultivators in goo3 condition. One Cylinder Hay Loader, nearly new. One Dane Hay Loader, nearly new One Frust & Wool side rake, nearly eew One Two -horse gasoiefte engine. One four -horse gasoline engine, Two ten -hoe Drills. These are only a few o£ the Second-hanc! Machines we have for sale at present, They will not last long. Everyone a bargain. Ii you have a peace for any of these machines I ears save you money. We are here to serve you. Drop in and ice us. Massey -Harris Show Rooms ONE DOOR ,SOUTH OF CENTRAL HOTEL B. M. Francis, Agenic HOW TO GET BRAN AND SHORTS If farmers and flour :^ensurers evould buy flour the loral mill, the mill 'feed problem would be solved. It's the most effective wee of he;p'ng yourselves. Work for your own interests. Why buy outside flour: You can't get better results. 11ODEL flour is second to none. We have received a car of "Western Seed Oats', of very special quality. We are offering these, in. any quantity, at 10 cents per bushel below the car tot price as quoted by the Farmers' Co -Operative Co:, Ltd. We have just unloaded a ,:nr of Western Oats, also a car of American Corn, both of special quality. HARVEY BROS. J. A. STEWART Phone 16 Ladies' Spring Coats and Suits are Here Ready for Your Verdict. A very speciral coat made from the new Polo Cloth, trim- med with self strapping and leather bands; one of our smart- est models $25.00. ° A real smart Coat made from the,Lnew Donegal Tweed, trim- med with ' buttons and self -strapping with narrow •sash, Beat $18.50. Our smartest new coat -made from extra ;quality new Fawn Polo Clath,'silk lined throughout, Bele Cuffs, natural strap and button trimming, Belted with narrow sash ties—$30.00 Our :Best Coat made from new Beige. -and Smoke Brown Velour •Cloth; silk lined throughout fancy cuff, cord sash balt;. A real Cott -$35.00 Ladies'` New Suits in very popular styles. Se.rges, Trico - tines, Gabardines:: Our prices ,on new suits will be very much in your favor: Have you got your sugar ? Going to be mighty scarce and very'hardl to get later on. We have at present a fair supply laf Dominion, Lactic, St. ••Lawrence and Redpath — acid are !still selling by the bag. We still have a good range: ,of Scotch Linoleums, 4 yards wide, 'T'hese are all gted Floral and Block patterns, well ,s'easonled.4 You will wink if, you bey Nawnnls Scotch Lire ,otleuins, J. A. STEWART