HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1920-3-11, Page 5l
Mr. R. S. Beowrauctioneer, has ae-
etiveJ instructions tosell by public
auction tlB Butt= Mi koW' c e
s a
Creamery •tr+n. Wednesday, March 17th,
1920, at two o'clock, at the; Creamery,
Winchelsea Ont, Terms stated, at
trne of wee, • .
Mr. C. W,. Robiinsos., auctioneer, has
received instructions to sell by pub-
auction, rthe Butter Milk of Exeter
Creamery, on, Saturday, March 200th,
1920, at twee o'clock at the Creamery,
E::,eter. Terms stated at time of
sale, leir, Q. MEDD, L
At 1 o'clock, sharp, the following :-
25 Choice Durham Cows -1.0 of them
with calves at foot, aa,d 15 springers.
Terms -12 months' credit, with 6 per
cent per annum added,
Auctioneer Proprietor,
SCHOOL REPORT, of S. S. Net 4,
Stephen, Ler February, --Sr, IV., .H,
Rader, R. Eilber; Jr. IV., E. Morloek;
Jr. 111.,,G. Weber, L. Weiet L. Schwarz
M. Wein; Sr.. II., R. Weber, X. Mar-
lock, I Brokeashire, R. Schwarz,
Bahner, I. Staley; Jr. II„ S. Rader, I,
Marteae; A. Becker, L. Wein; PC,. II„
C. Marteee, M, Mertens; .Sr, Pr„ T.
Weber, G. ;Becker, L. Wein'," Jr. Pr.,
G. Hodson, 12. Marte lei, No on roll
24, average 21,
M. Ehlers, teaeher,
The monthly meeting of Hurondaie
Institute was held ;aa Wednesday ; f;
tern;oan, elarch 3x -d, at the dame of
Mrs. j. M Glenn, A beautiful day and
the pleasure +af ata old .fashioned sleigh
ride attracted the ladies, and as' a re-
sult the attendance was large, thirty-
nine ne being prese,nt., The Institute de-
cided to take up the School Fair ques-
tion. They ;have the promised assist-
ance of the school trustees,, A corn
tnittee was appointed to carry out ar-
rangements e(a cion:nec:tion with it, As
Miss 'McDougal •was not able to be
present the topie, "Canadian, Women
of Not was not taken by members
o the Institute, Interesting
r> a
work c e C .puck
a f
the.ea end � 1* ;n ,
o,t x J
Miss M. L.tMontgomery, Marian Reith
an4 Miss Russell were given, Re-
freshments anti a social lt,oue .followed,
and our four new members had the
opportunity to become acquainted with
the members, For our nett meeting,
April 7th, we were invited to the home
of Mrs Adam Case,
On Lot 120 Cola, 7. Ilay, 3% MI'es
West of Hensel), an .
At 1o'clock, sharp, the following: -
Agri .mare rising 4, ,in foal to King
Thomas , Agri. gelding rising 5, by -
Lord Armstrong; .(This team is well
matched) ; daft gelding coming 2, by
by Commodore; general purpose ee1<1
flip Routing 3, by Voltaire; agri. colt
rising 1, by Nerd; driving marc in foe -
to Silver iticKlany, quiet and rel able
driving horse 5 years told.
Cattle --Cow with calf at foot,; 4
cows due ire Aprie; 2 cows due lar Mag,
-►w--- } cow Clue ea June; cow due in :Aug, a
Jersey cow due in June; 3 heiters ri:,
ing 3, due. in April; and May ; 4 two
year old steers, 5 yearling steer;, 12
yearling heifers, 5 spring ::aloes, 2
small calves; Registered Shorthorn bull
Pine Apple Diamond, 138332, born
Sept. 7, 1917, dam, Pine Apple +of Hay
114904; Sire, Diamond Star 2nd, 10:1179
Pure Bred Yorkshire Swine -2 sows,
Exeter Queen 2, 63811, and Exeter
Queen 3. 63812, born ,Feb. 25, 191.8,
due March aad May; 2 sows, born
June 35, 1919, due in April; 9 pig
born Dec 15, 1919; 1 hog, Meadow
Brook Boy 62384, bora May 15, 1918;
Sire, Pine Grove Boy, 53549, ,.Lt.m,
Meetlow Brook jean, 49300; yearling
hog., About ae.lozen Rock hens.
Implements--Oeera:.a hh,1ar, 6 ft: cut
Doering ;mower, 5 ft:; 11 disc Deer-
ing ,frill, Data hay loader, M. H. side
rake and tedder tomb) 10•ft. M,
steel rake, Deering cultivator; M, 11.
2: roved corn cultivator; Frost f�
Wood bean cultivator, land roller, M.
H, cora binder, Blizzard cutting box
Deering !disc, diamond harrows, Oliver
riding plow, No. 21 Fleury plow, No.
17 .Wilk plow, gang Clover Leaf man -
,tire spreader pea harvester, grass
seeder ztnk clover table, grain cradle
stoneboat, grind stone, heavy wagon
with two sets wheels, lumber wagon,
comb. hay and stock rack, wagon box
grave: box, bobsleighs, light wagon.
new rubber tire Muggy, top buggy, cut-
ter, power emery wheel, Clinton lea-
ning mill`, soles, sugar~ kettle, feed
cooker, Stewart clipping machine, set
brass mounted harness, new, made of
oak. tanned leather, 2 ;nets double) her-
ne•^, set single harness, long ladder,
15" ft. hayfork rope, collars, quantity
c.e. r posts, same end hosts, forks,
sh.or :is, hoes, whiffletrees, neckyokes
pails and numerous other articles..
Furniture -Extension table, 2 hang-
ing lamps, cupboard, sink, 2 couches,
heater, Peninsular range, quantity of
sealers, ,pictures, 2 ,cesle.e, clock, milk
cans, bracket ;lamp, sideboard.
Terns --Sums of $10.00 and under,
cash; over that amount 9 months cred-
it will begiven nom, furnishing approved
joint notes. 5 per cent. per off for
cash ;on credit amounts.
Geo. H. Gram, Frank Taylor,
Proprietor • Auctioneer.
Win. Johnston and C. A. McDoned
Mrs. Win. Reid, wife of a farmer
near Cottam, 24 miles south of Wind-
sor; has been missing since Tuesday
Um. Tames Biviere, aged 70, died
at Cornwall as a result of burns re-
ceived when she stumbled while car-
rying a lamp.,
The Dominion Customs Associa-
tion, in annual meeting at Ottawa,
changed its name to the Dominion
Customs Ofecers' `Association.
An appeal for uniform divorce
laws throughout the Dominion was
made by N. 13. Gash, I,C„ in his
presidential address to the Ontario
Bar Association,
Hon. W. E. Raney stated that a
new Mechanics' Lien Act would be
drafted and placed upon the statute
books during the coming session of
the ,Legislature,
A Moscow wireless despatch re-
ceived in London says that Russian
Soviet leaders regard Poland's peaee
canditioes as absurd. Lenin threat-
ens to give blow to Poles.
Addressing the Ontario Good
Roads Associations in convention in
Toronto, Hon, F. C. Biggs announced
the full list of roads which are to
LONDON ROAD, one mtie south of
12th, 1920, at 12 o'clock noon, the
following stock, --
Among the herd there are the well -
noted families of Nonpareil, Crimson
Flower, Matchless, Roan. Duchess,
Princess' Marry and Mayflower. The
cows are either in calve or with calf
at foot,' to Scotch Clipper bull. All
cattle are in good thrifty condition
Jennette. 149988, June 3, 1918.
Roan Duchess, 150979, born Feb. 3,
1917, c.• c. at foot;
Princess Mary, 105630, boron, Nov.9?
Queen Butterfly, 141810, .born May
3, 3:918- a Crimson Flower. •
Notaparee Beatrice 153931, born Feb
5, 1918-A N;oin,pareil.
Matchless :Minnie, 153927, barn Mar.
10, 1918 -this; is a Matchless May-
flower 7th, 105839; 7 ,years odd, to.
calf at time of sake, _
Ruby 'Queet ,1143939, barn. Apri•, '18;
Gloster .Belle, 145507, born. Mar. 31,
e 1918-a. Nonpareil;
Prince Duke, 133743, male, born May
28 .1919;
Ringmaster, 134376, male, born May
28 1919; ..•
Nonpareil Pride, 132487, male, horn
Feb. 28, 1919; '
Also 18 heed Durham Grade Cows
and yotutg cattle, also horses and Im-
plements •
Terns *10 end under, cash, over
that amount 9 'inounths' credit on ap,
proved 1omt nn.tes, or 5 pet' cent. per
enetep, of. for cash,on credit amounts,.
We. will ;meet trans at Bruc'efield
and all cattle • put ..on trains- free
of, charge.
C. W ROBINSON; Auct, -`
be added to: the provincial mghwaet1
Little' Margaret Pauline Kitchens
Fos Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
daughter of Mrs. 'Dalphia Shek1dan,
Brantford, has fallen heiress to $:10,-
000 war insurance, payable by the
U. S. Government, her father hev,ing
died while in the A.E.F.
The Turkish Cabinet has resigned
owing to the gravity of the Sttnation
at Constantinople.
Sixty-six farmers with their fami-
lies came from Bloomington, Ill., to
Manitoba on one train of 46cars.
The Galt Industrial Housing Ca„
Ltd., is being organized, and Nub.
scriptions are called for $15,000
Fred Howlett, p., of Petrolee
while at work on an oil derrick touch-
ed a. Hydro wire and was instantly
Major Pt;llen of Kelso was norai•
nated by the Temiskaming Conserva-
tives for the coming Federal bye.
McGill University governors have
deeide'd to appoint a Canadian instead
of an Old Country professor al
Bela Kura, former Communist lead-
er. in Hungary, will be set at liberty
in Vienna. He will be sent to a Sani-
l�Iaxim Gorky, the g'.ussian, novel.
lst and Radical, expresses bitter dis-
appointment with Bolshevism in an
article recently published, The men
in power now, he says, are as brutal
as those under the czar.
At a convention of the Dominion
Mortgage & Investments Association,
Francis Ii, Sisson, vice-president of
the Guaranty Trust Co. of New York,
characterized work as the basic fan -
tor in post-war reeonstractieu,
Addressing the Ontario Bar Asso-
ciation, Hon, Justice Olson or the
,on Lot 6, Con'. 13, McG:lllivray, on
At 1 o'clock, sharp, 'the following :-
Horses --Mare 12 years old in. foal to.
KW -KW ;' Mare, 8 years ; Mare, 5 yrs ;
'Tare, 3 years.:, horse rising 3 years;
jolt, rising 2; sucking colt,
Cattle -Cow with calf at ,foot; 2 cows
Niue time of sale; 1 cow due in April;
1 cow. tiue in May; 4 two-year old
.aeras; 1 two-year old, heifer; 4
irrr:mg calves; 1 registered Short -
here bull 15 months old; 1 reg s;tered
Shorthorn 12 month sold; 1 registered
Shorthorn 10 inoatlths old.
Implements -1 M. -H. binder; 1 Deer
.ing ;mower, 10 -ft hay rake; 13 hoe
:frill; 3 horse cultivaltor,' disc ,harrow
3 -horse drag harrow, manure spreader
Z -furrow .plow ; 3 waaking plows ,fan-
ning ,trill with bagger, 2 H.P. gas; _eng-
eig with, jack and shaft, wagons root 1 ing in a covered buggy with a young
pulper, set bobsleighs, hay rack, set lady, who was rendered uneonse4ous,
but in whose case internal injuries
are feared.
J. Austen Chamberlain, British
Chancellor of the Exchequer', has an-
nounced that Britain and France have
agreed not to renewathe Anglo-French
loan issued in the United States in
1915, and are taking steps for its
repayment. •
Always bailie
Signature of
The funeral of the late Mrs, Etl-
gar Panson washeld. on Wednesday
of last week to the Exeter cemetery.
The many floral offerings which re-
quired a special rig to Convey them
to the cemetery, paid silent tribute
to high esteem in which the deceased,
lady was held by many friends. A
beautiful wreath was presented by
members of Sunshine Methodist
church, of which the deceased had
been a member for many years, She
possessed a beautiful eharacter
which was emphasized by her atti-
tude in the home. The bereaved hus-
band has the sympathy of many
friends. Among those who attended
the funeral from a distance were
Robert Trick and wife and Mrs. Eli
Triek of near Clinton, and John
Scott, of Strathroy.
PAKHIII-The barn I
Mr. Freemen 1llathers, liveryman, was
burned to the ground an Moaday
morning about 1,30 %- ;Two. horses
perished in the flames and all other
contents were a. total loss, The cause
of the Sire is unknown.
Grand Bend
(Delayed in the mails)
Sjr, and Mrs. Fairbairn of near
1•Sensall, visited the latter's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Greco -Mr. and
al Court of Chicago urged Mrs,Ezra Brenner were in London last
Municipal g week,, -Mr. John Ross, Cyrus Green
that effective measures be taken to and Rruce Bosse;-tbcrry went to Creel -1
;Prevent mental defectives from lean- iton Monday oft, business or our pol-
ing Europe for Immigration to ice village, --Mr. Joe Sharrow, Noah
Canada. Stebbens, Harmon Gill, Joe Disiardins,
A delegation from the G.W.V,A, Ezra Brenna" and Maurice Brenner
waited upon the Board of Education, were in Goderich as witnesses in the
Toronto, to protest the appointment Pe.nhale vs. Brenner case. -Mr. Abner
of D, R. Franklin as chief draughts- :1101lar.1 off Sarnia was here last week.
plan for the board on the ground. that ,-.:11r. Frank Tetret.0 :t^n+d Mr, Rtei arci
he was neither a returned soldier nor Canning are on the sick list.
of Canadian birth.
Sterling made a further advance in
New York Friday to $3.66.
Robert II, Bowes, K:O., registrar
for -West Toronto, dropped dead at
his borne.
A new species of animal, the cat-
talo, has been obtained by crossing
buffalo and common cattle.
The Indians at White River, Ont.,
are dying of influenza, with no one
SCHOOL REPORT.. of S. S. Na. 4, a
USBORNE, for the, month of.;Feb-I
ropey ;-Sr; 4-G erta. Hunter 77; Alice
Thomson 72; Sr. 3 --Ina Harding 75,1
Garfield Thomson; and Howard Hunter
69j Znd Class -Lula Hunter 90, ,Mar -1
fare Hunter 73, Hubert hunter 66,Ed-1
a ie
ith Bunter 64;lst Glass M rlo,ia .
Westc•ott, George. Thomsoit, Doruni
Westcott. Lily Hunter, Gerald Fordi
(absent); Primer -Mary I•luxttera Nb.
on roll 15; average attendance 13
L, 1VS. Davis, teacher
McGILtIVRAY Mr. and Mrs, Leo
Thompson have been visiting at Mr.
Ed, Rowland's before going to London
to reside.
to care for the sink or bury the dead,
Michael Cassiday, a. member of
Cayuga Town Council, died of a
atroke following about two weeks'
illness of pneumonia,
About twelve million dollars'
worth of securities were stolen last
year from. 600 brokerage houses in
New York and other cities.
Farmer and Labor members of the
Provincial Government .tet in a cau-
cus to discuss the legislation which
is to be introduced at the approaching
April 3 has been tentatively fixed
as the date of the departure of Sir
Auckland Geddes, the new British.
Ambassador to the United States, fax
New York.
Representatives of Toronto and
neighboring municipalities uttered a
vigorous protest before the Dominion
Board of Railway Commissioners
against the increase in commutation
The appointment of R. D. Waugh,
managing commissioner of the Win-
nipeg Water District, as member of
the Sarre District Board by the Coen -
nil of the League of Nations is an-
E. Doyle of North Bay was killed
by a train on a crossing while driv-
heavy iharness, forks, whuffletrees, hoes
a,eckyokes, chains, and other articles
tea numerous to mention.
Also euantity seed barley for casli;
Terms -$10 encl umld•er cash; over
that amoun,t 7 months' credit will be
givea can. approved joint notes, or a dis
count of 5 per cent per annum. off for
cash urn ,lieu of notes,
WM. LEWIS, RR. 3, Ailsa Craig
F. TAYLOR, Auct. Prop.
The undersigned has received in-
struction"( to sell' by Public Auction
commencing at one o'clock sharp the
HORSt3S-1 brood mare, rising 6
years old; 1 brood mare, rising 7
Years old; 1 aged horse; 1 filly
rising twoyears old.
CATTLE -3 Durham grade heif-
ers with calves at foot; one cow _ due
at timeof sale;; 2 cows due, one in
May, one in June; '2 farrow cows; 2
steers,, rising two, years old; two,
heifers, rising two years old four,
heifers and steers, rising one year,
old; 4 young calves.
PIGS -1 brood sow, 9 store hogs,
POULTRY -3 ducks and 80 hens.
IMPLEMENTS -1 Massey -Harris•
binder, 6 -foot cut; 1 M. -H. mower;.
1 Cocksbutt disc drill; 1 sulky
rake; 1 M. -H. cultivator 1 M. H.
disc harrow; 1 No. 21 Cockshutt of pneumonia, following asthma andwalking plow; 1 Frost & Wood brooch tis, at the age` of 43.
double plow 1 root. pulper; 1 land The ity of Kiel, no longer a naval
roller; ; hay rack., 1 8 -inch prep base, is planning construction of a
grindre; .r cutring box; 1 Kemp free port on the Wiker Bay, north
manure spreader; 1 1VIelotte cream .
separator;. 1 set iron harrows; one
hay rack; 1 fanning mill, Clinton
make; 1 waggon, 1 light democrat,
1 buggy, 1 set sleighs, 1 Frost gate,
2 dozen sap pails and spites, 1 sap
kettle alsoa full range of house-
hold .,effects. -
TERMS --$l.0 and under, cash; 9 Five. children .of Wm. Watts of
months .credit on furnishing an- Hampshire, near . Charlottetown,
proved joint notes. 5 per cent per' lame, died ' between. Tuesday and
annum ' off fax , cash, Saturday of pneumonia following
JOHN 'NORTIKOTT, Proprietor "nu," he Himself is critically ill, and
C. W. ROBINSON, Auctioneerhis seven other children are "also
FRANK 'COATES, 'Clerk down 'with disease.
W. J. Jones, for many years a bank
manager at Bowmanville, died of
heart trouble.
Sir Arthur Currie says that it.was
possible that the 110th Regiment
may be continued.
University of Toronto won:' the
Intercollegiate ` senior and ,junior
championships on Saturday.
Dr. Henry De Man, eminent Bel-
gian Labor leader, predicted the ear-
ly death of Bolsheism.
Morris Rappaport, a Windsor but-
cher and grocer, was, shot dead by
an unknown man Saturday night.
Ex -President W. 11. Taft chuckled
;when asked if 'he. entertained any
ambition to return " to the White
Louis Private of Williamsford,
near Owen Sound; died alter being
311 from -sleeping. , sickness, for , a
Ottawa won the championship of
the National Hockey League bybeat-
ing Canadiens in overture on Satur-
day by 4 to 3. •
Bela Kan is still in custody in, Aus-
tria. A short time ago an attempt
to secure his release by Hungarian
officers was foiled.
Bishop Michael F. Power; .-of St.
George's, Nfld., died at Sydney,;`,N.S.,
£ NCE jeep
$ jI root el manly all digestive
1#.: U your digestion is weak or
eat al butter elt10444Ond use
ani hotter digestion.
to iective. Let
nMten out your
flair er101T ,a aiiomen
OF •ecrri-rs EMULSION
Unexcelled dining car terviee
Sleeping cars on night trains and
Parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full informattlan from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent, or C. E. Horn-
e -1g District Passenger Agent, Toronto
Agent, Exeter
Phone 46w
a;iaxtntr t
1n nN Emig truni.R,+w..nrw u*
What Makes a Good Hardware Store?
Not alone the large plate glass windows on the main
street, nor the fine showcases inside, nor even th venial,
friendly proprietor.
The QUALITY OF THE GOODS sold is what really
tells, and brings you back again next time.
That's just the case with the famous Hobbs Gold Medal
Lines. The store that carries goods bearing t'.iis mark is
a good store to trade at,
Look for the Cold vleda1 label on Harvest Tolls, Garden
Tools, Lawn Mowers, :cawing Machines, Wa. he i end
Wringers, Refrigerators, Cutlery, Binsier Twine, Roof..
mg, Safes, Sporting Goods, etc.
Alt Sensible Farmers Insist Upon
"GOLD MEDAL" Harvest Tools
For Sale by
All First-class Hardware Dealers
of the main town, taking the town
. of Hamburg as a pattern,
The- Paris -Bucharest train over
the Simplon route has not putin an
appearance at Szegdin-for five days.
The delay A attributed to Croatian
Serb .disorders at Agram.
If your floors
are hardwood,
Marble - Ite
The Floor
finish with a
money -back
guarantee. It
wears and wears
and wears. It
will not mar nor
scratch white
and is not af-
fected by water.
Feet That Never
Touch the Floor
A worn floor spoils the look of your home and
is impossible to repair, but if you keep your
floors painted, feet . cannot touch them. Let
the paint wear but save the wood. Save the
Surface and you Save all.
Floor Paint
is easy to use, dries very hard with a high lustre and :will with-
stand a great' amount of hard wear. No skill is required in
using SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it.
The result will greatly enhance the beauty of your home and
much labor will be saved for the floors will be very easy to keep
Come in and let us give you full particulars.
We have a full range of shades in this and
every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product.
There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or
Varnish for every need. We will be glad_to
advise you.
G. A. Hawkins
Exeter, " Ont"